Cold in the dog symptoms

What are the symptoms of colds in dogs?


Katyushk @

The following are common symptoms of a dog's disease:
a) a change in the behavior of the dog towards general oppression, the appearance of lethargy, indifference to external stimuli, a weak reaction of the dog even to such strong stimuli as the approach of the host or strangers. In rare cases( with certain diseases of the nervous system), the behavior may change in the direction of increasing general excitability;B) a decrease in appetite or even a complete lack of it;
c) increase in body temperature, indicating the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. With some diseases, the body temperature may drop against normal. A decrease in body temperature in a severely ill dog, without signs of improvement in the general condition, is an unfavorable sign of a general decline in strength;
d) changes in pulse and respiration in the direction of rapidity and irregularity of rhythm;E) change in visible mucous membranes - reddening of them or pallor, cyanosis, icterus;(E) Changes in the skin and coat. The skin becomes less elastic, the coat in a sick dog often loses its normal shine, becomes dull, matte;G) loss of performance - full or partial.

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The dog's nose is the main symptom of health problems. Therefore, if the nose is not wet and cold, like a healthy dog, this should alert you. Dry, hot, and sometimes cracked nose should alert the owner - this is a symptom of the onset of the disease. True, a warm nose can be in the dog during the game or immediately after sleep. But still be watchful in time to seize the possible disease. If the dog returned home with a nose stained with clay, earth, remove the dirt with a damp soft cloth.
Sometimes in dogs and an elementary runny nose as a consequence of hypothermia, inhalation of irritating substances. The nasal passages in dogs are very narrow, they have a lot of wrinkles, so they are more effective than aerosols, but aerosols are unpleasant for dogs, so it's better to use baby drops from a cold on oil
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nosecold and wet!

* Vic *

Snot, cough!

Barbie doll

if the dog is sick, then she is very limp and has a dry warm nose, which is a sign that the dog has a temperature. .

Fluffy slipper

there is almost no cold in the dog. .. this is a rare occurrence. ..
as a rule there are symptoms of the disease such as for example: cough - adenovirus, green snot - plague. .. and if there is also a temperature - it's generally a matter of rubbish. ...

Artem Mochalov

Really more often if a dog gets sick - it's not a cold.
Here's the article [link is blocked by the decision of the project administration], there are described the main symptoms in which the animal just needs treatment.

irina fedosova

Dog sneezes, cough and does not eat a "devil"

What if the dog has caught a cold?


Ulyana Ilyina

Causes of colds in dogs
As in humans, canine colds can occur with hypothermia, sedentary behavior, reduced immunity, inhalation of irritants and allergens. This can be fungal, bacterial, viral infections, and helminths.
The development of neoplasms in the thoracic cavity and respiratory tract, heart pathology or even a chest injury can provoke a cold.
Often an animal that has a tumor of a malignant nature coughs due to the fact that metastases have appeared in its lungs.
Symptoms of a cold in dogs
First of all, the dog has lost appetite, body temperature rises( with a dry and hot nose), lymph nodes increase, conjunctivitis appears.
The animal begins to cough, and during physical exertion, its breathing becomes much more frequent, the dog has shortness of breath.
A dog often drinks, becomes restless.
She may have a runny nose and snot that the dog will constantly lick.
An animal can not bark, because barking, rough and with expectoration, immediately turns into a cough.
If not all the cold symptoms of the dog have appeared at the same time, it is worthwhile to show the veterinarian a pet to listen to the trachea, heart, lungs, and also prescribed blood tests, taking swabs, as well as C-reactive protein.
Symptoms and treatment of colds in dogsIf the treatment is not started on time, then the infection can spread throughout the body, affecting other organs: the kidneys, the heart, etc.
Treatment of a cold in dogs
First and foremost, the correct regimen is important. The dog should be kept warm, always with fresh water. If the street is cold and damp, you should not walk for more than 15-20 minutes. Avoid contact with other dogs.
For the treatment of colds in the dogs, mainly use anti-inflammatory drugs, immunostimulants, antibiotics, vitamin and expectorants.
At high temperature give a paracetamol tablet( for an adult large dog) or half a pill to a small dog, puppy.
In drinking from cough, you can add a decoction of herbs: licorice root, coltsfoot, plantain.
Discharge from the eyes and nose gently wipe with a cotton swab dipped in chamomile broth or pharmacy solution of furacilin. Hard crusts on the nose should be softened with vaseline oil, and then gently removed.
Cold prophylaxis
Because the effects of colds can be quite serious for a dog, it is important not to admit her illness. Do not allow to supercool, for example, if the dog lives on the street, its kennel needs to be insulated.
You can not bathe your pet in cold weather. Food in winter should be balanced and vitamin.

Sweet strawberry

lead to the doctor.only he will diagnose and tell how and how to treat


Paracetamol is in no way impossible-from causes in dogs intoxication

What drugs are needed for a cold for a dog

With the onset of cold weather, a dog can get a cold. Signs of this disease are the same as in humans: cough, runny nose and poor health. The dog may have a fever, and she will refuse to eat.

  1. Colds in dogs cause adenovirus infection. There are 2 types of adenovirus. In the body of a dog the virus penetrates in various ways: from communicating with a sick dog or animal that is the carrier of this disease. Puppies are more often ill, adult dogs become ill with low immunity or in the absence of routine vaccination. The vaccinated animals practically do not become ill or carry the infection in a mild form.
  2. The treatment of a sick dog is prescribed by a veterinarian. It boils down to eliminating symptoms and suppressing a viral infection.
  3. Antiviral drugs: "Anandin", "Fosprenil."Appointed in doses, in accordance with the live weight of the animal. The course of treatment with these drugs is designed for 5-7 days, depending on the condition of the dog.
  4. Antibiotics: "Amoxicillin", "Kobaktan", "Ceftriaxone".Some types of antibiotics are prescribed 2 times a day, others - 1 time in 2 days. Everything depends on the condition of the animal and the absence of allergic reactions to medicines.
  5. Vitamins and immunomodulators: Vitam, Vetom, Gemobalance, Ribotan. They are prescribed on a par with antibiotics, as they are able to preserve the intestinal microflora. This includes various probiotics for dogs.
  6. Symptomatic drugs: if the dog started vomiting, then "Cerukal" or "Metoclopramide" is prescribed, only in injections, because with repeated vomiting the effectiveness of this drug in tablets is sharply reduced. When coughing mucolytic substances are prescribed. If the cough is dry and goes to vomiting, then the mucous of the mouth and pharynx can be irrigated with infusions of herbs or medicinal sprays.
  7. At an elevated temperature( above 39 degrees), the animal can be given "Paracetamol".Large dog 1 tablet, middle - half, small - quarter. With outflows from the nose, it is recommended to wash the nasal passages from mucus and pus with warm saline solution and dig in the dog with vasoconstrictive drops 2-3 times a day.
  8. If, in this disease, the animal refuses to take food for more than 2-3 days, then it needs intravenous infusions of nutrient solutions. You can do this only in a veterinary clinic or by calling a doctor at home.
  9. During the recovery period, the dog is recommended diet food. From the diet you need to exclude raw meat, bones and rough food. You can offer her a boiled chicken with rice or dry food, previously soaked in broth.
  10. If several dogs live in your house, then the diseased animal should be isolated, as it is the source of infection. When walking on the street, games or communication with other dogs are also not recommended. Annual vaccination retains the immunity of the dog against this virus throughout life.

How to determine that the dog caught cold? ??



she sneezes, she has snot and cough. In short it's hard not to understand

Igor Shumakov

Hot nose. Lethargy.


The nose is hot, weak, weakened immunity.

Nadezhda Orlova

dogs do not catch cold as people. They can catch a viral infection. And already as a complication - bronchitis and pneumonia.


It's very difficult to determine whether your dog has caught a cold. Symptoms of colds in dogs are very similar to many other diseases. Increased fever, lethargy, cough, runny nose-can testify not only about the common cold, but also about adenovirus, parainfluenza, and the plague.
Doctor to help you!

Kisa Sladenkaya

The nose of your pet should be dry, then it is sick

Vyacheslav Likarenko

To the veterinarian, they will say for sure!

& gt; & gt; SLS

Remember in cats and dogs NO SUCH CONCEPT AS A PROCEED in a purely human sense! !!!There is a viral infection, which is very dangerous in most cases for animals( antibiotics for this purpose are useless and even harmful, only supportive therapy and immunostimulants are used)), it is dangerous because with improper care and treatment( self-medication), a secondary infectionbacterial infection( in this case, all kinds of medicines are used to save the animal's life).The diagnosis must be made only by a veterinarian, not by an uncle from Questions and Answers! In the hospital urgently( (((!

What can I give with antibiotics to the dog for a cold?


Stefani ° © ° Shelti( Bi kolor)

Administration of an antibiotic only through local veterinarians with a full-time examination of the animal. A dog can have not just a cold, but a pulmonary form of plague( !), A viral infection, rhinitis. ..or develops another disease. It is easy to make mistakes in the dose of an antibiotic without knowing the weight of the dog and all the clinical symptoms of the disease. Thus, the drug will cause severe damage to the pet.
Into the house.conditions can be boiled dog decoction of Echinacea( this is a weak immunostimulant) with a syringe without a needle until early treatment in the local veins.cabinet.


If they simply have a cold, their immunity is not like that of humans, they will recover very quickly themselves! Antibiotic harmful, I would not really advise.

! Lazy!

a veterinarian can file

Filatova faith

You have determined that a dog has a cold - it's interesting HOW?

& gt; & gt; SLS

Antibiotics are given for bacterial or secondary infection! If the dog has a viral infection, and especially if it is recognized in the early period, antibiotics are contraindicated and even harmful( since they weaken the body).In the case of a viral attack, supportive therapy is needed - electrolytes, vitamins, immunoferons. ..

Oksana Nazarova

dogs do not get colds

more precisely, write to start


Cefitriaxone 1gram for 5 ml novocaine, based on 1 cube for 5 kg of mass intramuscularly. It is also possible imunnostimuljator gamavit to prick it or him koljut in withers subcutaneously 1 cube on 3 kg of weight.

Elena Afonkina

You were rightly told, dogs do not have colds. Antibiotics without the appointment of a doctor to take extremely is not recommended. .. you can try to consult a doctor.

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