What is the nystagmus of the eyeball, how to treat it properly

Nystagmus refers to the uncontrolled oscillatory movement of the eyeballs. The disease often develops due to damage or disruption of the vestibular apparatus, vestibular cranial nerves, cerebellum or brainstem.

In this article, we will talk about the characteristics of nystagmus, its symptoms and consequences, as well as about modern methods of treating this eye disease.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Surgically
    • 5.3People's means
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Nystagmus is an involuntary vibrational movement of the eyeballs.Usually it occurs from birth or early childhood, although it can be diagnosed in adults due to various eye diseases, brain diseases, traumas, intoxications.

Isolate the ocular and neurogenic (central) nystagmus.In the first case, visual impairments occur at an early age or are the result of disturbances in the visual apparatus.In the second case, the appearance of the disease can be associated with lesions of the vestibular component of the oculomotor system.

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Depending on the nature of the movements nystagmus is divided into three types:

  1. Pendulum-shaped. Eyes move from side to side.
  2. Pinched. Eyes slowly move in one direction, and then quickly return back.
  3. Mixed. It combines the signs of an impetuous, and pendulum-like nystagmus.

In the direction of eye movement four groups of nystagmus are distinguished:

  1. Vertical.
  2. Horizontal.
  3. Rotational.
  4. Diagonal.

Depending on the amplitude of the oscillatory movements of the eyes:

  1. Heavyweight(the amplitude is more than fifteen degrees).
  2. Medium(amplitude from fifteen to five degrees).
  3. Small-bore(amplitude less than five degrees).

Other types of nystagmus:

  1. Physiological.This is an impetuous nystagmus, in which the vibrational movements of the eyes are due to a change in pressure in the vestibular nuclei.
  2. Latent.Oscillations occur with closed or half-closed eyes. Such nystagmus appears due to fatigue and increased intraocular pressure.
  3. Installation.The jerky movements appear when the pupil is maximally directed to the side.
  4. Nystagmus motor imbalance. It combines the signs of other types of disease. Its occurrence is associated with a weakening of the slanting muscles of the eyes.
  5. Nystagmus sensory derivation.It develops due to a violation of visual acuity. As a result of the course of the disease, visual acuity decreases. The cause of the appearance is associated with impaired central vision at an early age.
  6. Return-incoming.The eyes diverge in different directions during the oscillatory movements. Such nystagmus can be a sign of parasellar tumors.

Eye movements in this disease can not be controlled. The magnitude of the oscillations can vary depending on the direction of vision, the position of the head, concentration or fatigue.

It happens that people with this diagnosis, the head is in an unnatural position, in which the magnitude of the oscillations is minimal. The sight can not linger on a particular object, but passes by it. Because of this, the brain gets a fuzzy picture. That is why vision in people with nystagmus is low.


Nystagmus is a rare disease.It occurs in one person of several thousand. It usually occurs in newborn infants or in young children.

The cause of its occurrence is associated with various neurologic disorders, sometimes of hereditary nature (albinism, congenital amaurosis of Leber).

In adulthood, the cause of nystagmus can be:

  • Loss of vision (with cataracts or eye trauma).
  • Diseases of the brain (tumors, multiple sclerosis, stroke).
  • Craniocerebral injury.
  • Exposure to toxic substances(alcohol, some medicines).
  • Malformations of the skull and brain (Arnold-Chiari anomaly).
  • Hydrocephalus.
  • Diseases of the vestibular apparatus(labyrinthitis, vestibular neuronitis, neurinoma of the vestibular nerve).


It happens that people with nystagmus do not feel any signs of the disease. But sometimes the following complaints appear:

  1. Visible oscillatory movements of the eyes from side to side.
  2. Dizziness, loss of orientation in space.
  3. Nausea due to the inability to fix the subject's sight.
  4. Oscilloscopy (sensation of continuous oscillation of surrounding objects).

Nystagmus may indicate deterioration of hearing (most often in one ear), impaired coordination, decreased muscle tone of the body, double vision.

Possible complications

But in itself nystagmus does not cause complications. But if it is not treated, then it threatens such a serious complication as a complete loss of vision.


Stages of the diagnosis of the disease:

  1. Initial examination with an ophthalmologist.
  2. Additional research(visual acuity, the state of the oculomotor apparatus and the optical media of the eye, the state of the retina and the fundus of the eye).
  3. MRI, electroencephalogram, echo-encephalography.
  4. Check with a neurologist.
Classification of nystagmus

Basic principles of nystagmus treatment:

  • Correction of vision with glasses or contact lenses.Most often, contact lenses are used, because with the movement of the eye, the lens center moves with it, thereby providing a clearer vision.
  • Taking Baclofen or injecting Botox.But the effect is temporary.
  • The operation on the eye muscles will ensure the displacement of the relative rest position of the eyes in the middle position and give a good cosmetic result.
  • Treatment of the underlying disease that caused nystagmus.

Treatment of nystagmus is a long and very difficult affair. And it is not always possible to achieve the desired result.

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, which caused the development of nystagmus.

Causes of nystagmus

During treatment, it is necessary to cancel the use of drugs that provoke nystagmus. These drugs include sleeping and potent drugs, for example, benzodiazepines and barbiturates.


Drug treatment involves the use of various vasodilator drugs that nourish the tissues of the eye, in particular the retina.Also, doctors can recommend various vitamin and multivitamin complexes for the full strengthening of the body.

It must be remembered that medicines are only auxiliary.


Surgical treatment is performed to reduce the vibrational movements of the eyes. In the jerky nystagmus, the operation is performed to transfer the "rest zone" to the middle position.To do this, weaken stronger muscles and strengthen weaker muscles. Due to this, the position of the head is straightened, nystagmus decreases, and visual acuity is increased.

With the help of a surgical operation a person not only can get rid of uncontrolled eye movements, but also restore vision. Also, after the surgical interventions, photophobia disappears.

People's means

Treatment of nystagmus with the help of traditional medicine must be combined with traditional methods of treatment.

The most famous recipes of folk remedies:

  • Parsley juice.Drink freshly squeezed parsley juice before eating at least three times a day.
  • Dill. Insist the seeds of dill, filled with hot water, for fifty to sixty minutes in a dark place. Drink the infusion for half an hour every hour for the whole day.
  • Caraway. One tablespoon of cumin pour boiling water, insist for an hour. Take infusion for half an cup twice a day.


Prevention of nystagmus includes the following recommendations:

  1. Timely diagnosis of the disease.
  2. Rational nutrition, regular moderate physical activity.
  3. Compliance with occupational health.
  4. Timely treatment of those diseases that can cause nystagmus.
  5. Complete healthy sleep.
  6. Refusal from the use of alcohol and smoking.

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A test for color blindness can be done here.

Carnival colored lenses http://eyesdocs.ru/linzy/karnavalnye/osobennosti-vidy-marki.html




Nystagmus is a quick and uncontrolled eye movement. This disease is accompanied by a disorder of the visual function, because of what is limited

human capabilities.

Nystagmus can be treated in many ways. Medication is prescribed to improve the nutrition of the tissues of the eye, the retina. And surgical treatment can reduce the vibrational movements of eyeballs.

Remember that nystagmus therapy should begin with the appearance of its first symptoms in childhood. At this age, the visual system is only evolving. If you start treatment already in adulthood, it can take a long time and even prove to be ineffective.

Also read about what coloboma and heterhythmia are, and why glaucoma and cataract are interrelated.