Whether it is possible to do or make mASSAGE with cold

Is it possible to do a general massage for a cold (t 37, 5; sore throat, runny nose)?



I have been going to massage for two years. On anti-cellulite, on the general. But that's not the point. No massage can be done with a cold.
Exactly the page does not say, but somewhere here it was written http://www.krasotulya.ru/news/massag.php

Sasha :)))

I'm not a doctor of course... but it seems to me that he will help on the contrary even recover... warm up the entire body


No you can not. Fever is a contraindication to massage.


at any initial stages of the disease massage is not desirable, especially with viral


Definitely - no! Do not harm your body!


And also the swollen eyes, the cat. slip and bake.. . Beauty requires sacrifice. Irisha, get well.

but Pasaran

It is necessary to massage the seventh vertebra. It is on the neck. Which bulges more than anyone else. Another good effect is the massage of the point between the breasts. Press your finger to light pain. From the cold helps massage points under the eyes. Where there are small dents on the bone.

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Maria Valeryevna

can! I just finished massaging my two children yesterday, both were sick! But in addition to the general we still did gymnastics and healing with honey!

Olesya Suvorova

Massage for colds can not be done!

Massage for colds. Is it possible to massage a person suffering from a cold?


nina raisin

it is possible and necessary in the absence of temperature.

Lyudmila Rubinchik

In the period of acute disease, it is better not to massage, it is an additional burden on the body.

Nadezhda Orlova

Can. And even at subfebrile temperature it is possible.


At a usual orz accompanied by a subfibril and above temperature do only acupressure. with bronchitis, if there is phlegm - percussion massage and acupressure. Segmental massage is also possible if the temperature is not above 37


Massage in this case is specific. Classic and TP massage is not done in the acute period.
But the same alcohol rubbing to knock down high temperatures - this is a massage. ))))
So you need to know what to do at such a moment!

Irina Zaretskaya

No, through the lymph and blood, the infection spreads throughout the body

Dr. Sasha

For this, there is a special massage

Whether it is possible to do massage to the child 4 monthly after a cold 3 days have passed or have taken place how have recovered



not worth it yet, in 10 days

Olga Chumakova

Wait for 2 weeks. Massage is not always useful, especially after the illness!

Dr. Sasha

another 2 - 3 days rest. let the body recover and you will make sure,
that the inflammatory process has completely passed. and then massage. for the beginning sparing draining that the rests of a sputum have departed.

Olga Kononova

massage is not worth doing weeks 2 minimum after recovery,


It is possible and necessary, not even professional massage raises immunity ...


Massage can be done in the absence of temperature and rashes on the skin.

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