Effectively helping to stop smoking pills

Tobacco smoking is a dangerous nicotine addiction. To nicotine, the human body quickly becomes accustomed and affects the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Burning products of any cigarette are dangerous, toxic and provoke many diseases, including cancer. You can escape by special pills that help quit smoking.

It is possible to try and other directions, ways of treatment of dependence on nicotine: acupuncture, hypnosis and others.


Tabec tablets

A drug from Bulgaria with nicotine replacement component. This substance - cytisine - alkaloid, similar to nicotine, but less toxic. Receiving tablets "Tabex" mimics the processes that occur when smoking. Smoking, taking the tablets is oversaturated with the usual smoking regime and the desire to smoke is suppressed. It ceases to like the smell of tobacco smoke.

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"Tabex" is adopted according to the scheme outlined in the instruction. If a person does not give up smoking for one course, the course is no longer repeated so as not to provoke toxic poisoning with nicotine.

Tablets "Nicorette"

To quit smoking, you can also use sublanguage tablets "Nicorette".They contain nicotine. Nicotine dissolves in saliva, gets into the blood, carried throughout the body. The craving for smoking is noticeably reduced.

"Nicorette" is less toxic from "Tabex".May last longer apply against the background of smoking. But you should not abuse this. A side effect may be perspiration in the throat and irritation of the oral mucosa.

Tablets "Champix"

When getting rid of nicotine addiction, tablets for withdrawal from smoking containing nicotine are far from the best way. Some smokers ask about alternative tablets. And the answer is - the medicine "Champix".They do not contain nicotine. And they act so that the one who smokes ceases to enjoy the process of smoking. The active component of the Champix tablets, varenicline, affects some centers in the brain and turns off the pleasure zones from the smoking process. By the way, the abstinence syndrome at the termination of receipt of a habitual dose of a nicotine to be transferred easier.

In 2007, the developers of the Champix tablets were awarded the Galen Prize.

So with the help of "Champix" quit smoking is now much easier. The drug costs a lot, and has a large list of side effects, but for those who decided to quit smoking, will not be disappointed.

Preparation "Corrida Plus"

"Bullfight Plus" is a preparation from smoking on a plant basis. Here extracts of medicinal plants - oats and mint oil. The drug is very popular. A minimum of side effects, reasonable prices and no special contraindications. After all, in the extract of oats, there are many active components that normalize the activity of the central nervous system, reduce cravings for tobacco. Mint oil acts as a soothing agent, promotes the saturation of tissue cells with oxygen, stimulates the respiratory center.

Tablets "Bullfight Plus" can be consumed with every manifestation of a strong desire to smoke a cigarette. Of course, if the components of the tablets cause allergies, then this drug can not be used.

There are still popular remedies based on plant raw materials - the homeopathic remedy "Nicomel", as well as the phytotea - "Antinik".

Preparation "Zyban"

The preparation "Zyban"( or bupropion) was created initially as an antidepressant. Then it began to be used by narcologists as a medicine for nicotine addiction. The drug is relatively safe, as it does not cause dysfunction in the genital area. For the first time, the active ingredient, bupropion, was patented in the US in 1974.And in 1986 responded from the market in connection with the increase in seizures, the type of epileptic, after his admission. But then, in the study, found that all cases of side effects were observed with an overdose of the drug.

"Zyban" is very effective in withdrawal syndrome with quitting smoking. The drug stimulates the production of the hormone dopamine. And quitting smoking usually does not feel depressed, uncomfortable and depressed. This is a good way to quit smoking. Since in the preparation "Zeban" there is no nicotine. And nicotine containing drugs support, although a small, but still, the level of the drug - nicotine in the blood.

Some smokers ask: "Tell me where can I buy an ani- depressant?".In our country, Russia, you can buy generic-bupropion, which is no different from the original means.

All tablets from smoking can be divided into four groups:

  1. Containing analogues of nicotine or nicotine itself.
  2. Blocking satisfaction from the very process of smoking. Homeopathic, herbal preparations.
  3. Soothing and antidepressants.

To say definitely that any particular medicine is the best, it will not work. If the duration of smoking is long, nicotine containing drugs may be preferable. If the experience is small, you can choose something without the content of nicotine or its analogues. But for anyone, it is better to get the advice of a doctor-expert in narcology. Because the doctor can tell you the exact dosage and duration of the treatment course. Pay attention to the instructions to the drugs and, especially, to the list of contraindications to it.

Advantages of medicines against tobacco smoking

It can not be said that there is any most effective remedy. It can be said that the most suitable method is to quit smoking for you personally or not. Perfect means do not exist. Tablets from smoking are now a safe and affordable way to get rid of nicotine addiction.

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