Eye drops of Inox

Drops for eyes Inox is used as a means for moisturizing and reducing fatigue and irritation of the mucous eye. This drug is one of the oldest in its class, these drops have already turned 60 years old. They are able to eliminate signs of dryness and irritation, help in relieving tension and resting the eyes. In themselves they represent hypoallergenic liquid, the main component of which are extracts of various medicinal herbs.


  • 1pharmachologic effect
  • 2Indications and contraindications in use
    • 2.1Indications
    • 2.2Contraindications
  • 3Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 4Video
  • 5conclusions

pharmachologic effect

Eye drops of Inox can eliminate such unpleasant symptoms as: itching, burning and fatigue from eye strain, in addition to this, the drug can remove the sensation of sand or foreign object in the eye.And to help people who often blink (most often this is due to low humidity in the conjunctiva).

Herbal extracts that are part of this preparation can have antiseptic effects and gently narrow the blood vessels, normalize microcirculation processes in the organs of vision.

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The healing components of the drops of Inox can contribute to the appearance on the conjunctiva of a protective film, it can some time to protect the eyes from penetration into it of dirt, dust, infections, bacteria and other foreign harmful and dangerous bodies.And this layer can reduce the level of ultraviolet radiation penetrating the retina, this will help reduce the risk of sunburn.Inox is meant for those people who use contact lenses all the time, because these lenses can lead to fatigue and eye irritation. It is important to note that some people use this drug only as a cosmetic product, because it helps to change the color of the iris of the eyes.After the dropping-in procedure, the person's eye usually acquires a slightly bluish color, this effect is clearly visible in people with light eyes.

Drops of Inox have a wide range of actions and contain substances that can protect the conjunctiva of the eye.

Indications and contraindications in use


Eye drops Inokain with instruction

Eye drops of DuoTrav with instructions are described in this article.

All about Dexa-Gentamicin Ointment http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/pravila-lecheniya-s-ispolzovaniem-glaznoj-mazi-deksa-gentamicin.html



Inox drops should be taken in the following situations:

  • If there are symptoms of dry eye syndrome.
  • The drug is effective for eliminating the unpleasant symptoms that arise as a result of influences from outside: bad weather conditions, contact with foreign bodies, and if any chemical substance.
  • If a person sits all his working time at a computer, then this drug will be irreplaceable for him.
  • When using contact lenses or glasses. Some people are irritated when wearing them.

Also read about eye drops Vizin.


This drug is not recommended for use with:

  • Intolerance to certain components that make up these eye drops.
  • Children under 14 years of age are cautiously appointed by the doctors. This is due to the fact that there are no data on the impact on the eyesight of children under the age of 14 years.

Use the drug is quite possible together with other drugs that are prescribed by doctors, but this should be done only if the time interval is met, which is equal to half an hour.

Possible complications caused by the drug

Never forget that using this product may give your eyes a bluish tinge.Therefore, those who need to preserve the natural shade of the eyes, it is recommended to choose eye drops from analogues with a similar pharmacological effect.This medicine is not a powerful or strong antiseptic, so the microorganisms trapped in it with a huge probability not only survive, but can begin to multiply.

Moisturizing drops for lenses - health and comfort of your eyes

Most people are not particularly critical of the fact that eye color at the time of taking the drug may change, but if you are one of those for whom this factor is key, it is worth considering for the treatment of others eye drops.



Inox is one of the best moisturizing drops that can mimic a human tear. They are often used in many medical cases. And they also have a good safety profile and very rarely show any kind of side effects. This drug is a tool that almost never causes a person to have severe allergic manifestations. It is prescribed as during pregnancy, and during lactation, because it is absolutely safe for the fetus. At the price it can be attributed to the middle segment. For people who are important to preserve the natural shade of the eyes, there are a variety of similar drugs.

Also read about such drugs as Potassium Iodide and Okutiarz.