Gingivitis - inflammation of the gums: symptoms, treatment, than to treat at home

Gingivitis ( gingival inflammation ) is an inflammatory gum disease that occurs under the influence of local and common damaging factors, without the formation of dentogingival pockets and with the preservation of the integrity of the dentogingival attachment. Gingivitis occurs in children, adolescents and adults.

Here we will talk about the symptoms and treatment of various forms of gingivitis, how to treat and how to rinse the mouth with gum inflammation at home.

The disease can be caused by:

  1. lesions of the gastrointestinal tract,
  2. of the nervous system, blood,
  3. vitamin deficiencies,
  4. poisoning with heavy metal salts,
  5. infectious diseases.

Gingivitis is often observed:

  1. in pregnancy,
  2. in menopause,
  3. in puberty.


Causes of gingivitis: what causes inflammation of the gums

Gingivitis is a poly-elyal disease that occurs under the influence ofm general and local damaging factors.

Local factors include:

  1. gum injuries,
  2. plaque,
  3. supragingival and subgingival tartar deposits,
  4. incorrectly installed seals, dentures,
  5. abnormal attachment of the frenum of the tongue, lips,
  6. abnormal arrangement of the teeth.

Common factors contributing to the development of gingivitis include:

  1. vitamin Vitamin A, C, E;group B,
  2. , the presence of pathology of phosphorus-calcium and other types of metabolism;
  3. immunodeficiency states,
  4. hormonal disorders,
  5. allergic reactions,
  6. pathology of cardiovascular, nervous, digestive systems.

Forms, Types of

Under the influence of damaging factors there is an inflammatory reaction in the gum tissue. Depending on the duration of the disease, there are:

  1. acute gingivitis;
  2. chronic gingivitis.

Depending on the prevalence of the inflammatory process, gingivitis is isolated:

  1. generalized gingivitis;
  2. localized gingivitis.

In addition, according to the morphological features - in terms of the degree of lesion - distinguish:

  1. catarrhal gingivitis,
  2. hypertrophic gingivitis,
  3. ulcerative necrotic gingivitis.

Gingivitis: photos in children and adults

Gingivitis in a child: photos of gingivitis
Gingivitis in children: photos of gingivitis
Generalized form of gingivitis in an adult: photo
Gingivitis in adults: photos of gingivitis

General symptoms of

Patients presentcomplaints of pain in the gum area, increasing with food intake, intermittent bleeding. There is an unpleasant smell from the mouth, increased salivation, a burning sensation.


Based on complaints, history data, objective examination. It is necessary to conduct a roentgenography of the oral cavity. Differential diagnosis is performed with periodontitis, periodontitis, periodontitis.

Treatment of gingivitis at home

All local and general factors that predispose to the development of gum disease should be eliminated, and hygiene should be observed. Affected areas of the gums are treated with antiseptics, necrotic masses are removed( in outpatient and outpatient settings).

Treatment of gingivitis should be comprehensive, taking into account the underlying disease.


  1. sanitation of the oral cavity,
  2. treatment of carious and pulpit teeth,
  3. elimination of traumatic moments( fitting of dentures, removal of dental deposits).

Than to gargle gums with inflammation

Daily mouthwashes are shown:

  1. with a weak solution of manganese,
  2. with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution,
  3. resorcinol,
  4. Burov's fluid.

From pharmacy drugs are used:

  1. Imudon( keep in the mouth without chewing until complete dissolution),
  2. Strepsils( used as Imudon).

Romazulan is used as a rinse.

In hypertrophic gingivitis, surgical intervention( gum excision) is indicated.

Than to treat inflammation of the gums at home

Folk medicine advises the following home remedies, folk recipes.

Cinquefoil erect ( kalgan ).In folk medicine of many countries, the spine is used upright to treat gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases, diarrhea, enteritis, colitis. It also helps with hemorrhagic gingivitis, acute and chronic tonsillitis.

Two tablespoons of the crushed rhizome boil in 500 ml of water for 5-7 minutes. Filtered broth drink 50-100 ml three times a day, good rinsing gums.

You can chew gruel leaf leaves erect 2-3 times a day or lubricate its juice with affected areas.

Walnut .Apply from walnut leaves( 5 g per 200 ml of water).Rinse your mouth three times a day after eating for 10-12 days.

Chamomile officinalis .Hot infusions of chamomile( 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water, Insist 30 minutes, strain), rinse the mouth 3 times a day after eating.

Juice of raw potatoes is used for rinsing the mouth with gingivitis. Rinse 2-3 times daily after meals.

Ginger .It is recommended for inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, with gingivitis, colds, tonsillitis.

Also rinse the throat with ginger extract, adding a small amount of ground black pepper to the liquid.

Blackberry, coulomb .Leaves and fruits of blackberries are used in the treatment of gingivitis, inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat.

As we said earlier, inflammation of the gums can be acute and chronic - it depends on the stage of the disease, the severity of the inflammatory process.

Next we will consider in more detail the symptoms and treatment of the following forms of inflammatory gum disease:

  1. Gingivitis localized.
  2. Generalized gingivitis.
  3. Gingivitis is catarrhal.
  4. Gingivitis is hypertrophic.
  5. Gingivitis ulcerative-necrotic( gingivitis of Vincent).

Localized gingivitis: symptoms, treatment

Localized gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums that occurs under the influence of local and general damaging factors, without the formation of dentogingival pockets and with the preservation of the integrity of the dentogingival attachment.

Causes of localized gingival inflammation

Localized gingivitis is caused by local damaging factors. Most often its development is caused by:

  1. trauma during chewing, when brushing teeth,
  2. jammed food pieces between teeth,
  3. plaque present,
  4. supragingival and subgingival deposits of calculus,
  5. incorrectly installed seals, dentures,
  6. abnormal attachment of the tongue bridle,lips,
  7. abnormal arrangement of teeth.

Symptoms, Diagnosis

Local pathogenic factors lead to mucosal damage and blood flow disorders. As a result, an inflammatory reaction develops in the tissues of the gum.

In the case of acute , localized gingival inflammation shows increased pain during eating. When examining the oral cavity, there is a presence of a hypertrophic edematous hyperemic papilla of the gum, located in the gap between the teeth.

With chronic , gingivitis patients complain about the appearance of a feeling of awkwardness, tenderness in the area of ​​the interdental gum, which occurs after removal of the jammed food piece.

When examining the oral cavity draw attention to areas of gingival atrophy, the presence of cyanosis and edema. There may be bleeding ulcers.

When X-ray examination reveals retained interdental septa.

Diagnosis is conducted on the basis of complaints, data of anamnesis, objective examination. It is necessary to conduct a roentgenography of the oral cavity. Differential diagnosis of is performed with periodontitis, periodontitis, periodontitis.

Treatment of local gingival inflammation

It is necessary to perform:

  1. local antiseptic treatment of the site of inflammation with broad-spectrum antibiotics,
  2. analgesia,
  3. removal of necrotic tissues,
  4. restoration of the contact point between teeth by sealing or by using special tabs.

Generalized Gingivitis: Symptoms, Treatment

In generalized form of gingivitis, gingivitis also occurs due to local and general damaging factors, there is no formation of dentogingival pockets, dentogingival attachment preserves integrity. The causes causing extensive inflammation of the gums are the same. The forms of gingivitis are the same: acute, chronic, catarrhal, hypertrophic, ulcerative-necrotic.

Symptoms of extensive gingival inflammation

With acute catarrhal gingivitis patients complain of pain in the gum area, the appearance of burning sensation in the oral cavity. When examining the oral cavity there are hyperemia of the gums, their swelling, bleeding.

In the case of chronic catarrhal , gingivitis has a cyanotic hue, reveals loosening, swelling. In addition, microbial deposits and deposits of hard tartar are often present.

With hypertrophic gingivitis, patients complain of:

  1. pain in the gum area,
  2. bleeding when brushing teeth, eating solid food,
  3. burning sensation in the oral cavity.

There is a bad breath, a feeling of embarrassment when chewing food. When examining the oral cavity, a dense, enlarged gingiva appears. The gums only partially cover the crowns of the teeth, and more from the vestibular side.

When hypertrophic gingivitis occurs the formation of false pathological pockets, the subgingival stone is deposited. Often in such patients an anomaly of the location of the teeth is detected. At x-ray examination, the interdental spaces are within the normal range.

With ulcerative-necrotic , gingivitis of patients is disturbed by severe pain in the oral cavity, in which food intake becomes impossible. There is a fetid smell from the mouth, profuse salivation. Sores in the mouth can spread from the gums to the entire mucous membrane of the mouth. Sores often bleed. There is also a worsening of the general condition, the temperature rises up to hectic, enlarged painful lymph nodes, diseased flabby, adynamic ones are revealed.

When examining the oral cavity on the surface of sores, dirty gray easily removable necrotic membranes are revealed. When removing films, the surface is dark red, bleeding easily. The gingival papillae are atrophied, muddy, painful on palpation.

Diagnosis is conducted on the basis of complaints, data of anamnesis, objective examination. It is necessary to conduct a roentgenography of the oral cavity. Differential diagnosis is performed with periodontitis, periodontitis, periodontitis.

How to treat generalized gingival inflammation

First of all, it is necessary: ​​

  1. to exclude all local and general factors predisposing to the development of gingivitis,
  2. to comply with the rules of oral hygiene,
  3. affected gum sites to treat with antiseptics,
  4. necrotic masses to be removed.

More about the treatment mentioned above.

Gingivitis catarrhal: symptoms, treatment

Catarrh of the gums, occurs under the influence of various local and common damaging factors, without the formation of dentogingival pockets, while maintaining the integrity of the dentogingival attachment. Causes and forms of the disease are indicated above.

Symptoms, complaints

When acute catarrhal gingivitis patients complain of pain in the area of ​​inflamed gums, the appearance of burning sensation in the oral cavity. When examining the oral cavity there are hyperemia of the gums, their swelling, bleeding. In case of of chronic of catarrhal gingivitis, the gums have a cyanotic hue, their loosening, swelling are revealed. In addition, microbial deposits and deposits of hard tartar are often present.

Diagnosis is based on complaints, history data, objective examination and detection of symptoms and signs of the disease. It is necessary to conduct a roentgenography of the oral cavity. Differential diagnosis is also performed with periodontitis, periodontitis, periodontitis.

Treatment of

involves the exclusion of all general and local factors predisposing to the development of gingivitis, compliance with personal hygiene rules is required. Assign rinsing the mouth with a 2% solution of sodium bicarbonate or 1% solution of sodium chloride.

Gingivitis hypertrophic: symptoms, treatment

Hypertrophic inflammatory gum disease, which is formed under the influence of local and general damaging factors, there is no formation of dentogingival pockets, the integrity of the gingival adhesion remains, with the predominance of proliferation in the tissues of the gum.

Causes, pathogenesis of the disease are the same.

Symptoms of


  1. pain in the gum area,
  2. bleeding when brushing teeth, eating solid food,
  3. burning sensation in the oral cavity,
  4. bad breath,
  5. feeling uncomfortable when chewing food.

When examining the oral cavity, a dense, enlarged gingiva appears. The gums only partially cover the crowns of the teeth, and more from the vestibular side. When hypertrophic gingivitis occurs the formation of false pathological pockets, the subgingival stone is deposited. Often such patients have an anomaly of the location of the teeth. At x-ray examination, the interdental spaces are within the normal range.

Diagnostics and differential diagnostics are carried out in the same way as described above.

Treatment of hypertrophic inflammation of the gums

First of all, all local and general factors predisposing to the development of gingivitis are excluded, hygiene rules are required.

Surgical treatment is necessary. Possible to perform:

  1. gingivectomy,
  2. curettage,
  3. sclerosing therapy.

necrotizing gingivitis( Vincent): Symptoms, Treatment

Gum disease that develops under the influence of local and common damaging factors, without the formation of periodontal pockets and preserving the integrity of the periodontal attachment, with a predominance of ulcerative necrotic lesions.

What causes inflammation of the gums?

Gingivitis is a polytheological disease that occurs under the influence of general and local pathological factors.

refers to local factors:

  1. gum injury,
  2. presence of plaque,
  3. supragingival and subgingival tartar deposits,
  4. improperly installed fillings, dentures,
  5. pathological attachment bridle the tongue, lips,
  6. abnormal dentition.

Common factors contributing to the development of gingivitis include:

  1. vitamin A, C, E, Vitamin A hypovitaminosis;
  2. presence of pathology of phosphoric-calcium and other types of metabolism;
  3. hormonal disorders,
  4. allergic reactions,
  5. taking certain medications( eg, diphenin),
  6. pathology of cardiovascular, nervous, digestive systems.

In the development of ulcerative-necrotic gingivitis, an important role is played by immunodeficiency states, disruption of trophism of gingival tissues .

Symptoms of ulcerative-necrotic gingival inflammation

Inflammatory factors occur in the gingival tissue under the influence of damaging factors. Depending on the duration of the disease distinguish between acute and chronic inflammation. Depending on the degree of prevalence of the process, a generalized and localized form is identified.

With ulcerative-necrotic , gingivitis patients are concerned:

  1. severe oral pain, at which food intake becomes impossible,
  2. offensive smell from the mouth,
  3. profuse salivation,
  4. sores can spread from the gums to the entire mucosa of the mouth,
  5. ulcers oftenbleed,
  6. marked deterioration of the general condition,
  7. temperature rises up to hectic,
  8. revealed enlarged painful lymph nodes,
  9. patients are flaccid, adynamic.

When examining the oral cavity, dirty gray easily removable necrotic membranes on the surface of sores appear. When removing films, the surface is dark red, bleeding easily. The gingival papillae are atrophied, muddy, painful on palpation.

How to treat Vincent gingivitis

  1. The negative effect of all local and general factors predisposing to gingivitis development,
  2. is observed, personal hygiene rules are followed,
  3. is prescribed by immunomodulators,
  4. necrotic tissues must be removed by curette under infiltration analgesia,
  5. , ulcerous surface is removed with 2%peroxide solution, trypsin, chymotrypsin.

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Inflammation of the gums, their bleeding, a problem that prevents many people from feeling comfortable. After all, these diseases even at the initial stage cause increased sensitivity of teeth and bad breath. Parodontosis causes damage to the gums, the tissues around the tooth become loose and so-called "pockets" are formed, into which bacteria enter, the teeth loosen and eventually fall out. Thus, careful care of the gums helps to keep the teeth. Gum treatment is important, but prevention is more important.

So, if your gum bleeds, you need to urgently begin treatment of gums. Prescriptions for treating gums are many. We want to offer you treatment of periodontal disease at home.

The recipe is simple. We need a walnut, or rather a peel of walnuts. You can take both dried and fresh peel. If you take a fresh one, you will need 40 g, if dried - 20 g. Then lay the rind in a saucepan and pour a glass of water. We bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes under the lid. Remedy for parodontosis is almost ready.

We insist for another 1 hour and begin to treat the inflammation of the gums. To do this, pour a quarter of a glass of broth, we immerse the toothbrush in it for 3-5 minutes. After that, we make the usual tooth cleaning with the help of decoction and a brush, which was previously in the broth. Treatment of gums for this method is carried out for 2-3 weeks, we brush our teeth 3 times a day after eating.

Now you know how to treat periodontal disease and what to do if the gum bleeds. Use this method, it just will not hurt you. The likelihood of the same gum recovery will increase at times. For now, see you again.

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  1. "The Big Medical Encyclopedia of Diagnosis.4000 symptoms and syndromes / A. Lukovkina »: The scientific book;2013.
  2. Nylogov GN Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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