Vaccination against influenza

"Sovigripp" (vaccine): reviews of doctors and patients. Description, instruction, contraindications

Well, today we will try to figure out which "Sovigripp" (vaccine) reviews earn from doctors and patients. This drug is extremely important for modern man. After all, it is he who helps fight against viral infections, the epidemics of which are so common. However, before you inject, you really need to know what doctors and patients think about this. Maybe it's better to use old vaccines in general? Or do you pay attention to the new one? Let's deal with this issue.

co-virus vaccine reviews


Let's start with the fact that "Sovigripp" (vaccine) reviews are received from the time of its description. That is, once patients know what it is, they write their opinions about the drug. This is not entirely correct. But the fact remains.

The thing is that "Sovigripp" is a kind of new Russian flu vaccine. A certain concentrated solution in ampoules, which contains killed and weakened influenza bacteria of various types. Honestly, there is nothing special about this. Only now "Sovigripp" (vaccine) reviews of consumers are not the best character for the fact that it is domestic. The modern population is skeptical of Russian vaccines. Especially to the new. Just this is our current drug.

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Of course, you can not do without special indications. And this vaccine against the flu "Sovigripp", the feedback about which will be presented to our attention with you later, has a number of both recommendations and contraindications. They need to pay close attention. After all, injections of the virus and vaccinations are not jokes.

"Sovigripp" is a vaccine that is recommended for administration to the entire adult population, who wants to increase their immunity and protect themselves against influenza of various types. Allowed use by people aged 18 years. As the manufacturers assure, even during pregnancy and lactation (the most vulnerable categories of citizens, by the way) can be vaccinated with the drug. Extremely recommended "Sovigripp" (vaccine), reviews about which are left ambiguous, those who are reduced immunity, and there is a risk of serious complications after the disease. Sometimes this tool is also used for routine vaccination against influenza in schools. But it extends exclusively to the senior link of schoolchildren (grades 8-11).

co-flu vaccine


Contraindications should not be forgotten. It is not enough to want to protect yourself from viral diseases and flu. It is also necessary to have an idea of ​​when it is impossible to carry out injections. Otherwise, you can simply damage your own health. "Sovigripp" (vaccine), instructions, reviews and the effectiveness of the application are presented to our attention, it is not just some kind of injection. A really serious injection. And for this reason, one should not overlook contraindications.

The flu vaccine "Sovigripp", which is of interest to many patients, is not recommended for use people with hyper-sensitivity, as well as those who generally have an intolerance to any vaccination. Such cases are rare, but they have a place to be. Also, with virus diseases, elevated temperature and any malaise, a prohibition is imposed on Sovigripp. Young children and schoolchildren of junior level of training, too, can not inject this injection. If you are prone to allergic reactions (including protein), you can also forget about the domestic method of protection from ARVI and influenza.

vaccine against influenza co-virus reviews

This does not end there. Strong postvaccine reactions of the body and chronic diseases in the patient are also the reason for refusing to vaccinate with the drug. Thus, we can conclude that the contraindications for the drug is more than enough. It is not necessary to be frightened - such restrictions are superimposed on the majority of vaccines. After all, a person should get a weakened or killed virus when the body is in perfect condition. Otherwise, there is a risk of not developing immunity, but a disease.

Opinion of doctors

An important point is also what doctors think about the domestic vaccine. It is not for nothing that before any vaccination it is advisable to consult a specialist. Vaccine "Sovigripp" reviews doctors earn, oddly enough, very good.

Many argue that this tool of Russian production helps to fight the flu and its viruses faster than others. In addition, doctors argue that the risk of complications in this case is reduced to almost zero. Ostensibly almost all patients calmly and without consequences transfer the injection.

co-influenza vaccine patient reviews

Plus, sometimes this drug is prescribed for children. So, there is every reason to trust the vaccine. A pediatrician will never prescribe a drug that can harm a child. Yes, doctors also emphasize that for maximum effect it is necessary to inject "Sovigrippom" annually. But this is a compulsory measure, and it applies to all vaccinations against influenza. So there's nothing to be afraid of.

Patients say

But the opinion of patients does not always coincide with the words of doctors. So the population is arranged, that there is no special trust for Russian medicine in the last time. And so "Sovigripp" (vaccine) reviews patients earns are not the best.

For example, the main reason for this is the manufacturer. He is Russian. And this fact already makes people doubt the effectiveness and safety of vaccination. It's not a secret for anyone that in Russia, despite the country's development, testing of medical products is not very effective. And so the risk of complications after injections remains high. But all this is carefully hidden. After all, the main task for physicians is to promote national medicine.

In addition, patients do repeatedly emphasize that after the vaccine they have a dramatic deterioration in their general health for several days. All this is written off to the side effect of the drug. Only now there are these cases very often. And this does not please the population. Sometimes after vaccination, you can feel really ill. This is exactly what the people who already tested "Sovigripp" say.

vaccine co-virus reviews of doctors


Which of these can be inferred? "Sovigripp" (vaccine) reviews get questionable and ambiguous. Opinions of doctors and patients were divided. And here everyone has the right to decide who to believe more. In principle, if you do not suffer from viral diseases, and also are not afraid of new drugs, then our current version is quite suitable for injections.

"Sovigripp" (vaccine), instructions, testimonials, recommendations and contra-indications of which were presented to our attention, is a domestic product first of all. Do not be afraid of him. Yes, to experiment in the event that you suffer from side effects, it is not necessary. And children do not need to inject such injections, until this drug is considered a "new word" in medicine. Otherwise, there are no apparent reasons for fear.

"Sovigripp" (vaccine): instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

Influenza can be severe enough. For its treatment, antiviral agents are used, but in many cases it is not possible to avoid the attachment of secondary infection and the development of complications such as meningitis, otitis, pneumonia. In 2013, the domestic pharmaceutical company issued the vaccine "Sovigripp", which is a worthy replacement for foreign drugs. It is actively used for free immunization of the Russian population. The vaccine contains substances from which the surface envelope of influenza viruses of different strains consists. Each year the vaccination of Sovi Gripp changes in its composition depending on those types of influenza, the spread of which is predicted for the next season. In general, the disease develops due to the entry into the body of viruses A and B. But the causative agent of the disease is constantly mutating, so there is a need to constantly change the composition of the vaccine, because it determines its effectiveness.

co-flu vaccine instruction

Composition, form of release

Depending on the form in which the vaccine is produced, it may include a thiomersal component with ethyl mercury, which acts as a preservative. Vials with this remedy are used many times, thanks to the preservative, fungal and bacterial contamination is excluded. If the drug is used with vials, each containing a separate dose of the vaccine, there is no preservative in the composition.

In the vaccine "Sovigripp" the composition is represented by the following components:

  • hemagglutinin of influenza type B viruses and subtypes A, which include H3N2 and H1N1;
  • buffer phosphate-saline solution;
  • preservative;
  • sovidone.

Phosphate-salt solution is created from potassium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium hydrophosphate and chloride, injection water. Thiomersal is added to the solution of the vaccine with a preservative.

Pharmacological properties

The main difference between grafting and analogues is the presence of sovidone in place of polyoxidonium, it is used as an adjuvant and is an additive that strengthens the body's immune response. Thanks to this substance, the following effects are achieved:

  • protection of cell membranes;
  • antioxidant action;
  • the formation of immunity to the negative effects of influenza viruses;
  • detoxification of for use

"Sovigripp" instruction for use allows you to use to create a high specific immunity against seasonal pathogens of influenza. The agent is intended for intramuscular injection.


Immunization with a vaccine is indicated to people of 18 years of age. Its conduct is necessary for the prevention of influenza. More than others in this vaccination are needed:

  • persons who have reached the age of 60;
  • students;
  • military;
  • people working in the police, in trade, transport, public catering, service, education and management;
  • social workers;
  • health workers;
  • people with immunodeficiency;
  • people who have chronic diseases (somatic diseases, anemia, allergic diseases, which affect the kidneys, heart, nervous and respiratory systems, diabetes) or are often exposed to the development of acute respiratory disease.

When using the "Sovirhipp" (vaccine), the instruction recommends that you pay attention to all the features of this drug. There are some restrictions for pregnant women. During this period, the vaccination is allowed only in 2-3 trimesters, and only in cases where the benefit exceeds the possible risk. The negative impact on the fetus is absent. Women who carry a child are not at risk, but the effects of influenza for them can be serious, so it is worth the vaccine, if possible.



For those who want to get vaccinated, you need to know what "Sovi Gripp" is (a vaccine). The instruction shows that immunization is carried out in the beginning of autumn. Thus it turns out to prepare the body for a seasonal epidemic. The immune response occurs no more than two weeks after the administration of the drug. "Sovigripp" provides the presence of protection against the pathogens of influenza for a period of seven to nine months. Even if it has already become known about the cases of the development of the flu, it still makes sense to get nested. Anti-influenza means does not give one hundred percent protection against the disease, but significantly reduces the likelihood of influenza (by 75-90%).

Vaccination is performed annually by administering a one-time dose of 0.5 ml solution. Intramuscular route is used to administer the vaccine. Inoculation is done in the shoulder (upper third). Before immunization, it is recommended to exclude contacts with people who have ARI. Also it is necessary to dress warmly so as not to overcool. The same rules should be observed after the introduction of the "Sovirhipp". The doctors' comments show that the vaccine can be drenched, experts recommend that they remain in the clinic within thirty minutes after vaccination. In the event that complications arise, health workers will quickly provide the necessary assistance.

совигрипп reviews of doctors


Prior to vaccination with the "Sovirhipp" medication, contraindications that should be read include:

  • the likelihood of allergic manifestations caused by chicken protein or other constituents of the vaccine;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the development of diseases in which the temperature rises;
  • occurrence of serious complications due to previous influenza vaccination, such as, severe swelling in place the introduction of funds, collapse, loss of consciousness, convulsions, changes in body temperature with its increase to 40 ° C and more.

Side effects

Information about the occurrence of serious complications after vaccination with the vaccine "Sovigripp" is not reviewed by doctors, since so far there have been no such cases. However, the probability of such an outcome of immunization exists. The drug is highly purified, so it is usually well tolerated by the body. Sometimes some side effects may develop, most often there are systemic and local reactions, but they quickly disappear (within 1-2 days). Allergic reactions are very rare. As studies have shown, in 0.9-1% of cases, people have blushed the injection site, sometimes this area was slightly ill, subfebrile temperature was present, but the negative manifestations quickly disappeared. The adverse reactions of the vaccine include the appearance of:

  • coryza, perspiration in the throat;
  • headache;
  • Quincke's edema, urticaria, rash, anaphylaxis (may develop with hypersensitivity).vaccination

special instructions

"Sovigripp" instructions for use prohibit intravenous administration. Immediately before vaccination a person should be examined by a doctor, thermometry is necessary. With a body temperature index of more than 37 ° C, the vaccine is not administered. In the premises in which immunization is carried out, there must necessarily be funds intended for antishock therapy. And after the introduction of "Sovi Gripp" for at least three days you should not drink alcohol, because it negatively affects the production of immune antibodies, contributes to a decrease in the body's defenses. When drinking alcoholic drinks as a result of vaccination, a cold can develop.

When autopsy, which contains "Sovigripp" (vaccine), the instruction shows the need to strictly follow the rules of antiseptics and asepsis. The same applies to the procedure for introducing a solution. The opened ampoule is not suitable for further use.

Before using the vaccine, it is important to pay attention to the absence of changes in its physical properties, shelf life, labeling and integrity of the package, ampoules. Do not use a product that has been improperly transported or stored.

Interaction with other means

Vaccination is suitable for HIV-infected people, can be combined with other vaccinations (the exception is only vaccination, the action which is directed against the development of tetanus), but in this case, its introduction should be carried out in different areas. It is better to use the vaccine, which is stored in polyclinics, since the probability of its proper storage in such institutions is higher.


Co-administration with other substances of the "Sovigripp" (vaccine) instruction is recommended to take into account contraindications to each of the vaccines that are planned to be used. All drugs should be injected not only in different parts of the body, but also with different syringes.

The cost of the preparation, analogues

On the "Sovigripp" the price is about 1700 rubles. (one dose). Of the analogs, you can buy other Russian vaccines, such as "UltriX", "AGH-vaccine". To this group of vaccines belong "Microflu", "Gryphor" and "Grippovak". As an analogue, you can apply a preparation of French production "Vaksigrip" or Swiss - "Inflexal V". From German vaccines, you can choose "Fluarix" or "Agrippal". This country produces another means - "Begrivac". In the Netherlands, the Influvac vaccine is manufactured. For vaccination against influenza, you can choose "Sovigripp" or "Grippol", a vaccine that is also an effective preparation of domestic production.

coagulation composition


Everyone decides whether to get vaccinated against the flu, many people are against. Although the instructions to the "Sovigrip" means that it has not yet caused serious complications, however, after its introduction, some people feel bad. In some reviews there is information that after this vaccination cases of catarrhal diseases became more frequent. However, there are enough positive responses from people who have well tolerated the vaccination and have not noticed any negative changes in the future. As the reviews on the vaccine "Sovigripp" show, the price for many was affordable.

Vaccine "Sovigripp" from the flu: instructions for use, contraindications

So, today we have to find out what the vaccine "Sovigripp" is. In addition, it would be nice to understand how to use it, why it is needed, what contraindications to use can be. Maybe it's just some new and untested remedy for all diseases? Then it is better to refrain from this kind of vaccination.

coagulation vaccine


With what will we deal? Vaccine against influenza "Sovigripp" is a physiological solution that is suitable for vaccination against certain diseases. More specifically, from different types of influenza. This is a relatively new domestic drug.

The product is available in the form of ampoules with a transparent liquid, sold in packs of 10 ampoules. There is "Sovigripp" with a special preservative, and also without it. In general, this is the most common vaccine that is used to protect against influenza. But is it worth using? After all, most of the population simply does not trust domestic medicine, but this is the vaccine "Sovigripp".


To understand this in full, you need to first know in which cases it is necessary to administer injections with the drug. Maybe this vaccine is really extremely useful? Or are people able to do without it?

The vaccine "Sovigripp" is used to develop immunity to various influenza viruses, in other words, for regular (annual) immunization of the body. It's no secret that such vaccinations help people not to get sick during dangerous periods of life and prevent outbreaks of diseases. This means that the vaccine against influenza that we are considering is not so useless ("Sovigripp"). But is this the basis for application and trust? What can be its contraindications? How to properly use the product? What side effects are expected after use?

vaccine against influenza

Important: during breastfeeding, as well as during pregnancy, you can use "Sovivripp" for vaccination. The experiments showed that the drug does not bear any negative effect on the woman and the fetus, and this can not but rejoice.


Perhaps you need to start with a number of contraindications to the drug. It is not enough to know what this or that medicine is for. In order not to harm the body, it is also necessary to be aware of who and in what cases the injections are simply prohibited.

Of course, the first thing that can only be assumed is a negative reaction to the patient's vaccinations in principle. That is, if a person has a variety of negative reactions to injections, it is better not to use "Sovigripp". The contraindication vaccine has different, but this is one of the most important.

Further, the presence of any disease or ailments during the vaccination period. Temperature, colds, runny nose, feverish conditions - all this can become a hindrance to injections.

Allergic reactions to chicken protein and other components contained in the vaccine are also a contraindication to the introduction of the vaccine against influenza "Sovigripp" into the body. In addition, the introduction of this drug to children under 18 years is prohibited. Only in exceptional cases is it possible to vaccinate in high school.

vaccine against influenza

Learning to use the drug

It remains to find out how to properly use the drug, and then look at the reviews of doctors and patients regarding this drug. Before us is the flu vaccine "Sovigripp". Instructions for use it is more than simple.

The matter is that the vaccination is carried out in the autumn-winter period or during the epidemic of influenza diseases. Nukes are injected into the upper muscle tissue (in the shoulder) once. The vaccine dose for the patient is 0.5 milliliters of the drug.

Please note that during the injection, it is mandatory to follow the sanitation rules. The preparation with the changed color, transparency and other physical properties is not suitable for use. Take care that the vaccine "Sovigripp" is not introduced into the body in cases when it is stored in an open or damaged ampoule. The violation of the shelf life and storage period also places a taboo on the vaccination.

Side effects

The flu vaccine "Sovigripp" has some side effects. Fortunately, there are not so many of them as it could be. Most of them differ little from the reaction of the body to other injections.

vaccine against influenza co-infection instructions for use

First, the patient may have a fever or jump in pressure. If these symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately.

Secondly, after vaccination a person is able to catch a cold. This is an easy disease that does not cause any harm to health. This is due to the fact that the organism throws all the forces into the fight against the foreign body (in our case with weakened influenza bacteria).

Thirdly, there may be general malaise, nausea, vomiting, apathy, fears, panic attacks, as well as dizziness and headache. In any case, the first side effects should be addressed to a doctor. Maybe the vaccine "Sovigripp" does not suit you for injections. Only a doctor will help to find out.

The opinion of society

What does the population think about this Russian preparation? Can I apply it? Is it safe?

According to numerous reviews, it can be said that "Sovigripp" is a new remedy for influenza, and that's why it does not inspire confidence among the population. Patients say that in many cases they have a fever after injections, and there is a general weakness in the body. But there are no serious consequences after the injections.

If judged by the effectiveness of the drug, the vaccine "Sovigripp" really works out the immunity of the body to different influenza viruses. Patients who have been vaccinated are calmly experiencing even the most dangerous and large outbreaks of the disease. No contact with an infected person will prevent you from getting sick.

co-virus contraindications

Doctors, by the way, often advise "Sovigripp" as an injection from the flu. This is an affordable domestic tool, which, as you can see, can be trusted. The main thing is to follow the instructions for using the drug.

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