Green sputum when coughing

Green sputum when coughing

Colds, ARVI and bronchitis are often accompanied by a phlegm, it can be transparent, white or green, with different impurities and an unpleasant smell, often it is the change in color or consistency that helps to establish the correct diagnosis when a child coughs or adult.

In the bronchi and lungs of a healthy person, a small amount (10-100 ml) is produced daily special fluid - bronchial secretion, is necessary for the normal functioning of organs respiration. This liquid is transparent, without specific taste or odor and provides protection and purification of the mucous membrane and ciliated epithelium. In young children, it can cause a physiological cough. Such a cough is not accompanied by signs of a cold or SARS and often occurs in the morning.

If airborne pathogens get into the respiratory tract and the inflammation develops, the amount of secretion increases, and it becomes a pathological liquid - sputum.

What is sputum?

Sputum is an abnormal discharge of the upper respiratory tract, it appears when inflammatory or infectious diseases and, depending on the type of disease, can be colorless, green or yellow, with different impurities and an unpleasant smell.

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When the disease of the upper or lower respiratory tract in a child or an adult, in the bronchi and lungs accumulates an inflammatory secret that contains microorganisms, particles of the mucous membrane, saliva and secretions from the nose. All this fluid interferes with the normal process of breathing, reduces the flow of oxygen into the blood and prevents recovery. Treatment of diseases accompanied by cough with phlegm, is aimed at dilution of the pathological secret and its evacuation from the bronchi and lungs.

Sputum occurs with the following diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • viral diseases;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • tuberculosis;
  • abscess of the lung;
  • lung cancer.

By changing the color and consistency of sputum, one can judge the development of pathological processes in the lungs. Transparent and neobylaya sputum in viral diseases, gradually becomes thick, white or yellowish color - this indicates the spread of bacterial infection in the lower respiratory tract, and green color and an unpleasant smell - about stagnation in the lungs and about further progression inflammation. Blood veins can be the first signs of decomposition of tissues in tuberculosis or lung cancer, and they can also arise due to constant straining during coughing.

What does the color of sputum indicate?

  1. Colorless, in minimal quantity - it is a physiological bronchial secret, cough and other signs of inflammation should be absent.
  2. Transparent "vitreous" thick - a symptom of bronchial asthma, it is necessary to pay special attention to its appearance, especially if it arose in a child.
  3. Transparent or yellow liquid, sputum in large quantities is characteristic of viral diseases.
  4. Dense white-yellow or yellow color indicates bacterial infection and pus, often occurs with pneumonia in a child or adult. Treatment of the disease requires the use of antibiotics and a sick child must be shown to the doctor.
  5. Green, viscous with an unpleasant smell - a sign of a stagnant process in the lungs.
  6. The appearance of bloody veins and threads in a cough secretive may be a sign of a tuberculosis or oncology process.
  7. Sputum red or with a lot of blood occurs when lung disintegration or pulmonary hemorrhage, requires immediate medical intervention.


Treatment of cough with phlegm depends on the cause of its appearance and should be conducted only under the supervision of a doctor. When viral infections are symptomatic enough treatment and good care, the appearance of sputum yellow or green color - this is a dangerous sign, especially in a child, hence, in the respiratory organs developed purulent process. Here, treatment should begin in antibiotic therapy and other potent drugs. In bronchitis treatment is carried out with expectorants and mucolytic drugs, and specific pulmonary Diseases such as tuberculosis, lung cancer or pulmonary hemorrhage must be treated in a special hospital.

Causes and treatment of green sputum when coughing

Coughing is a symptom that can point to a variety of different pathologies. To determine the causes of this symptom, you should determine the type of cough and the accompanying symptoms. Sputum or its absence is very important in diagnosis. Dry and wet cough indicate different diseases, therefore, their treatment should be carried out in different ways. When a patient has a cough with phlegm, it is very important to pay attention to her color and understand what causes caused the formation of such symptoms. The link describes why there is yellow sputum when coughing. About green sputum will be written in this article.

Causes of pathology

Very often people do not attach much importance to such manifestation of a disease as green sputum. But, in fact, this is a very important reason for seeking help. In this case, the green discharge during coughing can be accompanied by a rise in temperature or without a rise in temperature, which indicates an easy course of the disease

Without temperature

If the sputum produced during coughing has a green color, this may indicate the presence of a lung abscess or the initial stage of gangrene. Green mucus is a symptom that indicates swelling. Most often this occurs with genyantritis, inflammation of the bronchi.This color of sputum suggests the presence of an infection in the body, which began to multiply.As a rule, this occurs with tracheobronchitis. And the disease begins to manifest itself with a common cold. The discharge of green mucus occurs from the nose. She descends the walls of the nasopharynx and departs during a cough. As a rule, green sputum has an unpleasant odor.

If you have been tortured with coughing attacks with a discharge of thick sputum green, and you do not have a fever, the following diseases can cause this pathology:

  • bronchiectatic disease;
  • sinusitis (here you can learn about the signs of sinusitis and how to treat it);
  • inflammation of the bronchi;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • tracheitis (here it is described what antibiotics are taken with tracheitis and laryngitis);
  • asthma; Frequent smoking.

In small patients, the withdrawal of green sputum without temperature can provoke:

  • helminthic invasions;
  • reaction of the body to chemical products;
  • lack of humidity in the ambient air;
  • psychological factors;
  • presence of foreign matter in the lung;
  • whooping cough;
  • pathology of the digestive system.

The video describes the causes of green sputum when coughing:

With temperature

There are a number of pathological processes, which are characterized by the accumulation of large amounts of mucus in the respiratory tract. If the withdrawal of sputum is accompanied by a rise in temperature, then we can talk about the presence of the following pathologies:

  • abscess of the lungs;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • lungs' cancer;
  • inflammation of the bronchi;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • pneumonia;
  • a heart attack.

If you have a green sputum with a cough, then immediately go to the clinic for an appointment. No matter if you have a fever or not, this symptom already indicates a certain pathology.

Therapeutic events

To achieve the maximum result during treatment and a speedy recovery, the following tips should be adhered to:

  1. Therapy should begin only after the preliminary cause of the cough has been determined.
  2. Determine the type of cough: dry or wet (read what to do if the cough does not go away for a long time).
  3. All medicines and their dosage should be assigned individually.Here it is worth taking into account the main diagnosis, concomitant diseases, symptoms, individual characteristics.Also, you should pay attention to the properties of the drugs used to avoid side effects.
Read how to take ammonia anise drops from a cough.

Find out what to do if the cough does not pass.

Feedback on the effect of radish with honey from cough:

Treatment in adults

The success of treatment is to reduce the amount of sputum. This factor indicates a positive trend. Also, the positive effect of therapy will be observed when green sputum gradually acquires a light color. About recovery is said and liquefaction of sputum. All these symptoms indicate an improvement in the condition if the patient has been prescribed the following treatment:

  1. To remove nasal congestion, several times a day, rinse it with sea water. For these purposes it is worthwhile to use chemist's water, which is purified in a special way. Effective are the following drugs Humer, Aquamaris and Aqualor.
  2. It is not necessary to curb cough, as this will only slow down the process of recovery. To improve expectoration, traditional medicine will come to the rescue. The most effective is a preparation prepared on the basis of carrot seeds and sunflower seeds. They should go to a glass container, add water and alcohol in the same ratio. After that, tightly close the dishes, wait 3 days until the agent is infused. Take on the dining room bed in between meals 3 times a day.
  3. Improve the removal of green mucus will help compresses. It is best to use a pack of cooked potatoes or with a composition made from flour, mustard powder, aloe juice, alcohol and interior fat. These substances help to ease the overall health of the patient and quickly remove the green mucus.

The video describes the treatment of green sputum when coughing:

Therapy for children

Cough therapy with the removal of green mucus in young patients is made taking into account the cause of the underlying ailment. If there is a viral infection, the doctor will prescribe symptomatic treatment. Do this on time, otherwise the bacterial infection may join the virus. If the nature of the disease is known, then therapy should include the use of antibiotics. The choice of medicament should be carried out only by the attending physician. Here is described the treatment of cough with phlegm in the baby.

If the cause of cough with green sputum is bronchitis, then children are prescribed expectorant and mucolytic drugs. Their action is aimed at dilution of sputum, as a result of which it is possible to easily derive a pathological secret. It is not recommended to use antitussives, since they will not produce phlegm, but, on the contrary, will keep it in the airways.

When a cough with green sputum appeared on the background of tuberculosis, cancer, edema and pneumonia, the treatment should take place in a hospital. It is very important to diagnose the disease in time, and for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to undergo regular check-ups.

Cough with green sputum is a very important symptom of the disease. Such a pathology can occur with or without temperature. Bacteria and harmful microorganisms can provoke an ailment. It is very important to determine the cause of the disease in time, so that all unpleasant symptoms leave the body, and a speedy recovery occurred. Perhaps you will also be useful information about the causes of cough in the morning.

How to treat a cough with green expectorant? Elevated temperature is not present


Elena Ivanova

Of course, the greens - it's not good ((Most likely, this indicates a bacterial infection, which should be treated with an antibiotic. His doctor will appoint after he inspects, listens to the lungs, and possibly, and directs the picture. Together with taking antibiotics, the doctor will prescribe an expectorant. With them you can apply and folk methods: boil potatoes in a uniform in a small amount of water, cover the pan with a towel and, bending over the pan, inhale 10-15 minutes potato steam. Helps still grinding Tiger balzamchik with essential oils, balm is applied to the breast crab, well rubbed, then it is necessary to wrap up or well to hide. It turns out a warming effect, and the evaporating oils make cough easier. Help also the mustard and the guy legs.


Sinusitis. The doctor's consultation.

Anna Yasyukevich

I cured a cough with such a simple collection: Recipe No.4 Sprout (kidneys) parts [link blocked by the project administration] (leaves) -1 part Mother-and-stepmother (leaves) -1 part

Nikolay Prokoshev

Put on phonalysis phlegm where they will determine the infection and its sensitivity to antibiotics and prescribe them treatment for at least 10 days. And then the advice from Anna Yasyukevich.

Valley of Dreams

an ambulance !!!
Here is the information from the site!!! 1
Cough is wet, and also dry. With dry phlegm there, but with
it is always wet. Green sputum when coughing indicates
pathology, in which the outflow is suspended. This occurs with bronchitis or with genyantritis.
1. If there is a green sputum when coughing, then it speaks of
reproduction of infection. This usually occurs with tracheobronchitis.
The disease begins with an ordinary cold, then the discharge from the nose
They turn green and a green slime pops out of the throat when coughing.
a nasty smell. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, as here
a specific treatment will be needed.
2. A healthy person should not have a cough with phlegm, and never
When there is green sputum, then take urgent measures, since
sometimes it is a sign of a serious illness - pneumonia. Pneumonia happens
even without temperature.
With this do not joke! And SARS can be without temperature! !

faith faithfulness

All this is interesting, of course. And now the most interesting... personally to me in a maternity home after operation have appointed or nominated an antibiotic (which under a compounding!!! prescribe for asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, well, with inflammatory abscesses It's funny, but put right after the operation, when it is still not known how the organism will behave !!!). To me! To a healthy person after cesarean. And after the introduction, I started such a green expectoration, such a cough. Maybe I would never have thought of this medicine... Little you can pick up in the operating theater, right? If the doctor mistakenly did not put my antibiotic on the girl next door. We both had such creepy cough with sputum, and with green sputum! Yes, and on the seam! Well, very nice! In the wards, all the girls flinched! So there is also such an allergic reaction to the medicine! Doctors are not a panacea!

The cause of phlegm: in the throat and bronchi, with cough and without cough, green, yellow, thick

Under sputum, health professionals understand the secret, which is allocated by the cells of the bronchi, where the contents of the nose and its sinuses are mixed, as well as saliva. Normally, it is transparent and mucous, there are few, and it is only released in the morning in people who smoke, work in dusty production or live in dry air.

In these cases, it is called a tracheobronchial secret, not phlegm. With the development of the same pathologies in sputum may fall: pus, when in the airways there is bacterial inflammation, blood, when on the way from the nose to the end of the bronchi there was damage to the vessel, mucus in cases of inflammation of the non-bacterial character. This content can become more or less viscous.

Pathological processes as the causes of sputum congestion in the throat without a cough usually take place from the nasopharynx, where the contents of the nose and its adnexal sinuses drain to the trachea. If the disease affected deeper structures: trachea, bronchi or lung tissue, sputum production will be accompanied by cough (in young children, the analog of coughing can be vomiting with a lot of mucus or another content). Bronchitis and pneumonia can, of course, proceed without a cough, but then the separation of sputum will not bother here.

When sputum production is considered the norm

The mucous membrane of the bronchi consists of cells, on the surface of which there are cilia - microtubules, able to make movements (normally - upwards, to the trachea). Between the ciliate cells are small glands - goblet cells. They are 4 times smaller than ciliary, but they are not located so that after every four ciliated ones there is one goblet: there are sections consisting only of ones, or only from cells of the second type. The glandular cells are completely absent in the small bronchi and bronchioles. The goblet and ciliated cells are united by a common name - "mucociliary apparatus and the process of mucus movement in the bronchi and trachea is mucociliary clearance.

Slime produced by goblet cells is the basis of phlegm. It is needed to remove from the bronchi those dust particles and microbes, which, in view of their microscopic size, were not noticed by cells with cilia that are in the nose and in the throat.

To the mucous membrane of the bronchi tightly fit the vessels. Out of them come out immune cells that control the absence of foreign particles in the air going to the lungs. Some cells of immunity are present in the mucosa itself. Their function is the same.

Therefore sputum, more precisely, a tracheobronchial secret, is also normal; without it, the bronchi would become covered from the inside with soot and impurities, would be constantly inflamed. Its amount is from 10 to 100 ml per day. It may contain a small amount of white blood cells, but it does not detect bacteria, atypical cells, or fibers contained in lung tissue. The secret is formed slowly, gradually, and when he reaches the oropharynx, a healthy person, without noticing, swallows this minimal amount of mucous contents.

Why can sputum be felt in the throat without a cough?

This is due to or increased secretion, or deterioration of its excretion. There are many reasons for these conditions. Here are the main ones:

  • Work at enterprises with a high level of air pollution with silicate, coal or other particles.
  • Smoking.
  • The irritation of the throat with alcoholic beverages, cold, spicy or hot food can cause a feeling of sputum without a cough. In this case, there is no indisposition, no breathing loss, no other symptoms.
  • Pharyngo-laryngeal reflux. This is the name of the casting of the contents of the throat where the ingredients of the stomach, which do not have a pronounced acidic environment, are closer to the respiratory throat. Other symptoms of this condition are a sore throat, cough.
  • Acute antritis. The main symptoms will be worsening of the condition, fever, headache, allocation of copious amounts of snot. These symptoms come to the fore.
  • Chronic sinusitis. Most likely, this pathology will be described as "phlegm in the throat without a cough." It is manifested by difficulty in nasal breathing, deterioration of smell, fatigue. Dense sputum is released from the sinuses into the pharynx, and this happens constantly.
  • Chronic tonsillitis. Here the person is worried about "sputum bad breath, on the tonsils can be seen whitish masses, which can themselves and with certain movements of the muscles of the mouth stand out, their smell is unpleasant. The throat does not hurt, the temperature can be increased, but - within 37-3, ° C.
  • Chronic catarrhal rhinitis. Here, without exacerbation, the nose lays only in the cold and then - one half; sometimes a small amount of mucous discharge is released from the nose. When exacerbation there are thick, abundant snot, they create a feeling of phlegm in the throat.
  • Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis. Here the main symptom is the difficulty of breathing with the nose, its one half, because of what a person may be bothered by a headache in this half. Also, the sense of smell and taste worsen, and a slight nasal appearance appears. The separable accumulates in the throat or is released to the outside.
  • Vasomotor rhinitis. In this case, a person can periodically "catch" sneezing attacks, which occurs after itching in the nose, mouth or throat. Nasal breathing is intermittent from time to time, and liquid mucus is released from the nose or into the pharyngeal cavity. These seizures are associated with sleep, can occur after a change in air temperature, fatigue, acute food intake, emotional stress or increased blood pressure.
  • Pharyngitis. Here phlegm in the throat arises against the background of persecution or pain in it. More often still, the sum of these sensations causes a cough, which is either dry, or there is a small amount of liquid phlegm.
  • Sjogren's syndrome. At the same time, there is a decrease in the production of saliva, and because of dry mouth it seems that sputum accumulates in the throat.

Sputum color without cough

This criterion can be suspected:

  • mucous white sputum testifies in favor of fungal (more often - candidiasis) tonsillitis;
  • transparent sputum with white veins can accompany chronic catarrhal pharyngitis;
  • sputum green, thick, may indicate chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis;
  • and if the sputum is yellow, and there is no coughing, it speaks in favor of the purulent process of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis).

If sputum is felt only in the morning

Sputum in the morning can talk about:

  • reflux-esophagitis - throwing the contents of the stomach into the esophagus and throat. In this case, there is a weakness of the circular muscle, which should not miss what was in the stomach, back. Accompanying this pathology is usually heartburn, which occurs when taking a horizontal position after a meal, as well as periodically arising belching air or acidic contents. Occurring during pregnancy and accompanied by constant heartburn, is its symptom associated with the compression of the abdominal cavity by a pregnant uterus;
  • chronic sinusitis. Symptoms: difficulty in nasal breathing, deterioration of smell until its complete absence, mucus in the throat;
  • chronic bronchitis. In this case, the sputum is mucopurulent (yellow or yellow-green), accompanied by weakness, low body temperature.
  • be the first sign of acute bronchitis. There is an increase in temperature, weakness, deterioration of appetite;
  • developing in the spring-autumn period, talk about bronchiectasis. Other symptoms are malaise, fever. In summer and winter, a person feels relatively good again;
  • appearing against the background of heart diseases, evidence of their decompensation, that is, the appearance of stagnation in the lungs;
  • developing in young children, talk about adenoiditis. In this case, the nasal breathing is disturbed, the children breathe through the mouth, but there is no temperature or signs of acute respiratory infections.

Cough expectoration

If a person observes the appearance of a cough after which sputum is released, it indicates a disease of the trachea, bronchi or lungs. It can be acute and chronic, inflammatory, allergic, neoplastic or to be stagnant. One can only diagnose the presence of sputum: examination, listening to pulmonary noise, X-ray image (and sometimes computer tomography) of the lungs, sputum analysis - general and bacteriological.

In some way, the color of the sputum, its consistency and the smell will help you to get the diagnosis.

Sputum color when coughing

If a phlegm is yellow when it coughs, it can talk about:

  • purulent process: acute bronchitis, pneumonia. To distinguish these states is possible only according to instrumental studies (X-ray or computer tomography of the lungs), since the symptoms are the same;
  • presence of a large number of eosinophils in the lung or bronchial tissue, which also indicates eosinophilic pneumonia (then the color is yellow, like a canary);
  • sinusitis. There is bad breathing with the nose, separation of not only phlegm, but also snot of yellow mucus-purulent nature, headache, malaise;
  • bronchial asthma. The disease is characterized by exacerbations when difficulty in breathing is noted (it is difficult to exhale) and audible rattles in the distance, and remissions when the person feels satisfactory;
  • yellow liquid sputum with a small amount of mucus, which appeared against the background of icteric staining of the skin (with hepatitis, tumor, cirrhosis of the liver, or overlapping of the biliary tract with a stone) suggests that a lesion has occurred light;
  • yellow ocher refers to siderosis, a disease that occurs in people working with dust, which contains iron oxides. With this pathology, there are no special symptoms other than coughing.

Sputum yellow-green color speaks of:

  • purulent bronchitis;
  • bacterial pneumonia;
  • be a normal symptom after tuberculosis, which was cured by specific drugs.

If the rusty color separates from the cough, this indicates that in the respiratory tract There was a trauma to blood vessels, but the blood, until it reached the mouth, was oxidized, and hemoglobin became hematin. This can be for:

  • a strong cough (then there will be streaks of rusty color, which will disappear after 1-2 days);
  • pneumonia, when inflammation (purulent or viral), melting the lung tissue, led to damage to blood vessels. There will be: fever, shortness of breath, weakness, vomiting, lack of appetite, sometimes - diarrhea;

If the mucus is brown, this also indicates the presence of the "old oxidized blood in the airways:

  • if the lungs had such, almost always congenital pathology, like bullae (cavities filled with air). If such a bull lay near the bronchus, and then ruptured, brown sputum will separate. If the air still gets into the cavity of the pleura, there will be shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air that can build up. The "sick" half of the chest is not breathing, and during the rupture of bulla there was pain;
  • gangrene of the lung. Here, a significant deterioration of the general condition comes to the fore: weakness, blurred consciousness, vomiting, high fever. Sputum is not only brown, but also has a putrid smell;
  • pneumoconiosis - a disease that occurs due to industrial (coal-stone, siliceous) dust. Characteristic pain in the chest, first a dry cough. Gradually, bronchitis becomes chronic, often leads to pneumonia;
  • lung cancer. The disease does not make itself felt for a long time, coughing starts gradually. A person sharply grows thin, begins to sweat at night, it becomes more difficult for him to breathe;
  • tuberculosis. There is weakness, sweating (especially nocturnal), lack of appetite, loss of body weight, prolonged dry cough.

Sputum from light green to dark green indicates that there is a bacterial or fungal process in the lungs. It:

  • abscess or gangrene of the lung. Symptoms of pathologies are very similar (if it is an acute, and not a chronic abscess, the symptomatology of which is more scarce). This is a pronounced weakness, malaise, shortness of breath, chest pain, very high, almost unresponsive to febrifugal, body temperature;
  • bronchiectatic disease. This is a chronic pathology associated with the expansion of the bronchi. It is characterized by a current with exacerbations and remissions. When exacerbation in the morning and after finding on the abdomen purulent sputum (green, yellow-green) departs. A person feels unwell, his temperature is elevated;
  • actinomycotic process. In this case, there is a prolonged fever, malaise, mucus purulent greenish sputum;
  • cystic fibrosis - a disease when almost all the secrets produced by the glands of the body become very viscous, poorly evacuated and inflamed. It is characterized by frequent pneumonia and inflammation of the pancreas, a lag in growth and body weight. Without a special diet and taking enzymes, such people can die from complications of pneumonia;
  • sinusitis (its symptoms are described above).

Sputum white is characteristic for:

  • ORZ: then the sputum is clear white, thick or foamy, mucous;
  • lung cancer: it is not only white, but it has veins of blood. There are also weight loss, fatigue;
  • bronchial asthma: it is dense, vitreous, excreted after a fit of coughing;
  • heart diseases. The color of such sputum is whitish, the consistency is liquid.

Sputum diagnostics for consistency and odor

In order to evaluate this criterion, it is necessary to expectorate sputum in a transparent glass container, evaluate it immediately, and then remove it by covering it with a lid and letting it brew (in some cases, sputum may become exfoliated, which will aid in diagnosis).

  • Mucous sputum: it is excreted, mainly in ARVI;
  • Liquid colorless is characteristic of chronic processes developing in the trachea and pharynx;
  • Frothy white or pinkish sputum is secreted with pulmonary edema, which can accompany both heart disease, and poisoning with inhalation gases, and pneumonia, and inflammation of the pancreas glands;
  • Sputum of a mucopurulent nature can be excreted in tracheitis, angina, bacterial bronchitis, complicated cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis;
  • Vitreous: typical for bronchial asthma and bronchitis with an asthmatic component.

An unpleasant smell is characteristic of a complicated bronchoectatic disease, an abscess of the lung. Fetid, putrefactive odor is characteristic for gangrene of the lung.

If, during settling, sputum is divided into 2 layers, this is probably an abscess of the lung. If the layer is three (upper - foamy, then liquid, then - flaky), it can be a gangrene of the lung.

What does sputum look like in the main diseases?

Sputum for tuberculosis has the following characteristics:

  • mucous consistency;
  • Unnatural (100-500 ml / day);
  • then appear veins of pus greenish or yellowish color, white impregnations;
  • if there are cavities in the lungs that have broken the integrity of the tissue, blood streaks appear in the sputum: rusty or scarlet, more or less, up to pulmonary hemorrhage.

In bronchitis, sputum is mucopurulent, almost odorless. If the vessel is damaged, bright scarlet veins of blood enter the phlegm.

With pneumonia, if purulent fusion of blood vessels does not occur, the sputum is mucopurulent and yellow-green or yellow in color. If pneumonia is caused by the influenza virus, or the bacterial process has captured a large area, the discharge can be rusty or streaky with rusty or scarlet blood.

Sputum when asthma is mucous, viscous, whitish or transparent. Standing out after an attack of a cough, similar to molten glass, it is called vitreous.

What to do if you get sputum

  1. Seek medical advice. The first should be a therapist, then - an otolaryngologist (ENT) or pulmonologist. The direction to them will give the therapist. You also need to talk about the advisability of putting the sputum.
  2. Buy 2 sterile jars for delivery of phlegm. All this day to take a copious amount of warm liquid. In the morning, on an empty stomach, take 3 deep breaths and cough (not spit) the phlegm. In one jar you need more detachable (this should go to the clinical laboratory), in another - less (in the bacteriological laboratory).
  3. If the symptoms resemble tuberculosis, the delivery of sputum to the clinical laboratory, where the mycobacterium tuberculosis is detected under the microscope, it is necessary to produce three times.
  4. You do not need to do anything on your own. Maximum - to make inhalation with Berodual in the age-related dosage (if sputum was separated after coughing) or to dissolve an antiseptic of the type "Strepsils "Septotelet "Tharyngept" (if there was no coughing). Not knowing some of the nuances, for example, that when taking hemoptysis to take mucolytics (ATSTS, carbocysteine) it is impossible, it is possible to do much harm to your body.

How to treat a cough with green sputum?


Nikolay Prokoshev

Without taking phlegm on the antibiotic sensitivity test for purulent bronchitis any use of an antibiotic will only be harmful if you do not guess the antibiotic its sensitivity to the infection. BUT, EVEN NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT. And the fact that the inactivity of the mocrocha makes the treatment of the anthro- biotic useless even "correct because there is no ventilation in the lungs, and as a result there is no a sufficient flow of blood to the small bronchi - the alveoli, and hence the antibiotic used is useless for it does not fully enter into contact with the infection, bacterial
the cell against which it is directed. In addition to harm, such treatment does not give anything. I have a scheme (diet: chicken broth and meat, salads, oily sea fish, cereals all with vegetable oil for reconstitution ventilation in the lungs-complete expulsion of phlegm from the lungs for 12 hours and immediately in advance (in the morning, brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth) in the prepared petri dish spit the phlegm and immediately MUCH ON BACANALYSIS and rush the result of determining the infection-sensitive antibiotic. (It is necessary to contact the therapist and take a sputum on a baknalysis and take a petri dish beforehand in the laboratory). Any cold in this period is NOT possible and also thermal procedures. Treatment after receiving the antibiotic is to begin immediately. In addition, to breathe on the nebulizer with the antibiotic itself, 1 drop of antibiotic (in injections, the residue in the ratio of 1 to
5- 10 saline solution) and breathe according to the scheme inhalation delay for 3-5sec and exhalation. There are a number of health measures on herbs after a course of antibiotics. Recovery is complete with "incurable asthma" 1 month. Herbs,
diet for expulsion of sputum from the lungs when treated.


go to a therapist

6 Massi

Inflammatory process, here already antibiotics are necessary. And so you need to buy syrup from the cough Ascoril, it expands the bronchi, well displays green phlegm

Little Vredinka

antibiotics. Just do not improvise, go to the doctor.


Did not try to make a roentgen? maybe there's already pleurisy drew.
in general, if the sputum is thick, then it is diluted. the doctor will prescribe the necessary drugs - simultaneously with antibiotics.
drink more hot drink.

26 GB

licorice root to help you

Yellow sputum when coughing is a dangerous symptom

Cough is a symptom of a certain disease that requires immediate treatment. But, as practice shows, not always people turn in time for help to a specialist, as a result of which a large amount of mucus accumulates in the bronchi. If it is for a long time, it acquires a yellow tinge. This symptom indicates that the body is in full swing inflammatory process, which can move to other organs.

What is

By changing the color and consistency of sputum, one can judge the formation of pathological processes in the lungs. If there is clear and neobylaya sputum, then this is a clear sign of a viral disease.When it thickens and the presence of a yellow shade, it is necessary to clarify the data on the presence of bacterial infection in the lower respiratory tract.With a green shade and an unpleasant odor, stagnation of the lungs and progression of the inflammatory process are most often diagnosed. The presence of bloody veins is the first symptom of tissue decomposition in lung cancer or tuberculosis.

Without temperature

When the sputum is yellow during the cough, this is a clear sign of bronchitis (here the symptoms of purulent bronchitis are described), sinusitis (here the symptoms of purulent sinusitis are described). When a cough rarely visits the patient, but sputum is released, it is urgent to go to the clinic. Emergency help is needed when there is an impurity of blood and pus in the phlegm. After yellowness in sputum indicates the presence of pus.

Also, a cough with yellow sputum can occur in people who have a passion for smoking. The nature and shade of sputum indicates the cause of the formation of bronchitis. A yellow shade indicates that an infection has accumulated in the bronchi. Therapy of such patients should take place in a hospital at home. The scheme of treatment is determined by the doctor after the diagnosis. On the link you can read how to cure the smoker's cough.

In summary, the following diseases should be identified, during which yellow sputum is released without temperature:

  • bronchitis;
  • viral diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • abscess of the lung;
  • lung cancer.

With temperature

If, in addition to yellow sputum, the patient still has a temperature rise, then this is a clear symptom of diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis. The temperature can also rise with the diseases mentioned above. If the indicators are not significant (up to 38 degrees), then panic early. When for a long time the temperature is above 38 degrees, and yellow sputum leaves, this is the reason for going to the doctor.

To accurately determine the nature of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory study. For these purposes, the patient surrenders his sputum, and the specialist studies it by microscopic and macroscopic methods.To conduct this analysis, you need to collect phlegm in the morning, but do not eat anything before that.Otherwise, you will not get the exact result. To ensure a minimum content of saliva, the patient must rinse the mouth with an antiseptic solution and boiled water. After this, collect the mucus in a special tank. If mucus is released in a small volume during the analysis, the patient is prescribed irritating inhalation. Here you can read more about inhalations with wet cough in children.

Get the most accurate information and the nature of yellow mucus can be with the help of bronchoscopy. It is carried out in a hospital setting. Thanks to this, it is possible to thoroughly examine the bronchi and trachea using special equipment. During this manipulation, mucus is obtained without the impurities of the bacteria of the mouth and saliva. For special cases it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis.

Learn how to distinguish allergic rhinitis from colds.

Here you can read what to do if watery eyes and a runny nose.

What to do if the Pershit is in the throat, folk remedies:

Therapeutic events

Treatment for cough with yellow sputum requires immediate treatment. The treatment regimen is made individually, taking into account the diagnostic results. As a rule, necessarily therapy presupposes expectorants that allow to clear lungs.

In the video - tells about the yellow sputum when coughing:

Mucolytics are used to dissolve mucus. Antibiotics are to be combated with a bacterial infection.
Thanks to mucolytics, which does not increase the amount of sputum, it is possible to dilute it and cleanse the lungs. Presented medications are prescribed for the treatment of bronchial asthma, bronchial inflammation, cystic fibrosis and other ailments of an inflammatory nature.

Expectorant medications help to excrete sputum from the upper respiratory tract, and also activate a cough reflex. To such preparations it is possible to carry:

  • Trypsin,
  • Theropsis
  • Sodium benzonate.

But do not self-treat these medicines. They are appointed by the doctor taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

To expand the bronchial tubes and mucus is easy to use it is necessary to use medications that increase the patency of the bronchi.

Eliminate the inflammatory process of the respiratory tract, one of the manifestations of which is yellow mucus, use antibiotics with a narrowly directed effect. Also in the process you can use medicines of a broad spectrum of antibacterial action.

One symptomatic therapy will not be enough, so it is absolutely necessary to carry out therapeutic measures aimed at treating the underlying ailment.

To facilitate the process of cleaning the lungs, you need to apply as much fluid as possible, moisten the air in the house, using a special device, to rest more.Such measures will improve the removal of yellow sputum and clear lungs and bronchi. If you began to worry about a fit of cough, then take a direct position. Thus, the lungs will be enlarged, and sputum will be better separated.

The video tells what it means if a dense yellow green sputum is released during coughing and the means of combating the disease are described:

To protect your body from the development of a disease that contributes to the formation of yellow sputum, you need protect your lungs from getting a different infection, you need to clean them with a special gymnastics. The complex of exercises should be compiled by your attending physician when he conducts an examination and examines the information obtained during the diagnosis. Perform the composed breathing exercises every day for 15-20 minutes.

Sputum yellow color may indicate a certain allergic reaction. In this case, the patient must take antihistamines and drugs to stabilize the membranes of mast cells. When swelling of the lungs, it is necessary to take diuretics and medications that reduce the foaminess of the sputum.

Yellow mucus is a very dangerous symptom, which indicates that the disease begins to progress. If you do not take medical measures in time, then it can end as a dangerous disease, like lung cancer. If you find the very first symptom of the disease you need to go to the clinic and undergo the necessary diagnostics. Perhaps, it will also be useful for you to know what medicines are taken with chronic bronchitis, how quickly to get rid of the common cold with folk remedies.

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