Paraparesis of the lower extremities: what is it?


  • 1What is paraparesis of the extremities: the causes and treatment
    • 1.1Understand the concepts and manifestations
    • 1.2Why he takes his legs ...
    • 1.3Diagnostic features
    • 1.4Features of development of children's paraparesis
    • 1.5Treatment and prevention
    • 1.6From traditional medicine
  • 2Paraparesis and its causes
    • 2.1The concept of the human motor system and the mechanisms of paraparesis development
    • 2.2How to determine paraparesis
    • 2.3Varieties of forms
    • 2.4Possible reasons
    • 2.5What kind of diagnosis is needed for a patient with paraparesis
  • 3What is paraparesis of the lower extremities
    • 3.1Variety and disease identification
    • 3.2Treatment of the disease
    • 3.3Spastic tetraparesis
  • 4Paraparesis of the lower extremities in children and adults: causes, treatment
    • 4.1What are the causes of such an ailment?
    • 4.2Other causes of the disease
    • 4.3Symptoms
    • 4.4Problem in the child
    • 4.5The stages of the disease
    • 4.6How is the diagnosis made?
    • 4.7Paraparesis of lower extremities in adults. Treatment with massage and special gymnastics
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.8Spastic paraparesis of lower extremities. Treatment
    • 4.9Spastic paraparesis in children
    • 4.10Acquired disease in children
    • 4.11How to diagnose? What to do after?
    • 4.12Conclusion

What is paraparesis of the extremities: the causes and treatment

Paresis is the name for sensations of weakness of individual muscle groups caused by a violation of their connection with the central nervous system.

Such conditions are the results of various disorders of brain function.

This can be caused by instability in the peripheral nerves in case they lose the ability to transmit brain impulses aimed at activating the work of muscle tissue.

There are two main varieties of paraparesis. It can be an organic or functional form of disorder.

Organic paraparesis is caused by the influence of certain factors, as a result of which the nerve impulse does not reach the muscular tissues. In functional form, there are disorders of inhibition, balance, as well as excitation and maneuverability in the cerebral cortex itself.

Often for this type of disease characterized by an increase in muscle tone or the appearance of reflexes. Symptoms may be related to the formation of pathological reflexes, as well as some other unnatural movements.

Understand the concepts and manifestations

Lower paraparesis is extremely rare. Only a few people have heard about this type of disease. Whatever it was, knowledge of such violations must necessarily be mastered by each attending physician, as well as parents who bring up young children.

This disease manifests itself in the form of a mild form of paralysis of the lower extremities. Symptomatology can manifest only in some areas. The legs are never completely amazed.

It should be understood that such a disease belongs to the category of very serious, but the intensity of its manifestation can be severe or have a light form. Paraparesis is characterized by development in a wide variety of options, which implies the need for individual treatment courses.

When spastic paraparesis develops, the patient may not perceive tactile sensations in the affected areas.

A person can get physical injuries, as well as burns, but do not feel anything. Therefore, such people always require special care and supervision.

This condition can mostly arise as a result of a lesion of the spine in the thoracic region.

It is often possible to hear the name "plegy" when paraparesis is implied.

Such a replacement of concepts can not be called correct, since the plegy is a full paralysis, which means a loss of ability to perform purposeful movements of a certain group of muscle tissues.

Paresis, in turn, implies only a partial loss of the ability to carry out movements, with damaged tissues becoming sluggish and unable to bear the previous loads.

Muscular strength and the number of active movements are thus significantly reduced. Depending on the location of the disease can be divided into several varieties:

  • tetraparesisextends to all limbs;
  • when it developstripartite, only three limbs can be paralyzed;
  • paraparesecharacterized as a disease of both hands or feet;
  • forhemiparesischaracteristic damage to muscle tissue of one lower and upper limb;
  • monoparesisparalyzes the muscle tissue of one limb.

Sluggish paraparesis is characterized by a state of relaxation and a slight atrophy of the muscular tissues of the hands or feet without significant overstrain, as well as shortening. In this case, the reflexes can gradually fade.

For a spastic paresis, a decrease in physical abilities with accompanying muscle spasms, as well as tension, is characteristic.

Why he takes his legs ...

The most common cause of manifestation of paraparesis of the lower limbs is the lesion of spinal tissues of the silt, Ielopathy.

In this case, the cervical spine is most often exposed to harmful effects.

The very occurrence of myelopathy can be caused by the progression of osteochondrosis or spondylosis, as well as by various injuries and pressure exerted by tumors.

Usually the result of such factors is lower paraparesis.

One of the most common causes of the syndrome is injury.


Each damage can be either partial or expressed as a complete rupture of the spinal tissue.


At the same time, the spinal cord is often squeezed as a result of displacement of the vertebrae. This can cause partial paralysis.

An equally important conditioning factor is a neoplasm that can exert pressure on the spinal cord in certain areas.

As a result, this can lead to a worsening of the conductivity of the innervation. Paraparesis in a similar state can be developed far from anyway, and its progression can occur suddenly or gradually over a certain period of time.

Paresis of the facial nerve can be caused by diseases such as influenza, adenovirus, herpes, rubella, wind sickness, and also digital computers.

It should be taken into account that such relationships are not fully proved, therefore, exceptions are possible. In most situations, the causative factors are still accidents.

The lower paraparesis is characterized by separate manifestations, which are a significant factor in the procedure for diagnosing neurological diseases. The main symptoms are:

  • deterioration of the sensitivity of the skin of the lower limbs;
  • pain and swelling on the legs;
  • weakening of muscle tissue;
  • difficulties with the shin;
  • feelings of discomfort in the process of flexion and extension of the hip joint;
  • worsening of knee reflexes;
  • during walking it is impossible to step on the heel normally;
  • uncertain movement.

Such symptoms always appear very quickly and can have a high duration of action. In difficult situations, paraparesis in adults is combined with difficulties in the work of the pelvic organs.

In this case, a serious sensation of weakness in the muscles can be diagnosed, the apathy is clearly expressed in the patient's behavior, a person can hardly eat and sleep very poorly. In such situations, often there is a rise in temperature, mood swings, disruption of the normal operation of the intestine.

Due to the deterioration of the protective mechanisms in the human body, the infection begins to develop at an accelerated rate.


In children's organisms, such diseases are often diagnosed after getting an injury during childbirth. But there are cases when the diagnosis is determined incorrectly even in the absence of a specific disease.


When the child becomes more adult, the established diagnosis must be confirmed or removed. Usually these questions are dealt with by a neurologist. In this case, several basic degrees of paresis are defined:

  • insignificant;
  • moderate pathology;
  • expressed;
  • pronounced.

When the patient develops lower spastic paraparesis, tactile sensations in the affected extremities deteriorate.

Therefore, patients with symptomatic symptoms similar to this require special attention, as well as proper care.

This condition mostly progresses with damage to the spine in the thoracic region.

Lower flaccid paraparesis is the result of damage not only in the lumbar region, but also in the thoracic region.

Diagnostic features

In most cases, diagnosis is performed only by clinical methods without the use of additional technologies.

A comparative characteristic of the muscular strength of the left and right limbs is shown in the development of hemiparesis. In this case, standard resistance testing procedures are carried out, and a classical testing technique called Barre's test is used.


The essence of the procedure consists in the necessity of keeping the limbs on weight for some time. If the paresis progresses, the elongated limbs will slowly lower after 20 seconds.


To determine the factors that cause the development of paraparesis of the extremities, the following methods of hardware and laboratory testing are used:

  • MRI of cerebrospinal and cerebral tissues, as well as CT scan;
  • analysis of the state of the liquor;
  • electromyography;
  • a general blood test and testing using biochemical agents;
  • electroneuromyography;
  • determination of the amount of substance B12, as well as folic acid;
  • Identification of a genetic predisposition or possible oncological neoplasms.

Features of development of children's paraparesis

With the overall normal development of the child, you can see that he walks on tiptoe. Naturally, this causes serious concern for parents. If the child moves independently, this does not mean that he has paraparesis.

Walking on socks may be due to the fact that in a good tonus can be only some groups of leg muscles, which is not in all cases refers to the symptoms of paraparesis. Most often in such situations, doctors advise massage, as well as performing therapeutic general health exercises.

In the event of a disturbance, the recovery processes in the children's nervous system due to its plasticity are much more active than in the developed organisms of adults.

Therefore, the results of any significant disorders, hypoxia and birth trauma can very soon cease to manifest.

If paraparesis in a child is diagnosed, it is necessary to ensure continuous monitoring by a neurologist.

Observation should be accompanied by drug treatment, as well as physiotherapy and orthopedic examination.

The positive effect of treatment can be significantly facilitated by acupuncture.

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Treatment and prevention

To treat paraparesis of the lower and upper extremities, an integrated approach is always necessary. It is mandatory to use the treatment of a syndrome-provoking disease that causes muscle weakness, as well as a direct intensive treatment of symptoms.

To make muscle tissue better cut, apply gymnastics and massage procedures. Over time, exercise requires more activity and increased muscle exertion. In this case, every action to be performed in the strictest order should be monitored by the attending physician.

The subsequent stages of treatment include courses of exercise therapy, water procedures, physiotherapy, and electromyostimulation and application of magnetic fields, acupuncture, individual massage procedures, acupuncture.


Remarkable results continue to demonstrate the use of all kinds of psychotechnics and a variety of trainings designed to improve the psychological state of patients.


Surgical intervention is extremely rare. For the most part, such measures are necessary to eliminate diseases that cause paraparesis.

Water procedures are considered one of the most effective methods of preventing paresis of the upper and lower extremities.

From traditional medicine

For the treatment of violations are often used methods of traditional medicine. Medicinal herbs always help restore strength, as well as increase the protective characteristics of the human body.

Such means include:

  • lemon balm;
  • root of echinacea;
  • kiprej;
  • St. John's wort.

Herbs have an anesthetic effect on the body, help strengthen blood vessels, improve metabolism and significantly strengthen immunity.

Paraparesis of the hands can be treated with laurel oil. To do this, one packet of bay leaves is thoroughly crushed, the resulting powder is poured into one glass of unrefined oil and infused for 30 days in a warm place.

After this, the infusion is necessarily brought to a boil, cooled, filtered as it should. When the drug is ready for use, you can gradually begin treatment procedures, involving rubbing the tincture in the area affected by the disease for three months every day.

During the treatment, you do not need to regret your hands. It is recommended to systematically load them with various kinds of work and loads.

For treatment it is good to use special healing baths. To prepare the tincture, you need to pour 5 liters of water with a few pine needles.

It is also acceptable to use pine branches and cones. The resulting mixture must be placed on a fire and boiled for half an hour.

After that, the broth should be infused for about 12 hours. The consumption of the resulting decoction corresponds to 1 liter per liter of water.

The standard course of treatment requires taking a bath every other day about 20 times.


Thanks to coniferous baths, painful sensations, as well as muscle spasms, are significantly reduced, and the body as a whole is strengthened.


As a folk remedy for the treatment and prevention of paresis of limbs, it is necessary to mention a plant such as thyme.

Approximately one tablespoon of grated herbs you need to pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for one hour. The resulting tincture is drunk, like tea.

This should be done every day for three months. The severed grass is often used to make compresses, which should be applied for about two hours, wrapping the limb with a warm woolen shawl or even a scarf.

Thyme contains many minerals, trace elements, as well as vitamins, improves the work of the nervous and immune systems, reduces inflammation in the muscle tissues and tendons.

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Paraparesis and its causes

Paraparesis is usually called a neurologic syndrome, which is characterized by a decrease in the muscular strength of the limbs up to its complete absence, which covers both hands simultaneously (upper paraparesis) or both legs (lower paraparesis).

If the patient is absolutely unable to perform active movement, it is a question of paralysis, but if the ability to move remains, but with significantly reduced muscular strength, speak of the development of paresis (or plethysy), that is, in this case there is an incomplete paralysis.

In the case where muscle weakness extends to one limb (arm or leg), it is a question of monoparesis. If the limbs do not work on one half of the body (both upper and lower), one should think about the development of hemiparesis - left-sided or right-sided.

In the case when all 4 limbs do not function, one should think about tetraparesis. In patients who have reduced muscle strength on both hands, diagnose upper paraparesis, and on both legs - lower paraparesis.

It is this pathological condition and its possible causes that is described in this article.

The concept of the human motor system and the mechanisms of paraparesis development

To understand why paraplegia occurs, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the structure and functioning of the motor system human, that is, those structures of the nervous system that enable us to perform active and targeted movements.

Movement is one of the basic forms of human life, and its normal functioning is very important for performing complex daily tasks. The motor activity is provided to us by such systems as pyramidal, extrapyramidal and coordination systems.

The basic structure that provides for voluntary active movements to humans is the pyramidal system and the pyramidal pathway for conducting nerve impulses.

This way ensures the transmission of the command of the brain to perform a certain type of active movement to a specific muscular group. In the construction of the pyramidal path, 2 neurons participate, central and peripheral.


The central neuron is located in the cerebral cortex in the area that is responsible for the motor activity of a person - the anterior central gyrus.


The fibers of the central neuron in the pyramidal path descend downwards and reach the anterior horns of the spinal cord, where the peripheral neuron of the pyramidal path is located.

Its fibers subsequently leave the spinal cord as part of the spinal nerves, which transmit the nerve impulse and the movement command directly to the muscles, which shrink in response.

Damage to the integrity of the pyramid path at any level can be accompanied by the development of paresis or paralysis of certain muscle groups.

So, if the central neuron is damaged, central, or spastic paraparesis develops. If the integrity of the peripheral neuron is compromised, peripheral or flaccid paraparesis is observed.

In some cases a mixed form is observed, when both neurons of the pyramidal path are simultaneously damaged.

How to determine paraparesis

To determine whether the patient has paraplegia or another type of impaired motor activity, it is necessary:

  • to study the state of skeletal muscles and the patient's posture;
  • determine the nature and extent of voluntary motor activity;
  • to investigate muscular strength;
  • determine the state of muscle tone;
  • evaluate reflexes;
  • to study bioelectric muscle activity.

Based on the findings, a specialist can diagnose paraplegia, but, unfortunately, can not determine its cause. This requires other methods of examination.

Child with upper paraparesis (Duchenne-Erba paresis) due to birth trauma

The study of the condition of the muscles begins with their examination and palpation. It is necessary to compare the clinical picture with the limb on the opposite side.

Thus, it is possible to identify muscle atrophy or hypotrophy (their weight loss and a significant decrease in muscle mass).


This symptom is characteristic of flaccid paraparesis, when the peripheral neuron is damaged.


The central neuron practically does not participate in the regulation of the processes of feeding muscle tissue, because spastic paraparesis does not accompanied by weight loss of the muscles, and in some cases there may be an increase in the muscle mass of the affected limb - hypertrophy. Also, with peripheral paraparesis in the affected muscles, involuntary contraction and twitching - myoclonus. Examination of muscles necessarily involves observing the gait and posture of the patients.

The researcher evaluates the muscle strength of the patient on a five-point scale:

  • 5 points - muscular strength is present in full, there is no paraplegia;
  • 4 points - an easy degree of reduction of muscle strength;
  • 3 points - a moderate decrease in muscle strength, provided that there is a full range of movements;
  • 2 points - a significant decrease in muscle strength and a decrease in the amplitude of movements;
  • 1 point - the patient performs only slight movements;
  • 0 points - complete absence of active movements.

To assess the tone of the muscles, the researcher performs passive movements in various joints (flexion-extension), determining the degree of resistance of the limb.

In this case, it is possible to identify:

  • normotonia - adequate muscular resistance;
  • hypotension - lowering the resistance of the muscles to passive movements;
  • atony - complete absence of muscle resistance;
  • hypertension - increased muscle tone.

Hypotension is characteristic of peripheral paraparesis, which is why it received another name - flaccid, and hypertension occurs with central (spastic) paraparesis.

Determine muscle strength and tone can be by flexing and unbending the patient's limb

Diagnostics also necessarily includes testing of physiological reflexes (tendon, periosteal, superficial) and the definition of the appearance of pathological reflexes (oral automatism, bending, extensor, etc.).

Varieties of forms

There are several types of this pathology. Depending on the localization, paraparesis is:

  • upper - when the muscles of both upper limbs are affected;
  • lower - when the muscles of both lower extremities suffer.

Depending on the symptoms and localization of damage along the pyramidal motor pathway, paraparesis is distinguished:

  • central (spastic);
  • peripheral (flaccid).

The clinical differences of these forms are presented in the table.

In the ICD-10 paraparesis can be found under the code:

  • G82.0 - flaccid paraparesis;
  • G82.1 - spastic paraparesis;
  • G82.2 - Paraparesis, unspecified.

Possible reasons

There are a lot of diseases and pathological conditions that can cause paraparesis.

The level of development of the paresis (upper or lower) depends on the location of the pathological process.

Several groups of lesions can be identified, which are accompanied by the development of paraparesis and children and adults.

Compression affections:

  • tumors of the spinal cord;
  • neoplasms of the brain;
  • spinal trauma and craniocerebral trauma;
  • abscesses, bruises, cysts of the brain and spinal cord;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • paresis of Duchenne-Erba and Dejerine-Clumpke (obstetric paralysis in a child due to birth trauma);
  • malformation of Arnold Chiari.
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Injuries to the spine and spinal cord are the most common cause of lower paraparesis

Hereditary diseases of the nervous system:

  • spastic family paraplegia of Strympel;
  • X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy;
  • degenerative diseases of the brain and spinal cord.

Infectious lesions:

  • neurosyphilis;
  • vacuolar myelopathy (AIDS);
  • Lyme borrelliosis;
  • tropical spastic paraparesis;
  • transverse myelitis.

Vascular lesions:

  • occlusion (thrombosis, embolism, compression, reflex spasm) of the arteries of the brain and spinal cord;
  • epidural and subdural brain hematomas;
  • ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke;
  • stroke of the spinal cord.

Other reasons:

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  • Cerebral palsy in a child (cerebral palsy);
  • atrophy of the cerebral cortex;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • ALS - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;
  • radiation damage of the brain and spinal cord;
  • deficiency of vitamin B12 (funicular myelosis);
  • metastatic defeat of the brain and spinal cord;
  • defeat of the nervous tissue in autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjogren's syndrome);
  • toxic myelopathy;
  • idiopathic myelopathy;
  • syringomyelia;
  • traumatic hematomyelia;
  • electric injury;
  • spinal ischemia;
  • arteriovenous malformations;
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome;
  • sarcoidosis with a lesion of the nervous system.

Transverse myelitis complicates the course of a large number of diseases, both infectious and aseptic in nature, and can be the cause of upper or lower paraparesis

What kind of diagnosis is needed for a patient with paraparesis

It is extremely important not only to identify the patient's paraparesis, but also to determine its true cause, since it is the etiology of paraparesis that determines the tactics of treatment.

If a person develops symptoms that indicate paraparesis, the diagnostic program should include:

  • MRI (sometimes CT) of the brain, spine and craniovertebral zone;
  • radiography of the spine and skull;
  • lumbar puncture and examination of the cerebrospinal fluid;
  • neurological examination;
  • myelography;
  • electromyography;
  • general clinical tests of blood, urine;
  • blood chemistry;
  • serological diagnosis of possible pathogens of infections that can affect the nervous system;
  • determination of the content of vitamin B12 and folic acid in the body;
  • consultation with a geneticist;
  • research of oncomarkers and other examinations with the purpose of oncology.

Thus, it should be remembered that paraparesis is not a disease, but only one of the possible manifestations of primary pathology.

It is always very cautious to treat even minimal changes in muscle strength and the ability to perform active movement, as such symptoms in most cases appear in severe diseases that threaten not only health, but also life.

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What is paraparesis of the lower extremities

Few of us have not seen what, but have not heard of such a disease as paraparesis of the lower limbs. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to know about this disease, especially to the parents of small children.

What exactly is paraparesis? This disease manifests itself in the form of paralysis of both legs in a fairly easy form. The manifestation of the disease can affect only some areas, but sometimes it affects the legs completely.

It is necessary to know that this disease is considered serious, but the degree of its manifestation can be either severe or easier.

At the same time, paraparesis can develop in a variety of variants, which involves exclusively individual treatment.

Quite often you can hear how the name "plegy" is assigned to paraparesis. This is a somewhat incorrect mixture of concepts. The plegia is a complete paralysis, that is, the loss of the ability of movement by a particular group of muscles.

Paresis, however, means a partial loss of the ability of a group of muscles to voluntary movements, while the affected muscles lose their strength and volume of active movements.

Both the plethysy and the paresis can only be determined in the muscles, and only the legs and hands are affected.

Variety and disease identification

Paresis and plethysy are divided into several species depending on the prevalence:

  • monoparesis (monoplegia) - the muscles of one limb are affected;
  • hemiparesis (hemiplegia) - the muscles of one arm and one leg are affected;
  • paraparesis (paraplegia) - the disease affects only the hands or only the legs;
  • tripartis (triplegia) - three limbs are affected;
  • tetraparesis (tetraplegia) - all limbs are affected.

Pathology can be detected during a clinical examination. The following symptoms are considered.

  1. Reduction of muscle strength and volume of movements. The study of muscle strength is carried out simultaneously with the activity of movements due to the fact that their volume is not reduced in the case of pares that are not clearly expressed.
  2. Noticeable change in muscle tone.
  3. Paretic muscles are noticeably atrophied or hypotrophic.
  4. In the affected muscles, fibrillation or fasciculation is noticeable.
  5. Physiological reflexes of the paretic muscles are increased or decreased (sometimes to the absence).
  6. Pathological reflexes are observed.
  7. There are protective reflexes and pathological synkinesias. They may differ depending on whether the central or peripheral plethysy (paresis).

Treatment of the disease

Symptoms of paraparesis of the legs appear quite quickly, remaining for a very long time. Severe cases of illness often lead to the fact that the patient can move only in a wheelchair, because there is a violation of the pelvic area.

However, paraparesis is not a sentence to utter helplessness, and one should not despair. With the help of massage and modern drugs, you can achieve some recovery of the body and almost return to normal life.

The main thing: to begin treatment without delay, as soon as the first symptoms of the disease are discovered.

Symptoms of paraparesis in children are much more difficult to detect than in adult patients. It should be noted that often the disease is provoked by birth trauma.

However, sometimes there are cases of incorrect diagnosis by a doctor. In this situation, the diagnosis is removed or established exactly after the child grows up.

In many children, the disease can go completely or continue in a very minor stage.


Directly the same treatment can be prescribed only after the final diagnosis. This will require the delivery of tests and a thorough examination. Only after this the doctor will be able to determine the methods and prescribe medication.


The patient must know that even in the case of a relatively mild form of the disease, one should not resort to methods of traditional medicine. The disease is extremely serious and can not be started. If the first symptoms have appeared, then the specialist should be treated immediately.

Spastic tetraparesis

Spastic tetraparesis is characterized by stiffness of the muscles of all limbs. Often provoked by hydrocephalus and increased intracranial pressure.

Almost always spastic tetraparesis is accompanied by a violation of the intellect.

Spastic tetraparesis is considered one of the forms in which infantile cerebral palsy manifests, and therefore it can often be combined with small anomalies of development.

All the symptoms taken together, indicate a brain damage that occurred in utero. When diagnosed as "spastic tetraparez" in children aged two to three years, signs of cerebellar involvement may begin to appear: the child does not hold his head, can not walk, stand and sit.

Spastic tetraparesis can not be completely cured. Treatment has as its goal the maximum reduction in spasticity and the formation of a correct motor stereotype.

To conduct treatment is necessary only in a complex, combining the use of conservative therapy with orthopedic and neurosurgical methods.

Rehabilitation measures are also very important.

Tetraparez is very difficult to treat, but the effort expended is justified by the fact that in some cases it is possible to achieve a certain social adaptation of the patient.

It should be remembered that regardless of the cause of development - the disease is very severe, and without treatment is quite likely a lethal outcome.


After determining the diagnosis, the patient should be hospitalized in the department of neurology, and if severe symptoms begin to appear, then in intensive care.


It should also be taken into account that if the disease, even if manifested in a mild form, does not treat a prolonged time, the probability of deformation of the spine is high, which worsens the patient's condition and, moreover, is irreversible. If the child is diagnosed with this, then he needs to help him adapt to live with tetraparesis.

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Paraparesis of the lower extremities in children and adults: causes, treatment

Paraparez is the paralyzed state of the limbs. This can happen with both hands and feet. It should be noted that paraparesis of the lower limbs is associated with impaired spinal cord function. In some cases, the brain is affected.

What are the causes of such an ailment?

Every disease or occurrence of some kind of dysfunction has its own reasons. In order for the treatment process to become effective, it is necessary to determine, as a result, paraparesis of the lower limbs.

When it comes to a disease such as paraparesis, the main cause of its occurrence is myelopathy. Under this ailment is a violation in the work of the spinal cord. As a rule, the region of the spine in the cervical region lends itself to defeat.

In turn, myelopathy arises from the following pathologies. The causes of paraparesis of the lower extremities:

  1. Osteochondrosis.
  2. Spondylosis.
  3. The presence of an inflammatory process.

Another cause of paraparesis is trauma. It can affect part of the spinal cord.

Also, the affected area can capture the spinal cord to such an extent that it will lead to its rupture. In addition, the injured part of the body can press the spinal cord with vertebrae.

This situation can also lead to the fact that the limbs of a person will be partially paralyzed.

Other causes of the disease

The tumor is also often found as the cause of paralysis of the limbs. The fact is that this education puts pressure on the human spinal cord. As a result, a violation of such a process as innervation begins. In this case - paraparesis of the lower extremities in adults.

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But the disease is not always a mandatory manifestation of this type of complication. If it does manifest itself, then there are two options. Namely, the paralysis of the limbs can be gradual, but can have a sharp character.


How does paraparesis of the lower extremities manifest themselves, the treatment of which we shall consider below? This disease has its symptoms of manifestation. These include the following:

  1. The skin of the legs is not sensitive.
  2. There are painful sensations in the lower limbs. Also, the person notices that the legs begin to swell.
  3. The level of knee reflex becomes low.
  4. The muscles become weakened.
  5. There are problems with bending or unbending the leg in the shin area.
  6. It becomes impossible to bend or unbend the hip.
  7. A person can not tread on the heel.
  8. The walk becomes uncertain and shaky.

The peculiarity of the above symptoms is that they come rather quickly. However, they remain quite a long time.

If paraparesis of the lower extremities goes into a severe form, then dysfunction of the pelvic organs is added. In addition, the patient's muscles are weakened. Then he gets apathy to everything around him. It can be observed that a person often changes his mood.

As a rule, it all becomes generally bad. To this is added the loss of appetite and indigestion. Also, the patient's body temperature rises. The human immune system fails.

Therefore, all of the above is added to the presence of infection in the body.

Problem in the child

If we talk about children, they may have this disease as a result of a trauma received during childbirth.

It happens that the diagnosis is incorrect and in fact there is no such disease in the child's body. As he grows up, this diagnosis is either confirmed or refuted.

The doctor who determines the problem is qualified as a neurologist.

The stages of the disease

There are several stages of the disease.

  1. Minor pathology.
  2. Moderate.
  3. Pronounced pathology.
  4. A pronounced pathology.

If a person is diagnosed with "paraparesis of the lower extremities" (the treatment interests him all the patients), then there are no signs of sensitivity in his legs.

Such external influences, like bruises or burns, also will not cause any sensations in a person with such a diagnosis. People with this diagnosis need special attention, care and concern from close people.

They also need to be under the supervision of doctors who will take into account any changes in the condition.

As a rule, the aforementioned symptoms of an ailment are manifested when a thoracic region of the spine is injured in a person.

Sluggish paraparesis of the lower extremities may be a consequence of the lesion of the thoracic and lumbar region of the human spine.

How is the diagnosis made?

It is well known that the effectiveness of treatment depends on how accurately the disease is determined. Therefore, when a person applies to a medical institution for a diagnosis, he is asked to undergo the following types of examination:

  1. Magnetic resonance imaging. You should know that this type of survey is usually paid for. It is not expensive, but if you have the means, you should not abandon it, since MRI gives the most accurate results of the state of the human body. Through this study, you can identify abnormal abnormalities and understand the area of ​​the disease.
  2. Myelography.
  3. Examination of cerebrospinal fluid.

A blood test is also scheduled for the patient. Still need urine as a material for examination. Blood is also taken for HIV.

In addition, it is determined whether there is a disease in the body, such as syphilis. Also for the diagnosis it is necessary to find out how much B12 is present in the patient's body.

An important indicator is the level of folic acid.

Paraparesis of lower extremities in adults. Treatment with massage and special gymnastics

Patients should be aware that paraparesis may occur due to several reasons.

The treatment schedule will be selected individually, depending on what was the primary cause of the disease.

The doctor should give the patient an exhaustive information about his condition, tell you about what caused the disease in his body, and determine the scheme of treatment.

It is also necessary to understand that only an integrated approach to the improvement of one's own organism will help to make the therapy effective. First of all, the patient is assigned a special massage.

Its action is aimed at providing a person with a movement of nerve impulses through his body. Also massage should provide nutrition to tissues. This will favorably affect the process of recovery of the body.

In addition to massage the patient should be engaged in gymnastics. Based on the diagnosis, we can conclude that the patient himself will not be able to perform the exercises. Therefore, the gym is passive.


The patient will be offered a course of exercises, which will help him physician-physiotherapist. The task of the specialist is to move the patient's limbs in accordance with a specially designed complex.


Do not overdo with the massage and physical exertion. It is necessary to understand that a person is sick.

Therefore, all loads should be performed in accordance with the dosage, which will be determined by the attending physician. Also, if you have any uncomfortable sensations, you need to tell the doctor. Perhaps, an adjustment will be made to the process of training and massage.

Spastic paraparesis of lower extremities. Treatment

Usually two problems are put before the patient and the doctor at once. The first is that it is necessary to cure the cause of the onset of the disease.

And the second task is aimed at treating directly paralyzed limbs. If therapy is carried out immediately in two directions, then the treatment will be effective.

Then the patient can count on a positive result.

In the event that the prescribed course of treatment does not bring the desired results, a person will be asked to conduct an operative intervention in his body. Then through surgery, try to bring him back to normal life.

Do not forget that a surgical operation always carries the risk of any complications, both at the time of it and after.

But there are cases when surgical intervention is the only chance that can return a person the sensitivity of the legs. The surgical method of treatment is able to remove the cause of the fact that the legs of a person have become paralyzed.

After the operation is done, the patient will be given a recovery course. It includes exercise therapy. As a result, a person can fully recover and return to a normal way of life.

Spastic paraparesis in children

A disease such as paraparesis may have acquired or an innate nature. Spastic paraparesis of the lower extremities in children is extremely rare. More often the child is diagnosed with paralysis of the upper limb.

This is due to damage to the plexus of the shoulder during childbirth. As a consequence, the child's hand is limited in movement. Or else it does not lend itself to motor processes.

Outwardly, this hand is parallel to the body and is in the unfolded state.


Also, there are cases when due to birth trauma, paraparesis is affected by the hand and leg of the child on one side of the body. Or both lower limbs can be paralyzed.


The cause of this state of the body can also be a congenital disease of the spinal cord. In the case when the brain was affected during childbirth, paralysis will develop with time.

In general, changes in the body begin to be noticeable when the age of two years. It is important that the child is examined by a doctor of high qualification.

It is necessary to correctly diagnose and prescribe a treatment regimen that will give effective results.

Acquired disease in children

It should be noted that spastic paraparesis of the lower extremities in children may be an acquired ailment. It arises from a malfunction of the nervous system of the baby.

In this case, symptoms such as muscle tone and reflex pathologies that become noticeable are manifested.

It is worth noting that the spinal cord is functioning normally, without any deviations.

To make the diagnosis of "paraparesis" to a child is much more difficult than to an adult. Usually this disease develops in the child's body due to injury during the birth process.

There are also cases when doctors are reinsured and make such a diagnosis. In this case, in fact, it is absent. After a certain time, this diagnosis is refuted or confirmed.

Paraparesis usually occurs in children in a relatively short period of time.

How to diagnose? What to do after?

It also happens that the spastic paraparesis of the lower extremities in children is diagnosed when the child begins to walk. One of the symptoms of this disease is walking on socks. But this indicator is not a 100% symptom of the disease.

The fact is that walking on socks can be a consequence of other ailments in the child's body. It is impossible to accurately diagnose, thus, paraparesis of the lower extremities in children.

Treatment in this case is appointed in order to remove muscle tone in the legs. Therefore the child in this case is assigned special gymnastics, massage and physiotherapy.

As a rule, these methods have a beneficial effect on the baby.


Now it is clear what spastic paraparesis of the lower extremities is. This is a functional malfunction in the legs.

This ailment is associated with the defeat of the column of the spine. In the lower limbs of a person, strength decreases.

At the first sign of this ailment it is necessary to apply to a medical institution.

A source: http://.ru/article/313344/paraparez-nijnih-konechnostey-u-detey-i-vzroslyih-prichinyi-lechenie