Cough in a child 3 years than to treat

Than to treat and how to stop a cough in a child 3 years old?

Kids are often sick. Of course, curing a child who can not say exactly what bothers him, is much more difficult than an adult. Cough can appear due to various diseases. And the nature of the cough can be anything. It can be dry, barking, wet or wet. It is worth noting that the cause of coughing can be:

  • virus
  • asthma
  • allergy
  • microbes.

And in children, as a rule, coughing is a consequence of ARVI. A strong dry cough is called non-productive, and a wet cough is productive.

Quick deliverance

Usually in children 3 years of cough occurs after an inflammation of the nose or throat. The worst thing is that such a cough agonizes often enough, but the spitting does not occur. The child feels bad, that is, he suffers from coughing attacks, both in the daytime and in the night. To make the sufferings of the child easier, you need to take action. What methods of treatment can be?

  1. General methods.
  2. Medicamentous.
  3. Folk remedies.
  4. Additional treatment and prevention.
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General recommendations

Everyone knows that the child needs to ensure proper diet and nutrition. In the room where the sick child is, there should be no dust, which can aggravate the condition. In the diet of the baby should be more vitamins, and the drink - abundant.

And the drink includes not only water. Of course, you can not do without it, but you should include herbal teas, fruit drinks, compotes in the diet. These funds will help to get rid of sputum faster.

The video tells how to cough a child 3 years:

Medication intervention

Taking medication may be necessary. These drugs may be

  • mucolytics
  • expectorant
  • soothing agents.

Mucolytics will help to get rid of phlegm.

Expectorants can better cough. And soothing will reduce the active process of cough development.

If you decide to give your child a medicine, you should carefully read the instructions and pay attention to side effects. They can become dizziness and drowsiness. Because of this, know that these drugs are best given at night. Even if the child does not have allergies, carefully study the composition. Now there is a huge selection of drugs for treating dry cough in the pharmaceutical market. Among the medications worth mentioning are the following: Bromhexine, ATSTS, Ambrobene, Gedelix. Also among moms, Robottussin is a success, helping to block the cough. And Delsim is a suspension that has a fairly long-lasting effect.

Folk methods

  1. Treatment with pine buds. It is necessary to boil 1 liter of milk with 1 tbsp. l. pine buds. The mixture should be infused for 1 hour. The product is ready for use: you need to drink 50 grams, preferably every hour or two. If you apply the remedy during the day, then the next day you will see significant changes, the cough becomes much softer. There are children who do not tolerate milk, so in this recipe you can replace it with water. And instead of pine buds you can use shoots of spruce.
  2. Badger fat. After 3 years or already in 3 years you can give the child badger fat from coughing. Up to this age, it can only be applied externally. Half a teaspoon after meals should be taken in pure form. Cough quickly leaves, this remedy is considered one of the effective. Also, you can dissolve the fat in warm milk and add honey.In pharmacies you will find badger fat in ampoules. Of course, not everyone in the house has this fat, so you can use goose. But you can not take it inside, you can just massage it with it.
  3. Cakes from honey and buckwheat. How to make a honey cake for a cough? Take in proportions 1 to 1 honey, flour, mustard powder, vegetable oil and vodka. Mix all these ingredients. Take half the mixture and wrap it in a cloth, then put it on your back, wrap it around the bandage and put on your pajamas. This remedy can be left overnight. But if you are afraid of the child's reaction, you can leave this remedy for the first time for 2 hours. If everything is good, then do not be afraid to leave it all night.

Support procedures

To auxiliary measures most often include inhalation. They can be carried out with the help of a special device, which is sold in a pharmacy. But you can do without it, just letting the baby breathe over the steam, the main thing is not to get burned.It is also possible to put a container with hot liquid near the baby's bed, but you can not step back a step. When the water cools down, it can be poured.You can do inhalation with chamomile, sage or ordinary boiled potatoes. By reference, you can read how to breathe a child over a potato. Inhalations help to strengthen the effect of medications, mucus is liquefied, the airways are cleared, the baby will begin to cough more quickly.

Read how to properly wash the nose of an infant.

Here you can see the composition of the syrup from Kashlya Linkas.

Reviews about the application of milk with oil from cough:

Treatment of cough with phlegm

Wet cough differs from dry cough that there is separation of sputum, which in its properties is colorless and odorless. Very often a child may not even notice how he swallows it, or just clears his throat well.A common cause of this type of cough is viral infections, but if the cough is protracted, then this indicates more serious diseases.

The video tells what to cure a cough in a child of 3 years:

Children 3 years worse tolerate any kind of coughing than adults. This is due to the fact that the respiratory system of babies is still poorly developed, so sputum can be clogged in the aisles. Take care that the mucus does not accumulate in the bronchi. With prolonged accumulation, bacteria can multiply, which adversely affects the body. As in the case of dry cough, there are various methods of treatment:

  • General treatment.The temperature in the patient's room should be about 20 degrees. When vacuuming, take the baby to another room. Walking in the fresh air should be mandatory, but do not allow the baby to run and sweat. Constantly lying is not recommended. In this case, sputum will be clogged in the airways.
  • Medicated.There are drugs that help liquefy mucus, and then it comes out better from the respiratory system.There are a number of drugs that are made based on herbs.These include Pectusin, Doctor Mom (here it is told about its use for children), Solutan.

But drugs obtained synthetically, help not worse: Lazolvan (Lazolvan also used with laryngitis in a child), Bromhexin, ACTS. Carefully read the instructions to avoid allergies or severe side effects. Once the sputum is better off, stop taking medication.

Folk remedies

  1. Radish. After making a large depression in the radish, put it in some container vertically. Add honey to the hole and put it in a dark place for 4 hours, covered with a dense cloth. The resulting juice with honey should be taken 3-4 times a day.
  2. Lemon- everyone knows that this is a good tool for strengthening immunity. 5 tbsp. l. Honey should be mixed well with the juice of one lemon. Take the medication several times a day.
  3. Bow. It is necessary to grind 3 bulbs well, add ½ cup of honey. The agent should be infused for 3 hours, after which it is necessary to add 50 ml of water. Leave for another 3 hours. The mixture is ready, it needs to be taken several times a day.

Here you can find more folk recipes for expectorants.

Support procedures

Paraffin and ozocerite applications are helpful in case of a wet cough accompanied by snot. Well, if the inhaler will without additional procedures spray the substance throughout the oral cavity. You can also do massage, ultrasound, gymnastics. Massage helps to eliminate sputum faster. Therefore, it is necessary to stretch the back and chest, this procedure will even be pleasant for the child. Inhalation, as with a wet cough, should also be used. Remember that with a wet cough, in no case should you give antitussive drugs for children with a dry cough.

Features of treatment with and without temperature

If cough accompanied by fever, then you need to give antipyretics. Usually such agents are syrups such as Nurofen.If the temperature does not exceed 37, then you can make warm foot baths.

If there are any skin conditions, you can not rub it with various ointments. It is also forbidden to do with cardiovascular diseases and allergic reactions. If the baby has weak blood vessels, bleeding from the nose is often observed, then it is better not to inhale.

A child who has cough without fever can be given reasonable medicines listed above. Of course, depending on the nature of the cough.Tablets, syrups, ointments should be given in limited quantities.Of course, going outside at a temperature is prohibited. This can further exacerbate the situation. From bathing, too, it is better to abstain, you can do with ordinary grindings. If there is no temperature, you can take a shower.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

No matter how good parents you may be, no matter how you save your child from illness, a cough can still appear. Any cough is accompanied by a disease. In the lungs, a large or excessive amount of mucus is produced, the body is removed from it and cough is used to cure it. And the reasons for this may be infectious or allergic reactions, as well as unsatisfactory conditions in which the child lives. For example, the room is too hot, dusty. If the treatment is not properly prescribed, for example, the cough drugs you start giving to the baby, the mucus will remain and will accumulate in the body. And this will lead to pneumonia. With a damp cough, the use of expectorants can also lead to a severe cough, the child can cough all night. A visiting doctor will tell you that the baby has wheezy.

In the video - Dr. Komarovsky talks about cough treatment in a child of 3 years:

Komarovsky says that there is no "golden pill" for coughing. In order for a child to clear his throat, one has to make sure that the thick sputum becomes liquid.The cough itself is not treated, you need to be able to alleviate it or increase its effectiveness. To do this, first of all, you need to breathe wet, clean air. To make slime liquid it is possible only, having watered the child. It is worth knowing that no expectorant is comparable in effectiveness to an abundant drink.

By the nature of the cough to determine its nature can not be.But if the cough is accompanied by a disorder of the general condition, there is a temperature, a cold, then the infectious principle lies at the basis. If there are no such signs, then this is an allergic cough. It is necessary to analyze the general condition of the child and take action or contact the doctor.

Cough in a child 3 years - than to treat?

For many diseases, including colds, cough is one of the symptoms. His appearance causes concern among caring parents. In an effort to help the baby, moms are interested in what to cure a cough in a child of 3 years. There are a number of medications that can help in the problem, but it is so difficult to decide on your own. Therefore, you should contact the doctor so that he can determine what caused the cough. But anyway, it is useful for every mother to know the information about medicines that are aimed at fighting this symptom.

Drugs for cough for children in 3 years

The doctor prescribes drugs, based on the diagnosis, the course of the disease:

  1. Antitussives.They are aimed at suppressing the cough center. Such medications are recommended for a hysterical cough that often occurs in whooping cough or pleurisy. In childhood, the use of Sinecoda is possible.
  2. Mucolytics.They help liquefy sputum, with their help in a child at 3 years of dry cough turns into a wet cough. Well-proven means such as Lazolvan, Flavamed, Bromhexin. It is important to remember that it is impossible to give mucolytics and antitussive drugs at the same time.
  3. Combined funds.They have a comprehensive impact on the problem. For example, Kodelak differs antitussive effect, due to the content of codeine. Herbs in its composition help to increase the sputum production.
  4. With a productive cough, the doctor will adviseexpectorants.Their effectiveness proved Prospan, Gedelix, Ambroxol.
Other ways to eliminate cough

Some parents do not want to give babies medication. They are more interested in what to treat a cough in a child in 3 years without using medicines. To cope with the problem will help such advice:

  • Regularly ventilate the room, do cleaning, make sure that it is not hot;
  • giving children more to drink;
  • when the weather is fine, take walks.

To the child in 3 years such folk remedies for coughing will suit:

  1. Syrup from orange.The remedy will help with dry cough, besides its plus is that the baby will not refuse to drink a delicious medicine. You need to cook the syrup from a glass of sugar and water (a glass). Then add the orange cut into slices with the peel there. The mixture is cooked for 30 minutes. Of the finished syrup, lobules are extracted, they need to be thrown away. The agent should be given crumbs every 2 hours for 1 tsp.
  2. The medicine is made from onions.For its preparation, a small onion is poured with a glass of milk and boiled for 5 minutes. Ready to boil it is necessary to insist and strain. Instead of onions, you can use garlic.
  3. Means with sage.In 1 tart of milk, add 1 tsp. this dry grass and boil. Then you need to insist 15 minutes, strain, add a spoonful of honey.

But it is better to apply the methods of folk methods to the doctor, besides, in a number of cases, you should not avoid taking medication. The doctor will be able to answer all the questions in detail, and also will tell you what to give the child from a cough in 3 years. He will choose an effective and safe treatment regimen.

Than to treat a cough in a child, yo?



You can use national means - radish with honey. Make a hole in the radish, fill it with honey. After 12 hours (maybe less), pour the baby syrup. You can drink every hour... Only the radish should be not white, but black... Good luck!


Doctor Mom, Lazolvan!


It is necessary to find the cause of the cough from here will be and treatment.

Victoria Afanasyeva

There is a berry, called Chernoplodka, and black currant. I did not give a sweet tooth, I gave the child a drink. And there will be no coughing. I have not yet given my pill to tablets. Currant and inhalation (chamomile, fiz. solution).


lazolvan, from people's radish with honey - cut out the radish in the middle, pour honey into it, cover and let it stand for one day, take 1 hour. l. 3-4 times a day

@ [email protected]

We were helped by the syrup Suprema Broncho.


Hi!! at me the same problem to us 3.8 too coughs a dry cough today nestal even to sleep wakes up from tussis speaks mum cough excruciates.. I give badger fat with honey mixed rubbed "doctor taisom" Compress I make potato syrup from cough Stodal inhalation does not want do.. and yesterday my feet were hovering with mustard.. I myself do not know what else to give.. antibiotic do not want to

right now behind the radish I'll go the truth I forgot about her.. the good remedy mom


znaesh us oche helped folk art I somehow in the magazine subtracted I think and let's try it will not be worse Birch 1 lemon of an average size of a clade in a saucepan pour water to cover one liter water and stavish on the gas on a slow fire uvarivaesh somewhere half the water must be evaporated for 40 minutes, then turn off the dash a little cool rasrezeesh lemon squeezed out of it the juice is poured into the water where stewed lemon add 1 tbsp, a spoonful of honey and drink half a glass in a warm form before eating for 30 minutes, it is necessary to drink during the day a course of 3-5 days, I wish good luck, be checked, child

Elena Timofeeva

My four years and very well from coughing helps us ATS children and children drink it well, because it is sweet

Agni Darling

syrup on herbs (Phytostoptussin)


A cough only during sleep? And on whooping cough checked?

Than to treat a dry cough in a child?

Dry, debilitating and paroxysmal cough, strongly exhausts babies. It can appear suddenly, as a consequence to some irritant, or it may be a symptom of ARVI or a more serious illness, for example, bronchitis or whooping cough. What a child has to cure a dry cough is a question that parents often ask at a pediatrician. Of course, any doctor will answer that medications, especially for children, can only be prescribed by a doctor, however if there is no possibility to visit the hospital, the treatment should be carried out in two stages: dilution of sputum and its Departure. Drugs for the treatment of dry cough

Medicines with mucolytic action- these are the drugs that it is worth starting to treat a dry cough in a child of any age. The most common are the following:

  1. Lazolvan, syrup (15 mg / 5 ml).The treatment regimen for this medicine is applied as follows: children under 2 years of age are offered syrup, ml twice a day; from 2 to 6 years - on, ml three times a day; from 6 to 12 to 5 ml three times a day. Lazolvan Syrup - this is what is recommended to treat a frequent dry cough in both a newborn baby and an older child.
  2. Ambrobe, syrup (15 mg / 5 ml).This drug contains an active substance as well as Lazolvan, but costs an order of magnitude less. This is one of the most frequently prescribed medications for coughing in pediatrics, which has proven itself well. The scheme of treatment of cabbages and dosage is applied the same, as well as at treatment Lazolvanom.
  3. Bromhexine, syrup.He is assigned to children from birth. Karapuzam up to 2 years, 2 mg of syrup is offered three times a day; from 2 to 6 years - 4 mg three times a day; children from 6 to 14 years - 8 mg three times per knock. Than to cure a dry cough in a child, if he is tormented at night and in the afternoon, - the problem with which Bromgexin will perfectly cope.

It is recommended to use mucolytics for two to three days after the onset of coughing. If, three days after the beginning of treatment, the child has a dry, intrusive, painful cough that does not begin to become wet, then the pediatrician should prescribe what to treat the baby.

After using mucolytic agents, care must be taken tomedicines that help your child get rid of phlegm.The following can be distinguished from them:

  1. Alteika, syrup.This is a plant-based product that is made on the basis of the dry root extract of Althea. This means, than it is possible to treat not only a dry, but also a protracted, debilitating cough in a child of any age. The scheme of application of this medication is as follows: to babies up to a year - twice per day, per ml; carapaces from year to year two ml four times a day; from 2 to 6 years - 5 ml of syrup 5 times throughout the day; from 6 to 14 years in 10 ml 5 times during days.
  2. Mucaltin, tablets.On the question of how to treat a one-year-old child and older dry cough, pediatricians may advise taking this drug. However, I immediately want to note that for the youngest patients its use is not very convenient, because the tablet will first need to be ground and then dissolved in water or juice. Mukaltin is prescribed for children from a year and is applied according to the following scheme: from 1 to 3 years - 1 tablet throughout the day; from 3 to 12 years - 2 tablets during the day.

In addition to the above drugs do not forget about inhalations and various warming compresses. An excellent cough remedy for children over the age of two is the ointment Doctor MOM, which is made from eucalyptus and nutmeg oils. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and warming action.

Than to treat a dry allergic cough in a child?

Recently, allergy in children is a common disease in modern pediatrics. In some babies, it manifests a rash on the skin, while others suffer from coughing and shortness of breath.

To cope with these symptoms will help antihistamines, for example, Zodak or Fenistil.

The latter perfectly fights the manifestation of allergies and it can be given to babies from monthly age in strictly indicated dosages 3 times during the day:
  • from a month to a year from 3 to 10 drops at a time;
  • from one to three years, 10-15 drops;
  • from three to twelve years, 15-20 drops.

So, a dry cough is not always a harmless symptom of a common cold. It is worth remembering that for any medication prescribed for a child without a doctor, adults are responsible. It is very important not only to apply the right treatment in time, but also not to harm your baby.

Cough in a child 2 years - how to treat?

Cough is often a concern for young children. Note that the smaller the baby, the more coughing is more dangerous for him. Most often a cough in a 2-year-old child accompanies a cold, so first you need to get rid of it, and then start cough treatment. If he does not get rid of him on time, serious problems and complications may arise in the case of a small child. Most often in 2 years, they treat with the help of syrup, inhalations, it needs to be done only under the supervision of a doctor.

Danger of cough in children 2 years old

When the child coughs, this indicates that his airways are inflamed. If the cough is not treated in time, the inflammatory process will go down, first to the bronchial system, then the pulmonary system. In this case, high body temperature rises. Cough becomes much deeper, becomes paroxysmal.

Because of a cough, the ENT organs can become inflamed, as a result, tonsillitis, otitis occurs. To learn about the complications, you can do this:

1. Check the temperature.

2. To follow the child's condition,

3. Check whether his ears and nose are laid.

Methods of cough treatment in children 2 years old during the cold

It is necessary to call the therapist, he should carefully examine it, listen to it, then appoint special medicines. Do not self-medicate so as not to harm the child.

With a dry cough, you need to drink as much as possible, warm water, tea with chamomile, lime, dog rose, milk, so the cough will turn into wet. You can use compresses to warm the breast area, only if there is no high temperature.

The therapist prescribes such medicines to two-year-old children:

1. To get the sputum out faster, you need to use expectorant medications.

2. Dilute sputum can be using mucolytic agents.

3. Expand the area of ​​the bronchi can be with the help of bronchodilators.

If a 2 year old child is disturbed by a severe dry cough that does not go away for a long time, the treating doctor may prescribe special medications.

In cases when coughing barking, there are problems with breathing, and there is no temperature, you can take baths for legs, so the blood will cling to the legs, then spread over the entire body of the child and warm up the respiratory organs, swelling will subside.

The child should be calm, because a cough in a 2 year old baby can appear due to light, noise, other irritants. Also pay attention to food, it should be high-grade, it should contain vitamins, it is especially useful to include in the diet - citrus fruits, cranberries, if the child does not have an allergic reaction. In the event that there is a reaction, use is prohibited, can lead to irritation and swelling of the mucosa.

To small children inhalation at home should be done very carefully, it often leads to the fact that the child has a spasm in the respiratory system. A child in 2 years can give small amounts of broths with mother-and-stepmother, chamomile. If there is no allergy, you can breathe thyme, eucalyptus, menthol. Treatment in a 2-year-old child will depend on the reason for which a cough appeared.

How to relieve the child's condition when coughing?

1. The child must constantly drink, for this warm water, a jug of dried fruits, fruit drinks, tea will suit. With the help of liquid all toxic substances, pathogenic microflora will be eliminated. A warm drink will help restore the water-salt balance in the body.

2. If the child has a perspiration in the throat, you need to pour boiling water, put a little bit of mustard there and get your feet up to 20 minutes. Please note, this can be done only for children who do not suffer from various allergic reactions and at normal body temperature. After the procedure, wear woolen socks.

3. Using mustard plasters, they are put on the back area, then they are removed. No need to worry, a small redness on the back will be in the child, after it needs to be covered and put to sleep. At high temperatures the procedure is prohibited, it can jump up even more.

Traditional methods of cough treatment in a child 2 year old

Cautiously the child can breathe over boiled potatoes, it is impossible to do this for a long time to avoid bronchospasm. It is useful to breathe thyme, chamomile, mother-and-stepmother.

It is helped by inhalation based on soda. Essential oils for a child of 2 years is best not to use, so that an allergic reaction to the cough does not join, which can result in edema.

You can cure cough with radish and honey, you need to give the syrup in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, not more than a teaspoonful.

Effective is a recipe, for it you need a ground onion, add honey, a little lemon, also glycerin, insist all about an hour. Give the child after eating food.

The doctor can prescribe for cough mucolytic drugs - ATSTS, Ambroksom, Libeksin. There is a large number of expectorants, syrups with the addition of plantain, licorice, althea.

If the child has 2 years of cough, it can not be treated on his own, especially the medicines for coughing are dangerous, which, if I do not take into account the dosage, I can lead to nausea, vomiting. Also keep in mind that not all children can tolerate cough syrups, some cause diathesis because of them, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions to various components that are included in the composition medicinal product. Most drugs contain alkaloids, if they are abused, first the breathing will be actively stimulated, then it may start to be oppressed, which leads to serious complications.

Thus, it is important to ensure the child in the room with fresh moist air, also give as much as possible drink warm, food should be useful and balanced, walk in the fresh air, if not temperature. Pay attention to your illness, because it needs support and your psychological help, remember that often a child's cough can become complicated due to the fact that he worries, worries stress. Do not rush a small child to drink antibiotics, they can only further aggravate the disease.

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