How to cure gout?


  • 1How to treat gout at home - effective methods and recipes of traditional medicine
    • 1.1How to treat gout
    • 1.2Folk remedies
    • 1.3Compresses for tumor removal
    • 1.4How to relieve pain with gout at home
    • 1.5Treatment of gout with exacerbation
    • 1.6Diet
    • 1.7Reviews
  • 2How to treat gout with the big toe - treatment of gouty arthritis, uric acid
    • 2.1How to treat gout with legs
    • 2.2Tablets from gout on legs
    • 2.3Physiotherapy treatment of cones on the big toe
    • 2.4Folk remedies for gout on legs
    • 2.5How to treat gout on your legs with a diet
    • 2.6: How to treat gout on your legs at home
    • 2.7Reviews
  • 3How to treat gout with folk remedies
    • 3.1Provocators of the disease
    • 3.2Symptoms of a gouty attack
    • 3.3What should I do if I have an acute attack of gouty arthritis?
    • 3.4Immobilization of the affected area:
    • 3.5External treatment
    • 3.6Strict calorie diet
    • 3.7Therapy of gout with folk methods
    • 3.8Folk remedies - decoctions, infusions and plants for internal use
    • 3.9Treatment of gout - ointments, baths and compresses for external use
  • instagram viewer
  • 4How to cure gout
    • 4.1How does gout start?
    • 4.2The clinical picture and symptoms of gout
    • 4.3Diet for patients with gout
    • 4.4Conservative treatment of gout
    • 4.5Traditional methods of treating gout
  • 5Treatment of gout with folk remedies at home
    • 5.1Signs and causes of the disease
    • 5.2How to treat gout with folk remedies
    • 5.3Compresses
    • 5.4Compress of salt and honey
    • 5.5Compress of mustard and honey
    • 5.6Chamomile wrap with elderberry
    • 5.7Berry treatment
    • 5.8Phytotherapy
    • 5.9Lilac with gout
    • 5.10Recipes for oral use
    • 5.11Lemon and garlic
    • 5.12An Apple
    • 5.13Lemon with sugar
    • 5.14Celery
    • 5.15Baking soda
    • 5.16Bay leaf
    • 5.17Root of sunflower
    • 5.18Iodine and Aspirin
    • 5.19Propolis
    • 5.20Potatoes
    • 5.21Treatment of gout with medicines
    • 5.22Treatment with allopurinol
    • 5.23Homeopathy
    • 5.24With exacerbation of gout

How to treat gout at home - effective methods and recipes of traditional medicine

The disease manifests itself in the violation of metabolic processes in humans. Because of this, the uric acid salt accumulates in the joints.

There is a rare disease: out of 1000 people, only 3 diagnose the disease.

Gout treatment at home is allowed, when the patient complies with the doctor's recommendations, adheres to an integrated approach.

How to treat gout

After receiving the doctor will compile a comprehensive treatment plan for the disease. There is no way how to cure gout at home with only medications or only compresses.

The maximum effect provides regular use of all directions, ways to treat the disease.

The main task of drug therapy is to eliminate signs of arthritis, remove urate salts from the blood, for which they prescribe:

  • steroid hormones;
  • anti-inflammatory non-steroid agents;
  • uricosuric agents that help to remove uric acid;
  • folk recipes;
  • drugs that inhibit the secretion of uric acid.

For effective therapy, doctors are recommended to follow a diet that promotes recovery, prevention of seizures. Nutrition involves the exclusion of certain groups of products and increased consumption of others.

For local treatment should be used ointments, compresses from the pharmacy or according to the prescriptions of traditional medicine. On the toes, the disease manifests itself as arthritis and tofus. The latter become a consequence of the deposition of salts of uric acid.

For the period of remission the maximum effect from treatment is achieved by additional physiotherapy procedures:

  • UHF;
  • massage;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrophoresis.

The drug component of the course of treatment involves the use of anesthetics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs, whose action is to normalize the metabolism of the body rights. The complex can be divided into two areas:

  • treatment of gout;
  • treatment of an acute attack.

The method of how to treat gout on the legs at home should be prescribed by a doctor, since self-medication can lead to side effects.

To stop an attack a person can take Voltaren, Ibuprofen, Nimulide, who are anti-inflammatory drugs. You can treat gouty attacks with the help of Colchicine, which has a short effect.

Remember that excessive use of these tablets can have a negative effect on the work of the intestines, stomach, liver, blood coagulability.

The effectiveness of medications Kenalog, Diprospan (steroid hormones) will be maximum with intra-articular injection. Oral administration of these drugs leads to a large number of side effects.

The most effective means for exacerbation will be exclusively Kolhitsin, because it provides immediate relief for the patient. Treatment with these drugs can only be short 3-7-day courses.

For a long time in the treatment of the disease to reduce the level of uric acid is taken Purinol (Allopurinol).

To complexly treat gout, it is necessary, in addition to oral medications, to use topical preparations.


This is not an independent direction, but part of the overall treatment. There are different versions of ointments for the effect, effectiveness.


As a rule, use the following options:

  1. Butadione. It is applied 3 times a day with a thin layer on the focus of painful sensations. You can use no more than 10 consecutive days. Contraindicated with personal intolerance of ointment components, open wounds. Sometimes itching, redness, and peeling may occur.
  2. Fullflex. A thin layer of smears on the inflamed area. For a day, 3 applications will suffice to achieve the desired effect. Do not use it for hypersensitivity. There are no data on the side effects.
  3. Diclofenac. The method of application is similar to other medications of this type: 2-3 times a day, a thin layer. Duration of application is assigned individually in each case. With open wounds, sensitivity to the components of the drug can not be used. Of the side effects noted the appearance of redness, hives, itching.
  4. Vishnevsky ointment. Several times a day on the inflamed area of ​​the ointment is applied a thin layer. There are no side effects, no contraindications.
  5. Ketoprofen. Consistency of the drug is gel. The method of application is the same as for the above drugs. Use is not allowed for children under 6 years, during pregnancy, with fresh wounds. Side effects: eczema, dermatitis, skin rash.

Folk remedies

Inpatient treatment of the disease is not carried out, after the appointment of a course a person can spend most (except for physiotherapy) procedures alone. Folk healers have created several recipes for how to treat gout at home:

  • infusions and fees;
  • compresses to the affected areas (knee joints, toes, feet);
  • dietary food.

Compresses for tumor removal

One of the most common ways to treat gout at home is with compresses. They are applied to the inflamed joint to facilitate a person's condition, help the body cope with the pain. You can use these options:

  1. Iodized salt. In any dish, fill, kg of iodized salt. Pour water, boil on fire until liquid completely evaporates. Put in the same capacity chicken fat, 200 g of medicinal Vaseline, mix the ingredients carefully. Obtain the ointment applied to the joint and rewind with a tight bandage (bandage). iodine in the compress helps to anesthetize at the moment of a gout attack.
  2. Fish compress. This tool can be used for 10 days. It is necessary to buy ordinary fish - 2 kg, separate the meat from the bones, divide it into 10 servings by sachets. Put them in the freezer. In the evening, defrost the meat of fish, attach to the inflamed area, rewind with a bandage and put on a sock.

How to relieve pain with gout at home

If pain occurs, it is important to provide the body with plenty of water. The chronic condition is stopped by a diet, the rules of which will be described below.

During the research, doctors proved that 6-8 glasses of water a day help to reduce the negative consequences of an attack and improve the condition. It's just about drinking water, drinking carbonated drinks should be avoided.

Timely reception of medicines, compressing on the affected area, abundant drinking will help cope with gout.

Treatment of gout with exacerbation

In case of development of a serious attack, it is necessary to know how to treat acute gout at home, first aid to the patient. On the part of relatives or friends, you must do the following:

  • fix the affected limb in an elevated position;
  • provide a person peace;
  • apply Vishnevsky ointment or Dimexid application to the affected joint;
  • dishes cook only from the diet menu, provide a plentiful drink.

For the period of exacerbation it is recommended to treat gout with colchicine. The scheme of use for acute pain at home is based on the principle of decrease and looks as follows:

  • 1st day - 3 tablets;
  • 2-3 days - 2;
  • 4th and further - 1 tablet per day.


Forever get rid of gout will only be if you follow the rules of nutrition and the implementation of all the recommendations of the doctor regarding the therapy of the disease.

To treat the disease at home with a diet can be, deleting the menu of harmful products, and increasing the intake of useful.

Recommendations for nutrition:

With gout, you need to reduce your intake:

  • meat;
  • cauliflower;
  • fish;
  • sorrel;
  • strong tea;
  • figs;
  • chocolate;
  • alcohol (especially beer).

Increase intake for gout is necessary:

  • natural juices;
  • clean drinking water;
  • fruit;
  • cranberry fruit drinks;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • alkaline mineral water.


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How to treat gout with the big toe - treatment of gouty arthritis, uric acid

The disease affects the joints and is characterized by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the cartilage tissues.

Often gout is manifested in the form of pits (tofuses) on the big toes.

The accumulation of salts occurs as a result of the failure of metabolic processes in the kidneys, so it is important to treat the disease in a complex manner.

How to treat gout with legs

Completely cure pathology is impossible, the only way out - to track the level of uric acid in the blood, that will help prevent gouty attacks, accompanied by acute pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

Drug treatment of the disease is aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome, reducing the production of uric acid and removing its excess from the blood.

The doctor who has established the diagnosis, can appoint to the patient with a gout several different preparations for illness therapy.

The use of ointment can not be the only way to fight the disease. Local medication is supplemented with tablets or injections containing ingredients that help prolong remission.

Such a complex therapy helps to eliminate inflammation and joint pain.

How to treat gout with your ointment? In addition to tablets / injections, the following topical preparations can be used:

  1. Butadione. This ointment has a rapid analgesic effect. To have a therapeutic effect, a patient with gout should apply Butadion on the big toe several times a day. In addition to reducing the pain syndrome, ointment can remove puffiness, due to which the joint, affected by arthritis, again becomes mobile.
  2. Diclofenac. Ointment against gout removes inflammation in the shortest possible time, if you use it at least twice a day. Apply the product need massage movements, easily rubbing it into the affected area of ​​the big toe.
  3. Fullflex. The medicine for gout contains exclusively herbal components (herbal extracts), effectively treats inflammation of the joint of the big toe, removing swelling and pain syndrome. The main advantage of Fullfleks is hypoallergenicity and the ability to use the drug simultaneously with any other medicines from gout.
  4. Voltaren emulsifier. Ointment has a long analgesic effect and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Voltaren in a short time restores the mobility of the joints, restoring the person working capacity. The drug is one of the non-steroidal topical agents. Doctors recommend using ointment for gout therapy on the big toes no more often than twice a day.

Tablets from gout on legs

This disease belongs to the number of chronic and more often develops in men. The first attack of gout occurs, usually after reaching 40 years, while the person develops puffiness in the area of ​​the affected joint.

Exacerbation of the disease is accompanied by severe pain and redness of the skin. If the arthritis is not treated, the attack lasts from a couple of days to two to three weeks.

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Provoke exacerbation of gout can fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, caffeine, other foods with a high content of purine substances.

Than to treat gout on the big toe? The main component of drug therapy, which is prescribed by a doctor, is taking pills, the choice of which is based on the individual characteristics of the patient and severity disease. The doctor can prescribe to the patient with gout:

  1. Colchicine. The drug quickly stops gouty attacks and includes mainly plant components. Tablets regulate the solubility and migration of urates, thereby reducing the concentration of urea in the blood.
  2. Nemux. Tablets from gout are among the safest and sparing drugs of the NSAID group (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). The analogues of this medication are Nimulide, Nimesil, Aponil. According to the reviews, the medication effectively fights against joint diseases (including arthrosis, arthritis, etc.) and neurological ailments.
  3. Ibuprofen. The drug from gout refers to the group of NSAIDs and has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Ibuprofen is taken until the pain syndrome has passed.
  4. Indomethacin. Like Ibuprofen, this drug is a representative of non-steroidal drugs that eliminate inflammation. In addition, the tablets can reduce the intensity of pain and remove redness.

If there are pits (tofuses) on the big toes, the patient can resort to an operative treatment for gout.

Since no drugs are able to remove clusters of urea crystals, some patients are being treated for a surgical procedure.

Nevertheless, the operation is not the best solution to the problem, since tofuses are not rarely formed again after a certain time.

How to treat gout on the big toe by surgery? During the operation the doctor:

  • he saws the bones on the patient's legs;
  • fix them with plates or screws;
  • sutures the skin and after 15-20 days removes the stitches.

Modern surgery uses methods that reduce the risk of injury to the patient to a minimum.

During the operation, the doctor changes the angle between the phalanges of the thumb, moving the tendons and creating the correct shape of the foot.


In this case, a person is allowed to walk the next day after the intervention, and after 2 days he is discharged. Crutches or gypsum after surgery are not required, but the patient should wear special shoes.


Another kind of surgical intervention is gaining popularity - removing the stones with a laser. The advantages of this method of treating gout, localized on the toes, are:

  • minimal traumatism (unlike the usual operation, the laser does not cut off the protruding parts, but gently grinds them);
  • high speed of the procedure;
  • faster recovery of joint mobility.

Physiotherapy treatment of cones on the big toe

To improve blood supply in the area affected by gout, reduce pain and stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissues, physiotherapy methods are used. If the joint of the big toe hurts during gout, the following procedures will help:

  1. Magnetotherapy. Low-frequency magnetic pulses of different duration, shape and periodicity activate blood circulation, promote lymph flow, improve tissue repair, reduce pain syndrome.
  2. Electrophoresis. The salts of uric acid under the influence of current are destroyed and removed from the body. The introduction of medicines by means of electrophoresis is an effective and safe way, with which you can treat gout on the big toes, knee and other joints.
  3. Applications with paraffin. Thermal action with the use of this substance contributes to the expansion of capillaries, activation blood flow, stimulation of metabolic processes, saturation of the affected joint with oxygen and nutrient substances.
  4. Compress with Dimexid. Their main purpose is to eliminate pain and relieve inflammation from the big toe, affected by arthritis. The main advantage of Dimexide for the treatment of gout is the absence of contraindications.
  5. Applications with Ozokerite. Such procedures for the treatment of gout contribute to the improvement of the function of joints, the removal of excess urate from them.

Folk remedies for gout on legs

  1. Tincture of cowberry leaves. You should pour 20 grams of herbs 250 ml of steep boiling water, and after an hour drain the liquid and take it to treat gout ½ tablespoons. 5-6 times a day.
  2. Decoction of birch leaves.

    If the big toe hurts, prepare from 2 tbsp. l. greenery and half a liter boiling water broth, boiling it for not more than 10 minutes. After half an hour, strain the liquid, then drink it on ¼ cup while eating.

  3. Garlic-lemon infusion from gout on the big toe. Grind 4 lemons and three cloves of garlic with a meat grinder. Pour the ingredients 1700 ml of boiling water.

    During the day the liquid should stand, and after it should be taken at ¼ cup 2-3 times a day.

How to treat gout on your legs with a diet

In addition to taking medications, correct nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of the disease.

The patient is shown 4-fold food intake in small portions and with equal time intervals (that is, it is extremely desirable to comply with the diet).

People with gout, who are overweight, need to slowly reduce the daily amount of calories consumed.

How to treat gout with your toe with a diet? An important point is the consumption of a large volume of liquid.

The recommended norm for an adult with joint disease is 3 liters, while drinking can be home made compote, mors, kvass, fresh, jelly.

From the diet of the patient these products are excluded:

  • strong tea;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • beans;
  • oily fish / meat;
  • carrot;
  • eggs;
  • sweets;
  • seasonings, especially salt.

Learn how to treat gout by other methods.

: How to treat gout on your legs at home


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How to treat gout with folk remedies

Gout in the literal translation from Greek means "trap for the feet."

People suffering from these chronic diseases understand the meaning of this phrase well, as the disease proceeds with a bright pain symptomatology, completely depriving an opportunity to live and move normally during periods exacerbation.

At the heart of the disease is a violation of the exchange of purines, leading to the deposition of crystalline sodium uric acid in the tissues, and more often - in the joints of the first (large) toe and kidneys. In this case, affected areas can not function fully.

Gout is primary, acting as an independent disease due to genetically caused disorders of enzymes, and secondary, against the background of a pathogenetic factor or disease (leukemia, intoxication with lead, treatment with diuretics, riboxin and etc.). Primary gout is hereditary. Manifests the disease with a sharp gouty attack, which has a typical clinical picture (cf. symptoms and treatment of gout)

During the disease, the following are isolated:

  • acute recurrent stage, which gradually turns into
  • chronic gout with the formation of tophi and polyarthritis of affected joints.

Provocators of the disease

The provoking factors that lead to an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the body or to a violation of its excretion by urinary organs:

  • Treatment with certain medications: cyclosporins, aspirin, diuretics, riboxin;
  • Chronic diseases: obesity, blood diseases, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, chronic renal failure, metabolic syndrome;
  • Natural factors - cold, wind, high humidity;
  • Poisoning by lead;
  • Postponed transplantation of the organ (s);
  • Postponed infectious disease;
  • Operations, trauma and microtrauma, severe physical and mental stress, examinations with the introduction of contrast agents;
  • Prolonged fasting;
  • Excess of purines in the diet - alcohol, fatty meats, seafood, drinks with gas, etc.
  • metatarsophalangeal foot joint - up to 60% of cases
  • articular calcaneus
  • ankle joint
  • knee-joint
  • elbow joint
  • small hand joints
  • extremely rare: joints of the spine, hip joint, jaw joint

In simple terms, uric acid salts accumulate in the form of deposits in the joint, which leads to its inflammation and subsequent destruction of structures (cartilage, bone). This is a long pathogenetic process. The attack of arthritis begins against the background of falling into the joint cavity, or rather into the articular liquid of the sodium urate crystals.

The uric acid crystals are absorbed by both the neutrophils of the joint fluid and the cells of the articular shell - synoviocytes, resulting in activation of lysosomal enzymes that trigger inflammatory reaction. The LV of the articular fluid decreases, which contributes to the further precipitation of urate salts in the joint.

Symptoms of gout that precede the onset of an acute attack (1-2 days before its onset) are as follows:

  • unpleasant pulling sensations in the joint area, slight discomfort in the big toe
  • general malaise, nervousness
  • insomnia
  • fever, chills
  • dyspepsia

Symptoms of a gouty attack

Acute arthritis begins with sharp pain in the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joint (connecting the finger and the metatarsus) of the big toe with the following characteristic features:

  • the beginning is at night
  • the pain is intolerable and instantly aggravated with the slightest movement of the foot, contact with the blanket, clothing
  • Rapid increase of pain within 2-6 hours
  • there is swelling of the joint
  • the skin over the joint turns red, then after a couple of days begins to peel off
  • hyperthermia is noted up to 49 C and chills

The duration of the attack is 3-10 days, then the symptomatology subsides and gradually the function of the affected joint is restored. BUT! The gout will necessarily remind you of itself repeatedly.

Attacks will occur after a certain period of time, from a couple of months to several years, then the exacerbations will be noted more often and will last longer, hitting and deforming all new joints.

The chronic course of gout is characterized by a triad of symptoms:

  • Defeat the joints until deformation and immobilization;
  • Formation of tophi or dense painful nodules, mm - 3-4 cm on hands, bends of elbows, auricles, feet, less often - on sclera, tongue, and scrotum;
  • The defeat of internal organs - kidneys, blood vessels, heart.

What should I do if I have an acute attack of gouty arthritis?

Immobilization of the affected area:

  • Strict bed rest
  • Immobilization of a diseased leg with fixation, providing for an elevated limb position
  • Elimination of contact of a sick leg with a blanket, linen

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (list from weak to the most powerful drugs for analgesic effect): Ibuprofen, Diclofenac sodium, Indomethacin, Movalis, Butadion, Ketazon, Nimesulide (a strong drug whose use should be strictly dosed). See the complete list of NSAIDs for injections of pain and ointments for pain.

Alkaloid troponovogo number - a plant preparation Kolhitsin! Many patients mistakenly believe that Colchicine is able to cure gout and take it during the interictal period.

Such actions are absolutely wrong and dangerous tactics. Admission Colchicine from the beginning of harbingers of the attack, throughout the attack and 3-4 days after the end of the acute phase.

Urikozuricheskie drugs are used for active excretion of uric acid - Azaprozon, Propro-benecid, benzbroteron, Sulfinpyrazon.

Products that inhibit the production of uric acid - Allopurinol, Milurit.

Corticosteroids - with ineffectiveness of other short course therapy. Prednisolone internally or by intraarticular injection.

External treatment

Application to the affected joint with Vishnevsky liniment, Dimexidum

Strict calorie diet

Liquid and semi-liquid food - vegetable broths, liquid cereals, one-component vegetable soups, purees. When gout worsens, treatment will not produce the desired effect if the patient does not observe a special diet, which should become not just a temporary restriction, but a way of life.

Abundant alkaline drink - mineral alkaline water (Truskavets waters, Essentuki 17, 4, Borjomi), lemon juice and lemon water, oats decoction.

The exclusion of products rich in purines - fatty meat and fish, alcohol, offal, green peas, cauliflower, etc.

Therapy of gout with folk methods

Treatment with folk remedies should begin in the inter-attack period and continue it for a long time, in order to prevent an aggravation or at least prolong the period of well-being. Any of these methods should be agreed with your doctor!

Folk remedies - decoctions, infusions and plants for internal use

  • Spirituous tincture of oats. For its preparation, the oats are poured into a jar for 3/4 of the volume and filled with medical alcohol. The mixture is insisted for about 2 weeks in the dark and taken in the diluted form: 15 drops of tincture of oats on a glass of warm water, 5 glasses during the day. The approximate course is 8-15 days.
  • Water garlic-lemon tincture. For its preparation, enough 3 heads of garlic and 4 large lemons, previously peeled. Pass the ingredients through a meat grinder and pour 7 cups of boiling water. The mixture is aged for 24 hours and filtered. Infusion take 40 ml before meals once a day. This method of treatment is possible for life-long use, but you should take breaks for 15 days after a month of treatment.
  • Onion broth. Three medium bulbs in unrefined form pour 1 liter of water and boil until softening vegetables. Take 100-150 ml on an empty stomach three times a day. The course of admission is 15 days.
  • Infusions of plants - burdock, birch, fizalisa, cherry, autumn crocus, fennel, dandelion, ash. Raw materials from the above list (any) in the volume of 1 tbsp. pour 200 grams of boiling water and wait half an hour, filter. The resulting infusion is taken once a day before meals. Can be taken daily.
  • Tea made from celery seeds. This recipe is used in the acute period. 1 tsp seeds pour 300 grams of boiling water and stand for 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to take this tea 2-3 times a day in the period of exacerbation, and then - every day for 1 glass.
  • An infusion of Canadian small-petrel is used to reduce the level of urate sodium in the body. 20 grams of dried small-petaled flowers pour 1 liter of boiling water and stand for 10 minutes. Medicinal infusion drink 200 grams after meals three times a day for a long time, up to 2-3 months.
  • An infusion of ash leaves is used as a diuretic and a strong anti-inflammatory agent. Brewed the same way as the previous infusion, filter. Take 1 liter a day for 10-15 days in a row.
  • Strawberry berries. It is recommended to take them fresh in 5 glasses a day, divided into receptions: 2 cups on an empty stomach early in the morning, 1 glass for half an hour before lunch and 2 more glasses for 30-60 minutes before bedtime.
  • Birch juice. Take should be 100 grams 3-4 times daily before meals.

Treatment of gout - ointments, baths and compresses for external use

  • Warming and anti-inflammatory ointment, for the preparation of which take half the bulb, 5 cloves of garlic, 1 leaf of aloe, 20 g of beeswax and 1 tbsp. butter. All this is placed in a saucepan and kept to boil, cover with a lid and remove from heat. After 3-6 minutes, the mixture is ground to a uniform state and chilled. The obtained ointment is used at night. It is possible simply by a method of rubbing, and it is possible in the form of a warming compress.
  • Poultices of activated charcoal and flaxseed. Take 2 tablespoons of finely chopped flax seed and 4 tablespoons of activated carbon powder, dilute warm water to a homogeneous consistency of thick sour cream and apply the mixture on a sore spot all night, covering the warm cloth.
  • Compress of salt and honey. 1 tbsp each. Salt and honey are mixed on gauze and put on a sick area for the whole night.
  • Iodine-soda bath. For 3 liters of boiled hot water take 3 tsp. soda and 9 drops of alcohol tincture of iodine. The patient's leg is kept in water for 7 minutes, then the joint is lubricated with iodine and wrapped in wax paper overnight. In the morning, the treated area is oiled with olive oil. Repeat 4 times a week.
  • Lotion from the tincture of valerian. 3 bottles of alcohol tincture valerian mixed with 50 grams of medical alcohol and left overnight. Further, the sore spots are rubbed with lotion using a cotton swab, and wrapped on top with polyethylene.

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How to cure gout

Good day to you, dear guests and visitors to the medical

While we are young, do not think about different diseases, about old age, about what awaits us.

Almost every elderly person is gradually disrupted by salt exchange, which can lead to gout. The topic of today's article is the treatment of gout with folk remedies.

How does gout start?

● As a rule, gout begins with a violation of the exchange of substances important for the body - purines with the subsequent accumulation of the product of their decomposition - uric acid.

In medical terminology, the initial stage of gout, or its precursor, is called hyperuricemia.

Excretion of uric acid from our body is a direct responsibility of the kidneys, which do not cope with overload due to delayed clearance and excessive accumulation of uric acid in the blood.

● Gradually, the acid concentration increases, forming a poorly soluble sodium urate salt, which gets stuck and blocks the filter channels of the kidneys. Thus, microcrystals of salt are precipitated not only in the kidneys, but also in the joint cavities, at first without showing any symptoms.

The clinical picture and symptoms of gout

● It will take a little time and there will come an acute attack of gout, provoked by glut of purine products, hunger,alcohol, stress or physical exertion.

Inflammation and unbearable pain - goutyarthritisleads to deformation of the joint.

Sodium urate crystals are deposited not only in the periarticular cavity, but under the skin on the auricles, where so-called tofuses are formed - solid whitish nodules.

● There will come a not very beautiful day when cones tofusny tear the skin and through the formed embrasure fistula needle crystals, like large edible salt, drop out.

In fact, it's not dangerous - the wound will heal, it's bad that the urate deposits in the kidneys can lead tourolithiasis, pyelonephritisand renal insufficiency.

● Since the appearance of gout comes much later from the time whensalt exchange was disturbed, the diagnosis can only be established by laboratory examination of the level of uric acid in the blood (for gout, usually these indicators are above the norm two or more times). Sometimes biochemical analysis may not indicate a pathology in the first study, so it should be repeated if there are complaints of painful joints.

● Unfortunately, many patients after the suppression of a gouty fit stop taking their health, thereby missing precious time to prevent further progression of the disease. The most reliable indicator of the prodromal periodgout- Hyperuricemia is a biochemical blood test once every three months.

● Delayed withdrawal or excessive excretion of uric acid is the most common symptom of both primary and secondary gout.


As a result of secondary gout, hyperuricemia is noted with a lack of vitamin B-12, anemia,pathology of the liverandkidneys, psoriasis, acute infectious diseases, pneumonia and diabetes.


That's why you should periodically monitor the uric acid content in both blood and urine for early diagnosis of gout and timely treatment.

Diet for patients with gout

● Due to the fact that purines enter the body mainly with food, the diet is the main therapeutic tool for treating gout. However, it is necessary to take into account those accompanying diseases that require basic therapy: hypertension, obesity, ischemic heart disease.

● With gout and listed co-morbidities, you should give up two years about your favorite foods and alcohol, which causemetabolic disease. Excess weight, overeating, sedentary lifestyle - the main factors contributing to replenish the army of victims of the "royal disease" - gout.

● If you do not want to be among these victims, make a diet of potatoes, cereals, boiled lean meat, fish, turkey, rabbit, skim milk, cottage cheese, cheese, green apples (Simirenko, etc.), carrots, beets, cucumbers, pumpkin, cabbage, watermelon, lemon, onion, garlic, bread, green tea, dill and vegetable oils. In a week, eat no more than 1-2 eggs.

● When the pH of urine decreases (that is, when its acidity increases), the solubility of uric acid decreases substantially.

Therefore, limit the intake of foods that acidify urine: kvass, wine, sour juices, fermented milk products, broccoli, sorrel, cauliflower, sauerkraut, beans.

By the way, acidic foods are formed during starvation. Be cautious in treating obesity by fasting.

● Urine salts and acid produce eggplants, cranberries, blueberries, black currants and cherries.

If you have no problems with the function of the cardiovascular and urinary systems, you are allowed to use more liquid - up to 2, l. in a day.

Release from excess urate you can consume a day of fluid at a rate of 40 ml. for one kilogram of weight. For this, mint and lime teas, broth of wild rose, juices without sugar, milk will be useful.

● For the dissolution of urinary salts and urine alkalinization, the mineral waters "Essentuki No. 17 "Smirnovskaya "Borjomi" are good. With regard to alcohol abuse, it is fraught with a narrowing of the blood vessels, leading to the accumulation of acids in the joints and kidney failure.

● Candidates for "gout" are strictly prohibited cognac and wine. They also can not use sub- and seafood, smoked products, sausages, canned goods, mayonnaise, buns, fatty cakes, margarine. A large number of purines are found in sardines, sprats, herrings, sprats and fish eggs.

● If there is a hereditary factorgoutYou will have to reduce the consumption of not only meat, but also fish products.

I'll have to forget about my ear and rich borsch. Exclude strong tea and coffee, rich broths, which are rich in free purines.

Fish and meat eat boiled.

Conservative treatment of gout

"Attention: only an attending physician can prescribe an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the treatment of gout. Therefore, you must agree with your doctor the means and recipes that will be given below. "

● To cope with acute gouty arthritis, a course of 5-7 days is usually prescribed for non-steroid anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals: butadion, movalis, ketoprofen, ibuprofen and diclofenac (voltaren). These funds are quickly absorbed into the blood, relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

● To prevent the formation of urate crystals, a special anti-gouty drug of short action, colchicine, is prescribed. The drug is made from the tubers of a medicinal herb of autumn crocus, but it should be taken under the strict supervision of a doctor.

● To slow the development of hyperuricemia in the secondarygouttime-tested allopurinol, which prevents the deposition of salts of uric acid in the joints. It is usually taken 1 tablet daily for several months.

Traditional methods of treating gout

● To dissolve ill-fated salts that have accumulated in the body, use the following recipes.

● Grind and mix equal partsswamp, bearberry, field horsetail, knotweed. One st. l.

collect pour a glass of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. Insist after this 45 minutes. Drink a glass of broth three times a day.

Keep the broth in the refrigerator.

● Drink one glass of 3 r. on the day of one month infusion collection of medicinal herbs (2 tablespoons mixture of leaves of bones, blackberries and strawberries ( 4) pour a liter of steep boiling water for 10-15 minutes).

● Mix shredded buckwheat, parsley, chicory herb or roots, yarrow herb, sage leaves, mint and dandelion, corn stigmas in equal parts. 2 tablespoons of the mixture, pour 400 ml. boiling water and insist 30-40 minutes. Take a glass of infusion three times a day. Course - one month.

● Pour one kilogram of yellow lemons with boiling water.

Cut them and pass through the meat grinder, add to this mass one kilogram of sugar in a glass jar. Take 3 r. per day for 1 hour. l.

tasty mixture in a glass of water, adding there ¼ teaspoon baking soda. Keep the medicine in the refrigerator.

Shark fat is recognized as one of the best means of treating joints. Details here

ABOUTgoutYou can read in Wikipedia.

Be healthy, and God help you in this!

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Treatment of gout with folk remedies at home

→ Home treatment → Diseases of the musculoskeletal system → Gout

Treatment of gout with folk remedies at home has reached even now. Preserved many effective recipes, which are described in detail in this article.

Signs and causes of the disease

Gout occurs when there is a violation of protein metabolism. As a result of this disorder, the joints accumulate excess salts of uric acid, which leads to the formation of spherical growths or, as they are called in the people, "cones a bone on the legs.

Factors affecting the appearance of gout, which cause it:

  • abuse of fatty, salty, spicy foods, overeating;
  • drinking alcohol in unlimited quantities;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • overwork;
  • impaired excretion of uric acid by the kidneys.

People who lead a healthy lifestyle have less risk of acquiring gout.

Symptoms include the following signs of gout:

  1. Sharp pain and redness of one or both of the joints.
  2. Appearance under the skin of white nodules.
  3. Sensitivity even to light touch to the joint.

The source of the disease is an incorrect diet and neglect of certain foods. The risk group includes products such as:

  • cocoa and products based on it;
  • coffee;
  • tea;
  • red meat;
  • oily fish;
  • alcohol.

Adherents of hungry diets also fall into the risk zone. During fasting, lactic acid accumulates in the body, which can lead to both the disease itself and the deterioration of the course.

According to Pevzner recommended diet number 6:

  • to limit the use of products containing salt, oxalic acid and purines;
  • to monitor the amount of consumption of fats and carbohydrates;
  • eat more vegetables, fruits, fermented milk products;
  • observe the drinking regime (drink 2-3 liters of water a day).

List of prohibited products:

  • broths on meat, fish and mushrooms;
  • sauces, preserves, marinades, vinegar;
  • Smoked meat, lard, sausage, meat of young animals;
  • spices are sharp and salty;
  • alcohol, caffeinated foods and beverages;
  • grapes, raspberries;
  • cauliflower, radish, sorrel, beans.

How to treat gout with folk remedies

Treatment of gout with folk remedies at home involves several options:

  • compresses;
  • Berry treatment;
  • phytotherapy;
  • use of the means inside.

Each of the ways of treating gout can be combined with each other, which will bring a positive effect.

Treatment of gout with folk methods will help not only cope with an unpleasant disease and reduce pain, but also avoid further exacerbations of the disease.

Let's consider each of the above methods separately.


Compresses, as a rule, overlap at night. After all, at night the pain syndrome increases, and the affected place literally begins to burn. Several folk recipes will help to avoid such consequences and to ease this time of day.

Compress of salt and honey

Take salt and honey in equal proportions, mix them. The resulting ointment should be laid evenly on the cheesecloth and applied to the patient's joint for the night.

Compress of mustard and honey

From the mustard powder and honey, make a gruel and add a little soda. Then, in hot water, steam out the diseased area.

On the steamed area, apply the resulting mustard - honey mixture and wrap it with gauze, then fix the compress with a restraining dressing. Leave it overnight.

The procedure should be carried out every day for 14 days.

Chamomile wrap with elderberry

Such lotions very effectively help to cope with unpleasant painful sensations. Recipe:

  1. Chamomile and elder in equal quantities to fill with water, wait for the boiling water.
  2. Then give the tincture a little cool and brew.
  3. Gauze lotions are applied to the affected joint at night.

Berry treatment

It's not a secret for anyone that berries are not only tasty, but also useful. Moreover, they have a truly miraculous effect and are irreplaceable "doctors". When treating gout with folk remedies at home, such berries as:

  • elder;
  • cherry;
  • blueberry;
  • strawberries.

Strawberries, blueberries and cherries should be consumed inside. Bilberry eat in any quantity every day. The course of treatment of cherries lasts a week, 300 grams per day.

From elderberry to make a decoction is an excellent natural diuretic that will remove excess uric acid from the body.


Also useful for gout and grass.

Many herbs, which folk medicine traditionally uses, improve the general condition of a person, affecting the immediate problem.

Therefore, with the exception of contraindications, tea with chamomile, melissa and linden is useful for every person regardless of the diagnosis.

Lilac with gout

In the season, you should pick lilac flowers and put them in a half-liter jar. Pour the flowers with a glass of vodka and leave for 7 days to insist in a dark place. Directions for use: Take 50 drops of tincture inwards before each meal.

Recipes for oral use

As already mentioned, gout occurs in the event of malnutrition. Therefore, to monitor the diet is very important. A few simple recipes will help to cope with the disease, as well as prevent it.

Lemon and garlic

Four lemons and 4 cloves of garlic should be scrolled through a meat grinder. Pour the resulting mixture with two glasses of boiling water and leave in a warm place to infuse for 3 days. Pre-strained infusion, take once a day for 50 ml.

An Apple

Three large apples cut into slices and pour 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil, then boil for another 15 minutes. It turns out apple compote, which will help to cope with the gout. Only to drink compote you need at least 4 cups during the day. If you want, you can do more, it will do you good.

Lemon with sugar

1 kg of lemons pour boiling water, hold for 5 minutes, then scroll through the meat grinder. The resulting gruel mix with 1 kg of sugar. Use the potion three times a day, adding a glass of water and a half spoonful of soda.


Celery juice helps. Three spoons of juice before each meal will significantly reduce the pain with gout.

Baking soda

Soda can keep acid in the norm, which is important for gout. An effective result can be obtained at the initial stage of the disease.

The course of treatment: 10 days reception, 10 days break. The scheme of reception: starting from 1/5 h. l. soda gradually increasing to 1/2 h. l.

take an hour before meals every day.

Since soda can damage the walls of blood vessels, you can use the recipe with a bath.


To collect a bath with warm water (in the sitting position of water should be up to the waist), dilute in it 400 g of soda and 400 g of sea salt.


Gradually pour hot water to keep the temperature 40 degrees for 30 minutes. The course of treatment: 10 procedures, then 2 months break.

Bay leaf

Effective folk remedy for the treatment of gout:

  1. Grind 5 pieces of bay leaf and pour 100 ml of ammonia, let it brew for a week.
  2. Before use, remove the joints, thoroughly wipe and rub the prepared tincture.
  3. From above do iodine mesh. Perform the procedures until complete cure.

Root of sunflower

When treating sunflower root, it is necessary to revise your diet and exclude alcohol, fatty and fried foods. The recipe for decoction from gout:

  1. 1 glass of crushed sunflower root pour boiling water 3 l.
  2. Put on the stove and boil for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Take 1 glass 3 times a day after meals.

Roots used to prepare the broth can be used a second time, only boil for 2-3 minutes more.

Iodine and Aspirin

To prepare a therapeutic solution, you need to pour 10 ml of iodine into a glass container and add 5 tablets chopped aspirin, after the aspirin has dissolved, and the liquid brightens you can proceed treatment. Before going to bed, lubricate the affected joints with the solution obtained, then warm them. Wash the sutra with warm water.


The recipe for gout:

  1. 15 grams of ground propolis pour 200 ml of vodka, put in a dark place for 7 days, shake daily. At the end of this time, strain the tincture.
  2. Take 15 ml on an empty stomach, be sure to drink it with milk. The course of treatment is 14 days.
  3. Preserve the tincture in the refrigerator.


When gout, potatoes can be used in two ways.

  1. Gadgets. Grate the potatoes and attach to the resulting cone.
  2. Bath. Pelt the potatoes in a saucepan for 2/3, pour water on a quarter. Put on a fire and boil for 15 minutes. Broth (300 ml) pour into a bowl with hot water, gradually pouring potato liquid, keeping the temperature. Carefully apply bumps on the cones to avoid burns. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Treatment of gout with medicines

The cure should be complex, for this purpose various means are appointed:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for analgesia (indomethacin, methindol, diclofenac sodium);
  • alkaloids-antimyotics block cell division (Colchicine);
  • corticosteroids, if the patient is hypersensitive to the above drugs (Methylprednisolone, Triamcinolone, Dexamethasone);
  • hypoxanthine oxidase inhibitors that excrete uric acid by the kidneys (Allopurinol);
  • urikozuricheskie drugs with the reception of antibiotics (Probenecid).

It is not recommended to select a drug for uric acid excretion. This should be handled by a qualified doctor after receiving the results of laboratory tests.
The most popular are: Avisanum, AUopurinolum, Benzobromarone, Blemaren.

Treatment with allopurinol

The use of this drug is designed to eliminate the cause of the disease. In the treatment it is necessary to take into account some features:

  • start taking medicine from small doses;
  • when the drug is withdrawn, the level of acid in the urine sharply increases;
  • when seizure before taking medication, relieve pain;
  • at the initial treatment, in order to avoid an attack gout is prescribed in small doses of colchicine;
  • requires control of the urate in the dynamics.

Contraindicated in children, during pregnancy, and if the liver is broken. Treatment with allopurinol should be accompanied by a diet.


Homeopathic preparations for the treatment of gout are selected based on the symptoms and nature of the disease:

  • Aconite (at the beginning of an attack);
  • Arnica (severe pain when walking and touching);
  • Belladonna (redness, temperature);
  • Berberis vulgaris (attacks stabbing pain, with stones in the kidneys);
  • Bryonia (swelling, knees unable to bend, hot);
  • Calcium fluoride (the joints of the fingers are affected, they crack);
  • Colchicum (hypersensitivity to movement and touch);
  • Ledum (cold in the joints);
  • Nuks vomica (patients with stomach upset);
  • Rhododendron (joints react to weather);
  • Rus toxicodendron (with hot, strongly swollen joints);
  • Sulfur (itching, burning).

With exacerbation of gout

The first step is to perform anti-inflammatory therapy. To do this, often use Kolhitsin (taking the drug coordinated with the doctor).

Or use anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs (Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Naproxen), except if the patient takes diuretics.

If there is no possibility to use the traditional regimen of treatment, glucocorticoids are administered.

Traditional medicine recommends using a recipe for tincture: fill the bottle with lilac flowers and pour 200 ml of alcohol, put in a dark place, with daily shaking it, take 25 drops before taking food.

Timely appeal for medical help will save you from such diseases as gout.

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