Cough does not clear throat

Does not clear a dry cough

Cough itself is not a separate pathology, it is only a symptom of any disease or disorder. It is an unconditional protective reaction of the body. Cough can be caused not only by infectious diseases, but also by other unfavorable factors: getting into organs breathing dust, small particles, foreign objects, allergic reaction to pollen, animal hair and other substance. Cough is divided into dry and wet. The second of them is considered productive and says that the peak of the disease is passed, and the body begins to recover. But the dry cough, which does not clear, on the contrary, indicates the development of the disease.

Dry cough does not clears throat: causes

It is very important to establish the cause of the appearance of a dry non-coughing cough. For this, whenever possible, you need to see a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations. Self-medication without consulting a specialist can lead to poor results and an aggravation of the problem.

Causes of frequent dry cough can become the following factors:

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  1. Infectious diseases. Most often, dry cough occurs with respiratory infections, such as influenza, acute respiratory disease, whooping cough, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and others. An acute cough caused by a cold can last up to 2-3 weeks, with other pathologies it can persist even longer.
  2. Gastroesophageal reflux. This phenomenon is the output of the contents of the stomach back into the esophagus. Often, reflux is accompanied by a cough, the reasons for which can be difficult to establish.
  3. Respiratory diseases of the respiratory system. This group of pathologies includes bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, obstructive pulmonary disease of the chronic form, bronchitis of the smoker and others.
  4. The presence of dust or other contaminants in the air.
  5. Inhalation of a foreign object.
  6. Psychogenic causes.
  7. Treatment with the use of antihypertensive drugs that block ACE. These medicines include Ramipril, Enalapril and others.

There are other causes that cause a dry, non-coughing cough, they can include tumors and other serious diseases of the respiratory system.

Cough is not dry cough: treatment

Before you start to treat a dry cough, you need to establish the cause that caused it. It is best to consult a doctor. The most common cause of non-coughing cough is ARD. Diseases of this type are accompanied by a runny nose, fever, weakness, headache and other symptoms. In the absence of wheezing in the lungs and pronounced hoarseness of the voice, evidence of laryngitis, the treatment is carried out as with an ordinary cold. The main direction of dry cough therapy is to translate it into a productive one. In case the high temperature persists for 5 days or more, and the cough gradually builds up and does not then it is necessary to call a doctor and be examined to exclude such diseases as pneumonia and pleurisy. A growing dry cough that persists for a long time in the absence of other signs of a cold, also requires a doctor's visit and diagnosis. Since in this way chronic pathology of the respiratory system can manifest itself: tuberculosis, tumor processes, and others.

Treatment of dry cough should be complex. It includes drugs aimed at eliminating the cause of coughing. So, in the viral nature of the disease prescribed antiviral drugs, with a bacterial character - antibiotics, etc. Along with this, doctors usually recommend taking drugs with mucolytic and cartilaginous action. Drug medications can be replaced with folk medicine. However, in this case it is advisable to consult a doctor beforehand.

Folk remedies for coughing up phlegm

Traditional medicine offers its own recipes for the treatment of dry cough. The folk remedies for expectoration of phlegm are known:

  1. Inhalations. They can be divided into two groups - cold and warm. For carrying out cold inhalations, you can use a nebulizer, this device facilitates the procedure and increases its effectiveness. As medicines for inhalations, decoctions of medicinal herbs, lazolvan, dissolved sea salt, dioxidine can be used. Warm inhalations are carried out only in the absence of a patient's temperature. It is useful to inhale the vapors of cooked potatoes, decoctions of herbs, essential oils.
  2. Black radish with honey. In the vegetable, make a small groove, which is filled with honey. Then the radish is left for a while. As a medicine, the juice that is formed in the cavity is consumed.
  3. Leaves and root of plantain, althea root and licorice, thyme. Dried leaves or roots are ground, and then brewed in the calculation of 2 large spoons of raw materials per liter of boiling water. To drink such a drug you need a glass three times a day. You can buy a pharmacy ready syrup based on medicinal plants.
  4. Onions and honey. All these drugs have a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Onions are rubbed on a fine grater and mixed with the same amount of honey. Take the medication by a small spoon before eating.
  5. Garlic with milk. 3-4 cloves of garlic pressed and mixed with a glass of milk, and then brought to a boil. The product is divided into 3 doses and drunk during the day.
  6. Root of horseradish and honey. Horseradish crushed, mixed with honey and eat three times a day on a large spoon.
  7. To get rid of a dry cough you can use rubbing. To do this, you can use turpentine, eucalyptus ointment, alcohol and other products.

Expectorants for coughing dry cough

All expectorants for the treatment of dry cough can be divided into 2 large groups: reflex and direct action.

The first group includes the means that help to eliminate sputum, by increasing its quantity and dilution. To preparations of reflex action it is possible to carry extracts, broths, powders on the basis of such plants as root of an althaea, thyme, thoracal gathering, thermopsis and other means.

Expectorant drugs directly affect the bronchi themselves and sputum. They, in turn, are subdivided into agents that affect the bronchi, and agents that dilute sputum, or mucolytics. The first include essential oils, iodine salts and other products. Use them for inhalation. The group of mucolytics includes such drugs as Abroxol, Bromhexin, ATSTS, Lazolvan and others.

When used for the treatment of dry cough expectorants should remember that they can not be combined with antitussive drugs, as this can lead to adverse effects.

Distress dry cough. The phlegm does not clear its throat. How can I help you?



Treatment of dry cough. How to treat dry cough?

Dry cough, unlike wet cough, is caused not by phlegm, but by irritation of cough receptors of different localization (not only in the respiratory tract) against the background of the inflammatory process, as well as under the influence of thermal, chemical and physical impact. That is why, in the treatment of a painful barking dry cough, unlike a wet cough, drugs that suppress cough due to influence on the cough reflex are used. In fact, this is not a treatment as such, but symptomatic therapy aimed at reducing cough, because in this The situation of cough reflex does not benefit the body, and even vice versa, it can give a complication in the form of pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum.

Drugs for the treatment of dry cough are divided into 2 types: central and peripheral action.

Preparations based on antitussive drugs of central action suppress the cough reflex at the level of the medulla oblongata. These drugs include codeine, ethylmorphine, glaucine, oxeladin, dextromethorphan, prenoxdiazine and combined preparations based on them. Medicines based on codeine and ethylmorphine should be given with extreme caution, since these drugs suppress the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata, which is why these drugs are contraindicated for children younger than 2 years.
Peripheral antitussive drugs reduce the cough reflex, affect the cough receptors in the mucosa of the respiratory tract. These drugs include drugs based on acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene.

Drugs used to treat dry cough:
- Acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene (paliminate)
- Bronchicum cough syrup
- Bronchitis Vramed (broncholitin, bronchitis, bronchocin)
- Butamirate (omnite, panatus, panatus of forte)
- Codeine (codeine phosphate hemihydrate, codeine phosphate hemihydrate, codeine base)
- Kodelak
- Kodelak broncho
- Kodelak fito
- Neo-Codion for adults
- Neo-Codion for children
- Neo-Cody for babies
- Tablets for cough
- Terpin code
- Fervex from a dry cough


From home remedies - at night, a tablespoon of natural honey rub on the chest and back in the lungs and bronchi, put a plastic bag, and on top a sweater. The next night you can repeat. Of medicines, it is best to use lasalvan or bronchicum. As well displays sputum ACC - long.


and it's only at night? Inhalation-heated cup of water-breathed and quick to sleep. for a couple of hours. and in the morning to the pharmacy

Karina Plotova

Dry cough is less treatable. But if you pick the right drug, it will not be a problem. I'm well helped by the Propane. I take in the form of effervescent tablets. It is convenient for me that only two times a day should be taken. Sputum gradually starts to leave in two days. After that, the state of health improves, you can cough up all the accumulated muck.

Svetlana Krylova

Dry cough is the most unpleasant, and even pershit at the same time. I help the throat and bronchi with inhalations with droplets of Propane. A double effect is obtained, and the cough in the wet is translated, and then leaves; and the throat ceases to perspire.

Expectorant cough: how to eliminate an unpleasant symptom

An expectorant cough does not give the child and the adult a lot of unpleasant sensations, like dry, but it also indicates the course of pathological processes in the body and necessarily requires treatment.

Features of wet cough

It is called wet or productive cough, as it is accompanied by the formation of sputum. The transition of dry cough to wet indicates the onset of recovery, because the departure of sputum facilitates the purification and release of the respiratory tract from pathogenic mucus. To speed up the healing process, that is, to clear bronchi more quickly, specialists to their patients prescribe expectorants.

The most common causes of expectorant cough in a child are such diseases:

  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • ARVI, ARI;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic diseases;
  • abscess of the lung;
  • tuberculosis.
Specialists often characterize the disease by the type of sputum. With bronchitis and tracheitis, abundant sputum is produced, pneumonia gives rise to mucus with a rusty hue. If the inflammatory process develops in the airway of the child, watery sputum is observed. A sign of bronchial asthma is considered viscous vitreous sputum. Signal of the development of heart failure or tuberculosis is the allocation of bloody sputum. With bronhoektaz and abscess of the lung, purulent mucus is produced with a fetid odor.

How to treat a wet cough?

Sputum in children from the respiratory tract is much more difficult than in adults. Such a process is due to the fact that sputum is more viscous in children, and the respiratory tract is not yet sufficiently developed.

It is important to cleanse the respiratory tract as soon as possible from pathogenic mucus, as it promotes rapid bacterial growth, which can delay the healing process and cause the development of dangerous complications. For this reason, the main task in the treatment of wet cough is to facilitate the phlegm.

To do this, you need to know what the child has to cough up an expectorant cough to help him, rather than worsen his health. Drug treatment involves the use of mucolytic and expectorant drugs. Mucolytics increase the amount of sputum, which contributes to its cough, and expectorant drugs dilute too viscous sputum.

Expectorants depending on the origin of the components used in the production of medicines are divided into two types - natural and synthetic. The first type includes the well-known remedies Dr. Mom, Pectusin, Breast Collection, Solutan. The second category of expectorants is Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Bromhexine, ACC.

In the treatment of children, it is better to use herbal preparations, but they must be used with caution. Since there is a possibility of allergic reactions. According to experts, synthetic drugs are more effective, they quickly dilute even too viscous sputum, so they can not be avoided in the treatment of cystic fibrosis or pneumonia. When treating a wet cough, it is strictly forbidden to use antitussive drugs that affect the brain, because suppressing cough, sputum will remain in the airways. The intake of expectorants should be discontinued at the stage of recovery, when the cough becomes productive and the child can clear throats during active movement.

If you do massage the chest and back, especially with the use of warming agents, sputum in children will depart much better. Light massage movements on the baby's chest will help to facilitate the evacuation of sputum in allergic diseases of the respiratory tract. Children after 3 years with an expectorant cough can be steam inhalation with the use of plant extracts, soda, essential oils.

Use of herbal preparations

Most expectorants for children are created on the basis of extracts of medicinal plants. They are released in the form of potions, tablets and syrups. The structure of herbal preparations can include the root of althaea, ivy, licorice, thermopsis, plantain, coltsfoot, anise, eucalyptus and some other herbs. The action of medicinal plants on the bronchi occurs by absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Such drugs stimulate the bronchial mucosa, dilute sputum, resulting in an increase in its number. These medicines must be used under the supervision of a doctor, because, getting into the stomach, they can cause a vomiting reflex, so the dosage and duration of treatment should be determined by the doctor.

Drugs based on the root of the althaea are prescribed for acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract - pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, emphysema. Among such products belongs

mukaltin and alteyka. Grass of thermopsol is an effective expectorant, which contains many alkaloids and sodium bicarbonate, which contribute to sputum discharge. The medicine on the basis of this substance is available in the form of tablets and syrup, which are prescribed for difficultly isolated sputum. Thermopsol is part of the famous drug Kodelak bronho.

Many parents in the treatment of expectorant cough in children use a breastfeed that is brewed in the form of tea. The agent is characterized by anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antispasmodic and antibacterial action. Depending on the type of collection, different herbs are used.

How to accelerate the process of recovery?

It is very good if the parents know how to cough up the cough for a child, but it is important to create favorable conditions in the room for a quick recovery. Experts recommend adhering to such rules:

  1. In the room where the sick child is, the optimum temperature is 18-20 degrees, when it's not hot, but it's not cold either. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and conduct wet cleaning in it, because getting into the respiratory tract of dust will significantly worsen the child's condition;
  2. Indoors it is important to create conditions of high humidity, so that sputum in the respiratory tract does not thicken;
  3. Reduce the viscosity of sputum will help abundant drinking, give the child juices, water, tea, compotes, warm milk;
  4. Walking in the fresh air with an expectorant cough is not a contraindication if the child does not have a temperature. Going to the street, you do not need to babble, it's important to avoid overheating;
  5. During illness it is not necessary to try to keep the child in bed constantly, after all physical activity promotes faster clearing of respiratory ways from pathogenic slime.

With an expectorant cough, the main thing is not to start the disease and correctly use the expectorant, combining medicamental treatment with physical activity and walking outdoors.

What can the situation mean when the cough does not clear throat? How to deal with this?

The appearance of such a symptom, as a cough, greatly complicates life. It's one thing if you always celebrate it at this time of year in response to the flowering of some herbs or to contact another allergen (for example, with detergent). Another thing is, when the cough does not clear (that is, it is dry), it does not bother you for the first day.

If the cough does not pass 2 weeks or a little more (up to 20 days), it is considered acute. The causes are usually infectious diseases of the respiratory tract:

1) Viral: influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus infection. Such a cough is usually dry at the beginning, a small amount of mucous (clear or whitish) mucus can be cleared up. It is accompanied by a rise in temperature, weakness, runny nose, red eyes.

2) Bacterial: staphylococcal, streptococcal, pneumococcal, pertussis. These microbes can enter the body against the background of an already existing viral infection. In this case, a situation such as a cough does not clear, no: a rather large amount of yellow, yellow-white, yellow-green (purulent) sputum departs.

Independently arisen (not against the background of ARVI), a bacterial infection is most often manifested in the form of a fever, there may be a dry cough, with gradual transformation into a wet one. There is an abundant purulent sputum.

Cough for a week or two - a sign of the onset of a chronic illness

1. If the cough does not clear, then it can be a manifestation of bronchial asthma. In this case, there is no temperature, a person may be disturbed by a difficulty in exhaling, a moderate feeling of lack of air. There can be audible wheezing on exhalation (even at a distance), when counting the number of breaths - more than 20 per minute.

2. Chronical bronchitis. In this case, the cause is more often bacterial or viral, the infection gets into the bronchi usually on the background of smoking. Here, cough is often wet, sputum is purulent, in the morning a large amount of it goes away. Characterized by faster fatigue, weakness.

3. Pulmonary tuberculosis. In this case, the cough is more likely to be wet, hemoptysis, weakness, sweating at night, a slight increase in temperature.

4. The use of such drugs as "Enalapril" Berlipril "Captopril" ("Kaptopress"), "Lizinopril cause a situation when the cough does not clear, it is dry and quite exhausting. The withdrawal of the drug leads to the disappearance of symptoms.

5. Diseases of the heart, including hypertension. This cough is dry, usually occurs at night.

6. Oncological diseases of the lungs. For this, not only a dry cough, but also a decrease in body weight, weakness, can be hemoptysis.

7. Professional lung diseases: silicosis, asbestosis.

Recommendations for a fairly long course of the disease

If the cough does not clear, then do the following:

a) measurement of blood pressure;

b) measurement of body temperature three times a day;

c) a general blood test;

d) X-ray examination of the lungs.

This must be done to find out why a cough does not last a week or more.

Before the test results are ready, do inhalations with 1% soda, boiled potato husk. If there is a suspicion of the allergic nature of the cough, then Erius "Tsetrin" or other antihistamine means will be effective. If the body temperature is increased, then inhalation should not be done, it is better to drink a pill "Lazolvan" (Ambroxol) and to pass examinations on which it will be possible to draw a conclusion, whether infectious disease at you and whether it is necessary for you antibiotics.

Treatment for acute and chronic bronchitis: if sputum is bad

A clear sign of bronchitis is a productive (wet) cough, but sometimes sputum bleeds badly with bronchitis due to increased viscosity. How to distinguish it from other diseases, prevent the transition of the acute form into a chronic form, relieve cough? The answers to these questions will be found below.

Forms of bronchitis and their differences

Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory system, in which inflammation is transmitted to the bronchi. It is most often a complication of colds, so you should distinguish inflammation bronchus from other similar diseases - pneumonia, acute respiratory disease, influenza, miliary tuberculosis and cancer lungs. Some of these diseases require immediate treatment, because they can end up lethal.Therefore, it is not worth while coughing - the main symptom of many diseases - to delay the visit to the doctor: the expert can determine the diagnosis only after the examination.

Bronchitis is of three types:
  • acute bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchial tree, resulting in increased bronchial secretion, which leads to a cough with sputum expectoration;
  • chronic bronchitis - the defeat of the bronchial tree with the restructuring of the most secretory apparatus of the bronchi, which is accompanied by a violation of the purifying and protective functions of the bronchi;
  • obstructive form - inflammation, in which the congestion of the mucous membrane is a blockage of the bronchi.

Sometimes the chronic form is confused with an allergic reaction. These two forms are characterized by bouts of coughing and periodicity of exacerbation of the disease. But at the same time, with allergic bronchitis, body temperature does not increase, and exacerbations are provoked exclusively contact with allergens (animal hair, flower pollen, dust, detergents, etc.) P.).

Acute bronchitis: features of treatment

Most often, inflammation of the bronchi is provoked by various viruses that affect the upper respiratory tract (rhino and adenovirus, influenza viruses, parainfluenza, etc.), intracellular parasites (mycoplasmas, chlamydia) and bacteria (streptococci, pneumococci, hemophilic rod, etc.). Therefore, bronchitis is a contagious disease that spreads quite quickly by airborne droplets, even with a brief contact with a sick person.

There are primary and secondary acute types of the disease. The secondary develops against the background of colds. The primary diagnosis is much easier, because the picture of symptoms is not smeared with other diseases. But many specialists deny this pathogenetic division, since in fact acute bronchitis is always is a complication in acute respiratory infections or in lesions of bronchial mucosa other etiology. In acute bronchitis, symptoms appear as the disease progresses and include:

  • sore throat, pressing pain in the upper chest;
  • a dry cough that worries the patient for several days;
  • increase in body temperature to 3, -38 ° C;
  • productive cough that comes after dry.

A productive cough with inflammation of the bronchi lasts up to two weeks. If the cough lasts longer, it indicates an incorrectly selected treatment and the transition of bronchial inflammation from acute to chronic form. The nature of sputum indicates the degree of development of the disease: transparent means the initial stage, and if the disease proceeds without adequate treatment, then the color of phlegm can acquire a yellowish or greenish color tone.


Depending on the etiology of the disease, the patient is prescribed antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and immunomodulating medications. Traces of pus in the phlegm indicate a mycoplasmal infection or a bacterial infection, for which antibiotics are used. With viral infections, antibiotics will only weaken the already depleted body, so they should only be taken as prescribed by the doctor after the diagnosis is clearly established.

If sputum, which is coughing up with a cough, is accompanied by bloody discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor!

The main principle of treatment for bronchial inflammation is the dilution of too viscous sputum in order to facilitate its expectoration. Traditional medicine, for this purpose, prescribes to the patient abundant drinking (with the exception of beverages containing caffeine and alcohol), the use of expectorants and mucolytics - funds designed to dilute sputum without increasing its volume. The most popular mucolytics are Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Acetylcysteine, licorice root syrup. Expectorants are designed to divert the bronchial secretion from the respiratory tract by activating the cough reflex. This group of drugs includes derivatives of Cysteine, Himopsin, Ribonuclease, Potassium iodide, Sodium Hydrocarbonate, etc. Do not self-medicate and at your discretion choose a drug: each of them has its own side effects and contraindications. Therefore before taking medication you need to consult a doctor!

To facilitate the withdrawal of sputum with abundant secretion of bronchial mucosa, traditional medicine recipes are also effective, which are especially effective in combination with medication. So, to remove toxins from the body, the patient is given sweatshops: ginger with honey, lime blossom, sage, elderberry. If the body temperature is not increased, then you can put a yellow card on the upper part of the chest. If the sputum badly departs with bronchitis, then an inhalation will be an indispensable treatment in the home. For them, decoctions of herbs of chest collection, essential oils of conifers and eucalyptus, as well as hydrochloric and soda solutions are used. But before using any folk remedies, it is better to consult a specialist to avoid undesirable side effects and choose the most effective method of treating bronchitis.

Chronic bronchitis: methods of treatment during remission and exacerbation

Inflammatory processes in the bronchi, which have passed into a chronic form, often occur not only in smokers, but also in those who for some reason often inhales air with respiratory irritating elements of non-infectious etymology (cadmium, urethane, dust, nitric oxide and other chemical substance). In chronic form, coughing attacks are repeated 3-4 times a year, typical exacerbations in cold and wet weather. With exacerbation, shortness of breath, increased sweating at night, wheezing when exhaling. There are several forms of chronic inflammation of the bronchi:
  1. Simple uncomplicated form: has the same symptoms as acute bronchitis without complications.
  2. Purulent form: sputum constantly or from time to time contains purulent inclusions.

Chronic disease during periods of exacerbation is treated on the same principle as the acute form of the disease, that is, drugs are used to facilitate the withdrawal of sputum.

During periods of remission of a chronic illness, one should beware of temperature changes and hypothermia, in order not to provoke an exacerbation. In addition, the effects of etiological factors, such as smoking, inhaling various types of dust, acids, alkalis, etc., should be avoided. Prevent exacerbation can also be inhaled moistened oxygen and a special diet. The diet necessarily includes vitamins (raw vegetables and fruits, juices and yeast drinks) and the necessary minerals to strengthen immunity. If the sputum is abundant, then the loss of protein should be restored, which can be done with a protein-rich diet.


Excellent results in chronic bronchitis demonstrate sanatorium treatment in the sea mountain climate. The method of hardening the patient's body during remission with the help of cold douches and a contrast shower is very popular.

How to cure a child's cough for 5 years? Cough is not dry, but does not clear up normally.



mukaltin is best, it is natural. In the morning and in the evening 1-2 tablets, 10 days.

natasha sazonova

Try to cook potatoes in uniforms, crush, straight from the skins, 1 tbsp. l. oil sub., 1 tbsp. honey, to interfere with everything and as a mustard on the gauze, on the chest. It's good. And sing the root of licorice and achinacea. Everything in the pharmacy is inexpensive.

Personal Cabinet Removed

martin in drops. 100%


black radish wash where the leaves are cut to make a groove and put honey or sugar, give juice for 1 hour. l several times, well scarlet with honey

Alla Batretdinova

I always rescued black radish with honey, make a deepening in it and put honey there and juice several times a day, children drink with pleasure, get well!

andrey carp

Black radish juice with honey. Inhalations are good help.

Tatyana Kuzmina (Zelenova)

Ginger tea! A good tool, and most importantly - natural. Rub the ginger root (roughly, the thumb nail), fill it with liter of boiling water. To boil, - 2 minutes. Allow to stand for 15-20 minutes. Then strain and take with lemon and honey.
Do not be ill!

Alexandra Shabaeva

Put the baby on the belly, so that the head is lower, (that is, the child should lie under the slope), tap the edge of the palm over the ribs, slightly, towards the head. Helps to sputum, will cough. It is good to drink mineral water, releasing gases, since alkaline drink when coughing is useful.

Natalia Vasilyeva

I highly recommend - "Stodal" - a homeopathic remedy (both from dry and wet cough) - tried on two of my children, still very good remedy Herbion is for dry and there is for a damp cough 9 too helps)

G @ LIN @

Brew an expectorant collection, drink "Doctor Mom" ​​and mukaltin, my son helps. With a cold, I rub my breast with ointment. "Doctor Mom. Get well! "

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