We select effective ointments from psoriasis

Unfortunately, for today the reasons of occurrence of a psoriasis still precisely are not established. However, one can say with certainty that the risk of the appearance of this disease increases hereditary factors, disorders of the endocrine and digestive system. That is why the treatment of psoriasis at home should be approached in a comprehensive manner, affecting the entire body as a whole.

  • Hormonal
  • Based on triamcinolone
  • Flumethasone
  • Based on mometasone
  • Hydrocortisone preparations
  • Based on clobetasol
  • Non-hormonal means
  • Indifferent
  • Tar
  • Petroleum preparations
  • Homeopathy
  • Folk remedies
  • Honey ointment
  • Ointment based on linden honey
  • Mustard ointment
Related articles:
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  • Psoriasis: treatment and photo of the initial stage
  • We find out whether psoriasis is contagious
  • How to cure psoriasis forever at home: recipes

One of the components of psoriasis therapy is the treatment with drugs, for external use. They can be presented in the form of creams, ointments, lotions, sprays. The most effective among them are ointments. They can be divided into two large groups: hormonal and nonhormonal.

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IMPORTANT!Consult a physician who treats psoriasis before starting any ointment and find out whether psoriasis is infectious or not.

Let's look at each of these groups in more detail.


Hormonal ointments are considered more effective, they allow in the shortest possible time to eliminate all unpleasant symptoms of the disease: itching, flaking, inflammation. However, despite the effectiveness, with prolonged use of hormonal drugs can cause serious violations in the functioning of the body, have a number of contraindications and side effects. From their long-term use, the liver, kidneys endocrine and cardiovascular system suffer.

Important!Treatment and symptoms of psoriasis on the head is a separate interesting article.

Based on triamcinolone

Ointments based on this substance can quickly eliminate itching and allergies. After applying the drug, the division of skin cells is inhibited and the inflammatory process stops.

Side effects. May be addictive. With prolonged use, the risk of infectious diseases and skin atrophy increases.

Names of preparations: Berlikort, Fododerm, Kenalog.


Flumethazone ointments are one of the most effective agents in the treatment of psoriasis. They have anti-inflammatory, antiexudative properties, which allows to remove allergy and inflammation in the shortest possible time.

In some cases, there may appear side effects such as itching, light burning, changing the natural color of the skin.

Preparations that include flumetazol: Lokaselen, Lorinden, Flukort, Ultralan.

Based on mometasone

Mometasone ointments are a potent remedy that effectively removes all the external symptoms of psoriasis. The drug removes inflammation, eliminates itching and exerts an antiexudative effect.

Possible side effects: itching, secondary skin infections, acne.

Preparations: Avecourt, Monovo, Gystan N, Silkaren.

Hydrocortisone preparations

Hydrocortisone - an active substance that eliminates inhibitory cell division and the development of the inflammatory process.

With prolonged use it can cause skin irritation.

Preparations: Cortef, Laticort, Oxicort.

Based on clobetasol

Clobetasol is a hormonal substance that belongs to the group of glucocorticoid agents. Ointments based on this substance can quickly remove itching and inflammation, stop cell division and allergic reaction.

However, despite the high effectiveness of clobetasol ointments, they have serious side effects. After application within 5 days cause skin atrophy, widening of the lumen of blood vessels.

Preparations: Skin-Cap, Cloveit, Dermovayt.

Non-hormonal means

Of course, non-hormonal drugs do not have such high efficiency and speed of action, as hormonal. But, despite this, they have a number of other advantages. First, a much smaller range of side effects, and secondly - relative cheapness. So, let's take a closer look.


Indifferent - this means, in which there are no active substances. They are prescribed primarily on the progressing stage of the disease. (We already wrote about the initial stage of psoriasis in detail in our article). They are not absorbed by the skin and do not react chemically with it, but at the same time soften the epidermis, allowing them to exfoliate dead and keratinized skin areas.


  1. Salicylic ointment. Has an antiseptic and anti-allergenic effect. Often used to eliminate peeling.
  2. Zinc. Eliminates inflammation and irritation on the skin. It has an antiseptic effect, it dries out the skin.
  3. Zinocap. Has antiseptic and antifungal effect.


Ointments on the basis of tar excellently remove the inflammation on the skin and disinfect its surface. However, because of their locally irritating effect, the application should be started with small doses. With extreme caution, use the drug in sunny weather, since tar has a photosensitizing effect.

Contraindications: kidney disease and purulent skin lesions.

Side effects: nausea and vomiting, headache, skin irritation.

Preparations: Forest fluid, Berestin, colloidin.

Petroleum preparations

Oil-based ointments have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. These funds quickly remove itching and burning, promote exfoliation of the horny skin areas.

Oil can not be used in the period of exacerbation of psoriasis. The drugs are contraindicated in anemia and kidney failure.

Side effects include dry skin and irritation.

Preparations: Naphthalan Ointment, Losterin, Ointment for "on-call plaques".


Homeopathy is a kind of alternative medicine that involves the treatment of "like-like". Homeopathic remedies are substances that, when taken in high doses, are capable of inducing symptoms in the patient that are similar to the symptoms of their disease. Today, these drugs are actively used to treat psoriasis. They allow you to quickly get rid of the external manifestations of psoriasis, for a fairly long time. One of the most effective homeopathic ointments is Psoriaten. This remedy perfectly copes with redness and peeling of the skin, reduces the risk of relapses.

Folk remedies

If you for one reason or another do not want to buy an ointment in a pharmacy, then you can prepare it yourself, using the recipes of traditional medicine. The main advantage of this method is that the resulting tool will contain only unique components.

Honey ointment

Would need:

  • solidol 250 g;
  • honey 70 g;
  • baby cream 20 g;
  • egg white 1 pc.
  • sulfuric ointment 20 g.

Combine the ingredients listed, and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Collect the ointment stored in the refrigerator. Apply three times a day to the affected areas of the skin.

Ointment based on linden honey

Would need:

  • honey 100 g;
  • solidol 300 g;
  • egg yolk 2 pcs.

Combine honey and saltol in a homogeneous mass, and then add the yolks and mix thoroughly again. Ointment is applied a thin layer on the damaged skin surface 3-4 times a day.

Mustard ointment

Would need:

  • dry mustard ½ h. spoons;
  • butter 1 hour. a spoon;
  • a decoction of St. John's Wort 100 g.

In a container, fill in the dry mustard and pour it into the warm broth of St. John's wort, mix it. Add the soft butter to the mixture. Ointment should be applied no more than once a week, applying it to the skin with a cotton swab.