The structure of the human neck, anatomy in various departments


  • 1Anatomy: the structure of the neck of a man in general
    • 1.1Borders of the neck and its area
    • 1.2Neck shape
    • 1.3Structure of the neck
    • 1.4Bone apparatus
  • 2Structure of the neck of a man in front and behind: lymph nodes and muscles of the neck, their diseases and treatment
    • 2.1Areas and boundaries
    • 2.2The form is individual
    • 2.3Organs
    • 2.4Neck parts
    • 2.5Bones of the neck
    • 2.6The vertebra "atlant"
    • 2.7Axis
    • 2.8Muscles of cervical department
    • 2.9Fascia of the neck
    • 2.10Blood flow in the neck
    • 2.11Nervous plexus of the neck
    • 2.12Lymphonoduses
    • 2.13Diseases in the neck
    • 2.14Competent treatment of diseases in the neck
  • 3The structure of the neck of a person
    • 3.1Anatomical structure of the neck
    • 3.2In anatomy the neck is divided into 4 areas
    • 3.3Anatomy of the cervical spine
    • 3.4Segments of the cervical spine
    • 3.5Neck muscles
    • 3.6Neck muscles perform the following functions
    • 3.7In anatomy, all muscle groups are made into the following categories
    • 3.8Neck organs
    • 3.9Pharynx
    • 3.10Functions of pharynx
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.11Larynx
    • 3.12Trachea
    • 3.13Thyroid
    • 3.14Esophagus
    • 3.15Lymphatic and circulatory system
    • 3.16Arteries
    • 3.17Lymphatic system
    • 3.18Nerve plexuses
  • 4Neck of a person: its structure, description and characteristics
    • 4.1Areas and boundaries
  • 5Anatomy of the muscles of the neck of a person
    • 5.1Neck muscles and their function
    • 5.2Blood supply and innervation of the neck muscles

Anatomy: the structure of the neck of a man in general

The neck is one of the most important parts of the body. It connects the trunk and head. The neck begins from the base of the lower jaw and ends at the upper edge of the clavicle.

The structure of the neck of a person is quite complicated, since there are various important organs that support the vital activity of the whole body.

These include such as the thyroid gland, spinal cord, vessels that feed the brain, nerve endings and not only.

Borders of the neck and its area

The structure of the human neck has two sections: the front and back. The first refers to the neck itself, and to the rear - the yawning site. There is also another division of the neck boundaries into the following parts:

  • two mastoid-sternoclavicular parts;
  • front end;
  • rear part;
  • lateral parts in the number of two pieces.

The neck has two boundaries - the upper and lower. The latter passes through the jugular notch of the sternum and along the upper edge of the clavicle. The upper border passes along the edge of the lower jaw in the front, and behind it at the level of the occipital tuberosity.

Neck shape

The structure of the human neck determines to some extent the length and shape. Also important are the sex, age, individual characteristics.

Some people have a short neck, while others have a long neck. Each person has the diameter of this part of the body is individual: someone has a thin, someone thick.

The shape of the neck resembles a cylinder.

If the musculature is well developed, then the neck of the person has a pronounced relief: pits are visible, muscle appears, and in men an Adam's apple is observed.

Functionality of the neck does not depend on its length and shape. But these characteristics are important in the diagnosis of pathologies and during surgical treatment.

And before the surgical intervention, the doctor should carefully study all the features of the structure of the neck of the person to be operated.

The neck is considered one of the most vulnerable organs. Through it passes an artery supplying blood to the brain. It passes not deep, but under the skin tissues, between the muscles (in different parts of the neck in different places), so it is easy to palpate.

Also through the neck passes the spine, between the individual vertebrae there are disks that perform a cushioning function: all the shocks, the impacts fall on them.

Structure of the neck

The anatomical structure of the neck of a man in front is quite complicated. In this part are located a variety of organs, systems, tissues. Among them:

  1. Larynx and pharynx. These organs are involved in the processes of promoting food through the digestive system. Both organs are responsible for speech formation, take part in breathing, and also protect internal organs from foreign bodies, harmful impurities.
  2. Trachea. Through it air is delivered to the lungs.
  3. Esophagus. It performs the function of moving food to the stomach and prevents its penetration back into the pharynx.
  4. Carotid artery.
  5. Jugular veins.
  6. Seven vertebrae.
  7. Muscles.
  8. Lymphonoduses. The structure of the human neck includes cervical lymph nodes.

Protective and supporting function is performed by connective tissue. As a shock absorber, heat insulator and energy-saving organ acts subcutaneous fat. It protects the neck from hypothermia and from trauma when driving.

Bone apparatus

Anatomically, the structure of the head and neck of a person has a complex skeleton. The neck is represented by a vertebral column passing through it, represented by seven cervical vertebrae.

In this department, the vertebrae are short, have small dimensions. Such dimensions are due to the fact that in this part the load on them is less than in the thoracic or lumbar region.

Despite this, the cervical section has the highest mobility and is most severely injured.

One of the most important vertebrae is the first cervical called the atlas. This name is not accidental: its function is to connect the skull with the spine.

Unlike other cervical elements, the atlas does not have a body and a spinous process. He has a posterior tubercle, which is an underdeveloped process.

The sides are lined with articular tissue.

Following the Atlantean Atlantoose joint, which connects the first and second vertebrae.

The second cervical vertebra was called axis. He has a tooth that extends upward from the vertebrae.

The neck has several muscles. These are long muscles of the neck and head, three stair muscles, four sublingual, thyroid-breast, etc. Muscles are covered with fascia - these are the membranes, represented by a connective tissue, tendons, nervous starts and vessels.

A source: http://.ru/article/339366/anatomiya-stroeniya-shei-cheloveka-v-obschih-chertah

Structure of the neck of a man in front and behind: lymph nodes and muscles of the neck, their diseases and treatment

One of the most important parts of the human body is the neck. It connects the head and body together.

Areas and boundaries

The upper border of the neck coincides with the lower edges of the jaw and bone auditory meatus, and also with the upper border of the occiput. The lower border runs along the jugular fossa on the front surface of the neck, along the upper side of the clavicle and along the upper line of the scapulae.

The form is individual

The shape of the neck of each person is individual, it depends on age, sex, weight and muscle corset. In all people, without exception, the neck has a cylindrical shape, the top is the skull, and the bottom is the shoulder girdle.


Inside the neck there are many vital organs and anatomical structures.

The organs located inside the neck:

  • Larynx.Performs a protective function. It protects the way of breathing from the penetration of foreign substances and bodies into them.
  • Pharynx.Takes part in the processes of speech and breathing, also plays a role in food. In addition, it has a protective function.
  • Trachea.An important respiratory organ, conducts atmospheric air to pulmonary sacs. Also helps in sound formation by conducting air to the bunches.
  • Cloth of connecting type.It is necessary to perform protective and supporting functions.
  • Thyroid.One of the main glands that produce hormonal substances necessary for normal metabolism.
  • Esophagus.This organ of the digestive system pushes a lump of food into the stomach for further processing.
  • Spinal cord.Its functions are to generate vegetative and motor reflexes, in addition, it is a kind of "bridge" connecting the brain with the peripheral part of the nervous system.
  • Subcutaneous fatty tissue.Performs the function of protection and depreciation, while contributing to thermal insulation and energy supply to the internal organs of the neck.

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Neck parts

In the human neck it is conventionally accepted to distinguish four sectors or areas:

  1. Posterior region of neck.
  2. Lateral or lateral region of the neck.
  3. The sternocleidomastoid region of the neck.
  4. Anterior region of the neck.

Each of the above areas has its own specific structure in accordance with the functions performed. And in each of the regions are located the muscles, organs, networks of the circulatory and nervous systems that limit it.

Bones of the neck

The mobility of the neck is due to the spinal column passing through it. The human spine consists of 33-34 vertebrae, but it is in the cervical region that only 7 occur. A distinctive feature of the cervical vertebra is its small and short body.

This is due to the fact that compared to other departments, the cervical vertebrae have the least load. But, despite this, it is the neck department that is more susceptible to various injuries and strains, as the muscular corset is rather weak.

Cervical vertebrae have transverse processes, in the holes of which the vessels of the circulatory system pass. These vessels bring oxygen-enriched blood to the brain.

The vertebra "atlant"

The first cervical vertebra of a person was called Atlant. This is due to the fact that it performs an important function of connecting the skull to the vertebral column.

Unlike all other vertebrae, the atlas does not have a body. In connection with this, the hole in the vertebra is markedly enlarged, and both arches (posterior and anterior) are joined together by lateral masses.

On the front side of the anterior arc is a tubercle, and on the back there is a pit of the tooth, with which the atlas is connected to the second cervical vertebra.

There is no spinous process in the atlant, there is only a posterior tubercle on the posterior arch, which is an underdeveloped process.

On the lateral surfaces of the atlas there are articular surfaces, both from the upper and lower sides. The upper articular surfaces, by connecting with the occipital condyles, form the atlanto-occipital joint.

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The lower ones are connected with the upper articular surfaces of the second cervical vertebra and form the lateral atlanto-axial joint.


Axis or epistrophe is the second cervical vertebra of a person. Its distinctive feature in the structure is the presence of an appendage (tooth), which extends upwards from the vertebrae. This appendage has an apex and two articular surfaces.

The anterior surface is connected to the tooth socket of the posterior surface of the atlant and forms the medial Atlanto-axial joint. The posterior surface of the axis joins the transverse ligament of the first cervical vertebra.

The upper articular surfaces of the axis are located on the lateral sides of his body. The upper surfaces connect to the lower surfaces of the first cervical vertebra and form lateral atlanto-axial joints.

The lower surfaces of the axis are necessary to connect this vertebra with the third cervical vertebra.

Muscles of cervical department

the function of the muscular corset of the neck is to maintain the position of the head in space, as well as the movement of the neck and head movements. In addition, the muscles are involved in swallowing and generating sounds.

All muscles are divided into two groups: own and alien muscles. Their main difference is that the aliens are connected with the movement of the upper limbs, and their own muscles are necessary for the movement of the head and trunk.

Own muscles:

  • LengthNeck muscle of the neck.Its main function is aimed at bending the neck and body, the principle of operation is the opposite of the principle of the operation of the dorsal muscles.
  • The long muscle of the head.The function performed is exactly the same as that of the long neck muscle.
  • The anterior, middle and posterior staircase.These muscles are involved in the process of breathing, namely, at the inspiration stage, ribs rise with the help of these muscle fibers.
  • Breast-sublingual, scapular-hyoid, sternum-thyroid, shield-lingual and chin-sublingual muscles.These muscle fibers tighten the larynx and the hyoid bone down.

Alien Muscles:

  1. Mandibular-hyoid, sylophilic and dorsal muscles.They, due to the fact that they stretch the larynx and the hyoid bone up, are able to lower the lower jaw down.
  2. The subcutaneous muscle of the neck.Its main function is to protect the subcutaneous veins from excessive pressure. This is due to the tightening of this muscle on the skin of the neck.
  3. Chest-clavicular-mastoid muscle.There are two types of contraction of this muscle: one-sided and two-sided. In the first variant, the head tilts to the side, the face turns upward. With bilateral contraction, the head tilts back and rises upward. Also, this reduction is necessary to support the head in an upright position and to perform an inspiration.

Fascia of the neck

Fascia are connective tissue membranes that cover muscles, tendons, organs and bundles of nerves and vessels.

According to the classification of the doctor of medicine, academician, professor Shevkunenko V.N. in the neck distinguish five fascia:

  • Superficial fascia.
  • Own fascia of the neck.
  • Scapula-clavicular fascia.
  • Intraural fascia.
  • Prefetal plate.

Blood flow in the neck

The circulatory system in the neck is formed by the interweaving of vessels of various types, the main task of which is to ensure the delivery of blood to and from the brain. Isolate the arterial and venous system.

The arterial circulatory system in its composition has:

  1. Common carotid artery.In turn, it is divided into internal, carrying blood to the orbital part of the head, and the outer one, which promotes blood flow to the facial and cervical region.
  2. Subclavian artery.

The composition of the venous system includes the following vessels:

  • Thyroid vein.
  • Anterior jugular vein.
  • Internal jugular vein.
  • External jugular vein.
  • The subclavian vein.

the function of the veins, in contrast to the arteries, is to ensure the flow of blood from the brain.

Nervous plexus of the neck

The nerve plexus of the cervical region is formed by the four upper spinal nerves of the cervical region, namely their anterior branches, which are connected by three loops of an arcuate shape. = 5wG4-OsYbbk

The nerve plexus of the cervical region is located on the anterior and lateral surfaces of the deep neck muscles, and on the top it covers the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

The structure of the nerve plexus of the neck includes the following nerve branches:

  1. Muscular nerves.Their main function is to establish the relationship between the muscles located around and the central nervous system. These nerves belong to the motor type.
  2. Skin nerves.Relate to a sensitive type of nerves.
  3. The diaphragmatic nerve.The motor fibers of this nerve are innervated directly by the diaphragm, and the sensitive fibers are peritoneum.


The lymphatic system as a whole performs a protective function. Lymph nodes are peripheral organs that perform filtration of all lymph that passes through the body.

In the cervical region, several groups of lymph nodes are distinguished, including:

  • chin;
  • parotid;
  • supraclavicular;
  • subclavian;
  • zagrugochnye and others.

Depending on the location of the lymph nodes, they can perform a protective function for certain organs and tissues.

In healthy people, the lymph nodes are not visible and are not probed. Only with a different kind of disease the nodes of the lymphatic system become noticeably larger and can be easily detected with the naked eye.

Diseases in the neck

Often the cervical region is vulnerable and susceptible to a variety of inflammatory diseases. Very often on the back of the neck there are furuncles and carbuncles.

Most often, such formations arise in places of strong friction with clothing, or in particularly sweating areas where there is a slight hair covering.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes of the neck is also common. There is both a chronic form of lymphadenitis, in which purulent processes do not occur, as well as an acute form of the disease.

It is in the acute form that immediate surgical intervention is often necessary, since the lesion rapidly grows, followed by massive suppuration and tissue necrosis.

Among tumorous diseases, benign lesions are isolated, such as angiomas, fibromas, lipomas, neurofibromas, etc. TO Malignant tumors include cancer of the lip, thyroid gland, lymphosarcoma, etc. As a treatment is surgical treatment, as well as radiation therapy.

In addition to all of the above, spine diseases can develop, for example, osteochondrosis, as well as inflammation of the neck muscles.

Competent treatment of diseases in the neck

Very often you can hear complaints about pain in the neck, in most cases, such feelings are associated with inflammation of the neck muscles.

Below are a few folk remedies that will help reduce the pain and relax the neck muscles:

  1. A strong effect is possessed by various heating ointments.It is necessary to mix about 2 tablespoons of butter and a teaspoon of horsetail in the form of powder. This mixture is applied to the inflamed area, cotton wool is applied, wrapped with a food film and wrapped with warm cloth. So leave for the night, the next day the pain should disappear.
  2. You can also use cabbage compresses.To do this, cabbage leaf should be rubbed with soap and sprinkled with baking soda. This side up should be put a sheet to the neck and wrapped in a warm scarf. The next day the neck muscles will be relaxed.

In addition, good prevention will be exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck and massage this area.

As an example, useful exercises are given below:

  • Stand up straight, hands at the seams, gently, without sharp movements, perform the head incline from side to side.
  • The starting position is the same, make head turns from side to side.
  • Sitting on the chair to put the palms to the forehead, gently pressing the hands to try to overcome the force and pressure, stay for a few seconds, then relax.
  • Similarly, sitting on the chair press the palm on the temple and try to overcome the pressure, stay for a few seconds and relax. Repeat on the other side.

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The structure of the neck of a person

Anatomy of the neck is considered one of the most difficult. The main and secondary impulses of the brain are transmitted from head to body through the neck.

This body is responsible for the performance of functions that ensure the life of a person.

The neck consists of a variety of organs and systems, and thanks to the structure of the muscular corset, a person can turn the head to the sides, and keep it in a vertical position.

Anatomical structure of the neck

The neck (anatomical neck) has clear upper and lower boundaries. The upper border originates from the outer edge of the auditory tunnel and to the lower part of the maxillofacial edge in front.

Further, the face passes along the line of the larval type and the occipital projection from behind.

The cervical end from below originates from the jugular cavity, in front from the edge of the clavicles, and from behind, where the brachial junction and the plexus of the seventh vertebra with the acromion is located.

The shape of the neck depends on several factors: age, gender and condition of the muscular corset. Its form reveals the presence of disease.

This body in shape resembles a cylinder, which in the upper part is limited by the skull, and in the lower part by the shoulder girdle.

Since childhood, the cover is elastic, so that you can see the relief of muscles.

If you lower your head in a certain direction, you can see the cartilage: tracheal, cricoid and thyroid, and also the bone that is under the tongue.

In anatomy the neck is divided into 4 areas

  1. Front.
  2. Chest-clavicular-mastoid.
  3. Lateral.
  4. Rear.

Each department in front and behind has its own group of muscles, each of which has a separate structure and performs a certain function.

In all parts of the neck are organs and systems responsible for life support.

Under the skin and the muscle corset are located? lymph nodes, blood vessels, Adam's apple and larynx. The corset also provides support for the 7 vertebrae. As for strength and flexibility, it is performed by the spine.

Anatomy of the cervical spine

The neck has seven vertebrae, they are arched forward and perform the function of support. Due to their structure, the neck can be attributed to one of the most moving parts of the body.

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Is the backbone in the neck region unique? this is the presence of a pair of segments. These segments allow a person to perform head rotations 180 degrees, and tilt the head back and forth.

Segments of the cervical spine

  • Axis? He is called an epistophe, according to the account he goes second. In front of this vertebra there is a process of tooth-like type. Due to the fixation of the vertebra in the indentation of Atlanta, an axis of rotation is created.
  • Atlant? He is the initial vertebra, and he does not have his own body, consists of two arches, the plexus of which is made of bone thickening.

This part of the spine is the most vulnerable.

The segments located here are less dense and differ in size even from the first thoracic vertebra. If a person has a weak plexus or there is an underdeveloped vertebra, there is a risk of injury.

In this case, damage to the neck is possible even with a sharp head movement.

Neck muscles

The muscular corset in this area of ​​the body, is front and back. The muscle group that is located in front is divided into middle, deep and superficial.

Neck muscles perform the following functions

  • voice control and swallowing;
  • slopes and turns of the head;
  • equilibrium.

At the expense of the fascia, the interweaving of blood vessels is performed, they are limited, divided, transferred to different parts, and cavities for groups of vessels are formed. Due to the large amount of musculature, it is difficult to describe everything.

In anatomy, all muscle groups are made into the following categories

  1. Superficial? it creates a hollow where the muscle group is located.
  2. Own? creates a case, forming plates and hollows.
  3. Spade-clavicular? forms cavities for the muscles in this part of the neck.
  4. Intraperitoneal? the muscle is a plexus of the visceral and parietal plates. They create the soil for the organs, make cavities for the vein and carotid artery. In the middle of these plates there is space.
  5. A prefet plate? creates tunnels, where the deep muscle groups are located and fascial, there are stair muscles.

In the place where the space was formed, there is a tissue that has a low level of density.

Neck organs

The cervical structure is created in such a way that there are many formations.
Tissues and organs that are inside are responsible for the performance of functions and have a special structure. All these organs are necessary for human life.

Neck organs: larynx, thyroid gland, pharynx, trachea, fatty tissue, esophagus, connective tissue and spinal cord.

The arrangement of the organs makes it possible to carry out the inclination and rotation of the head. Despite the number of movements, the organs are not damaged.


Its structure is considered difficult, since it consists of 3 parts? Hortopharynx, oropharynx and nasopharynx. The upper part is not in the neck, but begins with the head. Plexus of all parts is connected with the oral cavity. As for the larynx, it belongs to the larynx.

The pharynx starts in the region of the 5 vertebrae from the head and continues in the esophagus up to the 7 vertebra.

Functions of pharynx

  • through the throat passes into the body air;
  • speech and throat are related;
  • on the organ behind is mucous, the villi of which does not allow to penetrate the bacteria.


Takes part in the process of breathing and helps a person create sounds. The fineness and smoothness of the sound depends on the individuality of the structure of the organ.

The larynx consists of 9 cartilages, of which 3 are single and 3 paired. The woven cartilage is made with joints, membranes and ligaments. It is interesting that in women the cartilage connection is made at an obtuse angle, and in men, on the contrary, under sharp.

From the face, that is from above, there is a plexus with the bone, which is under the tongue, the lower part is attached to the trachea.

The larynopharynx is located on its posterior wall, and the thyroid gland is in front. In the middle of the larynx there is a mucous membrane.

As for the ligamentous ligaments, they are located on the arytenoid and thyroid cartilages, and there is also a gap in it.

With contraction of the muscles, the organ changes its shape and becomes narrower then stretched, and the desired sound is obtained from the exhaled air.


The tube of this organ performs the connection of the larynx with the bronchi, has a length of 8 to 18 centimeters. Its length is influenced by the physiology of the human body. The trachea begins from the side of the head from the cricoid cartilage, and only a third of its entire length is located in the neck.

In the anterior part there is a nerve end and vessels, there is also a jugular vein, a vagus nerve and a carotid artery.

This body helps a person to breathe, while performing the function of protection. When bacteria enter with the air, the trachea begins to push them back and the person begins to cough.


This organ has a small size and weighs no more than 25 grams, but it is one of the most important in the body. The thyroid gland produces hormones that participate in all vital processes in the body.

In form it resembles a butterfly, consists of two equal halves, which are connected by an isthmus. It is easy to feel, since its location is made from the front of the face. Next to it are important vessels.


It starts from the side of the head and mostly leaves lower than the shoulder joint. It is needed for food from the mouth to get into the stomach.

Esophagus? It is a hollow tube that is attached to the lower part of the larynx. Depending on the physiological characteristics, its length in some cases reaches 25 centimeters. Food is pushed down with a sphincter.

Lymphatic and circulatory system

Starting from the face, the entire neck is wrapped with blood vessels, through which blood gets to the head in the brain and its return occurs. There are vessels that are considered basic: lymphatic, venous and arterial.


Through the neck are the two main arteries? It subclavian and sleepy, next to them are the vessels. The sleepy artery is located at the front of the face, and the second is responsible for that part of the neck that is located behind.

Lymphatic system

The lymphatic system consists of trunks that pass through the jugular vein, thus forming nodes. Lymph has blood vessels, and blood flows faster than veins.

Vessels are divided into: lateral and anterior. They are deep and superficial, they are enveloped by a connective tissue.

Nerve plexuses

As a rule, their concentration is located near the 4 vertebrae. The plexus is divided into: vegetative, cutaneous and muscular nerves. The fibers of the vagus nerve plexus spread almost to all organs of the neck, and face. This is the origin of the motor reflex.

The individual physiological development of a person influences the shape of the neck. Over time, its shape can affect various pathologies and diseases. After all, as is known, the human body is a unique mechanism, where each organ performs a certain function.

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Neck of a person: its structure, description and characteristics

  1. 1 Areas and boundaries
  2. 2 Form
  3. 3 Organs

The neck is one of the most important parts of the human body. It acts as an intermediate link between the head and the trunk. The neck begins under the base of the lower jaw and reaches the upper edge of the clavicle.

It contains such important organs as the thyroid and spinal cord. They are not far from each other. Separated only by muscles and connective tissue.

Also this part of the body is full of nerves and blood vessels.

Areas and boundaries

The human neck consists of several areas:

  • two sternocleidomastoid-mastoid - they are restricted by the legs and the corresponding edges of the clavicle;
  • anterior - consists of submandibular and carotid triangles;
  • the back edges are the outer edges of the trapezius muscle;
  • two lateral - in front, behind, from below are limited by a clavicle, in their structure there is a shovel-clavicular triangle.

According to another classification, the areas of the neck are divided as follows:

  1. the front section is the neck itself;
  2. The back department is the lactation site.

This approach is based on the anatomical structure and functions of the neck. Specialists conduct a conditional line along the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae.

The following neck borders are also distinguished:

  • at the top - edges of the lower jaw, occipital tuberosity;
  • below - clavicle, jugular breaststroke.

The form

The length and shape of the neck depends on many factors. The role of sex, the age of a person, and also the physiological characteristics and the individual structure of the body play a role.

In some people, the neck can be short and wide, others - narrow and long. The length of the neck can be equal to its diameter. And some people exceed it almost twice. Most often the shape of the neck resembles a cylinder. If you imagine a horizontal slice, then the shape of the neck looks like a circle.

Outwardly, the neck of children, women, fat people is smooth and even. If a person has a well developed musculature, the neck has a pronounced relief: supraclavicular fossae are prominent, a clavicular-mastoid muscle emerges, a jugular fossa. At men the Adam's apple is visible.

Factors of length and shape of the neck are not important for the performance of its functions.

However, these characteristics are very important for doctors in the diagnosis of diseases, as well as surgical interventions.

The physician should carefully study the physiological characteristics of the patient's neck in order to correctly classify the disease, without damaging the healthy organs that are in it.

Set the shape, as well as determine the position of the neck organs, partially allows palpation. With its help, the location of certain formations is determined, which makes it possible to determine the state of the thyroid gland and surrounding cellulose fiber.

Due to the importance of the neck for human life support, its damage or damage can lead to violations of the functions of the digestive organs, respiration, and the central nervous system.

The neck is a very vulnerable organ.Its structure is such that the artery, which passes in the cervical vertebrae, gives the main blood supply to the human brain.

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Vertebrae connect with each other with the help of joints. Between the vertebrae there are disks that absorb shock, as well as tremors. Joints, disks, vertebrae are connected by ligaments.

They are a system that protects from damage to the spinal cord.


The variety of anatomical formations located in the neck is quite large. These are different organs, as well as tissues that enter into its structure. They allow it to be mobile enough and functional:

  1. pharynx - participates in the processes of breathing and speech formation, performs an esophagus, and also a protective role;
  2. larynx - protects the respiratory tract from the penetration of foreign bodies and impurities. Performs a function;
  3. hyoid muscles - participate in the process of breathing and speech;
  4. trachea - draws air to the lungs, helps to push it towards the ligaments;
  5. connective tissue - provides protective, as well as support functions;
  6. the thyroid gland - produces hormones that promote metabolism;
  7. esophagus - promotes food in the stomach, prevents its reflux back into the pharynx;
  8. spinal cord, responsible for the exercise of motor, as well as vegetative reflexes, connects the periphery with the brain;
  9. cervical spine, ensures the maintenance and mobility of the human head, protects the nerves that go from the brain to the sacrum;
  10. muscles of this region, maintain the balance of the head, ensure its movement;
  11. carotid artery - provides blood supply to the brain, most of the head, eyes;
  12. internal and external jugular veins - carry blood from the skull, as well as the organs of the neck;
  13. subcutaneous fatty tissue - protects from external influences, damages shocks, and also insulates the internal organs of the neck, provides tissues with energy during the period of fasting;

The neck is a very moving organ. This is possible due to the bending and expanding movements of the cervical region. The same movements repeat the organs located in it. The most mobile of them is the esophagus and larynx. They can move both up and down, and from side to side.

Elementary knowledge of the anatomy of the neck, as well as lean relation to this part of the body will allow any person for a long time to maintain health in perfect condition.

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Anatomy of the muscles of the neck of a person

Part of the human body, called the neck, is bounded above by the lower jaw and occipital bone, and from below by the upper extremity belt.

Its basis is the cervical spine, which includes seven vertebrae, through whose bodies the spinal cord passes. In front of it there are esophagus, trachea and larynx, a little below the thyroid gland is localized.

Throughout the cervical region, the most important arteries and veins, nerve trunks and their branching pass.

Outside, all these organs are surrounded by a massive frame of muscle tissue, fascia, subcutaneous fat and covered with the skin.

The anatomy of the neck muscles, the main component of this skeleton, is interesting and informative, since it allows us to understand how various movements in the cervical region are possible.


Neck muscles and their function

The cervical muscular skeleton consists of a whole complex of muscles that surround the spinal column with peculiar layers. For the convenience of studying, they are subdivided into superficial, deep and median.

The deep group, depending on proximity to the vertebrae, is divided into medial (closer to the axis) and lateral muscles (further from the axis). These are the following medial muscles:

  • a long neck muscle consisting of two parts that pass along the anterior and lateral surfaces of the cervical vertebrae throughout their entire length and terminate on the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae. This muscle is needed to tip your head down;
  • The long muscle of the head, originating from the lower cervical vertebrae, ends at the lower part of the occipital bone. It is necessary for the rotation of the head and its inclination downwards;
  • the forward rectus muscle of the head is limited by the body of the first cervical vertebra and the lower (basilar) part of the occipital bone. If it works on one side, then the head tends to this side. If the contraction occurs simultaneously from two sides, then the neck bends forward;
  • The lateral rectus muscle also starts from the body of the first vertebra of the neck, but is attached farther from the axis of the spine (located obliquely), on the outer surface of the occipital bone. Participates in the lateral inclinations of the head.

Neck muscles

The deep muscles of the neck, which are lateral, have three formations called ladder and differ in the direction of the muscle fibers:

  1. The front staircase begins from the front parts of the last cervical vertebrae and ends on the outer surface of the first rib. If the contraction is bilateral, the neck bends forward; when fixing the spine, the first rib rises upward. If the muscle is contracted only on one side, then the head tends to the same side;
  2. the middle staircase is divided into parts that are attached to the bodies of 2-7 vertebrae of the neck, then join and end with one muscle tie on the top of the first rib. She bows her head and raises up the first rib;
  3. the posterior staircase extends from the posterior parts of the bodies of the three lower cervical vertebrae to the lateral surface of the 2 ribs. It is necessary to lift the second rib or bend the neck with the immobile chest.

Deep muscles

The median muscular group of the neck includes formations located above the hyoid bone or under it. The hypoglossal muscles are:

  • bipedal, so named because of the presence of two abdomens, which are attached to the lower part of the hyoid bone and the upper parts to the lower jaw and temporal bone. Between themselves they are united by a sinew. The dorsal muscle provides lowering of the lower jaw. If it is fixed, then when the muscles work, the hyoid bone rises;
  • shlolodyazychnaya, extending from the upper surface of the hyoid bone to the very styloid protrusion of the temporal bone, raising and turning the hyoid bone outside;
  • the maxillofacial neck muscle is 2-sided. When these halves are joined, a mouth diaphragm is formed, or the bottom of the oral cavity. The muscle fibers from the lower jaw to the hypoglossal bone are able to move these bones in the up and down direction;
  • the chin-sublingual muscle acts in the same way as the previous one, and is immediately above it.

Sublingual muscles

The cervical sub-lingual muscles are more massive than the supra-lingual group and have an elongated shape:

  1. the scapular-hyoid muscle consists of two formations joined together by a tendon. They start from the lower surface of the hyoid bones, diverge to the sides and end at the top of the scapula. This muscle moves the hyoid bone and regulates the channel space in which the jugular vein passes;
  2. the muscle is sterno-hyoid, starting from the hyoid bone, diverges in a fan, flattened and attached to the upper part of the sternum, both collarbones and the joint that connects them. It is necessary to move the hyoid bone down;
  3. the sternum-thyroid neck begins from the lower part of the larynx and ends somewhat lower than the previous formation: on the handle of the sternum and the cartilage of the first rib. function - larynx lowering down;
  4. the thyroid-hyoid muscle, extending from the larynx to the hyoid bone, is designed to move these formations relative to each other.

Different Neck Muscles

The neck muscles, belonging to the group of superficial muscular formations, are only two, but they are the largest of all the others:

  • The subcutaneous muscle begins under the collarbone and, with a wide band embracing the front of the neck, ends on the lower jaw and in the corner of the mouth. It is necessary to shift the angle of the mouth down and lift the skin;
  • the sternocleus-mastoid muscle is 2-sided and looks like a thick muscular rope, which is located obliquely from the sternoclavicular joint to the occipital region (mastoid process). This muscle turns its head to the right with a contraction of the left side of the muscle and vice versa, and with a simultaneous contraction of both halves, the head is rolled back.

This classification of the neck muscles is basic, but they can also be divided into flexor muscles and extensors of the neck.

The main part is the flexors located at different depths.

The extensor muscle can be called only sternocleidomastoid, with the simultaneous contraction of its two parts.

Functions of the neck muscles consist not only in flexing and extension of the neck, bends and inclinations of the head, displacement of the larynx and hyoid bone.

These movements ensure the balance of the head, normal swallowing and the possibility of voice formation.

The thick muscular skeleton of the neck protects the spine, trachea, larynx, esophagus, thyroid, vessels and nerves from dangerous external influences.

Blood supply and innervation of the neck muscles

The structure of the neck muscles is such that between the muscular strata, separated by dense connective tissue partitions (fascia), channels and beds are located in which the most important blood vessels pass and nerve trunks. The smaller branches from them provide both a nervous regulation of the muscle fibers, and supply them with oxygen and nutrients. By venous vessels from the neck muscles, carbon dioxide and metabolic products are removed.

Oxygen enters the muscles along the right and left common carotid arteries, which are then divided into external and internal, by branching of the right subclavian artery. The spent blood moves to the lungs through the internal jugular and subclavian veins. Innervation is carried out by the vagus nerve and its branches.

Arteries and cervical veins

The shape of the neck largely depends on the condition of all of its muscle groups.

If a person is engaged in sports, in particular bodybuilding or wrestling, then neck muscles participate in training, and they acquire a characteristic structure.

Strong and healthy neck muscles are the prevention of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

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