Laryngitis: symptoms and treatment in children and adults at home

Laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx of the larynx in children and of adults , occurs in any age period, the child can have a much more severe illness than an adult.

There are acute and chronic laryngitis.

Today, we will consider the symptoms and treatment of laryngitis at home with folk remedies, drugs, medicines and antibiotics. Watching the video will give you valuable information about how and how to treat laryngitis in children, according to the distinguished pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky.

On a separate page there are valuable advice and recommendations from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia on how to treat a false cereal in a child, to give him first aid in case of a fit of severe, exhausting, dry cough.


Laryngitis: acute and chronic

Common complaints: patients complain of dryness, perspiration, sadness, scratching in the throat, sometimes pain when swallowing. Cough, at first dry, and later accompanied by sputum discharge. The voice becomes hoarse, rude or disappears. Acute laryngitis can occur with a headache, a slight increase in body temperature. The duration of it usually does not exceed 7-10 days. The danger is acute laryngitis of the subglottic( lining) space, accompanied by stenosis of the larynx.

Acute laryngitis: symptoms

Acute laryngitis is rarely isolated, often a manifestation of an acute respiratory illness - influenza, scarlet fever, whooping cough, etc. However, it can also occur as an independent disease - when hypothermia, overexertion of voice, inhalation of dusty air( very dry or wet), irritating vapors and gases, smoking, alcohol abuse, with addiction to spicy seasonings.

In acute laryngitis, the mucous membrane of the larynx is hyperemic and edematous, a thickening and incomplete closure of the vocal cords( vocal folds) are noted. When the flu is visible, hemorrhages in the mucous membrane of the larynx( hemorrhagic laryngitis).The inflammatory process can cover the entire mucous membrane of the larynx or some of its areas( isolated laryngitis).

The general condition of the patient with laryngitis usually worsens, the temperature rises, the voice becomes hoarse, worried about coughing. Sometimes there comes a complete aphonia( lack of voice).One of the symptoms of acute laryngitis is complicated swallowing , caused by swelling of the tissues.

Acute subglottic laryngitis is called of the false croup .Often it leads to a sharp narrowing of the airways due to edema and here the prognosis becomes serious, as the patient can suffocate, especially if it is a small child! In this case, urgent consultation of an ENT doctor is necessary to resolve the issue of further treatment.

Chronic laryngitis: symptoms of

Happens subatrophic and atrophic. Usually it is combined with atrophic or hypertrophic pharyngitis or rhinitis. With chronic laryngitis, the symptoms are basically the same, but all the symptoms are more or less erased and weakly expressed.

It occurs under the influence of the same factors as acute, but acting continuously and for a long time. As a result, the nutrition of tissues is disrupted and the dystrophic process develops. Depending on the nature of the arising disorders, three main forms of chronic laryngitis are distinguished: catarrhal, hypertrophic and atrophic.

Chronic catarrhal laryngitis is accompanied by chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, more often diffuse( common).The mucous membrane of the larynx is hyperemic;sometimes there is an incomplete closure of the glottis during phonation( conversation).

The main complaints are hoarseness, fast voice fatigue, sensation of perspiration, sore throats, and occasional coughing with phlegm.

When exacerbating chronic catarrhal laryngitis, a gentle voice mode is recommended. It is desirable to exclude factors contributing to the disease, elimination of errors in nutrition. It is forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol.

Treatment of laryngitis in children and adults

In any case, self-medication is highly undesirable and consultation with an otolaryngologist is necessary, especially when the child is sick!

Drugs, procedures, antibiotics, drugs

For the treatment of acute and chronic laryngitis, medicines, antibiotics, drugs are prescribed, and certain therapeutic procedures are prescribed.

From medicines are used:

  1. Thermopsis and its preparations;
  2. antibiotics( both in the form of tablets inside, and intramuscularly);
  3. for the removal of allergy phenomena Dimedrol, Suprastin, Diazolin, Ketotifen;
  4. infusion into the larynx of a 1-2% solution of menthol in liquid oil. For infusion, use also peach, olive, plum oil. The course of treatment - 10 procedures every other day;
  5. a good effect gives a pulverization of 0.5% zinc sulfate solution for 3-4 minutes several times a day.

For chronic hyperplastic laryngitis in a hospital or an ENT room, daily lubrication of the larynx( using a laryngeal probe with slicing) with a 1-3% solution of lupus, collargol, protargol( 2-5%) or 10% tannin-glycerin.

Pharmaceuticals such as Bioparox, Ingalipt, Neo-angin-H, etc. have become very popular.

Treatment of chronic laryngitis is almost the same as with acute laryngitis. Apply oil and alkaline inhalation, inhalation of aerosols of antibiotics. When coughing codeine is prescribed. It is useful to have a warm drink( milk, tea, mineral water like "Borjomi").Effective use of physiotherapeutic procedures( UHF, microwave therapy, Novocaine electrophoresis on the larynx, sollyx, ulular irradiation of the anterior surface of the neck).

Treatment of acute and chronic laryngitis at home

One of the directions of treatment is the elimination of the causes that caused the disease. For complete rest of the larynx within 5-7 days, the patient is advised not to talk.

Do not smoke, drink alcohol. It is also necessary to exclude spicy seasonings, spices.

A warm drink( milk, mineral water), gargling with chamomile or sage broth, warm alkaline inhalations, inhalation of antibiotic aerosols, warmth around the neck( bandage or warming compress), hot foot baths( 1 tablespoon dry mustard for 5 litershot water).

Steam and ultrasonic inhalations

For inhalations it is advisable to use a conventional steam or ultrasonic inhaler.

However, thermal inhalations can be carried out at home and in their absence.

For the steam inhalation it is possible to adjust a pan in which 4-5 glasses of water are heated with the addition of various drugs that cause a mild anti-inflammatory effect( 5-10 drops of 5-10% tincture of iodine, 1-2 tbsp crushedleaves of eucalyptus, 0.5-1 tsp eucalyptus, menthol or anise oil).

A tapered funnel is folded out of thick paper, with a wide end of which the pan is tightly closed, while the patient breathes through the narrow end of the funnel inserted into the mouth. You can also breathe the steam over the pot with a wide towel or sheet. In all cases, the distance of the patient's mouth to the place where the steam leaves should be 20-30 cm, bearing in mind that the greater the distance, the lower the vapor temperature. These thermal inhalations should be carried out for 5 minutes several times a day for 3-5 days.

Inhalations of phytoncides of garlic or onions are shown( juice of garlic and onion is prepared immediately before inhalation, mixed with 0.25% solution of novocaine or isotonic sodium chloride solution in the proportion: 1 part juice to 3 parts of the solvent).Inhalation is carried out 2 times a day: on the course - 20 inhalations. To phytoncides also include chlorophyllipt - a preparation from the leaves of eucalyptus, which has a pronounced antistaphylococcal effect. Is used inside 1% alcohol solution for 25 drops 3 times a day.

Aerosol therapy

Aerosol therapy with phytoncides and antiseptics can be performed with the help of ultrasonic inhalers. They create uniform aerosols with an optimal particle size that penetrate to the peripheral parts of the bronchial tree.

The use of drugs in the form of aerosols ensures their high local concentration and uniform distribution of the drug in the bronchial tree. With the help of aerosols, antiseptics can be inhaled: furacillin, rivanol, chlorophyllipt, onion or garlic juice( diluted with a 0.25% solution of novocain in a ratio of 1:30), fir infusion, cowberry leaf condensate, dioxidine.

For the treatment of laryngitis, aerosol preparation bioparox ( locabit) is recommended. It contains the active ingredient fusanfungin - a preparation of fungal origin, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Fusanfungin is active against predominantly gram-positive cocci( staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci), as well as intracellular parasites( mycoplasma, legionella).In addition, it has antifungal activity.

Bioparox is used in the form of metered-dose inhalations - 4 breaths every 4 hours for 8-10 days. Physiotherapeutic methods are also used: solux on the front surface of the neck, ultraviolet irradiation, Novocain electrophoresis on the larynx, UHF and microwave therapy.

Folk treatment for acute laryngitis

Traditional medicine recommends the use of rinsing from beets. Grate the beets with a small grater. Squeeze out a glass of juice. In it, pour 1 tbsp.l.table vinegar. This solution gargle 5-6 times a day. In doing so, take one sip. Continue until recovery.

Showing expectorants reflex action( increase secretion of bronchial glands, dilute sputum).Of expectorants prescribed abundant alkaline drink, 3% solution of potassium iodide, infusions and decoctions of the althea, thermopsis up to 10 times a day, inhalation with 2% sodium bicarbonate solution. Expectorants are used in both acute laryngitis and chronic exacerbation.

Expectorant herbs and plants

Plants used to treat acute laryngitis and exacerbate chronic laryngitis and have predominantly expectorant action.

  1. Radish .Slice the raw radish with very thin slices. Sprinkle each slice with sugar. Radish juice can be consumed with honey. To do this, cut the radish into a groove, fill it with honey, cover with a piece of radish, insist 4 hours, drain the juice. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day.
  2. Infusion oregano ordinary ( 10 g grass and flowers oregano for 200 ml of water) is taken by 1/4 cup 3 times a day.
  3. Tea from colors nettles ( 20 g nettle flowers for 4 cups of boiling water) to drink during the day.
  4. Infusion herbs thermopsis ( 0.6-1 g herbs per 200 ml of water) is taken at 1 tbsp.l.2 hours 6 times a day.
  5. Infusion of herbs and peppercorns ( 0.6 g of grass per 200 ml of water) is taken at 1 tbsp.l.every 2 hours 6 times a day.
  6. The broth of the root ( 20 g of root per 200 ml of water) is taken for 1 tbsp.l.5-6 times a day.
  7. Infusion root cyanosis ( 6-8 g of root per 200 ml of water) is taken at 3-5 sts.l.the day after a meal.
  8. The root of the licorice is applied in the form of infusion( 6 g of root per 200 ml of water) for 1 tbsp.l.6 times a day. It is part of the breast collection number 2 and in the chest elixir.
  9. Root althea in the form of infusion( 8 g of root per 200 ml of water) for 1-2 tbsp.l.5-6 times a day. Included in the chest collection number 1.
  10. Pine buds .At 1 tbsp.l.kidney - 1 glass of steep boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 30-40 minutes, strain. Take 1-2 sips when coughing.
  11. Infusion leaves plantain ( 10 g of leaves per 200 ml of water) is taken at 2 tbsp.l.6 times a day.
  12. Decoction leaves of the mother-and-stepmother ( 10 g of leaves per 200 ml of water) is taken for 1 2-3 hours. Infusion of mother-and-stepmother with honey( 5 grams of leaves of mother-and-stepmother( 1 tbsp.) Pour a glass of boiling water, put for 15 minutes in a boiling water bath, after cooling, infusion strain. The remaining raw material is squeezed and broughtboiled water to 200 ml, then dissolve in it 1 tbsp honey).Take 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day.
  13. Decoction of root of elecampane ( 20 g of root per 200 ml of water) is taken at 1-2 st.l.6 times a day.

Medicinal plants are a part of various charges.

Folk recipes: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant

Collection No. 1 ( dominant collection property - antiseptic )

  1. Plantain leaves - 1 part,
  2. licorice root - 1 part,
  3. sage leaves - 1 part,
  4. pine kidneys - 1 part,
  5. flowers of elderberry black - 1 part.

From the collection number 1 is prepared infusion or decoction. To do this, 1.5-2 tbsp.l.the collection is placed in enameled dishes, poured into 200 ml of water, covered with a lid and insisted, wrapped, for 15 minutes or put in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes with frequent stirring, then filtered, the remainder of the raw material is squeezed, the finished extract is brought to boiling water up to 200 ml, take 1 1,5-2 hours, that is 8-10 times a day.

Collection No. 2 ( anti-inflammatory and expectorant action).

  1. Elecampane root - 1 part,
  2. althese root - 2 pieces,
  3. oregano grass - 1 part,
  4. birch kidney - 1 piece.

Gathering No. 2 is prepared and applied in the same way as collection No. 1. Gathering No. 2 is used in patients with not exaggerated exacerbation of chronic tracheitis and in the absence of exacerbation( mainly as expectorant ).

Gathering No. 3

  1. Marshmallow root - 2 parts,
  2. leaves of coltsfoot - 1,5 parts,
  3. leaves of plantain - 2 parts,
  4. chamomile flowers - 2.5 parts,
  5. licorice root - 1.5 parts,
  6. grass of cucumber -2 pieces,
  7. spring spring primrose roots - 2 pieces,
  8. pine kidneys - 1 piece,
  9. black currant leaves and fruits - 5 pieces,
  10. oat seeds - 5 pieces.

2 tbsp.l. Collect № 3 pour 500 ml of steep boiling water, insist for about an hour, eat during the day. For each patient collection must be selected individually. If the patient has a strong cough, then the herb celandine, herb thyme, mint, valerian root, oregano are added to the collection. With a strong irritating cough with hemoptysis, the collection increases the amount of mucus-forming raw materials( althaea root, mullein flowers, mother-and-stepmother leaves).

Collection No. 4

  1. Leaves of coltsfoot - 20 g,
  2. chamomile flowers of the pharmacy - 20 g,
  3. , oregano grass - 10 g.

2 tbsp.l.collect 500 ml of boiling water, insist 6 hours, drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals in a warm form. Brew better in a thermos.

Gathering No. 5

  1. Plantain leaves - 20 g,
  2. St. John's wort - 20 g,
  3. linden flowers - 20 g.

Cooking as collection number 4. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day.

Collection No. 6

  1. Elder flowers - 1 part,
  2. seeds of the outpouring of hay - 1 part,
  3. fennel fruits - 1 part,
  4. linden color - 2 parts,
  5. three-color violet grass - 2 parts.

1 tbsp.l.collecting number 6, insist on a glass of cold water for 2 hours, cook for a few minutes and then drain. Decoction to drink warm in several receptions in one day.

Collection No. 7

60 g( 3 tbsp.) Of ground flaxseed are poured into 1 liter of hot water, shaken for 10 minutes, filtered.50 g of licorice root, 30 g of anise fruit, 400 g of honey are added to the resulting liquid and mixed thoroughly. The mixture is brought to the boil, insisted until cooling, filter and take 1/2 cup 4-5 times daily before meals( expectorant and softening painful cough effect).Not recommended for intolerance to honey.

Gathering No. 8

  1. Alder cones - 50 g,
  2. three-color violet grass - 50 g,
  3. herb grass - 50 g,
  4. herb mountaineer - 50 g,
  5. black elder flowers - 50 g,
  6. hawthorn fruit - 50 g,
  7. flowers of the immortelle - 50 g,
  8. leaves of black currant - 50 g,
  9. leaves of plantain - 50 g.

Mix 10 g of mixture, pour 300 ml of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, press for 45 minutes, squeeze out. Take 100 ml 3 times a day for 15 minutes before meals. Collection has expectorant and antioxidant action.

Folk recipes: expectorant and anti-inflammatory

Medicinal plants are used not only as expectorant agents, but also as rinses as anti-inflammatory agents.

Collection No. 1

  1. Fennel ordinary fruit - 10 g,
  2. peppermint leaves - 30 g,
  3. chamomile flowers - 30 g,
  4. sage medicinal leaves - 30 g.

Apply to rinse as a warm infusion of 1 / 2-1/ 3 cups.

Collection No. 2

  1. Oak bark of ordinary type - 70 g,
  2. linden flowers of heart-shaped - 30 g.

Use as a mouthwash for rinsing.

Collection No. 3

  1. Sage leaves medicinal - 35 g,
  2. althea root - 30 g,
  3. black elder flowers - 35 g.

Take for rinsing in the form of infusion 1/2 cup 5-6 times a day.

Folk recipes against a strong cough

When cough prescribed antitussive drugs( codeine, libeksin).With a pronounced cough, folk medicine also recommends:

  1. Wine .Boil a glass of white grape wine with 60 g of pepper. Strain and drink hot. Take 3 times a day.
  2. Potatoes .Boil in a uniform of 4-5 large potatoes, but so that they do not boil. The potatoes cut in half put on the chest or back, wrapped. Hold until it cools.
  3. Lemon .One lemon simmer for 10 minutes. Cool, peel and squeeze the juice into a glass. Add 2 tbsp.l.glycerin, mix thoroughly and add the honey until the glass is filled. The method and dose of reception depend on the nature of the cough;if strong and frequent, then take 2 tsp.3 times a day before meals and at bedtime, if rare, but strong and dry, then 1 tsp.before and after breakfast, lunch and dinner and always before bedtime.
  4. Bow .Peel a large peeled onion. The resulting mass mixed with goose fat, rub it with the chest and neck, and tie the patient with a handkerchief. You can take the mixture inside fasting for 1 tbsp.l.for 5-7 days.
  5. Milk .In an enamel saucepan with a lid, boil on a small fire a glass of milk and a spoon of sage. The mixture should be cooled and boiled again. Drink before going to bed hot, carefully wrapped.
  6. Seawater .Rinse throat with cold or slightly warmed seawater. To obtain it, you can dilute sea salt in water, which can be bought at the pharmacy.
  7. Wormwood .20 grams of wormwood pour 0.5 liters of vodka and insist for at least a day in a dark cool place. Take 1 tbsp.l.three times a day before meals and at bedtime.
  8. Sugar sand .2 tbsp.l.of granulated sugar in a frying pan. As soon as the sugar melts, turn off the gas and pour 0.5 cup of boiling water. Pour gently. Immediately remove from the plate. To accept on ч. Л.4-6 times a day

Traditional medicine for chronic laryngitis: with loss of voice

If you lose your voice, you can use the prescriptions of traditional medicine.

  1. Two liters of water boil. When water boils, put 400 grams of bran in it. Sweeten with burnt sugar. This broth drink hot all day instead of tea.
  2. Pour into a saucepan one glass of water and pour half a glass of aniseed seeds. Boil for 15 minutes. Then discard the seeds, and boil the broth with a quarter of a glass of honey. Honey is better to take lime. In the solution removed from the fire, pour in the st.l.cognac. Take 1 tbsp.l.every half hour.


Acupressure at certain points is one of the methods for treating chronic laryngitis. As a self-massage the following techniques are most accessible: easy touch and stroking, easy finger pressing and deep pressing. The finger pressure during acupressure should be strictly vertical, without displacement. The movement of the finger should be rotational or vibrating, but not necessarily non-stop. The stronger the impact on the point, the shorter it should be( more often it is done with the thumb).

Acupressure is contraindicated in for: any tumors, acute fever, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, blood diseases, active forms of tuberculosis, pregnancy.

It is recommended to massage for no more than 10 minutes. During pressing, a person should not experience unpleasant sensations.

For chronic laryngitis, massage the following points:

  1. he-gu is one of the most popular points, known in acupressure as a point of one hundred diseases. It is located in the fork between the thumb and forefinger from the back of the hand on the top of the muscular tubercle;
  2. chu-chi - midway between the outer humerus of the humerus and the radial margin of the ulnar groove;
  3. tian-din - at the level of the lower edge of the thyroid cartilage at the posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle;
  4. shui-tu - at the level of the lower edge of the thyroid cartilage;
  5. da-chju - in a depression under the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra;
  6. tian-tu - in the center of the indentation above the middle of the jugular notch.

Some tips from Japanese medicine

  1. It's good to rub your palms to keep them warm. Then attach them to the front surface of the neck tightly( but without pressure) and hold for 5 minutes.
  2. Bend the left arm at the elbow. With your right hand take her hand and, breathing out, extend your left hand forward, while twisting her wrist in the outer side, as if extruding. In this case, torso deflect back. For each hand, repeat the exercise 10 times.

Coughing attack helps to remove hot hands for water( water temperature 43 ° C) for 15 minutes. To remove the attack of cough, you can use already known points( hegu, tantu, dachzhui).

In chronic laryngitis, methods are used to increase the nonspecific resistance of the body. For this purpose, adaptogens are used - extract eleutherococcus 40 drops 3 times a day, tincture ginseng 30 drops 3 times a day, tinctures aralia , rhodiola rose , pantocrine in the same doses, saparala to 0.05 g 3 times a day.

The effect of these drugs is multifaceted: they have a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system, metabolic processes, increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences and the effects of infectious factors.

Chronic hypertrophic laryngitis

Characterized by proliferation of the epithelium and submucosal layer. Can be limited and diffuse. With limited form, hyperplasia of individual segments of the mucous membrane of the larynx, more often vocal folds or vestibular folds, lining space is determined. When the diffuse form is observed, hyperplasia of the entire mucosa of the larynx is more pronounced in the region of the vocal cords.

Exacerbation of laryngitis is accompanied by the development of hoarseness of the voice, sometimes reaching aphonia( loss of voice), coughing.

Treatment is the same as for chronic catarrhal laryngitis. In addition, after anesthesia of the larynx of the larynx with lidocaine solution, hyperplastic areas are cauterized with a 3-5% solution of silver nitrate. Areas of severe hyperplasia are surgically removed.

Chronic atrophic laryngitis is manifested by thinning and atrophy of the laryngeal mucosa. As a rule, it is one of the components of the atrophic process in the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. The mucous membrane of the larynx is dry, thinned, covered with thick mucus, sometimes turned into crusts, which can go away when coughing.

Chronic atrophic laryngitis is manifested by a sensation of dryness, perspiration, sore throat, dry cough, hoarseness.

Treatment is mostly symptomatic. Apply alkaline and oily inhalation, lubricate the larynx with Lugol solution in glycerin. To improve the removal of crusts, proteolytic enzymes( chymotrypsin, chymotrypsin, etc.) are prescribed in the form of aerosols.

Prognosis for acute laryngitis is favorable;sometimes a transition to a chronic form is possible. The outcome of chronic laryngitis depends on its shape. With chronic atrophic and hypertrophic laryngitis, there is no complete recovery, but there may be a prolonged remission. Prevention is aimed at eliminating causal factors.

How to treat laryngitis folk remedies at home: tips

Grate red beet, squeeze juice. Add in the resulting juice( 200 ml) 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar. Apply as a gargle 3-4 times a day.

For all types of laryngitis it is useful 3-4 times a day to take 2 tablespoons of broth dried white grapes with onions. The decoction of grapes is prepared from the calculation of two tablespoons of grapes per glass of water. Then add 1 tablespoon of fresh onions to the ready-made broth.

In a glass of milk, boil 1-2 cloves of garlic cloves , cool to room temperature and take the whole portion for 30-40 minutes.

In 200 ml of water for 10-15, boil half an anise seed glass .Strain. Discard the seeds, add 1 tablespoon of cognac and 2 tablespoons of honey to the broth. Boil for 5 minutes. Take 1 dessert spoon every 30-40 minutes. Means well and quickly restores voice, which is very important for singers, teachers, artists.

In a ratio of 1: 1, take juice of plantain leaves and honey .Boil on low heat for 15-20 minutes. Store in a cool dark place. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Prepare collection 1 :

  1. three-color violet-5 g grass,
  2. three-parted string - 3 g.

Pour into 200 ml of boiling water, add 1 hour. Apply for inhalations 3-4 times a day.

Gathering 2 :

  1. infusion of australia alders - 40 g,
  2. decoction of the root of sorrel horse - 10 g.

Mix, pour 400 ml of boiling water. Use 50-100 ml per inhalation.

Collection 3 :

  1. elderberry flowers - 15 g,
  2. linden flowers - 15 g,
  3. chamomile flowers - 15 g.

Mix everything, grind it.20 g of collection pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Use 50-100 ml for inhalation.

Collection 4 :

  1. infusion of sage leaves - 10 g per 200 ml of water,
  2. infusion of St. John's wort - 5 g per 200 ml,
  3. decoction of the bark of the guelder-rose - 5 g for 200 ml of water.

Mix. Use for inhalations of 50 ml.

Juice of raw potatoes is used for laryngitis and pharyngitis for rinsing the mouth.

Poppy yellow .Infusions and decoctions of the yellow poppy( 1 tablespoon of flowers for a glass of boiling water) are used for inhalations and inside( 2 tablespoons 3 times a day) with laryngitis. Has predominantly antitussive effect.

Mother-and-Stepmother acts anti-inflammatory and promotes sputum production in diseases of the respiratory system. It calms cough, facilitates the separation of sputum, relieves coughing( especially at night).It is used for laryngitis and pharyngitis, both inside and for inhalations.

A tablespoon of dried leaves, pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. For inhalations use 50-100 ml of infusion.

Mullein high .Affects the respiratory tract, liquefies the bronchial secretion, exerts an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect.

In folk medicine, the mullein is used for laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, whooping cough. Prepare an infusion of mullein from 2 teaspoons of crushed raw materials into 2 cups of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Received infusion you can use both inside and use for inhalations.

For the treatment of chronic hypertrophic laryngitis, the following collection 5 can be prepared:

  1. sage leaves - 1 tbsp.spoon,
  2. leaves of birch white - 2 tbsp.spoons,
  3. root of the blood-thirsty drug - 2 tbsp.spoons.

From the leaves of sage and birch prepare the infusion, from the root of the bug - a decoction. Mix it. The resulting liquid is heated on low heat to a boil and inhalation 1-2 times a day.

Treatment of laryngitis has a number of characteristics. The main condition is the silent mode. Apply mustard to the sternum area, mustard foot baths, warming the compress around the neck, drinking warm alkaline water( Borjomi type) with milk or without. An important role in treatment is played by inhalations with medicinal herbs. Do not soar your throat with hot water. Water, tea and all other drinks should be only warm.

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  1. Encyclopedia of Traditional and Alternative Medicine( electronic version).
  2. G.Nasgov. Official and folk medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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