Exercises for breast osteochondrosis at home


  • 1Exercises for breast osteochondrosis at home
    • 1.1How to understand that you have chest osteochondrosis
    • 1.2Factors contributing to the development of the disease
    • 1.3Therapeutic exercises for the treatment of breast osteochondrosis
    • 1.4Preparation for classes
    • 1.5Exercises that relieve breast osteochondrosis
    • 1.6Preventive actions
    • 1.7Applying a gymnastic stick
    • 1.8About contraindications
  • 27 basic exercises for the treatment of chest osteochondrosis
    • 2.1What to do before the start of training
    • 2.27 useful exercises
  • 3All about exercises with chest osteochondrosis
    • 3.1Advantages and disadvantages
    • 3.2Rules and nuances of exercise therapy
    • 3.3Indications
    • 3.4Contraindications
    • 3.5Overview of exercises
    • 3.6Easy charging
    • 3.7Exercise at work
    • 3.8During remission
    • 3.9To improve breathing
    • 3.10In acute form of pathology
    • 3.11Prophylactic
    • 3.12Complex from Bubnovsky
    • 3.13Yoga
    • 3.14Conclusion
  • 4How to perform exercises for breast osteochondrosis at home
    • 4.1How will you prepare for the training?
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2Basic exercises
    • 4.3Auxiliary complex
    • 4.4Water therapeutic physical training
  • 5Exercises for breast osteochondrosis
    • 5.1How to start
    • 5.2Effective Exercises
    • 5.3Auxiliary therapy

Exercises for breast osteochondrosis at home

Hello, dear blog visitors about health and beauty! Osteochondrosis in our time is a very common disease, affecting most often the lumbar and cervical divisions.

But there is, although extremely rare, a lesion of the thoracic spine.

This is due to a special structure, namely the presence of kyphosis (natural shock absorber), which softens the load.

To get rid of this disease, special exercises are created for breast osteochondrosis at home.

How to understand that you have chest osteochondrosis

This disease has a sluggish clinical picture that will make it difficult to diagnose early.

In addition, the symptoms are very similar to such serious ailments as angina and heart attack, as well as pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

This is explained by the fact that in the thoracic region there are nerve fibers related to the autonomic nervous system, and regulate the metabolism with the activity of the CCC, GIT and respiratory organs.

The main symptom of the osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is pain in the region of scapula and ribs, which is strengthened by deep breathing, corners, hocks, sneezing and coughing.

There are several other symptoms related to osteochondrosis of the thoracic region:

  • Sometimes the lower extremities grow numb, the upper abdomen or chest;
  • There is excessive muscle tone of the back or chest;
  • Poor start to function of the pelvic organs;
  • Reduced potency in men;
  • Complication of the disease is considered the appearance of shingles.

Most often, the disease occurs in people working mentally, who are constantly forced to sit at the desk and monitor the computer.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease

The main reason for the appearance of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is an incorrect posture. To improve it and maintain a flat back, I recommend that you observe the following rules:

  1. You should always try to sit, keeping your back straight, placing the buttocks on the back of the chair or chair.
  2. During a long standing, you should not shift from foot to foot - load them evenly.
  3. Adjust the nutrition, taking into account the need to restore the collapsing vertebrae.
  4. Buy a hard mattress on your bed, which will help you to recover after working hours and improve your posture.

Keep a straight back while walking with straightened shoulders and looking ahead.

Therapeutic exercises for the treatment of breast osteochondrosis

You can not cure such a disease without exercise therapy. Performing physical exercises relieves pain, spasms and relaxes the muscles, improving blood circulation. Thanks to exercise therapy, muscles are strengthened, the flexibility of ligaments develops and the intervertebral space increases.

The choice of methods of treatment for physical education depends on the degree of damage, as well as the presence or absence of complications.

Wellness gymnastics is aimed at increasing the activity of the vertebrae in the thoracic region due to their low mobility.

Preparation for classes

To get the most out of your workout, you will need to meet certain conditions:

  • I recommend before taking lessons warm warm shower, then massage the cervical spine;
  • Before you begin to perform the basic complex, you need to warm up for 5-10 minutes, which will help to remove pain;
  • Exercises aimed at the thoracic spine are performed at a slow pace without sudden movements, gradually increasing the load.

To get rid of the disease in this way, all the exercises must be agreed with the attending physician. He will also help in writing the schedule, the sequence of their execution and the load.

Exercises that relieve breast osteochondrosis

The complex is made individually for each person, depending on the presence of concomitant disease, as well as the degree of lesion of the vertebrae. I want to offer basic, fairly simple exercises that help to get a persistent and long-lasting remission:

  1. Lie on your stomach, with your hands behind your head and dilate your elbows to the sides. Raise your shoulders slightly with the top of the hull and lift up one elbow first, then the other - 6 reps each.
  2. The same thing IP, just stretch out your arms forward, tearing your chest off the floor - 10 times. Then the same, but with the hands, located along the body.
  3. Lying on his stomach, his hands behind his back, clasping his hands in the lock. Perform lifting hands up with a simultaneous deflection in the back, lingering in this position for a couple of seconds, then return to the IP. - Up to 10 times.
  4. Stand up, putting the brush on the shoulders - the simultaneous lowering of one shoulder with the lifting of the other. At the same time, the head tilts to the shoulder that is going down.
  5. Sitting on a chair with a backrest - bend over in the back, leaning on his back with maximum use of the thoracic area. Then bend forward. Repeat the exercise up to 6 times.
  6. The same I.P., hands on the waist - lift the shoulders slowly, stayed at the top point and lowered - 6-8 times.

In addition to exercises, for greater effectiveness, I recommend that you register with a massage, which will help relax the muscles located next to the vertebral column, removing unnecessary stress.

Preventive actions

Prophylaxis of the disease lies in the ability, for example, to properly carry heavy bags. Lifting the weight, do not do it abruptly, even bending over to the object - sit down, fix it in your hands and slowly get up at the expense of the muscles of the legs.

Returning home in the evening, stretch out on a hard surface, stretching out the entire body, and lie in this position for a while until you feel relief.

Applying a gymnastic stick

For preventive purposes, it is recommended to practice with a stick (gymnastic). It also helps accelerate healing processes and brings a variety to your daily workouts:

  • Sit on a chair, picking up a stick. Raise your hands up, maximally reaching for them all the body and return to the IP. - 10 times;
  • Become on the floor, put the stick on the back on the shoulders - turn the body to the right and left, as well as back and forth;
  • Standing on the floor, hands with a stick behind his back are lowered. Tilt the body forward, raising your hands as much as possible upwards, after which you return to I.P. - up to 10 times;
  • Exercise "mill" - standing on the floor, raise your hands with a stick at the chest level and rotate it in one and the other side until the cross-arms - 10 repetitions;
  • Become on the floor, hands pull forward, and lean them on a stick. Slow inclination of the body forward, keeping the back flat, and the head slightly elevated - 10 times.

Such simple exercises will not only have a preventive effect, but will also significantly reduce the manifestations of the disease.

About contraindications

Contraindications to the implementation, both preventive and therapeutic exercises, apply to the following health problems:

  1. Arrhythmia (cardiac).
  2. Strong pain.
  3. Neurological problems with impaired coordination.
  4. Chronic pathologies in the stage of exacerbation.
  5. Elevated body temperature, as well as high arterial and intracranial pressure.
  6. Nearsightedness in severe degree.
  7. Early recovery postoperative period.

Applying exercise therapy to get rid of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, you will improve the quality of your life and prevent the occurrence of inevitable complications arising at later stages. The main thing is strict and systematic implementation of all appointments and recommendations.

Be healthy and see you again! I remind you that subscribing to new blog articles in the form under this post, you will receive only the best, selected materials.

A source: http://mygrace.ru/dvizhenie/uprazhneniya-pri-grudnom-osteoxondroze-v-domashnix-usloviyax.html

7 basic exercises for the treatment of chest osteochondrosis

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine are a prerequisite for the treatment of this ailment, and they will also help for prevention.

Pathology is very common, and every year the number of cases is growing steadily, because a modern man has to move less and less in his usual life.

More and more professions suggest simply being behind a computer monitor, physical work becomes more and more archaic, hence the problems with the spine.

Treatment of breast osteochondrosis at home can be performed on the recommendation of a doctor. The fact is that with a sedentary lifestyle, soft tissues and muscles around the spine pass less blood, which means oxygen and minerals.

Because of this chronic hypoxia and lack of microelements, the vertebral discs dry up and become covered with cracks, which in turn leads to a curvature of the whole spinal column. Gymnastics for the thoracic spine will help to solve these problems.

What to do before the start of training

With chest osteochondrosis, gymnastics has a curative effect. But before you start to engage in regular physical exercise, you must first carry out a number of preparatory activities:

  1. Going to the doctor. The specialist not only correctly diagnoses pathology, its severity, complexity, and form, it must exclude possible complications and side effects from physical exertion.
  2. We must not forget about contraindications, because not every body can withstand regular physical activity. A person may have chronic diseases that interfere with active sports, such as heart failure, hypertension, glaucoma and other dangerous pathologies.
  3. The exercise load should grow gradually, without causing pain to the patient. Exercise for breast osteochondrosis is a pleasant medicine, it is impossible to turn it into punishment. If during the exercise, there was pain in the spine, nausea, or dizzy, you should immediately stop exercising. It must be understood that exercise therapy is not an Olympic game, and sporting heroism can only lead to a worsening of the situation. All exercises are performed in slow motion, there should be no sharp turns or movements. The spine from some physical manipulations performed incorrectly can seriously suffer.
  4. The course of medical gymnastics should not be interrupted, it is strictly recommended not to violate the training regime. If this happens, training should be carried out continuously for effective treatment.
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7 useful exercises

There are 7 basic exercises for the treatment of chest osteochondrosis. They must be performed with an open window for fresh air into the room.

If the street is very cold, then you can limit yourself and the window. Training is best done in the morning, preparing the spine in the daytime load.

In the evening there will be enough respiratory gymnastics, calming the nervous system.

LFK with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine should be started with an easy exercise. The most effective exercises:

  1. The first exercise is performed while standing. The starting position - hands on the waist. You should alternately move your shoulders and elbows to the right and left, twisting the spine around the lower ribs. The movement is repeated 10-15 times in each direction.
  2. The starting position for this exercise is the same - hands on the hips, elbows to the sides. The shoulders move forward simultaneously with the elbows, trying to contact, then are withdrawn back with the same tension and purpose - to reach each other behind their backs. Repeat 10-15 times forward and backward.
  3. The complex of exercises can not be carried out without a chair with a high back. Having occupied a sitting position, it is necessary to start brushes of hands behind the back of the head and straighten your back, trying to squeeze the entire upper part of the spine to the back of the chair.
  4. The starting position is sitting on a chair. Hands are planted behind the back just above the waist, the shoulders are withdrawn as far back as possible, and in this position one must remain 10-15 seconds. Then torso tilt forward, head lowered and hands clasp your shoulders, in this position you need to stay another 10-15 seconds. Repeat 4-5 times for training
  5. The starting position is the arms on the shoulders, the right palm on the right shoulder, the left one on the left. Shoulders in turn drop to the right, then to the left, the head at the same time leans in the same direction as the shoulder. Such slopes should be done 10-15 in each direction.
  6. The starting position - sitting on a chair with a straight back, the loin does not move while performing this exercise. The right hand should be pulled to the right and slowly lifted up until it touched the head and did not deviate to the left as far as possible. The hand must be straight at the same time. The right hand is in the starting position along the body, the left hand is understood by the same circular parabola. Such mahas should be done 10-15 in each direction.
  7. The starting position is palms in front of the chest in the manner of a praying Buddhist. Exercise begins with the maximum tension of the muscles, aimed at compressing the palms, in this voltage it must be 10-15 seconds, then you can relax. This process needs to be repeated 4-5 times.

No set of exercises can do without breathing exercises. It can be done not only in the evening or in the morning, but also several times during the day.

It is carried out as follows: one palm rests on the lower part of the sternum, and the other on the upper abdomen, the task is so that during the breath, the palm of the chest on the chest is in front of the lower palm, and when exhaled, on the contrary, behind, in the vertical plane. It turns out that breathing is done with the help of abdominal muscles.

Respiratory gymnastics of this kind is held for 5-10 minutes per session and leads to the fact that all departments are involved lungs: upper, middle and lower, while increasing the oxygen content in the blood, in all internal organs and soft tissues the spine.

Gymnastics for the thoracic spine of osteochondrosis at home can end with another exercise for breathing.

To do this, you need to stand on all fours, when you inhale, you should raise your chin up, and lower your lower back down. At exhalation, the chin goes down, and the back arches in the opposite direction.

For each breath and then exhale should go for 5-7 seconds, that is, everything is done very slowly.


Whatever the prerequisites for exercise therapy are not found by a doctor, it must be understood that therapeutic gymnastics for osteochondrosis thoracic spine - this is the most affordable and effective remedy for a fairly serious disease. To neglect this, treating the problem lightly, unreasonably and dangerously.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/osteohondroz/uprazhneniya-na-grudnoj-otdel.html

All about exercises with chest osteochondrosis

Although the thoracic spine andHas a powerful defense in the form of massive dorsal muscles, the percentage of osteochondrosis is increasing among patients with this pathology.

Treatment of breast osteochondrosis implies not only a long medication process, but also an obligatory rehabilitation period. To improve the patient's condition, rheumatologists prescribe special courses of physiotherapy.

However, do not throw off the shields, medical and sports complexes. Specially developed exercises for chest osteochondrosis can restore the former mobility to the patient, strengthen the muscles of the back.

In addition, exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine improve blood circulation, thereby providing a boost in physical tone.

Advantages and disadvantages

Performing exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, the patient receives the following positive effects:

  • Symptoms that persecuted before the beginning of regular classes completely disappear or are minimal in their manifestations.
  • Dystrophic processes occurring in intervertebral discs slow down their course or are eliminated.
  • Disappear pathological changes in the discs of the thoracic spine.
  • There is strengthening of the intercostal muscles, which helps restore proper breathing.
  • Posture when moving or in a static position gets the correct look.

LFK with chest osteochondrosis,without fail, should be used by every patient, since it has no disadvantages.

It is important to overcome yourself, and make through the pain the first uncomplicated movements.

Rules and nuances of exercise therapy

Despite the great therapeutic importance, charging with chest osteochondrosis can conceal a lot of dangers for the weakened spine. Complexes appointed by the attending physician should be performed under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

In the aftermath, when the progress of improving the well-being will be felt impressively, you can move on to independent studies.

However, it should beIt is strictly necessary to remember the following mandatory ruleswhen performing exercise therapy:

  1. Charging for osteochondrosis of the thoracic area should be prescribed by the attending physician with individual characteristics of its performance, relying on the patient's condition. In addition, throughout the physical culture and health complex, the physical condition of the patient must be controlled by a doctor.
  2. The complex of exercises can be appointed only in the period of easing pathology, recovery of the patient. Exercises in the period of unimportant state of the patient can be recommended if they are performed in a sparing mode.
  3. Physiotherapy exercises for breast osteochondrosis should not cause any discomfort. At any unpleasant sensation it is necessary to remove from the medical complex exercise, which brings pain to the patient.
  4. Perform exercises on the amplitude, which does not bring painful effects.
  5. Exercises in the complex are performed smoothly, without sudden movements.
  6. The patient must feel his own state on each lesson. In the case of a painful condition in the spine or joints of the limbs, you should stop the session.
  7. The charge for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine should not overload the patient physically. To do this, it is important to maintain the number of exercises per session, as well as the number of repetitions. The number of approaches and repetitions is selected by the doctor individually for each patient.


Trying to overcome the painful symptoms, which abounds in chest osteochondrosis, gymnastics can become a real alternative option for rapid recovery of the patient. Using specialized gymnastics against osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, the patient receives the following therapeutic effects:

  • The muscles that hold the spine in the correct position are strengthened. The more powerful the muscles of the back, the less risk of a relapse of the exacerbation of pathology.
  • Significantly, stagnation in the muscles is reduced. The patient feels relief in the movements, when the classes are held with regular regularity.
  • Through exercise, there is an improvement in blood circulation in the back area.
  • Increased gutta percha in the back. A man more easily produces slopes and turns with his torso.
  • Pain symptomatology weakens to a large extent.

Listed advantages of exercise therapyallow to judge the therapeutic method, as an effective option to improve the condition of patients using specialized exercises from osteochondrosis.


Therapeutic gymnastics with chest osteochondrosis is fraught with not only a positive effect, but it can also cause an exacerbation with some existing pathologies. Those who have a diagnosis of "osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine LFK contraindicated if there are the following diseases:

  1. The presence of hypertension or before the beginning of the session there is increased pressure.
  2. The patient has a high fever.
  3. Pathologies of a neurological type that interfere with normal coordination.
  4. There is a pain in the area of ​​the bothering vertebrae, which prevents the normal amplitude of the movements of the gym exercises.
  5. Physical tone is low.
  6. Presence of cardiac arrhythmia.

To avoid possible negative consequences from specialized exercises in chest osteochondrosis,it is advisable to take a survey, consult your doctor.

Overview of exercises

That the rehabilitation period after exacerbation of a pathology has passed more quickly, it is necessary to choose corresponding exercises for treatment. Each state of the patient must correspond to his own set of exercises.

There are the following types of gymnastic exercises:

  • Easy charging.
  • Exercises designed to perform in the workplace.
  • Exercises during remission.
  • Exercises to improve breathing.
  • Exercises in the acute form of pathology.
  • Preventative exercises.

In addition, among specialists involved in the exercise of exercise therapy, there is a complex for osteochondrosis according to Bubnovsky.

Easy charging

These exercises for the thoracic spine with osteochondrosis can be used not only as an everyday exercise, but alsoact as "warming up", when the main (appointed) complex of exercise therapy is performed.

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Exercises are as follows:

  1. Exercise 1. Get up straight with your back. Legs should be placed shoulder width apart. Head gently down and stand for at least 2 minutes. Static exercise is useful for cervical and thoracic vertebrae.
  2. Exercise 2. Stand up, legs slightly apart. Put your hands in the lock and put it behind your head. Bend your back and stand for about 5-6 seconds. Return to the starting position, hands freely on each side. Repeat up to 5 times.
  3. Smooth bends in the sides. Stand on the floor, legs apart, shoulder width apart. Place the palms on the sides of the torso. Make a smooth slope in one direction, without delay execute in another. Do 8-10 times in both directions.

Exercise at work

These exercises are suitable for breast osteochondrosisat home and at work.

The set of exercises is good, which does not require a lot of free office space.

The complex is simple and includes the following exercises:

  • Sit on a chair with a low back. The back is straight. Bend back, trying to throw back his head. Make 6-8 movements in a smooth style.
  • Sitting on a chair, squeeze between the knees of the palm of both hands. Make a gradual slope to one side, then repeat to the other. Repeat 8-10 times in each direction.
  • Standing to breathe deeply the air in the chest, with a sagging back. Breathing does not delay, perform movement smoothly. Make 10-12 breaths / expirations.

A visual video with exercises can be viewed here.

During remission

In the stage where the patientHas no special problems with the spine, useful training based on the following exercises:

  1. Exercise 1. Stand on the floor, feet apart from each other by 30-40 cm. Make a slope to the left, while stretching out your left arm. Repeat with the right side. Make 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions in each direction.
  2. Lie on your back. Legs bend at the knees. Hands in the castle, on the back of the head. Make a touch of the left elbow with the right knee. Repeat the same in the combination of "right elbow + left knee". Do without jerks.
  3. Position on the knees, with palms on the floor. Inhale - the head throws back, the thorax clears, the back bends. Exhalation - the back is rounded, the head goes down. During exercise, a crunch in the vertebrae is possible.

To improve breathing

To reduce the risk of osteochondrosis at home, it is advisable to make appropriate movements for a stable,normal breathing.

The most simple and effective breathing exercises are as follows:

  • Sit on the stool. Hands in the castle over your head. Inhale, straining the pectoral muscles and the press. On exhalation make a slope to the right and left.
  • Sitting in a chair, turn around the bottom of the sternum single sheets to her ends were in their hands. Straighten your back. Take a deep breath without delay. On the inhale pull the sheet. Doing an exhalation, weaken the sheet.
  • Sitting to take a deep breath, throwing his head back. Exhalation - return to the starting position.

In acute form of pathology

This type of movement will be followed by the goal of relaxation of the back muscles in the acute form of breast osteochondrosis.

It is important not to be zealous, to avoid loads, to perform only with the permission and control of the attending physician.

The type of movements can be in the form of the following physical exercises:

  1. Exercise 1. Take the position of "lying on your back." Hands stretch parallel to each other over your head. Relax. Try to pull your chin gently to your chest, while lifting your arms up. Make 5-8 repetitions.
  2. Exercise 2. Lying to roll over on the stomach. Hands along the trunk. Try to strain the deltoid muscles to keep the scapula together. After each movement, do body relaxation for 20-30 seconds. Make 10 times.
  3. Exercise 3. Lie on your side, bending slightly in your lap. Raise the upper leg in a bent position. Make 8-10 movements on each side.

You can also expand the list of exercises by watching the video here


To prevent relapse of chest osteochondrosis,with regular exercise of certain exercises:

  • Exercise 1. Stand up straight with your hands on your sides. Make a smooth slope forward. Number of repetitions up to 12-15 times.
  • Take a stick, and lay it on your shoulders. The palms lie at the ends of the stick. Make turns in the sides. Right / Left 10 times.
  • Climb on the Swedish wall, and hang on your hands. Keep in this state as much as possible. Smoothly go down to the floor, not jumping sharply.

These exercises are an example for stretching the spine and strengthening the spinal muscles.

Complex from Bubnovsky

Popular gymnastic complex fromDr. Bubnovsky.

To less often disturbed chest osteochondrosis, Bubnovsky developed a specialized complex based on kinesitherapy. Option LFK is suitable for any age group.

These exercises exercise therapy can remove pain, strengthen the muscles of the back, return quickly mobility.

The complex includes the following movements:

  1. Exercise 1. Standing up your shoulders. The amplitude is the maximum.
  2. Exercise 2. Stand up by placing your feet at the width of your shoulders. Without changing his posture, move his shoulders forward, as if rounding his back, and then straightening his chest, trying to keep the shoulder blades together.
  3. Exercise 3. Take the correct vertical standing position. I close my hands behind my back to the castle. Make alternately slopes to the right, forward, left. When tilting forward, try not to round the back.
  4. Exercise 4. To implement the movement, you must have an inclined gymnastic board for the press. The board is fixed one side to the Swedish wall, the other side rests on the floor at 45 degrees. The person is stacked on the board with his back so that his head is above his legs. Hands grab the steps of the Swedish wall. Exercise allows you to maximally painlessly stretch the spine.

Some of the exercises on Bubnovskyprovides for the use of gymnastic equipment.

For this reason, it is advisable to perform a set of exercises in the gym.


Applying yoga quitecan be an alternativetraditional exercise therapy. There are specialized asanas, which improve the gutta-percha of the back.

One such exercise is asana "Strela". The asana is performed as follows:

  • Stand up straight.
  • Make an easy thrust with your foot.
  • The right hand should be pulled forward, the left one should be turned back, bent at the elbow. The movement should resemble the released arrow. Do the same with the other side.


For the treatment of osteochondrosisIt is impossible to be limited only by a medicamental method. It is important to use specialized gymnastic exercises.

Using exercise therapy, the regularity of the complex is important.

Thus, the patient can avoid a repeated painful attack with chest osteochondrosis.

A source: http://zdorovya-spine.ru/bolezni/osteohondroz/grudnoj/lechenie-grudnoj/uprazh.html

How to perform exercises for breast osteochondrosis at home

Treatment of the thoracic spine is impossible without a physical exercise, including a complex Gymnastic exercises designed to relieve pain, spasms and relaxation of the back muscles to improve blood circulation.

The vertebrae in this area are the least mobile, and by applying special exercises prescribed by the doctor, you can increase their activity.

LFK (therapeutic exercises and physical exercises) significantly increases the mobility of the costal-vertebral joints, significantly improves oxygen ventilation in the lungs, and quickly and effectively relieves pain.

How will you prepare for the training?

To begin to perform exercises for chest osteochondrosis, you must meet a number of requirements and recommendations that help to strengthen the necessary efficiency, reduce stress during the gymnastics:

  1. At home, before the beginning of exercise therapy, you must take a warm warming muscle tissue shower, and then spend a little relaxing massage of the cervical region;
  2. Before the start of the main complex, a warm-up is mandatory. This is an obligatory requirement, since it is possible to remove pain sensations only, the body and muscles are properly prepared;
  3. The complex of exercises for the thoracic spine should be performed very slowly, avoiding sudden movements, with a gradual increase in the load.

In the process of treatment of spine diseases, all prescribed procedures and gymnastic exercises must be necessarily coordinated with the attending physician. Ask the specialist literally on days to paint to you each exercise, the sequence of their implementation.

Basic exercises

Here are just a few of the basic exercises that will be present in absolutely all the complexes prescribed by your doctor.

The rest are added after a thorough examination, taking into account the existing chronic diseases.

Medical gymnastics with chest osteochondrosis will allow you to get rid of the discomfort for a long time and achieve the restoration of motor functions for a long time.

  • We lay down on the floor face down, with hands clasped behind the head, palms on the back of the head, as far as possible, dilating the elbows to the sides. Gradually lifting the body upwards, we try to raise the left, the right elbow as high as possible. Repeat 5-7 times;
  • Lie on your stomach, pull your arms forward. Smoothly tear off the chest from the floor, then return to the starting position. Exercise is aimed at stretching the thoracic area. Repeat 5-7 times;
  • In the same position, we take our hands behind our back and fasten them to the lock in the waist region. Without hurrying, raise our hands up and try to bend over, staying at the peak point for as long as possible (3-5 seconds). Repeat 5-6 times;
  • In standing position, place the palms of the hands on the shoulders. We bend the body, picking up one shoulder and then another. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times;
  • Sit on a chair, lean back on his back. Slowly bend your back so that all muscles of the problem department of the spine are involved in the exercise, then tilt forward. Repeat 8-10 times;
  • Sitting on the chair to stretch out his arms, holding the gymnastic stick firmly in them, take a deep breath, and raise the arms as you exhale, and as far as possible pull the body behind the stick. Exercise 5-7 times;
  • In the standing position put the gymnastic stick behind her back, clasping her hands, try to keep the posture. Perform tilting alternately to the right and left, returning the torso to its original position. Running 7-10 times.

If you conduct a complex of exercise therapy at home, pay attention to the fact that you should have a spacious, well-ventilated room, equipped with training.

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Prepare for the training is not too soft, elastic mat, gymnastic projectiles - hoop, wheel, stick.

To improve the condition, try to perform the exercise every morning.

Auxiliary complex

For the complex treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine with exacerbation or paroxysmal spasmodic pain, auxiliary physiotherapy exercises are recommended.

It is performed 1-2 times a day, and the complex includes exercises aimed solely at relieving muscle spasm.

The duration of ancillary physical education depends on the degree of exacerbation, and it must be performed until the state is fully normalized.

In this case, exercises for the thoracic spine are more like restoring breathing and contain smooth rotational movements with the trunk and hands on deep inspiration or expiration. Auxiliary LFK temporarily abolishes the main complex, replacing the movements for sparing for the entire spine - smooth and unhurried.

Water therapeutic physical training

According to experts, exercises in chest osteochondrosis, performed in water - the most effective way to treat and prevent disease.

Today it is water procedures that are very popular, and have significant advantages over any other, thanks to excellent results - long-term remission of the most severe forms of the disease.

The complex uses absolutely all muscles of the back and lumbar spine.

At the same time, the movements in the home pool or bath are practically unlimited, because the water resistance will not allow them to be sharp or fast.

This completely eliminates the traumatism and exacerbations that often occur during employment in gyms and at home. Besides, the water itself is an excellent relaxing remedy, relaxing and massaging the body during the exercise.

LFK in the treatment of osteochondrosis significantly improves the condition of people experiencing pain and discomfort, increases their activity and quality of life.

That is why, if in complex procedures appointed by a specialist, there are gymnastic exercises - be sure to perform them.

Systematic classes at home, in the gym or at the workplace, sooner or later, will definitely give a positive result!

A source: https://sustavlechit.ru/grudnoj/uprazhneniya-pri-grudnom-osteohondroze.html

Exercises for breast osteochondrosis

LFK with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is the simplest, but quite effective method of modern conservative therapy. First of all, it improves blood circulation.

The main advantage of therapeutic physical education is the possibility of performing exercises for breast osteochondrosis at home. For training, it is not necessary to visit medical institutions, fitness clubs and gyms.

It is quite sufficient ordinary room in the apartment and a slightly open window for the influx of fresh air.

How to start

The first step to health in performing exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine should be a consultation with a specialist.

The doctor will determine the necessary set of therapeutic physical training, the optimal training regime, the rate of increase in physical activity, and also adjust the diet plan.

LFK with chest osteochondrosis, in addition, requires compliance with certain preconditions:

  1. At medical inspection it is necessary to be convinced of absence of passing diagnoses, causing precisely same pains between scapulas, as an osteochondrosis. The most common of these are angina and cholelithiasis. The presence of these pathologies excludes any physical overstrain.
  2. Load on the spine to build up gradually, not torturing yourself with training.
  3. Constantly control your feelings. The appearance of pain, nausea, dizziness in the performance of any exercise is a signal that you are overzealous. It is necessary to slow down the pace, temporarily exclude these exercises from the complex and again consult with the doctor.
  4. Sharp movements are contraindicated, especially at the beginning of training. Tasks must be performed at a slow pace. It also synchronizes the respiratory rhythm.
  5. The overall duration of the treatment course is on average two to three weeks. A specific period is consistent with the doctor.
  6. In this case, charging with osteochondrosis of the thoracic region should be performed every day. Any "shirking" can disrupt positive changes and delay the general course.

Effective Exercises

Therapeutic exercises with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine can more than replace the usual morning exercises. It is aimed at the development of spinal musculature and the removal of tenderness in the spine. These tasks are solved as follows:

  • Stand upright, palms of both hands to rest in the side, fixing the waist in a fixed position. Then rotational movements are performed by shoulders and accordingly - by elbows clockwise, then - against it. The order of rotation: the right shoulder and elbow, the same on the left, then both shoulders operate synchronously. A total of 8 to 12 exercises are allocated for each position.
  • In the standing position, put your hands behind your back and fix it with your fists on either side of the middle of the spine. Next, you need to bend back, overcoming the resistance of the hands for 10 - 15 seconds. Then bend forward with the inclination down the head and the crossover embrace of the body with your hands (the time of tension of the thoracic spine is the same). Take the original stance, then repeat the exercise at least five times.
  • Sit on a chair, straighten your back. Put your hands vertically down. Movement: on a sigh - to tighten the back of the head, to bend back back to the stop of the shoulder blades in the upper rib of the chair back. Return to the original position to perform on exhalation. In total - 5-10 exercises.
  • Keep the fingers of the left and right hands in their respective shoulders. Then push forward and down the left shoulder, then - right with tension on the thoracic spine. 10-15 repetitions is enough.

Charging for breast osteochondrosis can also be performed in collaboration with a partner. This complex of exercise therapy is more complicated than the previous one. It can only be started if there is sufficient muscle training previously achieved.

  1. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along your thighs. The partner sits down. Patient's actions: reduce both sides with a sigh. Counteraction of the partner: to dilute the scapula of the ward. The efforts of both participants are extremely high. After relaxing the muscles on exhalation, the attempt is duplicated five to ten times.
  2. The starting position is identical to the previous one. The patient tries to breathe as deeply as possible. The partner squeezes his chest with his hands, preventing her from expanding. So it takes 5 to 10 attempts.
  3. The initial position of both participants is the same. The patient's efforts are directed towards the realization of a deep inspiration. The partner resting the ribs of the palms on the spine on different sides of his "crest hampering the patient's chest movement. This confrontation is repeated 5 to 15 times.

With advanced forms of the disease, which already gave rise to partial stiffness of respiratory movements, special gymnastics is shown for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. Its main positions are as follows:

  • Exercise is carried out in a sitting position: wrap the chest with a towel from the back, pull the front ends of the towel forward, take the left end in the right hand, the right end in the left hand. On exhalation, squeeze the towel as the chest decreases, inhale gradually reduce the tension of the towel. Repeat the task at least five times.
  • Stand up, slightly spread your legs apart. Next, raise both hands, with the right brush of them grasp the left hand brush at its base. Gradually tilting the right trunk, pull his left hand. Fix the position for three to five seconds (until the sensation of the severity of the lateral intercostal muscles). Relaxing in the starting position, switch the exercise to the other side of the body. In total, there must be at least 5 overlapping slopes.
  • Exercise is performed by means of a gymnastic roller. As an analogue, you can use a regular log, covered with soft matter (length - 30, diameter up to 15 cm). The order of the task: lie on your back, slip the platen under both shoulder blades perpendicular to the spine, put the palm of your hand on the neck area, stretch the body with support on the heels and shoulders, inhale, simultaneously bend the back and lean against it on floor. On exhalation tear off the shoulders from the gymnastic cushion, tilt the chin to the chest with the arms extended forward. And so about 5 times.
  • It is necessary to stand on all fours, to inhale the chin up, to bend the back in the lower back with transferring the load into the thoracic spine, exhale forward on exhalation, head. Only 5-10 exercises.
  • Be sure to read: the exercises on the board Evminov

All of the above training complexes of physiotherapy exercises for chest osteochondrosis can be performed in various combinations, for example, alternating more complex exercises with the lungs or vice versa. It is important to remember at the same time that the necessary therapeutic effect is achieved only with systematic studies.

Auxiliary therapy

Therapeutic exercises in chest osteochondrosis is the main, but not the only way to overcome this pathology.

Before the beginning of classes, and often in their continuation it is required to eliminate pain in the spine. For this, analgesics are used.

Among them are Benalgin, Panadol, Denon, Ibuprofen, Movalis, Voltaren, others.

The "tightness" of the intercostal muscles and musculature of the thoracic spine, restraining movement, reduces muscle relaxants, for example, Midokalm. A good help for trouble-free performance of exercises with chest osteochondrosis can be such procedures as:

  1. Manual therapy;
  2. Reflexology;
  3. All-round warming of the chest.
  • We advise reading: gymnastics with a stick for osteochondrosis

Promotes positive results of exercises for the thoracic spine and a complex outpatient approach, combining medicament methods of treating osteochondrosis with physiotherapy. The latter is especially effective for eliminating inflammatory manifestations in intervertebral discs.

The effect of gymnastics in chest osteochondrosis is increased by non-traditional therapeutic procedures:

Gymnastics with chest osteochondrosis should be started already with the first symptoms of the disease, until it led to irreversible changes not only in the vertebral column, but also internal organs located inside the chest and below. Only in this way can the disease be completely cured.

A source: https://pozvonochnik.guru/uprazhneniya/uprazhneniya-pri-grudnom-osteohondroze.html

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