Nashatirno anisovyh drops from a cough as to accept

Narrative anise drops from a cough

Anise drops - a cough medicine well known in the past, is an effective tool in the fight against dry and wet cough. Many from childhood remember the taste of ammonia-anise drops, which were prescribed by a pediatrician for colds and bronchitis. And they always helped, after a few days the cough became productive.

The drug lacks a sugary and sweet taste, which is so sinned by modern cough syrups. Also the product does not contain harmful chemical additives, like tablets. And there are ammonia-anise drops are mere trifles. That's why it is difficult to find a drug in a pharmacy: pharmacologists are unprofitable to trade a cheap medicine.

Structure of the preparation

In the yellow bubble there is anise oil, ammonia and ethyl alcohol. The amount is 25 or 40 ml in the vial. Appearance means - a colorless or pale yellow liquid with the smell of anise or ammonia.

Action of the medicine

Nashatirno anise drops have an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the respiratory tract. The effectiveness of coughing is due to the constituent components, in the first place - anise oil.

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The essential oil of this plant holds an aromatic substance called anethole, which stimulates the separation of sputum, its progression through the bronchi, and also has an antiseptic effect. With the help of ammonia, sputum from dense liquor turns into liquid and is easily eliminated from the respiratory tract. Being in the complex, these substances help to cope with the following diseases:

  • Pharyngitis;
  • Tracheitis;
  • laryngitis
  • Bronchitis (acute and chronic);
  • Bronchopneumonia;
  • Whooping cough.

Narrow-anis drops can be taken with any cough, and the drug can be combined with other drugs that have an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

Additional Properties

Anise oil has a carminative effect, helps to cope with flatulence, and is also able to improve digestion.

Mode of application

Moist-anise drops are consumed 3 times a day. It should be noted that the drug can not be drunk in its pure form, otherwise it can cause irritation and burns of the gastric mucosa.

The instructions say that the drops should be diluted with clean water. Adults on admission will be enough to 50 ml of liquid, which dissolve 10-15 droplets. Children are prescribed as many drops per appointment as children. For example, if a child is 4 years old, he is given 4 drops 3 times a day.

Side effects

The medicine for treating a cough - ammonia-anise drops, as a rule, are well tolerated. Very rarely there is individual sensitivity, the instruction indicates the possibility of developing an allergic reaction, nausea or vomiting.


Since the agent can irritate the mucous membrane, it is not advisable to use drops with gastritis and peptic ulcer. The instruction advises not to apply the medicine to people whose profession requires increased attention, for example, to drivers of motor vehicles. With caution use the medicine for liver diseases, alcoholism, in the lactation period, with craniocerebral trauma.

Because the effect of the drug is aimed at diluting sputum, drops with anise oil can not be combined with cough suppressing tablets.

special instructions

Although amniotic anise drops are prescribed to children, starting from one year, it is necessary to take medicine at this age with caution, watching the reaction of the baby.

Drops are used exclusively in diluted form, during drinking, it is recommended to drink a lot of liquid.

Anise drops work perfectly in the complex therapy of cough, in combination with chest massage, inhalations, hot foot baths, plentiful warm drinking.

Anise Drops

It happens that expensive pharmacological drugs are less effective than long-proven cheap drugs. To these can be attributed anise drops with ammonia and ethyl alcohol. This combination medicine was used before everywhere as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant medication for various diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by attacks cough.

Application of anise drops

At the heart of this solution is anise oil and ammonia.

The first said component is a natural antiseptic, which effectively stimulates the secretory activity of the bronchi and promotes the excretion of sputum.

Ammonia, in turn, quickly dilutes mucus, makes it less viscous, which facilitates expectoration.

Interestingly, anise drops are good for dry cough. The drug reduces the severity of pain in the chest, facilitates the course of attacks, accelerates recovery.

Indications for the use of a medicament are considered to be the following diseases:

  • tracheitis;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • chronic, recurrent and acute bronchitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchiectatic disease;
  • laryngitis;
  • pleurisy.

Moreover, the drug solution helps fight cough with whooping cough. Also, the drops have secondary positive effects:

  • normalization of secretory activity of the stomach;
  • elimination of flatulence;
  • improvement of digestive processes;
  • increased gastric motility and intestinal motility.

How to take aniseed drops from a cough?

The standard dosage of the described preparation is 15 drops per 1 reception. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day. It is recommended that

solution together with sugar, dripping the indicated amount of the product into a cube of refined sugar.

The duration of the therapeutic course usually does not exceed 7-12 days, in some cases it is possible to prolong treatment until the disappearance of unpleasant clinical manifestations.

How to take aniseed drops to improve digestion?

With diarrheal disorders and abnormalities in the work of the stomach, doctors are advised to drink the medicine in a standard dosage (15 drops). But in this situation, you should reduce the frequency of medication. To normalize the digestive processes, it is enough to drink drops 1-2 times a day, depending on the intensity of the symptoms.

Narrative anise drops from a cough

Folk medicine has learned about the beneficial properties of ammonia-anise drops for a long time. Recognize this tool and adherents of traditional methods of treatment. The best ammonia anise drops help cough. They are so effective that they can easily compete with most modern, expensive means.

Composition of ammonia anise drops

Nashatno-anise drops are a unique combined expectorant. A huge advantage of it - in its naturalness. This preparation of vegetable origin, which includes:

  • ammonia;
  • essential oil of anise;
  • auxiliary substance - 90 percent ethyl alcohol.

A simple but very effective remedy is considered almost harmless and can be used even for treating cough in the youngest patients.

Use ammonia-anise drops can not only cough. This tool has other useful properties:

  • effectively removes inflammation in the upper respiratory tract;
  • produces an anesthetic effect (which is especially valuable with a strong dry cough);
  • knocks down the heat;
  • improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has antiseptic effect;
  • prevents excessive gassing.

If you apply ammonium anise drops during a cold, recovery is much quicker. The medicine can alleviate the condition of the patient even in the most severe forms of the disease.

How to take ammonia-anise drops?

Namatyr-anise drops are prescribed for the treatment of cough of different origin. Most often, the remedy is prescribed for such diagnoses:

  • bronchitis (in both acute and chronic form);
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • whooping cough.

Drops can be used as an independent medicine or, combined with other medicines.

The dosage and application of ammonia anise drops for each patient are selected individually. According to the same scheme of admission, the patient should drink 10-15 drops three to four times a day.

Take ammonia-anise drops in their pure form can not be in any case. They contain alcohol, and therefore even a small amount of the product can burn the mucous membrane. It is best to dilute the drops in the water. If desired, they can be mixed with a small amount of sugar.

Moist-anise drops can be used for inhalations. It is best to add them to the nebulizer.

Although this medicine is considered as safe as possible, there are some contraindications to its use:

  1. Nashytno-anise drops are contraindicated to people suffering from gastritis or peptic ulcer.
  2. It is very not recommended to take a remedy for those patients whose work requires increased attention.
  3. To choose a softer drug costs pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  4. With care, ammonia-anise drops should be taken to people who have liver problems. They can harm alcohol abusers.
  5. Doctors advise to wait with treatment for craniocerebral injuries.

Since ammonium anise drops contribute to liquefaction and excretion of sputum, they can not be drunk simultaneously with medications that suppress cough.

Analogs of ammonia anise drops

Absolutely identical to ammonia-anise drops do not exist. But, if necessary, they can be replaced with such drugs:

  • Chest fee;
  • Drops of Dr. Taiss;
  • Carmolis;
  • Pectusin;
  • Syrup of thyme or plantain;
  • Eucalyptus tincture or balm.

Cough drops

Different in composition drops from cough refer to pharmacological agents that are used in the treatment of cough - either for liquefaction sputum and facilitate its departure from the bronchi (with a wet, that is productive cough), or to suppress the cough center - if a cough dry.

Indications for use of drops of cough: ARD and SARS, pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngotracheitis, acute and chronic bronchitis of various etiologies, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, whooping cough.

Names of drops from cough prescribed for better sputum discharge with productive cough: drops, ammonia-anise, chest drops from cough, Bronchitis, Bronchosan, Gedelix. ATX Code R05C A10.

The names of drops of cough, which are recommended for use with a dry (non-productive) cough: Sinekod, Stoptussin. ATX Code R05D B13.


The expectorant effect of ammonia-anise drops is provided by active substances - essential oil from anise seeds and ammonia solution (aqueous ammonia liquor). Anise oil contains antiseptic properties of phenolic compounds - aromatic ether anethole (1-methoxy-4-propenylbenzene) and its isomer para-allyl anisole, as well as organic carboxylic acids (propionic and oil). A solution of ammonia acts not only on the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract, but also on the nerve endings, reflexively stimulating the respiratory center and expectoration of phlegm.

Pharmacodynamics Breast drops from cough (identical to Thoracic elixir) are provided by the same anise oil and ammonia solution, stimulating the secretory function of the mucosa upper respiratory tract, as well as an extract of licorice root (licorice root naked), which contains saponins and glycyrrhizic acid, which help cough and coughing up. In addition, flavonoid licorice glabridin removes inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Combined expectorant Bronchipret facilitates the withdrawal of sputum due to the combined action of the active substances of the drug: extract of thyme herb (terpenes, phenols and flavonoids of essential oil) and tincture of ivy leaves (containing saponins and organic acid).

The mechanism of pharmacological action by a drop of cough Bronchosan is based on the components of the drug - bromhexine and essential oils of anise, fennel, oregano, eucalyptus and peppermint. Bromhexine provides the drug expectorant effect and mucolytic (reducing the viscosity of bronchial secretions) effect. And essential oils - in addition to analgesic and relieving spasms - contribute to the relief of breathing, a decrease in the intensity of cough and a decrease in the inflammation of bronchial mucous membranes caused by staphylococcal infection.

Farmakodinamika drop Gedelix caused by hederin, saponins and organic acids extract of ivy leaves (Hedera helix L.), which contribute to the separation, design and removal of mucus from the respiratory tract of the bronchi and lungs.

Drops Sinecode affects the cough center of the medulla oblongata and depresses the cough reflex; active ingredient of the preparation butamyrate - 2- (2- (diethylamino) ethoxy) ethyl 2-phenylbutyrate dihydrogen also increases the clearance of the bronchi, facilitating breathing and excretion of the accumulated mucus.

Drops from cough Stoptussin on pharmacological action are referred to complex means, as in their composition except suppressive coughing of butramate, there is guaifenesin - a sputum-reducing glycerol ester of 2-methoxyphenol (glycerin guaiacolate). Guaifenesin is rapidly absorbed into bronchial mucosa, destroys acid mucopolysaccharides of mucus, which leads to an increase in sputum production. And its excretion is accelerated due to irritation of the ciliary epithelium of the bronchi with phenolic compounds of guaiacolate.


It should be noted that the pharmacokinetics of many drops used to treat cough are not represented by drug manufacturers.

The pharmacokinetics of Bronchosan, according to the official instruction, are described only on the basis of absorption and transformation bromhexine, which is rapidly absorbed into the blood from the digestive tract, reaching the highest concentration in the blood plasma 60 minutes after reception. Splitting occurs in the liver with the formation of an active metabolite of ambroxol, which exerts an expectorant effect. Excretion - through almost and intestines.

Butamyrate in drops Sinecod and Stopptsin is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, enters the bloodstream and binds to proteins. Biotransformation of butamirate begins in the blood plasma - with the formation of pharmacologically active metabolites analogous to the effect on the body. Metabolites are excreted in the urine for 12 hours.

Metabolism of guaifenesin in drops Stopptissin passes in the liver, biotransformation products are excreted in urine by the kidneys, and also with phlegm through the lungs.

Use of drops of cough during pregnancy

In the treatment of cough in pregnant women to apply ammonia-anise drops, chest drops from cough, drops Gedelix is ​​prohibited. Drops Bronchitis during pregnancy is not recommended.

The use of Bronchosan, Stoptussin and Sinekod drops in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation is contraindicated, the decision on the expediency of taking this medication on Later, the doctor takes the doctor - according to the indications, but taking into account that the active substances of these drugs penetrate the BBB and can affect the development the fetus.

Contraindications for use

The main contraindications to the use of a drop of cough:

  • droplets of ammonia-anise - increased acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcer, age up to three years;
  • Breast drops from cough - high blood pressure, liver and kidney function, hypokalemia, severe obesity, age under 12;
  • Bronchitis - age up to 6 years;
  • Bronchosan - severe renal or hepatic insufficiency, gastric and duodenal ulcers, liver cirrhosis, alcoholism, age of up to three years;
  • Gedelix - bronchial asthma, children's age of up to two years;
  • Sinecode - pulmonary hemorrhage, age to two years;
  • Stoptussin - cardiac arrhythmia, myocarditis, increased blood pressure, peptic ulcer exacerbation, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, glaucoma.

Side effects of drops of cough

In official instructions, the following most likely side effects of cough drops are noted:

  • drops of ammonia-anise can lead to a decrease in heart rate, irritation of the gastric mucosa and vomiting;
  • Breast drops from cough provoke allergic reactions, bronchospasm, nausea and vomiting, can cause swelling and increased blood pressure;
  • Bronchypret drops give skin allergic reactions in the form of rashes and itching, cause bouts of nausea;
  • Bronchosan - in addition to itching and allergic rhinitis, there may be nausea, vomiting and activation of liver enzymes;
  • When using Gedelix drops, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea may occur, abdominal pain is not excluded;
  • Drops Sinecod and Stoptussin can cause allergic skin rashes, headache and dizziness, nausea and diarrhea. In addition, a long reception of Stopsussin often causes epigastric pain.

Dosing and Administration

Cough drops are taken internally. Recommended dosage of ammonia-anise drops: for adults - 3-4 times a day for 10-15 drops (dilute in 50 ml of water); for children - one drop for each year of life (children under 1 year - one drop) - three times a day.

Dosage Breast drops from cough: from 20 to 40 drops per reception 3-4 times per day (dilute in a small amount of water, take half an hour before or one hour after a meal).

The standard single dose of Gedelix is ​​30 drops (after meals) - adults and children after 10 years (three doses per day), children 4-10 years - 20 drops, 2-4 years - 15 drops.

Adult adults need to take Bronchipret up to four times a day (after meals) - 35-40 drops per session; single dose for children 7-11 years - 10-15 drops, 12-17 years - 20-25 drops. The drops are diluted in 100 ml of water.

Recommended doses Bronchosan: adults and children after 6 years - four times a day for 20 drops, children 2-6 years for 10 drops (in diluted form, 25-30 minutes before meals).

Drops Sinekod and Stopoutsin also should be dissolved in water and take: adults and children over two years - 20-25 drops (four times a day).

Overdose Breast drops from coughing can increase the manifestations of side effects; at long application in the raised doses the deficiency of a potassium in an organism can arise.

Exceeding the recommended doses of Bronchipret and Gedelix may cause vomiting and disruption of the bowel; overdose Bronchosan - increased side effects; drop Stopptsin and Sinekod - dizziness, lower blood pressure, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Interactions with other drugs

Manufacturers of these drugs pay attention to interactions with other drugs.

Breast drops from coughing strengthen the action of certain diuretics and laxatives, which can cause a violation electrolyte balance; These cough drops should not be taken concomitantly with antibiotics and nitrofurans.

Drops Bronchipret and Bronchosan with parallel administration of antibiotics or sulfonamides increase their concentration in the respiratory tract and bronchial tissues.

Drops from the cough of Stoptopsin increase the effect of acetylsalicylic acid and all drugs containing it, and also potentiate the effect of medications, muscle relaxants, sleeping pills and alcohol.

Conditions for storing drops from cough: in a dark place, at room temperature (not higher than + 25-27 ° C.

Shelf life: drops ammonia-anise, chest drops from cough - 3 years; Bronchipret, Bronhosan - 2 years; Geleliks - 2 years (the printed bottle is allowed to be stored no longer than 6 months); Sinecode and Stopoutsin - 5 years.

'Nashatno-anisovye drops' is a preparation of expectorant action.

"Nashatirno - anise drops" are used for coughing, it is a combined preparation with an expectorant property. The composition of the product includes active components: anise oil and ammonia.

Anise oilpromotes stimulation of the secretion of the bronchial glands. In addition, the component improves digestion, has carminative and antiseptic effects. In the process of treatment with the drug "Nashatirno anisovyi droplet patients have improved digestive organs, disappearing flatulence (swelling of the intestine).Ammoniahas the property of liquefaction and secretion of phlegm upon coughing.

"Nashatno - anise drops." Application of the drug

Indications for the use of the drug are the following: complex treatment of respiratory diseases (tracheitis, pharyngitis, pediatric whooping cough, bronchopneumonia, chronic and acute bronchitis).

"Nashatno - anise drops." Instruction on composition

The drug contains active ingredients: anise oil, ammonia solution. The auxiliary is ethanol. The drug is a colorless, transparent or slightly yellowish liquid with a pronounced anise and ammonia odor. The manufacturer of drops is the Ukrainian pharmaceutical factory.

Contraindications to the use of an expectorant

"Moist - anise drops" are not prescribed in case of individual intolerance of the components of the formulation. With extreme caution, you should treat the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding of the baby. Before use, consult a physician. The specialist will analyze the severity of the woman's illness and give recommendations on taking the medicine taking into account the degree of risk to the fetus.

Drops have a negative effect on the reaction rate during the control of vehicles and other mechanisms. In connection with this factor, "Moist-anise drops" should not be taken while driving and during work, which requires quick reaction and concentration of attention.

It is not recommended to prescribe medication to small children (up to one year). After reaching a child of one-year age, the remedy is applied only on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

Dosage and method of application of expectorant drops

The preparation is administered inside: to children aged one to two years in the amount of 1-2 drops. They must be diluted in a teaspoon of liquid. Children between the ages of three and four show 3-4 drops of the drug, diluted in a tablespoon of liquid. When the child reaches the age of five to six years, the dosage of the drug increases to 5-6 drops. Further the dose varies similarly to the age of the child.

Adult patients and children over 14 years of age are prescribed from 10 to 15 drops, diluted in a tablespoon of liquid. Reception of the drug should be done three to four times a day. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease, the speed of the effect achieved.

"Nashatirno - anise drops" can be prescribed in complex treatment with other preparations of expectorant properties: alteum, thermopsis. In addition, if necessary, the drug is taken with antibiotics and other anti-inflammatory drugs.

Side effects

In most cases, the drug is normally tolerated by patients. Rarely CNS depression (central nervous system), short excitation, allergic reactions in the form of a rash on the skin, nausea, vomiting, spasm of the bronchi are noted.

Interaction with other medicines

Preparations with the content of althea, thermopsis enhance the effect of "Ambush - anise drops". The remedy is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

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