Sprain of the back muscles: symptoms and treatment


  • 1How does the stretching of the back muscles manifest themselves: the symptoms and treatment of damage to an individual part of the muscle tissue
    • 1.1general information
    • 1.2Causes
    • 1.3Symptoms of Stretching
    • 1.4Effective methods of treatment
    • 1.5First aid
    • 1.6Features and treatment options
    • 1.7Useful recommendations
  • 2What if you pulled the back muscles?
    • 2.1The mechanism of stretching and the causes of its occurrence
    • 2.2Symptoms and manifestations
    • 2.3First Aid
    • 2.4Methods of treatment of muscle stretching
    • 2.5What exercises to perform?
  • 3Pulled back - what should I do? Stretching of the back muscles. Back pain treatment
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Symptoms, localization of sprains
    • 3.3Treatment
    • 3.4Help before an ambulance arrives
    • 3.5Easy massage
    • 3.6Therapeutic agents
    • 3.7Professional massage
    • 3.8Pills
    • 3.9Physiotherapy and manual therapy
    • 3.10Prevention
  • 4Stretching of the back muscles: treatment, symptoms and first aid
    • 4.1Symptoms of ailment
    • 4.2First aid: what to do
    • 4.3Home Treatment
    • 4.4Ointments for stretching
    • 4.5Folk remedies
    • 4.6Rehabilitation and recovery
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Sprain of the back muscles: symptoms of trauma and treatment methods
    • 5.1What is stretching the muscles of the back
    • 5.2Symptoms of stretching the muscles of the back
    • 5.3Treatment of stretching of the back muscles
  • 6Stretching of the back muscles - symptoms, treatment
    • 6.1Ointments and treatment with other effective means
    • 6.2Common symptoms of a back injury
    • 6.3Watch the video on this topic
    • 6.4First aid in stretching
    • 6.5Therapy with folk remedies
    • 6.6Rehabilitation and recovery

How does the stretching of the back muscles manifest themselves: the symptoms and treatment of damage to an individual part of the muscle tissue

Our back is made up of many elements, between which a close relationship is established. With the appearance of pain in this area, it is very difficult to determine immediately the cause of the problem. This can be as a pathology of the spine, as well as damage to soft tissues, including muscle.

One of the causes of back pain is muscle stretching. Such injuries can occur not only in people with a weak muscular corset, whose body is not prepared for the load. The problem may appear in athletes with improper exercise, lifting a large weight.

general information

Stretching of the dorsal muscles is a trauma of weakened fibers of muscle tissue or a joint of the tendon and muscle. If the muscles are inelastic, they are easily amenable to micro-fractures. More often such a problem occurs when the power loads are incorrect.

Muscle fibers have the property of quickly recovering due to the large number of blood vessels passing through them. So the muscles get enough glucose and oxygen, necessary for regeneration.

Worse, if stretching gets a bunch of muscles. The intake of oxygen in braditrophic muscles is almost absent. And recovery from trauma can take several months.

When injuring the muscles of the back, neighboring muscular tissues are reflexively contracted. This leads to an increase in the symptoms of stretching, in particular, pain. Therefore, it is necessary to help the patient as soon as possible.

Degrees of spinal cord stretch:

  1. Moderate- there is an unexpressed pain syndrome, which in the coming days passes.
  2. Average- Pain is sharp and regular, which increases with the reduction of the injured muscle.
  3. Full Gap- Pain syndrome is very pronounced, stretched muscle tissue is losing the ability to contract. Sometimes there are bleeding.


Dorsal muscles can be injured with increased tension, as a result of loads that the body is not capable of.

Provoke stretching of the back muscles can:

  • heavy physical labor;
  • training in power sports;
  • hypodynamia, in which the muscle body becomes weaker;
  • sharp lifting of gravity;
  • injury during a fall or stroke;
  • an incorrect approach to the treatment of vertebral pathologies.

Symptoms of Stretching

The first sign of the formation of muscle stretching is pain in the area of ​​trauma. There is a feeling that something has burst.

The amplitude of human movements is severely limited.

In some cases, it is very difficult for a patient to make any movement due to increased pain.

Within a few minutes, there may be a swelling or bruising at the site of injury. This is evidence that there was a rupture of blood vessels.

Characteristic symptoms of spinal cord stretching:

  1. sudden pain of varying intensity (depending on the degree of damage);
  2. increased pain with tilts and bends, as well as with palpation;
  3. improvement of the condition when the patient rests;
  4. edema (at 2 and 3 degrees of stretching);
  5. hematomas;
  6. bruising.

If the injury is severe enough, the pain can last up to several months. If muscle spasm does not go on for a long time, this may indicate the presence of a rupture of muscle fibers.

Stretching muscles can affect the work of other organs and systems. The patient can observe:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • rise of temperature;
  • pain in the process of urination;
  • discomfort in the abdomen.

Effective methods of treatment

To treat the stretching of the dorsal muscles, you need to approach responsibly.

Often with 1 degree of damage, when there are no severe pain, the patient continues to lead a normal lifestyle.

This can be fraught with aggravation of the pathological process. And instead of several weeks, treatment can take months.

The leading principle of stretch therapy is the complete rest of the patient.Jogging, physical education, lifting weights should be avoided. But prolonged immobility also does not contribute to a quick recovery. Therefore, it is better to stay out in the open air for a while.

First aid

If there is a suspicion of stretching, you need to provide first aid to the patient as soon as possible. First of all, reduce the burden on the back. Put the victim on a flat hard surface.

Stretching is the development of the inflammatory process. To stop it at the initial stage, you need to apply cold to the affected area. It will not allow inflammation to spread to neighboring areas.

It is important not to damage the skin, so it is better to apply cold through the tissue surface. The duration of the procedure should be 30-40 minutes.

With severe pain, you can give a tablet of analgesic with ketoprofen.

Important!When stretching the back muscles, you need to immediately call an ambulance, in order to avoid the consequences of injury.

Features and treatment options

The use of cold as an anti-inflammatory and decongestant is appropriate for the first 3-4 days after injury. With pronounced prolonged muscle pain, the use of analgesics and NSAIDs is possible.

Effective preparations:

  1. Ibuprofen;
  2. Movalis;
  3. Nimesil;
  4. Meloksikam;
  5. Diclofenac;
  6. Indomethacin and others.

Muscle spasms are stopped by a short-term intake of muscle relaxants (Baclofen, Midokalm, Baclosan, Sirdalud).

In a few days after stretching, the treatment can be supplemented with the use of warming compresses, ointments, and physiotherapy procedures. They contribute to increased blood circulation in the affected area, increase the production of endorphins.

Ointments for stretching muscles:

  • Fastum is a gel;
  • Ben is gay;
  • Orthophene;
  • Finalgon;
  • Viprosal;
  • Capsicum.

In severe stretches, a special supporting corset is required, which will keep the case in a static state.

The procedures of therapeutic massage and manual therapy are very effective for restoring muscle tissue. There is also a set of special exercises that will help strengthen the muscles on their own.

With prolonged pain syndrome, the muscular apparatus becomes weaker, mobility is increasingly restricted. In the absence of activity, the muscles atrophy, the pain becomes even worse, because it is increasingly difficult for them to hold their spine.

Useful recommendations

To avoid stretching, it is necessary to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Before you start any loads, you need to prepare. To warm up the muscles make a workout.
  2. Heavy things can not be carried alone. If the goods are broken up into parts, it is better to carry each cargo separately.
  3. It is necessary to lift heavy things correctly. The back should be straight, the shoulder blades as much as possible. This minimizes the risk of injury to the spinal muscles.

Stretching of the back muscles is not as dangerous as spinal injury. But with untimely medical care and ignoring the pain, the consequences can be very unpleasant. The inflammatory process can spread beyond the traumatized areas, the pain will increase, the motor activity will decrease. Even minimal back injuries can not be ignored, it is important to consult a doctor in time.

A source: http://vse-o-spine.com/travmy/rastyazhenie-myshts-spiny.html

What if you pulled the back muscles?

Painful sensations in the back are a fairly frequent phenomenon in the lives of many. Self-determination of the cause of their occurrence can sometimes be quite difficult.

One of the typical reasons for the onset of pain syndrome is the stretching of the back muscles, which can be triggered by certain diseases or injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Under tension, it is customary to understand the mechanical damage to muscle fibers.

Especially dangerous are physical exertion, excessive tension of ligaments and muscles for the unprepared muscular corset back, although for people with a well developed muscular skeleton, this trauma is not a rarity.

A large proportion of the stretching occurs during exercise, especially associated with lifting weights. Symptoms with this trauma are pronounced, so treatment should be urgent and qualified.

The mechanism of stretching and the causes of its occurrence

Under the stretching of the back muscles, it is customary to understand minor injuries to a part of the muscle tissue. There is a fairly sharp reduction in the damaged spinal muscle, resulting in a spasmodic knot or muscle spasm.

Muscle contraction, in turn, provokes insufficient blood flow and, as a result, increased pain syndrome. In this case, muscle spasm is further intensified.

As a rule, this damage is a response to the excessive load.

Other causes of stretching may include:

  • long stay in an uncomfortable position, for example, during a night's sleep;
  • heavy physical work, in which the muscles are unnecessarily straining;
  • weakness of the muscular corset, passive lifestyle, lack of exercise, etc.

Symptoms and manifestations

Symptoms, their nature, location, severity and treatment depend on the severity of the injury.

So, for the given illness three main degrees of gravity are characteristic:

  1. At the first (moderate) degree, the pain sensations are not too pronounced and can completely die out a few days after injury;
  2. For the second (moderate) degree of severity, when the muscle is partially affected, the pain is more severe, causing discomfort;
  3. The most severe is the third degree, in which the muscles of the back can not contract, and there is a very sharp and intense pain.
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If in general to characterize the patient's condition, the main symptoms will look like this:

  • Pain sensations of varying intensity, especially when pressing on the injured back muscles or attempts of the patient to make a turn with the body. The main cause of pain is muscle spasm, which can be quite extensive and cover a large part of the back. In this case, the patient experiences discomfort. The knot formed as a result of a spasm can indicate a muscle rupture.
  • Limitation of habitual mobility, in particular, the inability to make turns, inclinations of the body, which is a confirmation of functional disability of the musculoskeletal system.
  • The formation of puffiness around the site of damage, sometimes accompanied by a hematoma. In this case, squeezing the surrounding tissues can provoke severe pain.

To eliminate these symptoms, it is very important to provide first aid to the victim correctly and in a timely manner and deliver him to the emergency department or hospital for examination by a specialist.

First Aid

The slightest symptoms of stretching should not cause panic in the victim and his environment, since in this situation, coordinated and correct actions to provide emergency care are very important.

The very first thing that is required in the current situation islimit the mobility of the victim.

The patient should take a comfortable position, which will prevent further aggravation of the injury.

At the site of damage, the effect of ice. Cold will reduce inflammation and limit the affected area.

Apply ice is necessary for sessions of about 15-20 minutes at intervals of half an hour, while it is desirable to do this through any fabric, so as not to damage the skin.

With significant pain, the victim can be offered to take any painkiller.

Methods of treatment of muscle stretching

Treatment is not too heavy stretching, when the pain is not intense, often carried out at home.

Such self-treatment or lack of treatment in general, can lead to serious consequences.

Trauma can worsen, and in the future will cause serious discomfort to the victim, and her treatment will take significantly longer.

Treatment for damage to the back muscles is carried out in accordance with the following basic principles:

  • Providing the victim complete rest with the restriction of walking, lifting heavy objects, staying in an uncomfortable position, running runs, etc. In this case, do not forget that excessive immobility can also adversely affect the state patient. The degree of permissible loads, their intensity and frequency is best coordinated with the attending physician.
  • The effect of cold compresses, which will remove the swelling from the injured back muscles and will not allow the spread of inflammation to other muscles. Also with the help of cold you can cope with pain. Exposure to coldshould be carried out for 3-4 daysfrom the moment of receiving the stretching.
  • The effect of heat, which is indicated after removal of puffiness. Visiting the bath, as well as using a traditional hot water bottle will help to eliminate the symptoms of muscle spasm.

The removal of pain, especially in severe and extensive cases of damage to the muscles of the back, is recommended through the use of analgesics.

Among the medicines for the removal of puffiness, anti-inflammatory drugs of the non-steroid group, including local action, will be effective enough.

Fulfillment of all prescriptions of the doctor, carrying out of all complex of therapy allows to cope with stretching of muscles of a back approximately for 2 weeks.

However, treatment should not end there.

Later, after relief of acute symptoms, the patient will need to undergo a complex of rehabilitation measures.

What exercises to perform?

The next stage (after the removal of pain and swelling) will be a restorative, one of the main methods of which is special gymnastics. The complex of exercises will allow to develop and return the former mobility to the damaged muscles.

The main exercises can be:

  • moderate deflections and retention of the back in this position up to 5-8 seconds (performed standing);
  • raising legs alternately and together and holding them in a stressed state (lying on the back);
  • lifting the hip joint and keeping it in a raised position for 5-8 seconds (lying on the back), etc.

Each of the exercises can be performed 10 times. This complex is quite simple and accessible to everyone.

A source: http://sustao.ru/rastyazheniya/rastyazhenie-myshc-spiny.html

Pulled back - what should I do? Stretching of the back muscles. Back pain treatment

Of course, no one is immune from such an unpleasant problem as stretching the back muscles.

Especially often it occurs in people who engage in sports on a professional basis.

The stretching of the back muscles is primarily unpleasant because such damage causes severe pain. Consider why there are pain in the back, in more detail.


So, the person pulled his back, what to do about it, he does not know. However, before giving any recommendations on this matter, one should understand the reasons for this problem.

The most common of these is the displacement of the intervertebral discs, which occurs due to an excessive load on the spine.

In most cases, it simply does not have a strong support, so there is a stretching of the back muscles.

If we talk about the displacement of intervertebral discs, then as a result of such pathological changes are compressed nerve endings, so there is a sharp pain that spreads throughout the depth of the tissues of the organs and muscles.

Pain syndrome can also be triggered by the fact that displaced discs stretch the circumference musculature. To feel the defect of displacement of intervertebral disks it is possible, if in a position sitting with an equal back it is smoothly bent head forward.

With pathological changes the pain will arise quickly, and it will be sharp.

Symptoms, localization of sprains

The man drew his back. What to do? Please note that the reasons for the problem in question can be very diverse. This is because the localization of stretches and displacements is neurogenic, vertebral, disc, muscular.

If the back stretches, the symptoms of this pathology are usually the following: acute pain, reduced mobility and swelling.

To make the correct diagnosis is possible only through the analysis of all available signs. In some cases, stretching the muscles of the back provokes a rupture of muscle tissue.

The above pathologies are almost always accompanied by acute pain, which can manifest itself in different ways and arise anywhere. That's why many people want to know the answer to the question: "I pulled my back - what to do?"


Of course, in the solution of the problem in question a qualified specialist should help, namely, a vertebrologist. Only he will be able to determine the causes of stretching of the back muscles, to put the right diagnosis and to prescribe an adequate treatment.

For diagnosis, the patient will need to undergo tomography and ultrasound.

Only after this, it will be possible to unequivocally answer the question: "A man pulled his back - what to do?" As a rule, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to solve the problem.

Help before an ambulance arrives

No one takes away your right to provide first aid to a patient before the arrival of specialists. Thus, it is possible to minimize the risk of adverse consequences from injury.

The patient should never strain his muscles, it is important for him to try to fix his back in one position.

Optimum in this situation is to lie on a straight surface (if, for example, the sofa is too soft, put a board on it from the boards) to provide the dorsal muscles a resting state.

In order for the treatment of back pain to be effective, you should avoid any sudden movements and ups.

Remember that the problem in question often causes a complication in the form of inflammation, in addition to this the stretching of the back muscles in most cases passes into such severe pathologies as osteochondrosis, lumbago, radiculitis.

Easy massage

How can I start treating back pain? To the problem zone it is recommended to attach something warm: a hot water bottle or a bottle of warm water. It is not superfluous to massage your back muscles lightly.

If the scale of the injury initially seemed insignificant to you, but within a week the pain did not disappear, then it is possible that there was a rupture of tendons, and in this case, without the help of a doctor, do without.

In general, it should be remembered that even if the back injury seemed insignificant, this is not an excuse for not going to a specialist.

Self-medication of such a dangerous disease as stretching the back muscles can lead to an even greater threat to health, so it's better to trust a professional.

Therapeutic agents

A huge number of representatives of the weaker sex are interested in the following question: "My husband pulled the muscle of his back - what to do?" You can recommend special gels and ointments that are designed to eliminate pain, if it comes to stretching muscles. Today their assortment is quite large, but the most popular are: Fastum gel, Bystrum gel, Viprosal. They do not have a specific smell, so it is convenient to use them everywhere, even in the workplace.

If a man pulled a muscle on his back, then the ointment with a warming effect will also help to eliminate the pain. They are quite effective, but have a specific smell, so they are best used at home.

This is primarily about such drugs as "Capsicum "Efrakom "Espol". A high result in the treatment of sprains of the back muscles is given by ointments, which include bee or snake venom.

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They have an irritating effect, increase blood flow, reduce puffiness and reduce pain.

Professional massage

It's no secret that in the treatment of back muscles massage is especially effective. Of course, you should only apply to a specialist who is engaged in this on a professional basis.

If you do this procedure using ointments based on medicinal herbs, then recovery will come very soon.

You will not only take back pain, but also restore its mobility.


If unbearable pain is being induced, then anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken, for example, "Diclofenac" or "Orthofen". However, it is important to consider that these types of drugs are contraindicated to people who suffer from diseases of the digestive system.

At the same time, there is no ban on intramuscular injection of these drugs. The dosage will be given to you by the doctor.

Physiotherapy and manual therapy

When stretching the back muscles, the vertebrologist, as a rule, assigns physiotherapy to the patient: electrophoresis and iontophoresis.

If the muscles hurt because of injuries received in the distant past, then in the treatment is not superfluous will use the methods of manual therapy. In some cases, specialists in this field return people to a full-fledged life.

However, one should not forget about the available contraindications to treatment for manual therapists, therefore, before resorting to their services, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

Note that the back can hurt not only because the muscles are stretched, so it is very important to determine the root cause of the problem.


In order to reduce the likelihood of the problem under consideration, it is very important to follow certain rules.

In particular, before starting physical exercises, especially if they imply lifting of weights, it is necessary to allocate a certain amount of time for warm-up, to prepare the muscles for loads. Do not carry oversized and heavy objects alone.

If you still have to drag the weight yourself, then do it with a straight back, trying to keep the shoulder blades. This will reduce the risk of injury.

A source: http://.ru/article/165116/potyanul-spinuchto-delat-rastyajenie-myishts-spinyi-lechenie-boli-v-spine

Stretching of the back muscles: treatment, symptoms and first aid

Sometimes it happens that when you lift a heavy object or sharp turn, the back stretches.

This rather unpleasant condition can turn into serious problems, up to the spinal injuries.

Therefore, with back pain, which is pronounced in nature and a prolonged course, it is worth turning to a specialist.

Causes of injury can become hypothermia, sharp slopes, turns, lifting heavy weights.

It is noteworthy that with little physical activity and a low level of muscle development, stretching of the latissimus muscle of the back often occurs.

The best prevention of such damage will be permanent exercise.

Symptoms of ailment

Do not pay attention to such damage is quite difficult. Stretching is very noticeable and gives a lot of trouble to the victim. The main signs are as follows:

  1. Pain, mainly manifested in the lumbar region. In some cases, it can spread to the entire back;
  2. With physical activity, the pain intensifies, becoming intolerable;
  3. In the place of damage visible swelling and swelling;
  4. The skin above the stretch site can be hyperemic, the local temperature is somewhat elevated;
  5. With severe damage to the muscles, bruises and bruises appear;
  6. With violations of the muscles of the lumbar region, there may be problems with defecation and urination.

The main symptom is pain. It is long-term painful sensations after hypothermia or labor activity should serve as an excuse for contacting a doctor.

First aid: what to do

If it so happens that you have witnessed an injury, you need to give the victim first aid. It includes such items:

  • Lay the victim on a flat solid surface and limit movement to the maximum;
  • To the place of pain localization, apply a cold compress or ice, wrapped in tissue. Such a measure will reduce swelling and bruising. Do not need to keep the cold for more than 20 minutes in one approach, since there is a risk of catching cold nerve endings;
  • Transport the victim to a medical institution or call an ambulance.

If there is no possibility at this moment to appear to a specialist, and the pain is very strong, then you can take an analgesic. In this case, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, indamethacin) will be appropriate.

Home Treatment

You can treat stretching at home, provided that it is of an easy degree, and you know how to conduct treatment.

Otherwise, a compulsory medical consultation is necessary. Only after the examination the specialist will give recommendations regarding treatment.

Treatment of stretching of the back muscles includes such activities:

  1. Taking an anesthetic. You can use both tablets and topical agents;
  2. Paraffinotherapy. It is used only after preliminary consultation with the doctor after the end of the acute period of stretching;
  3. Physiotherapy. Perform light daily exercises that will stimulate blood supply to the muscles and their speedy recovery;
  4. Use of ointments and gels, regenerating tissues and relieving inflammation;
  5. The use of traditional medicine in the fight against stretching.

Ointments for stretching

Correctly selected means effectively takes inflammation and pain syndrome with trauma.

Before using such a topical agent should consult a doctor or pharmacist. So you can pick up that ointment, which is right for you.

With back injuries, a lot of creams and ointments are used:

  • "Dolobien". Local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent. Has the form of a gel;
  • Capsicam. The action is annoying. Relieves inflammation and pain. Contraindicated in pregnancy;
  • "Indomethacin." Removes edemas, has analgesic effect. It is not recommended to apply to damaged skin;
  • Voltaren. Since the active substance of this gel is diclofenac, the drug has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and local hypothermic effect.

Each remedy has its own indications and contraindications. They are recommended to be carefully examined to avoid side effects.

Folk remedies

Light back injuries can be cured with the help of traditional medicine recipes. Ingredients for lotions, ointments and compresses are easy to get, and the effect is better than pharmaceutical drugs. For the treatment of stretching, use:

  1. Compress from decoction broccoli. For its preparation, take 5 tablespoons of tansy flowers and pour a glass of boiling water. On a slow fire cook for 10 minutes and cool. Wet in a warm broth cloth and apply to a sore spot;
  2. Reception mumiyo. Thanks to its truly healing composition, the remedy treats a variety of diseases. To take mumiyo at a stretching it is necessary on 1 tablet in, g active substance. Mountain balsam is prized for its anti-inflammatory, regenerating, firming, immunostimulating effect;
  3. Wearing a belt of dog hair. Provides improved blood supply to the muscles of the waist, thereby speeding up the healing.

Rehabilitation and recovery

The rehabilitation period is extremely important after the healing of muscle fibers. During this period, all the muscle functions are restored. To start rehabilitation is necessary on the recommendation of the attending physician. For complete recovery, it is shown:

  • Performing simple exercises. This stimulates the blood supply to the muscles and improves their elasticity;
  • Massotherapy. It is allowed only after the healing of the tissues. Performed by a professional masseur;
  • Physiotherapy. The attending physician can recommend warming up, magnetotherapy, UHF;
  • Dietotherapy. The nutrition rich in proteins and microelements is shown.

At home, you can independently build a simulator for stretching the dorsal muscles. It is enough to find a board and fix it under a slope. On this simulator you can perform various exercises, strengthening and training the muscular corset.

A source: https://travmagid.ru/rastyazheniya/rastyazhenie-myshts-spiny.html

Sprain of the back muscles: symptoms of trauma and treatment methods

The back of a person is the place where the largest muscles are located. They form the so-called "muscular corset which allows you to hold the vertebral column upright, perform various movements.

Stretching of the back muscles occurs most often during weight training in the gym, lifting weights without preliminary physical training.

There are also stretches of the back muscles against the background of their partial atrophy in the form of an incorrectly formed posture or prolonged absence of adequate loads (for example, after a long illness with a bed mode).

In the back area are the following muscles:

  • trapezoidal - responsible for movements with arms, shoulders, shift and dilate shoulder blades;
  • latitude - participates in the lead-in and lead-in, forms the outer profile of the lateral projection of the back;
  • diamond-shaped - exist for duplicating trapezoidal functions;
  • large round;
  • straighteners of the spine - are responsible for flexion, extension, twisting of the torso.

In addition to these large muscles of the back, there is a small round, jagged muscle, lumbar and thoracic fascia. In the region of the back is the fixation of the oblique muscle of the anterior abdominal wall.

What is stretching the muscles of the back

In clinical sports trauma, under the stretching of the back muscles is meant a small injury to the muscle fibers, which in their unpreparedness and lack of elasticity receive microscopic ruptures at the time of maximum physical voltage. This can be as a result of violating the rules of carrying out strength training, lifting weights or prolonging static tension.

As a rule, the consequences of trauma go very quickly even without medical assistance. This is due to the high regenerative capacity of muscle tissue.

There is a huge number of small blood vessels. The muscles receive enough oxygen and glucose.

These factors allow you to quickly recover muscle tissue.

Much longer is the process of rehabilitation after stretching the ligaments of the muscles of the back.

They refer to braditrophic tissues, which are constantly experiencing a shortage of oxygen, protein and other nutrients.

Restoration of the ligamentous apparatus can take up to 7 - 8 months, depending on the severity of the trauma.

The danger of stretching the back muscles is associated with one important property of muscle tissue. After the received trauma on a background of a painful syndrome there is a reflex reduction.

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In the course of the maximum contractile reaction, neighboring or associated muscles can be damaged.

Therefore, it is necessary to take measures of first aid with the slightest suspicion of stretching the muscles of the back.

Symptoms of stretching the muscles of the back

The first symptoms are limited mobility and a strong pain syndrome. These symptoms appear suddenly, after performing a certain sharp movement. The pain increases when trying to tilt or turn the torso.

At a stretching of an average and severe degree development of a puffiness of soft tissues is possible. With extensive stretches on a large area of ​​the muscle on the skin integument numerous hematomas are seen in the form of delimited foci. Palpation is painful.

To exclude muscle ruptures and fractures, it is necessary to make an X-ray.

Treatment of stretching of the back muscles

Conservative treatment of stretching of the back muscles begins with ensuring complete physical rest. Bed rest is prescribed. In severe cases, it may be necessary to wear a special orthopedic corset for a long time, which partially assumes the functions of damaged muscles.

The first day after the injury is recommended to apply ice or cold compress. This measure will help reduce swelling of the tissues and pain syndrome.

If the pain is severe, then you can advise the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

However, one should not be admitted from reception for more than 2 days in a row.

Starting from the 2nd day after the injury, the application of warming ointments, compresses, physiotherapy procedures (for example, electrical stimulation of muscle fibers) is added to the treatment of stretching of the back muscles.

In our clinic of manual therapy special programs of fast and effective rehabilitation after the suffered domestic and sports injuries are developed. Experienced specialists on the basis of your individual data will be able to offer individual methods.

In an acute period, you can help manual effects, acupuncture, reflexology. At the rehabilitation stage we will help you to form an effective muscular skeleton of the spine and back with the help of physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture.

A source: https://freemove.ru/health/rastyazhenie-myshts-spiny-simptomy-i-lechenie.php

Stretching of the back muscles - symptoms, treatment

One of the most common injuries is the stretching of the back muscles, which can be treated at home. This damage can occur due to excessive physical exertion, sloppy movements. Urgent treatment is needed, which will help to cope with the pain.

As for the degree of severity of spinal cord stretching, they are divided into three groups:

  1. Moderate, 1 group. Characterized by mild pain, which quickly passes in a few days.
  2. Average, 2 group - the muscle itself can often contract, which is accompanied by pain. This level of stretching can cause severe discomfort.
  3. 3rd group - complete muscle rupture. This is a very difficult case when the muscle can not be made to work at all and it causes very severe pain.

Ointments and treatment with other effective means

It often happens that the initial muscle damage is not accompanied by very noticeable pain in the muscles and a person can not give it serious significance, loading the back and further large volumes loads.

This is very bad and can lead to the fact that the initially required treatment, which would take up to a week, can lead to complications and tangible problems for a whole month.

Therefore, do not ignore the problem, it is better to fix it at an early stage.

It is possible to single out such main components of the successful process of treatment of spinal cord stretching:

  1. The very first and most important thing to do is to provide the damaged muscles with peace and quiet. This means that you need to try to exclude any physical strain that will affect the back, especially weight, long walking, lying or sitting in an uncomfortable position. But the implementation of this item should be approached with the mind, because it is known that moderate regular loads on the contrary, can strengthen the muscles and make them healthier. Therefore, it is not superfluous to find time for small walks in the fresh air.
  2. If the tension is accompanied by different tumors, edema, then it is necessary to make cold compresses throughout the day, which also gives an anti-pain effect.
  3. When spasms have decreased, and the tumor has come to naught, on the contrary, warmth will be beneficial. You can visit the bath, apply a warmer to the muscles or bask in the sun.
  4. You can also use massage of damaged areas.

With regard to the use of ointments, they are all divided into two types: heating or cooling.

The first are needed in order to increase the flow of blood in the muscles and thereby help to remove the swelling. But they, like the heating pad, and thermal procedures, can be used only after the painful sensations are dulled and the tumors fall off.

Cooling ointments will perfectly help reduce the level of pain, discomfort. They should be used as soon as the damage is received, and at the first stages of treatment.

Common symptoms of a back injury

Symptoms of stretching:

  1. The first and main symptom is muscle pain. Turning the body, acting on the muscle, straining it, loading it with some work, a person will feel pain in the back. This pain is caused by the fact that the strained muscle is contracting.
  2. On the stretching may indicate the appearance of some complexity and limited mobility. Some movements are difficult or impossible for a person, which indicates that the muscles responsible for this movement can not cope with the load.
  3. Also, when the muscles are stretched, swelling may occur. They are usually accompanied by the formation of seals around the damaged area, or even the appearance of swelling. If it is a rupture of muscle tissue, then a fairly large hematoma and severe pain in the surrounding areas may appear.

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First aid in stretching

When you see these symptoms in yourself or other people, and do not doubt that before you the case stretching, you should not just stay idle, you should if possible provide the first aid possible.

It is to immediately remove the strain from the injured muscles. It is this simple action that can help to avoid aggravation of trauma.

You also need to cool the sick muscles, for example, by applying ice (for 20-30 minutes). Thanks to this action, it is possible to significantly reduce the number of tissues falling into the affected area.

Therapy with folk remedies

Lovers of home and traditional medicine we have not found, and it should be noted that this method of treatment is also necessary and useful. True, if you approach this reasonably and without fanaticism.

Noteworthy folk remedies for traumatized back muscles are:

  1. The easiest way is to cool the damaged area with a wrapped in a thin fabric of ice. This will reduce the feeling of discomfort and the size of the tumors.
  2. Making your own home ointment for pain and tumors from garlic. To do this, grate finely the garlic, pour it with animal fat. All this needs to be boiled and cooled, adding more leaves of eucalyptus there. Obtained ointment should be rubbed into a sore spot several times a day.
  3. Potatoes, where without it. To treat your back with potatoes, you need to take clean potatoes without skins, finely grate and use the resulting gruel as compresses. This helps reduce pain and swelling.
  4. Pharmacy clay or volcanic mud. It must be diluted with water to a liquid state, lay a layer of a mixture several centimeters per tissue, preferably not strongly transmissive to moisture and apply this lotion to damaged area.
  5. For compresses, you can also use a mixture of garlic and lemon. They need to be changed after they have warmed to body temperature and do not cause any coolness.
  6. To reduce pain and relieve tumors, a decoction of elderberry berries is also suitable. It can be added while taking a bath.

Rehabilitation and recovery

As for the process of rehabilitation of the back muscles after stretching, this includes a number of simple and effective measures, including the following:

  • muscle massage;
  • gradual buildup of loads on the muscles of the back;
  • light gymnastic exercises that will make the muscles stronger, more enduring and prepared for all kinds of trouble.

But it's worth constantly remembering thatBefore you give the muscles a load, they must be thoroughly kneaded and warmed up.

This reduces the likelihood that your fitness training will become a source of new injuries.

About the timing of healing of the back muscles - it is difficult to say something definite, because it directly depends on only two factors: the severity of the injury and the efforts made to treat it.

A small stretch, obtained with excess pulling on the bar, will pass by itself without treatment for a couple of days, and a serious muscle tear with excessive weight can even with expensive and high-quality treatment last for a long time months.

Before physical exercise, warm up well, warm up your muscles, do not make sudden jerky movements, do not lift too much gravity and everything will be fine.

Well, and if you have bothered to get a stretch, then do not neglect treatment and approach it seriously. This will save you from a heap of possible problems and will save both money and time for the treatment of running problems.

A source: http://GidPain.ru/rastyazhenie/myshc-spiny-lechenie.html