Prenatal bandage for pregnant women: how to choose?


  • 1How to choose an antenatal bandage for pregnant women
  • 2How to choose a bandage for pregnant women
    • 2.1Why an antenatal bandage is needed
    • 2.2What helps wearing a bandage for a pregnant baby?
    • 2.3Medical indications for wearing
    • 2.4Rules of wearing a bandage for a pregnant woman
    • 2.5How to choose a prenatal bandage
  • 3Bandage for pregnant women - choose correctly
    • 3.1Why do I need a bandage during pregnancy?
    • 3.2When pregnant women need to wear a bandage
    • 3.3When the bandage is not necessary
    • 3.4How to choose a bandage. Kinds of a bandage!
    • 3.5How to properly wear and when to start wearing a bandage?
    • 3.6How to choose a bandage for pregnant women in size?
  • 4Choosing a bandage for pregnant women
    • 4.1Prenatal
    • 4.2Postpartum
    • 4.3Combined
    • 4.4How to choose the most appropriate one
    • 4.5Variety of variations of bandages for pregnant women
    • 4.6Bandage panties
    • 4.7Bandage-belt
    • 4.8Belt with a "hood"
    • 4.9Corset
    • 4.10Terms of purchase
    • 4.11Overview of popular manufacturers
    • 4.12Features of wearing
  • instagram viewer
  • 5How to choose a bandage for pregnant women
    • 5.1What kinds of bandages exist
    • 5.2CORSET or BELT
    • 5.3COMBI
    • 5.5Indications for wearing a prenatal bandage
    • 5.6Contraindications to wearing a bandage
    • 5.7How to choose the right band size
    • 5.8How to wear a bandage to a pregnant woman
    • 5.9Featured Articles

How to choose an antenatal bandage for pregnant women

Antenatal bandage. Not all women use it, and not every doctor advises it.

And yet... What features are ready to perform this orthopedic accessory? Can he get rid of the typical problems in the period of bearing the child? How to choose the right size and how to wear it? We answer these and many other questions, and at the same time we study the estimates that gave the customer specific models.

The antenatal bandage fixes the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity in the correct physiological position.

The wide belt effectively supports the growing abdomen, allowing the fetus to occupy the optimal position, which has a beneficial effect on its development.

With the help of stiffeners it stabilizes the position of the spine and evenly distributes the load, so the pain in the lumbar region is reduced.

Bandage-belt also reduces the risk of hypertension of the uterus, helping to safely endure the child in difficult cases of pregnancy.

When it is used, muscles and skin do not undergo excessive stretching, which means that after stretches, "stretch marks" appear on the body.

The latter factor is becoming almost decisive for many women.

On a note! One of the most popular manufacturers of bandages for women is the company "Fest". In its assortment there are products for use both during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Probably, for future moms to save money by spending extra money on themselves or the baby, manufacturers produce universal bandages for pregnant women.You can wear them both pregnant, and those who safely gave birth.

The product is a belt, which is fixed at the waist with the help of Velcro and is adjusted by the side fasteners.

During the carrying of the child, the wide back of the belt is located behind, and the narrow waist is placed under the belly.


After giving birth, the belt turns over: now the wide part supports the abdominal cavity, eliminating the risk of complications, restoring muscle tone and helping the body to recover quickly.


On a note! A universal bandage is made of hypoallergenic fabrics that do not cause discomfort, but it is recommended to wear the product on underwear or a T-shirt.

Since the bandage is located underneath the abdomen, it is necessary to orient oneself to its parameters before pregnancy.If you recovered by 15 kg or more, then you should choose a bandage 1-2 sizes larger.

Almost always during pregnancy a woman grows fat and gives out, so do not take chances. It is better to conduct new measurements using a centimeter tape.

It should be tightly, but without undue tension, to pass behind the waist and in front of the abdomen.

This girth in centimeters and will be decisive when choosing the size.

At manufacturers the dimensional ruler can differ. For example, one of the options for matching the size of the body volume:

  • up to 85 cm - size S;
  • 85-97 cm-M;
  • 97-105 cm-L;
  • 105-115 cm - XL;
  • more than 115 cm - 2XL.

A gynecologist who observes a woman should clearly determine at what stage a woman can start using a bandage. For example, with diseases of the spine, the product begins to wear in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, that is, from the fourth month of bearing the child.

Sometimes you have to answer another question: can mom even use an antenatal bandage? Thus, with chronic diseases of the kidneys, stomach, intestines, the use of a bandage can be refused.

On a note! In case of complications or chronic illnesses, the doctor may advise wearing a bandage a little earlier - from 10 weeks.

Do not wear a bandage during pregnancy. Be sure to take breaks for 20-30 minutes every 2-3 hours.The total duration of wearing is determined individually.


Many women with a large belly and in later terms with a supporting bandage do not practically leave, and owners of small tummies wear a bandage only when doing homework or work to reduce load from the waist.


Many ask the right question, how to dress the antenatal bandage? This should be done solely after a few deep and smooth breaths and exhalations.

Then, slightly lift the buttocks, so that the child is slightly shifted upward. It is in this situation that the internal organs and the baby take "the right positions".

After that, the belt, which you previously spread out underneath, is fastened on the stomach in such a way that a palm passes between it and the skin.

On a note! After you get up, be sure to check the strength of the tightener. A belt too tight can harm both you and the baby.

It is hardly possible to understand from the reviews, which antenatal bandage is better, because it is correctly said: how many people - so many opinions. However, the recommendations of customers help to identify advantages and disadvantages in specific models.

Galina P., 42 years old
Prenatal bandage «Emma Jane 1410»

During pregnancy the doctor prescribed me to use a bandage, but a problem arose. On its fragile body it was not so easy to find the right one.

I saw Emma Jane in the pharmacy - the brand is little known, unlike the same "Fest" or "Trives but I decided to buy it. Also has remained it is happy. Firstly, it fit perfectly. Secondly, comfortable.


Two small bones on the back do not press and do not rub. Good Velcro fastens firmly. Thirdly, you can not see under the clothes, unless, of course, in the last weeks before giving birth, do not wear tight dresses.


Fourth, I adequately passed all the tests: it did not stretch, it did not deform, the seams did not part. Since he was white, he washed it often, almost every day, but he at least had henna. I used it during long walks.

Sitting in it for 6 hours on a bench, of course, is complicated, but it is not for this and is done. The price of the bandage is not small, but I have never regretted that I chose it.

Other mothers who took a cheaper, told that they simply could not wear a cheap bandage: some he rubbed, others - drove away, the third - almost fell apart all the third day. I advise moms not to save on their health, because it depends on the health of the baby.

Margarita K., 35 years old
universal bandage "Trives T-1118"

On the 24th week of pregnancy, my back ached terribly, and during the consultation the gynecologist received quite specific advice - to use a bandage. Long chose the right one.

In one it was inconvenient to stand, in the other - to sit, the third - cost sky-high money. As a result, in the orthopedic salon, the "Trives" looked after, and when she tried it on, she realized - here he is, my savior.

You can wear it when you have one child, and two or three. Behind the hard ribs, which on the first day relieved me of back pain during a long walk.

It is fastened with Velcro and is pulled together at the sides - well, this is almost all the bandages have such a system. My skin is sensitive enough, but this bandage does not cause any irritation.


The instruction does not forbid him to sit, but I still wore only while walking or when I was lying. The quality is excellent, and the price suited me, besides, after the birth I did not have to buy another one, since it is universal.


Kristina T., 38 years old
Prenatal bandage corset "Orlett MS-99"

I have a 2 degree of scoliosis, so during pregnancy I had to do something with severe pain. On the advice of a doctor, I bought a bandage from the German firm Orlett (I heard a lot about her, and the reviews are good on the Internet).

Was it any wonder that the German quality manifested itself in everything. And the belt itself is sewn perfectly, and the design is so successful that he took off the pain perfectly. On the side of him are reinforcing tapes, with which he is fitted to the figure.

Back - rigid inserts for unloading the waist and spine. You need to dress it, like all other antenatal bandages, just lying down. The price at the corset is not low, but he completely fulfills his appointment.

I regretted at first that I had not seen a universal bandage in the manufacturer's line before, but I bought one that can only be worn before delivery.

After the birth, I was not critical to use a bandage - the condition was normal, but I think that if I had a bandage, I would probably wear it periodically.

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How to choose a bandage for pregnant women

How to choose a bandage for pregnant women

If in the first three to four months of pregnancy the belly of a young mother is still completely invisible, then from the middle of the second trimester, he begins to gradually round off, prompting him to purchase a new wardrobe for the rapidly changing figures.

It is from this moment, that is, from 15-16 weeks, it's time to think about buying a thing that greatly facilitates the life of a pregnant woman. It is, of course, about the bandage for pregnant women.

What benefit does it have in itself and how to choose it correctly, we will discuss in detail in our article.

Why an antenatal bandage is needed

Bandage becomes an extremely desirable thing in the arsenal of a future mother at a time when the stomach is rapidly starting to increase in size, due to the actively growing baby. Here are the main tasks that this subject of the women's wardrobe performs:

  • Significantly reduces the load from the spine, thereby preventing pain and aching sensations in the back and lower back.
  • Due to soft support, it prevents stretch marks that appear just at the moment of a rapidly growing tummy, and, accordingly, stretch skin.
  • Improves the overall well-being of a woman, as it relieves pressure from the abdominal anterior wall, "pulling" sensations disappear. Much easier becomes when walking, long loads.
  • Prevents premature lowering of the abdomen, due to which the future mother also ceases to experience discomfort.

What helps wearing a bandage for a pregnant baby?

  • Bandage for pregnant women due to fixation of the uterus improves the blood supply of the fetus.
  • Helps the baby to take the right prenatal position.
  • Subsequently, it prevents the child from turning again wrong, because the walls of the uterus are well compressed. This will prevent the baby from taking a pelvic presentation.

Medical indications for wearing

In addition to wearing a bandage for a pregnant woman at will, sometimes there is an urgent need. This is, first of all: a complicated pregnancy, multiple pregnancies, problems with the spine, polyhydramnios, the threat of termination of pregnancy, etc.

In this case, doctors necessarily persistently recommend that you wear an antenatal bandage, perhaps even before the end of the second trimester.

Also you are shown a bandage if your life is full of physical activity: you travel a lot, go to work, do fitness, love long walks, etc.

We will now understand what kinds of bandages for pregnant women you can meet:

  • Bandage panties. This is the most common option. A bandage with a high tight belt and an elastic insert under the belly that fixes the back. The main advantage is the ease of putting on and socks due to the lack of complicated buckles and fasteners. This bandage is perfect for the entire period of pregnancy, as the ribbon that passes under the belly stretches well. What are his disadvantages? Firstly, the panty bandage is desirable to be worn on the naked body, and this does not exclude the risk of causing an allergic reaction of the body. Secondly, in the summer in such a bandage can be hot and uncomfortable.
  • Bandage on the lacing. It resembles a bandage panties in shape, a distinguishing feature is a lacing on the abdomen. On it is also fastened a wide stretching ribbon, whose task is to support the tummy from below. This band is usually made of cotton fabric. The advantages of such a bandage for a pregnant woman are as follows: it allows you to regulate the contraction, which is convenient for a constantly growing abdomen. Disadvantages: wearing one such bandage will be quite difficult. Again, during the hot season, it can cause inconvenience.
  • Bandage-belt, made in the form of an elastic band. This bandage is fixed by Velcro under the abdomen and on the sides, it is convenient to adjust them depending on the volume of the abdomen. A variety of this bandage - "combined can be worn before and after childbirth. Advantages: it is easily mounted and removed independently, it is not hot, because it is relatively small. It is worn on clothes, so there is no need for frequent washing.

Rules of wearing a bandage for a pregnant woman

  • Under the bandage it is recommended to wear underwear, so that there is no irritation on the skin.
  • If the fetus is in the pelvic or transverse position for more than 30 weeks of pregnancy, the bandage is strictly prohibited. Due to the fixation of the uterus, he practically does not leave the opportunity to take the right prenatal position. As a consequence, the risk of severe delivery and surgical intervention.
  • We put on the bandage lying (so all the muscles are as relaxed as possible and put on the bandage easier).
  • We wear no more than 3-4 hours in a row.

How to choose a prenatal bandage

  • Choose a band from natural fabrics. Flexible synthetic fibers are allowed only in the waist.
  • The bandage used by you during a previous pregnancy could lose elasticity, and it will not be so good to support the stomach. So the best solution is to buy a new bandage.
  • Buy a bandage in a professional store for expectant mothers or at a pharmacy. The first option is preferable, because you will immediately be given the opportunity to try on several types of bandages in the dressing room. So, you definitely will not lose with a choice.

How to understand that the bandage is right for you? It's very simple - it's convenient for you!

A source: https://www.

Bandage for pregnant women - choose correctly

Women who are pregnant with the first child often have a question: why, when, and most importantly how to wear a bandage for pregnant women? Prenatal bandage is a special elastic waistband, which is used to maintain the enlarged abdomen.

Whether it is necessary for the future mother to wear a bandage is decided not by the pregnant woman herself, but by her obstetrician-gynecologist, since he is appointed only by indications, and not all in a row.

Based on the state of health of a woman, her complaints about a malaise, the doctor may recommend starting using a bandage at the period from the 20th to the 30th week.

Why do I need a bandage during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the bandage is of great importance for a woman's health. It is a special medical belt (or elastic pants) and fixes the anterior abdominal wall.

It's easy to guess what the true purpose of this device is to support. This is beneficial not only for the physical condition of the woman, but also contributes to the normal development of the fetus.

It is unknown how heavy the load on the spine of the future mother. Especially if she expects the appearance of two or three babies at once. In addition, the internal organs, compressed by a larger uterus, also suffer.


This is exactly the condition when you need a bandage during pregnancy. The purpose of wearing it is to compensate for the load, and also prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.


It is of great importance whether you choose a special supporting panties or belt-bandage for pregnant: for each future mother this is individual, and many features should be considered organism.

When pregnant women need to wear a bandage

There are a number of indications on which a gynecologist can prescribe wearing a bandage for pregnant women:

  1. Multiple pregnancy. Uterus, heavier than twins or triplets, especially heavily burdens the spine.
  2. Nerve injury, causing pain in the lumbar spine. If the bandage is not worn, then the larger the belly becomes, the stronger will be the neurological pain. That in the end can lead to the need to take painkillers, which is undesirable for the child.
  3. If within 18 months before the onset of pregnancy, abdominal cavity surgery was performed.
  4. Scarring on the uterus (after gynecological surgery or caesarean section).
  5. If the weak muscles of the abdomen and the low location of the child. The bandage for pregnant women will fix the fruit and will not let it fall before the term.
  6. Underdevelopment of the cervix.
  7. The threat of termination of pregnancy.
  8. Constant pain in the back. The bandage will help reduce the burden on the spine and remove the pain syndrome.
  9. Active lifestyle. If a woman spends most of the day on her feet, then the bandage will help to avoid complications of pregnancy.

When the bandage is not necessary

There are cases when in the bandage for pregnant women is not something that is not necessary, but it is even contraindicated.

For example, if a woman has a skin allergic reaction to the material from which the bandage is made, it is natural that she will not walk for months with a skin rash and a constant itch.

Another more weighty reason for not wearing a bandage is the transverse or pelvic presentation of the fetus.

Any obstetrician-gynecologist will tell a pregnant woman that wearing a bandage for pregnant women with such a fetus will not allow the baby to turn right (head down), and, therefore, there is a risk of complications during childbirth. Therefore, given that the bandage fixes the position of the fetus in the abdomen, if the presentation is not the head, then even if there is evidence of wearing a bandage, it can not be worn.

Positive aspects of wearing a bandage during pregnancy:

  • significantly facilitates bearing, especially if pregnancy is prolific;
  • helps to reduce the feeling of fatigue, pain in the ankles;
  • reduces discomfort in the lumbar region, reducing pressure on the spine and organs located in the small pelvis;
  • prevents the appearance of stretch marks;
  • prevents the untimely omission of the fetus (physiologically the phenomenon is typical for the 38th week of pregnancy), reduces the risk of premature birth;
  • supports the abdomen if the abdominal muscles are weakened;
  • promotes the correct placement of the child inside the mother's womb;
  • thanks to special breathable fabrics in such a device it will not be hot even in summer;
  • easy to use (each model is supplemented by a detailed instruction and operating diagram).

How to choose a bandage. Kinds of a bandage!

On sale they appeared not so long ago, but already received many positive reviews because of their convenience. This bandage is a panty with an elastic belt-insert, located underneath the abdomen. There is a wide range of styles and colors.

One of the obvious advantages is the low cost of this kind of bandage. In addition, the device is easy to put on and comfortable to wear.

Thanks to the thoughtfulness of the model, and, in particular, the presence of an elastic insert, it is guaranteed good support of the abdomen - panties are stretched as it grows.


  1. They need to be worn in the prone position, which makes them uncomfortable if you need to visit the toilet in a public place.
  2. Manufacturers prescribe in the instructions the need for daily washing. Therefore, the future mother will have to buy several spare bandages at once.
  3. Not suitable for women who are prone to overweight weight gain: the model is not designed for excessive stretching, so soon the panties will squeeze the stomach, rubbing the skin and creating a significant inconvenience.

The peculiarity of this medical product is that it can be worn not only during pregnancy: the bandage is designed for operation and after childbirth. It looks like a belt with a wide and narrow part, each of which is regulated by means of fasteners on a sticky base.

During bearing, the narrowed section of the belt should be under the enlarged abdomen, a wide area should be placed on the waist. Using the girdle in the postpartum period, it is necessary to turn the bandage opposite.


This kind is most convenient for women, who are prone to rapid mass recruitment during the period of gestation. The product prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the body and acts as a preventative against skin flaccidity after childbirth.


Advantage is the practicality of the bandage, its universal purpose and low cost.

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Currently, it is considered a relic of the past, as modern manufacturers offer more convenient and versatile products. The main drawback of this device in the presence of lacing, to tie it with the help of a pregnant woman is very problematic.

How to properly wear and when to start wearing a bandage?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question, what bandage for pregnant women is better - it is necessary to consult a gynecologist who will make an examination, examine the results of the survey and make a decision. The specialist will specify the duration of pregnancy and the age of the future mother, find out what kind of childbirth should occur and in what position is the baby. Of course, the basis for buying a bandage is the sensation of the woman herself. If she feels more secure using a bandage, then why not wear it. Nevertheless, to hear your doctor's opinion on this matter, it will not be superfluous.

When buying a bandage, pay attention to the general rules for using this product.

  • The bandage should be necessarily suitable in size, otherwise it will squeeze the abdomen, and accordingly the child. In addition, the "small" bandage disrupts the circulation, and this should not happen! If, after putting on the bandage, you experience lack of oxygen, dyspnea appears, and the baby moves too actively, the bandage should be urgently weakened or removed.
  • Perhaps the first couple of days you will experience discomfort when wearing a bandage. Most likely, this is due to the fact that your body adapts to new sensations and needs time. But if after 2-3 days the discomfort does not pass, we can say that the shape and size of the bandage are not selected correctly.
  • You can wear a bandage every 3-4 hours with a break. Minutes 30-40 you can resemble, or lie down freely, without fixing the abdomen, and then again turn to the bandage. Some manufacturers of bandages have developed such designs which allow to carry them constantly, removing only for the period of a dream.
  • Bandage must be worn during active walking, long walks. If you are going to sit down, or standing, prepare food, take it off.
  • The belt or elastic insert should be located in front of the abdomen, slightly covering the pubic part. This is provided so that the woman herself can use the bandage: fasten and unbutton it without assistance. In the fixed state, he should not put pressure on the belly of the future mother, cause even mild discomfort or, worse, pain.

How to choose a bandage for pregnant women in size?

There is a table of sizes of banades that you can orient to when choosing. But the only way to find a belt really is by size is to try it on. You can buy the belt in the pharmacy or special stores for expectant mothers.

Experts advise choosing a device in a pharmacy located at the hospital or in the departments for pregnant women. Here consultants work, which will help you to decide both the type and material of the device, and its size.

Feel free to try on different belts. After all, the wrong size of the bandage can affect the health of the child. The fabric should not press on the stomach, but only gently cover it and support it.

In the case of a tight bandage, you risk serious damage to the developing baby.

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Choosing a bandage for pregnant women

In the second half of pregnancy the belly of the future mother begins to grow intensively. It is during this period that many indicators can cause a bandage.

Such a device is primarily intended to improve a woman's well-being and ensure a safe course of pregnancy.

There is no consensus on the need to wear a bandage. Many doctors consider this mandatory, but some doctors believe that their use harms the fetus, prevents it from developing freely.

Therefore, the decision on the use of such a supporting agent should be justified by a specialist observing a pregnant woman.

There are several types of bandages, differing both in their functions and in their appearance.


An antenatal bandage can be used throughout pregnancy.

Particularly relevant is wearing it after 20-24 weeks.

The bandage will reduce the load on the spine and support the abdomen, fix the position of the fetus (this is especially important in case of threat of miscarriage) and even will prevent the appearance of stretch marks.


The need for the postpartum bandage is determined by the gynecologist, based on the data on the course of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as on the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

Postnatal bandages are used to effectively return the uterus to the same size and quickly restore the body's shape.

Such a device is made of a more elastic material, has several levels of fasteners, an elastic insert on the abdomen, and a well stretched band at the waist.

Postnatal bandages should be prepared in advance. In some cases, the doctor recommends wearing it immediately after childbirth.


There is also a kind of device that combines the functions of the prenatal and postnatal bandages.

Typically, such a device is organized in such a way that, for use in different periods, it is sufficient to rotate it 180 degrees.

This kind of bandages is especially popular among buyers due to its economy.

Nevertheless, the use of such a device requires consultation with the doctor at each of the specified periods.

How to choose the most appropriate one

The need to wear a bandage must first of all be determined by the observing physician.

Indicationfor wearing can be:

  • Some gynecological pathologies (scars, low placenta previa, miscarriage, threat of miscarriage).
  • Active increase in the size of the uterus (possibly in cases of multiple pregnancy, a large fetus, the presence of scars after surgery).
  • Not the first birth (the abdominal wall loses its ability to stretch).
  • Weak development of the muscles of the back and / or abdomen.
  • Diseases of the spine, in particular, osteochondrosis.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Active way of life of the future mother.
  • The appearance of a large number of stretch marks.

Existcontraindicationsfor wearing a band:

  • Some types of sutures after cesarean section.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Diseases of the skin, allergic reactions.

Variety of variations of bandages for pregnant women

There are several types of bandages and their choice depends on the financial capabilities and aesthetic preferences of the buyer.

Bandage panties

This option exists both in prenatal and postnatal devices.

The insertions on the abdomen in such models perform either a supporting or a tightening function.

Some manufacturers decorate bandages with different laces or ruffles, which helps a woman to feel attractive and in the period of bearing a child.


Such bandages are also designed for different periods.

But the purpose of the antenatal girdle to support the tummy, but the post-natal bandage is designed to pull the waist.

Such devices are fastened with Velcro. Wearing such bandages is more convenient in the summer - they are not as hot as in panties.

But the belts are not so comfortable in toes along with the pants - the belt tends to creep up.


One of the varieties of this belt isuniversalbandage. Such a belt has a wide and thin part.


In prenatal period, the wide edge is located on the back, and the narrow edge is planted under the abdomen.

In the postnatal period, the location of the belt changes - the wide part is located on the abdomen.

Belt with a "hood"

Designed for the prenatal period, the bandage is equipped with a fabric hood, which is put on the tummy.

This belt is convenient for wearing under clothes.

It is economical and does not require frequent washing.


For later terms after delivery, bandages in the form of graces have been developed.

They are taller and have multi-level fasteners.

Among the accessories of this variety, it should be noted reinforced bandages, possessing a special pulling ability, as well as bandages designedfor wearing after caesarean section.

Terms of purchase

It is worth remembering that the bandage is not just a wardrobe item, but a medical device.

Accordingly, and buy it is necessary in specialized institutions - pharmacies or stores for expectant mothers. In such institutions the future mother will measure the abdominal circumference and take other data.

The expert will tell you which model to choose and which manufacturer to give preference to.

It is necessary to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The main frame of the bandage should be made of natural fabrics, for example cotton. The stretchable inserts are usually made of microfiber or elastane.
  • The size of bandages-panties is usually selected from the calculation of the usual size of a woman +1.
  • The size of the postpartum bandage should match the size of the woman before pregnancy. In the event that the woman in labor during pregnancy has recovered more than twelve kilograms, the bandage should be chosen larger than usual.
  • Ladies, leading an active lifestyle, should prefer a bandage-belt.
  • You should choose a bandage, which has several levels of fasteners, which will allow use at different periods of pregnancy.
  • The main factor for choosing a bandage is comfort. The device must never be pressed on the stomach. Correctly selected accessory is not visible under clothes, does not stick into the body, its seams do not interfere.

Overview of popular manufacturers

Special consideration among customers is using German and English tires.

Companies with years of experience behind their backs rely on strict medical standards, but they also do not forget to give their products an attractive look.

Such linen will please not only functionality, but also a variety of colors. But the production of these brands is very expensive.

Among popular brands it is possible to note the German companyAnitaor BritishEmma-Jane.

The most popular are the Baltic and Italian brands.

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Despite the fact that opinions are expressed that the firms of these countries make an advantage in the aesthetics, which often negatively affects comfort.

Value for money of such goods makes them one of the most attractive in the market.

Leading companies areTONUS ELAST, Futura Mamma, RelaxMaternity, Chicco.

The most affordable products remain domestic producers.

It should be noted that bandages of Russian firms often cause discontent among young mothers because of inconvenience when buckled and worn. Nevertheless, this niche is very in demand.

It is possible to note such manufacturers asMAAM, Fest, Bliss.

Features of wearing

  • The bandage must not be worn continuously. You should give your body rest during sleep. Also, half-hour breaks are needed every three to four hours of socks.
  • When wearing a bandage, there should be no unpleasant sensations. Otherwise, it can be argued that the accessory is not selected correctly.
  • Just bought a bandage you need to wash. In the future, this part must also be kept clean.
  • Put on the bandage in the lying position. Thus it is better to feel the pubic bone, according to which, in fact, the orientation of the device should be oriented.
  • The bandage should pass under the belly, along the bottom of the buttocks, rest on the hips, and also grab the pubic bone.
  • The device should not exert excessive pressure on the abdomen. But it is also not necessary to loosen it too much, since this will lose the main function of the bandage.
  • Do not use a bandage from a previous pregnancy, as it is already stretched and will not be able to provide adequate support.

On how to properly wear and wear a bandage, read more here.

Thus, wearing a bandage also copes with aesthetically directed tasks, such as preventing the appearance and with medical - to facilitate the threat of miscarriage, help with the restoration of internal organs after severe childbirth and others.

To achieve these effects, the bandage should be prescribed by a gynecologist, and also selected with the observance of all the conditions described. It is in this case that the bandage will become a real assistant to the young mother.

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How to choose a bandage for pregnant women

The growing tummy of the future mother is a unique kind of extra weight, which gives everyone (and the surrounding, and its lucky possessor) a lot of fun. However, pregnancy is a responsible and serious matter.

To prevent the spark of bright hopes from adding bitter tears from sudden stretch marks and problems with the spine, doctors recommend time to resort to additional support measures.

We are talking about special bandages that help women to keep themselves in better physical shape, and toddlers to develop in the womb with maximum comfort. The accessory is used starting from the 25th week of pregnancy (the exact time depends on the individual health indicators and physical development of the future mother).

Knowing how to choose a bandage for pregnant women, you can use the first months of expecting a miracle for leisurely shopping trips in search of a suitable model of special lingerie.

What kinds of bandages exist

To support the abdomen and back during and after carrying out the child, the following types of bandages have been developed:

  • - prenatal;
  • - postpartum;
  • - combined.

Before and after childbirth, one of the tasks of using a bandage is to maintain the elasticity of the skin of the abdomen, which undergoes quite aggressive deformations within 9 months.

The problem of many women - ugly stretch marks on the skin that arise after the birth of a child.

To prevent their appearance is easier than to fight the consequences of an already accomplished unpleasant fact.

It is not for nothing that in the corridors of women's consultations the verbal exchange of experiences on the topic of who and how to pick up bandages for pregnant women is not lost over the years.

But before you look for a suitable option, you should understand what they are.

Structurally there is a division into:

  • - bandages-corsets;
  • - bandages-panties;
  • - Band-belts.

Employees of shopping centers (in particular, the leading Moscow boutique of orthopedic goods "Ladomed" and its online offices see daily how to choose a bandage for pregnant young future mother.

Women often wonder which model is better. The answer is unequivocally impossible, since different styles are developed for different types of female figures, the peculiarities of the pregnancy and the aesthetic tastes of expectant mothers.


A wide elastic band of material with fasteners and a wide "pocket" that envelops the lumbar region of the back and abdomen while simultaneously supporting it in the desired position.

Advantages of this category of bandages are that these products are both native and fit for wearing on top of clothes.

They can be easily adjusted to different sizes and features of the figure.

The corset differs from the belt with the presence of rigid guides (so-called bones) and a large height range (up to 30 cm).


The universal appearance of the accessory is first, while waiting for the child, to be worn with the narrow side under the belly, and the wide part supports the back. In the recovery period after pregnancy, it is turned backwards.

If you decide to choose this type of accessory for pregnant women, surely your purchase will be profitable, since the bandage will come in handy both during the prenatal period and after the birth of the baby.

For the average consumer class, a compact station wagon is just a godsend.


In fact, this is a special kind of underwear and its amount should be sufficient for daily change and washing. Panty bandages are worn on the naked body under clothing or on the lungs of ordinary panties. Their advantages are tight fit and invisibility.

Difficulties can arise while visiting the toilet room (because panties are high enough), but modern manufacturers have learned make special fasteners at the bottom of this laundry, so that the necessary hygienic procedures are for a pregnant woman comfortable.

Each type of accessory is designed to perform certain functions at the right time. By the way, it's not worth taking a decision on buying a bandage yourself. There are indications and contraindications for wearing this detail of women's clothing.

Indications for wearing a prenatal bandage

The need for additional support arises in the second half of pregnancy, when the baby starts actively gaining weight, and the abdomen of the mother increases.

The reason for buying an orthopedic accessory are the following features of the course of pregnancy:

  • - previous cases of caesarean section (because of the remaining scars the elasticity of the uterus is reduced);
  • - threat of miscarriage in the middle and late periods;
  • - the fetus is too low;
  • - an unusually large child or multiple pregnancies;
  • - polyhydramnios and, as a consequence, strong swelling;
  • - pain in the back, osteochondrosis.

Contraindications to wearing a bandage

The only case where the bandage can seriously harm is a false presentation of the fetus.

The child did not take the necessary position within you before the 30-week sentence? Then first the gynecologist will appoint special gymnastics, and only then, in case of a successful turn of the disobedient baby, a bandage.

Also, there is no need for an extra purchase if the pregnancy is successful, and the expectant mother does not experience any discomfort during all 40 weeks of fruit ripening.

Nevertheless, if an accessory is appointed by a doctor, you should know the important selection criteria.

How to choose the right band size

In some cases the marking of bandages differs from the marking of clothing. The Russian sizes 44, 46, 48 correspond to European 38, 40, 42. This triad of a common dimension series on the labels of the bandages will correspond to the numbers 60, 65, 70.

If before pregnancy it was possible to suffer a little bit discomfort, cramping, uncomfortable bones in beautiful underwear, then when buying a bandage, it is worth remembering that the determining factor here is a feeling of 100% comfort.

And not only for the future mother, but for the person growing inside her:

  • - Postnatal bandage should be as close to the original size of a happy mother or to those parameters that will be the initial stage in achieving the goal.
  • - Antenatal bandage requires exceptionally timely purchase. It is not necessary to acquire such things in a hurry or to grow. In the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, you can only visually determine which models you like more: cotton or elastane, with or without lace inserts. As soon as the stomach grows to the right size, you can go to the store. If fitting is not possible, removal of the measurements is mandatory. A particularly important parameter is the width of the hips. Consider the subsequent set of weights and volumes, be interested in the presence of regulating fasteners. No straps, an accessory should fit perfectly!

A well-mastered rule of buying supporting clothing (before delivery - growing, after - coming to form) always helps to make it easy to decide how to pick up a bandage for pregnant women.

How to wear a bandage to a pregnant woman

  1. - Wear the bandage lying down, according to the manufacturer's instructions, avoiding too much pulling.
  2. - Listen to your own feelings and the behavior of the child.

    If the baby pushes too hard from the inside or the mother becomes difficult to breathe, immediately remove the accessory.

  3. - It is not recommended to wear a bandage for more than 3 hours in a row.

After birth, the bandage is recommended to be worn directly in the intensive care unit or the birth block, so as not to provoke a faint from a sharp rise with an empty cavity of the uterus.

Such cases are common in obstetric practice, doctors say that the reason for this are strong pressure drops immediately after birth in the abdominal and pelvic area.

We hope that these tips will help not one hundred moms to carry out pregnancy comfortably and bring out beautiful and healthy kids. Harmony and peace to you in the happiest and magical 9 months!

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