Can I drink leaves of cranberries during pregnancy, how to brew with edema

Cowberry leaves contain a variety of useful substances that allow the use of a healing component to prevent the onset and treatment of diseases.

Specialists confirm the unique actions of cranberry leaves, including during the waiting period of the baby, but before using them it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.

The main pharmacological action of
  • The causes of the onset of edema
  • Recommendations on the use of
  • Side effects of
  • Useful advice
  • Basic pharmacological action of

    The beneficial properties of cowberry leaves include:

    • antibacterial;
    • anti-inflammatory - cranberries helps with inflammation in the bladder and kidneys;
    • is a diuretic;
    • diuretic, helps to remove swelling;
    • astringent;
    • choleretic.

    Arbutin leaves in the leaves of cranberries, which leads to irritation of the cells of the renal tubules and strengthening the formation of urine.

    Decoctions of the components are useful for women suffering from diabetes. Cowberry based products serve as a safe way to prevent the onset of influenza and ARVI in the off-season.

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    Tannins in the composition have a disinfectant effect and eliminate the signs of inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes.

    The following vitamins necessary for pregnancy can be found in the cowberry leaf:

    1. Vitamin E - promotes the proper development of the fetus, has a beneficial effect on the uterus.
    2. Vitamins of group B - help to cope with physical and emotional loads during pregnancy, serve as prevention of depression.
    3. Vitamin P - helps reduce edema and prevents their development.

    Reasons for the onset of edema

    The period of edema development while expecting a baby is the second half of pregnancy.

    Factors affecting the onset of edema are:

    Squeezing of the lymph vessels and veins of the grown uterus, which leads to edema on the feet and legs in the evening.

    To improve the condition, it is recommended to sit or stand in one place less, it is necessary to keep the legs in a raised position.

    And what do you know about the medicinal properties and contraindications to truffle, reviews about the application of which are written in a useful article? Follow the link and read how the grass helps fight kidney disease.

    When is it recommended that the throat rinse with a tincture of calendula during pregnancy is written on this page.

    In case of varicose veins, compression stockings should be worn no later than the 13th week of pregnancy.

    In late pregnancy, the concentration of protein and salts in the vessels is less than in tissues.

    This is noted with a deficit of food products with protein content - fresh fish and meat, dairy products, carrots, spinach, beans. As a result, there is a redistribution of water in the tissue from the vessels.

    In the second child waiting period, is at risk for developing gestosis - a dangerous condition characterized by increased blood pressure, edema and the formation of protein in the urine. As a result, swelling gradually increases.

    When gestosis, a doctor prescribes medicinal preparations, and leaves of cranberries serve as an auxiliary for the relief of well-being.

    Recommendations for use

    Usually, the leaves of the plant prepare infusions, decoctions or fruit drinks.

    For the removal of edema during pregnancy, the recipe from cowberry leaves is effective.

    To prepare the product, it is necessary: ​​

    • in the enameled container, add 1 tablespoon of carefully crushed plant leaves,
    • pour 1 cup of boiled water, cooled to a hot temperature,
    • the resulting mass is tightly closed with a lid,
    • is heated for half an hour in a water bath, the
    • is filtered and the raw material is squeezed out well.

    Boiled water is added to the resulting product to give a total volume of 200 ml.

    Drug is consumed half an hour after eating 1-2 tablespoons, up to 4 times during the day.

    The course of treatment of with decoction of leaves of cranberries is up to 25 days, with a break of 10 days and the subsequent recurrence of treatment. The number of courses should be no more than 4 for 12 months.

    Before taking, the healing agent should be thoroughly shaken.

    When using the drugstore in filter bags, it is recommended to add 2 sachets in 100 ml of boiled water, to insist the broth for 30 minutes, squeeze the sachets and add another 100 ml of boiling water to the resulting volume.

    The agent is applied up to 4 times a day for 1-2 tablespoons.

    And what do you know about the beneficial properties and contraindications for marigold for women? Instructions for use posted in a useful article.

    How to bring down the heat of the child read here.

    On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva /lekarstva/ produkty-pitaniya / morskaya-kapusta.html written about the benefit and harm of sea kale in pregnancy.

    Side effects of

    It has been known for many years that leaves of cranberries do not adversely affect the fetus.

    Contraindicated funds on the basis of the component only in the manifestation of allergic reactions, indicating individual intolerance to the female component.

    But you should know that if you exceed the dosages of the product based on the natural component, it is possible to increase the tone of the uterus.

    Do not use the diuretic effect of cranberry leaves to reduce weight gain in pregnant women. This leads to pathologies of salt and water exchange in the body.

    Useful advice

    Cowberry leaves are a unique natural ingredient that can bring health benefits and well-being to a woman while the child is waiting.

    But use it with caution and only after a preliminary consultation with a doctor, following the expert's additional advice and prescribed dosages.

    In the proposed video, the phytotherapist talks about the beneficial properties of cranberries.