How not to lose sight while detaching the retina?

Among a variety of eye diseases, detachment of the retina occupies a special place. This pathology in the absence of timely treatment can lead to irreversible blindness.The mesh shell is called the "brain, taken out to the periphery." Any disruption in retinal activity leads to a significant loss of vision and requires urgent treatment, especially treatment of retinal detachment.


  • 1What is retinal detachment?
  • 2Symptoms
  • 3Causes
  • 4Effect of sodium glutamate on the retina
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Possible complications
  • 7Treatment with folk remedies
  • 8Prevention
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

What is retinal detachment?

The retina is the thinnest part of the eye. In its structure, it is very complex, which allows it to receive light pulses first. The retina is responsible for the interaction of the optical system of the eye and the visual divisions of the brain, receives and transmits information.

Retinal detachment is a dangerous disease requiring surgical treatment. The process of detachment occurs in connection with the separation of the retina of the eye from the vascular.

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When detecting a pathology, you should immediately contact a specialist.Delay can turn into blindness.

Most often, the disorder occurs in short-sighted people, but it can also occur as a result of trauma or hypertensive crisis.

There are three types of retinal detachments:

  1. Regmatogenic(primary) detachment of the retina (associated with rupture of the retina itself).
  2. Traumatic(consequence of trauma to the eye).
  3. Exudative(a consequence of inflammatory and other diseases).


The mesh and vascular casings of the eyes "work" only in tandem, so if one of the systems is violated, detachment of the retina can begin.These processes are often irreversible and proceed very quickly.Patients may have different symptoms, but in each case there is one common symptom: the sharpness of perception of information decreases.

Symptoms of detachment of the retina can be divided into three stages:

  1. Initial stage.At the primary stage, the patient develops photopsy phenomena: flashes, lightning, sparks in the eyes. Also, there are failures in the coordination of movements, the clarity of visible images decreases. The onset of photopsy is explained by contraction, retracting the retina of the eye. This irritates the cells that have photosensitivity, which create these phenomena.
  2. Floating stage.This stage has received such a name because of the characteristic symptoms: a person on the background of the image sees dots, goose bumps, floating strands. Similar symptoms may indicate another violation: the destruction of the vitreous. Anyway, but to run to the doctor should be immediately. And there is no need to engage in self-medication with the help of folk methods.
  3. The final stage.Characterized by the appearance of opacities. Specialists call this effect "Weiss ring because of its round shape. Obstruction is a symptom that is a good reason for conducting a detailed examination. At the final stage, not only detachment of the retina, but also detachment of the hyaloid posterior membrane can occur. The patient suddenly has several symptoms at the same time: photopsy, clouding, loss of visual clarity.

If no therapeutic measures are taken during the final stage, a vitreous hemorrhage can occur and the process will be irreversible. When a hemorrhage ruptures blood vessels, and a person can completely lose sight. It should be reminded once again that the disease progresses very quickly.


Detachment can be a consequence of dystrophic processes on the retina, which lead to its rupture.In the formed empty space gets the liquid from the vitreous body, which on its way and exfoliates the reticulated shell.So often an abruption occurs with myopia of a high degree.

Retinal detachment can begin because of eye trauma, contusion or penetrating injury.In this case, not only the mesh, but also the other shells of the eye break. Many eye diseases can lead to this pathology:

  • uveitis and retinitis;
  • tumors of the choroid;
  • vascular disorders in the retina;
  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • age-related macular degeneration, etc.
Restoration of the retina by surgical means

The most dangerous are peripheral vitreochorioretinal dystrophies, which occur in healthy people, they do not lead to poor eyesight and therefore are very rarely detected.

For diagnosis, a thorough examination of the peripheral zone of the retina through a wide pupil is required using a three-mirror Goldman lens.

The risk factors that contribute to the emergence of detachment include:

  • peripheral vitreochorioretinal dystrophies;
  • detachment of the retina on the paired eye;
  • myopia of high degree;
  • various pathologies of the retina;
  • trauma to the eye;
  • physical load associated with lifting weights;
  • presence of retinal detachment from relatives.

Patients who are at risk should be on regular check-up at an ophthalmologist and must undergo an examination with a wide pupil at least once a year.

Effect of sodium glutamate on the retina

All known and very common food additive - sodium glutamate - can lead to detachment of the retina, and then to blindness.This conclusion was reached by Japanese scientists from the University of Hirosaki, who studied this issue.

It is these products that contain the greatest amount of sodium glu- manate

A group of scientists led by Professor Hiroshi Oguro fed rats for 6 months in accordance with three different diets.Rats receiving large doses of sodium glutamate gradually lost sight.Animals that consumed products with a moderate glutamate content also had retinal damage, but to a lesser extent. The third group, not fed this supplement, had no problems with the retina.

According to Japanese scientists, glutamate destroys the cells of the retina, triggering in it the process of apoptosis - programmed cell death.

Learn about the presence of glutamate in products is easy - usually it is indicated in the composition on the label.Sometimes it is referred to as an E 621 add-on, and sometimes this component is hidden behind some abstract "taste enhancer".Glutamate is found in almost all meat, fish, chicken, mushroom, soy semifinished products, as well as in chips, snacks, rusks, sauces, seasonings, bouillon cubes and dried soups.The flavor enhancer "revives" the taste of the products or gives them a taste that they do not have by nature, such as in soy.


At once it is necessary to make a reservation, an exfoliation of a retina - the disease demanding immediate surgical intervention.No exercise, injections, drops, instruments and folk remedies, it is not treated.Trying to cope with the problem yourself, you can lose time.If you start treatment of the pathology in the first 2 months after its detection, the chances of restoring vision are quite high.

Surgical treatment of the "neglected" detachment is much more difficult for the surgeon and the patient, and the rehabilitation period is very long.

The longer the retina remains detached, the more light-sensitive nerve cells die and vision may not recover.In addition, detachment of the retina causes other severe eye diseases:

  • iridocyclitis;
  • complicated cataract;
  • secondary glaucoma.
A clear example of retinal detachment

There are several types of surgical intervention in retinal detachment.Their main goal is to create conditions for the full adherence of the exfoliated shell of the eye.In particular, the specialists conduct:

  • Endovatal operations (vitrectomy and schwarectomy).They are carried out inside the eyeball. Vitrectomy involves the removal of the altered vitreous body, shvartektomiya - the removal of connective tissue tissues, which stretch the retina. Endolaser coagulation is performed around the ruptures. Pofos (perfluororganic compound) is introduced into the vitreous cavity instead of the vitreous body, which presses and retracts the retina with its weight. A few days later, it is changed to silicone oil or saline.
  • Extrascleral interventions (ballooning, sealing).The essence of them in the imposition of a seal, which pushes the sclera inward, bringing it closer to the detached retina.
  • Hyper- or hypothermic effects(laser coagulation, cryopexy) are performed with peripheral flat retinal detachments.

Before the operation, the patient passes the necessary tests and undergoes a number of diagnostic procedures:

  • the retina and the fundus are examined;
  • visual acuity is checked;
  • inspection by a slit lamp.
Traction retinal detachment

In some cases, blood and urine tests, chest X-ray, and ECG are required.

The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia, lasting 2-4 hours.The choice of anesthesia depends on the method of surgical intervention, the patient's state of health, his age, weight.At first, after the operation is completed, painful sensations and a feeling of nausea, weakness may appear.

Within a month after the operation, you can not visit the sauna, as well as rooms with high humidity and high temperature conditions.

The patient is then required to periodically monitor the ophthalmologist (2 times per year) with a thorough examination of all blocked retinal ruptures.Patients are assigned courses of maintenance therapy, including the introduction of metabolic, retinoprotective, vitamin-tissue preparations.For the rest of her life, the patient should avoid physical exertion and weight lifting.

Possible complications

In rare cases, after surgery, complications associated with cataracts, glaucoma, weakened patients.The most common complications include:

  • repeated detachment of the retina;
  • formation of scars on the mesh shell;
  • development of endophthalmitis (due to infection in the eye).

An operated patient should immediately consult a doctor if he has the following symptoms:

  • discharge from the eyes;
  • chills;
  • temperature increase;
  • swelling and redness;
  • dyspnea;
  • cough;
  • pain in the chest.

Treatment with folk remedies

At its core, retinal detachment means the detachment of the mesh shell from the tissue.That is, detachment is a mechanical damage, an open wound that is not treated with medicines, decoctions, conspiracies or lotions. The only way to solve the problem is surgical intervention.The only difference is in the methods of surgical treatment, which are chosen depending on the complexity, cause and stage of the disease.

No miracle compresses, vitamin drops, aloe juice, decoctions and other products available in the arsenal of traditional medicine, will not cause the damaged retina to get in place.

Radial sealing of sclera

Special gymnastics, and exercises for the eyes, offered by various healers, will be impotent, giving out for the eastern techniques.Minor improvements in the use of some traditional methods of treatment can be noted only in the early stages of the disease.But this effect is of a temporary nature, explained only by a sharp activation and mobilization of the eye's reserve reserves. At the same time, the main reason is the detachment of the mesh shell - it is not eliminated.

Even certified expensive eye drops, alas, can not help and can not replace the effectiveness of a surgical operation to restore a detached retina.Sooner or later the patient will have to see a doctor for surgical interventions.And it is better that it is early, rather than late, when the disease will go to the neglected stage.

At the first symptoms described above in the article, urgently address to experts.While you are experimenting with alternative treatment methods, precious time will go away and the risk of total loss of vision will increase.


As a preventive measure, all ophthalmologists recommend periodic examination of the ophthalmologist. Early diagnosis of pathology gives a chance to preserve sight to the patient.

For people at risk, such visits must become mandatory (1-2 times during the year). Particular attention must be paid to this problem during pregnancy. In the case of eye or head injuries, an ophthalmologist should be contacted immediately, since the proportion of retinal detachment after injury is very high.

The list of diagnostic procedures should include examination of peripheral parts of the retina with a wide pupil.

Microsurgery of the eye

Laser coagulation is also an effective preventive procedure, which prevents delamination.This procedure is assigned to patients who have thinning of the mesh shell and micro-ruptures. Its essence lies in the purposeful action of the laser on the eye shell.Laser coagulation can be carried out even for pregnant women before giving birth: it promotes vision improvement.Such procedures are most often performed on an outpatient basis and are painless.In cases of detection of dystrophic changes in the retina, one should change the way of life, eliminating heavy physical labor and excessive sports loads.


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So, retinal detachment is a dangerous disease. You should know about the symptoms of the pathology and at the first suspicions immediately run to the ophthalmologist. Remember that if you do not take measures at the final stage of angiopathy of the retina, then you will not be able to restore your vision. That is why, with due responsibility, refer to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the disease.

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