Antibiotics for chronic bronchitis

Antibiotics for bronchitis

Antibiotics for bronchitis are selected after a thorough examination, examination and all necessary tests by the treating doctor.

Bronchitis is a common disease, both among children and among older people; in recent years, the disease has become chronic in the population. In an adult, the signs of the disease manifest themselves differently depending on certain factors. Before you start treating the disease, you need to determine the cause that led to the disease. Unfortunately, modern doctors prescribe antibiotics at random, according to the principle of "no more will be." However, with some forms of bronchitis, the use of antibiotics only hinders recovery. Bronchitis of a viral origin and without antibiotics is well treatable, since viruses are not destroyed by antibacterial agents. When treating viral bronchitis with antibiotics, depression of immunity begins, dysbacteriosis, allergic reactions, bacteria develop resistance to the drug.

With bronchitis in acute form, the focus of inflammation in the bronchi develops due to ingestion of viruses or infection. If before the disease in humans in the lungs there were no pathological processes, in 95% of the bronchitis was caused by viruses. At a bronchitis of the acute form of a virus origin antibiotics are not obligatory. If a person has a strong immune system, then treatment of a disease of staphylococcal, streptococcal, pneumococcal infection is predominantly symptomatic, recovery is an average of two of the week. If the defenses of the body are weakened, antibiotics must be taken. Acute bronchitis is manifested by a strong cough, pain in the chest, increased body temperature. Most of the patients recover fairly quickly (within two weeks), in some cases, cough lasts about a month.

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Chronic bronchitis is considered if the disease occurs throughout the year often enough (the total number of days of illness for a year exceeds 90). At a chronic bronchitis of the person excruciates a strong cough with allocation of slime. Such a cough can be associated with harmful working conditions, smoking, allergic manifestations, infections in the upper respiratory tract. With exacerbations or repeated diseases, treatment is carried out with antibacterial drugs in combination with expectorants.

In a separate category there are bronchitis of Chlamydia and Mycoplasma origin. Recently, bronchitis, provoked by bacteria of chlamydia and microplasma, is diagnosed more often. The development of the disease is very slow, accompanied by signs of intoxication, the disease proceeds in a protracted form, with frequent relapses, treatment such bronchitis succumb extremely hard. In addition to a person's strong cough, fever, high fever, and muscle pains are excruciating.

Antibiotics for pregnant women with bronchitis

The frequency of bronchitis in pregnant women is quite high. This is primarily due to a weakened immune system that is unable to resist viruses and infections. The development of bronchitis begins as a manifestation of the common cold (weakness, temperature). After a few days, a dry cough begins, and after a couple of days sputum begins to appear from the bronchi. It is extremely important for a future mother to take their health seriously, because this threatens with various (sometimes quite serious) complications for the child. If there is a suspicion that the bronchitis is developing, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The excretion of sputum from the lungs in pregnant women is difficult, since the mobility of the diaphragm is reduced, and it is in a raised state. A long time stagnating in the bronchi sputum prolongs the term of the disease, in addition, this state is extremely harmful for the future mother, and for her baby. If in total the disease lasted no more than two weeks, most likely, the disease proceeded in acute form, but if the treatment lasted for a month or more - it means that the disease became chronic shape. Acute bronchitis has no harmful effect on the future baby, but a long chronic form of the disease can lead to intrauterine infection of the fetus. After the examination and all tests confirmed the diagnosis of bronchitis, treatment of a woman should be started as soon as possible.

X-rays to pregnant women are prescribed only in extreme cases, when the doctor has doubts about the correct diagnosis, the disease is accompanied by a very serious condition of the woman, a variety of complications. Antibiotics for bronchitis are prescribed quite often, but the use of such potent drugs for women in period of pregnancy is not recommended, especially during the first three months you need to exclude any medicinal preparations. As a rule, antibiotics are prescribed to pregnant women in extreme cases, when mothers are threatened with serious complications. In the event that it is not possible to dispense with antibiotics, preparations from a number of penicillins, which can be used in the treatment of pregnant women, are prescribed. These drugs virtually eliminate the possibility of harm to the child. If a woman is in the second trimester, then the use of cephalosporin group drugs is possible.

With bronchitis in acute form, you can use Bioporox - a local antibiotic with which inhalations are carried out. This agent acts directly in the respiratory tract, therefore, the possibility of penetration through the placenta is completely excluded, which is extremely important for a woman in the position.

List of antibiotics for bronchitis


  • amoksiklav;
  • amoxicillin;
  • arlet;
  • augmentin.

Antibiotics of this series are destructive to the walls of bacteria, their action is directed only at harmful microorganisms, and there is no harm to the body as a whole. The only drawback of such drugs is that penicillins are capable of provoking strong allergic reactions.


  • Macropen;
  • sumamed.

Block the multiplication of microbes due to disruption of protein production in cells.


  • ofloxacin;
  • levofloxacin;
  • moxifloxacin.

Antibiotics for bronchitis of a wide spectrum of action, their frequent use leads to disruption of the digestive tract, provokes dysbiosis.


  • ceftriaxone;
  • cefazolin;
  • cephalexin.

Antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action, well cope with microorganisms resistant to penicillins. Preparations of this group are usually well tolerated by patients, in very rare cases cause allergic reactions.

Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults

Antibiotics for bronchitis in older people often have a major importance in the treatment of the disease. First of all, anti-infectious agents with antibacterial effect are used: rovamycin, flemoxin, chemomycin, azithromycin.

In second place is a cephalosporin group of antibiotics: suprax, ceftriaxone, cefazolin, cefepime. Such antibiotics are used in light and medium course of the disease, mainly in the form of tablets. Severe stages of the disease are treated with injections, in some cases it is advisable to use combination therapy combining injections and taking tablets. With bronchitis of viral origin, antiviral agents such as vifron, kipferon, geneferon, and the like are used. It is also necessary to take expectorants (ACS, lazolvan, bromhexine, etc.). If you suffer from dyspnea, you can use bronchodilators: teopek, euphyllin, berodual, salbutamol, etc. Also, treatment should be supplemented with vitamin preparations to strengthen the defenses of the body.

If antibiotics are prescribed without sputum analysis, preference is given to broad-spectrum antibiotics, usually penicillin or a protected penicillin group. The most commonly prescribed is augmentin from the group of protected penicillins, which has a disastrous effect on most bacteria that are unable to develop resistance to this drug. Augmentin is available in the form of tablets, injections, suspensions. The drug in the form of a suspension is convenient to use for the treatment of small children, this drug can also be used in pregnancy. Safety of use of the drug in childhood and pregnant women has been proved by numerous studies.

Also, antibiotic preparations of the macrolide group, for example, azithromycin, have a good therapeutic effect. Preparations are convenient to use, since it is required to be taken once, besides the course of treatment is not very long, 3 to 5 days.

However, the appointment of an antibiotic should be carried out taking into account the identified pathogens of the disease, on the basis of bacteriosives (sputum analysis).

Antibiotics for bronchitis in children

For the treatment of such a disease as bronchitis in children, drugs that improve drainage of the bronchi, i. a variety of mucolytic agents (liquefying phlegm): ambroxol, licorice root, althea, etc. Recently, inhalers have become very popular with the help of a special inhalation device - a nebulizer, which can be used at home.

Antibiotics for bronchitis in children are often prescribed together with antiallergic and immunomodulating drugs. Its effectiveness and safety for children was proved by the phytoantibiotic Umkalor, which includes bacteriostatic properties. This drug is well suited for the final cure of the disease, after using more powerful antibiotics, since the drug has good immunostimulating properties. Umcalor is recommended to take at least a week after the disappearance of the main symptoms of the disease for prevention.

It is mandatory to take funds aimed at maintaining and restoring the intestinal microflora in order to prevent the development of dysbiosis and weakening of the body's defenses. If treatment is started in a timely manner and an effective course of treatment is chosen, recovery occurs in 2 to 3 weeks.

Antibiotics for chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis develops a change in the bronchial mucosa. Characteristic signs of bronchitis is sputum for more than two consecutive years, frequent prolonged exacerbations of the disease (at least three months a year). With chronic bronchitis there are stages of exacerbation and remission. In case of exacerbations, usually, the patient's extremely difficult condition is observed, in which he is forced to seek qualified help. In such periods, people suffer severe attacks of cough, weakness, increased sweating, fever. Periods of remission are accompanied by regular sputum discharge when coughing, which does not greatly affect a person's daily life. With chronic bronchitis, mucous ulcers get purulent sputum, sometimes bloody impurities appear.

The chronic form of bronchitis is most often sick at an older age, young people and children usually suffer the disease in a protracted form, with frequent relapses.

Antibiotics for bronchitis should be prescribed only after determining the sensitivity of pathogens to the active substance. Exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease can occur with the activity of chlamydia, legionella, and microplasmas. In this case, effective drugs for the treatment of the disease are antibiotics of the macrolide group (azithromycin, rovamycin). If the causative agent is Gram-positive coccal bacteria, antibiotics of the cephalosporin series are prescribed, with Gram-negative coccal infection - preparations of the last generation.

Good efficacy in the treatment of chronic forms of bronchitis are shown by antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action, tetracyclines, macrolides, etc.

Antibiotics for acute bronchitis

The causative agents of the acute form of bronchitis are mainly rhinovirus infections, respiratory-sentient viruses, influenza viruses, and the like. Bacterial pathogens of the disease are most often mycoplasmas, chlamydia. The culprits of acute bronchitis are viruses in 90% of cases, in the remaining 10% - bacteria. Also, acute bronchitis can develop as a result of prolonged exposure to poison gas or chemical compounds.

When acute form of bronchitis appears cough with the discharge of mucous sputum (sometimes with an admixture of pus), fever, weakness. In some patients, cough lasts about a month.

Antibiotics for bronchitis, which occurs in acute form, in most cases, use is undesirable, because the disease is most often caused by a viral infection, in which antibiotic therapy is ineffective. Treatment of bronchitis in acute form is mostly symptomatic (antipyretic, antitussive, vitamin preparations). If bronchitis has developed as a result of influenza virus, treatment is advisable to carry out antiviral drugs.

In some cases, the use of antibacterial drugs for bronchitis is still a necessity. First of all, these are people in old age and small children, since they have an increased risk of developing severe complications (exacerbation of chronic disease, pneumonia). Usually, in such cases, amoxicillin (500 mg three times a day), josamycin (500 mg three times a day), spiramycin (2 times a day for 3 million IU), erythromycin (500 mg four times a day) is prescribed in such cases.

Antibiotics for obstructive bronchitis

Obstructive bronchitis is accompanied by a dry obtrusive cough that lasts almost without stopping, usually arises, and after coughing, there is no relief. Cough often intensifies at night, thus preventing a person from resting, the first time the body temperature is not increased. The usual symptoms of the disease (weakness, headache, fever) are practically not observed. In most cases, dyspnea appears in the disease, difficulty breathing, small children often widen the wings of the nose when trying to breathe, while breathing noisy, with hissing sounds.

The course of obstructive bronchitis occurs in acute or chronic form. Diseases in the acute form are most often affected by children, chronic - adults and elderly people.

Antibiotics for bronchitis of the obstructive form are appointed after a bacterial infection is detected. The usual means used for treatment are fluoroquinolones, aminopenicillins, macrolides. With an exhausting cough that does not give the patient a full rest, an erespal is prescribed (usually one tablet twice a day).

Antibiotics for purulent bronchitis

The development of a purulent form of the disease usually occurs due to the initially incorrect treatment of the acute form of the disease. With bronchitis, sputum analysis is rarely prescribed for sensitivity, and in most cases, drugs with a wide spectrum of action are immediately prescribed. Usually this kind of treatment is effective. Together with antibiotics, thinner phlegm and antiallergic drugs are prescribed. A number of complications are caused by the viral nature of the disease, in this case, antibiotics for bronchitis are completely ineffective, since their effect does not apply to viruses. With such treatment, the disease progresses, and passes into a more severe form, most often into a purulent one. With purulent bronchitis, sputum appears with purulent impurities.

Treatment of the disease should be done after the mandatory determination of microflora and its sensitivity to antibiotics. Good efficacy in the treatment of purulent forms of bronchitis show inhalation.

Natural antibiotics for bronchitis

Natural antibiotics in bronchitis are not able to completely replace drugs, but they can fully protect the body from of most infections, to strengthen immunity (in contrast to chemical), besides natural remedies do not destroy microflora in the intestine and do not provoke a dysbacteriosis.

For a long time people knew the products and plants that had anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties during treatment. One of the most famous strong antibiotics of natural origin is garlic. It well destroys viruses, bacteria, parasites, penetrating into our body. Garlic acts fatal to such bacteria as Styrmococcus, Staphylococcus, Salmonella, diphtheria, tuberculosis. In total, garlic fights with 23 different bacteria.

Onion is also a widely known powerful natural antibiotic that helps stop the reproduction of sticks of dysentery, diphtheria, tuberculosis, streptococcal, staphylococcal infections. The aroma of onion helps cleanse the airways.

The root of horseradish contains lysozyme, which destroys the cellular structure of bacteria, thereby eliminating the infection.

Black radish acts destructively on cells of microorganisms. In combination with honey, it has a strong bactericidal effect. In addition, it helps to strengthen the defenses of the body, weakened by the disease.

Garnet has strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, since ancient times pomegranate was used to treat typhoid fever, salmonellosis, colitis, stomach diseases, non-healing wounds, dysentery, cholera, sore throat. Substances in the pomegranate function in the human body selectively, in contrast to chemicals, and destroy only pathogens.

Raspberry has long been known for its sweating, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties, besides, it has a good soothing effect. Raspberries are especially effective for diseases of the throat, bronchi, and the like.

Kalina has good bactericidal properties, successfully destroys various fungi, bacteria, viruses, and also increases immunity. But the viburnum can not be taken continuously, it is recommended as a prophylaxis of seasonal diseases (in the autumn-winter period).

In honey contains all important for our body trace elements. It helps to cope with various diseases, in particular caused by bacterial infections.

The composition of propolis is rich in essential oils, flavonoids, flavonoids, organic acids. Scientists have repeatedly argued that propolis is effective in fighting a variety of pathogenic microorganisms. Propolis has no contraindications and side effects (except for individual intolerance), in addition, microorganisms do not develop resistance to it.

Aloe - a long-known medicinal plant, which is popular in our days. In scarlet, except for a multitude of trace elements, vitamins, etc., there is one substance that has a strong antiviral, antiseptic, antifungal effect. In addition, scarlet increases the body's defenses and helps cope with serious diseases.

Mumiye in its principle of action resembles propolis. Scientists have already been shown the presence in the mummy of an antibiotic, which is superior in strength to the effects of penicillin. The solution mummy destroys E. coli, staphylococcus and other pathogenic microorganisms. Take mummies should be a course of no more than 10 days, because there is a strong stimulating effect.

In the composition of chamomile is a large number of essential oils, which have a good anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect on the human body. Also in the composition of chamomile are various acids, glucose, carotene, which are very useful for human health. Modern science has recognized the chamomile as one of the few plants that help a person effectively combat gastrointestinal diseases, nervous disorders, colds, etc. Camomile is also a strong antiseptic and has expectorant properties.

Calendula has a wide variety of uses. Its antibacterial properties of calendula is due to the essential oil entering into its composition. Infusion and flowers of calendula is usually well tolerated by people prone to allergic reactions.

Sage is one of the strong natural antibiotics, which has antiseptic and antiviral properties. Sage has proven itself as an additional remedy in the treatment of diseases that cause various viral and bacterial infections. It is very effective against gram-positive microorganisms (enterococci, staphylococci, etc.).

Essential oils of plants such as sage, cloves, tea tree, fir, lavender, mint, etc. are natural antibiotics that destroy bacteria, viruses, fungi and inhibit the reproduction of microbes.

A good antibiotic for bronchitis

Antibiotics for bronchitis are used in several groups:

  • aminopenicillins - act destructively on the walls of bacteria, thus causing the death of microorganisms. Of this group, amoxicillin is often prescribed. The human body does not have components that are similar in structure to the bacterial cell walls, so preparations of this group act solely on microbes and do not have a harmful effect on the body rights. But penicillin antibiotics are more likely than other drugs to provoke severe allergic reactions.
  • macrolides - disrupt the production of protein in bacterial cells, as a result, bacteria lose their ability to reproduce. A wide spread of azithromycin, roxithromycin. If the nature of the disease is protracted, drugs of this group can be treated for a long time, without fear that the medicine will harm the body. This group of drugs can be used in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation.
  • fluoroquinolones - break the DNA of bacteria, which leads to their death. Usually moxifloxacin, levofloxacin is prescribed. Preparations of this group show a good result in the treatment of various forms of bronchitis, but they are quite expensive. Fluoroquinolones have a wide spectrum of action (an order of magnitude greater than macrolides and aminopenicillins), therefore, with prolonged reception, the development of dysbacteriosis is provoked.

Antibiotics from which group is better, it is rather difficult to say. The drugs of the first line (ie those that the doctor appoints first) are penicillin antibiotics. With individual intolerance or expressed resistance of microorganisms to penicillins, second-line drugs - macrolides are used. If, for some reason, macrolide antibiotics are not effective in treating bronchitis, they switch to fluoroquinolones. Usually, treatment is limited to only three of the above groups of antibiotics, but in some cases, tetracyclines, cephalosporins can be used. In different clinical situations, a drug is selected that is optimally suited to specific conditions, taking into account the analyzes, the patient's condition and the severity of the disease.

Sumamed with bronchitis

Sumamed is used in the treatment of various infectious-inflammatory diseases. This drug belongs to the group of macrolides, it is well absorbed into the digestive tract, it has a good ability to penetrate into the blood and bacteria cells. In particular, the preparation penetrates into the cells responsible for immunity, which contributes to its rapid entry into the focus of the infection, where it destroys the causative agents of the disease. In the focus of inflammation, a sufficiently high concentration of the drug is observed, for a long time, not less than three days, which reduced the course of treatment. Sumamed is prescribed a course three days once a day (500 mg), an hour before meals or two hours later. This antibiotic is active against a large number of pathogens of the upper respiratory tract, ENT organs, soft tissues and skin, joints, bones, as well as against ureaplasma, mycoplasmal, chlamydial infections, which are difficult to cope with treatment.

Antibiotics for bronchitis should be prescribed only after preliminary examination of excreta (sputum) on the sensitivity of bacteria. However, in practice, antibacterial drugs with a broad spectrum of action, such as sumamed, are usually immediately prescribed, and if after the analysis it is established that the bacteria are insensitive to this type of antibiotic, the doctor changes it to another antibacterial a drug.

Usually sumamed by patients is well tolerated and does not cause side reactions if all the necessary admission rules are followed. However, adverse reactions still occur in rare cases (as with any other medication): nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. In the intestine, irritation is not caused by the drug itself, but by a conditionally pathogenic microflora inhabiting the intestine of a person who begins an active life after the destruction of a beneficial microflora. Also intensify the activity of Candida fungus, which threatens the development of candidomycosis (thrush) of the oral cavity, intestines, genital organs and other mucous membranes. Also, Sumamed can disrupt the liver, nervous system (lethargy, insomnia, dizziness, increased excitability, etc.).

In general, sumamed is an effective drug that must be applied correctly and accurately.

Augmentin with bronchitis

Augmentin inhibits the growth of bacteria and acts destructively on microorganisms. The drug refers to the semisynthetic antibiotics of the aminopenicillin group, contains clavulanic acid, which enhances the action of the basic substance. Antibiotic preparation is made in the form of injections, drops, tablets, powder for suspensions. Due to a wide spectrum of action, the drug is used in the treatment of most inflammatory infections caused by bacteria that do not develop resistance to penicillins. Despite the fact that augmentin refers to penicillin antibiotics, its effect on microorganisms is enhanced by clavulanic acid, which blocks the action of beta-lactamase, produced by microorganisms to suppress activity penicillins. As a result, augmentin is effective against a greater number of bacteria than other antibiotics in the bronchitis of the penicillin group.

Adverse reactions in the treatment of augmentin develop quite rarely, in some cases, the emergence of dysbiosis, violations of the liver, nausea, urticaria. Very rarely can anaphylactic shock occur. Do not prescribe augmentin for individual intolerance to penicillins, with hepatic or renal failure, during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester).

The dosage of the drug depends on the patient's condition, the individual sensitivity of the microflora, the age of the patient. For young children (up to a year), the drug is prescribed three times in the form of drops per day for 0, 75 or 1, 25ml. In severe cases, intravenous injections are given every 8 hours. Children 7 - 12 years are prescribed a drug in the form of a syrup or suspension of 5 ml 3 times a day. Children over 12 years of age and adults with a mild and moderate course of the disease are recommended to take the drug three times in the form of tablets per day (by, 75 mg). In severe bronchitis it is recommended to take three times a day, 25 mg (2 tablets). If the hepatic function, the individual dosage of the drug is determined by the attending physician.

Amoxiclav in bronchitis

Amoxiclav is a combined preparation with a wide spectrum of action, it acts perniciously on the majority of microorganisms-pathogens of infectious diseases. Produced by the drug, like many other antibiotics for bronchitis in various forms: tablets, injections, drops and suspensions. The dosage of the drug depends on the age, body weight, severity of the disease. The recommended dose for an adult is 1 tablet three times a day.

Amoxiclav contains an antibiotic of the penicillin series (amoxicillin) and clavulanic acid, which also has a slight antibacterial effect. Due to this, the drug is effective against bacteria that are resistant to penicillin.

Amoxiclav is well absorbed into the digestive tract, penetrates into the blood, from which it enters various tissues, and it also has the ability to penetrate the placenta. The drug is excreted mainly by the kidneys, decomposing into metabolic products. Usually the drug is well tolerated by patients and has virtually no contraindications. You can not use amoxiclav for individual intolerance, violations of the liver, with lymphocytic leukemia, infectious mononucleosis, in children under 12 years (in the form of tablets). After taking the drug in some cases, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and headaches may occur, rarely convulsions appear. Also, the drug has the ability to reduce the defenses of the body.

New generation antibiotics for bronchitis

Antibiotics for bronchitis are usually prescribed with a wide range of effects, although the choice of drugs should depend on the results of a laboratory study of sputum. The best way to treat the disease will be that which has a disastrous effect directly on the causative agent of the disease. This approach to treatment is due to the fact that laboratory analysis takes quite a long time (3-5 days), and treatment should be started as early as possible in order to avoid complications.

In bronchitis, the following groups of antibacterial drugs are used:

  • penicillins - the composition includes penicillin and substances that enhance their effect. Penicillin drugs have been used in medicine for quite some time. During this period, microorganisms acquired resistance to the action of penicillin, so it became necessary to strengthen the drugs special substances that will block the action of enzymes produced by microorganisms to reduce activity penicillin. Currently, the most effective antibacterial drugs of the penicillin series are panclav, amoxiclav, augmentin.
  • macrolides - are usually prescribed when there is an individual penicillin intolerance. Today, erythromycin and clarithromycin are widely used for the treatment of bronchitis.
  • Cephalosporins are usually prescribed for obstructive forms of the disease. Modern effective drugs are ceftriaxone, cefuroxime.
  • fluoroquinolones - are commonly used in the treatment of bronchitis in chronic form in the stage of exacerbation, it is recommended to begin treatment from the first days. Today, moxifloxacin, levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin are of great efficacy.

The effectiveness of an antibiotic is determined after a laboratory test for the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora.

How to cure bronchitis without antibiotics?

Bronchitis is a widespread disease of the respiratory tract, so there are many recipes of folk medicine that help effectively fight against viruses and bacteria. Antibiotics for bronchitis are usually appointed in case of detection of a bacterial infection. In other cases, treatment with such drugs will harm the body more.

The most first aid to man in the fight against diseases are the well-known products: onions and garlic. Their action has been known to people for a long time. For the treatment of bronchitis, tincture of onions with honey was widely used. To make a medicine, grate the onion, then add the honey (1 part of honey and 3 parts of onions) to it. Take such a drug you need about three times a day for a tablespoon, after 20-25 minutes a field of food.

Also, the sweetly baked bulb is effectively helped to fight the diseases of the respiratory tract according to the old French recipe. For cooking, you need to remove the core from the half-cut bulb and pour a teaspoon of sugar into the cavity, bake in the oven at 150 degrees to caramelize the sugar.

A debilitating cough will help to defeat milk with sage. A glass of milk will require a tablespoon of herbs, the broth should be boiled for about 10 minutes. Then the mixture is filtered and taken in a warm form in half a cup. The broth should be drunk in small sips.

A good hot drink helps in the fight against bronchitis: tea with the addition of honey, viburnum or raspberry, in which there is a lot of vitamin C to maintain immunity. Certainly you need to consume more citrus (lemon, grapefruit). Good anti-inflammatory and supporting the body properties are decoctions of linden, mint, pine buds. A decoction from a mixture of plantain, licorice root, violet, mother-and-stepmother (mixed in equal amounts, then a tablespoon is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, brought to a boil and boiled for 20 minutes slowly fire). The broth is taken about six times a day for 5 tbsp. spoons.

In addition to broths, various inhalations have good efficacy in the treatment of bronchitis, after which dry mucous moisturizes, calms down, coughs die, directly in the hearth inflammation. Inhalations can be carried out with the addition of various essential oils (fir, pine, eucalyptus).

Antibiotics for bronchitis help cope with a disease that is of bacterial origin, i.e. is caused by the activity in the bronchi of various bacteria. With viral bronchitis (for colds, flu), antibiotics are prescribed only in extreme cases, when the disease threatens with severe complications, there is a risk of developing a bacterial infection, etc. Bronchitis with the right approach to treatment is cured within two weeks. To prevent the disease from turning into a heavier form, it is necessary to comply with bed rest, drink enough liquid (mainly teas with the addition of raspberry jam, viburnum, honey, as well as herbal decoctions of mint, linden, chamomile and etc.).

Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults: names of tablets for treatment

Bronchitis is a dangerous and common disease that can develop at any age.

This disease is characterized by an inflammatory process that occurs in the bronchial mucosa. Characteristic symptoms of bronchitis:

  • temperature increase;
  • cough;
  • hard breath.

When should antibiotics be used for bronchitis?

Despite the fact that bronchitis in adults develops quite often, there is no specific treatment plan for this disease. In this case, the most urgent issue is how much it is necessary to take modern antibacterial drugs of a new generation and a broad spectrum of action.

Bronchitis develops when the viruses get into the bronchi. Therefore, if treated with antibacterial agents, it will be ineffective.

In addition, antibiotics from bronchitis in adults can cause the opposite effect:

  1. dysbiosis;
  2. depression of the immune system;
  3. allergic reaction;
  4. development of resistance to drugs.

Consequently, there is no single answer. After all, to treat the symptoms of chronic or acute bronchitis with antibacterial therapy should only be a doctor.

However, in 10% of cases with bronchitis should take antibacterial tablets of a new generation. But what situations indicate the need for antibiotic treatment?

So, to get rid of fever and cough with bronchitis patients aged 60 years or older should definitely drink Augmentin or Azithromycin. Immunity of an elderly patient can not quickly overcome the infection, which can lead to complications, including pneumonia, in obstructive bronchitis.

Another new generation of antibiotics is needed if the symptoms do not last 30-40 days. This indicates that the body can not overcome the infection on its own.

In chronic obstructive bronchitis, which often develops in smokers, during the exacerbation of the disease the patient's condition worsens severely. So, there are such symptoms as:

  • heat;
  • coughing;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • the discharge of purulent sputum with blood;
  • malaise.

In this case, the patient should drink antibacterial drugs of a new generation of a wide spectrum of action. These include drugs such as Augmentin and Azithromycin.

Allergic manifestations contribute to the appearance of bronchial asthma, as a result of which frequent attacks of suffocation develop. Patients who have infectious-dependent bronchial asthma should take antibacterial pills at an early stage of the disease. This will help prevent the development of allergies and destroy pathogens.

An antibiotic from bronchitis is often prescribed if the disease is chemical and is formed due to the influence of aggressive substances that enter the body after inhalation. Such substances may be alkali or acid pairs.

If the mucous membrane of the bronchi is damaged, a high probability of bacterial infection joining appears. Therefore, in this case it is advisable to carry out treatment with the help of antimicrobial agents.

If acute bronchitis is complicated by the appearance of a cough with the release of sputum with purulent impurities, and in the analysis the presence of inflammation, a high rate of ESR and leukemia, then the best and most effective method of treatment is antibacterial therapy.

Mycoplasmal and chlamydial bronchitis, which appear with an exhausted immune system and last for a long time, is quite difficult to treat.

Therefore, it is best to take broad-spectrum antibiotic drugs, such as Augmentin or Azithromycin.

Specificity of the effects of antibiotics on the body and their varieties

In pharmacology, antibiotics are drugs that can help localize tumors, fungi and bacteria, or rather, stop the process of their growth and reproduction. The chemical structure and mechanism of action vary considerably. Therefore, in order to get rid of a particular disease, it is necessary to take a certain antibiotic for bronchitis.

Therefore, the treatment of different types of bronchitis implies the use of antibacterial drugs belonging to different groups. So, what antibiotics of the new generation is better for drinking with different forms of bronchitis?

There are such groups of antibiotics:

  • Aminopenicillins;
  • Macrolides;
  • Cephalosporins;
  • Fluoroquinolones.

Aminopenicillins have a destructive effect on the walls of bacteria, resulting in microorganisms perishing. Since in the human body there are no components whose structure is similar to the bacterial cell membranes, antibiotic funds belonging to this group have an impact only on pathogens, without harming their health rights. It should be noted that penicillins, such as Augmentin, very often provoke the occurrence of allergic manifestations.

Macrolides upset the process of protein synthesis in microbial cells, resulting in the bacteria stop multiplying. Such antibiotics for bronchitis in adults are prescribed if the disease is long and difficult. Usually, macrolides such as Azithromycin are indicated if the patient does not have any allergies to penicillin drugs.

Fluoroquinolones have a destructive effect on the DNA of microbes, which leads to their death. These are antibiotics from bronchitis and pneumonia, which have a wide spectrum of action. However, if you take such drugs for a long time, it will lead to the appearance of a dysbiosis.

Cephalosporins inhibit the production of a substance that is the basis of the cell membrane of microbes. These antibiotics affect the constantly growing bacteria, so they stop multiplying.

However, Cephalosporins cause an allergic reaction, but to a lesser extent than penicillins.

What antibiotics are better for drinking with a certain type of bronchitis?

What kind of antibacterial strong drug is needed to treat a particular type of bronchitis can only be said by a doctor. The most effective antibiotics for bronchitis and pneumonia are drugs, the causative agent of the disease will be most sensitive to the active substance. So, below is a list of drugs used for bronchial cough.

Acute bronchitis is not accepted to treat with antibacterial therapy in the early days of the disease. In this case, modern antibiotics from a broad spectrum of bronchitis are prescribed if there is a risk of complications.

As a rule, you should take a new generation of drugs, such as Erythromycin, Spiramycin and Amoxicillin. And the cost of the last means ranges from 18 to 70 rubles.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis is carried out with the help of drugs belonging to the penicillin group. So, the list of antibiotics that help get rid of cough in the chronic form of the disease is as follows:

  1. Flemoklav (the price is from 378 to 876 rubles);
  2. Amoxicillin (approximately 360 rubles);
  3. Arlet (293-506 rubles);
  4. Augmentin (about 320 rubles);
  5. Amoxiclav (380-880 rubles).

In addition, with chronic bronchitis, some new-generation macrolides may be prescribed: Azithromycin and Rovamycin (110-270 rubles).

In the treatment of elderly patients, antibiotics from bronchitis play an important role. So, first of all, drugs such as Azithromycin, Flemoxin, Hemomycin (up to 300 rubles) and Rovamycin can be used first.

Secondary treatment consists in receiving funds belonging to the cephalosporin group:

  • Ceftriaxone (26-30 r.);
  • Cefazolin (30 p.);
  • Cefepime (380-400 rubles);
  • Supraks (390 rubles).

Such antibiotics for bronchitis in adults are prescribed if the degree of the disease is mild or moderate. So, these forms of the disease are treated by injections.

Sometimes, complex treatment is performed, in which the tablets are combined with injections (for example, Azithromycin in injections and Augmentin in tablets). However, if antimicrobials are prescribed, when there is no preliminary analysis of sputum, then the doctor prescribes a new generation of a wide spectrum of action.

In obstructive bronchitis, Augmentin and Azithromycin are shown when a bacterial infection has been detected. As a rule, cough treatment is carried out with medicines belonging to aminopenicillins, macrolides and fluoroquinols. The list of preparations is as follows:

  1. Sumamed (270 - 730 rubles);
  2. Augmentin (100 - 700 rubles);
  3. Levofloxacin (from 73 rubles);
  4. Clarithromycin (170-550 r.);
  5. Clarithromycin (150 - 250 r.);
  6. Moxifloxacin (from 900 r.);
  7. Ciprofloxacin (10 - 40 p.);
  8. Erythromycin (from 900 rubles.).

Antibacterial therapy in pregnancy

Unfortunately, many women who are in the position, for various reasons, may develop bronchitis. Often the factors of its occurrence lie in reduced immunity. The initial symptoms of the disease are similar to the symptoms of a simple cold, but after a few days there is malaise, dry cough, temperature and sputum production.

It is worth noting that during pregnancy, excretion of phlegm is difficult due to elevated position and reduced diaphragm mobility. But sputum stagnation in the bronchi is very harmful, since it increases the duration of the course of the disease.

In addition, the therapy of bronchitis in pregnancy is complicated by the fact that taking antibiotics, however, like other drugs is undesirable, in particular, at the beginning of pregnancy. So, what antimicrobial tablets can you drink during pregnancy? These can be drugs belonging to the penicillin group, whose name is as follows:

  • Flemoxin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Augmentin;
  • Penicillin.

These antibiotics from bronchitis in adults during pregnancy are most harmless, since they do not have a negative effect on the fetus. In the second half of the course of pregnancy antimicrobial agents of the cephalosporin group may be prescribed. But fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines can not be categorically prescribed.

Acute bronchitis in pregnancy is treated with Bioparox. It is an antibiotic with a local effect, which is used for inhalation in bronchitis.

Due to this method of treatment, the possibility of drug penetration through the placenta is excluded.

Specificity of antibiotic use

There are certain recommendations regarding the intake of antibacterial agents. So, the course of therapy with these medications can not be interrupted, and its duration should be exactly the same as prescribed by the doctor.

If the state of health improved on the fifth day of treatment, and the doctor prescribed a seven-day course, then therapy can still not be stopped. In the opposite case, bacteria, which are provocateurs of the disease, will acquire resistance to this disease.

And to drink new generation drugs from cough, such as Augmentin and Azithromycin, follows the time, adhering to the recommendations specified in the instruction attached to the funds. Holding pauses is an important measure by which you can constantly maintain a certain level of drug in the blood.

However, it is important to monitor the effect that occurs after the use of the drug. So, when after two days, if there has been no improvement, then the medicine needs to be replaced, because, most likely it does not affect this type of bacteria.

What is bronchitis, and how to treat it in the video in this article will tell a specialist.

What to use for bronchitis antibiotics?

With bronchitis, antibiotics should be taken necessarily if the cause of the disease is caused by pathogenic bacteria or viruses.Treatment with antibiotics will be most effective in the acute period of the disease.With chronic sluggish bronchitis, sputum-thinning preparations based on herbs are used.

Antibiotics in chronic form are taken only at the time of exacerbation of the disease, using pills or injections as a chance to recover.

Young people who do not have any history of allergic reactions and diseases associated with disruption in the endocrine system, can take strong antibiotics in chronic bronchitis. A doctor can pick up a new generation drug that will cope with the disease.

Bronchitis, which appeared due to prolonged irritation of the respiratory system by allergens, can not be treated with antibiotics. Such treatment is unjustified, because the mechanisms of the development of allergic bronchitis do not presume the presence of pathogenic bacteria.

When a doctor recommends antibacterial drugs

Decide whether antibiotics are necessary for bronchitis in adults or not, should the therapist. He can assign sputum analysis to identify the pathogen and determine its resistance to various antibacterial drugs. After receiving the result of the analysis, the doctor selects the most effective drug for treatment.

The doctor has the opportunity, assessing the general condition of the patient, appoint him a broad-spectrum antibiotic that can cure the patient without additional tests. At home, if medical advice is not available, antibiotics of broad action are used that can destroy the entire pathological microflora.

It should be remembered that these broad-acting drugs suppress the natural reaction of immunity. They cause the development of dysbacteriosis and Candida albicans, which increases its population against its background. Incorrect use of antibacterial drugs promotes the development of resistance to drugs by microorganisms.

Antibiotics from bronchitis of viral origin should be used if the disease is accompanied by high fever, weakness and dry cough. Such acute forms that developed after the flu severely depress the immune system and can chronic bronchitis if you do not start taking medicines that can effectively destroy pathogens disease.

If the inflammatory process in the bronchi passes in a mild form, then you can treat bronchitis with using home remedies, expectorating infusions, decoctions, using warming rubbing and mustard plaster. Honey compresses also help. In this case, antibiotics are not needed, because the body is able to cope with the disease on its own.

How correctly to take antibiotics in tablets

The following rules should be considered:
  1. That the appointed or nominated preparation has worked, it is necessary to familiarize with its instruction. There are produced potent drugs in tablets that need to be taken through certain intervals, so that the active substance constantly inhibits the pathogens that caused inflammation bronchi. Then they will not have the opportunity to survive and create strains resistant to the active substance used.
  2. Prescribe antibiotics for acute bronchitis of different effects. The very first, long-used drugs are taken three times a day, after 8 hours. Newer ones have a strong effect on the body. They are recommended to be taken 12 hours later. There are powerful antibiotics that require a single dose per day.
  3. It takes from three to fourteen days for all pathogens to die, so you can not cancel the drug immediately after the condition is improved. In difficult cases, you may need to purchase two packages of the drug to bring the treatment to completion.
  4. Do not reduce or increase the dosage at will. Therapeutic doses are calculated by experiment and are described in the instructions attached to the drug. The doses indicated in it should be strictly adhered to.
  5. Usually the effect after taking antibiotics comes on the second day. The third method of tablets contributes to the complete removal of painful symptoms. If the drug continues to be accompanied by a high fever, this means that the medicine is not selected correctly. The causative agent remains resistant to the antibiotic and continues its destructive work. In this case, the drug should be discarded and informed of this by the treating doctor.
  6. Treatment with antibiotics at home after improving to normal should continue for another 2-3 days. This ensures that all pathogenic bacteria completely die.

Co-trimaxosol and preparations based on it

At a bronchitis the antibiotic should get into secretory liquid and to struggle with an infection. For this, pharmacists recommend the use of sulfonamides and trimethoprim. These are two active active substances that combine to achieve a lasting effect. They complement each other's actions.

Another name for this active ingredient is co-trimoxazole. One of the first drugs on its basis - "Biseptol" - a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. It is active against streptococci, staphylococci and other bacteria that cause inflammation in the bronchi.

Drugs based on co-trimoxazole are represented by a large number of drugstores. It can be:

  • Berlocid;
  • Duoseptol;
  • Rankotrim;
  • Sinersul;
  • Trimusol.

These are drugs that have a wide range of action. They are able to suppress various kinds of strains of many pathogenic bacteria. The pathogenic microflora does not have time to develop resistance to this active substance, so the dosage forms effectively fight with the causative agents of bronchitis.

After treatment with preparations made on the basis of co-trimoxazole, chronic forms rarely develop. But these medicines have side effects, which make it necessary to cancel the drug and switch to a new antimicrobial drug.

Patients can detect:

  • skin rashes;
  • fungal eruptions in the oral cavity;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting.

Antibiotics of the new generation based on co-trimaxosol are Lidaprim, Septrin and Sumetrolim.

Lidaprim with the active substance sulafametrol and trimethoprim. This drug has significant antibacterial efficacy. He is able to actively influence most pathogens. He has the ability to penetrate into the secretion secreted by the bronchi and accumulate in it, destroying the pathogenic microflora.

This drug has a minimal amount of side effects. Therefore, he is assigned to babies, starting from a month and a half, and to the elderly.

Septrin is often used to treat bronchitis. It has a high degree of effectiveness and a minimum number of side effects. Take the drug after 12 hours.

Sumetrolim is used to treat complex cases of bronchitis. This is a very strong drug with a serious impact on the pathogenic microflora. It is quickly absorbed into the blood and spreads through it to all organs of the human body. With prolonged use leads to changes in blood characteristics. The drug can cause renal and hepatic insufficiency. Suitable for physically strong people.

Penicillin and medications containing it

Antibiotics of the penicillin series belong to semisynthetic drugs, which have a wide spectrum of action. This group of drugs that are active against most of the gram-positive and some gram-negative pathogens of infectious diseases. In tablets, pharmacists offer acid-fast drugs, such as ampicillin and amoxicillin.

They are active in staphylococcal infection, which is often the cause of acute bronchitis. Amoxicillin is a more common drug used in home treatment. He quickly begins to act and is well tolerated by both children and adults. May cause allergic rashes and cause dysbacteriosis. In the pharmacy you can find many drugs made based on amoxicillin. It's Amotide, Augmentin or Amoxiclav.

Contraindication to the use of these drugs is penicillin intolerance. When administered intramuscularly, they can cause an attack of cholelithiasis, vomiting and diarrhea. Then the drug is canceled.

Cephalosporins and macrolides in the treatment of bronchitis

For the treatment of bronchitis, you can choose a drug that starts with "cephalic". Pharmacists produced a huge group of antibiotics, represented by five generations of drugs with powerful characteristics. These antibiotics for obstructive bronchitis help to quickly cope with the inflammatory process. Together with them, you should definitely take medication-thinning medications that help clear bronchial lumens.

In a hospital setting, drugs of this group are injected with injections. At home, you can take tablets with the active substance cefotaksim. It can be Cefabol, Cefazolinum, Cefipim.

They are capable of destroying pathogens of both acute and chronic bronchitis without their clarification in the laboratory. These are very powerful medicines. After taking them, you should always take drugs that restore the intestinal microflora.

Macrolides are the safest group of antimicrobial agents. Despite their toxicity, they are easily tolerated by patients. Erythromycin - a macrolide, used to treat infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

It is recommended to drink to patients who do not tolerate other types of antibiotics, especially the penicillin group, or are weakened by chronic diseases. The use of powerful antibiotics for them will be disastrous, and macrolides will help people suffering from bronchitis cope with the disease.


Bronchitis and antibiotics are compatible concepts. Use antimicrobial drugs to treat this disease is necessary, but before the treatment should be clarified by the doctor's diagnosis and a drug that will help cure the disease to the end.

Appointment of injections for adults with bronchitis

Injections in bronchitis adults are appointed very rarely and in especially severe cases or when there is no possibility to take the medicine through the mouth.To date, almost all drugs exist in tablet form. Therefore, the expediency of this method of treatment can be determined only by a doctor.

Preparations for the treatment of acute bronchitis

The disease occurs suddenly. Within a few hours or 1-2 days, the patient develops a dry or wet cough with phlegm, the mucous membranes of the bronchi become inflamed. With inflammation of small bronchi, the patient may have shortness of breath.

The disease is caused by viruses and bacteria, dusty and gassy atmosphere of enterprises, severe hypothermia or, conversely, overheating in hot dry air. Viral and bacterial bronchitis, as a rule, is preceded by ARI.

Acute bronchitis without complications is treated mostly out-patient. People who have cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases, elderly people with chronic ailments are subject to hospitalization. Weakened people during treatment are prescribed a bed rest.

Treatment of acute bronchitis includes the use of drugs that lower the heat (if available), on the sternum to the patient put mustard plasters, from medicines, drugs that dilute sputum, and anti-inflammatory drugs (amidopyrine, pyramine, indomethacin, prodectin, acetylsalicylic acid). In the presence of purulent sputum in the drug complex, antibiotics are mandatory. Expectorants play a huge role in the treatment of bronchitis. Bronchicum, lazolvan, ambroxol, bromhexine contribute to the excretion of sputum. There are preparations from dry and wet cough.

Preparations for the treatment of chronic bronchitis

If inflammation of the bronchi with accompanying symptoms is observed annually, lasts for a total of three months or more, then the doctors diagnose the patient with chronic bronchitis. This is an infectious and noninfectious bronchial lesion, which is expressed by coughing, secretion of thick mucus (sputum), and shortness of breath. Chronic bronchitis is a disease of adults, which is rare in childhood.

Chronic bronchitis is divided into primary and secondary. The primary form of bronchitis is not associated with a previous lung injury. The secondary form is manifested as a complication of an already existing lung injury (including pneumonia), larynx, trachea or bronchi.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults is complex, it involves the use of a large number of medicines and procedures. This disease disrupts the activity of the epithelium layer of the bronchi, a decrease in its plasticity and an increase in the viscosity of the moist secret. As a result, the overall secretion of mucus is increased, the drainage capacity of the bronchi decreases.

The cause of the disease can be bacterial and viral infection of the mucous membrane, irritation dust, mechanical particles and reactive substances in the air, tobacco smoke.

When observing patients, doctors often note uneven, focal lesions of the bronchi and lungs. Treatment improves the condition of patients, but the disease is gradually worsening and is steadily progressing from year to year. The periods of remission, initially long, are becoming shorter. If the patient is not under constant medical supervision and does not take medication, then in a few years he may develop severe respiratory failure.

The disease therapy includes a large set of measures. This is the reception of medicines, physiotherapy procedures, sanitation of the lungs, treatment of the patient for a healthy lifestyle and therapeutic physical training.

Preparations for the treatment of chronic bronchitis

  1. antibacterial drugs;
  2. anti-inflammatory drugs;
  3. bronchodilators;
  4. expectorants;
  5. fortifying preparations, vitamins and food additives.

Antibacterial and antiviral drugs are prescribed in the period of exacerbation, with purulent phenomena in the bronchi, with an increase in temperature. If a test for bacterial sensitivity to an antibiotic (antibioticogram) was not made before the start of treatment, the patient is prescribed penicillin intramuscularly. This antibiotic acts very effectively against the hemophilic influenza bacillus and pneumococci. If the antibiotic image was taken, then one of the following drugs is prescribed: azithromycin, sumazid, zitrolide, sumamed, hemomycin, azithrox, ampicillin, oxacillin, levomycetin, oletetrin, tetracycline, other antibiotics (1.5-2 g per day). Also appoint rondomycin (-1.6 g per day). Antibiotics can be combined with sulfonamides of prolonged action.

Drugs the patient takes in the form of tablets or injections, the purpose of which is preferable, since injections give the best result. Injections in bronchitis to adult patients are done both in the hospital and in the treatment room. The duration of antibiotic treatment depends on the severity of the patient's condition and the degree of neglect of the disease. On average, recovery occurs in 8-12 days.

Obstructive chronic bronchitis occurs if ordinary bronchitis is not treated (or poorly treated) for more than one year. This complication is characterized by shortness of breath and changes in bronchial tissue. In this case, the use of antibiotics has less effect, as in the bronchi change mechanical properties of tissues, their structure, as a result of which the amount of mucus increases and bronchospasm. Obstructive chronic bronchitis can be further complicated by pulmonary emphysema, hypertension and chronic pulmonary heart.

Running chronic bronchitis is a life-threatening disease. In order to increase the body's resistance, the doctor can prescribe drugs methyluracil, potassium orotate and pentoxyl.

Anti-inflammatory effect is given by such drugs as sodium salicitate and presocil. Stimulant and fortifying effect gives ascorbic acid, galaxorbine and askorutin.

In therapy, the aloe extract (as a resolving agent), the vitreous body, the FIBS preparation (extract containing coumarins and cinnamic acid) proved to be excellent. Injections of bronchitis based on these drugs are done subcutaneously, the course in all cases includes 30 to 35 injections.

A good therapeutic effect on the patient's condition is provided by adaptogens: ginseng, magnolia vine, pantocrine.

As a bronchodilator in the presence of asthma, which is not amenable to treatment with bronchospasmolytic drugs, drugs are used:

  1. atropine;
  2. belladonna;
  3. atrovent;
  4. ephedrine;
  5. beta-adrenostimulators;
  6. eufillin.

Euphyllin also stimulates the respiratory center.


With neglected obstructive bronchitis, corticosteroids may be prescribed, especially if there is an asthmatic syndrome. Hydrocortisone is administered intravenously, starting at 125 mg per day. After the patient's condition improves, the dose of the drug is reduced by 25 mg every two or three days, adding aerosol irrigation to the pharynx.

Expectorants play a huge role in the treatment of diseases associated with the accumulation of thick sputum. The best sputum discharge is obtained by the action of 3% potassium iodide, tincture of the althaea root, thermopsis terpinhydrate, mucaltin. Broncholitin, bronchicum, bromhexine, lazolvan, ambroksol - new modern drugs with mucolytic and expectorant action.

A good therapeutic effect is provided by inhalations with proteolytic enzymes (substances that break down proteins to amino acids and promote the dilution of sputum). This terpelitin, trypsin, chymostripsin, chymopsin, which are dissolved in a small amount (about 5 ml) of saline or in a solution of novocaine (0.25%), followed by inhalation.

With severe purulent bronchitis and severe dyspnea, the patient undergoes bronchoscopy, during which the bronchial tree is flushed, antibiotics and expectorants are administered.

People who have undergone bronchitis should avoid hypothermia and stay in a polluted atmosphere of the premises. A good prevention of the disease will be exercise therapy and special massage of the chest.


Be healthy!

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