Development, symptoms and treatment of deep vein thrombophlebitis of lower extremities

Diseases of the veins of the lower extremities contribute to a significant decrease in the quality of life, and if it is launched - even to a loss of legs or to an even more sad outcome. That is why it can not be ignored categorically.

In a large risk area are women in connection with such possible factors as pregnancy, childbirth, the love of uncomfortable and cramped shoes with heels above 4 cm, interfering with normal blood circulation. Therefore, representatives of the weaker sex need to separately monitor the health of the legs. But this does not mean that such a threat against men is absent.

We will find out all about the symptoms, development, diagnosis and treatment methods for thrombophlebitis of the internal( deep) veins of the lower limbs.


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Causes and risk factors
  • 3 Species, forms and stages
  • 4 Danger and possible complications
  • 5 Symptoms, Diagnosis, how to treat
  • 6 Forecasts
  • 7 Prevention measures
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Thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower limbs, in fact, is inflammation of the vessel walls,which occurs against the background of the formation of thrombus .Only one leg or its specific site can be affected, more often - the shin. It is usually about the complication of a more common disease - varicose veins. Therefore, doctors recommend not to run the last problem, check the condition of the veins, strictly follow all the recommendations of specialists.

Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis occur, according to various studies, in 30-35% of cases of varicose veins if the treatment was not successful or the care was not timely provided by .Therefore, the examination of the patient should be performed by an experienced physician, and with every visual change in the state of superficial veins, one should also check the general position, including deep veins.

Causes and risk factors for

Causes of thrombophlebitis can be any of the following, alone or in combination:

  • heredity - this factor is generally known to the patient himself in advance, in connection with which the course of varicose veins should be monitored particularly carefully;
  • mechanical injury of certain parts of the leg, in particular the lower leg;
  • too much intravenous injection in one zone;
  • is a varicose veins disease.
Separately, one should not forget about the risk factors, they are divided into general and professional. The first doctors include the presence of excess weight. The second - a long standing on the legs in uncomfortable positions, in particular, if that is combined with lifting weights.

Among other things, can not ignore the influence of bad habits and the intake of a number of hormonal drugs of the old generation ( mostly) for long periods of time. Sometimes the threat can be uncontrolled intake of various drugs without regard to their compatibility with each other.

Species, forms and stages

Thrombophlebitis is characterized by a different course, the presence of its own complicated picture. By the nature of the symptoms, the disease is divided into purulent and non-purulent species. The second one is much easier. In addition, the disease under discussion is divided on the stage:

  1. Initial phlebothrombosis is diagnosed when there is an thrombus, which is quite movably fixed on the venous wall of the .Initially, the blood flow is still, although with certain problems. Further, with increasing changes in the veins, the thrombus begins to tighten fairly tightly in the corresponding space, which can lead to both partial and complete blockage of this part of the vessel.
  2. The second stage is already directly thrombophlebitis , which is a complication of the phlebothrombosis mentioned above. If the inflammation has been going on for a long time, and the coagragram is broken, new problems may develop here. This is a fairly difficult to treat condition, in which surgery is usually prescribed. To delay with intervention it is impossible.
  3. And separately stands out the combined version. Speech about is a rather large thrombus, one part of which is tightly attached to the vein wall, at the same time the second one is able to be in the "floating" position of .Here the symptoms can be mixed, diagnosis is difficult. It is necessary to constantly monitor specialists from the stage of diagnosis.

also distinguishes 3 forms according to the nature of the disease:

  1. The acute form of of thrombophlebitis, which occurs quite rarely, is accompanied by bright pain symptoms, the temperature rises sharply, the affected limb swells, and chills are observed. And the patient's loss or loss of appetite, there is a strong drowsiness and weakness.
  2. The chronic form of is usually associated with a slow inflammation, sometimes it can flow almost without any special symptoms, but more often the patient feels heaviness in the lower part of the legs, general weakness, the temperature can rise, and pressure values ​​change frequently. Symptoms of fatigue appear even when the load on the lower limbs is minimal. In this case, this form is very easy for any stress to move into acute.
  3. Subacute form of - it occurs gradually, the symptoms increase, the pain increases more as the swelling of the puff grows. The temperature with this form does not increase very much, but most of the symptoms are similar to the course of acute thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities.

Danger and possible complications of

Do not underestimate thrombophlebitis of deep veins, leave the disease without the medical supervision of .One of the greatest threats is a direct threat to human life: a severed thrombus can clog the pulmonary artery, due to which death comes from suffocation in literally 3-5 minutes. To save the patient in this situation, doctors simply do not have time.

It is also possible the onset of gangrene as one of the most common complications, limb loss, the transfer of abscesses to other vital organs.

Among the most dangerous complications are called postthrombophlebitic syndrome .It is characterized by edema, bursting with pain, sensation of appreciable severity, which does not go away. On the affected part of the leg, the skin can be completely transparent, it can not be gathered into folds, it loses its hair, it easily traumatizes. The consequence of the damage are hard-to-treat ulcers.

Symptomatics, Diagnosis, How to treat

Thrombophlebitis is manifested by by a number of symptoms that are specific for this particular disease .These are:

  • long swelling of the legs without swollen veins;
  • severe pain syndrome;
  • elevated temperature directly in the affected area;
  • strong weakness and overall temperature increase;
  • heaviness in the legs, rapid accumulation of fatigue even under minimal load;
  • other.
Diagnostics is performed with a visual inspection of the surgeon, taking into account the data of biochemical analysis of venous blood, a complete coagulogram, a general analysis of both blood and urine, and cardiac performance( ECG).If there is doubt, a doppler is appointed, which makes it possible to study the condition of the veins more deeply.

Treatment is divided into operative and drug .The first is rarely prescribed, if there are no other options and a quick and serious intervention is required. The second allows antibacterial drugs to remove inflammation, remove pain symptoms.

Anticoagulants reduce blood clotting, which allows you to work with a thrombus and prevent the appearance of new ones. But their purpose is far from necessary, since it can lead to bleeding. Also, ointments are prescribed for removing edemas and improving the condition of a particular affected area. Sometimes popular methods of treatment are permissible, but more often they are ineffective.

Learn more about the diagnosis, symptoms and treatment of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities with a photo from a separate article.


The prognosis for timely competent treatment of this disease is favorable in most situations. The course of therapy is capable of fluctuating from 2 to 6 weeks of in terms. The specificity depends on various factors: whether there are complications, how many reasons for the occurrence of this disease is available.

Also on the forecast affects the patient's lifestyle, following medical instructions, the general condition of his body, the presence or absence of excess weight.

Prevention measures

Adequate physical activity is an excellent type of prophylaxis for thrombosis and generally contributes to the best health of the vessels of the extremities. You can not torture yourself with uncomfortable shoes, too tight stockings or pantyhose. It is permissible to wear stockings from varicose veins to maintain the condition of the veins.

It is necessary to dilute the blood, for this purpose, teas, juices, plentiful drink are perfect. It is advisable to monitor your weight so that it does not become redundant. Useful foot massages, allowing you to remove fatigue and prevent edema.

When analyzing the above facts, one can see that deep vein thrombophlebitis is a serious disease. It can significantly change the quality of life for the worse, lead to a significant defeat of the limbs. Therefore, should pay maximum attention to prevention, do not delay contacting doctors when the first alarming symptoms of occur. Separately, this applies to people already in one of the risk groups.