Milk with onion from cough

Treatment of cough with milk and onions

Traditional medicine offers a variety of cough treatment methods that are used for both adults and children. The most common and effective is milk with a cough onion, which has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiviral effect on the body. This mixture has been used for a long time, this tool was used in the 20th century for the treatment of colds and their symptoms. Onions at that time was applied even in the treatment of cough caused by mycobacteria tuberculosis - a stick of Koch.In addition to onion, disinfectant properties are also known for garlic, because these products are rich in phytoncides, and with their penetration into the body creates a reliable barrier for the penetration and spread of pathogenic microorganisms.

How to treat?

It is known that warm milk has a beneficial effect on the body for colds, and adding to it medicines of traditional medicine, you can only strengthen the effect of this natural product. The use of onions with milk from cough is based on the use of the most effective therapeutic methods aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process from the irritated throat and bronchi. You can use such effective recipes:
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  • Take 10 bulbs, a garlic head and a liter of milk. All chop, pour milk and cook until soft, stir until smooth, cool to 40 degrees and add a spoonful of honey. Children give on a spoon before eating, adults - 2 spoons. Take the medicine until full recovery. Garlic with milk from a cough has the same effect on the patient's body, as is the onion.
  • For a glass of milk, take a large chopped onion, cook until soft, rub everything and drink for 2 times. Such a medicine will help in case of a dry dry suffocating cough.
  • To get rid of coughing attacks, you can use this recipe: boil a glass of milk, adding a spoonful of sage grass. Allow to stand for a while, drain and boil again. The use of milk with sage from cough will soften the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, relieving the patient's condition. It is especially recommended to drink this folk remedy before bedtime. Before you drink this medicine, you can add a spoonful of butter in it, so it will have an enveloping effect on the sore throat and bronchi.

This therapeutic method is also used when other symptoms of a cold develop. The use of onions with milk for colds helps to cope with pain and perspiration in the throat. It is useful to add a spoonful of honey and butter to the drink, although it is possible to use beekeeping products only if there is no allergy to them.

Milk with onions, how to cure such a cure, write a recipe) Thank you in advance.


Anyuta ...

I take a few bulbs, clean them and cut them into small pieces. I pour the chopped onion with milk and put it on the fire. Varya is everything until the onion is soft. In the resulting broth, you need to add a little honey at the rate of 1 teaspoon per half cup of broth. Take this remedy on a tablespoon every hour. Usually 2-3 days of such treatment is enough to cough ceased.


Milk with purgen, not before the cough will ...


I do not know about onions, but about garlic yes, it is crushed and added to the milk is not the pulp itself, but for the most part the juice of garlic, heat and drink


onions are finely chopped and poured with milk, then warmed, onions are filtered and I drink "it".
can also be added in hot milk h. l. butter
drink it all in small sips
from cough it is possible still beer (dark grades, I took a porter) heat (0.2 - a glass), in a hot add 1 spoon of honey and drink. I gave my son 11 years old when coughing half a glass somewhere

Nelya Kudryavtseva

Lenochka, all the recipes were given incorrectly. We have not been sick for 20 years. Only do not let the enemy attack you! if you are too lazy, you lost precious time! So in everything: and with angina, with coughing, with cancer... The book LITVINA says: HEAT, L MILK BEFORE BOILING. but do not boil! and add the grated onion. Do not cook, do not torment, and keep all the medicinal sv-va. Before a cough it is necessary to treat, but not always have time. Drinking will be as hot as you can and black radish. Learn these recipes and friends, tell me! "I give copies. 1) Sinusitis, etc. if you start to break and headache and torba, then you can not get away... but if the condition is stable, then continue to treat, each with its own method. there is such: for the night in one nostril to stick a piece of butter, on a trace. night to another. During the night, everything is in the sinuses, it will dissolve and come out in the morning. And so on, until there is a way out. In the same pus green... try to get rid of it naturally! Nostrils wash the little finger soapy to crunch with water at room temperature. It helps to get rid of a cold without any medications. I'm afraid of fear: pus warm. so that there is no COMPLICATION! you'll never be sick again! Everyone: do not lead up to a storm with the flu! Do not drink milk with a bow anyway! Onions from a hundred ailment! WHY DO NOT MONUMENT LUKE? After all, it is he who helps immunity! Black radish sodium on the grater, add honey, squeeze the table. spoon juice and drink on 2 tables. l the whole day. Add a medka. Will suck any cough and COPIES on the future it! Treat the simplest! When you eat an orange. then do not throw away the skins, but sushi. He locked himself in his throat, then at once chew them in his mouth for a long time. There's orange oil. it simply erases staphylococcus a powder. which multiplies, emits a poison... Copy! they can not cure pills. They do not kill staphylococcus. The medicine is so simple! I give a copy! be treated immediately with orange and a mole with l. Milk will kill ORA... Very simple and effective. You take an orange and clean it like a potato. Peel the peel on the lid of the pot with boiling water or a battery. You chew this peel like a chewing gum and do not eat. Only you suck. Orange oil U BIZA st afilokokk. You can chew and damp, while there is no dry, chewing exercises muscles, peel, but we always have dried in the jar. He locked himself up in the throat. Take the orange from the jar. Skins and chew And now for the common cold! Litvina's recipe L milk to bring to a boil and throw there a mush of bulb rubbed on a grater. Cool to hot, when you can already drink and strain and drink hot 1 glass. To bed and so several times a day. At night 1 st and in the morning, heat the remainder and drink. LYING! Will pass even the flu WITHOUT COMPLICATIONS. In my family all forgot about ANGINA. JUST HAPPY TO CLEAN GORLO OILS OIL!!! "I have a son with a cake in my pocket." "... "

Recipes with onions for cough

In folk medicine, the cough onion is used quite actively and often. The use of this product guarantees a fairly rapid treatment of an unpleasant symptom, and the recipes with it are distinguished by their simplicity and plainness. Medicinal compounds have:

  • Expectorant effect.
  • Excellent liquefy phlegm, increase it in volume.
  • The treatment has antiseptic and antimicrobial effect.

In addition, the mixtures made from this product enhance the functioning of the immune system of the human body and activate its protective functions.

Onion from cough: a recipe with honey

This remedy is used to treat the first signs of flu and colds. It is necessary:

  • Peel and cut 1 medium onion.
  • Grind it with a blender or meat grinder.
  • Put in the gruel as much honey, mix thoroughly.

To treat an unpleasant phenomenon, the drug should be consumed 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon.

Onions with cough sugars

To prepare the formula for this recipe you need:

  • Make a pulp of 4 large bulbs.
  • Add there 50 grams of honey, 400 grams of sugar.
  • Pour 1 liter of hot water.
  • Boil the cough from the onion for 60 minutes on low heat.
  • Allow mixture to cool, drain through gauze.

The medicine for the treatment of an unpleasant symptom, made with this prescription, should be taken 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. The composition should be kept in the refrigerator, before using it it is necessary to warm up a little.

Milk with onion from cough

The medicinal mixture prepared according to this recipe is very effective. She copes wonderfully even with an unpleasant symptom caused by tuberculosis. For its preparation it is necessary:

  • Cut 2 onions, put them into a saucepan.
  • Add 1 cup of milk to the container.
  • Onions should be boiled for 60 minutes.
  • Let the mixture steep for 4 hours, drain it.

To treat an unpleasant phenomenon, this onion-based medicine should be taken 1 tablespoon every 3 hours.

Juice of cough onion

The remedy prepared for this prescription perfectly copes with reflex spasms of the respiratory tract caused by influenza, bronchitis, ARI, and angina. It is necessary:

  • Grate or roll in a meat grinder, kg of onions.
  • Add 5 teaspoons of honey and sugar.
  • Pour the mixture 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour.

Onion juice from cough, cooked according to this recipe, should be taken during treatment 5 times a day after eating 2 teaspoons. For children, the dose is half. An unpleasant symptom goes away after regular treatment for a week.

Onion and apple from cough

With the help of such an onion-based recipe, it is recommended to treat a debilitating, persistent cough. To prepare the composition, you must:

  • Put in a saucepan for 1 piece - potatoes, an apple, onions.
  • Pour vegetables with boiled water in an amount of 1 liter.
  • Boil the cough and onion until the liquid in the saucepan is 2 times less than it was.
  • Cool, drain the composition.

Take the remedy for the treatment of an unpleasant phenomenon should be 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Decoction of onion from cough

Very well in the treatment of dry spastic exhalations helps the preparation prepared according to the following recipe:

  • Clean 10 heads of onions and 1 - garlic, cut them into small cubes, pour into a saucepan.
  • Add 1 cup of milk to the container.
  • Boil the onion from the cough until it becomes soft.
  • Put the juice of mint, honey in the amount of 3 and 2 tablespoons, respectively.
  • Mix the mixture well until homogeneous.

Onion broth from a cough, cooked according to this recipe, you need to take 1 tablespoon every hour. Such treatment should be carried out for several days.

Onion from cough: folk recipes for compresses

Onions are good for treatment of an unpleasant symptom and for external use. Fighting cough effectively allows the imposition of various compresses.

Recipe 1:

  • One head of Yalta onions is washed, cleaned, crushed to a mushy condition.
  • Add goose fat in the same amount.
  • Apply the mixture on the chest, avoiding the heart area.
  • Top with polyethylene, cover the breast with a warm kerchief or towel, fix the patch.

Such treatment is performed before bedtime, and the compress is left overnight. Onions against coughing with external application are very effective, so the result can be noticed after the first procedure.

Recipe 2:

  • Grate a few heads of the vegetable.
  • Squeeze out the juice from them.
  • Moisten it with gauze.
  • Put it on the chest area.
  • At the top put an oilcloth, wrap the body with a warm scarf or handkerchief.

Treatment with a compress made with this recipe should be done within a few hours. After this, remove the patch from the skin, wipe it well with a towel soaked in water and dry it. The patient needs to be warmly dressed. If the skin is very irritated, then the time of the next compress should be reduced.

Treatment of cough with onions by inhalation (prescription)

An effective method of getting rid of reflex spasms of the respiratory tract caused by the flu, acute respiratory viral infection, bronchitis, and angina is the use of steam procedures. There is a very effective inhalation prescription. To use it you need:

  • Peel and cut 2 large onion heads.
  • Put them in a saucepan, pour a small amount of hot water.
  • Wrap the container with towels, allow the solution to infuse for 3 hours.
  • Boil the ingredients.
  • Remove from heat, cool a little.

Steam treatment is allowed for no more than 5 minutes. For children, the time of inhalations made with this prescription is reduced by 2 times.

It should be remembered that coughing does not act as an independent disease. It only indicates the presence in the body of any pathology or disease. Although the recipes with onions are a fairly effective remedy for the treatment of an unpleasant symptom, they can cough up not of any origin. It is useless, for example, to treat with the help of this folk remedy a symptom of cardiac, neurological or gastrointestinal ailments.

That is why when treating a cough, the first step to recovery is to visit a doctor, staging the right diagnosis, the appointment of appropriate in each individual case of means to combat the unpleasant symptom and the underlying disease. This is the only way to achieve quick and effective results with the help of folk recipes.

With milk from a cough

An excruciating cough can be a sign of bronchitis or some other respiratory disease. Even after the person has recovered, the cough continues for a while.

Cough milk

People always believed that cough is well treated with milk. Someone adds honey to honey, some soda, some carrot juice or something. Milk from coughing helps, though each person thinks out himself what to add to it.

There is one recipe that helps everyone. In the milk you need to put finely chopped onions, put on fire and cook until the onion is soft. After that, the broth is filtered and honey is added from the calculation, one teaspoon per half cup of broth. Adults should take one tablespoon in one hour. If the child is sick, the dosage is halved. For two or three days the cough will pass without leaving a trace.

Still it is possible in 300 ml of hot milk to add a quarter of a teaspoon of soda, a small piece of butter and a teaspoon of honey. Instead of butter, you can pour cocoa butter.

With a dry cough it is recommended to drink milk with mineral water, the proportion:.

Some mix milk with carrot, birch or maple juice. The amount of juice and milk should be the same. Drink six times a day.

Fig with cough milk

To date, there is a huge amount of cough medicine, which can be difficult to choose. Many people do not like to use pills and turn to folk medicine.

Figs with milk from a cough are prepared simply. It is necessary to take milk, pour it into a ladle and put it on the fire. Further in the milk is added a dry or fresh fig, which is pre-washed well. For a glass of milk you need to take one fig fruit of medium size. After the milk boils, it is necessary to cook in it figs under a closed lid for about half an hour. Next, the dishes with the broth wrapped in a blanket, in order to make the figs and gave all the useful properties. When the milk cools down, it must be filtered and poured into a glass jar. It is necessary to drink the prepared broth for three hours, because it is during this period that it is considered the most useful.

Milk with soda from cough

At the initial stage of the disease, cough does not necessarily have to be treated with medications. You can try to get rid of it with the help of what is in the kitchen. Milk with soda from cough helps very effectively. This combination of components is used for dry cough. Generally, soda increases the amount of sputum, so if a person has a cough moist, such a remedy is unlikely to help.

How to prepare this cough medicine? It is necessary to boil the milk and add to it half a teaspoon of soda. If you add a little more soda, the chair may break. Take milk with soda twice a day before meals.

Milk with honey from cough

Traditional medicine is rich in tips and recipes. Since people have coughing at all times, a huge amount has accumulated from this disease.

In order to get rid of a cough, you can prepare "Gogol-Mogol". Yolks and sugar are ground and gorged on an empty stomach.

Well helps white wine with the roots of pepper. To prepare the medicine you need to take 250 ml of white wine and 50 grams of roots. Boil and drink three times a day.

Milk with honey from cough helps not only adults but also children. A glass of warm milk should take a tablespoon of honey. Take preferably before going to bed.

Borjomi with milk from a cough

Still our grandmothers were treated by Borzhomi with milk from a cough. Even with strong bronchitis this drink helps. Milk must be heated and poured into it with mineral water in the following proportions:. Mineral water should be at room temperature, warm and cool it to nothing. Drink this drink before eating a third of the glass.

Some before pouring mineral water into the milk release gases from it. To do this, you need to chat for a while with a fork in a glass of water and that's it.

Someone adds honey to the milk with mineral water, someone butter. It's a matter of taste, everyone does as he pleases.

If there is no opportunity to buy mineral water, you can add soda to the milk. A quarter of a teaspoon of soda is taken for a glass of hot milk.

Mineral water is used in the treatment of cough not only when it is mixed with milk, but also pouring it into the inhaler.

Onions with cough milk

In order that people do not get sick, they must constantly strengthen their immunity: to fully eat, spend free time on air and drink vitamins. The negative side of the cough is that it can stay after the illness is released.

Onions with cough milk are made this way. It is necessary to cut a few bulbs in small pieces, pour it all into a saucepan and pour the milk. When the onion is cooked and infused, strain the broth, add honey and drink one tablespoon every hour. For three days the cough passes.

Milk with oil from cough

For a long time people cough cough with milk with various supplements. Milk and butter from coughing do this: take a glass of milk, warm it and add a teaspoon of butter. You need to drink three times a day.

Oats with milk from cough

Oats - this is a very useful agricultural crop, it is used in the treatment of various diseases. Oats with milk from cough can be given even to children. To prepare the medicine you will need a glass of milk and a handful of oats. These components are mixed and poured into a clay pot, which is then placed in the oven for an hour. You need to take several times a day.

Milk with cough sage

Cough can be treated in various ways, some help, and some remain useless. Milk with sage from a cough is prepared this way: a tablespoon of sage is taken for a glass of milk, the mixture is brought to a boil and cooled to room temperature. Then boil again, filter, add a teaspoon of butter, as much honey. Take before bed, when from under the blanket will not need to go out.

Milk with garlic from cough

Garlic, onions, honey, milk - all this and more help with various diseases. Milk with garlic from cough helps. In order to prepare the medicine, you need to pour five cloves of garlic with a glass of milk and boil, then add a teaspoon of honey and boil again. Drink in small sips throughout the day.

Ginger with milk from cough

In autumn and winter, all are usually ill, try different medications and it happens that it is unreasonable to throw a lot of money into the wind. Many people resort to folk wisdom and try to get rid of the disease with the help of alternative medicine.

Ginger with milk from a cough helps well. How to prepare this medicine? It is necessary to bring to a boil 1/5 cup of milk, then pour there two teaspoons of tea leaves, a little sugar and one circle of ginger root, which must first be cut. The mixture is boiled again, insisted for five minutes and boiled again. After the broth is infused, it must be filtered and drunk several times a day.

Milk with banana from cough

This recipe is very popular with children who love bananas. Milk with a banana from a cough is prepared this way: from a banana make a gruel and add 3 spoons of cocoa, mix and pour a glass of boiling milk. You can add honey or sugar to the mixture. Drink this drink before bedtime and exclusively in a hot form.

Propolis from cough and milk

Propolis is a bee glue that is actively used in folk medicine. Propolis from a cough with milk is prepared this way: take 20 grams of propolis and a glass of milk, the ingredients are mixed and brought to a boil. Insist and take inside one tablespoon four times a day. Since propolis is a rather serious natural remedy, before giving it to children it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Milk with nuts from cough

There is an opinion that both nuts mixed with milk perfectly cope with the cough. Milk with cough nuts is prepared as follows: a glass of untreated pine nuts are poured with a liter of milk, boiled for twenty minutes and filtered. Nuts can be eaten, and warm milk (one glass) should be drunk before going to bed and in the morning on an empty stomach.

Milk with cough fat

To cure chronic cough and bronchitis will help milk with fat. Goat fat is usually used for these purposes. The mixture must always be fresh. Milk with fat from cough is cooked like this: boil a glass of milk and add to it a tablespoon of goat fat and a tablespoon of honey. You need to drink before bed, wrapped in a blanket.

Onion with honey from cough

Useful properties of onions and honey against cough

Honey in combination with onions was used with success by our ancestors for the treatment of cough. Even an intense cough can be effectively eliminated by the use of this remedy.

Honey is an excellent treatment, characterized by remarkable bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Onion is a natural antiseptic that can qualitatively eliminate pathogens and microorganisms. This explains the fact that the combination of these two natural components ensures the creation of a quality medicinal product, natural and at the same time very effective.

Onion is an excellent preventive. In cold epidemics, it is recommended to eat at least one of its small lobules and the body will be reliably protected from the impact of pathogenic microorganisms.

Honey provides a sweet taste of the drug. It is important that the product is natural. Very often, unfortunately, on the shelves of shops is honey containing synthetic additives. Therefore it is extremely important to buy honey directly from the beekeeper.

Who is contraindicated in honey and onions

There is no question of the effectiveness of honey with onions for cough. Nevertheless, this product has a number of contraindications to the use of certain categories of patients. In some cases, it is possible to cause harm to the body when using these products in combination with one another. In particular, the combination of onions with honey is contraindicated if the patient has one of the following problems:

  • with liver diseases;
  • with diseases of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with diabetes mellitus;
  • when allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug.

Do not use the drug to treat children under the age of one year. In all other cases the contraindication tool does not have and can be successfully applied.

Onion with honey from cough recipe

There are many recipes for applying honey in combination with onions for treating cough. Some of them are proposed for consideration.

Juice of onion with honey from cough

Using an ordinary sieve, the onion is rubbed on a fine grater, after which the juice obtained with grinding is mixed with honey in the same proportions. The resulting composition can be used both internally and for use when applying compresses or for rubbing. When grinding with juice of onions and honey, it is necessary to hold them before the patient leaves for bed, followed by wrapping him with a warm blanket or handkerchief. The chest and back of the patient must be rubbed.

Milk with onion, honey from cough

Milk with onions and honey from cough is one of the most effective methods of its treatment. Onions contain a lot of iron, as well as a large number of vitamins and phytoncides, which effectively eliminate microbes that cause colds. In turn, milk has the ability to calm the body well. Drinking a glass of milk before bed, you do not have to worry about the subsequent onset of insomnia. In addition, the headache is well eliminated.

When coughing, it often suffers from a throat. The use of such a product as milk with honey and cough onions helps to get rid of cough and eliminate perspiration in the throat.

It is recommended that such a recipe for cough medicine. A medium sized bulb is taken for one glass of milk. Onions are cleaned and cut into small pieces. After this, add the finely chopped onion into a saucepan and place it on the fire. When milk is brought to a boil, the fire decreases, the pan is covered with a lid and cooked for an hour. After that, the fire should be turned off, and the composition should be cooled and mixed with honey of a similar volume. Reception is carried out three times a day for one tablespoon.

Onions, honey, sugar from cough

The following cough remedy is recommended, using honey, onions and sugar.

One medium bulb should be cleaned and cut into small pieces. Then it is ground using a meat grinder or a blender. In the resulting mass add a couple of tablespoons of sugar and equal in amount of honey, after which the whole mixture is mixed.

For the treatment of a cough, it is recommended to take the obtained formula one tablespoon three times a day. The positive effect is achieved already on the third day of use, and to completely eliminate the cough, one week of intake is enough.

Onion, lemon, honey from cough

The combination of onions with honey and lemon is a good tool for treating cough in the home. For preparation of a medicinal product it is recommended to take two bulbs and grind them using a blender or meat grinder. Then in the resulting gruel add squeezed juice to half a lemon of medium size and honey, taken in the volume of milled onions. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. You can take one table spoon three times a day. After a few days of regular use of the cough, only memories will remain.

Honey, onion, garlic from cough

The combination of onions with honey and garlic is a widely known folk remedy for coughing. To prepare the medicine, it is recommended to take five bulbs of medium size and one large head of garlic. Vegetables are finely chopped, then placed in a small dish, poured half a liter of boiling water and cooked until all the ingredients are softened. Improving the taste and giving the decoction of additional antibacterial properties is facilitated by the addition of a certain amount of fresh natural honey. The mixture is taken throughout the day for one tablespoon with hourly intervals between receptions. Treatment takes about three days. The remedy is so effective that in addition to eliminating cough, it helps to remove pains in the chest and throat, to withdraw phlegm from the lungs, and also to remove mucus from the throat. Practically, the catarrhal disease is completely cured, without resorting to other methods of its treatment.

Onions with honey from cough for children

For the treatment of cough in children, it is recommended to prepare a decoction. Cleaned and cut finely onion in the amount of half a kilogram. Its lobules are placed in a saucepan, where milk is poured in the volume of one liter. The mixture is cooked on low heat until the onion is softened. After that, 100 grams of honey is added to the composition. The mixture is thoroughly mixed. Apply this tool should be one tablespoon per hour. The healing power of the drug is excellent. It is able to cure a child's cough at almost any stage of its development. In addition, pain in the throat area is eliminated. It is recommended to take the solution until the cough completely stops.

Who tried the cough remedy "boiled onion in milk" for children, what results?


Daria Bakirova

did not try, but it seems like such a muck ...

I do not argue

It helped rubbing badger fat and putting on cabbage leaves for the night.
The onion in the milk did not help.

However, I use this recipe for weight loss - 3 times a week.

Ritza bandit

cough is a symptom, a protective reaction. treat the disease itself. The disease "cough" does not exist.


for children I do not know, about the bow, too.. .
but now my mother is coughing for a cough
garlic in milk... his
uses. and my children are trying


Themselves drink this, and about the child's cough - to the doctor. Also do not take in head to give expectorant to the child till 5 years. In general, consult at least with doctors, and not rely on "I had it"

Nadezhda Falkenberg

when the bronchitis was, I tried only onions and milk in the oven for 10 minutes, though not every adult will drink it and the child even more so. helped

*** Nana ***

say black radish with honey well helps, but we usually treat tablets with pills

Adelaide Markoffeva

A child will not drink it, I assure you. Although I tried it on my own, it's an excellent remedy.


I do it differently, onion finely crumb, 1/2 st. Spoons of honey (on an average bulb) grind and cant a plate so. that would stack the juice... As for me a muck rare or infrequent, BUT helps... and my son likes it, maybe he can eat onions with honey.
But I fly so, when the cough just started... Then more radical measures are needed.

Ekaterina Shishkina

I usually make my own herbs, and at night, hotter milk with honey and butter,

Miracle Yudnoe

Onions with milk did not try, but with garlic yes, it helps.. with cough and cold.

Vita Milkin

The onions in milk did not apply. But the jam from the onions - yes. It softens the cough quite well. And syrup, and onion in this jam.

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