Hygroma of the knee joint in children - how to diagnose and treat

In the world of medicine, hygroma is called benign formations filled with a colorless liquid and limited to a capsule.

Rounded tumors are attached to the joints (sometimes tendons) by their base and are covered with skin (it remains unchanged).

Unfortunately, hygroma is diagnosed in children. How to find out the hygienic knee joint in a child and how to treat it, find out in this article.


  • 1What causes the hygroma?
  • 2Symptomatology
  • 3Complications
  • 4Hygroma of the knee joint and popliteal fossa - treatment
  • 5Folk remedies against hygromes
  • 6Preventive measures

What causes the hygroma?

The emergence of the hygroma of the knee is most often triggered by recent trauma or excessive strain on the tendon zone.

Since most children are mobile and often injured, it is possible that the hygroma may arise as a result of injuries and bruises.

This manifestation is subject to the wrist joint, carpal and knee, as well as the foot, popliteal fossa, neck, rarely - the brain.

Hygroma of the knee arises most often, as children often injure the knee during games or physical education.

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Most often the hygroma is localized in the area of ​​the synovial bags under the skin. If the hygroma hurts or has begun to develop actively, complications arise or there is a desire to remove the cosmetic defect, a surgical operation is performed.

Hygroma of the knee joint in children doctors are often called ganglia (from English "knot"). This is a fairly common problem. There is no special reason. The most dangerous location of the cyst is the occipital region, since there is a possibility of a lethal outcome.

The main predisposing factors are:

  • extremely low or, conversely, too high activity;
  • trauma to the popliteal fossa;
  • knee injury;
  • stretching of tendons, ligaments.
There is a possibility that the child's hygroma can occur already in the womb, later - in the post-uterine period of development.

The tumor is removed by surgery (one important condition - the child is more than 10 years old).

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The manifestations of this disease for many factors depend on the size of the build-up. Patients in whom he is small, as a rule, do not complain about any ailments. However, as soon as the hygroma begins to develop and grow, dull pain arises in the affected area.

If she squeezed a bundle of nerves and blood vessels, in addition to pain, added increased skin sensitivity (hyperesthesia) and a sense of "goose bumps" and even numbness (paresthesia).

In the worst case, venous congestion will begin to appear, neuralgic pain will appear.

When gigroma in children, the surface of education is smooth, soft and elastic. In adults, if the cause lies in professional activity, the skin above it becomes thickened and rough to the touch.

The tumor becomes a rounded shape no more than 5 cm in diameter, and in the joint itself, when moving / squeezing, a drawing pain begins to be felt.


It is worth to be cautious, because due to accidental external influence (trauma), the tumor can be opened. Then its contents will start to flow through the holes that appeared in the surrounding tissues.

After the shell has been crushed, it quickly acquires tightness, as a result of which it is again filled with liquid and can cause the appearance of other similar formations. In addition, inflammation can develop, and in the worst case - suppuration with the infection.

Hygroma of the knee joint and popliteal fossa - treatment

First, it is very important to understand that independent treatment of hygroma in children is strictly prohibited. Secondly, for many years doctors have been looking for ways to deal with this problem, and have come to the conclusion that conservative methods are ineffective, most of the treatment courses conducted did not yield positive results, and some ended relapses.

The most effective was surgical intervention, implying complete excision of the ganglion. The patient is 100% relieved of the possibility of relapse.

The operation lasts about half an hour, is a fairly thin and laborious work of a surgeon, requiring experience and skill.

This is the hygroma of the knee, if it is represented schematically

Postoperative sutures are removed after about a week, while the limb is fixed with a back gypsum tape (it is removed not earlier than in 3-4 weeks). In the event that the baby's hygroma has reached a sufficiently large size or its location is difficult to access, general anesthesia is given.

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Crushing is considered the most painful method of combating the hygroma of the knee joint. Also spend its punctuation.

In this case, all the contents are sucked from the tumor (a syringe is used). However, there is one big drawback here. Although the hygroma dissolves, but after a while the liquid starts to accumulate again (the shell remains in place).

In children, the appearance of the popliteal cyst and the presence of various diseases are not interrelated. The first step in the treatment of the hyposoma of the popliteal fossa (the so-called Becker cyst) in the child is dynamic observation, which is especially important for the youngest.

At them the tumor can disappear spontaneously without any external intervention. In this period, it is necessary to exclude any sports games or trainings, under which the load on the diseased limb will be exercised. It is important for parents to understand that relapse is possible, which means that repeated surgical intervention may be necessary.

Folk remedies against hygromes

As a treatment can be used burned on the fire, copper plates, wetted in the tissues of the napkin, the use of cabbage juice, the application of cabbage honey compresses and compresses from pieces of the body of jellyfish or tea mushrooms, as well as all kinds of lotions (alcohol, for example, or prepared from the juice of aloe, honey and rye flour).

The copper plate must be burned on fire, then rinsed in a concentrated solution of salt and applied to the diseased area well by bandaging it. Three days later, the procedure must be repeated.

A tissue that is wetted in the urine should be clean and of plain cloth. It is applied to the gigrom, then covered with cellophane and wrapped in a woolen scarf.

To produce cabbage juice, the required number of leaves is passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is squeezed through gauze. Juice is better to eat before eating, not after. The number of times a liquid is drunk must not be less than one glass. Drink juice for one month.

Cabbage juice is considered one of the most effective folk remedies for children with gigroma

Preventive measures

It is impossible to fully insure the child from hygroma.

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Here are some tips that will help reduce the likelihood of its appearance or notice its development at the initial stage:

  1. The child should have comfortable clothes and shoes.
  2. It is desirable to reduce the games and other activities with increased traumatism to a minimum.
  3. Always follow the child and listen to his complaints.
  4. If you notice a suspicious bump in the knee area, go to the doctor.
  5. Carefully treat injuries and injuries.

In time, the detected hygroma of the knee does not pose a serious danger, so consult a doctor before the hygroma takes more serious scales.