How to deal with conjunctivitis in adults?

Do you have the feeling that sand was poured into your eyes? There was dryness, itching and burning, and the eyes became red, like a rabbit? Most likely, you have conjunctivitis. It is this diagnosis that puts more than 50% of patients who have turned to an ophthalmologist with similar symptoms.

No one is immune from the appearance of conjunctivitis. This disease can affect both the newborn and the adult. It is caused by viral or bacterial infections, as well as allergic reactions.Mucous eyes become inflamed.

If properly treated, from conjunctivitis can get rid of quickly enough. But if the disease is started, then it can go into a chronic form, and in some cases even lead to loss of vision.

How to not lose sight at a detachment of a retina read here.


  • 1What it is?
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms of the disease
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Home remedies
  • 7Prevention
  • 8Complications
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

What it is?

Conjunctivitis is a disease characterized by an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the eye mucosa. Depending on the stimulus, different types of conjunctivitis are distinguished:

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  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • allergic;
  • fungal.

Infection with conjunctivitis can be airborne (allergic and viral) or contact (bacterial).

According to the clinical course of the disease, there are two forms of conjunctivitis:

  1. Acute conjunctivitis.The stage of exacerbation lasts from four days to a week. Can occur with bacterial, allergic or viral conjunctivitis. In the acute period, the feeling of pain, of the eyes in the eyes increases, it seems that something has got into the eye, the eye is festering or watering. A fever can rise.
  2. Chronic form can develop with prolonged exposure to pathogens.For example, because of smoke, dust, a long intense visual work, with poor lighting of the workplace. Often suffer from chronic conjunctivitis workers in factories in hot shops, the chemical industry. Chronic diseases of other organs can lead to chronic conjunctivitis. For example, complicates the course of the disease of sinusitis, gastrointestinal tract diseases, helminthic invasion, etc.


Conjunctiva - a thin and transparent shell of the eye. Its main functions are to isolate tear fluid and protect the eye from infections and mechanical debris.

If the conjunctiva does not cope with these functions, the mucous eye becomes inflamed.As a result, there is a disease like conjunctivitis. The following stimuli attack the conjunctiva:

  • bacteria (E. coli, gonococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, etc.);
  • viruses (herpes, measles, adenovirus);
  • allergic pathogens (cheap decorative cosmetics, medicines, cleaning products, washing powders, etc.);
  • parasitic fungi (Sporotrichum, Actinomicetes, Candida albicans, Pennicillium viridans, etc.);
  • mechanical action.

Unwashed hands are the most important provoker of conjunctivitis.

The likelihood of catching inflammation of the mucosa increases in the following cases:

  • weakening of immunity;
  • visual impairment;
  • chronic diseases of tear ducts;
  • microtrauma of the eye.

Symptoms of the disease

There are common signs characteristic of conjunctivitis of any kind. These include such manifestations as:

  • redness of the eye;
  • edema of the eyelids;
  • tear;
  • fear of light.

Why there is a fear of light, this material will tell.

Bacterial conjunctivitis is characterized by strong purulent discharge of dark yellow or gray.Sometimes after sleep, it is difficult for the patient to open his eyes because of heavy viscous secretions. Another symptom is the dryness of the conjunctiva. As a rule, only one eye is inflamed.

Viral conjunctivitis brings viral diseases, so inflammation and itching are accompanied by fever, sore throat, rhinitis. Purulent discharge is not observed, only abundant lacrimation. Sometimes follicles appear. From one eye the disease quickly changes to the second.

Allergic conjunctivitis is characterized by acute pain, eye swelling, itching.With mechanical damage to the conjunctiva or poisoning with toxic substances, the patient experiences severe pain, especially when trying to look to the side or up.

What to do if the eyelids are swollen read this link.


In most cases, for examination of conjunctivitis, it is sufficient to examine with a slit lamp.

A decisive role in establishing a correct diagnosis is played by anamnesis: what preceded the onset of symptoms, in what sequence they appeared, etc.

In rare cases, additional diagnostics are necessary:

  • smear;
  • scraping;
  • seeding with conjunctiva.

In the presence of concomitant manifestations on the part of other organs, other studies may be used, for example, a blood test, fluorography or lung X-rays, etc.


To identify the cause of conjunctivitis and the appointment of competent treatment, you need to contact a specialist who will tell you how to treat conjunctivitis. Self-medication and the use of any medications can only muffle the symptoms, but not eliminate the cause. As a result, blepharitis, keratitis, canal and other complications can develop. Inflammation can go into a chronic form.

What is blepharitis and how to treat it you will learn from this article.

Treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis

Treatment of conjunctivitis depends on their etiology:

  • Bacterial conjunctivitis is treated with eye drops and ointments, which include various antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action. If the effect of treatment is not available, it is necessary to clarify the sensitivity of the pathogen to the groups of antibiotics and change the drug.
  • Gonococcal conjunctivitis also requires systemic antibiotic treatment. The therapy continues until the disappearance of gonococci in smears from the conjunctiva cavity.
  • In diphtheritic conjunctivitis, serum protivodiphtheria is urgently introduced.Hourly washing of the conjunctival cavity with aseptic solutions is performed, antibiotics and sulfonamides are prescribed for general and topical administration, as well as resorptive preparations.
  • To treat viral conjunctivitis, antiviral drops and ointments that contain recombinant interferon or interferonogens are used, which stimulate the production of interferon.Additionally, antiviral drugs are given inside, as well as multivitamins to strengthen immunity.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis requires the identification and removal of an allergen.Antihistamines are prescribed in drops and tablets. In some cases, drops with corticosteroids may be used.

At what diseases are used antiviral drops read here.

Home remedies

Oak bark contains tannins, thanks to which you can remove inflammation, redness and swelling. The prepared and cooled broth is applied to the eyes in the form of lotions and is used for washing.

Anti-inflammatory effect of juice of cucumbers. Lotion from the decoction of this juice will help to remove the itching and redness.

As is known,good anti-inflammatory properties have chamomile.From it is prepared a decoction, which must be used inside four times a day for a third of the glass. Also with chamomile broth it is useful to wash eyes and make from it lotions.

Often in the treatment of conjunctivitis, ordinary brewing is used. Brewed tea bags are used as lotions, and unsweetened strong tea is suitable for washing the eyes.Aloe vera juice fights well with conjunctivitis. Eit is necessary to dilute boiled water in the proportion: 0. From the resulting solution, make lotions and wash their eyes. To improve immunity and relieve inflammation, traditional medicine recommends the use of tea mushroom infusion. You can drink it, wash your eyes and make a lot of it.

Procedures should be carried out at least 4 times a day for both eyes.

Home and folk remedies should be used as additional methods to fight the disease. The basis should be the treatment prescribed by the oculist.


Conjunctivitis is a contagious disease. Therefore, the main rule is simple - regularly wash your hands and watch for body hygiene.If the vector of the disease lives nearby, he should use separate towels, dishes, hygiene items.

To avoid conjunctivitis, you need:

  • timely treatment of eye diseases;
  • correct vision;
  • do not run fungal infections on the skin;
  • do not use poor-quality decorative cosmetics or products with expired shelf life;
  • improve working conditions;
  • Do not violate safety at work;
  • properly take care of contact lenses, do not wear them longer than the due date.


Very often acute conjunctivitis passes into a chronic form. This happens with improper treatment, a broken mode of taking medication or not cured until the end of the disease. In the event of complications in the form of ulcers, vision loss may occur.

The most dangerous complication of conjunctivitis is keratitis, which can lead to loss of vision.

With the penetration of inflammation into deep tissues, phlegmon and abscesses can form.



Conjunctivitis is a common disease, characteristic for both children and adults. But with a timely appeal to the ophthalmologist, with a properly prescribed treatment, the disease in an adult can be cured in a few days. Do not neglect the advice that is offered for the prevention of the disease. And you should not treat the disease yourself or delay the trip to the doctor.