Review ointments from edema under the eyes

Bags under the eyes look a little aesthetic, make the look tired, and the face is bloated. In their youth, they usually appear after a stormy rest, and older people can "please" and without special reasons. Is there anything you can do? Yes, you need to determine the causes of puffiness (especially if it worries every morning) and cure the chronic diseases that cause it.

In a number of cases (with the appropriate structure of the eyelid, hernias), only blepharoplasty helps for a long time to get rid of bags. Ointments, gels and creams do not give a lasting effect, but quickly remove puffiness. Are you just looking for an ambulance from swelling under the eyes? We invite you to read this review devoted to ointments from "bags".


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List
    • 3.1Heparin ointment
    • 3.2Troxevasin
    • 3.3Proctos
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Ointments from bags are used in the following cases:

  • under the eyes formed edema and dark circles;
  • instagram viewer
  • eyelids constantly swelling and / or strongly dehydrated;
  • the skin around the eyes is very sensitive.

In any case, swelling is not the norm.Ideally, you need to go through a comprehensive examination of health and eliminate the cause of fluid accumulation under the eyes, and if you need to quickly put yourself in order and remove swelling (or at least reduce) use special facilities.

Ointment under the eyes - a means of first aid from edema.

Features of preparations

In pharmacies a wide selection of ointments from bags under the eyes is presented.The forms of production are plastic jars and aluminum tubes, the volume can be different. Farmakodinamika means:

  • reduction of inflammation;
  • antithrombic action;
  • analgesic effect;
  • reduction of fragility of capillaries;
  • increased muscle tone of venous vessels;
  • anti-edematous action;
  • improvement of local blood flow;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes in tissues, acceleration of cell proliferation;
  • antibacterial action;
  • anesthetic effect.

Pharmaceutical ointments from edemas under the eyes are released in the form of gels. This form is convenient to use and gives the fastest effect.

The basis of all ointments under the eyes is gel.Active components without problems are released from it, penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, exerting a pronounced effect for 30-60 minutes. After absorption, they are processed in the liver and excreted within a day with urine.


The main drugs used for oedemas under the eyes are Afulim, Bezornil, Troxevasin, Hepatrombin, Lyoton (gel), Relief, Curiosin (gel), Heparin ointment, Hydrocortisone ointment.Let's consider their features and principles of operation.

Preparations for swelling of eyelids

One of the most effective means of puffiness under the eyes are ointments from hemorrhoids.

Ointments from hemorrhoids are one of the most effective remedies for bags under the eyes.The most popular drugs in this category are Relief, Troxevasin, Troxerutin, etc. They include the following active substances:

  • glycerol- softens the skin;
  • lanolin- saturates with moisture;
  • collagen- restores structure, smooths wrinkles;
  • heparin- accelerates resorption of thrombi, restores normal blood supply;
  • horse chestnut extract- activates the outflow of blood, removes puffiness;
  • various plant components- heal wounds, relieve inflammation;
  • vegetable oils- strengthen the walls of blood vessels, saturate the skin with vitamins;
  • steroid hormones- Strong anti-inflammatory drugs.

The texture of ointments from hemorrhoids is tender, they are absorbed quickly and give almost instant effect.The minus of the drug is only one - it eliminates edema, but not the cause of their occurrence (however, like all local agents).

Heparin ointment

Heparin ointment is a good anticoagulant of direct action.Its main purpose is to treat thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, occlusions, hemorrhoids, hematomas, superficial mastitis, bruises.

Heparin ointment dilates blood vessels

Heparin ointment is a universal drug against diseases of veins, bruises, thrombi, hemorrhoids, mastitis and hematomas. She also quickly removes bags under the eyes.

The drug expands the blood vessels, dilutes the blood and exerts a direct effect on the plasma, activating the processes of its resorption.Therefore, swelling, bruising, dark circles, swelling disappear almost immediately after application. The expense is economical. Make sure that the product does not get into the eyes.It should be used systematically - the course of treatment is 10-20 days(depending on the degree of swelling).

Heparin ointment is applied in courses, but not longer than 20 days.


Troxevasin is an ideal remedy not only for varicose veins, heaviness in the legs, swelling, but also bags under the eyes.The active components of the gel stop inflammation, reduce the degree of permeability of the capillaries, and the processes of water entering the tissue are suspended, and the excess liquid begins to dissolve.

Troxevasin Gel Cures For Inflammation

Troxevasin gel helps with severe swelling and slight swelling.

You should use Troxevasin for two weeks only in the evening or in the morning and in the evening- Apply a thin layer under the eyes and let it absorb or spread a thick layer of the product, and then rinse it after half an hour.


Tetracycline Ointment: instruction manual for eyes

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The definition of friendly strabismus and methods of vision correction are outlined here.



Ointment Protonis has a moisturizing and soothing effect, so it is often used for the skin around the eyes.The composition of the product includes cocoa butter, extracts of a chist, sage, aloe, extract from the liver of a shark, glycerin. Apply Proctonis to the cleansed skin twice a day with neat movements.

Proctonis ointment has a moisturizing and emollient effect

Recommendations for use

Ointments from bags under the eyes have contraindications in use. Basic:

  • hypersensitivity to active components;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • tuberculosis of the eye;
  • open wounds, abrasions in the treatment area;
  • purulent processes;
  • the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • age younger than 18 years.

At the age of under 18 and in the first trimester of pregnancy, ointments from edemas are highly undesirable.

Possible occurrence of the following side effects - burning, itching, urticaria, hyperemia(in this case, the drug should be discontinued). Extrude the ointment on the finger or immediately the skin under the eyes - as a rule, a sufficient amount of a drug the size of a pea. Cases of overdose to medicine are not known, but should not enter the stomach.

Have got ointment in the eye? Rinse it with plenty of water.

Combine the above listed drugs with antibiotics and acetylsalicylic acid can not. Do not prescribe ointments at the same time as NSAIDs, anti-allergy drugs (antihistamines), tetracyclines. Keep the drug in a cool dry place and tightly close the tube after each use. The shelf life of the ointment can be from two to five years.


The causes of twitching of the upper eyelid (blepharospasm)

Eye drops from dry eyes when working at a computer and other visual loads are described in this article.

Genetic visual impairment of microphthalmia is presented in this material.




The appearance of bags under the eyes causes internal causes. Can swelling be removed quickly? Yes, and for this special ointments are used. They contain a whole range of active substances that do not penetrate the blood and quickly remove puffiness. The most effective are ointments from hemorrhoids. Before use, read the list of contraindications and make sure that the product does not get into the eyes. Apply ointments usually courses.

Also read about the specifics of the formation of hernias under the eyes and what means are used to remove tumors on the eyelids in the form of papillomas.

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