Drops for eyes from conjunctivitis

When a person has a disease associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane, this is likely the beginning of a rather serious eye ailment - conjunctivitis. Symptoms of the disease, both in adults and in children, are manifested in the form of redness of the eyeball, painful perception of light and abundant and almost constant lacrimation. The severity of the symptoms depends on many factors: age, immunity, neglect of the disease. The sooner measures are taken to eliminate the signs of the disease, the sooner the eyes will regain a healthy shine, and the negative and painful manifestations will disappear.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List
    • 3.1In viral
    • 3.2With bacterial
    • 3.3When allergic
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

As soon as we feel the discomfort of the eyes, we immediately try to buy something in the pharmacy for relief state, but, rarely anyone thinks about the fact that the choice of eye drops, directly depends on the reasons disease.

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Physicians distinguish several points that can tell about the etiology of conjunctivitis. Among the most common types of disease, it is possible to isolate the viral type.

  • Viral conjunctivitisoccurs as a consequence of SARS, throat diseases. Its virus-exciter is able to be transmitted through the air. If someone infected with bacteria sneezes at you, it can be assumed that painful signs will soon appear in you. Especially often this disease is inflicted on children in public institutions, such as kindergartens or schools. This type is called adenovirus. Symptomatic almost immediately manifested in the form of rubies, redness in the organs of vision. Usually the patient wants to hide where it's dark.
  • Allergic typeis able to exacerbate under the influence of any allergen. It can be flower pollen, pet hair, food and much more. With this type of disease, the eyes begin to itch, the characteristic swelling on the eyelids appears.
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis. Its main distributors and pathogens are purulent bacteria. Very often it is possible to observe in children similar signs, they are expressed in purulent covering of eyelashes, they as like glued, and sometimes it is very difficult to open your eyes in the morning, if the disease is in neglected condition. The eyeballs themselves are dry, but on the eyelashes like strung gray-yellow pus, preventing full look.
  • Toxic or poisonous effect on the eyes, in which there is pain, lacrimation.
  • Acute conjunctivitis usually has at once all the signs. This: purulent discharge, stinging, burning, redness in proteins, even ulcers on the cornea can form. This type of disease is very violent and, literally two days later, the patient is severely affected by the disease.
  • The chronic type, on the contrary, develops rather slowly.There is a defeat directly at the eyes wallpaper. Symptoms are: burning, "sand" in the eyes, discomfort and often itching.

What causes the appearance of conjunctivitis, its various forms and types:

  • Unfair care of contact lenses or their incorrect wearing.
  • Long-lasting effects on the eyes of ultraviolet rays.
  • Allergy to any medication.
  • Severe overwork of the eye.
  • Avitaminosis and weakening of immunity.
  • Chronic diseases of the respiratory system.

Bacterial and viral type are very contagious, they can be transmitted by airborne droplets, touches and other forms of transmission. It is for this reason, for the time of illness, that a person is isolated from society.The adult leaves to be treated on the hospital sheet, and the child is released from school at school.

You can not start the disease and treat it negligently, as the healed conjunctivitis can cause serious and dangerous complications, even loss of vision.

The accuracy of the diagnosis is determined by an ophthalmologist and treatment is prescribed.In general, eye drops are used in therapy, due to which the causative agent is destroyed.

Features of preparations

Drops that can cure this disease have different exposure spectra.It depends on the type of illness. After an accurate diagnosis, the doctor determines the type of conjunctivitis, the cause of it provoked, and appoints whether they are other drops for the eyes.Consider several variants of eye drops, which treat various types of disease.


In viral

  • Florenal- a medicine in the form of drops for the treatment of blepharitis and viral conjunctivitis. It is a powerful drug acting at the expense of the active substance - fluorenonylglyoxane bisulfite. The use of this remedy should be carried out strictly according to the instructions or recommendations of the doctor. In addition to drops, the drug can be in the form of ointments or the form of eye diapers, the use of which, together with the drops, gives a quick result.
  • Ophthalmoferonis able to effectively combat itching, viruses and allergens, putting in order the state of the eyes. At the first signs of the disease, the drug is instilled at least 1-2 drops 6 times a day. Gradually, the dose is reduced and transferred to a more rare application. Suitable as a cure for conjunctivitis in adults and children, since it has no adverse side effects.
  • Interferon alfa-2absolutely indispensable in the fight against viral conjunctivitis, especially if it occurred after ARI. It is considered a strong medicine, therefore it has some limitations and it is necessary to follow the rules of its use when applying it.
  • Actipolcan not only fight the viruses of the disease, but also have an action to eliminate inflammation and swelling. Well absorbed and has a rather fast result.

Florenal has side effects, usually they are rather short-lived and manifest in the form of itching, tears or burning. Self-treatment and setting your own dose is excluded.

With bacterial

  • Levomycetinis considered to be the most common and "folk" drops, so it has a low cost and copes well with the signs of bacterial eye disease. From a very early age, we remember this name and know how quickly and easily it can stop the multiplying pathogens.
  • Albucidalso a well-known drug, where the price and quality of the goods are perfectly combined. There are children's drops and adults, so the dosage is provided for different. After the disappearance of the symptoms, the treatment continues for several days to fix the effect.
  • Gentamicin- an antibiotic that can easily whiten the bacteria. It is released by prescription.
  • Vitabakt- drops that are known for their antimicrobial effect. Often they are used in the postoperative period, to ensure that infection does not happen.

The doctor determines the course and rules of use, since there is a highly individual approach.

When allergic

  • Lacrisifiremoves allergic manifestations, which are caused by dust, smoke or cold. Use correctly and adhere to the necessary recommendations. May, after instillation, there is a glueing of the eyelashes, this should not frighten, the medicine is very thick.
  • OftdekDisinfectant and antiseptic medicine that kills microorganisms. It works as an antibiotic, it does not have the ability to absorb, because of this, an accidental overdose is not terrible.
  • Allergodylnot recommended for children under 4 years and pregnant women, as it has a number of contraindications and side effects.
  • Vizinnarrows the blood vessels, and eliminates edema. Not suitable for small patients, up to 2 years.

Recommendations for use

Conjunctivitis is a disease that can "throw" you out of life for a fairly long time, so that this Do not happen, adhere to well-known rules and observe some features on the use of drops for eye:

  • Do not wear contact lenses during the period of illness.
  • Observe cleanliness and personal hygiene before the procedures.
  • Use a personal towel and hygiene products.
  • Do not leave the house during illness.
  • Sleep only by using your own pillow.
  • Try not to stay in the sun for a long time.

Eye drops from allergies for children

Drops for the eyes from inflammation are described in this article.

Drops from the redness of the eyes Iridina http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/kapli-dlya-glaz-iridina.html




The main thing in the application of eye drops is compliance with the instructions. Some of them are not allowed for children or women during pregnancy, so without consulting a doctor and prescribing the prescription do not show any initiative. This can lead to sad consequences in the form of serious pathologies of the eyes. Take care of your eyes.