Features of treatment and prevention of simbelfarone

Simblefaron is a complete or partial fusion of the conjunctiva of the eyelids with conjunctiva of the eyeball, caused by trauma, chemical or thermal burn of the visual apparatus, as well as some systemic diseases. In ophthalmology, a similar symptom is diagnosed relatively infrequently, but the pathology tends to be rapid progression, so you need an urgent appeal to a specialist to prevent the development of irreversible processes.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Simblefaron is not ordinarily assigned to a separate disease, since this is only a pathological state of the structural elements of the eye.In Greek, the anomaly translates as "the fusion of the century which completely determines the clinical picture of the disease. Simblefaron is an adhesive process between the connective tissue of the eyelids and the conjunctiva of the eyeball. There are two types of pathology:

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  • Partial Simblepharon. Spikes occur only for a part of the century, representing specific jumper from connective tissue. Plus, the anterior or posterior symphylpharon is distinguished, depending on the localization of the fusion;
  • Full. The tissues of the century fully fuse with the eyeball, which makes most of the visual functions difficult.

In addition, if the pathology was caused by a trauma or a chemical burn, there is a possibility of forming a bilateral simbelfarone, which requires urgent treatment, because the visual functions are practically not performed. Such a defect is more often diagnosed in people over 30 years of age, there is no gender regularity.

Sometimes there is a so-called false symphlepharon, which is an abnormal shortening of the connective tissues of the eyelids, for example, in trachoma. Therefore, prior to developing a treatment strategy, it is very important to have a competent diagnosis.


In most cases, the simbelfarone is due to a thermal or chemical burn(more often lime or acid), and can also develop against a background of severe forms of conjunctivitis. Pathology is a common symptom of some systemic and ophthalmic diseases, for example, Stevens-Johnson's disease or cicatricial pemphigoid of the eye.In medicine, episodes of diagnosing a disease due to an abnormality of embryonic development, but such cases are extremely rare.


Clinical manifestations of pathology largely depend on the severity of the pathology.Almost always there is discomfort in blinking and movement of the eyeball, right up to the cutting pain. Because of the glandular function, there is a profuse tearing or complete drying of the conjunctiva of the eye (dry keratoconjunctivitis develops).There may appear opacity of the cornea and develop a strong edema, which in the absence of therapy passes into necrosis.

Structure of the eye

The greatest danger is not the pathology itself, but the emergence of the risk of developing severe infectious and viral diseases, which are difficult to treat with the adhesion process.

Possible complications

A defect rarely leads to the development of complications, but creates the conditions for the appearance of some inflammatory ophthalmic diseases, since the main function of the eyelids is suppressed - the protective and moisturizing.In addition, with a strong adhesion process, active regeneration of fibrous tissue occurs, and a likelihood of lagophthalmia arises - the impossibility of completely covering the eyes.

In neglected cases, almost always an ailment can be aggravated by a turn of the lower eyelid, as well as trichiasis, an abnormal growth of the eyelashes towards the eyeball, which intensifies the inflammatory processes.


The most optimal treatment for symphobaron is surgery. There is an opinion that the usual dissection of adhesions is the simplest operational method, but this is not entirely true. In advanced cases, the procedure can lead to the progression of the disease and cause a strong inflammatory process of the conjunctiva. Therapeutic methods largely depend on the etiology and the degree of development of the symphobaron. Surgical intervention consists in partial dissection of adhesions and subsequent blepharoplasty and conjunctivoplasty.At the initial stage, as well as against the background of Stevens-Johnson syndrome, complex medical therapy is prescribed, which includes eye corticosteroids, ointments based on erythromycin, as well as compliance with regular hygienic procedures for mucosal care eye.When diagnosing secondary trichiasis, eyelash epilation or cryotherapy is recommended.


Treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist on the basis of diagnostic data. Categorically it is not recommended to use all possible folk methods of medicine, which can only cause complication of the disease.

With partial symphobarone, the prognosis is usually favorable. Difficulties in treatment can appear only with a complete neglected pathology, when the accompanying symptoms developed. In this case, the question of keratoplasty may be raised to restore visual functions.


In most cases, the simbelfaron appears after a strong chemical or thermal effect on the eyes.To avoid this, you need to use personal protective equipment when working with harmful substances, as well as comply with safety regulations. To prevent such an ailment in the presence of systemic diseases, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations to reveal the onset of pathological development at an early stage.

When making a diagnosis, you must strictly observe all the rules of personal hygiene: to wipe the eyes, you should only use disposable napkins or tampons, thoroughly wash in the morning and at bedtime, and also if possible reduce the number of cosmetic means.And, of course, you need to comply with all the prescriptions of the doctor and not postpone the operation, if necessary.



Simblefaron is a severe ophthalmic defect, which has the property of rapidly progressing without proper treatment. That is why it is so important not only to constantly take care of the health of your eyes, but also to turn to a specialist in time when there are characteristic symptoms.

Read also about the coloboma of the iris of the eye.

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