Complex of exercises for the spine "crocodile" for twisting


  • 1Gymnastic complex of exercises "Crocodile" for the back and spine of Dr. Antipko - 12 steps
    • 1.17 useful properties
    • 1.2Technique of the complex
    • 1.3First step
    • 1.4Second phase
    • 1.5The third stage
    • 1.6Fourth stage
    • 1.7Fifth stage
    • 1.8Sixth stage
    • 1.9Seventh stage
    • 1.10Eighth stage
    • 1.11Ninth stage
    • 1.12Tenth stage
    • 1.13Eleventh stage
    • 1.14Twelfth stage
    • 1.15Relaxation of fish
  • 2Exercise "crocodile" for the spine: technique of performing
    • 2.1History of the Exercise
    • 2.2The effect of "Crocodile" on the body
    • 2.3How to make twists
  • 3Crocodile: exercises for the spine
    • 3.1Preparing for gymnastics
    • 3.2The basis of gymnastics
    • 3.3Relaxation
    • 3.4Series
    • 3.5Therapeutic series
  • 4What is the Crocodile Exercise for the spine?
    • 4.1What is this complex?
    • 4.2The effect of these exercises
  • 5Exercise "Crocodile get rid of back pain
    • 5.1In what cases is the exercise used
    • 5.2Features of the implementation
    • 5.3Block number 1
    • 5.4Block number 2
    • 5.5Block number 3
    • 5.6Additional exercises to improve blood circulation along the vertebral column
  • instagram viewer
  • 6Complex of exercises "Crocodile" for the spine
    • 6.1What it is?
    • 6.2Features of the exercises
    • 6.3Effect from exercises
    • 6.4Phased implementation of the complex

Gymnastic complex of exercises "Crocodile" for the back and spine of Dr. Antipko - 12 steps

Do you like massage? How nice to stretch the bones and feel the lightness in the muscles. But this is an external way of relaxing. Our internal organs also like to be massaged, especially the spine.

A wonderful way out, avoiding surgical interventions and the like, is the complex of exercises "Crocodile" for the spine of Dr. Antipko.

Perfectly fitting into the training process, both old and young, the complex helps to get a strong, developed spine, which is a powerful frame of the whole organism. Below you will find out which muscles are involved in this system and 7 other useful properties of this movement. Then go directly to the implementation of the complex.

A useful feature of this load on the spine was revealed by Australian manual therapists.

The name of the complex has a direct meaning - the movements performed in it, exactly repeat the movements of crocodiles.

Scientists had to work hard to analyze the cause of such a strong and healthy spine in this species of reptiles. And it's all about movements.

Over time, this complexbecame widely used in yoga therapy. By all the canons of yoga, "Crocodile thanks to simple movements of the body, literally massages, compresses and stretches the spine, thereby heals many ailments of this organ.

In the rating of TOP 4exercises from pain in the spine "Crocodile"3rd place

In 1986 Leonid Emilievich Antipko - Voronezh neurosurgeon and the honored doctor of Russia actively began to apply this type of load.

His specialization is the treatment of the spine in all possible ways.

And before applying his main weapon - a scalpel, Leonid Emilievich strongly recommends starting to improve his health with yoga therapy.


Curative gymnastics for the back "Crocodile" perfectly fights with intervertebral hernias, promotes blood circulation, and also remarkably calms the nervous system.


Dr. Antipko supplemented gymnastics with his changes, increasing the benefits of its use:

  • Do it better right after a night's sleep. In the morning, the body is especially receptive to this kind of load, because the muscle fibers recovered during sleep and are ready to work at full capacity;
  • Do not hurry up. Excessive speed will only increase the likelihood of injury. Such exercises imply attunement with their sensations and full concentration;
  • Breathing should be smooth, without delay. Otherwise, blood begins to spread through the body without oxygen, and this has a negative effect on muscle tissues and internal organs;
  • Exhalation should be done at maximum effort;
  • Repeat the action as many times as your body asks. Do not chase after numbers, chase after inner feelings and sense of harmony.

Dynamic crocodile, due to its unusual for office people's actions, involves short spins of the spine. By the way, at least some tone these muscles have in dancers and athletes in all-around.

7 useful properties

  1. Strengthening of muscles and joint mobility. Such a simple action at first glance squeezes all the juices out of the musculature to the maximum. Still what muscles are involved, not only the spine, but also all the resulting muscles and ligaments.

    To strengthen the dorsal muscles, the "Plank" and "Hyperextension" fit well.

  2. Improve blood supply to the body.

    Due to smooth movements and uniform rhythmic breathing, heart pulsation comes to normal, but takes the usual correct course, paying special attention to the area being trained.

  3. Strengthening the nervous system without the involvement of acupuncture procedures.

    The spine contains a record set of nerve endings that are in constant clamping and tension. A balanced complex based on smooth movements and listening to oneself helps to get rid of depressions and anxiety not only physically, but also morally.

  4. Reduction of tension between the components of the spine- vertebra and intervertebral discs. "Parodying" crocodile included in the work of those muscles in the region of the spine, which many do not even suspect.

    "Crocodile"is inferior in efficiency onlythe Cat movement

  5. Getting rid of diseases of the vertebral region, available from birth or received during life.

    Charging for the back "Crocodile" gets as far as the outside, and to the inside. Working through them gradually, watching at the same time for breathing and well-being, the spine begins to get used to the right, useful movement, using all its muscle power.

    Over time, the muscles of the spine area only strengthen and recreate a strong muscular corset as the foundation of a healthy body. Only the "Boat" exercise can show great efficiency.

  6. Normalization of digestion.

    The complex literally teaches the body anew, how to perform all the basic functions. After all, the spine is the main support of the whole body. With proper loads, the digestion of the body comes to normal and all processes proceed as clockwise.

  7. Reduction or disappearance of headaches and migraine headaches. All muscle and blood stagnation resolves, thereby affecting the head. And works both moral, and muscular aspect.

Note!Perform complex better on an empty stomach to avoid discomfort.

Technique of the complex

Dynamic Crocodile Systemincludes 12 movements, aimed at gradually increasing the spine twisting and, accordingly, improving the condition of the body.

One of the foundations of this complex -breath. Being in the starting position, you exhale, on the effort and the action is a smooth breath.

Important!After performing each stage, it is recommended to implement the Pose position (the picture at the very end).

First step

Place yourself on the floor, straighten the straight legs together, spread your arms out to the sides. Then we make a turn of the head to the right side, and the body is smoothly turned into the opposite direction. Then we make similar turns in the opposite direction.

TherebyYou need to perform 10 cycles of twists, that is, execution to the right, then to the left is one cycle. If you are a beginner, make moves within your capabilities, do not overdo it.

In time, start to deviate more strongly.

see alsothe legendary Japanese method for back with a roller and 6 rules of spinal health from Katsudzo Nishi.

Second phase

The initial position is similar to the previous one, after the change that the left leg is located on the right. Finiteturns from this position to the right and left 10 times.

The third stage

Now you should change your legs in places andrepeat already accustomed to you cycle in 10 more hits. The dynamic load gradually grows, as if stepping on the spine from the neck and tending to the waist.

Fourth stage

The complication of this part of the complex is due to changes in the position of the legs. You are still lying on your back with arms outstretched, your legs are straight, but the left heel is located on the toe of your right foot. From such a situation10 rotations are performed right-to-left.

Fifth stage

Already habitually change the position of the legs, and now the right heel rests against the toe of the left leg. Allalso does 10 turns on each side.

Sixth stage

Legs when performing this gym are gradually moving up, and now, in addition to the usual position of the top of the body, the heel of the left leg is placed on the right knee.

From this position, you turn left, trying diligently to touch the knee of the bent floor foot. Then turn to the right andrepeat this combination 9 more times.

Seventh stage

Now, without changing the upper position of the trunk, move the right heel to the left knee andwe make 10 twists in each direction.

Eighth stage

In this exercise, both legs are bent at the knees and are located next to each other. From this position, the head is directed to the right, and the trunk to the left.Change sides, assigning 10 reps for each.

Ninth stage

Now the bent legs should be placed on the width of the shoulders.

When twisting to the left, you must try to put both one and the second knee on the floor, and then change the position exactly 180 degrees in the opposite direction.

Cyclically implement 10 repetitions. All these actions are performed strictly lying on the back.

Tenth stage

At this step, place the left bent leg with a heel on the right knee. When making a turn to the left, you need to put both knees on the floor, and then do the same in the other direction,executing a cycle of 10 repetitions.

Eleventh stage

Now the right heel is safely put on the left knee andThe same actions are performed 10 times more. The main thing at this step is to put your knees on the floor.

Twelfth stage

Still lying on my back, we bend both legs in the knees and raise them above the floor. When turning to the sides, one knee should be placed on the other.Perform 10 repetitions in the right and left sides.

Relaxation of fish

It is performed as lying on the back, while the legs bend at the knees and rest on the feet, and the arms on the bent elbows, the hands are relaxed. When doing this position, the crocodile is inhaled and delayed for 15-20 seconds, then exhale and smoothly straighten arms and legs.

We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video below, for an even better understanding:

Caution!The use of the complex is not recommended for people suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma and pneumosclerosis.

Remember that movement is life. Butit is necessary to know the measure and to feel well. Follow the example of the crocodile and find a strong healthy spine without surgical interventions.


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Exercise "crocodile" for the spine: technique of performing

A strong, flexible spine is the basis of the overall health of a person. Everyone knows how nice it is to stretch out in the morning, but if you do it right, by a certain system, you can not only get a charge of vivacity, but also strengthen the muscles, get rid of back pain.

Exercise "Crocodile" is included in the top 5 most effective for problems with the spine and back pain. This is a complex of twelve twists, which is performed in a matter of minutes. The effect is felt after the first session, and after 2-3 weeks there is obvious relief.

History of the Exercise

In the twentieth century, osteopaths (manual therapists) from Australia were interested in the features of the crocodile's spine: how it remains so strong and mobile.

Together with scientists, they discovered that it is in movements that the crocodile constantly makes, as it were, twisting, stretching and stretching muscles, massaging the spine.

These studies interested yogis, who developed the system of exercises "Crocodile including 12 types of twists and sips. The complex was described in detail in the book of Raab Aloise "Yogi-crocodile and became known throughout the world.

In 1986, neurosurgeon Antipko Leonid Emilievich, honored doctor of Russia, finalized this gymnastics, and began to advise her patients who were waiting for surgery on the spine.

And if yoga suggested performing the exercise during the general workout, Dr. Antipko's gymnastics is a separate system of twists, oriented to a soft stretch, with its recommendations:

  • It is desirable to be engaged on an empty stomach, in the morning. Muscles rested and relaxed overnight, and will perfectly absorb the load.
  • The pace must be adjusted independently, feeling sensual and slowly increasing the pressure. It is better not to study in a group, but separately. It is not so important the number of turns made, as their quality.
  • Breathe deeply so that there is enough oxygen in the blood necessary for the muscles and internal organs, which are actively massaged during the charging process.

As you can see, it's impossible to say who created the Crocodile exercise: it is a common work of manual therapists, yogis and one of the greatest neurosurgeons in Russia. However, authorship is not so important as the proven benefits brought to the body.

The effect of "Crocodile" on the body

This dynamic exercise for the spine stretches and squeezes it, while almost all the muscles of the body are involved, including those that are responsible for supporting the internal organs. That is, the organs are massaged, pulled up, blood is poured into them, activating their work. The result is not only good for the back, but also better health in general.

  • The mobility of the joints improves, the person becomes more flexible, and grace is acquired. Muscles and ligaments work, it becomes easier to tilt, turn.
  • Blood supply and general work of the cardiovascular system are normalized. Deep, even breathing saturates the organs with oxygen, equalizes the rhythm of the heart.
  • The nervous system is strengthened, clips and blocks are removed. In the spine, a huge number of nerve endings, and their relaxation and release gives a sense of calm, relieves discomfort and pain.
  • The tension between the vertebrae and the intervertebral discs decreases, each of them is massaged as it were, and is placed on the right place. Gymnastics Antipka allows you to cope even with complex intervertebral hernias.
  • Pain, both from congenital and from acquired diseases, goes away. Muscles work correctly and evenly, forming a strong muscular corset, supporting the spine and internal organs.
  • Digestion is adjusted, as during the twisting there is a massage and intestines. As a result, physiological processes come back to normal, the body gets rid of toxins on the walls of the intestine, according to many people's reviews, the excess weight goes smoothly.
  • Disappear migraine and rarely headache, as stretch the muscles and vertebrae of the neck. The brain receives more oxygen, the head is clear, the ability to concentrate increases.

How to make twists

We now turn to the explanation of the technique of execution: The crocodile is executed from the base position lying on the floor, on the back. The head always turns in the opposite direction to the turn of the legs.

  • If the legs turn to the right, the head - to the left, and vice versa.
  • Hands are spread out to the sides, legs are straightened and relaxed.
  • In the initial position - exhalation, on the twisting - inhale.

From the starting position, you need to make the turns of the legs and hips to the left and to the right.

See the movements in the pictures:

  1. Legs are straight, shifted together, turn them left and right.
  2. We put the left leg on the right one. Again 10 turns.
  3. Right leg - to the left. We twist.
  4. The left foot is set with the heel on the toe of the right foot.
  5. Right - heel to the left toe.
  6. The left foot is placed above the knee of the right leg. We turn around, trying to touch the knee of the floor.
  7. Right foot - on the knee of the straight left leg.
  8. Pull the legs, placing them on the width of the shoulders, the feet are pressed to the floor. Do twists in both directions, trying to touch the knees of the floor.
  9. Keep your feet in your feet and knees together, leaving them bent. Do twists in both directions.
  10. Right leg left bent, and left put ankle on it, above the kneecap.
  11. We change legs: now we bend and pull to the body the left, and the right one is laid above the knee.
  12. Final movement: two bent legs are pulled to the stomach, and we do twists in the sides.

Look at the video with Alla Voronkova, lesson # 2 just visually shows the right technique:

You can perform this exercise without asking yourself a question, is it possible? "Crocodile" is suitable for the elderly, for children, for people with back injuries or diseases of the spine. It's safe and effective, and at performance every morning gives a guaranteed result.

Rejuvenating hormonal gymnastics will help everyone! Only 5 minutes

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Crocodile: exercises for the spine

To prevent and treat diseases of the spine, physical exercises are often used. They can be completely different in essence - power or relaxing, aimed at stretching the spine or strengthening its muscular framework.

There are different types of gymnastics - fitness, yoga, regular and water aerobics. Popular in recent years has become a set of activities aimed at twisting the spine, called "crocodile."

Twisting the spinal column results in simultaneous compression and stretching of its different parts. At the same time, musculature is actively involved - some muscle groups are contracting, while others are in a relaxed state.


Exercises to twist the spine affect the internal organs. Moving in a certain way, they are exposed to an effect similar to an internal massage. Sometimes this complex is compared with acupuncture by acupuncture in terms of its effectiveness and influence on the body.


When performing gymnastics "crocodile all groups of muscles are active, blood circulation is increased, breathing is activated. Use these exercises for the following diseases of the spine:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • protrusions at various levels;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • osteoarthritis.

Preparing for gymnastics

Complex "Crocodile" includes many exercises. This is none other than yoga. They are performed in a certain sequence, associated with the phases of breathing.

However, for beginners it is important first to master the very method of twisting, remember the basic elements. And only then you can proceed to their correct implementation.

Yoga is usually practiced on the floor - on a mat, rug or dense blanket. For a set of twists necessarily follow the relaxation exercises.

They are also very important for the spine. This gymnastics can be held at any age - in the young, elderly, middle.

In addition, yoga is also prescribed for children - to strengthen the back muscles, to prevent scoliosis.

However, this gym has some limitations. Complex Crocodile is contraindicated in diseases of the respiratory system. They include:

  • Pneumosclerosis.
  • Emphysema of the lungs.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Sarcoidosis.

In the classes it is important not to allow fatigue, the appearance of pain in the muscles. Initial exercises should be carried out without much effort.

In the future, it is allowed to increase the load, muscle tension.

If dyspnea or heart palpitations occur during exercise, stop training and consult a doctor.

The basis of gymnastics

A feature of gymnastics are exercises, which are based on the spiral turn of the spine. This is such a twist option, in which the head moves in one direction, and the legs turn into the other. The pelvis also participates in the movement.

One exercise includes up to seven twists in one and the other side.

When the body reaches the extreme right or left position, it is necessary to stay so for three to five seconds, and only then return to the starting position.

After performing the basic element, relaxation of the body necessarily follows.


Relaxation in yoga is as indispensable as tension. And he needs to pay close attention. Relaxes the body after doing one exercise. To do this, you must take a special pose under the name "Fish".

The starting position is on the back, lying on the floor, the legs are straight, the arms are located along the body. Then the legs bend at the knees with an emphasis on the feet, and the hands - at the elbows. Brushes relaxed. Feet slightly tighten to the body.


It is important that the body relax without applying muscle effort. The criterion is the feeling of heaviness in the body. Then the arms smoothly descend and are located along the body. Legs straighten.


After every twisting exercise, one to three relaxations are performed.


Yoga "Crocodile" is represented by five main series - from the simplest to the more complex versions. They are represented by the following complexes:

  1. It consists of twelve kinds of twists, performed on the floor. The contact between the sex and the spine is tight.
  2. Includes 11 twists. Contact with the floor - only in the area of ​​shoulder blades and hips.
  3. It is represented by 8 spiral turns. The main difference is that twists are performed on the abdomen.
  4. Like the first, consists of 12 exercises. But they are performed sitting.
  5. The most difficult option. It is shown to people with a certain physical preparation. It is not recommended to perform these exercises with severe pain in the back, the presence of intervertebral hernias. The peculiarity of the fifth series is to keep the spine straight.

Therapeutic series

The first series of "Crocodile" refers to the curative one. It is yoga without tension that is recommended for patients with poor physical fitness, back pain, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia. The medical series is represented by such spiral turns:

  1. In the supine position on the back, the head turns to one side, the feet to the other. Hips rise to the side of the head. Hands are spread out in the sides.
  2. The situation is the same, the hands - in the sides. The left leg fits on the right leg. The body turns to the left, and the head to the right. Parties alternate.
  3. Position - lying on the back. The heel of the straightened left leg fits on the toes of the right foot. The body turns to the left, the head to the right. Then the twisting to the other side is performed.
  4. The situation is the same. The left leg is bent at the knee joint and the ankle is placed on the patella of the right foot. The body curls to the left, the head turns to the right. Turns alternate.
  5. Position on the back, hands - in the sides. Legs bend at the knees and are widely placed, the feet lie flat on the floor. The body is twisted.

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What is the Crocodile Exercise for the spine?

Quite simple and unpretentious complex, such as Crocodile exercises for the spine, is suitable for everyone, without any restrictions related to gender or age.

It can and even needs to be done by people suffering from diseases of the spine, or completely healthy people who want to develop flexibility or strengthen their back muscles.

As a result of the twisting exercise, all short muscles of the back region, which are located directly near the vertebrae, are studied.

This, in turn, not only improves, but also optimizes blood circulation in this part of the body, activating the process of recovery in intervertebral discs.

What is this complex?

A set of exercises for the spine, known as "Crocodile is an effective and popular means for prevention and therapy of the spine.

It was developed by Australian manual therapists after analyzing the movement of crocodiles, which, as it turned out, the spines are in excellent condition. Naturally, the complex was named "Crocodile".

Its main principle as a therapeutic and preventive tool is spiral twisting of the spine. It must necessarily be done in conjunction with proper breathing, carefully observing your sensations that appear during the movement.

These exercises are reminiscent of yoga. Spiral-like rotation, for example, will need to be done on inspiration, simultaneously fixing the body in its final position. On exhalation the body gradually and smoothly returns to its original position. Such simple exercises can be done by anyone.

You can practice this exercise at any time of the day. Exercise should be on an empty stomach, that is not earlier than a couple of hours after the last meal. You need to move at a calm and measured pace.

It is desirable that it causes a sense of pleasure, do not bother too much, it can cause pain. It is necessary to take into account all the possibilities and features of one's own body. Especially carefully you need to monitor your sensations that arise exactly in the back.

When the complex is finished, it is recommended to take Shavasana, that is to relax in a lying position, giving it a quarter of an hour.
Those who have severe problems with the spine, they know what painful inconveniences they deliver.

These people need to do this kind of exercise every day or every other day. Only in this case, the restoration and effect of therapy will become real. In other words, the pain will pass or significantly decrease.

Many alternate complex of exercises, called "Crocodile with yogic twists of the spine or with an equally famous complex called "Diamond rod". Too zealous do not need, so you can only hurt yourself.

It is unlikely that it will be useful to do everything in one day. It is better, for example, to devote the first day to Crocodile, and the second to spend on the Diamond Rod. The third day should be left to perform asanas on the twisting of the spine.

The effect of these exercises

"Crocodile" helps to eliminate or minimize various problems of the spine, for example, mutilation in intervertebral discs or hernia. It is effective for osteochondrosis and accompanying chronic diseases of the back.

It is good to perform such a complex for the treatment of cervical and lumbosacral radiculitis.

It can also restore intervertebral discs, this is achieved by increasing blood supply and nutrition in the vertebrae.

It is undesirable to do such exercises during exacerbation of diseases.

The therapeutic series includes 9 exercises. In the supine position on the back, spiral turns of the spine are performed. It's best to do this on the floor.


The spiral turn is a twist, during which the lower limbs rotate in one direction, and the head - in the opposite direction. The pelvis is also involved here.


The main recommendations for correct implementation are the following:

  1. Be sure to monitor your breathing. In the initial position, you need to exhale, while in the spiral turn, respectively, inhale.
  2. Exercises are done on account 8 each. It turns out 4 spiral turns in each direction. In the extreme positions of the body will need to linger, frozen for 4 or 5 seconds. Do everything in a strict and precise sequence.
  3. Then there is relaxation in a pose called "Pisces". For this, breathing is done and the legs in the knees are bent at the same time. The feet are on the floor, whereas the arms are bent at the elbows and also are in the same place, and the brushes are relaxed. The so-called rest lasts about 10 or 20 seconds. Then, with an exhalation, without any special stress, you need to straighten the limbs and relax.
  4. After this, you can start the next exercise. Again, it is done very smoothly, and also painlessly, without any noticeable strain. It is necessary to try to reach the maximum amplitude of turns, in other words, to be at the limit of one's own possibilities.

An indispensable condition is to keep track of your feelings. As a result, stretching is performed with subsequent twisting of muscles with ligaments and tendons. This noticeably adds elasticity, making the muscles stronger.

Internal organs are also massaged and the blood supply is markedly improved. After exercise, the tension between the vertebrae and the intervertebral discs decreases, which helps the process of their regeneration and reduces or completely prevents the appearance of intervertebral hernia.

Do not lose sight of and beneficial effects on the nervous system.

Such exercises can be done at home or at the dacha, regardless of the degree of their employment. The result of correct and regular execution will be a noticeably stronger and more flexible back. Walking, prolonged sitting or doing physical tasks will no longer be painful and unpleasant.

A source:

Exercise "Crocodile get rid of back pain

The complex of exercises "Crocodile" for the spine is made up of nine variants of body twists with different positions of the legs and is designed for prevention and treatment of problems of the musculoskeletal system (in particular, the spine), massage of internal organs and removal of pain from the muscles of the back and pelvis. Developed by manual therapists from Australia as a result of observations of the spine's movements in the crocodile, which is never subjected to corrosion and deformation.

This technique is available to people of any age and physical fitness, does not require a lot of space or special equipment: a thin enough blanket or a blanket laid on the floor.

In what cases is the exercise used

The complex of exercises "Crocodile" for the spine is shown with the following symptoms and pathologies:

  • with cervical and lumbar radiculitis;
  • pathology of the sacral department;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • intervertebral hernia and protrusion.

And also it is used for spasm of muscles of the lumbar region and pelvis, pear-shaped muscle syndrome, presence of stagnant phenomena in pelvic organs and digestion and stool disorders. Let's look at how this exercise is done.

Features of the implementation

Specificity of the exercise "Crocodile" is a spiral rotation of the body, when the head turns in one direction, and the pelvis with the legs in the other, respectively, the spine makes twisting.

The basic rule is to listen to your feelings, avoid acute pain and extremely sharp movements.

In this case, do not immediately make large amplitude movements, you need to let the body get used to, warm up.

A total of 8 twists (four on each side), with about 3-4 seconds, the fixation of the twisted position should last.

Each type of exercise "Crocodile" should be done slowly and carefully, watching the relaxation of the muscles and stretching the tendons. Breathing should be volumetric, prolonged and through the nose. In the initial position, an exhalation should be made, and at the moment of movement - an inhalation.

In addition, it is recommended to perform gymnastics on an empty stomach. It is very important at the end of the whole session to make a relaxation posture - just lie on your back with straight arms and legs and closed eyes, holding all the muscles of the body in an absolutely relaxed condition.

Block number 1

In this series, the exercise "Crocodile" is produced in a minimal amount:

  1. Lying on the back - the legs are straight, shoulder width apart, the arms are laid out to the sides so that they form one line - make turns with the whole body in one direction, and with the head in the other.
  2. The starting position is the same, but the heel of one foot is put on the fingers of the other, while turning the body to watch that the position of the feet is preserved.

Block number 2

When doing the "Crocodile" exercise of the second level, if possible, at the extreme point of fixation, pause for 4-8 seconds when inhaling:

  1. In the knees, the bent legs form an angle of 90 °. A pinch of one leg lies on top of the other knee and turns the body and pelvis in opposite directions. It is necessary to watch, that shoulders and hands remained tightly pressed to a floor.
  2. The legs are bent at the knees and are wider than the shoulders. Do not tear off the feet from the floor, but just unfolding them, we make a turn of the trunk and pelvis in one direction, and the heads in the other. If it turns out, then the foot that is closer to the floor, completely falls on it.

Block number 3

The third level of complexity of the "Crocodile" exercise for the back, in which prolonged, from one minute, fixation at the turning point, provided that the internal comfort looks like this:

  • The legs are bent at the knees, at an angle of 90 ° or slightly more, the hips are tightly compressed, while the feet are in the air, and the line of the knees is parallel to the line of the hip joints. Make turns all over the body so that the hips keep their angle of fold and smoothly lay down on the floor (if possible). It is not allowed to make sudden movements or uncontrolled falling of the feet on the floor.
  • The same principle of leg position and movement, but at the end point straighten the leg, which is located above, and try to touch it with a nearby hand, also you can manually pull the toe of the foot slightly yourself.
  • With your right leg, twist the slightly bent left leg so that the arch of the right foot is hooked on the left shin (in yoga this position of the legs is called a garudasana). Make a turn of the pelvis to the left, as far as the amplitude or sensation allows. If they are saturated, it is recommended to lie in this position for about 30 seconds, breathing deeply and evenly.

Additional exercises to improve blood circulation along the vertebral column

These poses are also taken from the practice of hatha yoga and tested in numerous classes and practitioners: the effect of alleviating muscle spasms comes almost immediately! Leaves stiffness and swelling, breathing becomes more free, so these provisions are recommended for people with impaired respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The main condition is adequacy in performance:

  • Lying on your stomach, stretch your right straight arm to the left, palm up and put it so that the brush lies exactly along the line of the shoulder joint, the second hand is lowered along the body downwards and also unfolded by the palm up. The body lies on the right hand so that it is located along the line of the clavicles or slightly lower, but not below the sternum line. Breathe deeply, through the space between the shoulder blades, trying to ensure that when inhaling, this zone is maximally opened. In the position to stay from 30 seconds to a minute, if there is numbness in the fingers - it's okay, as it goes through practice. When leaving the position, move the arms in a circular motion through the center and relax along the body down for 10-20 seconds. Repeat to the other side.
  • Lying on your stomach, take your right hand to the right and tightly press the entire length of the arm to the floor. It is straight, and the palm is in line with the shoulder joint. Carefully turn your body away from your hand (do not move it!), Turn on your side and bend your knees, try to push the chest, taking the shoulder blades and shoulder joints behind your back. Fix from 30 seconds, then relax and repeat on the other side.

A source: http://.ru/article/325895/uprajnenie-krokodil-izbavtes-ot-boley-v-spine

Complex of exercises "Crocodile" for the spine

The complex of exercises "Crocodile" for strengthening the spine is simple and technically simple to perform.

He does not have medical contra-indications or restrictions on age and sex, he is absolutely suitable for everyone.

It is recommended first of all for those who have diseases of the spine, but it will also be useful for healthy people who want to strengthen their back and spine, develop flexibility and support muscles in tone.

The complex of exercises is unique, since doing go, you carefully work on the spinal muscles, which has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. And this, in turn, activates the restoration of intervertebral discs.

What it is?

Exercise "Crocodile" is very popular for the prevention of vertebral diseases and for therapeutic purposes.

Developed by his team of Australians who monitor crocodiles in vivo, while choosing It is easy to explain the animal: they are practically the only living things, in which the vertebral part in an ideal condition.

Spiral twisting of vertebral sections is the key principle, which is followed by all exercises of the complex. But it is no less important when you follow the correct breathing, control physical sensations and be able to evaluate them.


For example, when performing rotations, it is necessary to hold the breath on inspiration while holding the body in the end position, and on exhalation return to the original one. In general, exercises have a certain similarity with yoga, but unlike it, everyone can.


Features of the exercises

As already mentioned above, there are no restrictions: physical education is allowed to practice at any time and if desired every day. It is important to do exercises on an empty stomach or three hours after extreme saturation.

Movements should be smooth, measured, at a calm controlled pace. It is required that breathing remains calm, and the performance of the complex is a pleasure.

You need to try to relax the muscles in the final positions.

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If the exercises cause painful or unpleasant sensations, it is worth a little to relax the effort and continue in a simplified mode, without unnecessary tension.

You can not practice Crocodile through pain and discomfort, it will not bring the desired effect, but can also hurt. Upon termination of employment it is recommended to accept Шавасану, to familiarize with it it is possible on a picture more low.

Stay in Shavasan for at least 20 minutes.

For those with spine diseases expressed and delivering pain, you must perform the "Crocodile" every day or every other day. Only in this case we can expect a positive result. Regularity and adherence to rules - that's what is important when achieving the effect of therapy.

Effect from exercises

If we consider the specific problems under which Crocodile is most effective, then this is a number of the following problems:

  • Damage of any complexity in intervertebral discs.
  • Presence of a hernia and its prevention.
  • Osteochondrosis of different departments.
  • Chronic diseases of the spine and spinal sections.

The complex will be useful in the treatment of radiculitis, specifically - lumbosacral and cervical. With regular execution, the blood supply is not only accelerated and improved, but the enrichment, nutrition and regeneration of the intervertebral discs is also started.

Phased implementation of the complex

A series of exercises aimed at treating, consists of six parts. In the supine position on the back, you need to correctly perform spiral turns. An important condition: the surface on which the complex is performed must be firm, ideally it is better to choose a floor.

What is a spiral turn? This is a kind of twisting: the lower part of the body turns in one direction, and the neck and head - in the other. When exercising, the legs and the pelvis are involved. Key recommendations that are mandatory for implementation:

  1. Control of breathing. While you are standing in the starting position, you should make a calm, but deep exhalation, and when performing a spiral turn - a smooth and gradual breath.
  2. Each exercise is done on the 8th account. As a result, there are four turns in each direction, where in the extreme position a five-second pause is maintained. Everything must be done consistently, strictly and calmly.
  3. Then rest and support the "Fish" pose. This is done as follows: inhaling and simultaneous folding of the legs in the knees, in which the feet continue to rest on the floor, and the hands are fixed in the elbows (the hands should be relaxed). "Fish" is maintained for at least 15 seconds, followed by a slow and smooth exhalation with a concomitant straightening of the limbs and relaxation. After this exercise continues.

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Another advantage of the complex is the impact not only on the vertebral parts, but also on the internal organs, as well as the work of the nervous system, which improves to 3-4 weeks of regular exercise.

And to observe regularity is not so difficult: for classes there are no barriers except their own desire. You can perform them at home, at the cottage, on vacation - depending on the availability of free time.

Already after a few weeks, pain in the back area will decrease, and walking, prolonged sitting or exercise will no longer cause painful discomfort.

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