What antibiotics to take to treat sore throats?

antibiotics for anginaMany do not want to drink antibacterial drugs, because they think that they are much more harm than good. In the case of angina such an approach is absolutely not true.

Angina is a bacterial or viral disease that occurs due to inflammation of the tonsils. Antibiotics for angina in adults are prescribed almost always, regardless of the form and severity of the disease.

Since this disease causes complications in the form of disruption of the kidneys, rheumatism and otitis media, it is very important to contact a specialist in time to prescribe a course of treatment.

What antibiotics should I take with a sore throat to make the treatment safe and effective? In this material, we will try to choose the best antibiotic that will quickly cope with sore throat.

How to take it right?

Reception of antibiotics should be carried out according to certain rules, otherwise with uncontrolled reception, the sensitivity of bacteria to the drug will decrease, and in the future, when it is really necessary, the antibiotic will not help.

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Take an antibiotic before eating (1 hour), or 2 hours after eating, so that nothing interferes with its absorption. Antimicrobial agent should be washed down with water.

Each drug has its own instruction, which indicates how many times a day and how much medicine can be taken. In addition, your doctor will describe the scheme of reception in more detail.

Purulent sore throat

Purulent angina is characterized by redness and swelling of the glands, swelling of the neck, severe sore throat, an increase in lymph nodes. The very name of the disease determines the presence of festering plugs on the tonsils.

To treat purulent sore throat, the doctor always prescribes an antibiotic, and which exactly depends on the individual characteristics and causative agent of the disease.

When antibiotics are needed

There are certain criteria for prescribing antibiotic therapy:

  1. There is a visible purulent coating on the tonsils.
  2. With the above symptoms, the patient does not have a cough and runny nose.
  3. There is a significant long-term increase in temperature (above 38 ° C).
  4. There are painful sensations in the submaxillary region of the neck, palpated enlarged lymph nodes.

In the presence of all these symptoms the doctor will necessarily appoint an adult antibiotic, even without waiting for the results of tests and surveys aimed at determining the causative agents of the disease. It is important not to confuse the common cold and sore throat, because with a viral infection, antibiotics are ineffective.

Remember, if uncontrolled treatment with antibacterial drugs, you can not only earn allergies and dysbacteriosis, but and bring up a generation of microbes that will remain in the tonsils, but will be insensitive to this type of antibiotic. Provide a choice to a specialist.

What are they?

Antibiotics for adults are released both in tablets and in injections. Effective for the treatment of angina, the following groups of drugs:

  1. Penicillins(for example, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Oxacillin, Ampiox, Flemoxin, etc.);
  2. Macrolides(for example, Azithromycin, Sumamed, Rulid, etc.);
  3. Tetracyclines(eg, Doxycycline, Tetracycline, Macropen, etc.);
  4. Fluoroquinolones(for example, Sparfloxacin, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Pefloxacin, Ofloxacin, etc.);
  5. Cephalosporins(for example, Cyphran, Cephalexin, Ceftriaxone, etc.).

The drugs of choice for purulent angina are antibiotics from the penicillin group.

The best antibiotic for angina

In most cases, angina is caused by streptococci and staphylococci. Therefore, in the treatment of angina antibiotics, adults are most often prescribed drugs penicillin series, which are most effective against the above microorganisms.

The best antibacterial drugs from this group are:

  1. Amoxicillin - it is prescribed most often. Price 227.00 руб.
  2. Panklav - 325.00 rub.
  3. Flemoxin Solutab - 227.00 rub.
  4. Rapiklav - 345.00 rub.
  5. Augmentin - 275.00 rub.
  6. Amoxiclav - 227.00 rub.

Unfortunately, in some cases, adults or children are allergic to penicillins. Such people are prescribed antibiotics of other pharmacological groups: fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, cephalosporins, macrolides.

Do not forget that independent treatment of angina with antibiotics is contraindicated, since untreated angina can cause not only a longer and more expensive continuation treatment, but also lead to serious health problems, violations in the work of the kidneys and the heart, and weakened people and people with immunodeficiency even cause death.

Why do I need antibacterial treatment?

Timely appointment of antibiotics with angina allows:

  • prevent acute rheumatic fever;
  • prevent purulent-inflammatory complications;
  • reduce the severity of clinical manifestations of angina;
  • prevent infection of bacterial infections of family members, colleagues, neighbors and so on;
  • reduce the likelihood of complications, including cardiological.

When the exciter of angina is already resistant to one or another drug, then within 72 hours there is no noticeable improvement (temperature does not subside, attacks persist, the general condition does not improve), in this case, the antibiotic must be replaced with another one.

In addition to antibiotics

For the disease to pass quickly, at home, you must follow certain rules.

  1. Bed rest. The patient needs complete rest. This will help reduce irritation and headache.
  2. Antipyretic. Take funds that lower the temperature, it is necessary only when it increases above 38 degrees.
  3. Rinse throat. This will help to remove irritation and pain. To prepare the broth, you can take chamomile, sage, calendula. A good effect is also given by medicinal solutions of Furacilin, Chlorhexidine.
  4. Abundant drink. A large amount of liquid will help eliminate toxins from the body, which contribute to the development of the symptoms of the disease.

Antibiotics for angina in adults quickly enough relieve the symptoms of this unpleasant disease, so do not hesitate, contact your doctor.


The antibiotic is effective against a large number of bacteria that provoke angina. Medics prescribe amoxicillin as a first-line drug for angina, because it is effective enough and has few side effects.

Among the adverse reactions that may occur with the use of amixicillin, there is vomiting, diarrhea, upset stomach. The most severe reactions to the drug are leukopenia, pseudomembranous colitis, agranulocytosis, anaphylactic shock. The price is 227 rubles (375 mg tablets, 15 pcs.).

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