Oliguria - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

OliguriaOliguria or a decrease in the excretion of urine, is not a disease in itself, but is considered a symptom indicating a problem with the kidneys or the urinary system as a whole. It occurs in children, adolescents and adults.

In oliguria, 400-500 ml of urine is formed and released, while the average daily urinary output in humans is about one and a half liters. Most often oliguria affects adults, because for children a reduced amount of emitted urine is considered the norm.

To treat oliguria, you need to identify the original cause of the condition. Of great importance is the detailed collection of anamnesis and physical examination of the body. Screening methods for studying the urinary system, such as ultrasound and radionuclide studies, are effective. When appointing a doctor, computed tomography is performed, retrograde methods of investigation or intravenous urography are used.


Why is oliguria developing, and what is it? The causes of oliguria are conventionally divided into three types: prerenal, renal and postrenal.

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Prerenal oliguria(not related to renal pathology):

  • lowering blood pressure: shock states, bleeding, heart failure;
  • dehydration: profuse sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, insufficient fluid intake, inadequate use of diuretics (diuretics);
  • decreased kidney blood flow: renal artery stenosis, aortic atheromatosis, nephrosclerosis, vasculitis.

Renal Oliguria(caused by damage to the kidneys, which often lead to chronic or acute renal failure):

  • glomerular diseases: glomerulonephritis, nephritis on the background of systemic diseases;
  • tubulointerstitial diseases: acute tubular necrosis, acute interstitial nephritis;
  • cardiovascular diseases: scleroderma, systemic vasculitis.

Emergency oliguria(associated with a violation of outflow of urine from the kidneys):

  • ureter stone;
  • swelling of the ureter;
  • retroperitoneal fibrosis (Ormond's disease - retroperitoneal fibrosis);
  • tumors of the retroperitoneal space, compressing the ureter.

During pregnancy, physiological oliguria is caused by compression of the ureters by an enlarged uterus; increased hydrophilicity of tissues.

Symptoms of oliguria

In the case of oliguria, the main symptom is the decrease in the amount of fluid withdrawn from the body. Also, the condition may be accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of the aforementioned diseases.

If you do not go to the toilet a little, but there is no sense of any discomfort (for example, do not feel that the urea is full), do not worry. The cause of this can be excessive heat (when the liquid is excreted through sweating), a small amount of fluid intake. When this condition does not go away after a few days, consult a doctor.


In the absence of adequate treatment, oliguria is gradually aggravated and transformed into anuria - complete cessation of urine formation in the body. This pathology accompanies many severe kidney diseases (kidney failure, malignant tumor).

Treatment of oliguria

Oliguria is a symptom to get rid of it, it is necessary to cure the main disease that led to the development of urinary incontinence. Treatment of oliguria is carried out immediately in several directions:

  • elimination of the cause;
  • treatment of the disease;
  • restoration of blood circulation;
  • correction of the body's balance;
  • elimination of possible complications.

The choice of medications depends on the causes of the disease identified during the diagnosis. For example, with pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis requires not only drug treatment, but also compliance with the diet. Detection of kidney malignant neoplasms, stones is an indication for surgical intervention. In the first case - immediate.

Self-medication with the help of taking diuretics is far from always justified. Therefore, before doing such therapy, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. Why do I need a consultation? First, diuretics can be used only in the case of prerenal form of oliguria.

Also, diuretic drugs change the clinical indices in blood, urine. The specific density of urine, the ratio of urea concentration and creatinine changes. Therefore, first you need to determine the cause that caused the oliguria (by calling a doctor), and then begin treatment, adhering to the prescribed scheme.


Depends on the prognosis of the origin of the disease. Oliguria associated with kidney damage is reversible provided timely and adequate treatment, otherwise it can go to anuria.

Postrennaya O. after removal of the obstruction to the outflow of urine is often replaced by polyuria, but in neglected cases, the kidney function may be impaired.

Preventive measures

Prevention oliguria consists of the following items:

  • follow the rules of personal hygiene;
  • refrain from drinking alcohol and tobacco;
  • treat existing inflammations or infections at the slightest of their manifestations;
  • Take medicine only as directed by a specialist.

The main means of preventing oliguria is to monitor the amount of fluid being drunk and the amount of urine released. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the color and smell of urine. Healthy kidneys deduce 80% of the fluid that has entered the body. If a discrepancy is found, you should consult your doctor.

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