Headache with colds

Why is a cold headache? Or can I just so


Open Company "Rigel"

If you consider what a common man calls a cold, any doctor calls a respiratory viral infection. T. as a result of cooling your immunity is reduced and the virus gets into the body. And any virus negatively affects not only the entrance gates of the body: nose, throat, but also has a toxic effect on the central nervous system as a whole. (one of the negative effects). And actually from here and a headache. Similarly, a headache can occur when the temperature rises.

cornflower nightingale

Most often with a cold headache is a consequence of the common cold =)


temperature, even if it has risen by a few tenths, the head can already hurt, and this is the most lousy because it is not worth to knock down such a temperature


then he and the virus

Malvina Malina

1. Intoxication of the body. Often accompanied by fever, general weakness, pain in the muscles, bones, lack of appetite.
2. Coryza.
3. Inflammation of the sinuses of the nose (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinitis). If the head is tilted forward, the pain intensifies downward, especially in the forehead, orbits - this is most likely it.

instagram viewer


Headaches and temperature, is due to intoxication (poisoning) of the body due to the inflammatory process, if simply explained.

Tatiana Matveeva

my head is hot


At me too baschat hurts PPC.
but the bonus - get up at night, tea to boil and gargle rinse - cockroaches in the kitchen pieces of 10 per night killed))

Lida Burtseva

Kapets, 4 times a year fell ill; there is no immunity at all.. Again I got stuck. It is necessary to drink hot milk with propolis tincture or with honey (drink with small sips, or you can burn the throat for the night) Tea with honey and lemon.

That the head was not ill at a cold that it is necessary to drink or eat?


Alexander Tolbuzin

ABOUT! What people! We are here together in the morning together ..))
In fact, to get rid of the pain you can eat 2 pills nurofen plus. this ooooochen effective tool. but it does not cure a cold, atolko relieves pain, fever and inflammation. To be cured You need to drink medical hot drink. At least 2 liters. A spoonful of honey, a spoonful of raspberry, a spoon of currant and a slice of lemon. Fill it all with a hot, but not boiling (not to kill vitamins) water. Drink quickly, then again... Sweat, pee - all the disease with the liquid and will come out! Be healthy!

The very same

Cognac can be... shop vessels expand... ))


i drink nimese

Alena Luxurious

Teraflyu, just will not be sick.

Olga Pavlova

Very strong and very sweet tea with honey can quite help. Well... or take a tablet of caffetin.

Pathfinder (he is St. John's wort :))

The head is not well..., tie up and down :)))

Victor Kuznetsov

a warm pad on the neck and the back of the head

Irina Alekseeva

raspberry liquor, wash down with strong tea, helps.

the devil of good

analgin, tempolgin


Salted cucumbers zahavat. If not, water with salt.

Cano Mayo

Che that swallow this chemistry.
It is necessary to drink Corvalolum or Valocordinum. There you can add a few drops of tinctures of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian.
It is harmless and helps from the head.


If calcium is low - then something with calcium,
if alcohol in the blood is not enough then vodka,
if endomorphine - morphine prick,
If urine in the blood is little urinotherapy,
Look at the intestines if there is not enough feces, eat go ..

The remaining Sumyray

Stupid - tsitramon.
But better - more hot sweet drink.
This is intoxication.


"Asterisk to taste whiskey!

Why does my head hurt after the flu?

Many are worried about the question - why the headache after the flu. It would seem that the disease is cured, but the head is still spinning and hurting. This can be a sign of serious illnesses, so you can not delay with a visit to the doctor.

Headache with influenza is the body's response to the action of viruses, but after a complete cure, no pain sensations should arise.

Some try to relieve the headache with analgesics, but sometimes it only helps for a while, and then the pain returns again. It should be understood that painkillers will not eliminate the cause of the pain, which may be a symptom of a serious illness.

Arachnoiditis can be the cause of a headache after the flu

A very frequent consequence of influenza is arachnoiditis, a disease in which the soft membrane of the brain or spinal cord inflames. In this case, the spider web is significantly affected. The disease is polyethological. The reasons for which the disease may occur include various infections (measles, scarlet fever), including those causing the flu.

With this disease, which is a complication after the flu, thickening of the arachnoid membrane occurs, in the connective tissue there are spikes or cysts filled with a transparent and turbid liquid.

The symptoms of the disease include, in the first place, headache, most often arising in the morning. It can intensify with physical exertion, with strengthening often there is nausea and vomiting. In some cases, people begin to feel dizzy, memory weakens. Against the background of these processes, patients become irritable, sleep is disturbed, apathy appears, the main signs of an organism intoxication are noted - fast fatigue and weakness, increased sweating. This complication can cause even epileptic seizures.

Treatment of arachnoiditis depends on which infection caused the disease. Therapy includes the appointment of antibacterial, desensitizing and antihistamines. Treatment of this disease is long and complex. In order not to cause harm to the body, with only appearing painful sensations in the head immediately after the transferred flu, you should consult a specialist. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

Many believe that a severe headache is a consequence of the flu, but this is completely wrong. Pain sensations signal that an inflammatory process has begun in the brain, ears or nasal sinuses, which must be treated immediately. The flu is not terrible as an independent disease, it is dangerous because of its consequences, which sometimes kill adults and children.

What are the complications after the flu?

Meningitis is a fairly dangerous disease in which the meninges become inflamed. If a person was not vaccinated on time from meningitis, the onset of the disease after the flu occurs in 99%.

With a progressive disease in a person, the head is very sore, the neck is numb (it is impossible to tilt the head forward because of pain) the body temperature rises significantly, consciousness is disturbed, photophobia, sensitivity to touch, sounds. The disease progresses very quickly.

In no case can self-medication of this condition be carried out, since the started meningitis that have appeared against the background of the flu, very often cause death. If a person comes to the hospital with a headache after the flu and he has been diagnosed with meningitis, the doctors carry out emergency and intensive therapy.

The patient is in the intensive care unit for the first few days, where he undergoes anti-bacterial therapy, antiviral treatment. Only if the person turned on time, the result of treatment will be positive. The main prevention of meningitis after the flu is grafting. A common cause of meningitis after the flu is self-medication. Therefore, parents should remember - the child does not need to be treated independently, always go to the pediatrician to exclude such terrible consequences.

Headache after the flu with sinusitis

A sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. The disease occurs against the background of the influenza. If you do not make timely treatment, then the disease develops into a chronic form.

The main signs are headaches and pain sensations in the nose, nose, above the eyes, depending on the localization of the inflammatory process. Basically, the pain appears in the evening. Can increase with tilts. In addition to these signs, a person becomes difficult breathing, he begins to talk "in the nose." Excretions from the sinuses are transparent or purulent, depending on the stage of the disease and inflammation.


Almost always sinusitis is accompanied not only by headache, but also by increased body temperature, lack of appetite, fatigue, sleep disturbance. Diagnose the disease based on X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography. The main task of treating sinusitis is to reduce pain, remove swelling and eradicate the infection. For this purpose, antibacterial drugs, physical therapy, vasoconstrictive drugs are prescribed.

In those cases, if the head hurts after the flu, nasal discharge and purulent medication does not give practically no results, doctors use a surgical operation. Sinusitis is a complication after the flu, which, if untimely, can cause meningitis, neuritis, and osteomyelitis. Therefore, doctors do not recommend delaying with treatment.

Possible complications after the flu are otitis media

Another disease that causes pain in the head after the flu is otitis. And it is widespread enough not only in childhood. Very often negligent parents independently treat the flu, so in the future the children not only begin to have a headache, there is an otitis which can accompany the person all life, but also there are such terrible consequences, as a defect heart.


With the flu, human immunity is greatly weakened, giving good soil for viruses. Therefore, as a consequence - a viral infection settles in the ears. Headache is provoked by swelling and inflammation. The main symptoms of otitis are pain in the head, in the jaw area. Not always this type of inflammation is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Therefore any atypical painful sensations after a flu in the field of a head should become "zvonochkom" for the person.

In the event that a person has recently had the flu, but the head did not stop ache after recovery, and this is an indisputable sign of otitis, it should be:

  • 2 times a day bury the ears with special alcohol drops, which the doctor prescribed;
  • make warming compresses throughout the day;
  • observe the general condition of the body and periodically visit the doctor.

Self-treatment can lead to the spread of infection. In some cases, otitis treatment requires the patient to be in a hospital in a stationary position. This is necessary to exclude possible more serious diseases, such as meningitis.

If the otitis is not treated, then it is fraught with a rupture of the tympanic membrane, exudative otitis, deafness, complete deafness.


Infectious diseases, bacterial infections, including microorganisms that cause influenza, can cause irreparable Damage to the body, but if a person turns in time for medical help - unpleasant consequences and complications can be to avoid. It should be remembered that the head after the flu should not be ill. This symptom indicates the progress of another disease.


If the cold has a headache, what should I do?



Did you drink anything yesterday? At me today all night long the head in the same way hurted ..

Personal Cabinet Removed

if you do not sleep a lot with not the habits you might need to sleep with me like that was like

Your angel

pressure a cold cloth on the forehead or on the back of the head
and a tablet


Heliyatin will help.

Ba; ovich

Did you try the pills?

Anya Solomanina

I have the same garbage recently. I still felt sick, and my head sometimes did not hurt, but I felt dizzy, and sometimes I broke up. But there was no temperature. It's all right, it's all over. So it's nothing to worry about.


shock dose of vitamin C - tea with lemon, pomegranate juice and mp

Cat Vasya

I'd have a cup of strong tea, and tried to go to bed to sleep, in the sense of falling asleep!

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