Treatment of scoliosis in children and adolescents with the help of physical education

Scoliosis is a common disease among children and adolescents, which is a curvature of the spine. Most often, doctors diagnose this disease in children in a period of strong growth, starting from 11 years.

This is because in a short period of time the spine is stretched, while the muscular corset is not yet strong enough, to maintain the spine in the correct position, due to which the vertebrae deviate from the axis, and the back becomes asymmetric.

Scoliosis of the spine is found in both children and adults, who did not pay special attention to the treatment of curvature on time. He is treated in two ways: conservatively, that is, without surgical intervention, and operatively - with the help of surgery. As a rule, the operative method is used in progressive scoliosis at later stages.

Diagnosis of scoliosis in adolescents is problematic due to the fact that at the initial stage asymmetry is practically not noticeable, and the child does not experience any difficulties in movement, discomfort and pain.

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The danger of scoliosis is that this disease promotes deformation of internal organs, due to what they start to work incorrectly. In eight cases out of ten, the cause of scoliosis can not be determined, such a scoliosis is called idiopathic.


  • 1The causes of scoliosis
  • 2Therapeutic physical culture in scoliosis in children and adolescents
  • 3Warm up
  • 4Main unit
  • 5Hitch
  • 6Massage with scoliosis
  • 7How to prevent the appearance of scoliosis

The causes of scoliosis

The cause of curvature may betrauma, fractures, birth defects of bones, rickets. If none of the above listed in the child was diagnosed, hypodynamia could be the possible cause of scoliosis, that is,decreased motor activity. Modern man leads a sedentary lifestyle, which affects his health.

What is the relationship between the appearance of scoliosis and insufficient physical activity? The fact is that the presence of well-developed back muscles, the so-called muscle corset, supports the spine and not gives him curvature, due to which the child does not put much effort to sit and move with an even back.

Treatment of scoliosis in children is non-pharmacological. The main remedy for curvature of the spine is exercise therapy.

Therapeutic physical culture in scoliosis in children and adolescents

LFK in scoliosis in children can significantly improve the situation: reduce the angle of the spine and stop the progression of scoliosis.

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Before you go to any sports section, consult a doctor. He appoints LFK individually to each patient and independently selects the necessary set of exercises. A visit to the doctor can not be neglected, because as exercises for the back in scoliosis should help, and not cause harm. Exercises for 3 degrees of scoliosis are built on general rules.

You can not go in for sports, where both sides of the body are unevenly involved.These include dancing and team sports, such as football, basketball. This is due to the fact that in scoliosis of 3-4 degrees, children can not engage in rapid running.

Any gymnastics, both artistic and sportive in scoliosis is strictly contraindicated. Improperly selected exercises can increase the angle of the back and scoliosis will acquire a progressive character.

It is a mistake to think that the vis on the crossbar will help to straighten the back by stretching the vertebrae. This exercise is categorically contraindicated even in the treatment of first degree scoliosis.

Particular attention should be given to scoliosis of 3 and 4 degrees. At the last stage, when the angle of inclination is more than 40 °, physical activity is contraindicated.

At a scoliosis of the third degree to approach to physical activities it is necessary with special caution.Strictly prohibited loads with weights.

When there is pain and difficulty breathing it is important to stop exercising and consult a doctor.

About LFK at the third degree of a scoliosis doctors differ in opinions. Some of them believe that grade 3 is a contraindication to back muscles training, others say that exercises for the back with scoliosis of the third degree are possible, but with increased control doctors.

The warm-up, the main unit and the hitch are the three components of any training, in particular, the exercise therapy for scoliosis. All exercises are done slowly, in a prone position.

Warm up

The warm-up consists in aligning the back. It is necessary to approach the flat vertical surface and lean against it with heels, calves, buttocks and shoulders. Having fixed this position of the case, move away from the wall and start training.

The legs are on the width of the shoulders. Perform exercises with your hands. There is a raising of hands upwards, in the parties, circular rotations. Then squats are performed. All exercises must be repeated 5-6 times. At this warm-up is over.

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Main unit

Then the main part of the training, where the subsequent exercises are performed in the starting positionlying on his stomach:

  • The hands are located behind the head; elbows are diverted to the side, then return to their original position;
  • From the initial position, the trunk is raised, thus the spine bends in the thoracic region;
  • from the same position the arms are extended along the body with the palms down; alternately, leaning on the palm, one leg is raised, then the other;
  • The head and shoulders rise from the same position and are held for a few seconds;
  • then a new element of exercise is added: together with the head and shoulders, the lower extremities are raised, pressure is applied to the thorax;
  • You can also practice in the simulation of swimming.

The following exercises are performed from the starting position -lying on his back:

  • The legs are bent at the knees, each knee in turn pulls up to the stomach.
  • The legs are also bent at the knees; The pelvis rises, and the spine bends in the thoracic region.
  • Exercise "bicycle" - from the initial position, rotational movements are carried out with the feet as close as possible to the floor;
  • exercise "scissors" - lying on his back are vertical and horizontal movements;
  • from the starting position, raise your legs and try to make a horizontal twine in the air for a few seconds;
  • then it is necessary to stretch out; the head extends upward, and the legs downward, that is, the tension occurs along the spine.


The hitch is based on walking. If you are limited by space, walking is performed on the spot:

  • standing, arms stretched upward, and walking on his heels for half a minute;
  • from the previous position walking on the socks is done the same amount of time;
  • walking with a high knee elevation;
  • walking with the shinning of the shins is performed.

In conclusion, there are exercises to restore breathing. For this, when you raise your hands, you inhale, and then exhale at a slow descent.

The result from exercise therapy can be seen only with a systematic approach, so you need to decide on the time for classes. This can be your morning exercise from scoliosis or evening training.

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Massage with scoliosis

This type of treatment, both in children and adults, is a complement to physical therapy and physiotherapy. It serves to strengthen the underdeveloped muscles of the back and relax the tension.

In combination with other conservative treatmentsMassage can improve the situation with the curvature of the spine at all stages. In addition to the beneficial effects on the muscles of the back and spine, massage improves the metabolism, and also repairs the nervous system, makes the joints and ligaments more elastic.

It is necessary to know the contraindications to massage for scoliosis. These include vomiting and nausea, respiratory and skin diseases, as well as fever.

The main rule: massage should be performed by a qualified specialist.

The number of massage procedures is determined by the general condition of the patient. Usually, the massage course is appointed at least once every six months and lasts for about 25 sessions.

How to prevent the appearance of scoliosis

The fact that scoliosis of 1 degree in children is a fairly common disease does not mean that it does not require treatment and does not entail any consequences. Ignored curvature of the spine promotes the development of migraine, intervertebral hernia, chronic diseases of internal organs, as well as unbearable back pain.

It is important to pay attention toprevention of scoliosis in children. For this, severalrules:

  • make sure that the child is sitting straight and not tilting his head forward;
  • pick up chairs and armchairs so that when the child is engaged at the desk, his legs are not hanging, but rested on the floor;
  • at long employment it is necessary to do warm-up every 25 minutes;
  • if you have to stand for a long time, you should change the supporting leg alternately, this will reduce the burden on the spine;
  • it is important to evenly distribute the gravity, you can not carry all the bags in one hand.
  • Sleep should be on a medium-hard mattress, and the pillow should be small in size.

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