How not to get sick with the flu

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How not to get sick with the flu

How not to get sick with the flu

Change of seasons autumn-winter and winter-spring is not only the change of clothes, but seasonal flu. Medicine has invented many drugs and ways to treat the flu, but it is better not to get sick. How to strengthen your immunity and not get sick with the flu?


  1. Wear a mask. Walking down the street in a mask is not only uncomfortable, but it is not necessary. The mask should be worn when you enter the transport, shop or other crowded place. The mask will not save you from the virus, but will delay droplets of sputum and saliva, in which the greatest amount of the virus. Do not forget, the mask needs to be changed every 4 hours! Otherwise, the mask not only stops you from protecting, but also increases the risk of catching the virus.
  2. Wash your hands. Always wash your hands with soap after you walk on the street, pay off at the store, pat your sick. We very often touch our faces, so our hands are carriers of the virus. Holding the handrail in the transport, you can bring the flu on your hands to your home. Money is no less dangerous, there are always a lot of bacteria and viruses on paper bills and coins. Please note that it is necessary to sneeze and cough properly in the elbow, and not in the palm. If you coughed into a palm, and then something took or handed over money, you left these saliva on these things. Another person, taking something from your hands, takes a piece of your secretions.
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  3. Walk along the street. Grippovirus persists in dry, warm and still air. Cool, moist and moving air destroys influenza viruses. Being in a warm room you have a much better chance of getting sick with the flu. Often, go outside and regularly ventilate the room. Do not forget that the batteries dry the air, moisten it: buy a humidifier, ventilate more often, wash the floor. The optimum room temperature is 20 ° C, it's better to dress warmer, and do not turn on the heater. Dry air is your enemy.
  4. Tempered. Hardened people get sick less often - it's true. It is necessary to become hardened, but not when there is a danger of getting sick. Hardening is a small stress for the body, so it requires caution. It is not recommended to start flooding during epidemics. The only safe way is to start the morning with a glass of water at room temperature. Do not forget about such simple truths as sleep and food.
  5. Eat right. Keep track of your diet should always be, but in the period of viral diseases is particularly important. The lack of any elements can weaken your health, and as a consequence you can get sick. Use more vitamin C, during epidemics it is recommended to increase its dose 5-7 times, to 500 mg per day. Get vitamin C will help you: sauerkraut, apples, citrus. Fruit juices and fruit drinks are also good.

    Eat porridge. Buckwheat, rice and oat porridge are the source of selenium, which the body needs for strong immunity. And unlike his other source - garlic, to find out if you ate breakfast for breakfast, no one can.

    Buy nuts and fish. Nuts contain vitamin E, copper, zinc and manganese. 50 grams of nuts per day will help you keep yourself toned. Fish and seafood will help you with stamina. Iodine and omega-3 fatty acids do not exactly do any harm.

    Meat will maintain the level of iron in the body. Most of all iron in pork and beef. You can buy and immunostimulants in the pharmacy, but it is more reliable to strengthen your body by natural means. After all, all you need is a little caution, a healthy sleep and a healthy diet.

How not to get sick with the flu? who has overcome this? advise please



How not to get sick with flu - you need to strengthen immunity.

Simple ways to strengthen immunity.
It's no secret that the prevention of diseases, including colds, is much cheaper than the potential treatment of a developing ailment.
Therefore, in order not to spend money on drugs during the coming epidemic, try to strengthen immunity in advance with the help of proven traditional medicine.
To strengthen the defenses of the body, make a very tasty and effective remedy, which will please all members of the family.
Scroll through the meat grinder for 100 grams of dried apricots, prunes, raisins, figs, walnuts.
Add to the dried fruit one lemon along with the peel (before putting it into the meat grinder, remove the bones).
Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and add honey to taste.
Prepared the mixture put in the fridge and take 1-2 teaspoons three times a day.
And if you like oranges and other citrus fruits, then drink every day after a hearty breakfast a healthy and refreshing juice mix.
Take 1 orange, 1/3 lemon, ¼ grapefruit and 2 tangerines.
Mix freshly squeezed juice and enjoy live vitamin C (just do not add juice to hot tea - ascorbic acid is not heat-resistant).

How to raise immunity.
In late autumn, the problem of increasing immunity becomes relevant for almost every person.
This is trying to play producers of medicines and food products, supposedly able to prevent a decrease in immunity.
According to doctors, it is necessary to get rid of the stereotypes imposed by advertising, and independently understand the seasonal needs of the body.
Of course, during the flu epidemic and colds of various origins, care should be taken to prevent.
But do not drink fashionable pills for "raising" immunity, as uncontrolled stimulation of the immune system is fraught with the development of autoimmune diseases or an increase in existing disorders.
The weakening of the defenses of the body is usually associated with a prolonged intake of antibiotics and hormonal drugs, as well as violations of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract (dysbiosis).
Safely strengthen the immune system allows, for example, a lemon drink with honey.
His recipe is simple.
In a liter of water, pour the lemon zest, cut into thin strips, bring to a boil, cool and strain.
Then add 4 tbsp. Spoons of honey and juice of one lemon, stir and put in the refrigerator.
Drink a little warmed with a slice of fresh lemon.


I have already been vaccinated for 8 years, and thank God, I'm not sick.


Any disease - including the flu - is a viral invasion. Two years I have the flu lasts 1-2 days, no more. However, I do not take any medication.


Immune drops buy... Inoculations are not for everyone... vitamins drink courses in the period of exacerbations (autumn, spring) from angina is a smart remedy KIPFERON truth to take it best in three days after the onset of the disease. Get well)))

Ekaterina Gerasimova

You have a sore throat, and why the question about the flu? Angina-bacteria, influenza viruses. In principle, they already answered, vaccinations and strengthening of immunity.


And it helps us, do not get sick at all now, and the price of a penny! irecommend en / content / chai-dlya-immuniteta-blagodarya-emu-voobshche-ne-boleyu-zimoi-foto-sostava

Tip 1: How not to get sick with flu in a flu epidemic

How not to get sick with flu in a flu epidemic

Every year around the world, a flu pandemic is raging. Probably, no other disease collects such a rich harvest among people and is not so treacherous. Another danger of the disease is the unpredictability and severity of its possible complications. How not to get infected during the rampant disease, sniffing and coughing passers-by against the background of January frosts?


  1. Start preparing forepidemicsa few months before its onset. Strengthen the immune system, temper, eat nutritionally and in a balanced way. In a healthy organism, ARVI has almost no chance of getting into it. And if you get sick, then the recovery will be much faster and easier.
  2. Take for the rule of hardening. To do this, bathe with cold water every day ortakecold and hot shower. The contrast shower consists of three 30-second doses of hot water alternating with three 30-second doses of cold.
  3. Go in for sports. Though somehow. Let it be a 10-minute morning exercise or a couple of fitness classes a week or at least an hour and a half an evening walk. All this will strengthen your body and in the future will allow it to withstand the attack of viruses.
  4. Eat right and balanced. At the beginningepidemicslean on foods rich in vitamin C: green vegetables, Bulgarian pepper, fresh and frozen berries, rose hips, fruit, sauerkraut. Without this vitamin, the body can not effectively resist infection.
  5. Protect yourself. Duringepidemicstake it for a rule to stay away from sneezing and coughing people. And crowded places in general. Especially unventilated rooms. Wash your hands often, do not neglect wearing a special mask that needs to be changed every 2 hours.
  6. During outbreaks of the disease, do not forget to take preventive doses of antiviral drugs, as well as the means to increase the immunity available in any pharmacy. Of course, it will not be superfluous to get an inoculation frominfluenza, but you need to set it up in advance.
  7. If someone is sick at home, give him a separate dish, a separate room and separate clothes. Summon aromatherapy to help: let the apartment constantly operate aroma lamp with tea tree oil, eucalyptus. And be sure to wear a special mask.

Now the flu epidemic. What to do, so as not to get sick?


Nikita 3D

Take various useful substances such as raspberry sour compote, well, and drink Vitamin C


wear a mask and eat more garlic, fruits and vegetables, drink cranberry juice

Svetlana Pavlova

eat garlic


1. To avoid colds, avoid cold, damp and drafts.

2. Hardening is the most important method of preventing respiratory infections.

3. One of the most common and available means for the prevention of influenza is the cotton-gauze bandage (mask). However, this is not an effective method of protecting yourself, but in case of a disease - those surrounding you from infection.

4. Do not greet anyone by the hand, even at the risk of appearing ill-mannered.

5. During the flu epidemic, try to drive less in public transport, where the virus circulates, and more out on the air. Infecting the flu and acute respiratory infections in the open air is almost impossible!

6. Ventilate the rooms in which you are.

7. Disinfection of premises with vinegar. Pour into a small saucepan of 0.5 liters of table vinegar or 1 dessert spoon of acetic essence and put on fire. When the solution boils, lower the heat. Vinegar should evaporate in the apartment for 20 minutes. Repeat this procedure 3-4 days a week during the epidemic period.

Be healthy!


Oksiklokotsinum drink for prevention, oxolin ointment nose smear before going out, aflubin still possible to drink

Alexey Goretov

the main thing is not to take ocilococcillum there is nothing useful just money pulled from the people. better garlic daily at least on the denticle. and accordingly vitamins to take, do not like folk remedies, then amixin or any other imunomodulator


I was convinced that you should not get sick anyway.


wash your nose often. you can just water, you can slightly salt with sea salt. and less to think about the flu! to walk on air, on a skating rink, on skis - a blood to disperse. to ventilate the dwelling.


a lot of time to spend in the open air, do not go to places of congestion in the room (for example, instead of the store it is safer to visit the market). at home to air, cooling the room to 17 degrees 2-4 times a day.

Slava Golubev

What to do to not get sick with the flu?

A few tips, the following of which will help you significantly reduce the risk of flu.

1. To avoid colds, avoid cold, damp and drafts.

2. Hardening is the most important method of preventing respiratory infections.

3. One of the most common and available means for the prevention of influenza is the cotton-gauze bandage (mask). However, this is not an effective method of protecting yourself, but in case of a disease - those surrounding you from infection.

4. Do not greet anyone by the hand, even at the risk of appearing ill-mannered.

5. During the flu epidemic, try to drive less in public transport, where the virus circulates, and more out on the air. Infecting the flu and acute respiratory infections in the open air is almost impossible!

6. Ventilate the rooms in which you are.

7. Disinfection of premises with vinegar. Pour into a small saucepan of 0.5 liters of table vinegar or 1 dessert spoon of acetic essence and put on fire. When the solution boils, lower the heat. Vinegar should evaporate in the apartment for 20 minutes. Repeat this procedure 3-4 days a week during the epidemic period.

Be healthy!

And a few more sites with articles:


1.To use public transport
2. At the entrance to the apartment, lay a mat, soaked in disinfectant solution and do not step over it in shoes. Here, remove the outer clothing and immediately wash your hands and face even without soap (warm water, if not soap). Only after that go to the rooms.
3. Varied food with increased use of garlic. Complete rest. Ventilation of premises.

Gold Fish

Wearing a mask everywhere, drinking vitamins and anaferon


Do not travel by public transport, do not go shopping, do not communicate with people. And the whole day to walk in the park in the fresh air.


Drink arbidol and everything will be fine)))

mariana argandeyeva

5 years later... drink ascorbic and everything will be fine

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