Effective eye drops against allergies in children

Often the eye of a person can be affected by various allergens. Among them you can distinguish pollen of plants, mold, animal hair, house dust and much more. The clinical picture can be different, but more often it's itching, burning, tearing and redness. In children this pathological process also occurs quite often. To cope with it, it is necessary to find out what influenced its development, and then use the appointed doctor complex treatment, which will definitely be a drop against allergies.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List of drugs
    • 3.1Antihistamines
    • 3.2Anti-inflammatory
    • 3.3Vasoconstrictive
    • 3.4Hormonal
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Allergic reaction from the visual organs delivers a lot of inconvenience to small patients. Antiallergic drops are prescribed to combat them.They can successfully stop the clinical picture that occurs with allergic conjunctivitis. In this case, the child has swelling of the mucous membrane of the visual organ, lacrimation and itching.

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And still drops successfully treat the allergic form of dermatitis, which can affect a delicate cornea and promote severe discomfort. During the flowering of various plants, keratoconjunctivitis may develop. It is characterized by a clinical picture, such as lacrimation, swelling and severe itching.

Even with the help of anti-allergic drops, you can eliminate the symptoms of food allergy, which can affect eyelids, contributing to their swelling.

Eyes with different manifestations of allergies always come under attack. So parents should contact the doctor as early as possible so that the pathological process does not go into the active stage.

Features of preparations

Eye drops with antiallergic effect are represented in a wide variety. To reduce the effect of the allergen on the child's body, it is worth using antihistamines.But often doctors decide to prescribe ancillary drops to treat allergies in small patients. Do this in order to achieve a local effect.

Still eye drops for children against allergies can be in the form of vasoconstrictor, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs. Their action is aimed at achieving clarity of vision, preventing or eliminating the symptoms characteristic of allergies.

Very often, several drugs can be combined to produce positive dynamics within a single treatment.

List of drugs

For rapid relief of unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to use local medication. In ophthalmology apply several types of drops, each of which exert their influence.


This kind of eye drops can suppress the allergic reaction. Among the most effective are the following drugs:

  • Ketotifen,
  • Lecrolin,
  • Opatanol,
  • Azelastine,
  • Allergodyl;
  • Visallergol;
  • Olopatadine.

These medicines are able to have anti-allergic effect, and it is worth using them even during acute allergic conjunctivitis.Thus, it is possible to quickly stop the itching and leave a copious discharge of tear fluid.

Due to the active ingredients that make up the antihistamine drops, it is possible to block the release of histamine, not to allow its release into the intercellular space.In addition, the drugs of this group normalize the permeability of the membranes of mast cells, resulting in reduced contact of cells with the allergen.According to the effect this drug does not differ from antihistamines, but the severity of the side effects of the treatment is less pronounced.


These drops are prescribed to suppress the inflammatory process.They are divided into corticosteroids and nonsteroidal. The most effective is to include Lotoprednol and Akular.With the help of these drugs can quickly stop the itching and allergic edema.

Use droplets to suppress inflammation with caution and under the supervision of a doctor, since their continued use may cause glaucoma, dry eye syndrome and turbidity the lens.

Assign these drops can develop with an infectious-allergic process in the surface layers of the visual organ.


With the help of these drugs it is possible to suppress the emerging symptoms. Among the most effective is:

  • Okumil,
  • Vizin,
  • Octilia.

Due to them, it is possible to reduce the puffiness and redness of the eyes, to smooth out the clinical picture of the allergy.

Prolonged use of these drugs leads to addiction. If the drops are later canceled, that the disease will return.

The components that make up the vasoconstricting drops are absorbed through the vascular system of the eye into the systemic blood stream, which affects all organs and tissues of the child's body.


This group of eye drops make it possible to achieve a more pronounced and rapid effect. In a short period of time it is possible to get rid of various symptoms of allergies, to stop the inflammatory process. The most effective drug remains Dexamethasone.

Use this tool to treat allergies in children is cautious, since with prolonged use it negatively affects the condition of the entire body.

Prescribe the drug only to children from 6 years of age, and its use should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Table 1 - The cost of popular drops from allergies

Name Cost
Cromohexal 105 rubles.
Lecrolin 130 rubles.
Allergodyl 320 rubles.
Opatanol 400 rubles.

Recommendations for use

The use of any eye drops with anti-allergic effect should be agreed with the doctor. It is forbidden to prescribe the dosage independently and to cancel the treatment prescribed by a specialist.

If the doctor has assigned the child simultaneous application of several types of drops, then it is necessary to adhere to strict order and observe the interval between the medications of different medications.

It is forbidden to change the drops prescribed by the doctor to others, even if they have common components.

Some people store drops in the refrigerator.Due to the low temperature, the active components of the medicament can not be fully absorbed and lead to irritation of the mucosa.So before using the drops, they should be warmed up. To do this, simply dip the vial into the hot water.

When using some drops, burning may occur.If after a couple of days it does not pass, then it's worth stopping their use and visiting a doctor. In addition, some drugs have contraindications and a number of side effects.So, only a qualified doctor can determine the dosage and the frequency of their application.


Eye drops: names, methods of application and destination area

What is hemophthalmia and the methods of its treatment are described in this article.

Causes and treatment of flare-ups in the eyes http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/destrukciya-steklovidnogo-tela/vspyshki-v-glazax-prichiny.html




Drops for the eyes of children against allergies are a whole complex of drugs, each of which exerts its influence. Therapy has a complex approach, because you need not only to alleviate the condition of a small patient, but also to eliminate the reason for the allergy.

Also read about Vizomitin and Vitabakt.

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