Eye trauma: how to effect an effective treatment at home?

If you hurt your eyes, this can be a real problem that will negatively affect your vision. With a negative outcome, it may even be that you lose sight at all. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures that can be as effective as possible to help your eye recover. In most cases, it is necessary not to engage in self-treatment, but to promptly consult a doctor, but still something can be implemented as the first measures and independently. Let us consider what exactly.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2People's means
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

First, let's define what exactly we will consider when speaking about eye trauma.An eye injury is called any of its damages, which leads to a violation of the integrity of its shell.

Usually, along with a formal violation of the integrity of the shell, the functional capabilities of the eye also change, for example, vision is reduced.

The most common lesion is the cornea, the most unprotected part of the eyeball, but there are other situations, for example, even when the eyelid is damaged instead of with the eye.

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The most common trauma of the eye is caused by his defeat by some object, for example, a knife or a stone, a small foreign body (sand, dust, insects, etc.) or by mechanical action - squeezing, rubbing and so on Further.

But these reasons are not unique, the visual organs can be traumatized in another way. A wide range of damaging factors - chemical burns by cosmetic means, household chemicals, acids and alkalis.The latter are most dangerous, since they penetrate deeper into the structure of the eye, damaging not only the cornea, but also the lens, retina, and even the optic nerve.Slightly less severe in terms of consequences than chemical, but often found in everyday life - thermal burns with hot steam, less frequent frostbite or damage by ultraviolet or other kind radiation.In short, almost any type of exposure to the eye can potentially lead to trauma.

Burns are welded to industrial injuries.


Any visual trauma will be accompanied by at least uncomfortable, and in the worst case, painful sensations in the eye and, as a rule, reduced visual acuity and tear. Other symptoms may vary depending on the type of injury and its severity.

Possible variants of what the injured person can feel or see:

  • Internal hemorrhage.
  • Redness.
  • Puffiness of eyelids.
  • Sensations of the presence of a foreign body.
  • Blepharospasm(the so-called muscle spasm, which prevents the opening of the eyelids).
  • Cataract.
  • Photophobia.
  • Burning in the eye.
  • Headaches and general malaise.
  • Hematomas and bruises in the eye area.
  • Scrapes and scratches on the upper layer of the century, down to the bleeding.
  • With penetrating injuries - tearing of the eye tissues, loss of vitreous and ciliary body in the wound and so on.

The articles referred to reveal other diseases that accompany these symptoms.

In the long term, it is possible to develop inflammatory processes due to infection, including with the formation of edema, the appearance of purulent discharge and others.

Possible complications

Almost any, even at first glance, light and harmless eye injury is fraught with further problems with vision from its insignificant temporary, prolonged or permanent deterioration to complete loss. But these consequences are not limited to traumatic lesions of the visual organs. If there is an infection and lack of proper treatment, the following serious consequences are possible:

  • Endophthalmitis- suppuration of the inner shells of the eyeball.
  • As a result of the complication of endophthalmitis, panophthalmitis, i.e. suppurative inflammation of all tissues of the eyeball. It is accompanied by severe impairment of vision, impaired mobility of the apple, chills, vomiting, fever, and other symptoms of general malaise.
  • Sympathetic inflammationi.e. the defeat of a previously healthy eye, which can manifest itself soon after the injury, and a long time later.
  • Brain abscesses(focal congestion of pus).
  • Sepsis(blood poisoning).

The first three points are fraught with loss of vision and the need to remove the eye, in the last two cases, even a fatal outcome is possible. Therefore, the response to trauma should be immediate.


There are several approaches to the treatment of eye injuries, but we will consider those that are potentially feasible at home, namely the treatment of medicamentous and folk remedies.

First of all, it is necessary to remove what caused the eye injury, for example, a foreign body, and then use any means.


The most common remedy for the treatment of damaged eyes is the albucid.It is necessary to drip 2-3 drops of it into the affected eye. You can also use other tools, such as Defislez, Korneregel and many others.It is necessary to consult with your doctor beforehand to determine if a particular drug is suitable for you or not.

Also, in some cases, they use anesthetic drops, which, even if they do not remove the consequences of injuries, can reduce discomfort for several tens of minutes. These include, among others, alkane, inocaine and lidocaine. They begin to act quickly enough, after just one or two minutes.

People's means

The best folk remedy will be simply washing the eye to get rid of the presence of foreign bodies, liquids and other irritating factors.

With a penetrating wound, eye wash, on the other hand, is prohibited, it can lead to the situation becoming worse.

If there is excessive bleeding, it is strongly recommended to make a bandage of cotton wool and gauze to neutralize it. if the eyelids were also damaged, then it is necessary to apply something cool to them to relieve the pain and, similarly, to reduce the bleeding.


Best of all, and do not bring the situation to the point that there will be at least some damage to the eyes. It is much easier to take preventive measures, not allowing the initial occurrence of problems. Of course, eye injuries are mostly spontaneous and unpredictable, but even very simple precautions can be avoided. In particular, it is recommended to protect your eyes with prolonged exposure to the sun.It is necessary to work only in safety goggles where there is a risk of external exposure to the eyes due to the peculiarities of working conditions.Keep your eyes as far away from steam, acid and other external factors of exposure.


Tetracycline ophthalmic ointment

Humidifying eye drops Sensevit are described in this article.

Causes of eye photophobia http://eyesdocs.ru/simptomy/svetoboyazn/chto-privodit-k-razvitiyu.html




Eye damage is a serious potential hazard, therefore it is very important to take certain measures if this problem occurs. But only basic methods can work with self-treatment, and even then only for minor damage. In most cases, it is strongly recommended that you immediately consult your doctor, who will tell you what to do, what measures can help you to cure your eyes as quickly as possible.

Also, read about how to choose the right color lens, and what is better - one-day or two-week lenses for the eyes.

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