After birth, back aches in the lumbar region and abdomen


  • 1Backache hurts after childbirth
    • 1.1The lower back hurts after the birth: the causes
    • 1.2The loin hurts after the birth: the cause is pregnancy and difficult births
    • 1.3The loins hurts after the birth: the cause is acute and chronic diseases
    • 1.4The waist hurts after sorts or labors - what to do or make?
    • 1.5Healing exercises for low back pain
    • 1.6Prevention
  • 2Pain after childbirth
    • 2.1In a stomach
    • 2.2In back
    • 2.3In the legs
    • 2.4In the joints
  • 3Pain after birth in the back and abdomen: possible causes of the disease
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Bone Tissue Extension
    • 3.3Internal organs in the wrong position
    • 3.4Hernia
    • 3.5Other back problems
    • 3.6What if my back hurts after birth?
    • 3.7Back pain treatment
    • 3.8Home methods of therapy
    • 3.9Abdominal pain
    • 3.10Causes of pain in the abdomen after childbirth
    • 3.11Complications
    • 3.12Displacement of vertebrae
    • 3.13Treatment of abdominal pain after childbirth
  • 4Backache hurts after childbirth
    • 4.1Causes of pain
    • 4.2Who should I contact for help?
  • instagram viewer
  • 5The back hurts after sorts or labors what to do or make in this case, to reduce a pain
    • 5.1The main causes of pain
    • 5.2Reasonableness of action, self-control and sense of proportion
  • 6Back pain after delivery
    • 6.1Causes of appearance
    • 6.2Treatment of back pain
    • 6.3Prevention of discomfort

Backache hurts after childbirth

Seven women out of ten after giving birth experience back problems: pulling or sharp pain in the lower back pains the mothers. What are the causes of these unpleasant events and is there any relief from this? And what to do in response to the attack of pain? Consider problems and solutions.

Often unpleasant sensations in the lumbar and sacral parts of the spine go by themselves.

If the lower back hurts after the birth, the cause is not clear, the pain syndrome does not go away within three days, is strengthened or there are accompanying symptoms: fever, burning with urination and other phenomena - should immediately seek medical attention help.

The lower back hurts after the birth: the causes

First of all, it is worth noting that the most common cause of back pain after delivery is the consequences of pregnancy and childbirth.

The second reason for the appearance of women - health problems associated with the genitourinary sphere.

And the third - chronic diseases of other organs: the gallbladder, the gastrointestinal tract, etc. Consider them in order.

The loin hurts after the birth: the cause is pregnancy and difficult births

Pregnancy leaves a mark on the woman: excess weight and a change in the location of internal organs lead to the fact that the body begins a countdown to the previous state. First of all, the center of gravity of the spinal column shifts, which is the main cause of low back pain after childbirth.

Also the place is returned: the bladder, stomach, intestines and kidneys. For example, the return to your place of the kidneys can be accompanied by a dull and aching pain in the lower back, giving in the leg.

Many mothers are concerned about back pain after childbirth, which is caused by stretching of the muscle tissue of the abdomen and back due to rapid weight gain.

An untrained ligamentous apparatus leads to the fact that the pains appear in the stretching points, which includes the lower back. It is difficult to make slopes and turns, move legs - hurt the back of the thigh and buttocks.

To prevent this unpleasant symptom, you need to perform special gymnastics.

Return to the site of pelvic bones after childbirth is a common occurrence. This is especially true for those mothers who survived the trauma at birth.

Rapid birth or large fetal size contributes to the fact that not only genitals can suffer in the course of labor, but also pelvic bones.

These include the coccyx and the sacrum.

Difficult childbirth can also lead to a pinched nerve in the spinal column, where the pain comes from.

With nerve damage in the spine, low back pain is also accompanied by numbness and tingling, often the pain syndrome spreads to the legs, the woman is difficult to walk and climb. With prolonged sitting or standing, sneezing, coughing and other actions, the pain intensifies.

Back pain may be the consequences of a caesarean section under local anesthesia. Numerous adhesions make themselves felt not only in the abdomen, but also in the lumbar region.

Excess weight increases the load on the body and causes the appearance of pain in the lower back after childbirth. This is especially true for those women who very quickly gained weight during pregnancy.

Excess kilograms, refers to obesity of the third degree, negatively affect the spinal column. Due to such a high weight, protrusion of the discs and the initial stage of osteochondrosis can also develop.

The loins hurts after the birth: the cause is acute and chronic diseases

The causes of severe pain in the lumbar:

1. Chronic and acute diseases of some organs (kidneys, gall bladder, small intestine, etc.)

2. Inflammation of the back muscles, the so-called myositis. The disease develops rapidly, it is enough to overcool or catch any infection (viral or bacterial). With severe back pain, body temperature also rises.

Often, after giving birth, a woman develops intimate diseases. Inflammation of the uterus and its appendages, cystitis, urethritis is far from a complete list of diseases that cause back pain.

Kidney is a dangerous disease, the catalyst of which is a sharp weight loss and birth trauma.

In this syndrome, the mesenteric ligament supporting the kidney lengthens. As a result, there are pains in the lower back with tilts, bends.

In addition, a woman may have difficulty urinating.

With osteochondrosis, the pain syndrome builds up and does not last long.

In inflammation of the appendages, one-sided or bilateral pains in the lower back, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, are characteristic.

Appendicitis, cholecystitis also affect the appearance of reflected pain in the lower back. Accompanied by symptoms characteristic of these diseases, nausea, pain syndrome on the right side of the ileum, etc. The nature of pain is vague, dull pain.

With pancreatitis, the pain is shinning, in addition there is constipation and nausea.

The waist hurts after sorts or labors - what to do or make?

If there is pain in the lower back, what to do will be advised:

- If the pain in the lower back has arisen for the first time and you do not know the reason, the best way is to call a doctor.

While the therapist is on his way, determine the symptoms: is there a tingling and numbness, or what kind of pain? Shingles or local? Gives in the leg or not and other symptoms.

Be sure to measure the temperature. Check the language for a plaque on the tongue.

- If you know the cause of the pain, for example, stretched muscles, then take a single-time pain medication, a non-steroid drug, for example, Ibuphen or Ketoprofen.

Attention! This method is used with caution, observing the condition of the baby.

With pain in the kidney area, take a diuretic once, it will help to remove swelling and remove all toxins from the body. The best for this is Kanefron-N.

Put on a supporting corset or bandage the back area. This will help fix the muscles in one position.

Make an appointment with a doctor.

! If there is a displacement of the vertebrae, we turn to a specialist, go through the necessary examinations (MRI, etc.) and only after that go to the manual therapist to fix the vertebrae.

Strongly hurts the loin after childbirth, what can not be done? Prohibited:

  • To smear warming ointments at a pain of unknown character or to heat a loin by any other method.
  • Vertebrae without doctor's appointment;
  • Take painkillers with constant pain of unknown character.

Healing exercises for low back pain

Relieve and overcome pain in the lower back will help therapeutic gymnastics. This complex provides for the fact that muscle relaxation will be performed on exhalation, and tension - on inspiration.

The first exercise.Standing with his back to the wall and leaning on it, we lift the leg in the knee. We raise for 20 sec., The relaxation also lasts 20 sec. The number of repetitions is 15 times.

The second exercise.If the right side hurts, we bend to the left, if on the right side it is vice versa. Slopes sideways allow to relax the muscle and relieve spasm. They bent to the side and hold the position for 20 seconds, the break is the same. We repeat 15 times.

The third exercise.If the pain occurs when you tilt forward, you must stand upright. We put the thumbs on the rump. We bend our back and simultaneously press on the point. We hold 9-10 sec on inhalation.

We relax the back and with a natural movement we bend as far back as possible, while the fingers do not press on the rump, but lie quietly. Muscles are also relaxed. The execution time is 6-8 seconds. When relaxing, try to bend back as far as possible.

Repeat the exercise 3-6 times.


How to prevent the occurrence of back pain after delivery, what should I do?Doctors give such recommendations:

1. Avoid carrying weights for half a year after delivery, since the muscles and ligaments are still weak. You can easily tear yourself apart.

2. Do not overeat, excess weight will exacerbate the problem of back pain.

3. Correctly get up from a chair or bed. Do not straighten up sharply. It is best if you use your hands to stop, start to get up from the position on your side, dangling your legs from the bed, take care of your spine.

4. Do daily exercises, medical exercises.

5. Feed in the correct posture lying on your side or in another convenient way.

6. Lean correctly - squat to start, so you reduce the burden on the spine.

7. Carry the child in a sling or kangaroo, as often as possible lift the baby.

8. The place for sleep should be as comfortable as possible for the spine, preferably if it is an orthopedic mattress.

9. Do not overcool, if you have pain immediately contact your doctor.

Take care of the spine and the back will thank you!

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Pain after childbirth

And then came the happiest moment, which the woman was looking forward to nine months - the baby was born.

All the tests through which Mummy passed during childbirth, seem insignificant compared to the joy of the birth of a child.

It would seem that all the worst is over, and now it remains to enjoy new impressions, bringing amazing emotions from contact with the most native and such a touching little man - his baby.

However, the joy that fills a woman can be overshadowed by postnatal pain. What pains after childbirth torment the woman in childbirth, what is their cause, and how long can they last?

As a rule, after the birth of a baby, a young mother is disturbed by pains in the lower abdomen, in the back, waist, perineum, and also in the joints of the legs and hands.

In a stomach

Postnatal pain in the lower abdomen is quite a characteristic phenomenon. During this period, during 5-10 days, the uterus shrinks intensively and returns to its previous state.

After birth, pain in the abdomen has a pulling or cramping character.

They intensify at the time of breastfeeding, which is explained by the intensive development at this time of the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates contraction of the uterus.

To reduce painful sensations it is necessary to perform special postpartum physical exercises. If the pains in the lower abdomen become intolerant, then consult with your doctor and find out what pain medication you can take while breastfeeding.

In back

In the postpartum period, 50% of women experience back pain. The pain syndrome causes suffering to the puerperas, limits their activity and leads to rapid fatigue.

There are many reasons for this, and the expert should carry out the exact diagnosis. The earlier a woman turns to a doctor, the more efficient and faster the recovery process will be. After the birth, back pain can last from several weeks to one year.

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The main factors that lead to the appearance of pain in the back area:

  • Scoliosis or osteochondrosis of the spine in the prenatal period;
  • During the period of gestation, the center of gravity is shifted forward, with the back experiencing a heavy load;
  • During the entire gestation period, there are significant lengthening of the abdominal muscles and shortening of the back musculature;
  • Displacement of hip joints and sacro-lumbar vertebrae during labor;
  • Use of spinal or epidural anesthesia during labor;
  • Kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis transformation of the kidneys);
  • Strong physical activity in the postpartum period, associated with the care of the newborn.

In addition, the cause of pain can be hormonal changes in the body of a woman and postpartum depression.

On the psychoemotional load in some puerperas, their body can respond, not only causing pain after a birth in the lower back, but also a general disruption in the work of organs and systems. This process is called psychosomatic.

After the young mother copes with a feeling of constant anxiety, anxiety, depression and adapts in a new life, the pain in the lower back and in the entire back will be weakened and eventually disappear altogether.

After establishing the nature of pain, a woman is prescribed therapeutic methods of treatment.

At the same time, she can easily alleviate her condition, observing a sparing regimen and performing physical exercises to strengthen the muscles of her back.

Training should be started gradually, because even for five months after birth, the muscles of the abdomen and back are very vulnerable.

Observance of simple rules will help ease the condition or completely avoid pain after delivery in the back:

  • Lifting the gravity, do not bend, but squat - thus the main load is distributed not on the back, but on the legs;
  • Adjust the height of the changing table, the cribs and the tray for your own growth - this will help relieve tension from the back;
  • Limit the time of carrying the baby on your hands. Get a "kangaroo" or baby sling that supports the back muscles;
  • Choose at the feeding of the child a comfortable position for the back, laying under it a pillow;
  • Regularly train the muscles of the back. The most simple exercises can be done already on the second day after childbirth;
  • Normalize your weight - excess kilos increase pain after giving birth in the lower back and in the spine.

In the legs

The process of bearing a child affects almost all the organs and systems of a woman. The musculoskeletal system is no exception. Many women complain that their legs hurt after birth. There are many reasons for this. But basically the painful sensations appear as a result:

  • Stretch muscles of the pelvic floor and spine, ligaments of the pubic articulation. Initially, the pain occurs in the lower back, then goes to the feet. At the same time, the woman feels weakness and pain in her legs;
  • Varicose veins. The increased volume of blood during pregnancy and the pressure of the growing uterus affect the veins, expanding and lengthening them. Vascular valves do not have time to cope with the reverse outflow of blood, which leads to slowed blood flow and stagnation of blood in the legs;
  • Loads on the legs during pregnancy and after childbirth;
  • Excess weight, which the woman typed, bearing a child.

In order to alleviate one's condition, one should never engage in self-medication. Only the doctor will determine exactly why the legs hurt after giving birth. With the help of medicamental and physiotherapeutic treatment specialist will help to cope with the problem.

In the joints

During pregnancy, the hormone relaxin, relaxing cartilage, which binds the pelvic bones, is actively released in the organism of the future mother. It is impossible to overestimate the properties of relaxin - thanks to it the process of birth is much easier.

But, unfortunately, the hormone affects not only the bones and ligaments in the pelvic region. During the bearing of the child, the level of relaxin rises by a factor of 10, while it affects all bones, ligaments and joints.

That is why most women suffer from joint pain after childbirth.

In the postpartum period, a young mother may also experience pain in her knees. Usually it is caused by excess weight, which provides a tremendous load on the legs.

Sometimes recent women in labor report painful symptoms in the joints of the hands. Such postnatal pain is characterized by numbness of the fingers (tunnel syndrome). This is due to the compression of the median nerve surrounding tissues.

Like any disease, pain in the joints require the attention of a specialist. If you have joint pain after childbirth, the doctor will help to remove unpleasant sensations and restore mobility of the joints.

In any case, whatever postnatal pain you are concerned with - immediately contact a doctor. Do not run the disease, because in order to raise a strong baby, the mother should be healthy.

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Pain after birth in the back and abdomen: possible causes of the disease

Quite often, women experience pain after giving birth in the back and abdomen.

They can be as barely perceptible and manifest only due to physical exertion, and delivering quite strong discomfort, which complicates life and joyful communication with the baby.

In any case, such complaints should be consulted by a specialist, because the causes and sources of these pains are many.


To find out the cause of pain in a woman who gave birth to a child recently, you can and yourself, after analyzing the process of labor, but it is better to have a check with the appropriate specialist. The most frequent and common causes of such pains are influenced by a variety of factors.

Bone Tissue Extension

During pregnancy, due to the gradual growth of the fetus, the muscles, bone tissue and uterus stretch.

There is a movement of the internal organs and tension of the ligaments holding them.

Due to the fact that most of the ligaments are attached to the vertebrae, women in the postnatal period feel pain after the birth in the spine, caused by these processes.

During the period of gestation, the abdominal muscles stretch quite strongly, and this leads to a shortening of the muscles of the waist.

And after childbirth, they are tense for a short time.

That's why during the slopes or squats due to their even greater tension, many newly mummies feel pain in the lower back.

Pain after childbirth in the back can also cause excess weight, recruited during pregnancy.

Internal organs in the wrong position

Sometimes during pregnancy, the internal organs take the wrong position, for example, the kidneys can unfold or fall below.

Naturally, they need time after birth to recover, that is, to accept their former location.

The process of their active displacement after childbirth explains the pain in the lower back of a noisy character, which can be given to the crotch or leg. Why do pains after childbirth become stronger? We will voice its somewhat less common reasons.


There is a certain percentage of the likelihood that after a birth a woman could become aggravated by an intervertebral hernia.

Before delivery, the coccyx is pulled back, the pubic bone and hips are expanded so that the baby does not get injured while passing through the birth canal. And during the recovery period, which all can last differently, a woman has a backache.

Also, do not forget that it is not always possible to avoid birth trauma (for example, joint displacement), which can cause back pain.

Other back problems

During pregnancy, inevitably change the posture, the restoration of which will take about 1-2 months. And this process can also be accompanied by pain after childbirth.

The vertebral-sacral department of a young mother after the birth of a child experiences considerable loads during feeding, wearing a newborn on the hands, swimming, changing clothes and other hard physical work, which can aggravate the situation with painful sensations in the back.

Often young mothers who have recently given birth to a baby have stomach or lung problems (inflammation, colds, bronchitis), which can also cause pain in the area of ​​the scapula.

Why after the birth the abdomen hurts, we will consider below.

So if a woman experiences pain after the birth, then in no case can not tolerate it. It is necessary immediately to find out the nature of their origin and begin to be treated.

What if my back hurts after birth?

A week after the woman gave birth, it is necessary to visit the women's consultation.

If she subsequently experiences severe back pain, she must certainly inform a specialist who, depending on the origin and nature of the pain, treatment.

In addition, it should reduce the burden on the discomfort that causes discomfort, restrict physical exercise and work around the house.

Back pain treatment

  • If back pain is caused by discrepancy, then a simple massage may not just be useless, and in some cases even harmful. In this situation, qualified manual therapy is necessary.
  • If a new mother does not have serious injuries and injuries, then she is prescribed physiotherapy.
  • Those women who have pain in the lower back or any other part of their back after the birth will benefit from an easy, LFK-developed course.

Often together with the back the stomach hurts after sorts. This is even more unpleasant.

Home methods of therapy

  • If a newly born woman has sharp and prolonged back pain, she can only be physically prescribed by a doctor. And in general it is better to avoid them within six months, since the muscles are very vulnerable in this period, and if they are also injured, problems with the spine and back can remain for life.
  • Only with the permission of the doctor can you do gymnastics to restore the muscles after childbirth, gradually increasing the load.
  • If the mother is very sore back after childbirth, then caring for the baby should not bring excessive stress. All necessary items and things should be placed so that you do not need to bend down too much. It is necessary to instruct to carry weights and even a child to relatives. If this is not possible, then the young mother should definitely use the sling.
  • Also, if the spine or lower back pain after delivery, then you should avoid slopes. They can be replaced by slow simple sit-ups, during which the back should be kept straight, so that the load is transmitted to the feet.

If a woman after the detection of the reasons for pain in the lower back and the appointment of treatment will be careful with physical exertion, then in the end the pain will go away. This will take time: from one week to six months. But there are other pains after childbirth. The lower abdomen often pulls. What does this mean?

Abdominal pain

Now consider the pain that appeared in the abdomen after childbirth, so frightening young mothers. If these feelings are quite tolerant and short-lived, then they are considered the norm.

Just imagine what a tremendous strain the body, its muscles and internal organs suffered. But if they deliver enough discomfort to a woman and do not pass for a long time, then you can not put up with it.

First, you need to understand the causes of these unpleasant pains in the abdomen.

Causes of pain in the abdomen after childbirth

The appearance of painful sensations in a woman who has recently given birth can be caused by both physiological and pathological causes. The most common are those listed below.

One of the main causes of pulling or cramping pain in the lower abdomen of a newly given woman can be the active production of the hormone oxytocin. It is he who provokes muscle contraction. The uterus in this period is in a tonus, because the body tends to return to its former sizes and forms.

During breastfeeding, the nipples of a young mother are irritated, which provokes increased production oxytocin, in connection with this uterine contractions increase, and this causes a rather unpleasant feeling in the lower abdomen.

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If the month has passed since the birth, and the pains in the abdomen do not stop, then it can threaten with serious consequences for the life and health of the young mother.

One of the causes of these pains is the remains of the placenta in the uterus. If it is not completely removed after childbirth, the particles adhering to the wall of the uterus provokes a purulent inflammation.

What else causes pain after delivery? Seams after caesarean section, for example, can itch and even burn.

The next cause, causing pain in the abdomen, may well be an inflammatory process that develops on the inner mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium).

Most often, it is diagnosed in women who have given birth to a child not in a natural way, but through surgical intervention. During the operation, the uterus could easily get into microbes, which provoked the development of the infection in the future.

This disease can be accompanied by bloody discharge, fever and lower abdominal pain. In this case, serious treatment is required.

Another cause of pain in the abdomen of a woman who recently gave birth to a baby is salpingo-oophoritis. Inflammation of the appendages is a very common disease. It is accompanied by abdominal pain that does not go away with time.

Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, which causes unbearable pain in the abdomen and is accompanied by fever. If you have it, you need immediate treatment.

Displacement of vertebrae

During physical training or during long walking on the spine is a heavy load, in this connection may manifest the effects of postpartum trauma - displacement of the vertebrae. In this case, the pain in the lower abdomen and lower back may disturb even six months after the birth of the child.

Sometimes the cause of painful sensations in the lower abdomen may be disrupted work of the gastrointestinal tract, which mostly happens due to a deficit in the diet of women's fiber and dairy products.

If during the first 3-4 days after delivery unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by a burning sensation, then this is due to the process of emptying the bladder, which in time will not deliver discomfort.

That's why women have severe pain after giving birth in the abdomen, as during menstruation.

If they are short, then panic and worry is not worth it, but if they last more than a week from those Since a woman has given birth, it is necessary to consult a specialist and, probably, to take a course treatment.

Treatment of abdominal pain after childbirth

Depending on the specifics of the malfunctions in the body of a woman who has occurred after the birth, the doctor will prescribe the treatment if the pain in the lower abdomen is not considered the norm.

If postnatal pain in the lower abdomen is caused by remnants in the uterus of the placenta, then this problem is solved through surgical intervention. After the operation, antibacterial therapy is prescribed.

If the cause of abdominal pain is developing endometritis, then complex treatment is required. It includes antibacterial, detoxification, infusion, desensitizing, sedative and general restorative therapy, as well as adequate nutrition.

If the pain in the abdomen gives into the spine and does not pass even after 3-4 months, then you should consult a specialist. He will check if the vertebrae have moved during labor. In this case, with the confirmation of the diagnosis, manual therapy is prescribed.

Diagnosis of peritonitis requires immediate surgical intervention.

If problems with the functioning of the digestive tract are identified, then, as a rule, doctors prescribe a special diet.

So, after learning the reasons that caused such unpleasant pain in a woman who recently gave birth to a child, a specialist can choose the appropriate treatment.

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Backache hurts after childbirth

Complaints about back and back pain can often be heard from pregnant women and newly-born women. Such pains arise from many causes.

Often they are associated with physiological characteristics and overloads.

Let's find out why the loin hurts after the birth, and what can be done about it?

Causes of pain

Today, few can boast that they are not bothered by back pain.

Sedentary sedentary lifestyle, minimal physical activity lead to the fact that most young people suffer from scoliosis and osteochondrosis.

These problems can be aggravated due to increased physical exertion, trauma, and in women - during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Physicians note that many factors can provoke back pain after childbirth. One of the main reasons is excess weight.

As a rule, a woman during pregnancy gains 10-15 additional kilograms, and, as is known, overweight increases the burden on the musculoskeletal system.

Immediately after childbirth, all additional kilograms can not go away quickly, so the load remains.

In addition, during childbirth a woman has to push hard, and not everyone knows how to do it correctly. Therefore, often the woman giving birth simply "tears her back or, in medical terms, stretches her back. Hence the pain in the lower back.

In addition, shortly before the birth of the baby and in the process of childbirth, there is a physiological discrepancy between the spine and pelvis so that the baby can be born.

It also causes severe back pain.

A few days after birth, the body begins to return to its former form, and pelvic bones including, from which, too, there may be pain.

Who should I contact for help?

If a woman has back pain after childbirth, she needs to turn to to the doctor-vertebrologist - to the expert who is engaged in treatment of the problems connected with the oporno-impellent apparatus.

He will conduct an examination, assign the tests, the necessary hardware studies. This, in turn, will determine what causes the pain. Sometimes a specialist can prescribe MRI, ultrasound or radiography in order to confirm or exclude the presence of intervertebral hernias.

As a rule, such a diagnosis is rarely confirmed.

The doctor prescribes the necessary medication, taking into account whether the woman is breastfeeding the baby, and will also select the necessary rehabilitation course. Often it includes massage, rehabilitation procedures, magnetic laser therapy and other hardware treatment methods.

Therapeutic massage, which will make a professional, will improve blood circulation, relieve pain and tone in the muscles. As a result, a woman during the procedure will not only be healthy, but also relax and get a charge of vivacity, and for a young mother - this is extremely important.

Magneto-laser therapy proved to be very useful. Due to the correct symbiosis of influence on the sick areas of the magnetic field and the laser with low intensity, it is possible to make pain less pronounced in several sessions.

This area of ​​physiotherapy is widespread, because it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties without the use of any medications. By the way, some mothers noted that after such sessions they not only had pains, but also increased the amount of breast milk.

This is due to the invisible positive stimulation of the body's work.

Another drug-free method of treatment is exercise therapy. Correctly carrying out exercises, a woman will be able to activate the muscles, remove tension in them - and, thus, the pain will decrease at times.

All these procedures combined with treatment will help a woman get rid of the pain and return to normal life. Also, a specialist may advise wearing a special medical belt.

To buy such bandage is often advised by gynecologists to women on the last terms of pregnancy.

If properly used, he can not do any harm to the crumb in the tummy, but only, on the contrary, help relieve tension in the waist, prevent the formation of stretch marks on the abdomen.

After childbirth, you can also buy a special back belt, which will reduce the burden on the musculoskeletal system and reduce back pain after delivery.

Sometimes there are situations when the young mother has absolutely no time to seek help from a specialist. In such cases, you can use popular methods.

One of the most effective and affordable ways to get rid of back pain is to go swimming. If your baby was born in the summer, then you can easily drive to the river to swim without problems.

If you become a mother in the cold season, you can buy a subscription to the pool and arrange with close people to work "nurse" for two or three hours. This time will be enough to practice swimming.

And when the baby is 3 months old, you can start swimming together under the supervision of the coach.

Such lessons are very popular today, since they help the kids to strengthen their immunity, develop all the muscles and prevent the development of many diseases.

Also it is possible to spread the loin with honey for the night, avoiding the kidney zone. This procedure is safe, warms the stretched muscles and improves the general condition.

From honey and aloe, you can prepare a healing ointment. To do this, you need to make 50 grams of gruel from several aloe leaves and add 100 grams of honey and the same amount of vodka. It is good to stir and lubricate the sore spot, then roll it with a woolen shawl.

You can use the recipe on the basis of horse chestnut. Several pieces must be grinded into powder, add a teaspoon of melted fat and the same amount of camphor oil.

Mix everything, apply on black bread and attach to a sore spot for several hours.

Experts recommend not to ignore back pain after childbirth and not engage in self-medication. The best option is to undergo a test, find out the cause and be cured. Remember that a baby who needs care and care needs a healthy mom.

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The back hurts after sorts or labors what to do or make in this case, to reduce a pain

Changes that occur in the musculoskeletal of a woman during pregnancy, after childbirth can cause complications, manifested in the form of painful sensations in the back and pelvis, and even become the reason for the limitation of motor functions. To avoid this, one should better understand the mechanism of these changes and take the necessary measures to reduce the risk of complications.

The main causes of pain

Increasing body weight and volume, weakening of muscle tone, too much stress on the spine in time of training or lifting weights are the main factors causing destructive changes in the spine.

Another important factor is pregnancy: back pain after childbirth is not so rare in women of any age, regardless of the degree of their physical fitness.

Another thing is how quickly these pains pass or at least decrease.

The mechanism of physiological changes in the body of a woman is launched from the first days of pregnancy: developing and increasing in size, the fetus begins to press internal organs not only of the small pelvis, but also of other departments peritoneum. At the same time, there is a stretching of the abdominal muscles (due to this, its cavity is enlarged) - and, accordingly, a shortening of the muscles of the lumbar region.

As a result, the usual posture, which allows the body to hold the vertical position, changes: to give the body a large stability, bending of the spine in the lumbar region becomes stronger, and the thoracic region deviates somewhat backward. The angle of body deviation from the vertical position increases along with the period of pregnancy, as well as the weight and volume of the fetus.

If we take into account the changes taking place at the same time in the structure of the cartilaginous tissues (of which intervertebral disks are composed), then the origin pain in the back after childbirth becomes more understandable, which means that measures to reduce the intensity of painful sensations will be more effective. As a rule, the success of treatment largely depends on knowing the root cause of the disease.

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However, there are several more reasons for the occurrence of back pain, and they all require an immediate appeal to specialists:

  • Stupid, "pulling" pain in the lower back after childbirth, sometimes giving to the perineal region may be a consequence of the beginning inflammatory process in the kidneys, as well as their displacement - during pregnancy, one or both kidney;
  • Pain in the area of ​​the scapula can signal a lung disease or stomach problems;
  • The displacement of the vertebrae of the sacro-lumbar region or femoral joints, caused by improper attempts at labor, or rapid childbirth - refers to birth injuries and can also cause severe pain in the back area, as there is a jamming of the nervous endings.

It should be noted that in the event of any painful sensations (and not only in the back area), one should immediately consult a specialist - self-medication in this case is very dangerous, since the pain may be peripheral (that is, the pain is not felt at all where the source is), or urgent surgical intervention.

However, thus it is not necessary to panic, probably, painful sensations in the field of a back accompany process of restoration of bone designs. The newly changed body balancing and sudden weight changes require the body to return the parameters preceding the pregnancy.

Dispersed due to the bearing of the fetus and the genera of the bones of the pubic, hips, and coccyx, they tend to occupy the position peculiar to them before the birth, and even the spine gradually assumes the original configuration.

It is quite natural that in this case, painful sensations may arise: the body adapts itself to the bearing of the fetus slowly, gradually adjusting itself under its parameters, and a sudden change in weight or volume can not affect the body in the best way - unless it helps him cope with problem.

Reasonableness of action, self-control and sense of proportion

In the presence of painful sensations in the back, it is necessary to remember: inept and unprofessional actions can aggravate problem, and therefore any physical exercises and even postnatal gymnastics can be performed only after consultation with doctor.

First of all, with pain in the back and thighs, it is necessary to exclude diseases of the internal organs, displacement of the vertebrae and the presence intervertebral hernia (unfortunately, quite often it happens) - in these cases special treatment will be required, and it can be prescribed only specialist.

There are certain rules that must be followed throughout the recovery period:

  • Avoid excessive physical exertion in the first 6 months after childbirth;
  • It is necessary to control the weight of your body - overweight increases the burden on the entire musculoskeletal system;
  • Long standing on the legs or in a sitting position is extremely harmful to the spine and pelvic bones, so you need to give more rest to the muscles of the back;
  • It is necessary to monitor the correct position of the body during the care of the child: swaddling, bathing, placing in a crib, etc. Actions should not cause excessive strain of muscles in the lumbar and sacral parts of the back - a long being in a tilted state can exacerbate pain, and even cause jamming of nerve endings the spine;
  • When wearing a baby, you should use a sling, and when doing homework, do not neglect the bandage or corset (if there are no contraindications to it);
  • You need to learn how to move properly: the physiology of the human body assumes smooth movements and a uniform distribution of the load on the spine, so when turning and slopes of the body should avoid sudden movements and excessive loads - for example, when lifting weights, it is better not to bend, but squat (then the main load will fall on the muscles of the legs and buttocks);
  • Correct position of the body during a night's sleep or daytime rest is one of the key moments of the struggle with pain in the back: the mattress should be quite rigid, its surface - even, the pillow - not high.

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Back pain after delivery

After a new little man appears in the world, and a young mother sees her baby for the first time - a lot of things appear in a woman's life that she was completely unacquainted with before. In this article we will talk about such phenomenon as back pain after childbirth, why and how it appears, how it can be avoided or cured.

Causes of appearance

In order to properly treat the disease, you need to know the reasons that cause it. In this respect, back pain is most often the result of five main factors that accompany a woman throughout pregnancy:

  1. Problems with the spine before pregnancy(curvature of the spine (scoliosis, excess lordosis and kyphosis), osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, etc.). In this case, the pain in the back is likely to bother the young mother before pregnancy and is increasing, is becoming more frequent during this period and after childbirth;
  2. Various diseases of muscles and nerve endings(the reason is least likely, but requires timely detection and treatment), as well as overstretch of the abdomen and back when bearing a child;
  3. A sharp change in the body weight of a woman(during pregnancy, a young mother can get up to 12 kg in norm, and if she is pregnant with twins or triple, does not adhere strictly to the diet - it is much more), to which the bone-ligament apparatus is not ready. This "unusual" weight especially often causes pain in the sacrum, and pain in the lower back after birth is greatly enhanced;
  4. Change in the center of gravity of the whole body(in a pregnant woman, he moves forward and down, which causes him to change his posture, deviating back and forth - hence the "step-and-important" gait of pregnant women). This leads to overstrain of the muscles of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, the load on the knee and hip joints changes;
  5. Hormonal changes in the body. This factor leads to the fact that a special female sex hormone - progesterone - "softens" the ligaments, joints and cartilage of the female skeleton, allowing you to adapt to all changes in the body. This often leads to the fact that the vertebrae somewhat "sag compressing the nerve roots.

In other words, there are many reasons for the occurrence of pain during pregnancy.

But it is worth considering that after birth all these processes begin to reverse - the body re-accustomed to a new weight (baby was born), change center of gravity and restore the strength of the muscular corset, reduce the level of progesterone (and, as a consequence, reduce the flexibility and elasticity of ligaments and cartilage skeleton). Those. all the causes of pain during pregnancy are caused by the fact that the back hurts after the birth.

informationIt is worth adding that the birth itself is also an important factor in these pains.

During them, there is a change in the ratio of the bones of the woman's pelvis in space: the denticles diverge, the coccyx tilts back, the hip joints are divorced.

These changes in the very process of birth are somewhat anesthetized by the natural hormonal substances of the body - endorphins, which are actively produced at this time. But then the young woman remains with these pains one on one.

The tailbone especially hurts after childbirth, and long aching pains in the region of the hip joints, thighs can also appear.

It is very difficult to walk, sit down, bend down, carry weights.

Approximately everything that a woman after childbirth needs to do! The child should be worn, bent down for swaddling and feeding, sit down for rest, etc.

Treatment of back pain

Treatment of pain in the lower back (and generally in the entire back) after childbirth has several of its features:

  • treatment is done exclusively non-medicamentous methods (that is, you can forget about medicines, unless you stop breastfeeding). The vast majority of drugs that effectively and quickly can help relieve back pain after childbirth can also penetrate the mother's milk into the fragile body of the baby, causing unwanted effects;
  • it is possible to apply anti-inflammatory ointments (topically) with a small course (short period of time);
  • the main methods of treatment - therapeutic gymnastics, acupuncture, physiotherapy.

additionallyThe choice of the method of treatment and duration of it is selected only by the doctor after the necessary examination (as mentioned above, the causes of such pain can be serious diseases of the muscles and nerves, the spine, which appeared only after pregnancy). In other words, do not be surprised if, after coming to the doctor with a simple complaint, for example, "the loin hurts after the birth after the examination, the doctor recommends that you undergo an MRI of the spine.

Prevention of discomfort

Back pain is more effective and easier to prevent than cure. Below are recommendations that do not exhaust the entire list of possible methods and methods of preventing pain, but are the main ones. Clarify and choose a more balanced scheme can be with the help of a doctor.

  1. For half a year after childbirth, if possibleAvoid hard work, heavy lifting. The untimely beginning of such activity leads to the fact that the muscles of the back and abdomen do not have time to recover;
  2. Watch your weightnot only during pregnancy, but also after childbirth. Extra pounds will only intensify the pain in the back and slow the recovery of the body;
  3. Do a gymnastics (consult a doctor on this issue). The most important point here is the constancy and regularity of classes, and not their intensity and severity. You can make gymnastics your morning exercise;
  4. Getting up from the bed,do not straighten up sharply- calmly turn on your side, bend your knees, rest your hands on the bed and sit on its edge;
  5. When you start feeding your babylearn to take a comfortable for you and the baby pose: sit comfortably in an armchair, put your feet on the dais (you can put an ottoman), head back. Most mothers also note that the most convenient and simple, if you teach the baby to feed lying on its side;
  6. When choosing a bed, give preference tobed with a hard mattress, which is very useful for the spine. Sometimes it is also recommended to put a small cushion or pillow under your knees during sleep;
  7. Take care of yourself:adjust the height of the table, swaddling table, cribs, baths for bathing according to their height. If necessary, use a stand. If you need to lift something from the floor - kneel down or crouch, keeping your back straight;
  8. Avoid direct slopes- remember that it will be right to lift weights with your feet and with a straight back (just sit down a little), without bending or twisting your back to the sides. This rule is useful and when cleaning an apartment - working with a vacuum cleaner, rest with one hand in the leg to unload the spine;
  9. Pleasemore emphasis on choosing a strollerand / or baby carrier that you will use. Do not trust this to relatives or to your husband - try on it, bear it a little to make sure that it suits you. At the same time, the breastplate should be easy to put on, do not constrain movement, and the head of the baby - be at the level of your chest. In the case of choosing a stroller, the only requirement for avoiding excessive load on the back is the handle level: it should be above the waist;
  10. And again - take care of yourself!Ask familyand people close to youhelp around the houseand take care of the child.

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