Sore throat sore hurts

Sore throat - causes and treatment of sore throat

Feeling of a sore throat can be caused by a number of causes and various diseases. The most common cause of perspiration in the throat are infectious diseases of the pharynx.

Causes of Persecution in the Throat

Persecution in the throat can be caused by two kinds of diseases - inflammatory and not inflammatory. Inflammatory diseases that cause a feeling of sore throat include pharyngitis, acute respiratory infections and nasafaringitis. If pershenie is caused by inflammatory diseases, provoked by infectious agents, they must be given immediate treatment, since the infection can descend lower down the respiratory tract into the larynx and trachea and cause a number of serious diseases respiratory tract.

To the non-inflammatory disease that causes a swelling in the throat, is the nervousness of the pharynx. The cause of the disease is the defeat of the nerve endings in the brain, responsible for the state of the pharynx. Along with a feeling of perspiration in the throat, there may be a feeling of coma, a sore throat, which gives off in the ears and nose, difficulty swallowing, numbness. Such symptoms can occur in the initial stages of syphilis, central nervous system diseases, and tumors in the brain.

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Allergy also manifests itself in the throat. This is especially typical for allergies to wool, pollen, dust.

Various throat disorders associated with professional activities are also the cause of the persecution. This applies to such professions as a teacher, a singer, workers in harmful industries - metallurgy, mines. In this case, perforation in the throat is accompanied by a small loss of voice and its friability.

Diseases of the endocrine system. Dysfunction in the thyroid gland is the cause of the appearance of persecution. In this case, the patient is observed the appearance of various neoplasms, for example, nodes.

Another reason for the appearance of a sore throat is a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, an acidic stomach stuff is injected into the upper respiratory tract, which provokes irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat. Most often, a feeling of perspiration occurs after eating.

Persecution can cause an increase in the volume of the heart, especially in the presence of malformations of the heart muscle, or the emergence of tumoral tumors of the pharynx and larynx.

Persecution in the throat can be caused by mechanical injuries, by ingress of foreign objects into the respiratory tract. In this case, persecution is accompanied by a cough. Another reason is external damage to the throat area, which provokes the appearance of a hemorrhage in one of the layers of the mucous membrane of the throat.

Treatment of perspiration in the throat

Before you start treating the perspiration in your throat, you need to identify the root cause - the disease that caused this symptom. When infectious diseases are detected, treatment is carried out by taking antiseptics, which destroy the infectious agent. If the cause was the allergic reactions of the body to external stimuli, prescribe the administration of antihistamines, while eliminating the contact of the patient with an allergic pathogen.

If the perspiration in the throat is caused by the pharynx nervosa, the treatment is performed only under the supervision of a neuropathologist.

Treatment of perspiration in the throat, caused by acid injection from the stomach, is carried out, first of all, by adjusting the regimen and diet.

With regular throats, a stimulant is prescribed, which boosts the body's immune system to fight the disease.

Folk methods of treatment of a sore throat

One of the most effective means is rinsing. The rinse solution must be heated. It can be done on the basis of sea salt, with the addition of a few drops of iodine or a pinch of salt. Well from the perspiration in the throat helps the broths of chamomile or St. John's wort, and other herbs that have soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. You can rinse your throat with beet juice. Beets are wiped on a fine grater and pressed to get juice. In this juice is added a tablespoon of vinegar. Rinse every 30 minutes. Beets can be replaced with carrots. A solution based on propolis will also help in the solution. You can prepare it by adding a few drops of propolis tincture to the rolled up warm water. In the same way, a rinse solution is prepared with the addition of lemon juice, ginger or sunflower oil. To remove the feeling of perspiration in the throat, rinse should be done regularly, with an interval of half an hour - an hour.

From persheniya will save a compress, which is prepared from vodka. Apply it better in the evening, before going to bed. The cotton swab is heavily wetted with vodka, put in a bag and put to the throat. Pack with cotton should be fixed with a warm kerchief, scarf, or a dense piece of cloth.

Treatment of a sore throat during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to take any chemical pills and medications for treating perspiration. Instead, you can use tinctures of echinacea, and use ginseng, millennia, lemongrass. These tinctures are diluted with a small amount of water for regular rinsing of the throat. It will also help the reception of vitamin complexes to enhance the immune system.

Pershit in the throat and dry cough: what to do and how to treat

Pershit in the throat from time to time every person. If this symptom quickly passes by itself, the patient does not bother.

But if pershit strongly in the throat for a long time, there is a constant dry cough, the throat hurts, you need to start treatment.

Causes of Persecution in the Throat

Sore throat and cough are most often symptoms of inflammation of the respiratory system, but there are other causes. The causes of inflammation are usually in infectious diseases of the upper or lower respiratory tract:

  • Angina;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Tracheitis;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Pneumonia.
But there are other reasons, as we have already said, for which a dry and strong cough and a swelling in the throat can occur. Pharyngeal neuralgia is one of them. This condition occurs in patients with a malfunction in the functions of the swallowing apparatus, which in turn is caused by the inferior work of the CNS or nerve receptors in the brain.

Accordingly, you need to know how to get rid of it and what medicines to take.

In this case, the patient not only has a perspiration in his throat, but also a burning sensation, a loss of sensitivity mucous, or, conversely, its increased sensitivity, a sensation of a lump in the throat, pain that is given in the ear or sublingual area.

Causes of pharyngeal neuralgia:

  1. Syphilis.
  2. Tumors of any nature in the body.
  3. Pathologies of the nervous system, mental disorders.

Often, prolonged perspiration in the throat and coughing causes an allergy. In this case, irritants can be house and book dust, animal fur, duvets and pillows, medicines, food or pollen of plants during flowering.

If pershit in the throat, but it does not hurt much, and there are no other symptoms, most likely, the reasons are in allergic reactions. Remove this phenomenon can only antihistamines.

Sometimes he throats with constant pressure on the vocal cords associated with professional activities - for example, when working as a television announcer, teacher or lecturer. In this case, the best remedy for persecution in the throat - at least temporarily change the profession.

Other reasons that pershit throat - the pathology of the digestive system. It:

  • Gastritis;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Irritation of the mucosa of the esophagus, which causes the release of acidic digested food from the stomach with reflux gastroesophagitis;
  • Herniated in the larynx or esophagus.

At hormonal failures the thyroid gland increases, on it nodules are formed. They press on the trachea and cause irritation of the larynx - as a result of the patient's pershit in the throat. He loses his appetite, grows thin or vice versa, sharply becomes fuller, becomes sluggish and irritable. A very strong throat in the mornings of heavy smokers.

The reasons for the sore throat are very different, they are often associated with serious chronic diseases of the internal organs.

Therefore, treatment with folk remedies is not always effective: the herbal broth will soften the throat, but it will not help get rid of the factor that caused this symptom.

How to recognize and get rid of a sore throat

Treatment of perspiration in the throat is selected depending on the severity of the disease that caused it. In itself, it is not a disease, but only its sign. Under the influence of certain factors, the patient feels like tickling in the throat, a desire to clear his throat well.

The cough can be wet or dry. A dry, persistent cough does not contribute to mucus secretion, which could soften the larynx and slightly relieve irritation.

That's why my throat hurts even more. Usually, dry cough is characteristic for infectious and viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract. At the same time, other typical symptoms of colds or influenza are added to the dyspnea:

  1. Headache.
  2. Chills.
  3. Coryza.
  4. Lethargy.
  5. Increased body temperature.

If you can not get rid of dry cough and perspiration for a long time, the pills from the throat swelling and treatment with folk remedies, we can say that the pathology has passed into a chronic form and treatment requires adjustments.

Often patients complain that they have a stronger throat at night. Why is this happening and what to do in this case? The reasons are usually that during the night sleep muscles of the larynx and nasopharynx relax, blood circulation slows down, and sputum is not separated, but thickens and accumulates in the upper respiratory tract.

Sticking to the walls of the larynx, they irritate the mucous and cause coughing attacks, also it can be pus in the throat. Treatment in this case is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and excretion of sputum from the bronchi. It is not necessarily a cold or flu, chronic respiratory pathologies, allergies or vocal cord strain at work.

One should not forget about bad habits - the abuse of alcohol and cigarettes can cause chronic persecution. And sometimes a foreign body gets into the throat - for example, a fish or meat bone - and thereby provokes a constant cough and discomfort.

Because the treatment will not be effective, and neither tablets nor folk recipes will help, until the provoking factor is eliminated.

Than to treat pershenie in a throat

Treatment is required complex - local remedies will soften and soothe the mucous membrane, and the drugs of systemic action will help to cope with the underlying disease.

In the first case, you can take pills and lozenges for resorption, rinse or inhalation from a sore throat. Such medications are popular.


This drug is available in the pharmacy in various pharmaceutical forms. In the form of a solution it is used for rinsing. They should be done after meals, three to four times a day. The duration of the procedure is 3-4 minutes. And the treatment itself can last up to ten days.

In the form of a spray, the drug is used twice a day, spraying it in the larynx for at least two seconds. The medicine can cause allergic reactions, if the mucosal edema becomes stronger, there is a rash, a cough intensifies, treatment should be stopped.


These tablets should not be absorbed until after fifteen minutes after ingestion. You can do the procedure up to five times a day. After taking the pill is not recommended to drink and eat for two hours to keep the effect of its action.


This drug belongs to the group of antibiotics. Dosage is determined in an individual order, as a rule, not more than 4 gr. per day, breaking this amount into several 250-mg doses.


It is prescribed today rarely, in those cases when the reception of other drugs is contraindicated because of individual patient intolerance to its components. Adults appoint 100-150 mg at a time up to six times a day. Take the pill should be no later than half an hour before meals.


This is a preparation in the form of a spray, Bioparox should be used to irrigate the oral cavity and larynx. The procedure is carried out up to five times a day, after meals. The course of treatment lasts about seven days.


This is a common and affordable antihistamine. It is used to treat cough and sore throat caused by allergies. First of all, you need to moisten the air in the room and eliminate the irritant. It is necessary to ventilate the rooms well. Tavegil is taken 1 mg twice daily before meals. The daily dose should not exceed 6 mg.

It is possible to reduce perspiration and sore throats with folk remedies. Such herbs and plants help:

  • Oak bark;
  • Chamomile;
  • Sage;
  • Tincture of calendula for gargling;
  • Thyme.

You can do rinses or inhalations for the throat, using folk remedies. But it is necessary to combine them with medicamental treatment, otherwise the effect will be short and the disease can go on into a chronic form.

What else should I do? Doctors recommend to follow a diet. To refuse it is necessary from salty, acidic, sharp dishes and drinks, too hot or cold, naturally, alcohol and cigarettes are now out of place.

Rinsings and other products from throat swelling

In the pharmacy, you can find a variety of means from persheniya in the throat. If the disease has just begun, you can try to cure it with folk remedies. If the herbs were ineffective, and the disease worsened, you should choose stronger medications.

For example, Angilex is very effective - it is a rinse solution, but it must be diluted before use. For a quarter of a glass of warm water you need to take two teaspoons of the solution. Before the procedure, rinse your mouth with plain clean water. Then use Angilex.

Rinses are done up to four times a day, the duration of the course of treatment is five days. An alternative is the drug Givalex. It is also a rinse solution, which must be diluted with water. In the package, along with the solution is a measuring cup. First, pour two teaspoons of the drug into the cup - 10 ml.

Then add another 50 ml of water at a temperature of 30-35 degrees. After that, the solution is ready for use. But it can not be done in advance, it must be used immediately.

For resorption it is convenient to use tablets that have softening, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Angissept and Septifril are popular. They are placed in the mouth and slowly dissolve until completely dissolved. Apply these drugs 4-6 times a day. The course of treatment does not exceed seven days.

It is convenient to carry aerosols for irrigation of the larynx - Ingalipt and Cameton. They are sprayed onto the mucosa for 1-2 seconds. Repeat the procedure can be up to four times a day.

Even very strong perspiration can be removed at home with inhalation. Of the folk remedies, soda or sea salt, a decoction of marigold and chamomile, an infusion of eucalyptus. You can buy Inhalar in pharmacies. This preparation is added to the inhaler or to a container of hot water. Do inhalation twice a day.

An approximate scheme of treatment of a sore throat: carrying out inhalations twice a day, resorption of pastilles or tablets throughout the day, if required - taking antibiotics in the dosage indicated by your doctor, or antihistamines means. It is recommended to observe a sparing diet and avoid bad habits.

What happens in the throat, will roll in the video in this article Elena Malysheva.

Sore throat: treatment. What medications help with perspiration in the throat?

Pershenie - unpleasant sensations in the back of the throat. The cause may be inhalation of dust, feathers and animal hair. Often, discomfort is a symptom of seasonal allergies to plant pollen. Even cold causes perspiration in the throat. Treatment with antibiotics is required if the "culprits" of discomfort are bacteria. Unpleasant sensations in the neck often haunt people suffering from reflux-esophagitis, a neurosis of the pharynx.

Why pershit in the throat?

There are medications that relieve unpleasant symptoms of sore throat, pharyngitis, flu, when there is itching, burning, sore throat. A survey will be required to prescribe adequate treatment. The fact is that the causes of persecution in the throat are very different:

  • infections of the upper respiratory tract (bacterial and viral);
  • throwing acid from the stomach into the upper part of the esophagus;
  • allergy to perfume, dust;
  • Pollinosis (hay fever);
  • diabetes;
  • neurosis of the pharynx;
  • smoking;
  • whooping cough;
  • stress.

Unpleasant sensations in the tonsils

It is easy to catch an infection in an unhealthy autumn or frosty winter, during epidemics. Mucous walls of the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx are sensitive to bacteria, viruses, fungi. If the matter is in bacteria, it helps to heal the disease, to eliminate dryness and sore throat treatment with antibiotics.

It should be noted that these symptoms are not always associated only with inflammatory processes. The true reason will help to establish a doctor. Medicamentous treatment in the case of bacterial and viral infections will avoid complications associated with the lower respiratory tract.

Sore throat infections

Local antiseptic medications facilitate the patient's condition. Produce such preparations usually in the form of sprays, lozenges for resorption, pastilles. Names of medicines from the sore throat, dispensed without a prescription: Ingalipt, Proposol, Septotelet, Falimint and others.

Soften the mucous of the mouth and pharynx rinsing with salt water. There are other simple home remedies that eliminate dryness and choking in the throat. Treatment of these symptoms, accompanied by a cough, includes the use of expectorants and mucolytic drugs. When throat is throttled, inhalations are performed with a nebulizer. A good therapeutic effect is obtained with the use of antimicrobial agents.

Persecution in the throat in children with whooping cough

The child approximately 8-9 times a year falls ill. From angina and acute respiratory disease, pertussis (coughing, tickling in the throat) should be distinguished. Treatment of an acute infectious disease is carried out in a hospital or at home, depending on the age and condition of the child. Pertussis stick (bacterium) first causes perspiration in the throat, runny nose and a slight cough. Symptoms that resemble a cold, after about two weeks, are replaced by a heavier condition. The disease is characterized by bouts of coughing, sometimes with vomiting.

Antibiotics in the initial period are used to suppress the activity of the pathogen, and not from the throat. Medications that reduce the unpleasant sensations in the throat are of an antiallergic nature. Appropriate antihistamines such as Suprastin, Tavegil, Pipolphen. To rinse the throat is used calcium chloride, which has anti-allergic effect. For oral administration, a doctor may prescribe calcium gluconate. If the diagnosis is "pertussis then it is necessary to ensure the absence of various factors causing coughing attacks in the room where the patient is located.

Neurosis of pharynx

Otolaryngologists are often visited by patients with complaints of perspiration in the throat, often a desire to clear their throat. Such people, their surroundings, are familiar with the specific sounds of "khe-khe as if a person had a lump in their throat. This condition can be a symptom of pharyngeal neurosis. Why pershit in the throat with this disease?

There is a violation of innervation of the larynx or pathology is associated with nerve endings in this organ. A person may not be bothered by other unpleasant sensations, only a sore throat and a dry cough. Folk remedies that relieve symptoms of pharyngeal neurosis - tea with mint and melissa, tincture of thyme.

Sore throat at night and stomach work

Heartburn, throwing the contents of the stomach into the throat - the unpleasant consequences of violations in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Persecution in the throat causes gastroenterological problems, in this case it is necessary to start treatment with drugs that increase the contractile efforts of the lower esophageal sphincter.

Reflux esophagitis is accompanied by the intake of acidic gastric juice in the esophagus. Hence - a burning sensation in the throat, pain behind the sternum, often arising at night, coughing in the morning. To get rid of reflux esophagitis means to be free of perspiration in the throat. Medications that help in this case belong to the prokinetic group. Examples of such drugs and active ingredients:

  1. "Motilium "Passagex "Motilak" - domperidone.
  2. "Itomed "Ganaton" - titled.
  3. "Trimedat" is trimebutin.

Those suffering from reflux esophagitis can take medicines that neutralize the acid or reduce its production of glands in the walls of the stomach. The following drugs belong to these groups: Ranitidine, Gistak, Famotidine, Omez, Lanzap, Zipantola, Sunpras, Pariet.

Allergic reactions

How to cure a perspiration in the throat, if this condition is caused by an allergy? A difficult question, considering the variety of manifestations of an insidious disease. The reaction of the body in the form of lacrimation, runny nose, itching of the skin, throat and coughing are caused by many factors. Let's name some of them:

  • food products, individual components in their composition;
  • Isolation of ticks inhabiting feathers and birds;
  • perfume compositions;
  • animal hair;
  • pollen.

Allergic reactions are dangerous with consequences such as laryngeal edema and asphyxiation, which is life-threatening. Antihistamines are prescribed in cases where perspiration in the throat arose in response to the effect of an allergen. In this case, you must definitely stop contact with an irritating object or substance. Medicinal products will help in cases when after exposure to an allergen pershit in the throat, cough. Treatment can be carried out with medications "Tsetrin "Zirtek "Suprastin "Tavegil".

Itching in the throat with fatigue of the vocal cords

Representatives of many professions have a lot to say: actors, teachers, announcers, politicians. A plentiful drink with honey softens the unpleasant symptoms caused by the peculiarities of the human occupation. It is recommended to protect the voice apparatus, to learn professional techniques that allow you not to strain it once again. If pershenie caused by fatigue of the vocal cords, it is better to avoid the sprays prescribed for angina. As an ambulance, itching in the throat is helped by mint candies, warm tea or milk with honey.

General rules for getting rid of a sore throat

Discomfort in the back of the pharynx, in the tonsils helps to eliminate the observance of simple recommendations:

  1. Take a plentiful warm drink, best of all herbal tea.
  2. Provide regular rest to the vocal cords.
  3. Keep the humidity in the room at 60%.
  4. Reduce the amount of spicy food, spices in the diet.
  5. Refuse from carbonated drinks, smoking, alcohol.

Dry cough and pershit throat: causes and treatment

If pershit throat, dry cough, treatment should be started immediately to avoid complications. Such symptoms occur quite often, and people are so used to them that they prefer self-treatment without consulting a doctor. Usually therapy is the reception of various candies, powders and tablets. People take them, not thinking about the reasons for which there is a dry cough and sore throat. And at the heart of these unpleasant symptoms can be very serious diseases that require careful treatment, although in many cases such symptoms are the result of damage to the mucous membrane.

External causes of development of the disease

Such manifestations as dry cough, perspiration and the sensation that the throat is sore have several causes.

Accommodation or long stay in a room with low humidity. The normal moisture index varies between 50-60%, but if it is less, the health of a person can be caused real damage. Only at first glance it seems that dry air delivers only a small discomfort. But the consequences of such an impact are much more serious. Skin covers, nasal mucous membranes and throat become dry. And this allows pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate inside, provoking various diseases. Mucus, present in the nasal cavity, has a bactericidal effect, and its viscous structure delays the dust and infections in it. Because of the drying of the pharynx, there is a sore throat, dry cough and perspiration. To eliminate this cause, you need to buy an air freshener or make it yourself. You will need large hooks and plastic cups. In the cups you need to pour the water and hang them on the batteries on the hooks.

Contaminated area of ​​permanent residence. Dust, dirt and emissions into the air of enterprise waste are everyday "delights" of life in a metropolis. People breathe this air every day, and for this reason in cities there are more people having a sore throat and coughing. The most common disease of the respiratory system of residents of large industrial cities has become asthma. The best means of getting rid would be moving to a small town or village where there are no large enterprises, and the air contains a minimum amount of dust. But if the place of residence can not be changed, then it is necessary to take measures to mitigate the impact of the environment. To do this, you should always have a bottle of water with you, you should drink water often, in small sips. This method will help to avoid excessive drying.

Smoking. Everyone knows about tobacco smoke, he was studied for a long time and came to disappointing conclusions. It has a harmful effect on the airways, throat and mouth. And there is only one way to eliminate the pain in the throat - to stop smoking.

Disease as a cause

Infections. Persification and dry cough can appear as a result of the activity of pathogens - viruses, allergens, fungi or bacteria. These microorganisms cause allergy, angina, pharyngitis or laryngitis. Such diseases require careful treatment, otherwise self-medication or complete absence of any measures can provoke the spread of the infection on all the airways. With pharyngitis, the mucous membranes become thinner so that you can see the vessels. To facilitate the condition, doctors recommend drinking up to 2 liters of water, applying rinsing and lubricating medications. When the disease is neglected, antibiotic treatment is necessary.

ARVI. The disease is seasonal in nature, it is considered a scourge of modernity. With the onset of cold days, many begin to contact hospitals with complaints of pain in the throat. Infectious viruses cause flu, viral infections. The disease is transmitted by airborne and by contact. When ARVI, when the throat and cough does not give rest, appoint rinses, special pastilles on grasses and plentiful drink.

Persecution due to oncology. Such symptoms can be evidence of the onset of cancer of the larynx. The first symptoms are similar to those of a normal SARS. Appear throatiness in the throat, dry cough, sore throat and perspiration. With the development of the disease there is a high probability of loss of voice, there is a violation of the swallowing reflex, a feeling that there is a foreign object in the throat that interferes. For the treatment of oncology, an important aspect is early diagnosis and, accordingly, early treatment. If these conditions are met, the cure will be easier and faster.

Throat neurosis. This disease is caused by disorders in the functioning of the central nervous system. Neurosis can develop due to paralysis, diseases of the spine, syphilis, brain tumors, with hysteria and neurasthenia.

Professional activity. Sore throat and perspiration often develop in employees of flour mills, libraries, archives, mine workers, etc. Such occupations assume work in territories with contaminated suspended particles of air. Getting rid of a cough can only be with the proper organization of workplaces and observance of sanitary norms. It is necessary to treat pain in the throat when it is grated and pershit. It helps to wear respirators and other devices that protect the respiratory tract. In some people, occupations are dangerous because of overexertion of the voice. In this case, immediately there are pains in the throat, it is persistent and squeamish. In severe cases, loss of voice may occur. If this happens, then you must strictly observe the silence regime. For the removal of symptoms, it is advisable to use rinsings, irrigation, preparations that soften and moisturize the mucous action.

Persecution may occur due to an allergic reaction. Allergens that cause dryness in the throat are plant pollen, dust, wool, mold and some foods. If you have an allergy, you need to contact an allergist. He will tell you what to treat such symptoms by first identifying the active allergen.


In rare cases, sore throat and perspiration arise from taking medication. The ingress of foreign objects, injuring the throat, can also cause unpleasant sensations. Such objects can become bones, a solid piece of food, etc.

Cough and sore throat treatment

Since there are many reasons for the appearance of these symptoms, there will also be several treatment options.It is important to first identify what caused the pain in the throat, and treat it, rather than the symptom itself.

  1. When treating a cough along with taking medications, you need to make sure that the inhaled air is clean and cool.
  2. To remove dryness you need to monitor the drinking regime, you need to drink warm water, in small sips.
  3. Decoctions and infusions of herbs for oral administration. The expediency and safety of such remedies will depend on the cause of the appearance of the cough. For example, with allergies, some herbs can only exacerbate a person's condition. Therefore, before using such drugs, you need to consult a doctor.
  4. Pershenie helps to remove the rinse with a decoction of chamomile, soda solution.
  5. If there is a sore throat and cough, treatment with warm milk and honey helps to soften the dry throat.

Preventive measures

To prevent the appearance of these unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to reduce the influence of factors in connection with which they appear.

It is difficult to prevent the development of diseases, but breathe clean air, wear respiratory protection at work related to dust, and monitor the humidity in the apartment - this easily executable things, observing which you can get rid not only of the cough itself, but also reduce the risk of getting pathogens causing various diseases into respiratory ways. Quitting smoking will also be a good preventive measure in the fight against coughing and sore throat.


With a large selection of folk remedies and recipes that are available for use at home, do not engage in self-medication. Cough and perspiration are just symptoms of a serious illness that can be detected only by a specialist during the examination and prompted than treated. And while there is an independent treatment of the symptom, the underlying disease continues to develop. In such cases as allergy and oncology, lost time can significantly start the disease, make it difficult to treat and worsen its results.

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