Compress with dimexidom from a child's cough

Effective cough compresses for children

Such diseases as bronchitis, colds, tracheitis, pneumonia are accompanied by one unpleasant symptom - a cough. He can have a different character, so sometimes he prevents a person from living normally. If the cough is dry, then, as a rule, it worries people at night and does not give a normal rest. To eliminate cough, doctors can prescribe various drugs, sprays, and compresses, which will be discussed later.


Make compresses for children coughing at home, if you know which recipe suits your cough. Based on this, it is necessary to first understand what kind of cough you are worried about - dry or wet, and then prepare a compress.

Fighting with a wet cough

To eliminate the unpleasant wet cough and withdraw the accumulated sputum, you can use a vodka, alcohol compress and based on dimexide.


The formation of a cough is affected by the inflammatory process, concentrated in the upper respiratory tract. It is characterized by the presence of pain and redness of the throat. To alleviate the condition of the child and eliminate the bouts of a wet cough, it is worth using a vodka compress. The process of its preparation involves the use of devices such as cotton wool, gauze and polyethylene. Also, you can not do without a dense terry towel, blanket or scarf. Such warm things have a warming effect.

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The cooking process involves the following action plan:

  1. Take vodka in equal quantities with water. Place the container on a plate and heat a little.
  2. Dip gauze in the prepared solution and carefully squeeze it. Attach it to the neck of the baby and cover it with polyethylene.
  3. To enhance the warming effect, it is necessary to wrap the baby's head with a scarf and cover with a warm blanket.

To achieve a positive result, a vodka compress should not be shorter than two chacha patients. But you can not use such a cough remedy for children younger than 2 years old. On the basis of this, parents should not be in a hurry to put such a compress on their child, if he is not yet 3 years old. Vodka helps not only to fight with a cough. The link describes how to make a vaginal compress on the throat with angina.


This version of the compress is also very popular. For its preparation, take alcohol and water, warm up to 38 degrees. Dip gauze and attach to the throat. Then put the cellophane and wrap it with a woolen shawl.Do not make such compresses to patients suffering from thyroid problems and children, whose age did not reach 2 years.

Based on dimexide

Dimexide is a powerful remedy with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic effect. In medical practice, this drug is considered very valuable, since it is able to penetrate deeply through the skin and mucous membranes, after which he all its components are transported to the hearth inflammation. But Dimexide should be used only on the condition that the child does not have an allergy.

You can buy this drug at any pharmacy, as it is considered a pharmaceutical.To prepare the compress, it is necessary to put in a container a tablespoon of the main component and 4 spoons,% solution of novocaine. The mixture obtained is slightly heated and the piece of gauze is soaked. Squeeze well and then put it on the chest, but without touching the area on top of the gauze to lay a warm scarf, leave for 2 hours.

Carry out such manipulation is before you go on a night rest. Contraindicated is the treatment of infants and children suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Also, a compress of dimexide is not recommended for patients with weak immunity.

Combating dry cough

If it is necessary to eliminate the baby dry cough, then it is worth using compresses based on black radish, potatoes and honey. Before use, make sure that your baby does not have an allergic reaction.

Black radish

How to make a warming compress from a radish? For the preparation of a compress, parents should receive juice from this vegetable, and after wrapping a towel at first in warm vegetable oil, and only then in radish juice. Such measures will protect the baby's skin from thermal injury. When the first layer of compress was laid, it is worth covering it with special paper. It is not recommended to use oilcloth. Keep the compress no more than 20 minutes. Here you will also find a recipe for black radish with honey from cough.

Boiled potatoes

This product is in great demand for the treatment of dry cough for a long time. For carrying out of medical actions you will need potatoes, welded in a uniform. It must be turned into a mushy consistency, and then add a large spoon of sunflower oil, honey and alcohol. Mix everything and put the mixture in a bag of cellophane. Put it on the back of the baby's chest for 2 hours. Potatoes are also used for inhalation. Read how to breathe properly over a potato when coughing to a child.


Apply this recipe is advisable in the case when the baby is not allergic. To prepare the product, it is necessary to take a bee product in the amount of a tablespoon, add mustard, alcohol and sunflower oil. All mixed and kneaded, as a steep dough, you can add cabbage. Before using it for the intended purpose, lightly heat it, and then apply it to the breast. To treat cough in children, you can also make a honey mustard cake.

Features of treatment of children from 1 year old

For this age of patients, this treatment option should not be used. Therefore, before applying this therapy, you need to consult a specialist. Treatment of cough in the baby is described in detail by reference.

For a child 2-3 years old

The compressing process should be performed on the back or chest area. But the heart area should be avoided, so parents should make sure that the impregnated layer of gauze is not there. After the compress was installed on the throat, then keep it there no more than 3-6 hours. After removing it is necessary to put a dry bandage on the warmed zone.When the baby was made a compress, it is worthwhile to provide him with bed rest.From the traditional means for the treatment of children, milk with oil from cough helps. The link details the treatment of a child's cough for 3 years.

The video tells how not to treat a child:

For older people

During the cough to do compresses in older children, you can apply the previously presented recipes, as well as complement them with various medicinal herbs, tablets. In addition, breathing exercises are very effective. But do not be amateur, before the procedure it is worth consulting with a specialist.

Compresses for children are an effective remedy for dry or wet cough. Apply them a very long time, and this popularity is associated with the high positive impact of such treatment. So determine what kind of coughing torments your baby, and then choose a suitable recipe for your case. Perhaps you will also be useful information on how to put mustard seeds to children when coughing. It is also often used turpentine ointment from cough for children. Another popular way - the use of badger fat when coughing in children.

Cough compress

Many of us are aware of the curative effects of warming compresses on coughing since childhood. But it helps the adults unconditionally. Traditional medicine has in its medicinal arsenal a number of ingredients for the treatment of cough compresses.

Compress from cough from potatoes

Potatoes are useful not only when eating it. Compression with the use of potatoes is a cheap and reliable cough remedy. It is best to do a compress from a potato cough for the night. And then in the morning the cough becomes softer and will bother less often.

For the preparation of such a compress it is necessary:

  1. For greater benefit, you can select the smallest potato that you do not want to clean and do not mind throwing away.
  2. Brew it in a uniform.
  3. Draining the water, without cooling, put in a plastic bag and crumble the potatoes. But there is no need to make mashed potatoes out of it, you can press it down to give it a flat shape.
  4. Put the towel on the chest, from the top the resulting potato pancake in the package, then cover with another towel and cover the patient with a blanket.
  5. After the potatoes have cooled, remove the compress and wrap the patient in a blanket.

Water compress for coughing

Compresses using vodka instead of alcohol are softer and not so fragrant. Because this tool is more pleasant to use than a compress on alcohol. Compress from cough from vodka is done according to the following instructions:

  1. Flaxen or cotton cloth on the size of the breast moistened in vodka and squeeze well.
  2. Put it on the back of the patient, covering it with polyethylene or a special compress paper of a slightly larger size.
  3. The third warming layer is a warm cloth of even larger size, for example a woolen shawl (you can use a thick layer of cotton wool).
  4. All three layers must be fixed on the patient's body with a wide bandage, scarf or another woolen shawl.

Honey compress of cough

Honey is a great cough medicine. Warm tea with honey is one of its uses. However, you can do and compress with honey from a cough. Usually potatoes, vodka or vinegar are added to the honey for a better effect. For preparation of a compress it will be required:

  1. Melt the honey mixed with the second ingredient in a water bath.
  2. On the patient's chest, put a towel, then unfolded polyethylene.
  3. Top the prepared mass.
  4. Cover with another layer of polyethylene, and then towels.
  5. Screw the patient into a blanket.

Compress with dimexide for coughing

Dimexide is used in medicine as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, which also perfectly anesthetizes. A cough compress using dimexide is done as follows:

  1. Liquid dimexide is very concentrated, therefore it needs to be diluted by about half or one third with water.
  2. The resulting solution should be heated to a temperature of 40 ° C in a water bath or in a microwave.
  3. Folded in several layers of gauze or thick tissue moistened in dimexide and wring out.
  4. Immediately, while she was not cold to put her patient on his chest, straightening.
  5. Top with a film and a towel.
  6. Cover the patient with a blanket and leave the compress for 40-50 minutes.
  7. At the end of time, remove the compress and wipe the patient's body dry with a towel.
  8. Again wrap in a blanket to keep the body warm.

Compresses with dimexide for cough apply only if the patient has no contraindications, such as heart problems or kidney failure. They are also prohibited if the drug is intolerant.

It is important to remember that when applying compresses on the chest or back, you can not cover the heart area, so as not to affect its operation.

Effective cough compress for children

How to make a cough compress for children? The answer to this question is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. After all, treatment should be not only effective, but also safe. In addition, there are situations where there are very few ingredients at hand, from which you can prepare a remedy for getting the baby out of a cough. That's why we offer you several options for compresses, surely at least one of them will do!

Immediately make a reservation that not all doctors consider this method of treatment effective. Someone recommends compresses, and someone says that it is a placebo that allows parents to feel that they are doing something to alleviate the condition of the baby. Say something unambiguously about this does not work, so you should try to make a compress and understand the individual reaction to it is your child.

In general, the compress is done to activate blood circulation and vasodilation. It is believed that this contributes to a more intensive production of interferon, which helps the body cope with the disease.

As components for compresses can be used onions, aloe, mustard, cabbage, potatoes and much more. About this - next!

How do compresses in general?

Before you start to treat the baby, you need to get acquainted with the theory. Because the misuse of even the most successful compress can not give any benefit.

Compress from a cough (for children or adults it is done - it does not matter) should consist of several layers.

  1. Internal (a kind of "filling" of the compress, which also relieves of coughing). This layer can be a gauze or bandage, soaked in alcohol, vodka, some tincture. Also, the "stuffing" can be potatoes, onions and other ingredients.
  2. External (in other words, warming). Its purpose is warming. For this, a large terry towel, a feather shawl, a wool shawl can be used. It is important that the outer layer covers the whole chest of the patient, keeping heat.
  3. Insulating layer. It is located between the inner and outer layers. In this capacity, usually special paper for compresses or oilcloth / cellophane, dry gauze or bandage (placed in several additions on top of the inner layer) can be used.

What can not be done?

  • Regardless of whether an oil compress is made from a child's cough or, for example, a honey one, the inner layer should never be placed in the heart area.
  • If the child has a high fever, then compresses should not be put.
  • Children who have not turned a year are not shown compresses.

How to choose a cough compress for children?

It will depend on what type of cough the child has.

  • Productive cough (it is also called "wet "wet"). A distinctive feature of this cough is the separation of sputum. It is advisable in this case to make a compress from the leaves of cabbage, paraffin.
  • Dry (in other words, unproductive). In this case, sputum when coughing is not separated. A suitable solution will be compresses made of honey, oil, potato, with alcohol, mustard.

Note that there are also universal compresses that are suitable for getting rid of dry and wet cough. These include potato, oil, curd.

How to make oil compresses?

Traditionally, oil is in every home, so this treatment is very affordable and at the same time effective.


  • The vegetable oil should be placed in a metal container and heated in a water bath; Warm oil soak a napkin or a thick towel, then put a compress on the baby's chest, On top of it you need to put paper for compresses or parchment (polyethylene / cellophane can not be used!); top a large towel or feather / woolen shawl / shawl.

Keep this compress should be at least two hours, it is permissible to leave it for the whole night.

There is one more variant of the recipe, which is recommended for bronchitis:

  • squeeze out the juice from the black radish, combine it with vegetable oil, pre-heated in a water bath, in this mixture, we moisten a thick towel or a napkin; compress put on the baby's chest; The further sequence of actions is exactly the same as described higher.

After a half an hour or an hour, the compress should be removed. A signal to the fact that the treatment time has expired - the appearance on the baby's face of mild sweat or a burning sensation.

Next, you will need to thoroughly wipe the breast with a clean cloth (or wash off under a warm shower). The child warmly put on and put under the blanket.

Important!If the baby's skin turns red, it should be smeared with petroleum jelly.

Compresses based on honey

Before you do this treatment, you need to make sure that the child does not have an allergic reaction to honey, otherwise the consequences may be unforeseen.


  • take in equal parts (usually one tablespoon) such components: honey (liquid), vodka, vegetable oil and mustard powder; mix it all and add a little flour to a fairly steep dough was obtained; preheat the mixture in a water bath and apply it to a napkin; then put on top of it paper for compresses or parchment, and a warm kerchief or terry cloth towel.

This compress is held for 15-20 minutes, if there is a burning sensation - immediately removed.

Honey compress of a cough to a child who is under 12 years old is better done without vodka.

Compresses based on potatoes and cabbage leaves

Such warming compresses from coughing to children are already made by many generations of parents, so that in utility there is no doubt.

Recipe with potatoes:

  • boil the tubers in their uniforms until ready, then drain the water and crush the potatoes (not turning it into puree) and put in a plastic bag, which must be tied well; the compress is wrapped in a towel and placed on the chest, avoiding the heart area; remove the compress when the potatoes it will cool.

The recipe with cabbage:

  • Cabbage leaves warmed on a water bath so that they became soft enough, but do not burn the baby's skin, then arrange them on the chest and back of the baby, over them - parchment or cellophane and a towel; can be left as for 2-3 hours, and on the whole night.

Alcohol compresses: why use caution

Compresses based on vodka and alcohol are in some cases quite effective, one of the recipes has been described above (with honey). But these tools should be used very carefully. For example, it is better not to make a vaginal compress for a child from a cough if he is under three.

In addition, the following points should be considered:

  • use pure alcohol if the patient is under 12 years old is not worth it (it is better to give preference to vodka or, if it is not, an alcohol that is not stronger than 45 degrees);
  • the younger the child, the more the compress should contain water, the less alcohol;
  • compresses based on alcohol do not work more than 2-3 hours (during this time, alcohol evaporates), so that to keep them longer is meaningless.

Compress from a child's cough (alcohol), a recipe:

  • 80 ml of water to connect with 20 ml of alcohol, apply liquid to the flannel, put a compress on your back, covering it with polyethylene; so that the whole construction does not slipped, it can be fixed with an elastic bandage (not tight!); it is better to put on a warm pajamas on a baby (optimal - baize); after a couple of hours compress remove.

Now you know what kind of cough compress for children should be used in this or that situation. But, nevertheless, if there are doubts, it is better to consult a doctor and make compresses with full confidence in the correctness of their actions. Good luck and good health!

Heating compresses for cough - effective treatment

A frequent symptom of many diseases - coughing - can deliver a lot of painful inconveniences to a person. His convulsive attacks interfere with talking, leading to vomiting, do not let fall asleep to the patient, and people living next to him. All this brings a lot of inconvenience and greatly worsens the quality of life without that suffering person.

One of the tools that perfectly help to reduce the intensity of reflex convulsive exhalations and their soreness is a compress of cough. With its help, excellent results are achieved in reducing or even completely disappearing not only a painful symptom, but also many accompanying phenomena.

The advantages of compresses in the treatment of cough

The use of compresses has a number of advantages, as their correct application guarantees:

  • Simplicity of imposing.
  • Fast result.
  • Practically complete absence of side effects (except for cases of individual intolerance of individual components and preparations).
  • Saving money.
  • Availability.

Principle of action of compresses against coughing

The secret of the effectiveness of the method lies in the thermal effect of the ingredients on the skin and nearby tissues. As a result, vasodilation and circulatory activation are carried out, which causes the release of antiviral antibodies. Thanks to this happens:

  • Increased oxygen influx to the affected tissues.
  • Reducing local edema.
  • Degeneration of foci of inflammation.
  • Acceleration of excretion of toxic substances.
  • The death of microorganisms-causative agents of the disease.
  • Overall improvement of health.
  • The disappearance of weakness and headaches.

How do I compress a cough?

One of the advantages of this method of treatment, like a compress, is its simplicity. It is superimposed in three stages and consists of layers:

  • Inner. A piece of cheesecloth or bandage is wetted by the chosen product, it is applied directly to the skin.
  • Medium. A plastic layer, a film, an oilcloth, a dense sheet of wax paper covers the wet layer from above, in order to isolate the liquid in the event of leakage.
  • Outdoor. The third layer insulates and fixes the lower ones. For this purpose, a scarf made of wool, bandage and cotton wool, a warm shawl, a towel is perfect.

All layers are superimposed on each other in turn, fixed on the back or chest. It must be remembered that the heart area should always remain open.

Features of the use of compresses for coughing

Compresses are almost universal cough remedy. They are successfully placed for adults and children from a year old. They are great for treating pregnant women.

Very effective compress with a dry cough. Already after its first use in many patients, the process of sputum evacuation and its expectoration begins. This method is excellent for getting rid of reflex jerks of the diaphragm, which are a symptom of such diseases as:

  • Bronchitis.
  • ARI.
  • Flu.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Pneumonia and others.

There is a small list of limitations in which this method can not be used:

  • Intolerance of the components used.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Acute period of cold disease.
  • Skin lesions, diseases, large moles, warts at the places of direct tissue application.
  • The age of the baby is up to 12 months.
  • Heart ailments.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Tumors.

Types of compresses from cough

Choose a suitable compress for a dry or wet cough is not difficult. They are a huge number: oily, cabbage, water, potato, honey, vinegar, cold, hot, curd, alcohol. And this is not a complete list. All of them are perfectly combined with other medical procedures, drugs and drugs.

Potato cough compress

This is ideal for those who have a very sensitive skin and a dry, violent cough. For such a bandage it is necessary:

  • Take a few potatoes, clean them thoroughly.
  • Boil along with the skin.
  • Stirred tubers.
  • Puree is divided into two sections of gauze, fabric until the middle.
  • Cover the gruel with a free edge.
  • One compress of potatoes put on the chest, the second on the back.
  • Top cover with polyethylene, fix with elastic bandages, warm.

Warm up the body for several hours, until the potatoes cool. The results can be seen after the first procedure.

Compress with dimexidom from cough

This dressing has an excellent warming effect. To apply it, you need to take the following steps:

  • The medicine is diluted half with water.
  • The resulting liquid is heated to 40 degrees.
  • In it, gauze or a clean cloth is moistened, pressed.
  • Immediately straightened, put on the chest sick person.
  • Covered with a bag or film.
  • Warms up, left for a time not exceeding 1 hour.
  • After removing the tissue, the skin is wiped with water.
  • The patient warms up.

It should be remembered that some people have an allergic reaction to a compress of cough with dimexidum. In this case, such a procedure can not be done.

Cough water compress

Very popular, effective and simple is a warming compress with vodka. To use it you need:

  • Take diluted alcohol or plain vodka without additives.
  • Heat the liquid to 40 degrees.
  • Wet gauze, bandage and squeeze.
  • Immediately apply a moist layer on the skin, cover with a film.
  • Put a waist, scarf or towel, wrap the bandage with a bandage.

The exposure time should not exceed 4 hours. If, after removing the layers, the skin turns red, then it indicates a burn. In this case, the exposure time in the future should be reduced.

Curd cough compress

Excellent in helping to cope with sharp reflex exhalations bandage of cottage cheese.

To superimpose it, the following actions are performed:

  • Cottage cheese is heated.
  • The liquid which has left is poured out.
  • The rest is wrapped in cloth or gauze, put on the chest to the patient.
  • It is covered from above with polyethylene.
  • It is wrapped in a scarf or towel.
  • The bandage is left for the whole night, and in the morning they are removed.

Cabbage pack of coughs

An affordable, simple, safe and very effective means to help get rid of the reflex jerks of the diaphragm is cabbage. It should be used as follows:

  • Tear off the fleshy leaf.
  • A little roll it with a rolling pin for dough.
  • Lubricate with honey, apply this side to the chest.
  • Cover with a plastic bag or wax paper.
  • Insulate, fix with a bandage.

Leave it all night. After a few procedures, the cough should pass.

Despite all the safety and effectiveness of compresses, it must be remembered that before using them, you still need to consult a doctor. After all, for a successful fight with a dry or wet cough you need to know how it is caused by the disease. The specialist will be able to correctly diagnose ailment and choose the most effective means for getting rid of it.

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