Diseases of the knee joint: what are they? symptoms and treatment


  • 1We treat diseases of the knee joint
    • 1.1Signs of arthrosis of the knee joint
    • 1.2Methods of treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint
    • 1.3Intra-articular injections
    • 1.4Treatment with ointments and compresses
    • 1.5Physiotherapy
    • 1.6Operation
    • 1.7Symptoms of knee arthritis
    • 1.8Treatment of arthritis of the knee joint
  • 2Diseases and diseases of the knee joint, types of knee diseases
    • 2.1Causes of knee disease
    • 2.2The most common diseases of the knee joint
    • 2.3Osteoarthritis
    • 2.4Arthritis
    • 2.5Bursitis
    • 2.6Tuberculosis
    • 2.7Cancer
    • 2.8Arthralgia of the knee joint
    • 2.9Chondromatosis of the knee joint
    • 2.10Epicondylitis of the knee joint
    • 2.11Knee joint enthesopathy
    • 2.12Syndromes
    • 2.13Patellofemoral syndrome
    • 2.14Syndrome of the mediapatellar fold
    • 2.15Shelf-syndrome
    • 2.16Prevention. The main methods of treatment
  • 3What are the diseases of the knee?
  • 4Diseases of the knee joint: symptoms and treatment of diseases
    • 4.1The provoking factors of diseases and their symptoms
    • 4.2Pathology of the knee joint
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.3Schläter's disease - its signs and treatment
    • 4.4Complex treatment of pathologies and their manifestations
    • 4.5Traditional therapeutic methods

We treat diseases of the knee joint

In this article, we will examine in detail two widespread diseases of the knee joint. The first, is called - gonarthrosis, or in other words arthrosis of the knee joint.

This disease is very common in women suffering from excess weight and varicose veins.

Usually, the disease spreads directly to both knees, but there are situations when the pain lasts for a long time only in one knee.

Signs of arthrosis of the knee joint

A characteristic symptom of the appearance and development of gonarthrosis can be considered a small pain in walking, walking on stairs, and also, if a long time arrives in a standing position.

When there is swelling in the knee area, the outflow of blood worsens, pains in the calf muscles occur, most often the pain intensifies at night. In the course of the course of the disease, the joint changes, and the painful sensations become stronger.

It is difficult for the patient to bend and unbend his leg, because with this process, there is a crunch in the knee and there is a piercing pain.

With the third stage of gonarthrosis, it is no longer possible to straighten the leg completely.

That is why people with this disease legs are slightly bent when moving.

At a late stage, the disease can be identified by the appearance of the affected area of ​​the knee.

Treatment of knee diseaseit is recommended to start in the early stages, when the first symptoms occur.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is often the cause of another knee disease, both of which can occur in a complex - this greatly complicates the setting of a true diagnosis.

Most often, this disease occurs in conjunction with a meniscus disease. Meniscopathy - is one of the possible causes of arthrosis.

Methods of treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint

Anti-inflammatory drugs

The list of drugs in this group is quite extensive. Treatment with them leads to a reduction in inflammation and a significant removal of the tumor around the affected area.

These medications do not treat arthrosis itself, but very effectively contribute to reducing pain during the course of the illness.

It must be remembered that these preparations are not recommended for a long time, since there may be side effects.



These drugs fight with signs of gonarthrosis and prevent destructive processes in the cartilage.


These medications are not recommended for use in advanced stages of knee disease, because of their ineffectiveness, because at this stage of the disease, the cartilage is practically completely destroyed.

Chondoprotectors can not remove bone changes and build up a new cartilage tissue. When used at the initial stages of the development of the disease, they act extremely slowly.

Some changes in the direction of improvement are visible only after a long course of treatment. The range of treatment is quite large from 6-12 months.

Drugs for vasodilation

Almost always, with arthrosis, stagnation of blood in the knee region is observed, and this circumstance leads to unbearable pain at night. To prevent this, vasodilators are used.

They help reduce spasms of small vessels of the legs and restore normal blood supply to the joint.

Especially good effect these drugs have in combination with hondoprotectors, nutrients which fall into the diseased joint in sufficient quantity and the process of their absorption into the tissue goes Intensely.

Intra-articular injections

This method is used as an emergency aid, with significant pain. Their use, affects the swelling and swelling of the knee, and significantly reduces it. The frequency of injections with these drugs is very small - once every half a month.

The first injection is most effective, and further, the positive effect of their application is reduced.

If, after the first injection, the desired result has not been achieved, then it is unlikely to appear after the next.

Such injections have side effects, so do not stab more than three times in one joint.

This method of treatment is contraindicated in patients with pronounced bone deformation.

In addition, it is not possible to make these injections for edema of the joint.

However, on this, the shortcomings of this method of treating the disease of the knee joint do not end: a long course of injections and painful execution of the procedure.

In conclusion, a few words about another method - injections of hyaluronic acid. This component is a kind of joint lubrication.

After getting into the diseased area, it reduces the friction of the surfaces and strengthens the motor functions of the knee. Effective in the early stages (1, 2), the third reduces pain for a while. Treat the course (3-4) injections in the affected joint, once a year.

Treatment with ointments and compresses

With a comprehensive treatment approach, it is possible to use local remedies that have a positive effect on blood circulation and eliminate pain.

They are used with great care, because they are capable of causing allergies.

Carry out the test, applying a small amount on the skin and if an allergic reaction (redness, burning) occurs - you can not use the drug.


This procedure implies: massage, electrophoresis, cold treatment, laser therapy. In this case, the general condition of the tissues and blood supply improve, the inflammation subsides.

There are a number of limitations to the conduct of such procedures, including hypertension, cardiac and vascular diseases, and the presence of infection.

Physiotherapy should not be conducted as a method of treating knee joint diseases in severe exacerbations, which are accompanied by swelling of the knee area.


They are carried out in the late stages of arthrosis of the knee joint, while completely or partially changing the joint. Operations of this kind take a long time to recover.

Symptoms of knee arthritis

Another "popular" disease of the knee joint is arthritis. This disease is capable of asserting itself in several ways: by getting from outside, that is, by trauma, and by internal penetration from another organ with blood.

The most common types of arthritis.

1. Specific, which is caused by various diseases (tuberculosis, gonorrhea)

2. Rheumatoid arthritis

3. Allergic - infectious

4. Aseptic (Bechterew's disease)

Let's consider more in detail widespread rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint. This disease can develop in two forms acute and chronic.

A characteristic sign acute, can be accumulation in the joint of a special fluid - exudate, which can be purulent or serous.


The patient, with gonite (rheumatoid arthritis), complains of severe pain in the knee and swelling. There are restrictions in the movement.


When accumulating in the knee joint purulent fluid, there is a strong jump in body temperature, there is a chill and swelling. Purulent lesion of the joint is extremely dangerous, since pus can get into the tissues of the lower leg and thigh, into the blood.

If chasing is chronic, the patient complains of pain and swelling in the knee.

One of the causes of chronic rheumatoid arthritis is a strong inflammation of the joint with weak immunity and unproductive treatment. The disease can be very long and slow.

The end result of all this can be ankylosis of the knee joint. With this disease, the patient is not able to bend and unbend his leg, and pain sensations are absent.

If you find at least one sign of arthritis, you should immediately consult a doctor. You will be given an x-ray of the diseased portion of the knee and will be given the right treatment.

Treatment of arthritis of the knee joint

The treatment of severe rheumatoid arthritis is recommended to be performed in a stationary setting.

A plaster bandage is applied to the affected joint, which limits its mobility, prescribes antibiotics and medications to improve immunity.

In some cases, physiotherapy and blood transfusions will be useful. With a purulent drive, there is a possibility of an operation for opening and draining the joint bag.


Summarizing, we can say thattreatmentknee diseaseextremely long process. To it it is necessary to concern attentively and at the first arisen symptoms immediately to address to the doctor.



A source: https://life5plus.ru/domashnij-doktor/bolezni-oporno-dvigatel-nogo-apparata/lechenie-bolezni-kolennogo-sustava.html

Diseases and diseases of the knee joint, types of knee diseases

The knee joint is the largest and at the same time the most vulnerable. Every day our knees are exposed to heavy loads, to this still are added irrational nutrition, stresses, which in turn leads to a decrease in immunity.

In view of the fact that the knee joint consists of a large number of elements (bones, cartilage, soft tissues, muscles, vessels, nerves), the range of knee diseases is quite large, so consider the most common of them.

Diseases of the knee joint can overtake a person absolutely at any age

Causes of knee disease

The very first place among the causes of diseases of the knees is occupied by large loads on the legs. Every day we move, we are actively working.

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Without proper rest and nutrition, saturated with calcium and other beneficial substances, the articular elements quickly wear out, become inflamed, which leads to the development of diseases.

At the same time, a sedentary lifestyle is also negatively reflected on the condition of the knee joints, since it leads to weakening of muscles and ligaments, metabolic disorders, blood supply in the cartilaginous tissue, venous stasis.

The second place is occupied by knee injuries, the consequences of which are often inflammation in the joints.

Overweight, poor nutrition are also important factors that put a person in a risk zone.

This list also includes such factors:

  • violation of the hormonal background;
  • dystrophic processes in the body;
  • frequent wearing of uncomfortable shoes, high heels;
  • improper performance of physical exercises, which leads to various injuries;
  • presence of diseases that accompany the development of diseases of the knee joints (for example, flat feet, cardiovascular disorders, problems with the spine).

In addition, very often diseases of knee joints are inherited, especially in the case of arthrosis.

Due to the peculiarities of the organism, elderly people are more prone to knee diseases.

Very interesting are the explanations of the causes of knee diseases by psychosomatics.

Psychosomatics is a direction in psychology and medicine, the representatives of which study the influence of psychological factors on the appearance and development of diseases of different parts of the body.

Representatives of psychosomatics believe that diseases mainly arise because of pathogenic psychological conditions of a person (negative emotions, fears, thoughts).


It is often found when doctors can not detect the physical or organic cause of the disease or the disease is the result of experiences, anger, anxiety, depression, self-hypnosis of imaginary sores. Such diseases are usually called psychosomatic.


Psychosomatics also provides an explanation for the appearance and development of certain diseases of the knee joints in terms of the psychological state of a person.

For example, arthritis can be caused by feelings of insufficiency of love, criticism, a sense of resentment.

The damage to the ligaments by psychosomatics is explained by the patient's experiences of vain efforts, the long absence of the result of the work done.

An interesting explanation is given by psychosomatics to knee lesions of tuberculosis, which, according to this trend, can result from a thirst for revenge, cruelty, a sense of possessiveness.

Knee diseases are diagnosed with MRI, ultrasound imaging or X-ray diagnostics

The most common diseases of the knee joint


This degenerative disease, which is the process of destruction of the synovial membrane and articular cartilage.

Symptoms of the disease include:

  • painful pulling character;
  • a crunch in the knee;
  • fast fatigue;
  • at the last stages - swelling, numbness of the knee, partial or complete loss of the ability of the limb to move;
  • is accompanied by a patellofemoral effect.

Osteoarthritis can lead to displacement and deformity of the patella.


It is a common inflammation of the joint tissues and elements. It is accompanied by a patellofemoral effect.

Characterized by acute pain, increased local temperature, sometimes - numbness of the knee, its swollen and reddening of the skin.

The development of inflammation leads to the formation of pus, which may then have to be removed with the help of an operation such as arthrotomy of the knee joint.


It is an inflammation of the meniscus. The patient suffers from constant sharp pains, sometimes numbness of the knee occurs, and it seems to subside when walking.


Tuberculosis deserves special attention, as it is one of the most common diseases in the world. Tuberculosis is an infectious degenerative disease caused by Koch chopsticks. Tuberculosis has a destructive effect on the joint.

First of all, tuberculosis affects the bone tissue, in the course of the disease development the inflammation covers the synovial bag, which eventually breaks down. At the last stage of tuberculosis, the cartilaginous tissue is destroyed, which can lead to the displacement of the tibia.

Symptoms of tuberculosis of the knee:

  • aching pain in the knee region;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • feeling of discomfort when bending the leg;
  • local temperature increase;
  • with exacerbation, lameness and swelling of the knee is possible.

At the last stage of tuberculosis, there are constant acute pains, numbness of the knee, skin on it pales. The abscesses are opened out, leaving scars behind them. Movement becomes almost impossible due to severe pain when flexing the knee.

With tuberculosis appoint a comprehensive treatment with medications.

Knee joints, affected by tuberculosis


Knee cancer is a degenerative lesion of the bone tissue of the knee joint. There is a disease after the proliferation of genetically mutated malignant cells.

Cancer of the knee joint is considered a very rare disease. It usually arises from the spread of malignant cells from other organs.

Symptoms of cancer depend on the stage of its development.

In the first and second stage, the cancer of the knee joint is manifested in the patient with minor paroxysmal pain without specific localization.


At the third or fourth stage of the cancer, the periarticular tissue is deformed and swollen. A change in the bone is easy to feel. Cancer cells germinate into the skin.


In the last stages of cancer, the following symptoms are added:

  • persistent increase in body temperature;
  • malaise, fatigue;
  • decreased appetite, weight loss.

Most often the disease affects the knee cap. With the development of the disease, in addition to pain, one can feel the numbness of the calyx. In addition, in addition to numbness of the patella, numbness of the whole limb can occur.

Cancer is disposed of by surgical removal or radiation therapy. Sometimes this method is used in a complex.

Diagnosis of cancer using tomography

Arthralgia of the knee joint

It is a pain in the knee joints in the absence of visible symptoms of its defeat.

Arthralgia appears due to irritation of receptors of synovial membranes of joint capsules with substances that cause inflammation, toxins, salts, products of immune reactions.

Often acts as a precursor of arthrosis or arthritis, but it can also occur as an independent disease.

Chondromatosis of the knee joint

Prolonged progressive disease, during which in the synovial membrane of the articular bag, cartilaginous nodes are formed in large numbers.

Such nodes can measure from a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters, and their number varies from one-two to a couple dozen.

Chondromatosis of the knee joint is accompanied by such symptoms as:

  • aching moderate pain:
  • crunching in the knee:
  • swelling formation:
  • with a large number of nodes or a significant amount of their limited motor capacity of the limb.

Disease, in case of limiting the motor abilities of the leg, is treated with the help of surgical intervention.

Epicondylitis of the knee joint

This disease is a degenerative inflammatory process in the axillary lavage, where the muscles supporting the joint work are attached, and the gradual destruction of these fastenings. Most often occurs in men after 40 years. At the stage of exacerbation accompanied by acute, burning pain.

Knee joint enthesopathy

It is a degenerative-inflammatory process that occurs in the places of attachment of tendons, ligaments, articular bags to the bone.

Prolonged inflammation and dystrophic changes in enthesopathy lead to ossification, a decrease in the strength of the tendons, as well as their rupture.

Symptoms of enthesopathy:

  • permanent painful sensations of a scrawny character in the joint region;
  • increase in local temperature;
  • stiffness of the joints;
  • sometimes skin reddening and swelling are formed.

Depending on the mechanism of occurrence of enteropathy are:

  • degenerative-primary - in this case degenerative-dystrophic changes occur before inflammation;
  • inflammatory-primary - inflammation causes degenerative-dystrophic processes.

Enthesopathy is diagnosed by X-ray, ultrasound or MRI.

In untimely treatment, enthesopathy can lead to a degenerative-dystrophic change in the tendons and subsequent to their complete destruction


In view of the prevalence in the clinical picture of diseases, I would like to draw special attention to some syndromes. They are not considered independent diseases, but are accompanying major diseases. These include:

  • patellofemoral syndrome;
  • the syndrome of the mediapatellar fold;
  • shelf-syndrome

Patellofemoral syndrome

It accompanies diseases associated with degenerative processes in the cartilage of the joint. Patellofemoral effect is characterized by constant pain in the popliteal region, crunching and instability in the joint. In addition, the patellofemoral syndrome is characterized by:

  • stiffness when driving;
  • discomfort during sitting with legs bent;
  • painful sensations when the muscles of the thigh contract.

Patellofemoradic syndrome is not isolated as an independent disease, therefore there is no individual complex for its treatment. To combat this disease, you should limit the load on your knees, do special exercises, take calcium and vitamins to improve the nutrition of cartilaginous tissue.

To fix the calyx and patella you can wear a soft bandage

Syndrome of the mediapatellar fold

It is a thickening of the mediapatellar fold. First of all, this concerns the anterior medial synovial fold.

Normally, the medial fold runs along the surface between the fatty body and the medial capsule.

If damaged, such a fold during knee flexion may fall into the gap between the condyle of the thigh and the patella

The fold is inflamed and hypertrophied. To such changes of a fold result in increased loads on the legs, injuries to the front surface of the knee, arthrosis, damage to ligaments, meniscuses.

Treatment of creases is carried out with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy.


It is a softening and gradual destruction of the articular cartilage.

Prevention. The main methods of treatment

The following measures are used to prevent knee diseases:

  • physiotherapy;
  • diet to provide cartilage with useful substances;
  • diet for weight loss (in case of its excess and a significant load for this reason on the knees);
  • reducing the load on the knees;
  • massage;
  • relaxing compresses;
  • wearing comfortable shoes;
  • the use of calcium-containing vitamins.

Prevention is also necessary after treatment of diseases of the knee joint in order to prevent them from repeating. The main methods of treatment are:

  • medicamentous (reception of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors);
  • Physiotherapeutic (laser therapy, electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy);
  • Surgical intervention (arthroscopy, arthrotomy of the knee joint, arthrodesis of the knee joint).

Treatment must necessarily be accompanied by a diet, since the diet not only helps to reduce weight and, accordingly, pressure on the knees, but also provides proper nutrition for the joint tissues.

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Relief of pain, numbness can help non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin).

From it is possible to use as tablets, and also to do compresses from local ointments on the basis of NVP. Compresses from warming locally irritating ointments can also relieve numbness.

In addition, to get rid of numbness can help therapeutic massage.

Among the anesthetics of anti-inflammatory folk remedies are best known:

  • Compresses from honey;
  • Compresses made of propolis, oil and mustard;
  • Compresses from needles;
  • Compresses from cabbage leaf with honey;
  • Compresses from chamomile broth;
  • Compresses from the leaves and stems of the golden mustache;
  • Compresses of essential oils, which act on bone, cartilaginous tissues, joints.

Painkillers will save you from the pain syndrome, but they will not eliminate the cause of the disease

A source: http://HodiZdorov.ru/koleno/zabolevaniya-kolena.html

What are the diseases of the knee?

Pathological processes of the musculoskeletal system provide a large group of diseases in which muscles, joints, cartilage, and periarticular tissues are damaged.

There are about 100 diseases in which joints and periarticular tissues are damaged, they all have different etiology, symptoms and are capable of manifesting themselves at any age.

Particular attention is paid to the knee joint, which is considered one of the complex and large joints of the human body, and is constantly performing vital functions.

Diseases of the knee joint can seriously complicate a person's life, up to the complete loss of the ability to walk. To all who want to move easily and freely even in old age, it is necessary to know what dangers lie in wait for us and how to get around them.


Diseases of the knee have a similar clinical picture, but different causes of the onset, so only an experienced doctor after the collected history, careful examination of the patient and obtaining the results of diagnostic examinations will be able to diagnose and assign the appropriate treatment.


Diseases of the knee joint can develop as a result of an inflammatory process, dystrophic changes, a traumatic injury, or have an infectious nature.

Regardless of the diagnosis, all diseases progress, provoke complications and can cause disability.

The knee joint daily experiences a great load, and this load is distributed to a large number of cartilages, periarticular tissues, ligaments, muscles.

To function properly, the capsule in the knee contains a synovial fluid that prevents friction of bones, traumatism, improves contact of bones, helps the knee correctly function.

In medicine, a large number of diseases, pathological processes occurring in the joint of the knee, which are able to develop under the influence of internal and external environment, are distinguished. Consider several diseases that are most common among the population:

It should be borne in mind that this is not a complete list and for a correct diagnosis it is necessary to consult a doctor.

  1. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is the most common chronic disease.

    It is characterized by degenerative - dystrophic changes and destruction of cartilage and bone tissue.

    In medicine, arthrosis is called - osteoarthritis or gonarthrosis, which have several types, stages, causes and characteristic symptoms.

    The main causes of the development of the disease are: knee injuries; metabolic disorders, obesity; sedentary lifestyle; excessive physical exertion; internal diseases.

    During the development of the disease there is a deformation of the bone tissue, wear of the cartilage.


    Osteoarthritis can develop for several years, while not giving much discomfort, only fatigue in the legs after a long walk, periodic pain, a crunch in the knees.


    During an exacerbation there are frequent or constant pains in the knee, it is difficult for a person to move around, a deformity of the legs in the knee area is noticeable.

    Treatment depends on the stage of arthrosis and is aimed at eliminating symptoms. The doctor prescribes medical therapy, physiotherapy procedures, manual therapy. In more severe stages, when drug therapy is unsuccessful, the doctor prescribes surgical intervention.

  2. Arthritis of the knee joint is a very sore, very unpleasant to the feet of a person, which is characterized by an inflammatory process in the joints and periarticular tissues.

    Arthritis can develop in both acute and chronic forms, and the cause of the onset of the disease is often hidden inside human body: infection, disruption of the immune system, trauma, metabolic disorders and other negative processes. The main symptoms of arthritis are permanent or periodic pain in the joint, redness, swelling, restriction in the mobility of the joint, deformation. The sooner you turn to the doctor, the more effective will be the treatment, which will help restore the functionality of the knee, prevent complications.

    Treatment in the initial stages of the disease is medicated, the doctor prescribes medications that will help reduce the inflammatory process, painful sensations.

  3. Bursitis of the knee joint is a disease that occurs as a result of the inflammatory process in the synovial bag, where exudate containing germs accumulates, an infection.

    Bursitis can occur in acute or chronic form, and there are several varieties of it that have different etiologies.

    The main causes of this knee illness are injuries, excessive physical exertion, gout, arthritis, infections that are capable of provoke the purulent form of bursitis, which significantly complicates the patient's condition and requires urgent surgical interference. The main symptoms are: pain, which is aggravated by prolonged walking, redness, hyperemia, fever, a swelling on the skin does not allow full movement.

    The clinical picture of bursitis of the knee depends on the stage, localization, the nature of its course.

    The treatment of noninfectious bursitis of the joint is medicated, the doctor prescribes antibacterial therapy, anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs. In case of acute need, aspiration of the fluid of their bursal cavity is carried out.

    Untimely treatment can lead to complication or purulent form, when the only method of treatment is surgical intervention.

  4. Gout is a chronic progressive disease characterized by a violation of purine exchange, recurrent inflammation of the joints and excess uric acid in the bloodstream channel. Gout is more common in men after age 60, but in the last few years there have been cases of it occurring at an earlier age. Knee arthritis develops as a result of destruction of the cartilaginous tissue in the joints, which often provoke deposits crystals of uric acid salts, which is formed in the knee joint, also gout often develops as a complication after arthritis.

    The main symptoms of such a knee disease are paroxysmal severe joint pains, which can last from several hours to several days and pass independently.

    The disease has a chronic course and is manifested by attacks of exacerbation and remission. During an exacerbation the doctor appoints anesthetizing, anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointment, tablets.

    It is also recommended that you follow a diet that is one of the most important in the treatment of gout. The doctor appoints the diet individually for each patient.

  5. Chondromalation of the patella is a progressive disease, during which the cartilage is destroyed in the articular surface of the patella. The main cause of chondromalacia is knee injury with knee displacement.

    The clinical picture is pronounced, and is characterized by severe pain in the knee, which are enhanced by physical exertion, climbing stairs, squats. The sooner you turn to the doctor, the more effective the treatment will be.


    For relief of pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, exercise therapy, the use of knee braces will also help.


    In case of complication or lack of effectiveness from systematic treatment, the patient is prescribed a surgical procedure.

  6. Polyarthritis or Hoff's disease is a disorder in the body that inflames the fat pad of the knee joint. The etiology is based on injuries, knocks or other knee injuries in which fibrous fibrous tissue proliferation occurs.

    Diagnosis of this disease can be after radiography, also the patient feels severe pain in the area of ​​damage. For treatment, the doctor prescribes medicinal therapy, prolonged preparations, the actions of physiotherapeutic procedures.

    In rare cases, a resection of the fat pad of the joint is performed.

  7. The Becker cyst is a progressive disease characterized by the formation of protrusion in the popliteal fossa. The disease develops against the background of the inflammatory process.

    In medicine, this pathology is called bursitis popliteal fossa or hernia popliteal fossa.

    At the beginning of the pathological process, there are no visible symptoms, but when the formation begins to increase in size, then the nerve endings are squeezed, which causes severe pain, numbness, the movement in the joints. The Becker cyst can cause severe complications in the form of rupture of the cyst in the muscles, when the exudate penetrates into other tissues, which leads to the formation of thrombi or infection of the periarticular tissues.

  8. Knee tendonitis is a pathological process in which an inflammatory process occurs in the tendon and knee joint.

    Tendonitis of the knee is sometimes difficult to diagnose, it is often confused with the stretching of the tendon. The cause of the development of this disease of the knee joint is knee injuries, more often observed in people involved in sports.

    The main symptom is pain in the calyx region, limitation of knee mobility, hyperemia, edema. Treatment is complex with the use of medicamental therapy, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises.

    In the chronic course of tendenitis or its complications, surgical intervention is prescribed.

  9. Meniscopathy of the knee joint - the disease develops against the background of secondary injuries, with stretches and bruises of the knee.

    During the development of meniscopathy after the injury in the meniscus, an inflammatory process occurs that can lead to cartilage degeneration, chronic disease, or the formation of cysts, also the disease can develop with flat feet. The main symptoms of the disease is pain during movement, palpation is felt thickening. The treatment is carried out in a complex way, the doctor prescribes non-steroid medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, UHF therapy, plaster bandages. In severe forms, surgical treatment for the removal of the meniscus is performed.

On the basis of the above diseases, it can be noted that all knee diseases have a similar symptom, but different diagnoses and complications.


Therefore, do not engage in self-medication, which may be futile, or cause irreversible harm to health.


Only an experienced rheumatologist after examining the patient, collected anamnesis, the results of diagnostic and laboratory tests research will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe a treatment that will be effective and help to maintain a full a life.

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A source: http://Sustaolena.ru/bolezni/kakim-boleznyam-podverzheno-koleno.html

Diseases of the knee joint: symptoms and treatment of diseases

Human joints always carried a huge load. They have a complex structure, great vulnerability and often suffer from diseases and injuries.

Everyone who at least once has experienced pain in the knee joint, will want to get rid of it as soon as possible, because the limitations in limb movement prevent a patient from leading an active lifestyle. Diseases of the knee joint have a different etiology and symptoms.

Everyday active activity of a person can to some extent provoke numerous pathological changes in articulations, including knee diseases.

Only a doctor can diagnose and distinguish, for example, inflammation in the kneecap from another disease, and in fact the treatment of different pathologies has cardinal differences.

The provoking factors of diseases and their symptoms

Sprains, knee bruises and any injuries of the knee (this list can be continued for a very long time) - sooner or later, with these pathologies and their symptoms, every person faces. The slightest embarrassing movement when working at a dacha or cleaning a home can cause acute painful pain.

"The syndrome of broken knees" everyone remembers from childhood.

Often, people do not pay attention to falls and minor injuries, and remember them only when suddenly there are diseases of the knee joint and their symptoms.

Inflammation in the kneecap necessarily leads to pathological changes in the tissues of the joint and the disturbance of metabolic processes.

Blood circulation in the knee joint can be disrupted as a result of uneven growth of the bloodways.

Most often, this pathology occurs in adolescence. The body does not have time to grow beyond the organs and systems.

The resulting imbalance can cause disturbances in the functionality of the knee joint.

Chronic or acute diseases of the elbow, hip or ankle can cause inflammation in the patella. You can not start this state because it can lead to disability.


They are provoked by various kinds of microorganisms. The danger lies in the fact that the patient does not feel any discomfort, and begins to sound the alarm only when the inflammation has gone too far.


Sometimes patients in relation to their health fall into two extremes. The first run to the doctor after a minor scratch appears on the joint. Others suffer the pain for a long time and get to the hospital already when their motor activity has significantly decreased.

Doctors distinguish the most characteristic symptoms of diseases of the knee joint. Having found them at home, the patient should immediately seek medical advice from a doctor.

These include:

  1. Continuous sharp or aching pain in the knee.
  2. Seal or swelling in the patella.
  3. Disturbance of mobility of the joint.
  4. At an infectious disease the raised body temperature.

Pathology of the knee joint

The main symptoms of dissecting osteochondritis (illness in the knee):

  • the shin slips when walking;
  • the leg in the knee is weak;
  • there are painful clicks;
  • constant pain;
  • there was edema;
  • limp gait.

The etiology of knee and calyx is not fully understood today, only that the disease affects the younger generation. If you find yourself experiencing similar symptoms with a visit to a doctor, you can not delay.

Becker's cyst is a tumor disease that can be detected by palpation of the knee joint.

The knee capsule weakens, resulting in the swelling of the synovial bag. Localized defeat at the back of the knee.

This disease has other names - a hernia or bursitis popliteal fossa.

Symptoms of gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee joint) include the following manifestations:

  • strong cutting pain with loads, which subsides at rest;
  • swelling of the knee;
  • crunching while walking;

But the most common disease of the knee is arthritis. The disease can precede rheumatism or exist independently. Symptoms that give a signal about an urgent appeal to a doctor:

  1. Increasing pain during movement.
  2. Redness.
  3. Local edema.

Schläter's disease - its signs and treatment

Often articular ailments are intended only for a certain group of patients. This "behavior" is characteristic of Schlätter's disease (osteochondrosis of the tibia), which occurs mainly in adolescents.

The risk group includes young athletes engaged in football, volleyball, basketball, figure skating, hockey, ballet, gymnastics.

Symptoms: pain and swelling decrease at rest and increase with running or jumping. Usually Schlatter's disease affects only the knee joint.

Below the patella appears a painful lump.

Schlatter's disease develops during puberty and its cause is the rapid development of the adolescent. Most often, the disease affects girls after 11 years old and boys at the age of 13 years.

Residual deformity, which is similar to knee articulations, is rare, and rheumatic signs appear with changes in the weather. During the exacerbation of Schlätter's disease, the tendons of the popliteal calyx move away from the muscles of the anterior femoral part, which causes a drawing sensation.

Treatment of pathology takes quite a long time, but the prognosis is comforting: with age, the ailment recedes.

In addition to the frequent diseases of knee diarthrosis, there are pathologies that occur much less frequently. Here is their list:

  • osteoporosis;
  • tendonitis;
  • gout;
  • knee meniscus;
  • chondromalacia of the patella;
  • articular mouse.

Complex treatment of pathologies and their manifestations

The main treatment of joint ailments is, first of all, in arresting the pain syndrome, followed by the elimination of the underlying cause of the disease (often inflammation).

Not always local treatment ensures the elimination of the underlying cause of the disease. Therapeutic activities should take place in the complex:

  1. medicines that relieve inflammation;
  2. anti-inflammatory steroid agents;
  3. chondroprotectors;
  4. drugs that increase the resistance of the immune system;
  5. physiotherapeutic procedures;
  6. therapeutic diets;
  7. massage sessions;
  8. physiotherapy;
  9. manual treatment.

The knee joints of a person are experiencing a severe strain every day. In addition to maintaining body weight, knees actively participate in movement. That is why pathological changes in the knee joints are so often observed in people with excess weight.

Patients must adhere to a special diet, in which it is forbidden to eat salty, spicy, spicy, sweet and flour products. The patient is obliged to understand that as soon as he drops excess pounds from his body, the pain in his knees will immediately recede.

In the rehabilitation period, therapeutic gymnastics is important. A special effect is provided by exercises in water: aqua aerobics and ordinary swimming. A comprehensive action on the muscles stimulates blood circulation in the cartilaginous tissue. Doing sports should continue and when the full recovery comes.

Traditional therapeutic methods

Often, the treatment of osteoarthritis, Schlatter's disease and gonarthrosis involves the use of various compresses and lotions, prepared according to folk recipes.

  1. Fresh roots of horseradish should be peeled and grinded with a meat grinder or grater to the state of gruel. Put the mass in a saucepan, add a little water to it and put it on a moderate fire for about half an hour. Cooled mass should be put on a folded several times gauze and attach to the affected joint. Such treatment should be carried out during an exacerbation of pathology, with severe pain. When the body feels a burning sensation, the procedure should be completed. The pain will gradually recede, and the general condition of the patient will improve.
  2. A similar effect can be achieved by compresses from onions. This method works well for Schlatter's syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis. Take medium sized bulbs and rub them on a grater. The resulting gruel is applied to the injured knee joint, and the top is covered with gauze. Since the onion can cause a burn, it is only necessary to keep such a compress until the burning occurs.
  3. Dissolve and remove from the joints salt lotion from soda. Prepare an alkaline solution as follows: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of soda is dissolved in 1000 ml of water and dampened with this liquid, folded four times gauze, which is then applied to the diseased joint. Such procedures are recommended to be done daily until the pain disappears completely. Duration - 10 minutes.
  4. The process of removing salt from the joint can be accelerated by taking juice from a black radish. Daily 2-3 tablespoons of this drink should be consumed.
  5. No less popular is the treatment of herbal baths. To do this, use fees consisting of bark of mountain ash, chamomile, St. John's wort, hops and straw.

Before applying any medications and folk remedies, in order not to harm your body, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. The doctor takes into account not only the general condition of the patient, but also the individual intolerance of certain drugs.

Many pathologies of the knee joints today are significantly "younger that is, they are observed in the younger generation. This is due to negative environmental influences, a long time past the computer, the use of low-quality products.

Later, going to the doctor leads to the fact that the disease goes to a chronic stage.


In this case, the prognosis is very unfavorable and it is almost impossible to defeat the disease.


Timely and complete examination will provide the patient with early diagnosis of the disease and guarantees full recovery.

A source: http://sustav.info/bolezni/drugie/bolezn-kolennogo-sustava.html