Treat paralysis of the left side after a stroke at home

Cases of left-sided stroke increase from year to year. It's about the heart and the nervous system of the body. Therefore, the question is rather complex and serious, it is necessary to approach the treatment of the disease responsibly. The process of recovery after paralyzing the left side is long and troublesome, requires maximum patience and diligence. In this case, three factors are irreplaceable: early diagnosis, timely comprehensive treatment and a positive attitude of the patient!

  • Symptoms
  • Causes of left side paralysis
  • Consequences of violations
  • What to do with partial or complete paralysis of the left side of the body after a stroke?
  • Home diet
  • Recreation
  • Herbal Treatment
  • Struggle against pressure sores
  • Massage with left side paralysis
  • Step-by-step actions during a stroke massage
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Stroke affects the central nervous system due to a serious impairment of cerebral circulation. Paralysis of the left side of the body after a stroke is due to:

  • ischemic stroke. Its peculiarity is that it occurs with thrombosis or with blockage of blood vessels. Hypertension suffer from a stroke. It can appear with arrhythmia and atherosclerosis. Stroke of the left side can occur due to prolonged stress. Because of this, the vessels come into a spasm, another reason is the occlusion of the vessel with a piece of fat;
  • hemorrhagic stroke. This is a serious type of stroke, accompanied by cerebral hemorrhage due to vascular rupture. For people with heightened health, hemorrhagic stroke is characteristic.


If the headaches become stronger, it is a harbinger of a hemorrhagic stroke. This condition overtakes the evening with nausea and vomiting. The ability to talk, move, and touch disappears. To the person blood arrives seldom, the sweat starts to be allocated more often, the pulse is palpated all more difficultly.

Hemorrhagic stroke is overtaking fast. Ischemic can develop no day. Pain in the head, nausea, numbness of the hands, legs, weak condition - are harbingers of ischemic stroke. A person feels shaky.

To precursors of cerebral disorders should include:

  • an intense aching headache that does not go away after taking painkillers;
  • sharp jumps in blood pressure;
  • stool disorders;
  • noise in ears;
  • partial or complete disturbance of consciousness, loss of orientation in space;
  • loss of vision;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • dry mouth and many others.

Paralyzing the left side of the body after a stroke accounts for 57% of all clinical cases. It manifests itself in well-known symptoms - speech disturbance, color perception, a person can not move properly, it is normal to write, read, memory is lost, articulation is broken, the patient closes in himself, ceases to really evaluate the surrounding stop, goes into a prolonged depression.

Causes of left side paralysis

To the organic causes of the development of the disease include traumatic condition, infectious diseases, serious metabolic disorders, eating disorders, improper lifestyle, frequent stress and overstrain, vascular disease and cancer.

It can also be a congenital disorder of the central nervous system. Lack of B vitamins, nicotinic acid. Intoxication of the body with salts of heavy metals.

Consequences of violations

The most terrible thing that a stroke can cause is paralysis. Slow development of stroke can protect against negative consequences.

Attention!It is a mistake to think that a stroke is an ailment of adults and elderly people. Young people may be at risk of stroke. Especially this applies to neurotic heart and vegetovascular dystonia. These diseases are the first alarm bell for a special tracking of their health.

Those people who have not experienced a stroke, may not think about it and its consequences. But it catches on unexpectedly, independence from concomitant diseases. Think about a stroke if:

  • there is a genetic predisposition. One of the relatives suffered from that disease;
  • increases the pressure with a certain periodicity;
  • there are pains in the region of the heart;
  • suffer from diabetes mellitus;
  • there is excess weight;
  • there are bad habits: smoking or alcohol;
  • in the body increased cholesterol;
  • suffer from arrhythmia.

People who have seen at least one factor that they observe should think about and begin to behave differently.

Consequences in men after paralyzing the left side of the body:

  • development of left ovarian cyst;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • hypertonic disease.

Such violations lead to disability and mortality of men over forty.

Attention!At the first sign of a stroke, you need to call an ambulance!

Pay attention to a person's condition, difficulty in speaking, misunderstanding of others, strong weakness of the whole body speak of a stroke. When stroke is almost impossible to avoid paralysis of the left side. While the ambulance is on the way, you need to help the patient. Put it on your back.

Treatment for a stroke should only take place in a medical facility. There the patient will be under observation and regularly examined by the doctors. It is important to pay attention to the period when the patient will be at home. At home, qualitative rehabilitation must pass, because it can last for many months and years.

What to do with partial or complete paralysis of the left side of the body after a stroke?

At first, it is important for a patient to adhere to bed rest. After primary therapy, develop a paralyzed area, monitor dietary norms and diet, and do simple exercises to restore motor activity to the limbs.

The patient is selected an individual course of drug treatment, attributed to both traditional and traditional medicine. The patient's condition is strictly controlled by specialists.

For the restoration of all human systems after a stroke it will take many months, and possibly years. Relatives of the patient should be patient, hope only for a positive outcome of the situation and be optimistic - only healthy energy and the smiles of others will help the patient to quickly get on their feet and continue to fully live and develop!

Home diet

Folk treatment involves features in nutrition. It is necessary to give preference to dairy products and vegetable products. To introduce into the diet fruits and berries, cottage cheese, yogurt, perfectly fit cereal cereals without heat treatment, steamed on the water.

When the condition improves, it is possible to add boiled lean meat and fish to the diet. Ascorbic acid will help improve immunity and give the body lost vitamins. The diet should be strictly observed.


Pay attention to the patient's condition, lost can be many feelings. Have the patient listen more to the radio or watch TV. Try not to leave him alone and communicate more.

It is important, in what condition are the hands and feet of the patient. Paralysis involves bent brushes and a saggy foot. These positions can lead to stiffened muscles. After full recovery, the muscles will be difficult to repair.

Attention!To avoid such consequences, therapeutic exercises or massage should be performed.

Rinse the patient's body and massage him after three weeks after a stroke, it is believed that at this time the body is ready for recovery.

Herbal Treatment

The above recommendations should be strictly followed. For an accelerated recovery process, you can also take herbs. Traditional medicine knows many recipes that help in the recovery of the body after.

The first recipe-Maryin root in dried form. A couple of teaspoons are poured into two hundred grams of boiled water. In this state, the mixture should stand for about five hours.

Two tablespoons a day of infusion will help bring the body in order.

Mumiye will come to the rescue. It is diluted in water to one hundred grams. You only need to drink this mixture once.

All houses have laurel leaves, they are medicinal in the fight against stroke. Of these, infusion is prepared. First, the leaves are grinded. Take two hundred grams of sunflower oil and pour them three spoons of leaves. This infusion is not taken internally, it is smeared affected by a stroke site. The mixture should be infused for a week and used twice a day.

A simple recipe is lemon and garlic. If you add honey to them, the result will surpass all expectations. All of the above funds should be taken for a hundred grams and mixed with each other. An infused mixture lasts a week and is given a couple of times a day. Better to give the infusion after eating and one spoonful.

To help - clean. It is crushed in an amount of ten grams and poured into a glass of boiling water. Fifteen minutes is required for this. Then it is filtered and used inside before meals three times a day.

Beans will help to recover faster after a stroke. The method is widely used in the east and is popular due to its miraculous. No need to separate the plant. It must be taken completely and filled with water. The main thing is to close the lid tightly with a lid and put in a place that is characterized by warmth. Drink infusion in any quantities. Its effect will be noticeable in a couple of weeks after use.

Treatment with pine cones is effective. It's about a ripe plant. It is necessary to take six cones and pour previously diluted alcohol. Fortress of alcohol should be thirty-five percent. In this form, the mixture should stand for about three weeks. After this, the infusion should be filtered and given to the patient in the form of tea once a day, adding a teaspoon to it.

Oranges and lemons help. Of these, juice is made. One must insist one day. To enhance the effect, add honey. Drink infusion of any liquid and is drunk a couple of times a day for one spoonful. Lemons and oranges are used in the same proportion.

Struggle against pressure sores

During paralysis, the patient is in the same position. This can cause bed sores. The skin begins to wear off, forming wounds that bring pain to the patient. Caution patient from the appearance of bedsores can be using special mattresses. You can make them yourself. In thickness, they must be more than one centimeter. A mattress stuffed with hay is an ideal option.

Remember!Treating at home stroke conditions can be effective. For this it is worthwhile to listen to all the advice at once. Using one method will not lead to quick and positive results.

Massage with left side paralysis

The main purpose of massage with stroke is to normalize the blood flow of the paralyzed side, eliminate pain and restore muscle tone, eliminate spasms of the limb, prevent bedsores.

With proper performance of the massage, blood circulation improves, the patient's condition is normalized, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is stimulated, constipation and flatulence in the abdomen are prevented.

Recovery from stroke with massage helps to improve activity, the patient is able to control the motor activity of the limbs of the paralyzed part. The course of recovery should be carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Features of performing massage

  1. The patient's body should be relaxed, the limbs should be given an average physiological position.
  2. Massage should be done by a specialist who is familiar with the technique of performing the procedure and knows all the subtleties of carrying it to people after a stroke.
  3. The room where the massage session will be held should be well ventilated, clean, with a relaxed atmosphere.
  4. Do not wait until two hours after eating.
  5. The procedure should not cause painful sensations.
  6. The main movements are performed along the course of the lymph drainage.
  7. The duration of the massage is regulated by the patient's condition.
  8. After the massage the patient should rest, and not eat for half an hour.

Step-by-step actions during a stroke massage

It is necessary to begin with warming up actions, for the first time it is necessary to avoid too active movements, tapping, pressing of massed sites. All movements should be smooth and easy.

After warming up, you need to start kneading muscle fibers, with positive changes should move to vibratory movements. Massaging requires all areas of the body, paying special attention to the limbs.

All movements should be carried out along the course of the lymph, from the ribs to the armpits, from the hands to the shoulders, from the ear shells to the chin, down from the ribs to the hips. On the back, you need to do stroking movements in different directions, avoiding the site of the spine.

It is important that the massage does not cause fatigue, which can be detrimental to the patient's condition.

In combination, massage, ointments, herbal infusions and compliance with prescriptions of the doctor will be able to put the patient on their feet. Rehabilitation will speed up the therapeutic gymnastics, which leads the muscles into tone and allows you to quickly restore the body after a stroke.

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