What do yellow eyes sclera say?

On the person's face one can learn a lot about his character, mood and even habits. Here, some symptoms of existing internal pathologies are also reflected. Often, such signs can be seen, looking closely at the eyes of the interlocutor and, in particular, to the state of proteins.


  • 1Definition of a symptom
  • 2Causes
  • 3Possible diseases
  • 4Diagnostic Methods
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of a symptom

The outer (visible) part of the eye consists of the pupil (inner black circle) around which the iris (color part) is located. Often in its coloring determine the color of the eyes - brown, blue, gray.The larger part of the eyeball we perceive in white, if the eyes are healthy. Therefore, most often this part is called protein, although the medical term is a sclera.

In total the eyeball is covered with 3 shells: external, middle and inner. The main role belongs to the outer shell, which is the most durable, supports the shape of the eyeball, and it is to it that the oculomotor muscles are attached.

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Therefore, any change in the color of the sclera, in particular its yellowing, is a signal of functional disorders not only in the eyes, but also, often, in internal organs and systems.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the disease "bulging eyes".


Changing the color of the eye sclera may affect the entire area of ​​the eye or manifest partially, in the form of yellowish spots. Sometimes such a sign arises gradually, and the patient does not attach much importance to the color change of the protein. And yet this is a very serious symptom, and more often than not it speaks of the onset or development of a serious pathology in the body.

The most common reasons for changing the color of sclera to yellow are:

  • Problems with the liver.Most often, this phenomenon is due to a violation of the conjugation reaction with glucuronic acid, as a result, the bilirubin output is disrupted (chemical pigment compound);
  • Wen.As a result of a malfunction in the lipid exchange reactions in the eye area, the adipocytes (pingvecula) may appear, which can only be surgically, as well as fight with another pathological condition - growth conjunctiva;
Marked on the image and there is a penguin
  • Parasites.If there are "unwanted guests" in the body, single yellowish spots appear on the eye proteins, differing in shape and size, with blurred boundaries;
  • Oncology.The presence of malignant tumors in the organs adversely affects the metabolic processes, invariably disrupting their work, and yellowing of the sclera is one of the hallmarks of this;
  • Viral hepatitis.Viral liver damage caused by a number of viruses. The most common is the hepatitis A virus, or jaundice. The most dangerous is the hepatitis C virus, against which there is no vaccine;

  • Heredity.Sometimes the yellowish color of the sclera speaks only of the genetic predisposition transmitted by inheritance;
  • Jaundice of newborns. It can appear in children at birth as a result of the presence of excess red blood cells, which were delivered to the baby in the womb of the mother. Such a phenomenon disappears without a trace about 2 weeks after the disintegration of red blood cells;
  • Other reasons. Eye sclera can turn yellow due to deterioration of the general condition of the body: fatigue, lack of sleep, violation of the regime, irrational nutrition, poor lighting. In this case, the color of the proteins is quickly restored after the elimination of the causes.

Yellow eyes, most often - a sign of Botkin's disease, or jaundice. However, in isolated cases, this symptom can signal a more serious pathology, and it should not be left without attention.

Possible diseases

The yellow color of the eye sclera is the result of the increased content of the yellow pigment (bilirubin) in the blood, which must be neutralized in the liver and excreted with bile. However, in case of metabolic disorders in these organs, the toxin remains in the blood or even can return there from the bile ducts.


Treatment of pinguecula eyes

Detachment of the retina: what this article will tell you.

Is a hernia of the lower eyelid curable? http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/gryzha/izlechima-li-nizhnego-veka.html


Change in the color of proteins may indicate the progression of a number of pathological processes of internal organs:

  • Diseases of the liver:hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer, etc. ;
  • Diseases of the blood:malaria, babesiosis, poisoning with hemolytic poisons, etc. ;
  • Diseases of the biliary tract: Viral hepatitis, opisthorchiasis and others. ;
  • Metabolic disease: hemochromatosis, amyloidosis, diseases of Gilbert and Wilson-Konovalov, and others. With the development of pathological processes, the exchange of proteins, metals or bilirubin is disrupted;
  • Pancreatitis (any form).With inflammation of the pancreas, there is a blockage of the common bile duct, as a result which is also observed penetration of direct bilirubin into the blood and, as a consequence, yellowing of the sclera eye.

To begin adequate treatment, you should conduct a thorough diagnosis, and not only the eyes, but also the internal organs. The main attention should be paid to the study of the functionality of the liver and pancreas.

Diagnostic Methods

To diagnose the cause of yellowing the sclera of the eye is quite difficult, since there are a lot of factors influencing this phenomenon. In the process of clarifying the doctor can use the most frequently used methods of determining the causes of the disease:

  • Clinical:collection of anamnesis and examination of the patient. With liver diseases, a common symptom is the enlargement of the liver in size. Depending on the direction of the process, there may be a deterioration in the general condition, a decrease in working capacity, a disorder of the stool, Severe symptoms are also observed with blood diseases: general malaise, high t, fever, tachycardia, etc. signs of intoxication. If the discoloration of proteins occurs as a result of a metabolic or pathological abnormality in the bile ducts, then in this case too the general condition of the body worsens, signs of poisoning appear, the color of urine and feces changes, and there may be seizures. In pancreatitis, a characteristic feature is, in addition to other symptoms, pain in the middle part of the abdomen, which sometimes encompasses the circular part of the body;
  • Beam:Ultrasound and CT of the abdominal cavity. These techniques allow to more accurately determine the localization of the pathological process with possible tumors or squeezing of the bile ducts. Sometimes these methods of examination can only make a presumptive diagnosis, and for confirmation a biopsy is performed - taking a sample of liver tissue with a special syringe for further laboratory research;
  • Laboratory researchblood, feces and urine. In hepatic pathologies, the following changes may occur in blood analysis: a decrease in the level of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, an increase in the content of bilirubin, cholesterol, etc.

If you have any initial symptoms, you should contact your local GP or family doctor who is If necessary, you can send for consultation to a gastroenterologist or hematologist, ophthalmologist or the oncologist.


Depending on the results of the studies, the doctor can draw up a scheme of treatment measures that are most effective for a particular pathology.


Causes of yellow circles under the eyes of women

Hernia under the eyes: causes and treatment are described in this article.

What to do if your head hurts and presses on your eyes http://eyesdocs.ru/simptomy/bol-v-glazax/kogda-voznikaet-golovnaya-na-glaza-i-kak-s-nej-borotsya.html


For each group of diseases there are proven methods of conservative or surgical treatment:

  • Liver pathology.Usually, conservative methods are used (except for cancer or echinococcosis). Hepatitis is treated with antiviral, antiparasitic, antibacterial agents. Used drugs to restore the functions of liver cells (hepatoprotectors), cholagogue, detoxification drugs and antidotes;
  • Pathologies of blood. They use conservative therapy. If malaria can still be treated with etiotropic drugs, other types of diseases are not completely cured. Therefore, in addition to symptomatic treatment, the main means is blood transfusion;
  • Pathologies of the biliary tract. Conservative therapy is used in the early stages of disease, when it is possible to eliminate blockage of ducts with symptomatic or etiotropic agents. However, in case of neglected cases, the formation of stones or the presence of tumors, surgical intervention is unavoidable;
  • Malfunctions in metabolic processes. Treatment consists in taking medications that provide the removal of toxins from the body and promote the purification of the liver and bile ducts;
  • Acute or chronic pancreatitis(in the stage of exacerbation). First of all, daily fasting is performed, which leads to a decrease in the production of gastric secretion and an increase in the fermentation of the pancreas itself. In therapy, special drugs are used to increase the production of enzymes, analgesics and proteolysis inhibitors;
  • Parasitic diseasesare treated with the use of metronidazole, hingamine, etc. Widespread treatment of folk remedies: pumpkin seeds, garlic, onions, pine nuts, herbs (wormwood, immortelle, tansy, buckthorn, etc. );
  • Oncological neoplasmsin the liver are removed surgically after a previous chemotherapy. If the nature of metastases is extensive, then only chemotherapy is used as a means of slowing the process.

Yellowing of the eye sclera, most often a symptom of serious internal malfunctions, therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor at the very beginning of the appearance of an alarm sign.


As measures that reduce the risk of the occurrence of yellowing of the eye sclera of the eye, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the recommendations for prevention:

  • Compliance with a balanced diet, excluding alcohol, smoking, salting, fried, flour (in large quantities);
  • Sleep and rest mode (sleep not less than 8 hours);
  • Breaks when working at the computer and gymnastics for the eyes;
  • Reception of multivitamin complexes and special eye preparations.

The main measure of prevention for preventing any diseases is the care of the level of immunity, the main point of which is the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.



Yellowing of the eye sclera can be both quite harmless in nature, and be a symptom of a serious pathology that begins. Therefore, when this symptom appears, you should not delay the visit to the doctor and wait that "it will resolve itself since in case of disease it can be localized at the earliest stage.

And if you identify the most innocuous nature, you can get rid of the nervous tension from the unknown, which in itself will already have a beneficial effect on the state of overall health.

Also read about strabismus in newborns in this article. It will also be useful to know whether it is possible to achieve effective cataract treatment with the help of drops.

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