Chondroxide: instructions for the use of ointments, gels, and injections


  • 1Chondroxide ointment, gel: instructions for use
    • 1.1Dosage form, composition
    • 1.2pharmachologic effect
    • 1.3Indications
    • 1.4Contraindications
    • 1.5Method of use, dosage
    • 1.6Side effects
    • 1.7Features of use
    • 1.8Overdose
    • 1.9Analogues of ointment and gel Chondroxide
    • 1.10Proper storage
    • 1.11Chondroxide ointment, gel price
  • 2Chondroxide (ointment, tablets, injections): instructions for use, drug prices
    • 2.1Forms of the preparation
    • 2.2How does the drug work?
    • 2.3Indications and contraindications
    • 2.4Procedure for taking the drug
    • 2.5On the prices of the drug
  • 3Chondroxide
    • 3.1Composition
    • 3.2Form of issue
    • 3.3pharmachologic effect
    • 3.4Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
    • 3.5Indications for use
    • 3.6Side effects
    • 3.7Instructions for use Chondroxide (Method and dosage)
    • 3.8Overdose
    • 3.9Interaction
    • 3.10Terms of sale
    • 3.11Storage conditions
    • 3.12Shelf life
    • 3.13special instructions
    • 3.14Chondroxide Analogs
    • 3.15Synonyms
    • 3.16Children
    • 3.17In pregnancy and lactation
    • 3.18Reviews of Hondrokside
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.19Price, where to buy tablets
    • 3.20WER.RU
    • 3.21ZdravZona
    • 3.22IFK Pharmacy
    • 3.23Pharmacy24
    • 3.24BIOSPHERE
  • 4Chondroxide instructions for use, composition, indications, analogues, reviews
    • 4.1Composition and form of release
    • 4.2Chondroxide - instructions for use
    • 4.3Indications for use of chondroxide
    • 4.4Chondroxide and its medicinal effect
    • 4.5Chondroxide analogues: domestic and foreign
  • 5Chondroxide Forte and Maximum: ointment, tablets, gel, instructions for use, price, reviews and similar.
    • 5.1Forms of the preparation
    • 5.2Composition
    • 5.3Pharmacological properties of chondroxide
    • 5.4Contraindications and side effects
    • 5.5Instructions for use
    • 5.6Price
    • 5.7Analogues
    • 5.8Reviews

Chondroxide ointment, gel: instructions for use

The drug Chondroxide has a positive effect on the metabolic processes in the cartilaginous tissue, so the chondroprotectors refer to the pharmacological group of medicines. It is used for the complex treatment of various degenerative-dystrophic pathology of the structures of the musculoskeletal system.

Dosage form, composition

The drug Chondroxide is manufactured in several dosage forms. The gel and ointment, intended for external topical application, have a yellowish color, a viscous consistency, a homogeneous structure and a fruity odor.

The main active ingredient of the drug is chondroitin sodium sulfate, its content in 1 g of gel or ointment is 50 mg.

As additional compounds, the gel contains propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium disulfite, dimexide, ethanol, carbomer, isopropanol, orange flavor, propylene glycol, purified water.

The composition of the ointment additionally includes vaseline, dimexide, distilled monoglycerides, lanolin, purified water.

Gel Chondroxide is contained in aluminum tubes in the amount of 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 g, ointment - 30 and 50 g. The cardboard pack contains one tube with an appropriate amount of ointment or gel, as well as instructions for using the drug.

pharmachologic effect

The main active component of the gel or ointment Chondroxide has the ability to improve the metabolism of cartilage tissue (he is an extract of the cartilaginous tissue of cattle), since it is one of its structural components. Due to this, several basic therapeutic effects of the drug are realized, which include:

  • Stimulation of regeneration (restoration) of cartilaginous tissue with its damage on the background of degenerative-dystrophic or inflammatory processes.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes of the hyaline component of the intercellular substance of the cartilaginous tissue.
  • Reduction of the functional activity of enzymatic systems responsible for resorption (pathological resorption) of cartilaginous tissue, due to which the process of its degeneration is inhibited.
  • Suppression of the severity of the process of reducing the mineralization of the structures of the musculoskeletal system, in particular, the washing out of calcium.
  • Increased production of intra-articular fluid, which improves trophism (nutrition) of cartilaginous tissue and reduces the severity of destruction.
  • Reduction of the severity of inflammation in chronic pathological processes in the structures of the musculoskeletal system.

Dimexide, which is an additional compound that is part of the ointment and gel Chondroxide, promotes better penetration of chondroitin into the cartilaginous tissue, reduces the severity of pain and inflammation reaction.

The drug improves the mobility of joints and reduces soreness in them with various degenerative-dystrophic processes.

After applying the ointment or gel Chondroxide on the skin, the active ingredient penetrates through it into the structures the musculoskeletal system and accumulates mainly in the cartilaginous tissue, where the therapeutic Effect.


Use of a gel or ointment Chondroxide is indicated for the treatment of degenerative-dystrophic pathology of peripheral joints, which includes osteoarthritis. Also, the drug is used in the complex treatment of the pathology of the spine, in particular, osteochondrosis.


The only absolute medical contraindication for the use of the gel or ointment Chondroxide is the individual intolerance of any of the components of this medication. The gel should not be applied to damaged skin.

With caution, gel and ointment Chondroxide are used in pregnancy, during lactation (the period of breastfeeding), and also in children, since the efficacy and safety of the drug for this category of patients remain established.

Before using the drug, you should make sure that there are no contraindications.

Method of use, dosage

Ointment and gel Chondroksid intended for external topical application, they are applied to the skin in the area of ​​the projection of the affected joint 2-3 times a day.

The ointment is applied to the skin, after which it is rubbed with massage movements until completely absorbed for 2-3 minutes.

The gel is rubbed lightly, with patting movements until completely absorbed, which also takes 2-3 minutes.

The duration of treatment for ointment is 2-3 weeks, for the gel can vary from 2-3 weeks to several months. If necessary, the regimen of application and the duration of the course of therapy with the drug are determined by the physician individually.

Side effects

In general, the ointment and gel Chondroxide are transferred well enough.

Sometimes, against the background of their use, it is possible to develop allergic reactions in the form of a rash on the skin, itching, urticaria (swelling and rash, which in appearance resemble a nettle burn).

In this case, the application of the drug should be discontinued, the skin should be rinsed with water, and also refer to a medical specialist who will determine the possibility of further use of ointment or gel Chondroxide.

Features of use

Before starting the use of ointment or gel Chondroxide should carefully read the instructions to the drug, as well as pay attention to several features of its proper use:

  • Do not apply the drug to mucous membranes, open wounds.
  • Avoid getting a gel or ointment in the eyes. In case this happens, the eyes should be rinsed with a considerable amount of running water.
  • When the drug is on skin or clothing, it is easily washed off with water and leaves no residue.
  • It is not recommended to use the drug for children of childhood, as its effectiveness and safety remain unset.
  • Interaction of ointment or cream Chondroxide with drugs of other pharmacological groups has not been described.
  • The drug has no direct effect on the functional activity of the structures of the nervous system.

In the pharmacy network, the gel or ointment of Chondroxide is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Before using them, it is recommended that you consult a medical professional.


To date, in the clinical practice of the use of gel or ointment Chondroxide cases of overdose have not been documented.

Analogues of ointment and gel Chondroxide

Similar for active components and therapeutic effects for ointment and gel Chondroxide are drugs Mukosat, Artradol, Structum, Arthrin.

Proper storage

Shelf life of the gel Chondroxide is 2 years, ointments - 3 years. The preparation should be stored in the original factory packaging, dark, dry, inaccessible to children at a temperature of air for the gel from +2 to +20 ° C, for the ointment - not above + 25 ° C.

Chondroxide ointment, gel price

The average cost of gel or ointment Chondroxide in pharmacies in Moscow depends on their quantity in the aluminum tube:

  1. Gel, 30 g - 294-335 rubles.
  2. Gel, 35 g - 368-397 rubles.
  3. Gel, 40 g - 410-438 rubles.
  4. Ointment, 30 g - 342-358 rubles.
  5. Ointment, 50 grams - 348-369 rubles.

A source:

Chondroxide (ointment, tablets, injections): instructions for use, drug prices

  • Forms of the preparation
  • How does the drug work?
  • Indications and contraindications
  • Procedure for taking the drug
  • On the prices of the drug

Chondroxide - a drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect and at the same time stimulates the process of regeneration of cartilaginous tissue.

It is able to slow the development of osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis, activating the regeneration of damaged cartilaginous tissue, normalizing the metabolic processes of some cartilage structures, as well as providing analgesic and anti-inflammatory act.

Forms of the preparation

Chondroxide belongs to the group of chondroprotectors and is available in various forms - most often as an ointment or gel, in this case even the instructions for use are the same, and also as tablets. It should be noted that as the injections of chondroxide are not released, in this case, if necessary, its analogs are used (good, there are quite a few of them).

Thus, the prefix "Forte" means the presence of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in the drug. On the one hand, this gives a quick analgesic effect, and on the other hand, NSAIDs contribute to the destruction of already injured cartilage.

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But the chondroxide with the prefix "Maximum" differs from the original much more seriously - here instead of chondroitin sulfate another chondroprotector is used - glucosamine sulfate.

It should be noted that glucosamine sulphate molecules are much smaller, so this cream has better bioavailability, increases the effectiveness of the drug (manufacturers say that this parameter is comparable to tableted and injectable forms chondroprotectors).

How does the drug work?

The main active component of this drug is the chondroprotector chondroitin sulfate. This is one of the main components necessary for the normal operation of human joints. For this reason, the effect of the drug goes immediately in a number of ways:

  • slows the process of destruction of cartilaginous tissue (both pathological and natural);
  • reduces the influence of those enzymes that contribute to the destruction of cartilage;
  • activates the synthesis of proteoglycans;
  • activates the production of synovial fluid;
  • increases the mobility of the joint and reduces pain in it;
  • improves the structure of chondrocytes, activates their work;
  • allows you to reduce the dose of pain medication;
  • reduces the elution from calcium bones.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of this drug are such diseases as arthrosis of various small and large joints, spondyloarthrosis, as well as various types of diseases of the spine of degenerative-dystrophic character.

Contraindication is hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug. In addition, Chondroxide is contraindicated in pregnancy and during lactation, as well as children under 12 years.

With caution, this drug should also be treated in people who have a tendency to bleeding.

The most common side effects of taking the drug are various allergic reactions, but there may also be vomiting and nausea.

Procedure for taking the drug

Chondroprotectors are generally slow acting drugs. In other words, to achieve a sustainable effect, it is necessary to take this medication for a long time.

Because chondroksid tablets usually take 2 tablets 2 times a day, and the course of treatment is at least half a year.

In this case, the positive effect of this drug is felt for some time after the end of the course of treatment.

This drug in the form of ointment is used differently - it should be gently rubbed into the skin in the joint area for 2-3 minutes, until it completely absorbed. Usually the drug in this form is used simultaneously with tablets, and the course of treatment lasts up to 3 weeks.

The gel is also used, but this form allows for longer courses of treatment - up to 3 months.If necessary, after consultation with a doctor, the course of treatment is repeated.

On the prices of the drug

The price of Chondroxide largely depends on its shape and "subspecies" - it is a gel, ointment or tablets, while the instructions for use may differ. Also, the cost may vary depending on the region and the pharmacy network.

So, the cost of packing for 60 tablets can range from 300 to 550 rubles, a tube of ointment (30 grams) can cost from 200 to 450 rubles, and a gel (also 30 grams) - from 200 to 350 rubles. It can also be noted that this is one of the cheapest drugs - most analogues are more expensive.

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Chondroxide tablets contain 1 pc.chondroitin sulfate250 mg; as well as calcium stearate,crospovidone, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium hydroxycarbonate - in the form of auxiliary substances.

1 g of gel for external use containschondroitin sulfate50 mg; additional substances (dimethylsulfoxide, propylene glycol,isopropanol, ethanol, sodium disulphite, nipazol, nipagin, carbomer, flavoring food "Orange"), water.

In 1 g of ointment for external use is containedchondroitin sulfate50 mg; in the form of additional substances dimethylsulfoxide, lanolin, petrolatum, monoglycerides, water.

Form of issue

Tablets of white color for 250 mg, 10 pcs. in the outline packing, 30, 50, 60, 90, 100 tab. in a cardboard box.

Gel in aluminum tubes of 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 g, Chondroxide ointment - 30 and 50 g.

Other forms of release - injections and capsules - have no chondroxide.

pharmachologic effect

Regulation of the metabolism in the cartilaginous tissue. Provides regeneration of cartilaginous tissue, chondro-stimulation, anti-inflammatory effect.

He takes part in the construction of cartilage and bone tissue, improves metabolism in hyaline and fibrous cartilage. It inhibits degenerative changes in connective tissue and cartilage, provides inhibition of enzymes that damage cartilaginous tissue.

Activates synthesisproteoglycans, regenerates the surface of joints and articular bags, stimulates the production of intra-articular fluid. It inhibits the resorption of bone tissue, restores bone tissue and protects against loss of calcium.

The drug slows the development of osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis, reduces the soreness of the affected joints. When taking the drug increases the amount of movement in the affected joints.

The use of the drug makes it possible to reduce the dosage of NSAIDs.

The gel relieves pain and inflammation.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Ingestion provides the maximum concentration in the blood plasma for 4 hours, after 4-5 hours - in the joint cavities. Bioavailability is 13%.

The maximum concentration in the cartilage of joints is reached within 48 hours. It is excreted in the urine within 24 hours.

The use of the gel, thanks to the content of dimethylsulfoxide, ensures effective penetrationchondroitin sulfatedeep into the tissues. The maximum concentration with external application occurs after 30 minutes. The joint remains in the joint for 5 hours.

Indications for use

For treatment and prevention of degenerative-dystrophic spinal and joint lesions (osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis).

Indications for the use of ointments for joints - local treatment of osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis.


Tablet form:

  • pregnancyand breastfeeding;
  • children;
  • individual intolerance of the drug and its components.

Caution if you are prone to bleeding.

For gel and ointment:

  1. damage to the skin at the site of application;
  2. hypersensitivity to the composition;
  3. childhood.

Side effects

In rare cases, allergic reactions can occur, with the intake of tablets - diarrhea, nausea.

Instructions for use Chondroxide (Method and dosage)

Take 2 tablets inside with a small amount of water twice a day. It is recommended to start the initial course of treatment for up to six months. After discontinuation of the therapeutic effect persists for 4-5 months. depending on the development of the disease.

When topical application (ointment, gel) is applied up to 3 times a day on the affected area. The gel is applied by patting movements until completely absorbed.

The course of treatment can be from 2 to 8-12 weeks.

Instructions for the use of ointments recommend applying the drug by rubbing into the skin, the course of treatment up to 3 weeks.

It is possible to appoint, if necessary, repeated courses of treatment on an individual basis.

Which is better: gel or ointment?

The gel relieves pain well, does not require rubbing. Also does not spoil clothes and leaves no traces on the skin, it is quickly absorbed, therefore it is not necessary to spend a lot of time for drawing. Ointment on a fat basis, well suited for use in massage and self-massage.

Chondroxide injections are not produced, but if necessary, injections are used to supplement the treatment.


Sometimes there isdiarrhea, nausea, vomiting. With prolonged admission in large doses, hemorrhagic rashes may occur. Symptomatic therapy is used to treat symptoms.


The drug is able to simultaneously increase the effect of antiaggregants, indirect anticoagulants, fibrinolytic drugs.

Terms of sale

Tablets - according to the prescription.

Gel, ointment - without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Keep in a place protected from children and observe the temperature no more than 25 ° C. Store the ointment at a temperature of 2 ° - 20 ° C.

Shelf life

Tablets and gel Chondroksid - 2 years.

Ointment - 3 years

special instructions

Do not apply the product to damaged skin and mucous membranes.

Chondroxide Analogs

There are cheap analogues of tablets - thisChondroitin - Akosand a large number of biologically active additives, their cost is from 65 rubles, and expensive -Teraflex(contains, in addition to chondroitin sulfateglucosamine) - the cost of 966 rubles,Structum(chondroitin sulfate) - the cost of 1100 rubles.

The price of analogues of ointment from 64 rubles. (creamChondroitin) to 150 rubles. (Arthro-Active).

InjectionsHondroguardandMukosataare injectable analogs - contain chondroitin.


Chondroitin - Akos, Structum,Chondrollar, Arthrin


Since the effectiveness and safety of use in children is not established, in pediatrics use only after consultation with a doctor very carefully.

In pregnancy and lactation

Tablets are contraindicated.

Forms for external use are used with great care, after consulting with a doctor.

Reviews of Hondrokside

Numerous reviews suggest that the tablets are effective for a very long period of admission for several months and in the early stages of the disease. There are reviews about the gel as an effective tool for removing swelling and tenderness in the joints.

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Ointment is actively used in physiotherapy -phonophoresisUsing an ointment is used to treatosteoarthritisAs an effective and safe tool that does not cause side effects.

Price, where to buy tablets

The price of chondroxide in tablets is 60 pcs. ranges from 367 to 436 rubles. The price of gel in Russia is from 239 rubles. for a tube of 30 grams, in Ukraine - 71 UAH.

The price of ointment in Russia is 30 g - 235 rubles.

How much does ointment in Ukraine cost? The tube price in 30 g. is 70 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Internet pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  1. Chondroxide tablets 250 mg 60 pcs. Stada Arzneimittel AG [Stade Arzneimittel]
  2. Chondroxide gel gel 5% 30 g Stada Arzneimittel AG [Stade Arzneimittel]
  3. Chondroxide gel gel 5% 40 g Stada Arzneimittel AG [Stade Arzneimittel]


  • Chondroxide №60 tablets Nijfarm OJSC
  • Chondroxide 5% 30g gelNizhfarm OJSC
  • Chondroxide 5% 40g gelNizhfarm OJSC
  • Chondroxide forte 30g cream Nijfarm OJSC
  • Chondroxide Maximum 8% cream 50gSpring Vast Investments Limited

IFK Pharmacy

  1. ChondroxideNizhfarm ( N.Novgorod), Russia
  2. ChondroxideNizhfarm ( N.Novgorod), Russia
  3. ChondroxideNizhfarm ( N.Novgorod), Russia
  4. ChondroxideNizhfarm ( N.Novgorod), Russia


  • Gel chondroxide 5% for external application 30 g tubaNizhfarm (Russia)
  • Ointment chondroxide 5% 30gNizhfarm (Russia)


  1. Chondroxide forte №30 caps. Nabros Pharma Pvt Ltd (India)
  2. Chondroxide 250 mg №60 tablets. Nizhpharm (Russia)
  3. Chondroxide 5% 30 g gel externally. Nizhpharm (Russia)
  4. Chondroxide 5% 30 g ointment in tubaNizhfarm (Russia)

NOTE! Information about medicines on the site is a reference-generalizing, collected from public sources and can not serve as a basis for making a decision about the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before using the drug, chondroxide must be consulted with your doctor.

A source:

Chondroxide instructions for use, composition, indications, analogues, reviews

Read the official information about the drug Chondroxide, the instructions for its use include general information and treatment regimen. The text is provided for reference only and can not be used as a substitute for a doctor's consultation.

Chondroxideis a medicine that improves the metabolism in cartilage tissues of various joints in such diseases.

The main active substance of the drug Chondroxide is chondroitin sulfate - a polysaccharide, which takes a direct part in the phosphorus-calcium metabolic processes that occur in the cartilaginous tissue.

Chondroxide sulfate is the guarantee of the normal functioning of intraarticular cartilage and joints in general.

Composition and form of release

Form of issue:

  • Pills.
  • Powder.
  • Gel / ointment.

Composition of gel

Gel Hondroksid - for external use, a translucent substance of yellow color with a tangible smell of orange.

Active components (in 1 g of substance): chondroitin sulfate - 50 mg, dimethylsulfoxide - 100 mg.

Auxiliary components: propylene glycol, isopropanol, carbopol, ethanol 95%, sodium metabisulphite, nipose, orange flavor identical to natural.

Ointment composition

Ointment Chondroxide - for external use, a substance of light yellow color, with the smell of dimethylsulfoxide. Packaging - aluminum tube 30 g.

  1. Active ingredients (in 1 g of substance): chondroitin sulfate - 50 mg, dimethylsulfoxide - 100 mg.
  2. Auxiliary components: purified water, petrolatum, anhydrous lanolin.

Chondroxide - instructions for use

According to the official instructions of Chondroxide, various schemes for the administration of individual forms of the drug are provided.

Gel and ointment Chondroxide is indicated to be applied to the affected areas of the skin with circular massaging movements until the drug is completely absorbed 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment, on average, is 21 days. After a month's break, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Chondroxide: use as a lyophilized powder

Lyophilized powder Chondroxide must be diluted with a solution of sodium chloride (,%) or solution of novocaine (,%).

With the needle of the syringe for injection (volume 5 ml), pierce the rubber base of the vial with the powder and pour the solution into it. Gently shake the bottle until the powder is completely dissolved.

Use a syringe to collect a ready-made solution of the drug, evenly distribute the liquid through a sterile gauze napkin. Dampened with chondroxide lining put on the wound, fix it with a bandage.

Change the lining to spend every other day. The duration of therapy is 2-3 weeks before the complete healing of the affected skin.

Chondroxide: application in the form of tablets

Hondroxide tablets are for oral use. Therapeutic and preventive reception of the drug provides for the reception of identical doses.

If a patient is prescribed Chondroxide, the instructions for use recommend 750 mg of the drug (3 tablets) 2 times a day, with a small amount of liquid. The average duration of the therapeutic course is 5-6 months.

Children under 12 months are prescribed Hondroxide tablets in a powdered form, mixed with a mixture or milk of 250 mg per day, from 1 year to 5 years - 500 mg per day, from 5 to 18 years - 500-750 mg per day.

Chondroxide - an application for the treatment of diseases

According to the conducted studies, the positive effect of a half-year dose of the drug persists for 3 to 6 months. The need for a second course of treatment is discussed with the attending physician.

Gel Chondroxide is rapidly absorbed.

According to experimental studies in mice using radiolabeled 3H-chondroitin sulfate, the absorbance of the active component of the drug was 14%.

Rapid penetration of chondroitin sulfate through cell membranes deep into tissues is facilitated by dimethylsulfoxide. After applying the Chondroxide gel to the skin, the substance quickly and selectively enters the joint.

The maximum concentration of chondroitin sulfate is observed after 30 minutes. Excretion of the drug from the cartilage tissue is carried out in two phases. The rapid phase of excretion ends 1 hour after application.

The retention time of the gel Chondroxide in the joint is 5 hours.

Indications for use of chondroxide

Chondroxide is prescribed for the purpose of treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis of peripheral joints and osteochondrosis of the spine. According to the instructions for use Chondroxide is used for degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and joints:

  • osteoarthrosis of the temporomandibular joint is a disease based on organic changes in the joint, destruction and deformation of bone and cartilaginous structures;
  • spondylarthrosis - a disease that affects all the components of the facet joint (capsule, cartilage, articular vertebral surfaces, ligaments);
  • osteoporosis is a progressive systemic disease in which the human skeleton is affected, the structure is broken and the density of bone tissue is reduced;
  • neuroartropathy - progressive deformity of the joint, caused by a violation of its innervation;
  • fractures (in order to accelerate the formation of bone callus);
  • postoperative support after joint intervention.
  • Patients, whose history contains information about increased tendency to bleeding, should use Chondroxide in the form of tablets with extreme caution.
  • If the need for taking a medicine appeared during lactation, for the entire period of therapy it will be necessary to refuse breastfeeding.
  • Contraindicated use of the drug pregnant, active ingredients Chondroksida can provoke the development of various malformations in the child.
  • It is not recommended to apply the drug in the form of a gel or ointment to open wounds, inflamed skin.
  • In the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, its reception is not shown. Consultation of the attending physician will allow selecting an effective analogue.

In most cases, chondroxide is tolerated well enough by patients. In rare cases, side effects are noted in the form of:

  1. diarrhea;
  2. allergic reactions (manifested as a skin rash, accompanied by reddening and severe itching);
  3. nausea, vomiting;
  4. discomfort in the abdomen (with the use of the drug in the form of tablets).

Chondroxide: symptoms of an overdose

Overdosage with chondroxide tablets can provoke aggravation of side effects. In this case, it is recommended that you urgently go to the doctor and stop taking the drug. There were no cases of overdose with local forms of the drug.

Special instructions for the use of chondroxide

According to the instructions, Chondroxide in the form of a gel or ointment does not cause psychomotor disorders and sedation, do not affect the patient's ability to engage in potentially dangerous activities requiring rapid motor and mental response, increased attention. Choosing between ointment and gel, it should be understood that the gel effectively relieves pain, does not require long rubbing. The composition of the preparation does not spoil clothes, does not tighten, leaves traces on the skin, absorbs quickly.

Ointment Chondroxide on a fat basis is effective at massage and self-massage. Keep the drug is recommended at a temperature of no higher than 25 degrees in a dark place inaccessible to children.

Chondroxide and its medicinal effect

The second most important active substance of the drug Chondroxide is dimethylsulfoxide, its role in the formation of cartilaginous tissue is an auxiliary one. Dimethyl sulfoxide has a qualitative anti-inflammatory, firenolitic and analgesic effect.

The use of chondroxide has a stimulating effect on the following processes:

  • restoration of the joint and intra-articular fluid;
  • regeneration of cartilaginous tissue;
  • synthesis of glycosaminoglycans (useful substances that form the basis of synovial fluid filling the joint cavity and performing the function of a protective shell).

Systematic use of the drug Chondroxide has a positive effect on the joints:

  1. reduction in the number of thrombi that are formed from filaments of fibrin protein;
  2. deceleration of degenerative processes in cartilage and joints;
  3. blocking the production of enzymes that have a destructive effect on cartilaginous tissue;
  4. activation of joint mobility;
  5. reduction of pain in the affected joint.
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Chondroxide - interaction with other drugs

Simultaneous administration of the drug Chondroxide and antiplatelet agents, fibrinolytics and indirect anticoagulants, used to treat and prevent disorders in the blood coagulation system, leads to an increase in the effect the latter. If the above medicines are used in conjunction with Chondroxide, an expanded coagulogram and a systematic control of the clotting factor may be required.

Patients taking two or more different medications should understand that their interaction can weaken or enhance each other's effect.

Therefore, before using Chondroxide, the patient should notify the attending physician about the drugs that he is taking at the moment.

Otherwise, the effectiveness of treatment will decrease, and the risk of drug poisoning will increase.

Chondroxide analogues: domestic and foreign

By analogues means means having the same international nonproprietary name or ATC code. The decision to replace the prescribed drug with an analog is made by the attending physician.

Analog - Arthron chondrex. An effective analogue of the drug Chondroxide. It is indicated for degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints and spine, osteopathy, chondropathy.

The active substance of the drug strengthens bone mineralization, prevents the development and progression of osteoporosis. The age limit is up to 15 years.

Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

The analogue of Chondroxide is Dolobene. Form release-gel.

It is used to treat injuries, hematomas, bursitis, epicondylitis of the shoulder, periarticular structures or joints, acute neuralgia, pain syndrome with superficial thrombophlebitis, phlebitis. Dolobene can be used for iontophoresis. Please note, the drug has a list of side effects.

The analogue is Structotin. The drug is aimed at improving the recovery of cartilage tissue and the normalization of the metabolism in it. Indication: primary arthrosis, periodontopathy, intervertebral osteochondrosis, bone fractures.

More expensive analogue of chondroxide. Form release - capsules.

The analogue of Chondroxide is Phytobene.

Indications for use: closed injuries and their consequences in the form of edema, myositis, tendinitis, ligamentitis, hemorrhage, bruises soft tissues, stretching muscles); neuralgia of different origin; acute pain in diseases of superficial veins of the lower extremities. Form release - gel. Before replacing Chondroxide with an analog, a specialist consultation is necessary.

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Chondroxide Forte and Maximum: ointment, tablets, gel, instructions for use, price, reviews and similar.

Exclusively from the positive side in the treatment of the spine and joints (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis) the drug Chondroxide has proved itself, which is confirmed by a lot of grateful patients.

The drug is available in various forms, each of which we will consider below.

Forms of the preparation

So, the drug Chondroxide is available in the following forms:

  1. Ointmentlight yellow shade, having the smell of dimexide, in tubes or glass jars 30, 50 g;
  2. Gelyellowish-transparent, with the smell of fruit, in tubes of 20-40 g;
  3. Pillsin blisters of a white-yellowish hue of 10 pcs., the pack contains from 30 to 100 tablets.

In addition, there are additional forms of the drug:

  • Forte chondroxide- an outer cream of a yellowish-greenish hue, which smells dimexide, in tubes 10-100 g;
  • Chondroxide Maximum- an outer cream slightly yellowish shade with a weak menthol odor of 50-250 g in tubes.


In the composition of the chondroxide ointment there are:

  1. Chondroitin sulfate (cartilage extract);
  2. Dimexide;
  3. Additional substances like Vaseline, lanolin, distilled monoglycerides, water.

The gel contains:

  • Chondroitin sulfate;
  • Dimexide;
  • Additional substances like ethanol and isopropanol, propylene glycol and sodium disulfide, nipase and nipagin, orange flavor and water, carbopol.

Composition of chondroxide tablets:

  1. Chondroitin sulfate;
  2. Calcium monohydrate stearate;
  3. Additional components like Povidone K-30 and Crospogvidone, Magnesium Carbonate and Microcrystalline Cellulose.

The ingredients of the Forte Forte Chondroxide are:

  • Chondroitin sulfate;
  • Meloksikam;
  • Dimexide;
  • Auxiliary components such as macrogol and propylene glycol cetostearate, cetostearyl and liquid paraffin alcohol (vaseline oil), sodium disulphide and imidourea, petrolatum and water.

Contents of Chondroxide cream Maximum:

  1. Glucosamine sulfate;
  2. Dimethylsulfoxide;
  3. Auxiliary substances like polyethylene glycol and peppermint oil, cetyl alcohol and natural triglycerides, methyl isothiazolinone and ascorbic acid, methylparahydroxybenzoate and butylhydroxytoluene, curcumin dye and water.

In addition, Chondroxide Maximum prevents the formation of phospholipase and collagenase, enzymes that destroy cartilage.

Pharmacological properties of chondroxide

All forms of the drug have a similar effect. In general, the properties of the chondioxide of any dosage form are as follows:

  • Regeneration of cartilaginous and articular tissues;
  • Normalization of material exchange in them;
  • Active participation in the formation of bone and cartilaginous tissue;
  • Chondrostimulation;
  • Stops degeneration of cartilage and connective tissue;
  • Has anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Oppresses the production of enzymes that damage the cartilage;
  • Stimulates the production of fluid inside the joints;
  • Suspends destructive processes in the bones, restoring their structure;
  • Normalizes the level of calcium and prevents its excessive leaching;
  • Slows osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis;
  • Reduces pain syndrome;
  • Starts proteoglycan synthesis;
  • Increases the amplitude of movements of affected cartilage and joints;
  • Helps reduce the dosage of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Due to the main active substance - chondroitin sulfate, which is obtained from the tissues of cattle, calcium-phosphorus metabolism in cartilages improves, the processes destroying them are arrested.

Dimexide provides better absorption of active substances in cartilage, bone, articular tissues, provides an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Therapeutic effect is observed for a long time even after the end of treatment.

Meloksikam, without harming the cartilage and joints, helps to reduce mediators of the inflammatory process and pain in the lesions. The optimal proportions of the components provide enhanced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.


Chondroxide preparations are indicated for treatment and for prophylactic procedures against osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis of the spine and peripheral joints, arthrosis, spondyloarthrosis and other joint and vertebral degenerative-dystrophic pathologies.

Contraindications and side effects

Chondroxide preparations have no contraindications. It is recommended to abandon their use only in case of individual intolerance of the drug or its components.

Since research on the effects on the fetus and the expectant mother has not been carried out, the drugs of chondroxide for children who are breastfeeding and pregnant should be used with extreme caution. It is also not recommended to apply gels and Cream Chondroxide on the damaged skin.

Among the adverse reactions of the gel and cream, the manufacturer declares possible allergic manifestations. When taking tablets (usually as a result of an overdose)there may be diarrhea, nausea and vomiting symptoms, allergic reactions, hemorrhagic rash.

Instructions for use

The method of application is determined by the pharmacological group of the preparation.

  1. Chondroxide Ointmentit is recommended to apply to the sites of localization of lesions twice or thrice a day, rubbing with massage movements for 3 minutes, until the ointment is absorbed completely. In this case, it is necessary to avoid contact with the eyes, open wounds and mucous membranes. The course is about 2-3 weeks. Ointment is preferable to use in combination with self-massage.
  2. Gel ChondroxideIt is applied similarly to an ointment, only the therapeutic course can last from 2 weeks to 3 months. The difference is better absorption and absence of traces on the skin and underwear.
  3. Hondroxide Tabletstake inside twice a day for 2 pieces. For the convenience of taking it is recommended to drink them with a small amount of drinking water. The duration of such treatment is about 6 months. It is noteworthy that the effect of the drug persists for another 3-6 months after the end of the course. Selecting tablets is recommended for people who have open skin lesions over a diseased vertebra, cartilage or joint. If the treatment involves simultaneous administration with drugs that affect hematopoiesis, control over the blood coagulation indicators is indicated.
  4. Cream Chondroxide Forteput a thin strip in 1-5 cm and gently rub in the diseased joint. Similar procedures should be performed at least twice a day. After rubbing your hands, it is recommended to wash with soap. The minimum duration of the course is 2 weeks. It is recommended to consult a specialist about longer-term use.
  5. Chondroxide Maximumit is necessary to put a 2-3-centimeter strip and rub it into the affected area twice or thrice during the day. The course lasts a minimum of 3 weeks. If necessary, repeat it. It is not recommended to use the drug simultaneously with other external agents. Possible allergic manifestations in persons with intolerance to seafood.


The cost of drugs Chondroxide in the country and in Moscow pharmacies varies in such price indicators:

  • Chondroxide ointment (30 g) - 270-420 rubles;
  • Gel Hondroksid (30 g) - 320-362 rubles;
  • Hondroxide tablets (№60) - 420-554 rubles;
  • Chondroxide Forte (30 g) - 332-381 rubles;
  • Chondroxide Maximum (30 g) - 735-872 rubles.


Among the analogues having the same active substance and possessing a similar effect, there are:


Drugs Chondroxide have a lot of feedback, analyzing which you can come to the conclusion that the gel is especially effective in stopping pain syndrome and swelling, tablets are especially good for long-term therapy in the initial stages of lesions, and ointment is indispensable in physiotherapeutic procedures such as massage, phonophoresis and etc.





Viktor Vasilievich:

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