Inflammation of the joints of the fingers on the hands: causes, symptoms, treatment, how to take off and how to treat inflammation at home

Inflammation of the joints of the fingers is not only in the elderly. The first signs and symptoms of deformation of the articulated fingerbags in some citizens can be noticed already before or after 40 years. What is the cause of the disease? Why is this happening? As you can see, it does not always consist in aging the body. Maybe it's slagging the body?

Stiff and gnarled joints on the fingers of the hands bring a lot of grief, annoyance and discomfort to a person's life. A joint pain of a twisting character( "twists" the joints) can deprive the patience of even the most seasoned person.

It is necessary to struggle more likely not with an old age, and with causal diseases which we also will consider in given article. You are armed with medicine and folk methods of treating inflamed joints of the fingers. Nevertheless, go to the doctor-therapist! It really helps, because every day deals with this kind of pathology.


Why the joints of the fingers are inflamed: causes and symptoms

Many joint diseases are associated with inflammation of the joints. The most common is arthritis, which causes inflammation of the inner shell.

When the inflammatory process goes on, the fluid content increases and the articular cartilage deforms.

To get rid of the disease, you need to identify the cause. These include: infectious diseases, hypothermia of the fingers, rheumatism, joint injuries, malnutrition, age-related changes, genetic predisposition.

Depending on the cause of the ailment, the inflammation of the joints of the fingers can have such symptoms and manifestations:

  • When is damaged by polyostoarthritis , small knots form on the fingers( near the nail growth) of the patient. Usually they have a symmetrical arrangement( on the left and right hands are located in the same places).When forming these nodules, a person can feel pain and burning in their hands. Sometimes neoplasms turn red and become denser.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by swelling of the joints of the fingers. Also, inflammation can be accompanied by impaired motor function, pain and the appearance of a crunch in the phalanges of the fingers. Painful sensations are usually observed in the evening and at night. The nature of pain is aching, acute. In addition, a person may suffer from fever, chills, weakness and sleep disturbances.
  • When fingers suffer from psoriatic arthritis , severe swelling develops on the joints. At the same time, they become more like inflamed sausages. Inflammation can occur on any one finger or several fingers at once. The nature of the location of the inflammation can be different( symmetrical and asymmetric).
  • Gouty arthritis has a wavy leak. In this case, the pain is paroxysmal and happens unexpectedly( usually at night).The affected joint itself is red and swollen in this condition. The motor function is partially broken.
  • Tenosynovitis is accompanied by pain at the base of the joint of the thumb, which occurs spontaneously or after a load. The disease lasts for a long time, slowly hitting the joint.
  • With the progression of arthrosis , the joint tissues dry up and begin to crack. Under the skin, prominent nodes develop. As a rule, such neoplasms no longer pass.

If arthrosis is not treated, the bone tissue of the thumb in the affected joints begins to become denser. On it the growths develop. Because of this, a person loses the ability to move his fingers. Gradually develops a crunch, swelling and severe pain.

With the first symptoms you need to see a doctor, timely treatment will prevent menacing immobility.

Symptoms of inflammation of the joints on the hands include:

  1. the appearance of swelling and swelling;
  2. sensation of weakness;
  3. the skin becomes crimson;
  4. severe pain, intensifying in the morning;
  5. tingling in the wrist area;
  6. joint deformation;
  7. fever( it does not always happen).

Pathology is dangerous complications. Below we will understand how to treat the inflammation of the joints of the fingers in the home.

Inflammation of the joints of the fingers on the hands: treatment

Medical treatment

In case of the first symptoms of inflammation of the joints of the fingers, you need to see a traumatologist as soon as possible. Usually, the doctor immediately notices all signs of the disease( puffiness, movement disturbance, redness, etc.).To confirm the diagnosis, a specialist needs to collect an anamnesis of the disease and prescribe the conduct of such studies:

  • ultrasound of the affected fingers.
  • Complete blood count.
  • Radiography.

Drug treatment is selected based on the patient's symptoms and the cause that caused inflammation of the joints of the fingers.

Traditional therapy provides for the following:

  • With the initial degree of neglect, inflammation is treated with with warm compresses and with physiotherapy .
  • For signs of inflammation, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
  • If the patient has a characteristic joint crunch, then some preparations for intraarticular administration of and electrophoresis may be prescribed.
  • With strong pain, analgesics are used.
  • At high temperature, antipyretics should be prescribed.
  • In chronic pathology, the patient may be scheduled repeated courses of taking anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Sometimes chondroprotectors and calcium are used.
  • It is very useful to use drugs for recovery and strengthening of the joint tissues .
  • Non-steroidal medications ( Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, etc.) are often used as .
  • In the presence of indications, steroid preparations and injections may be prescribed. They will relieve the inflammation and pain.

It is also recommended to apply a tight bandage on the affected joint, thus fixing all movements. The patient should be kept bed rest during a period of acute illness and eat well.

How to treat at home folk remedies

Remember the rules of using folk remedies.

With the traditional treatment of joint diseases, emphasis is placed on physiotherapy and medication intake, because all folk remedies are used only as an auxiliary method, which strengthens and consolidates the effect of treatment.

When applying traditional medicine, the following rules should be observed:

  • Consult a physician before using any prescription. Do not engage in self-medication, otherwise you can cause even greater harm to health.
  • Many home remedies have contraindications that should be considered.
  • It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and be patient. It is difficult to get rid of the inflammation of the joints.
  • Phytotherapy implies a long reception of medicinal broths and infusions.
  • When preparing preparations, you must observe the proportions and dosages of the intake.

Folk remedies stop the inflammatory process and relieve pain. In therapy, tinctures, decoctions, juices, compresses, rubbing and baths are used successfully.

How to get rid of pain by rubbing?

Than to treat inflammation of the joints of fingers on hands? You can resort to rubbing, they reduce pain. Well help:

  • Birch buds of the .It is necessary to collect birch buds in spring, they must have a sticky mass.1 cup of raw pour 0.5 liters of vodka. The agent should be insisted in the dark for two weeks, sometimes shaking. The resulting lotion must be rubbed with fingers.
  • Kalanchoe .Leaves of the plant must be ground in a meat grinder to the state of gruel.500 g of such gruel should be poured 1 liter of vodka. Insist 5 days. Lotion rub into diseased joints.
  • Interior Pork Fat .Preliminarily injured hand should be steamed over the dishes with hot water, then rub the fat into the joints.
  • Golden Hole .The juice of the plant must be combined with a hand cream in a ratio of 1: 1.The resulting ointment should be rubbed into fingers or used as a compress.

Juices and tinctures against articular inflammation

Patients with this pathology are faced with the problem of how to relieve the inflammation of the joints of the fingers. Means intended for oral administration not only remove unpleasant symptoms, but also fight the problem as a whole.

  • Take the burdock root and crush it thoroughly.1 tbsp.l.raw pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Tincture drink 5 times a day for 2 tablespoons.l.
  • 3 tbsp.l. flowers of lilac pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. It takes a week to insist. The remedy should be drunk before meals 30 drops 3 times a day. Can be used for compresses or rubbing.
  • If there are no problems with digestion, drink a glass of beet juice before eating.
  • Pour 5 grams of bay leaf 300 ml.boiling water, infuse 2 hours wrapped. The resulting broth drink 100 gr.3 times a day, but not volley! And pull these 100 small sips for some time. So do 3 days in a row. Then after 10 days, repeat the course. The next course of treatment is possible in 2 weeks.
  • 250 g grains of rye pour boiling water( 2 liters) and briefly boil. After the broth cools down, strain. Pour into the liquid 3 tsp.root of barberry, 1 liter of honey and 0.5 liters of vodka. Stir well and insist in a dark place for 3 weeks. The remedy should be taken at 3 tbsp.l.before meals three times a day.

Compresses on the fingers

You can also remove the inflammation with compresses and lotions. To achieve the best effect, the funds should be left overnight.

Compresses can be made:

  • With treatment clay .It can be bought at a pharmacy. Dissolve it in warm water, following the instructions. Apply on damaged fingers, bandage. You need to hold for several hours.
  • With honey .Stir the honey together with the salt in the same proportions. Gauze swab moisten in this tool and attach to the joints. First, bandage the compress, then warm it with a towel. Leave it overnight.
  • With mustard .Take 100 g of dry mustard, camphor oil and connect together. In the mixture, add 2 fresh egg whites and mix well. Attach the product to a sore spot, wrap it with gauze, cellophane and a towel. Leave it overnight.
  • With chalk .Rub it on a grater to a powdery state and dilute with kefir so that a thick consistency is obtained. Blend the mixture into cellophane and attach to the fingers, warm it.

Baths against pain

Treatment of inflammation of the joints of the fingers on the hands of folk medicine means the use of baths:

  • Pour to the chaff from the hay with boiling water and let it brew. In moderately hot water, hold hands for 15-20 minutes.
  • Prepare herbal infusion from the of the mother-and-stepmother , of the or string of the root of the live-stock. For a liter of water, use 2-3 tbsp.l.herbs. Hands must be soaked in hot water for 30 minutes.

Inflammation of the joints of the fingers is a serious enough disease. Do not self-medicate, it's best to see a doctor.

He will prescribe medication and will advise any remedy from alternative medicine.

Folk remedies are recommended as an additional therapy. They help to consolidate the result from the treatment and alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

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Sources of publication:

  2. /themes/health/ vospalenie-sustavov-paltsev-ruk-prichiny-simptomy-vozmozhnye-oslozhneniia-metody-lecheniia-vospalenii-v-sustavakh-paltsev-ruk /