Alcoholism: what and how to treat at home

One should not forget that alcoholism is accompanied by other diseases. So, for example, most alcohol abusers exhibit alcoholic hepatitis, others have heart disease, gastrointestinal and kidney diseases. The brain and spinal cord also suffer, which is manifested in loss of memory and aggravation of aggressiveness.

On this page we will look at some of the methods, tools and recipes for how to treat alcoholism at home with traditional medicine. In the second part of the article - we will take a place to review how alcoholism is treated in a hospital.


Source How and what to treat alcoholism in the home

a while accompanying alcoholism disease occur almost imperceptibly. But at some point an explosion occurs, and then hepatitis grows into cirrhosis of the liver, and heart diseases turn into a heart attack. But in the earlier stages alcoholism is fraught with serious troubles for both the drinker and others. After all, how many lives are carried out by accidents, caused by drunk drivers. Drunken people are injured in production, drop out of windows, drown during bathing. Finally, there is a close relationship between alcoholism and crime: a lot of crimes are committed while drunk.

As we can see from the above, the consequences of alcoholism can affect negatively not only the physical and mental health of a single drinking person, but also manifest as a social and economic problem, spreading to our entire society.

Thirst for alcohol

Thirst for alcohol is formed in the process of life and is focused in the brain. In some, this process is more intensive( there may be heredity), in others it is slower. But the process is for everyone who uses alcohol in the smallest quantities. Therefore, the main task in the treatment - to affect the brain, the psyche of the patient.

Than and how to independently treat alcoholism with home remedies

Good results in treatment gives suggestion .There is a case where two mechanics worked in the same room. Boris in his working hours rewrote lectures on the harm of alcohol on the body to the tape recorder - it was his business. Mikhail also drank a bottle of vodka after work every day. They did not talk to each other. But after a few months, Michael completely gave up alcohol.

Questions and Answers

Question: I've heard that female alcoholism is more difficult to cure than a man's. Is this true and why?

Answer: Yes, indeed it is. If a man drinks, the wife does not want to endure it and divorces him. Having divorced, he often immediately forms a new family. If a drinking woman gets divorced, she does not have that opportunity. A woman can not rely on anyone, there is no support. And the main reason - the female brain is much less resistant to alcohol and faster degrades.

Question: After a responsible report I drink a glass of wine. How to understand that a person is sick, that he is an alcoholic?

Answer: In small quantities, alcohol is a tranquilizer. If in the morning after drinking, waking up, you want to get drunk - it's a signal of illness, alcoholism. Recipe with black radish

For the treatment of alcoholism, drugs of medicinal plants are used. They develop in the body negative reactions to alcohol intake.

For example, with black radish cut off the top, hollow out the core in the form of a jug. Pour 300 ml of vodka, close the top, wrap it in a newspaper. Insist for a week. Give a little drink to the patient.

Attention! The method can be used only with a healthy heart.

How to code from alcoholism at home

The first version of

2 tbsp.spoons herbs thyme pour a glass of boiling water, put on a water bath for 15 minutes. Half an hour, cool at room temperature.

Reception: 1/3 cup 2 times a day, after 10 minutes rinse your mouth with the composition: 1 tbsp.a spoonful of vodka for 0,5 glasses of water.

After 2-3 procedures there is an aversion to alcohol, vomiting for the smell of it.

The second version of

A tablespoon of herbs of thyme pour a glass of boiled water and boil for 3 seconds. Insist 20-30 minutes. Strain. Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is several months.

From practice Tartak AM

( The Big Gold Book - Health without medicines. - M.: Dilya, 2007, 624 p.)

Goat milk

Stepan, 52 years old . Works in a male team. Work is heavy, heavy physical activity. Everyone drank one bottle of vodka a day. His mother-in-law keeps goats, sells milk. Began to bring goat milk - 1 liter per person. Now everyone says: "Do not drink vodka, milk is better."For four months now no one has taken alcohol into his mouth.

Barhotki - decoction of

With alcoholic poisoning, will dissolve the broth of ( 7-8 colors for 1 liter of boiling water.) Cook for 3 minutes. Decoction of the broth. The second time, pour 0.8 liters of boiling water, cook for 6 minutes. Strain the broth. Reception: 200 ml 3 times a day.

Oats + Calendula = dislike for alcohol and tobacco

Fill half a three-liter pan of with oats in the shell of , pour over with cold water. Cook for 30 minutes. Strain the broth. Add 100 g calendula flowers , wrap, insist.

Admission: 200 ml 3 times daily before meals. The broth evokes a dislike for alcohol and tobacco.

Cases of practice Tartak AM

Another case of .Somehow we with clairvoyant Lydia talked about her relative who was drinking."What awaits him in the future?" - she asked a question, closed her eyes and "saw" the coffin. She was shown a sister who goes to the cemetery."But he is such a good man, a mechanic is a" golden hands "!Perhaps, it is possible to save him? "- Lida pleaded and" saw "Sasha alive and unharmed in Siberia. He is dressed in boots, sitting at the samovar, drinking tea. Near his wife.(Some healers believe that needs to change 's residence to cure .)

A friend was worried that her son was drinking. I sent her to a friend - psychic, clairvoyant, who knew and trusted her well. The healer established the cause of drunkenness: the mother constantly quarreled with her daughter-in-law, the son is torn between her beloved women and therefore drinks - that was her opinion. Unfortunately, women's grievances overpowered common sense, there was no peace in the family. And the man could not be cured.


Question: My husband is an alcoholic. His mother is a very active woman, she wants to save our marriage. But I want to leave my husband. I have a good specialty, a highly paid job. The son also does not want to live with his father.2 times left, lived with my mother. However, both times she returned to her husband. What draws me to him?

Answer: The mother-in-law made witchcraft so that you could not leave her husband. Ask her for forgiveness( mentally), wish her health and get rid of sorcery.

Slotin Recipe. On the old horse dung, gray mushrooms grow .Insist them on vodka and then pour alcohol into the drink.

From a hangover, so that the head does not hurt, Raphael advised the tincture of anise on vodka( 0.5 cups).

What is the best way to get drunk in the morning after the celebration?- Hot soup.

Familiar saw since 19 years. At age 42, he fell ill, and his paresis began - his face twisted. The doctor prohibited the consumption of alcohol, and he immediately stopped drinking, although before that no persuasion did not work.

Tips for Tibetan medicine refusing alcohol: do a restorative back massage. Influence with the help of acupressure on the adrenal glands. This stimulates the body and compensates for the lack of alcohol, which acts similar to the drug. For this, of course, you need to contact a specialist.

Take honey .For a faster refusal of alcohol in the morning should take 6-8 teaspoons of honey. This allows you to "lift" the patient for active work during the day.

Alcohol abuse contributes to high blood pressure.

How to treat alcoholism in a hospital

It would be more accurate to call this section: "How should alcoholism be treated in a hospital and outpatient settings".Oh well, what can you do about that you can wait for an ideal treatment in many of our hospitals, not only because of financial difficulties and shortcomings in our country, but, and even any delays related to the procurement of medicines under the new Federal Law No. 44-F3.

The existing scheme for the treatment of alcoholics includes three stages, each with different pharmacological intervention goals( published on the website).

The main task of the first stage is the elimination of the consequences of massive alcohol intoxication and the relief of acute psychological disorders that have arisen in patients with alcoholism due to deprivation. At the second stage, the primary goals of treatment are suppression of pathological attraction to alcohol and correction of psychological and somatic disorders. Stage III - preventive therapy.

For abstinence withdrawal syndrome proposed more than 150 medications, and their number is growing steadily. Against the backdrop of massive detoxification of ( hypertonic, isotonic, plasma-substitution solutions, thiol derivatives) is widely used as a set of vitamins , mainly group B, as well as vitamins C, PP and others.

For the relief of acute psychopathological disorders that occur at this stage, and the reduction of secondary craving for alcohol, almost all the currently known groups of psychotropic drugs are used. This, especially tranquilizers - derivatives of 1,4-benzodiazepine.

In general, their high efficiency is noted. Recommended lorazepam, flurozepam, phenazepam, grandaxin, like traditional diazepam, quickly eliminate such disorders of the subpsychic level as tension, irritability, insomnia, anxiety, and have a vegetostabilizing effect. At the same time, numerous studies point to the need to restrict the use of benzodiazepine tranquilizers in patients with alcoholism, first, because of the danger of developing addiction to them, and secondly, because of the side effect that has been expressed in a number of cases: asthenia, dizziness and,finally, paradoxical effects - excitation, insomnia.

In the first days of alcohol deprivation, parenteral administration of neuroleptics - phenothiazines and butyrophenones - is widely used in the first days of alcohol deprivation. In most cases this leads to rapid relief of psychotic disorders.

For the treatment of abstinence and alcoholic psychoses, atypical neuroleptic tiaprid( tiapridol) has become more common in different countries. The drug belongs to the group of substituted benzamides and in addition to providing psychotropic action gives an analgesic effect. There is a distinct positive effect of tiaprida, a rapidly arresting sleep disorder, mood and related behavioral changes. However, special comparative studies of efficacy have not revealed special advantages of thiapride in anticonvulsant treatment with carbamazepine( tegretol, finlepsin) in the treatment of alcohol abstinence. The latter has a pronounced psychotropic effect and is quite effective in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal. As for the other anticonvulsants, recently a positive result of the treatment of alcohol abstinence with sodium valproate has been obtained. In the experiment, the drug shows GABA - positive properties, the clinic well cures convulsions, diarrhea, coordination disorders. In terms of the effect on deprivation syndrome, sodium valproate is almost as good as chloromethiazole, the effectiveness of which is rated "high" in a number of works, although the drug easily causes addiction. Nootropics for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal, despite a certain positive effect, especially with regard to such psychopathological disorders as dysthymia, exhaustion, general decline in activity, have not yet been widely used, possibly because they are in some cases inferior to other psychotropic drugs.

In recent years, some addiction clinics successfully use a dopamine antagonist - apomorphine - as a means of specific therapy for withdrawal symptoms. Subvvotnye doses of the drug used in a special dosage form( gelatin capsules) 7-8 times a day, significantly soften vegetosomatic, affective disorders in the structure of withdrawal, and also reduce the pathological attraction to alcohol. However, due to the fact that apomorphine is unstable and rapidly metabolized in the body, the treatment regimen is quite complex, which, apparently, prevents the wider introduction of the drug into practice.

As attempts at targeted pharmacological intervention, one can also consider reports on the effectiveness of the use of alcohol stimulants dopamine receptors - bromocriptine, adrenoblockers pyrroxane and clonidine. However, the effects of these drugs need further study.

Despite the inevitable difficulties in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal, associated with a broad clinical polymorphism of the disorders observed during this period, modern medicines are being widely used that are prescribed mainly symptomatically.

The purpose of this stage of therapy is in most cases achieved, however, only in the hospital. In outpatient conditions, rapidly to stop withdrawal symptoms and interrupt as a bug does not always succeed .Absence of specific therapy inevitably entails the simultaneous administration of large doses of a variety of drugs, creating an additional burden on the already affected liver.

Despite the active search for new medications used to treat alcoholics, problems associated with the withdrawal of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and suppression of pathological craving for alcohol remain the most relevant in narcology. Of undoubted interest is a new psychotronic drug - orocetam, synthesized by Bulgarian pharmacologists. It belongs to the group of nootropics and is a combination of two drugs: piracetam and orotic acid, intended for intramuscular and intravenous administration. Orotsetam has a pronounced energy-activating action due to activation of oxidation-reduction reactions in the body. First of all, it stimulates metabolic processes in the brain and liver, i.e., in those organs that are most vulnerable to alcohol intoxication. Orocetam should be used as a means for relief of alcohol withdrawal syndrome with a predominance of somato vegetative component in its structure, as well as with the purpose of suppressing pathological craving for alcohol, which is actualized in patients in a state of remission due to the presence of a picture of psychopathological disorders with a leading asthenic symptom complex.

A significant reduction in the import of medicines causes serious difficulties in the treatment of patients with alcoholism and at the same time creates the prerequisites for the development of their own original domestic remedies or the reproduction of already known ones. One of them is chlospide, which, according to the chemical structure and spectrum of psychogenic action, is identical to the widely known elenium and is its domestic counterpart. In the clinic of alcoholism, chlorideide can be recommended as a corrector of neurotic, neurotic and psychopathic disorders at different stages and in different periods of alcoholic illness. The drug is well tolerated in both isolated and combined applications with psychotropic and non-psychotropic drugs. The low severity of hypersedation and muscle relaxation create prerequisites for its use in outpatient practice. With regard to the suppression of the primary pathological drive towards alcohol, it can be used as an auxiliary.

Some data on the use of glycine in the treatment of patients with alcoholism indicate the advisability of using this drug as a "basic" in the therapy of the disease and a preventive agent in a group of patients at high risk for alcoholism.

Currently, possible aspects of the use of interferon in the treatment of alcoholism, which is associated with a wide range of biological effects of the drug, including psychophysiological.

Sensitizing therapy, introduced into clinical practice more than 40 years ago, remains and is currently relevant in the second and third stages of treatment. The most widely used of sensitizers are disulfiram( antabus, teturam, aversan).There is an extensive literature on the physiological effects, techniques and results of this drug. However, it is important to note that the pharmacological effects of the drug are related to the fact that, when converted to diethylthiocarbamate, disulfiram inhibits aldehyde dehydrogenase( AgDG) and leads to the accumulation of acetaldehyde. The inhibition of AgDG activity under the influence of disulfiram begins not earlier than 12 hours and lasts for several days.

The recovery of AgDG activity depends on the synthesis of this enzyme, which is possible only after six or more days. The inhibition of AgDH results in the accumulation of acetaldehyde in the liver and blood after the intake of alcohol. This is the basis for the emergence of the so-called antabuse-alcohol reaction( AAP), a pronounced somatovegetative disorder, which makes it impossible to jointly take disulfiram and alcohol.

The activity of other enzymes that metabolize acetaldehyde, including aldehyde oxidase and glyceraldehyde-phospho-dehydrogenase, is also inhibited by small doses of disulfiram. Metabolite disulfiram - diethylthiocarbamate unlike disulfiram blocks thiol groups, binding metals in the active center of the enzyme. Thus, one of the most important catecholamine synthesis enzymes, copper-containing dopamine-* -hydroxylase, is inhibited. It should be emphasized that it is by this mechanism that disulfiram reduces the level of ethanol consumption in model experiments. A similar result is obtained by the use of other inhibitors of dopamine-in hydroxylase, which do not affect the activity of AgDG.In this case, cyanamide, which suppresses AgDG and does not affect the activity of dopamine-in-hydroxylase, increases the acetaldehyde content in the blood, but does not change the metabolism of catecholamines and does not affect the consumption of alcohol.

A number of works indicate the dissatisfaction of most practicing doctors with teturamotherapy. This is because the effectiveness of the drug since its introduction into clinical practice has significantly decreased and almost does not depend on the method of treatment, i.e., the dose of the drug, the AAR.In all probability, this is because the disulfiram is "morally obsolete" and the psychotherapeutic effect of its action is substantially weakened. Secondly, the drug has a diverse and often very serious side effect, leading to the development of hepatitis, polyneuritis, encephalopathy, psychosis, impaired immunity. It can provoke a pathological attraction to alcohol and even strengthen it. In addition, in cases of relapse after disulfiram therapy, a more malignant course is observed. It becomes clear a very reserved attitude to this type of treatment, which was found in many countries, analyzing the long-term experience of using disulfiram in the therapy of alcoholism.

Used for the first time about 40 years ago, the drug form of disulfiram, suitable for subcutaneous implantation, esperal( domestic analogue of the joy), increased the effectiveness of this type of therapy. However, as shown by special studies, the results of treatment with the ex-opera are mainly determined by the psychotherapeutic effect of the procedure of the operative intervention itself, G.V.Morozov and NNIvanets rightly point out that the very fact of the patient's consent to the procedure of implantation is identified with an unconditional refusal of alcohol and confirms his installation for sobriety. Thus, the effect of treatment with esperamide is largely determined by the correct selection of patients, and not by the pharmacological effect of the drug itself, whose concentration in the body is "infinitesimally small" and does not reach the threshold level necessary for the development of AAP.

Domestic preparation of aprofid - 7% oil solution disulfirama for intramuscular injection - has an anti-alcohol effect. Injections of the aphyphid cause a pronounced hyperthermal reaction, with which the authors partly relate the therapeutic effect of the drug. Sensitization after injections of the abrasive is not long. Perhaps, this has limited the wider application of the aphyphide in clinical practice.

Metronidazole( trichopolum, flagyl) is much less toxic than disulfiram, but its alcohol-sensitizing properties are much weaker. It was shown that metronidazole inhibits the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase( ADH).Some patients are resistant to treatment with this drug. They even use its high doses does not lead to sensitization.

Limited distribution in clinical practice found cyamid, furazolidone, nicotinic acid, although adherents of the use of these drugs and note encouraging results of treatment. It has been reported that sensitizing properties are present in pyrroxane, cephalosporin, pargilin, and chloral hydrate. The search for new alcohol-sensitizing agents has not yet led to significant changes in the results of treatment for alcoholics. Only in the first years of use, new drugs with a more pronounced placebo effect provided more persistent remissions. This was because the pharmacological effects of this kind of remedy rather prevent the possibility of realizing the pathological attraction to alcohol, but not its occurrence.

In this regard, the search for new pharmacological agents for the treatment of alcoholism should be conducted among substances that specifically target the neurochemical mechanisms of alcoholic motivation.

By now, a certain experience of using psychotropic drugs in patients with alcoholism has been accumulated, not only for relief of acute disorders, but also for suppressing pathological attraction to alcohol and correction of psychopathological disorders that are observed in most patients with alcoholism and can underlie alcohol craving and relapse. To this end, almost all known psychotropic drugs have been used. A comparative study has shown that the course use of psychotropic drugs is more effective than disulfiram therapy, "almost complete failure of which" once again confirmed the results of many studies. Considering the problem of treating patients with alcoholism, C. Denber notes that 90% of all funds issued by doctors of different specialties were psychotropic drugs.

The most widely used for the treatment of alcoholics in the second stage are drugs of thymoneuroleptic action( teralene, truksal, thioridazine, neuleptil).There are reports of a positive experience with the use of phenothiazine, modity depot, triftazine in patients with alcoholism).Moreover, triftazine proved to be more effective than etaperazine and moden-depo. Comparison of chloracycin, etaperazina and neuleptil testifies to the greater effectiveness of the last two drugs.

Special attention is paid to the large number of reports from different countries that appeared in the last 2-3 years, about the positive results of using atypical neuroleptic tiaprid( thiapridol) outside the abstinence period. Tiapride is a benzamide derivative that acts selectively on the mesolimbic areas of the brain. It effectively suppresses the primary pathological craving for alcohol and the associated psychopathological disorders, significantly improving the quality of remissions.

For the treatment of disorders of the depressive spectrum, which are very often observed in patients with alcoholism outside periods of alcohol abuse, antidepressants are increasingly being used. This is primarily tricyclic derivatives( tryptizol, pyrazidol, azafen), which consume antidepressant and sedative effects, since in the clinic of alcoholism "pure", harmonic depression is rare. Much more often it is complex in the psychopathological structure of affective disorders requiring the use of drugs of a wide spectrum of action or combinations thereof. A comparative study of the effectiveness of psychotropic agents of different classes in a large sample of patients showed that the use of amitriptyline or amitriptyline alone in combination with tizercin led to a significantly greater number of patients with prolonged remissions than the use of trifazine or etaperazine.

There is information about the positive results of treatment of patients with chronic alcoholism trazodone - a drug that inhibits the re-uptake of serotonin, which in this way can directly affect the neurochemical mechanisms of craving for alcohol. The spectrum of psychotropic activity of this atypical antidepressant includes both antidepressant and anxiolytic effects. A differentiated study of the effects of the drug made it possible to establish that the appointment was shown to patients with affective disorders in the premorbid state or in persons in whom they already appeared against the background of alcohol abuse. The authors emphasize that, despite the long-term treatment with trazodone, there were no cases of painful addiction to the drug.

Widely used to treat patients with alcoholism in the second and third stages of tranquilizers. These are preferably 1,4-benzodiazepine derivatives. It was found that the effectiveness of benzodiazepines in patients with chronic alcoholism positively correlates with the concentration of the drug in saliva. In patients with good therapeutic results, the concentration of diazepam was 40.6 mg / ml, and with poor results - 15.7 mg / ml, that is, 2.5 times less. In recent years, the arsenal of benzodiazepines has expanded, new drugs have appeared( flunitrazepam, lorazepam, phenazepam, grandaxin) with different spectra of psychotropic and vegetotrophic effects. Nevertheless, not always they are applied differentially, depending on the structure of psychopathological disorders. However, in cases where this is done, the results of treatment are good.

It should be noted that in recent years, the period of some fascination with the course treatment of patients with alcoholism tranquilizers-benzodiazepines has been replaced by a more restrained attitude towards them. A number of reports appeared about the easy formation of patients suffering from iatrogenic polydrug use in this contingent. In addition, narcological clinics have been developed in industrial enterprises, where patients undergo occupational therapy not in medical and labor workshops, but in real production. In this case, they have especially easy side effects of benzodiazepines: lethargy, asthenia, daytime drowsiness, dizziness. Significantly reduced the effectiveness of psychotherapy and the activity of patients in the workplace. These circumstances served as the basis for the search for and use in the narcological clinic of funds that would, if possible, be deprived of such shortcomings. All the encouraging attempts of this kind undertaken in recent years are related to the use of non-benzodiazepine( atypical) tranquilizers. A domestic tranquilizer, mebicar, is a derivative of saturated bicyclic, bismerocinic acid, which has extremely low toxicity. The differentiated use of it proved to be quite effective in the treatment of asthenoneurotic conditions. Coping the same psychopathic symptoms required the use of twice as large doses. In deeper disorders, it is recommended that medikar be administered in combination with other agents. Even with prolonged use of the drug, there was no development of addiction to it. Mebikar practically did not cause side effects.

The use of lithium salts for the prevention of affective disorders in patients with alcoholism continues. Interestingly, some authors report a decrease in alcohol consumption in the background of lithium treatment, not only in patients with affective disorders, but also without such. It is suggested that lithium salts themselves have "anti-alcohol properties".However, this opinion is disputed, since the use of lithium in patients with manic-depressive psychosis does not change their level of alcohol consumption. It is unanimously noted that successful prophylaxis is possible only with prolonged( within several months) regular intake of the drug. This leads to a cessation of alcohol consumption or a decrease in consumption, especially in patients with distinctive affective disorders. The concentration of lithium varies from 0.4 to 1.3 mmol / l. Most of the work reported difficulties in organizing regular intake of lithium salts by patients with alcoholism. Patients usually interrupt treatment on their own.

For treatment of anergy, asthenia, increased exhaustion, mainly in patients with II-III and III stages of the disease, nootropics are used. Although in the treatment of patients with stage II these medicines are inferior to other psychotropic drugs, there are isolated reports of the successful use of psychotomimetics, psilobicin and lysergic acid for the treatment of patients with alcoholism, which seem to prolong the period of remission.

In general, the effectiveness of the use of psychotropic drugs is higher in cases where the craving for alcohol is clearly expressed and only to a small extent due to environmental factors. The use of drugs of this class, which suppresses craving for alcohol and normalizes the mental state of patients, significantly expands the possibilities of psychotherapy and contributes to the restoration of their social status, which ultimately increases the persistence of remissions.

Rapid development of neuropharmacology, the emergence of new means of psychotropic action with its various mechanisms create new opportunities for finding means that purposefully influence the neurochemical mechanisms of alcoholic motivation. It is possible that today this is one of the most promising areas.

Thus, modern pharmacotherapy of alcoholism does not satisfy clinical practice. The search and application of new drugs are empirical in some cases. Meanwhile, by the present time, a lot of data have been accumulated on the neurochemical mechanisms of alcoholic motivation. The results of these studies create a theoretical platform for finding means that purposefully influence the different links in the pathogenesis of alcoholic illness.

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How and what to treat alcoholism at home with folk remedies

Treating home folk remedies in all ages has been popular. Why does the number of healthy people decrease and the life expectancy decreases? One of the reasons is that we stopped leading a healthy lifestyle and put too much hope on drugs. But every pill is a chemical substance that does not occur in the human body and from which the body can not create any living cells.

Drugs are necessary in cases of emergency conditions: myocardial infarction, acute pancreatitis, hypertensive crisis, etc. After removing acute phenomena, it is better for a patient to consult with the methods of the center of alternative medicine. Since in chronic diseases they are more effective and they have no side effects.

Traditional medicine will tell you how to treat most common diseases, folk remedies and methods, and all this is home treatment under normal conditions. You will learn the long-forgotten recipes of folk healers who have become famous for the whole world, forget about the intractable diseases! Traditional medicine can heal any ailments!

Recipes of traditional medicine will help you cure most common diseases.

Folk treatment is presented in the form of traditional medicine recipes, which contain detailed information about the preparation and use of a medication. Traditional medicine will help you to gain health and longevity! !!


Article is written according to the official authoritative sources:

  1. Website: http: // med15-1.htm
  2. Related Videos.
  3. Tartak AM The big gold book is health without medicines.- Moscow: Dilya, 2007, 624 p.
  4. Nashegov GN The People's Clinic. The best recipes of traditional medicine.- Moscow: Arnadia, 1998. - 352 p./ Medicine for all.
  5. G.Nasgov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.