Dry allergic cough in a child than treated

Allergic cough in children: how to recognize it and properly treat it?

Is the baby unwell again? And after another sleepless night spent near his bed in vain efforts to curb the bouts of painful cough, my mother decides to call a doctor. However, in the clinic they always ask about the temperature. But most moms will think: nothing, I will say that +3, ° C. Although strange, despite such a strong cough, the temperature of the child is normal, and the throat is not red ...

A good pediatrician knows that dry paroxysmal cough can be a sign of anything, including rhinovirus or adenovirus infection, chlamydia and mycoplasma, measles, pertussis, croup, trapped in the foreign body trachea and even hypertrophy thymus gland. In the end, it may just be an allergic cough in children.

But in reality everything is not easy. The cough has a physiological purpose: to clear the respiratory tract from everything that got there. In case of an allergic cough in children and adults, the allergen enters the respiratory tract, to which their body reacts as an alien from another galaxy.

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Causes of an allergic cough in children - allergens

Among the causes of allergic cough in children, doctors call such typical irritants as dust, pollen of flowering plants, animal hair (cats, dogs, guinea pigs, hamsters), a bird's feather (parrots and canaries in a cage or a feather-and-feather "stuffing" of pillows), spores of mold fungi and bacteria that enter the baby's body through the mucosa of the upper respiratory ways. Therefore, an allergic cough can begin not only in spring or summer, but at any time of the year.

Dry allergic cough in children is very often a protective reaction of the body to ticks that live in... ordinary house dust. So, according to medical statistics, the etiology of bronchial asthma in 67% of children who have this diagnosis is an allergy to dust mites. By the way, in our apartments (in mattresses, blankets, pillows, carpets, books, upholstered furniture) live whole hordes of these microscopic arachnids - almost 150 species of dermatophagoid or pyroglipid ticks. Their main food is the systematically peeling particles of the upper layer of the human skin (epidermis). Wastes of mites (excrement) contain proteins, which cause allergic reactions in people with hypersensitivity.

The greatest propensity to allergy, including in the form of a cough, is noted in children who suffered in infancy diathesis (a violation of adaptation with frequent allergic reactions and reduced resistance to infection). According to doctors, these children are predisposed to allergies from birth.

It should be borne in mind and the fact that the likelihood of an allergic cough in children is higher where there are people in the family who suffer from allergies. Allergic cough is most often diagnosed in children aged one to seven years.

Symptoms of an allergic cough in children

The main feature of an allergic cough in children is that it has a clinical picture, which in some ways resembles a cough in acute respiratory diseases. That's why it is often taken for the sign of a cold or ARVI.

However, an allergic cough, as a rule, begins at normal body temperature. At the same time, the child feels unwell: becomes listless, easily irritated and more capricious. Attacks dry, tearing larynx painful coughing occur unexpectedly, mostly at night. Coughing can be accompanied by itching in the throat and nose, sneezing and a slight runny nose. With prolonged bouts of coughing, a child may start expectoration of clear phlegm, but it does not become easier for him. The child breathes with a whistle (with exhalation) and complains of chest pain when coughing.

The main zone of allergic inflammation, the manifestation of which is an allergic cough in children - larynx and trachea, and this allergic laryngotracheitis. If

defeat allergen inflammation is localized in the pharynx, then the doctors diagnose allergic pharyngitis. Allergic laryngitis is determined by inflammation of the larynx, allergic tracheitis - in the inflammatory process in the trachea, allergic bronchitis - in the bronchi.

The disease can be aggravated repeatedly during the month, in the fall and winter it happens more often. And parents need to remember that with such symptoms of an allergic cough in children, "treating colds" with mustard plasters, rubbing or herbal decoctions from coughing is a waste of time. And you can not lose it, because such a cough without adequate treatment can go to chronic obstructive bronchitis, and then - into bronchial asthma.

Diagnosis of an allergic cough in children

To reveal the real cause of an allergic cough can only the doctor-allergist. For this purpose, a child's examination is carried out, including a whole set of laboratory tests (general blood test, sputum, nasal smear eosinophils), elucidation of the state of the respiratory organs and the pathological processes occurring in them (using computer bronchophonography), as well as tests on allergens.

But the paramount task of diagnosing an allergic cough in children is to determine the allergen (or allergens) that causes the disease. And here comes to the rescue a proven method - allergic skin tests (skin testing). They are made on pollen of plants, household allergens, and also on medicinal irritants - to children at the age of four years and older.

Another method of diagnosis in allergology is the enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). This method allows to detect and measure the number of specific antigens that the body produces and releases into the blood plasma in response to the penetration of foreign cells. By the type of antigen it is possible to find out which allergen caused such a reaction of the organism.

The most modern method of diagnosing allergies, including the diagnosis of allergic cough in children, is the method of multiple chemiluminescence - MAST. Comparing the allergen (or several allergens) detected in the patient with a whole set of standard allergens, you can put the most accurate diagnosis, even with hidden forms of allergy.

Treatment of an allergic cough in children

Complex treatment of allergic cough in children is aimed at reducing sensitivity to the allergen (desensitization), getting rid of it as far as possible (immunotherapy), as well as on the removal of symptoms - spasm of bronchi.

To reduce sensitivity to the allergen, as a means of general treatment of allergic cough in children, antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs are used. They block histamine - the mediator of human reactions to allergens.

It should be noted that often prescribed antiallergic drugs of the first generation (dimedrol, diprazine, suprastin, pifen, pipolfen, tavegil) have not only a sedative (soothing) effect and cause drowsiness. Among the negative side effects of these popular drugs, their effect on the formation of neural connections in children, even at moderate therapeutic doses, is found. In addition, taking these medications leads to dryness of the mucosa of the respiratory tract, that is, cough may become more intense with thick sputum in addition. It is for this reason that these medicines give children a maximum of five days. For example, Tavegil (he is also Clemastin) is strictly contraindicated for children up to a year. And children under the age of 12 years are prescribed on it, tablets 2 times a day (before meals, with a small amount of water).

At antihistamines of last generation - klaritina, fenistila, zirteka, kestina - there is no sedative effect. So, klaritin (it's lomilan, loparen, clallergine, etc.) is released in the form of tablets and syrup. The dose of the drug for children from 2 to 12 years - 5 ml of syrup (1 teaspoon) or half a tablet (5 mg) with body weight not more than 30 kg; for children over 12 years, the daily dose is 1 tablet (10 mg) or 2 teaspoons of syrup.

The best, although the longest (within three to five years) treatment of any allergy and allergic cough in children - allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT), which "accustoms" the body's immune system to allergens. The method is based on the introduction of the patient gradually increased doses of the same allergen, which causes an allergic reaction. According to allergists, as a result of this treatment, the immune system simply ceases to respond to a previously not tolerated stimulus.

Symptomatic treatment of allergic cough in children is done with the help of antispasmodics, which, reduce or completely relieve spasm of the bronchi and coughing attacks. The drug berotek in the form of a% solution for inhalation counteracts the development of bronchospastic reactions. It is prescribed to children of 6-12 years for 5-10 drops, over 12 years - 10-15 drops per inhalation. Inhalations are conducted no more than four times a day, before use, the drug should be diluted in one teaspoon of saline.

Effective expectorant solutan (solution for ingestion) is taken by children from one to six years for 5 drops three times during the day; from 6 to 15 years - 7-10 drops. Children 2-6 years are better to use an aerosol for inhalation salbutamol (ventolin) - 1-2 mg 3 times a day.

Cough syrup glycogen with terpinhydrate and levomenthol should be taken 3-4 times a day: children aged 4-6 years - a quarter teaspoon, 7-12 years, half a teaspoon. A prepatat fluifort in the form of syrup has mucolytic (thinning sputum) and expectorant effect. Children aged 1 to 5 years are prescribed half the teaspoon 2-3 times a day, the older children are given a teaspoon three times a day.

Prevention of allergic cough in children

Prevention of allergic cough in children is possible and depends only on the consistency and perseverance of parents. Daily wet cleaning in the house, especially in the children's room, should become the rule without exception. Air in the apartment is recommended to clean and control its humidity.

In the room where the child lives, suffering from an allergic cough, there is no place for wool carpets and carpets, fabric curtains, soft couches or armchairs, as well as room colors. Even plush and fur toys in this room should not be, let alone live "carriers of wool" - a dog or a cat.

For the sake ofprevention of allergic cough in childrenWool blankets and feather pillows will have to be replaced with bedding made from hypoallergenic artificial materials. A linen on the bed of the child should be changed twice a week and subjected to thorough washing in very hot water.


Allergic cough, what and what to do

Allergic cough is one of the most unpleasant manifestations of an allergic reaction, it is quite difficult to distinguish it from the symptoms of an ordinary cold, such a cough lasts for several weeks or even months and the usual antitussives do not help it to get rid of.

This cough arises because of the ingestion of an allergen into the body, it can be accompanied by a runny nose, lacrimation and even a spasm of the larynx. To get rid of the clinical manifestations of allergies, you can only exclude contact with the substance that caused allergies or suppressed immune reactions of the body.

The mechanism of development

Allergic cough is not a disease, it is one of the symptoms of an allergic disease. It develops as a result of the ingress of the allergen into the upper respiratory tract of a person, the bloodstream receives mediators inflammations and other substances that provoke swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, larynx, trachea and bronchi.

This condition leads to the development of complications from the respiratory system - constant edema and respiratory tract spasm leads to a violation of normal breathing, there is hyperventilation of the lungs, which can cause bronchial obstruction and seizures suffocation.

Causes of development

The causes of the development of an allergic cough do not differ from the causes of any allergic reactions. Such a cough can develop against the background of a person's complete health, even if he has never before had no manifestations of allergy, but most often, such a symptom appears in people with an increased risk of developing allergies. At risk are children who have suffered from various types of diathesis in infancy, those suffering from immunity disorders, helminthic invasions or receiving hormonal treatment.

In adults, an allergic cough develops less often, most often in people working in conditions of severe air pollution, with the evaporation of poisonous substances, paint and varnish materials, lovers of cigarettes or suffering from another allergic disease - atopic dermatitis, urticaria and so Further.

An allergic dry cough appears due to an increased sensitivity of the body to any substance when it enters the human body through the upper respiratory tract, then edema and spasm of the walls of the bronchi develops, and a constant cough is a protective reaction of the body trying to remove the allergen from respiratory ways.

Symptoms of the disease and the main signs of the difference between an allergic cough and other diseases

Allergic cough, especially at the onset of the disease, is difficult to distinguish from symptoms of SARS and colds. But, if you carefully observe the patient, you can see the following features:

  1. Cough for allergy dry, "barking the patient can not clear his throat and cope with bouts of a severe debilitating cough - this is due to a strong irritation of the bronchial mucosa with an allergen, laryngeal edema does not allow breathing normally, but is not accompanied by sputum and does not bring relief patient.
  2. During coughing attacks, the patient may not have enough air, there is a feeling of suffocation or even, panic.
  3. At allergic reactions there are no signs of catarrhal diseases, such as: fever, chills, headache.
  4. Cough can be accompanied by a runny nose, lacrimation, skin reactions.
  5. Cough intensifies under certain conditions or at a certain time - with the use of some food, the appearance in the air of some substances (for example, when using perfume or other aromatic substances, in the presence of a pet or after sleeping on a feather pillow).
  6. Perhaps the emergence of cough in certain seasons - for example, in the spring, with flowering herbs or in the fall.
  7. Cough and other manifestations of the disease do not disappear after the use of conventional drugs, but are quickly stopped by taking antihistamines.

As manifested in children

Very often this kind of allergic reaction develops in young children, already in the first years of life or even from the moment of birth, and causes obstructive bronchitis.

Such a cough occurs suddenly, without signs of intoxication and increased body temperature. The child suddenly starts to cough, most often coughing and shortness of breath occur at night, during the day the symptoms of allergy are somewhat reduced. Cough in this case is dry, if slightly sputum is allocated, it is clear, viscous, without the admixture of pus. In addition to coughing in children, there may be a lot of lachrymation, separated from the nose, itching in the throat and nose.

When these symptoms appear, it is very important to try to catch the dependence of the occurrence of coughing and attacks of suffocation on those or other events. Strengthens or there is a cough at the exit from the house, contact with pets or eat some food.

Allergic cough can lead to dangerous complications, especially in young children, they have very quickly develops obstructive bronchitis, which after 2-3 years of illness can go to the bronchial asthma. Because of the constant hyperventilation of the lungs, the thorax increases in size, the lungs press on the inner organs and even change the shape of the chest - the lower ribs expand, and the baby's chest becomes barrel-shaped. Therefore, at the first signs of an allergy, it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible and pay special attention to the prevention of the development of allergic reactions.

Treatment and prevention of allergic cough in adults and children

Treatment of an allergic cough should be comprehensive and include:
  • Exclusion or restriction of contact of a patient with an allergen,
  • taking antihistamines,
  • increase of general immunity and level of resistance to diseases,
  • prevention of allergic reactions.

Even just to determine what exactly the allergic reaction has developed is difficult enough, it can be related to anything and this reaction can be caused by several substances or their combination. If it was possible to determine exactly what the allergic reaction is, then you should try to limit the impact this allergen - to exclude this product from food, stop using feather pillows or remove from home all plants.

Reception of antihistamines - this treatment of an allergic cough quickly and effectively relieves the patient from coughing or choking, so if there is a risk of allergies, such drugs should always be hand. Today, there are many different antihistamines for children and adults, in the form of tablets or inhalants, it is very convenient in treating children. The most popular of them are: suprastin, diazolin, claritin, tavegil and others, but only the doctor will be able to choose the most suitable preparation and the desired dosage. With inhalation of these drugs, the effect occurs after 10-20 minutes, and the tablet forms ensure the long-term effect - up to 12 or 24 hours.

To cleanse the body or strengthen its protective forces, it is recommended to take vitamin preparations, if on them no allergies, hardening, walking outdoors, proper nutrition and lack of nervous overvoltage.

If allergic reactions provoke very severe attacks of suffocation, which are not stopped by the usual methods of treatment, the doctor can prescribe the intake of hormonal drugs, corticosteroids, in the form of inhalations or tablets. Despite the effectiveness of such treatment, one should try to do without it - hormonal preparations cause strong changes in the body and can lead to serious complications with health. If their reception is necessary, it is better to choose corticosteroids, in the form of inhalation - they have less systemic effect.


In addition to limiting contact with allergens and increasing immunity, the following can be advised for the prevention of allergies:

  • having come back from a walk or from work to process the nasopharynx with a warm isotonic solution or at least clean warm water, this will help remove accumulated dust and harmful substances from the nose and mouth, you can use inhalations to wash the nasopharynx in small children,
  • refuse to use aromatic substances, cosmetics or detergents with flavors and so on,
  • limit the use of preservatives and dyes,
  • daily do wet cleaning and get rid of indoor plants, old furniture, soft toys, carpets and other items where dust can accumulate.
  • during allergic reactions use an air humidifier.

This cough is quite serious and unfavorable symptom, therefore it is necessary to immediately start treatment and prevention of allergies, without waiting for the development of complications.


Treatment of barking cough in a child

When the child begins to cough, definitely, he has some kind of failure in the body. Often this symptom is not at all a sign of a beginning cold, as many parents perceive it, but a sign of another serious illness. Familiarize yourself with systematized information about what causes a barking cough in a child and why it is so important to show the baby to a specialist for an accurate diagnosis. Also, you will learn about ways to relieve the condition of a sick kid at home, and how to properly treat this symptom with allergies and laryngitis.

Causes of coughing with bark in a child

Why does this symptom of many diseases have such a definition - dry barking cough? It is called dry, because there are sputum in the respiratory tract, which irritate the receptors, but they do not separate and do not clear away. In this case, the sound of a cough is very loud, like a dog's barking, then accompanied by a hoarse voice. Such a condition must necessarily be treated, because the mucus does not clear, remains in the baby's lungs, so there is no recovery.

If, in the process of coughing, phlegm recedes, this is also a sign of various diseases. See in what cases a cough in combination with other symptoms signals the onset of a serious illness in the child. Having looked through the list of possible ailments, you will understand the need to call a specialist in a timely manner if you hear a barking cough from your child. An experienced doctor will quickly put an accurate diagnosis and choose an effective treatment.

Without temperature

The combination of such two factors as a strong cough in a child without a temperature indicates that a stimulus has entered the lungs, for example:

  • dust particles;
  • allergen;
  • excessively dry, cold or hot air;
  • foreign body;
  • causative agent of infection.

Absence of body temperature when coughing should not relax parents, because often this state of the baby means the manifestation of an allergic reaction. If you leave the child without proper care, the situation can get much worse. To establish the exact cause of a strong, frequent cough without fever, and to prevent possible severe effects of this symptom (eg, laryngeal edema), do not hesitate to contact the doctor. How to recognize an allergic cough? You can suspect it if there are such factors:

  1. The child does not show any other signs of a cold or a viral infection: a runny nose, fever, a sore throat, etc.
  2. There were changes in the regime: the kid was eating something new or was in a new area.

With temperature

A barking cough at a high body temperature occurs when an infant gets into the airway of the baby, or if it has bronchitis, diphtheria, whooping cough. If, at the indicated symptoms, the baby has a husky voice at the same time, it is worthwhile to suspect laryngitis, an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. This ailment is especially dangerous for kids less than a year and one-year-old children. Often it is manifested at night, cases of exacerbation in the morning are rare. A small lumen of the baby's larynx with a laryngitis narrows, the child begins to gasp. In such cases, a doctor should render proper assistance.

Paroxysmal dry

When the baby coughs with attacks, and more pronounced a strong coughing in the child at night, you must suspect a false croup. This disease can cause choking. Simultaneously, such symptoms can be signs of pharyngitis - inflammation of the pharynx. Suddenly, in the form of severe attacks, without coughing up phlegm manifests a cough for allergies. Determine the exact cause of this reaction of the child's organism can and should only be a doctor, because such symptoms are characteristic of many serious diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • whooping cough.

With phlegm

Isolation of purulent or bloody sputum on the background of long (more than a week) cough, wheezing with breathing and general malaise - an occasion to immediately turn to the pediatrician. The reasons for this state of the child can be:

  • bacterial or viral infection;
  • inflammation of the bronchi;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergy to external stimuli;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pulmonary abscess;
  • oncology of the respiratory system.

How to treat a severe cough in a child at home

During a fit of cough, the frequency of breathing is reduced. A child, especially a baby, can be very frightened of this, because the attack can begin in a dream. To ease the baby's condition, follow these recommendations:

  1. The child should be reassured, it is better to plant it, having rested on a high pillow.
  2. Give him a warm (not hot!) Enveloping drink, for example, a glass of warm milk with honey or 1 hour. l. butter.
  3. According to the prescription of the doctor, take off the cough with medications, make inhalations or apply traditional medicine.


The medicine is selected by a specialist after the cause of irritation of the respiratory tract is established. To stop further deterioration of health, first of all, drug treatment of the detected disease is prescribed, and then symptomatic cough treatment. In this case, such drugs are used:

  • mucolytic - contribute to the dilution of sputum and facilitate its withdrawal from the lungs: "Bromgeksin "Lazolvan etc .;
  • expectorant - affect the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract, so that the secret "Mukaltin "Pertusin "Gedelix etc., is quickly separated.

People's means

Before applying therapeutic measures, it is very important to create the right microclimate in the room where the child is. To do this, you must do frequent wet cleaning, air the room, make sure that the air in it is well moistened. The implementation of such recommendations, plus a back massage of the baby, which helps to separate sputum is the main advice, how to cough a baby or a more adult child. Allow the child to play, move, do not try to keep him in bed - so the secret from the respiratory tract will be quickly excreted.

Such a folk remedy will help to cope with a cough:

  1. It is necessary to finely grate medium-sized black radish, stir it with 3 tbsp. l. honey. Insist such mixture in a warm place for 10-12 hours. Squeeze juice, give the child 1 tbsp. l. before meals 3 times a day.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. milk, add 1 tbsp. l. sage. Boil the mixture, wrap it and let it brew for half an hour. Before going to bed, give this child a warm drink.
  3. Putting a child to sleep, it is necessary to grate his back and chest with black radish juice or camphor oil well.


A good answer to the question of how to relieve a coughing attack with bronchitis will be the use of inhalations. For example, you can mitigate an unpleasant symptom of dry cough, using a nebulizer solution based on drugs "Berodual" or "Atrovent". When sputum appeared, their conclusion would be facilitated by inhalation with mucolytics: "ATSTS "Ambrobene etc. If at hand there are no special devices, the child can simply breathe over the steam:

  • soda solution (1 tbsp. l. per liter of water);
  • decoction of medicinal herbs: thyme, linden, chamomile, mint;
  • hot water with the addition of essential oils of eucalyptus, sea buckthorn, pine, mint, almond.

Features of treatment barking cough

A strong cough in a child causes different reasons, so it is important to individually and thoroughly approach treatment. This will prevent further complications of the disease. If you hear a barking cough in a child, do not associate it automatically with a cold and do not begin self-treatment. Address to the expert, he in time will prompt, what it is necessary to spend treatment if at the child an allergic cough or he was ill with a laryngitis.

With allergies

The very first action, if a child develops such a reaction of the body - is to get rid of the pathogen. Than to treat an allergic cough? The doctor will select the right antihistamine drug, which will remove irritation of the mucosa. To accurately determine what the body responds to, you may need to consult an allergist. To remove the edema of respiratory tract tissues, inhalations with such drugs are made:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs: "Dexamethasone "Budesonide
  • bronchodilators for the elimination of spasm of the bronchi: "Ventolin "Berotek."

With laryngitis

For the successful treatment of this ailment, one must first deal with the cause of barking cough: infection, allergen, to protect the child from stress. For this purpose, antiviral or antihistamine drugs, antibiotics are used. At such illness though strong cough is observed, but bronchodilators do not apply. This group of drugs affects the tone of the bronchial muscles, and not the larynx, which is inflamed with laryngitis.

To facilitate the state of the child with this disease in the room where he sleeps and walks, it is very important to maintain the optimum air temperature (not above +18 degrees) and sufficient humidity. With regard to drugs for laryngeal softening, inhalations with such medicines are effectively used:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs, which remove the swelling of the tissues: "Tonzillon N "Epinephrine
  • means, softening cough and moisturizing the larynx, for example, degassed water "Borjomi".

Video: Komarovsky on how to distinguish an allergic cough from a cold


Allergic cough: treatment

One of the protective reactions of the body is a cough. With its help, the body gets rid of bacteria and mechanical impurities that irritate the respiratory tract. It consists in a forced expiration through the oral cavity. The flow of air when coughing sometimes reaches hundreds of kilometers per hour.

Allergic cough in a child: symptoms and treatment

Hypertrophic protective reaction of immunity is commonly called an allergy. The immune system reacts to an allergen that enters the body and signals that it does not like in all sorts of ways: cough, rash, runny nose, itching, diarrhea, lacrimation, and so on.

Allergic cough in a child: symptoms and treatment is not so easy to determine. Most often parents think that the child has caught a cold, and they begin to treat it in every possible way.

Allergies are most often caused by spores of fungi, animal hair, pollen and dust. With an allergy cough begins suddenly, it looks like an attack with the normal state of health of the child. With this cough often there is a runny nose, there is itching and burning in the nose and throat.

Such a cough leads the child to the clinic. Traditional measures do not help, and parents have no choice but to seek help from a doctor.

You can treat only after it becomes clear what all the same caused the allergy. How is an allergic test done? To identify the allergen on the forearm, the scarifier is applied a few small scratches, then on them certain substances dribble and observe. Children under three years of allergic trial can not be conducted. Another method of detecting an allergic cough is to determine the level of immunoglobulin in the blood.

What can parents do? At home, you need to protect the child from the most popular allergens. Every day, carry out a wet cleaning, and also often ventilate the housing.

The beginning of an attack can be stopped with the help of antihistamines: "Loratadine "Suprastin" and "Diazolin". Twenty minutes after taking the medicine, relief comes.

Allergic cough: treatment in adults

When the allergen enters the mucous membranes, a cough begins. When traditional cough treatments do not help, it becomes clear that the whole thing is allergies.

An allergic cough is not a disease. After the allergen has been eliminated, the cough stops. What is dangerous allergy? The rash, cough, runny nose - these are trifles that simply cause discomfort, but the choking caused by an allergen can be deadly. Therefore, do not ignore the signs of an allergic reaction and think that these are trifles, which you do not need to pay attention to. If a person works in harmful production, he eventually has problems with the respiratory system. People who are prone to allergies should in no case work in places where the air is full of allergens that clog the airways.

Allergic cough in adults, its treatment, is also the same as in children. First of all, you need to exclude the allergen from your environment, and then take an antihistamine drug, also do not forget about rinsing your throat and nose.

Treatment of an allergic cough: drugs

In order to overcome the allergy it is necessary to approach this problem in a complex way. First of all, antihistamines are taken: Zirtek, Zatyden, Claritin, Ketotifen, Tavegil, Peritol, Suprastin and others. Further, antitussive drugs are required: Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Cromoglycate sodium, or Bromhexine.

When using these drugs you need to drink a lot, because the liquid dilutes the mucus in the bronchi and lungs, resulting in rapid expectoration.

Treatment of allergic cough preparations: "Sorbilact "Enterosgel" and activated charcoal. Sorbents cleanse the blood and help to remove histamine.

Allergic cough: treatment with folk remedies

There are people who do not trust traditional medicine, giving preference to folk remedies. In order to get rid of allergies, you need to brew a strong broth from dry laurel leaves. Two tablespoons of chopped laurel leaves, you need to pour boiling water (300 ml). Leave for forty minutes, drain and drink.

Excellent coping with this problem mustard and camphor oil. Oil is rubbed on the breast, then mustard plasters are applied. After 15 minutes, the mustard must be removed.

Well soothes the mixture of lemon and honey. The lemon, together with the peel, is ground, mixed with honey and water is added (proportions 4). All components are heated, but they do not boil until boiling, otherwise the healing properties will be lost. However, with this natural remedy you need to be extremely careful, because honey itself is the strongest allergen.

Honey, Aloe and Cahors will help to relieve an attack of an allergic cough. Aloe leaves should be washed, dried and put in the refrigerator for 7 days, pre-wrapped in cloth. After that, the aloe is removed, ground and added to it Cahors and honey in equal proportions. This remedy should be eaten during meals.

Allergic cough treatment of folk remedies often gives good results. What is only a decoction of anise seeds. This healing drink not only softens the throat, but also facilitates coughing. Ten gram of seeds should be poured a glass of boiling water, wrap and leave for an hour. A thermos is suitable for these purposes, especially if there is a mug in which it is easy to prepare a small amount of broth.

Many know the healing properties of celery. In order to get rid of an allergic cough you need to drink 30 drops of freshly squeezed celery juice before eating.

Treatment of an allergic cough with homeopathy

A protracted cough can be defeated with soda, honey and a bay leaf. In order to prepare a medicine, you need to take three bay leaves and 500 ml of water, boil them for five minutes. After that add one gram of soda and twenty grams of honey. As soon as there is a feeling that a fit of coughing is coming, you need to drink half a glass of broth and will become much easier.

Treatment of an allergic cough homeopathy is carried out for a long time, just before people did not know that they were treating allergy.

Recently, the decoction of ginger root is very popular. This broth is recommended for use in many diseases, including allergic reactions. In order to prepare the medicine you need to wash the root of ginger, finely chop and brew in a teapot, like tea. Take three times a day for one hundred milliliters.

The allergy will not bother and do no harm if you fight it with all known methods. If you do nothing, it can seriously damage your health.


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