The retina plays one of the most important roles in the visual perception of the environment. This component is an internal sensitive shell of the eye, which performs the function of receiving a light and color signal, and then delivering it through the optic nerve to the brain.
Retina is one of the most complex structures of the visual organ. It is she who is responsible for projecting images and transmitting them in the form of electrical pulses through the optic nerve to the brain. Therefore, any diseases of the retina lead, first of all, to a deterioration in vision. To maintain visual ability and avoid radical measures to restore it, it is important to identify diseases in time and treat them at an early stage. But today there are about ten pathologies of the reticular membrane: how to distinguish them from each other?
At present, medicine already knows a lot of various pathologies of the retina of the eye. The most dangerous and common of all these ailments is detached retina. The level of development of modern medicine, fortunately, can successfully resist this disease.
There are 3 groups of diseases that can affect the retina of the eye:
Dystrophic. These pathologies can be congenital or acquired and are associated with structural changes in the photosensitive membrane.
Vascular.Most often, such retinal diseases develop against the background of existing pathologies affecting the circulatory system. For example, iridocyclitis.
Inflammatory. When the infectious lesion of the visual apparatus in the inflammatory process, sometimes the retina turns on.
Here is a list of the most common diseases that affect the retina of the eye:
One of the most common diseases of the retina is angiopathy.This pathology, affecting the vascular network of the membrane, develops when:
Tequal to the cervical spine,brain or chest.
This disease extends to all age groups of people, but people at risk are over 30 years old.
Minor hemorrhages in the sclera occur in many.This is not dangerous for eyesight and does not require a doctor.But when blood clots are formed in the mesh shell, there is an occasion to seek medical help. Hemorrhage in the retina usually occurs against a background of injuries differing in severity:
Easy.External damage to the eye is absent, vision is restored.
Average.There are injuries to the retina of the eye, visual ability is reduced.
Heavy.The structure of the visual organ is irreversibly damaged, the restoration of vision is even partially most likely not possible.Hemorrhage in the sclera
Treatment of hemorrhage in the eye is to stop bleeding and eliminate the cause that caused it. Radical measure - vitrectomy. This operation to remove the browned parts of the vitreous and blood clots from the retina.
Mesh sheath rupture
Rupture of the retina is associated with a violation of the integrity of the photosensitive membrane.As a result, this can lead to its complete detachment.There are the following types of rupture:
Holey.It occurs against the background of thinning of the retina in the periphery on the background of peripheral dystrophy. Usually, the cause of this rupture is degeneration in the form of a trace of a snail on the retina of the eye or latticed.
Valve.The rupture occurs against the background of the fusion of the membrane with the mass of the vitreous.
Macular.Observed in the field of central vision. It occurs against the background of the fusion of the macular zone of the retina with the vitreous body.
Toothed.Sometimes the retina tears along the dentate line. This occurs against a background of severe shocks and injuries.
A rupture of the retina without the beginning of the shell exfoliation is treated by laser coagulation. Sometimes resort to vitrectomy.
Macular edema
Edema of the retina in the central region is called edema of the macula - the part of the retina of the eye, which is about half in diameter, Macular edema develops in the background:
Central vein thrombosis is retina.
Chronic inflammation of blood vessels.
Cancer of the mesh shell.
Diabetic retinopathy.
Partial retinal detachment.
Toxic damage to the visual apparatus.
With macular edema, restoration of vision can take from 2 months to half a year.
Retinal detachment
This pathology of the retina is due to rupture of the retina.The exfoliated part of the photosensitive shell ceases to receive power, which leads to a disruption in the photoreceptors.In the pockets that form, fluid accumulates, causing visual impairment and the continuation of the detachment of the retina.
By classification, retinal detachment occurs:
Regmatogenes(rupture and detachment on the background of thinning of the retina).
Tractional(against the background of retina tension from the vitreous side when forming new vessels or fibrous tissue).
Exudative(occurs against the background of infectious diseases of the visual analyzer, ovulation in the vascular or reticular membranes).
Traumatic(exfoliate retina can immediately after injury or after several months and even years after eye injury).
Restoration of visual ability is more effective when applying for medical help immediately after the onset of symptoms of detachment of the retina.
Mesh shell dystrophy
Dystrophy of the retina is the degenerative irreversible processes occurring in the envelope.The disease progresses slowly, but leads to poor eyesight, but loss of vision is rare.Pathologies are more susceptible to older people, whose dystrophy is one of the common causes of visual impairment.
There are the following types of dystrophy:
Central(the middle part of the retina is affected, the central vision is broken)
Peripheral(changes only affect the peripheral parts of the shell, only side vision suffers).
The progress of the dystrophy of the retina can be stopped, but vision can not be restored after its violation due to degenerative processes.
Diagnostic Methods
In order to identify the patient's retinal diseases, it is necessary to go through the following procedures:
Tonometry- measurement of IOP (intraocular pressure).
Visometry- a study of the level of visual acuity, which allows to determine the state of the lesion site and vital central areas.
Electrophysiological examination of the eye (EFI) - assessment of the viability of cells of the retina and optic nerve.
Computer Perimetry- examination of visual fields for determining the state of peripheral regions of the reticular membrane.
Ophthalmoscopy- Investigation of the fundus, which allows to determine the centers of damage to the retina, the localization and the number of discontinuities. In addition, in the presence of detached sites of the retina.
Ophthalmoscopygives an opportunity to assess their condition, the strength of their connection with the vitreous body, as well as to identify areas that require increased attention during treatment activities.
Optical coherence tomography.
Amsler test to test the central field of view.
Computer tomography of the eye.
Procedures appoint a specialist, so the patient does not necessarily have to go through this whole complex.
Prophylactic measures for retinal diseases differ slightly depending on the type of disease, but in general they are very similar. The most important principles of successful preventive activities are a healthy lifestyle, a correct and fully balanced diet and a mandatory rejection of bad habits.
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It is very important to know and understand that the timely access to the doctor (with the first symptoms) and as a result the receipt of qualified medical care will help to avoid the development of serious complications. After all, often retinal diseases can cause irreversible damage to health and a person can forever lose sight.
Also, read about what diseases provoke putrefactive discharge from the eyes and diplopia.