Strong cough in the baby at night before vomiting

The child coughs before vomiting

The majority of people, becoming parents of the kid, regularly face such phenomena as cough and snot. This can be explained, first of all, by the physiology of the child and his still insufficiently developed immune system. Cough and mucous discharge from the nose are natural phenomena designed to clean the respiratory tract. With the help of such protection mechanisms, particles of dust, small foreign bodies and mucus formed there from the upper parts of the respiratory system are removed. It should be borne in mind that small children catch colds much easier and more often than adults. Therefore, snot and cough are often perceived as ordinary companions of childhood.

Some parents do not attach much importance to such manifestations of the disease. However, when a child has a cough to vomit, even they are usually frightened and realize that the problem is much more serious. In such cases, moms often begin to panic, call doctors or, more significantly, give the child various medications not recommended by the doctor.

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It must be remembered that coughing up vomiting in children is quite common and common. This can be confirmed by any pediatrician. This development is due to the fact that in children the emetic and cough centers in the brain are located close to each other and have a large number of connections among themselves. Therefore, when one is excited, the excitation of the second often occurs, and as a result, the child coughs up to vomiting.

But not all so unambiguously. Coughing up to vomiting can also be a symptom of severe pathology. In such cases, a favorable outcome and the absence of any consequences often depend on the timely recognition of the disease and the initiation of treatment. Therefore, if a child has a cough to vomit, it is worth paying attention to, and if it repeats, other symptoms of the disease or if there are suspicions of its presence, it is better to turn to specialists.

Possible cause of coughing before vomiting - whooping cough

If coughing in a child goes into vomiting, then initially it is necessary to exclude the possibility of developing pertussis. One of the most characteristic signs of this pathology is just a convulsive dry cough before vomiting, which has a paroxysmal character. In this case, coughing quickly becomes violent, there may be signs of lack of air. The face of the child can strongly blush and stiffen, the eyes are watery, and the tongue usually protrudes from the mouth - this is a typical posture for patients with whooping cough. The use of various antitussive drugs and drugs does not bring any result - the cough persists, and the child's condition does not improve.

Pertussis is characterized by worsening of the condition and a more frequent onset of coughing attacks before vomiting at night. One of the important signs that make it possible to recognize this disease is the characteristic sound that the child emits after the coughing episode. An experienced doctor will easily catch him and be able to make a preliminary diagnosis.

At the first stages of the disease, it is rather difficult to detect whooping cough. Since in the beginning the child usually develops a common cold or respiratory viral disease. But over time, cough does not decrease and does not go away, but begins to intensify after about, - 2 weeks. Gradually, he acquires a convulsive, paroxysmal character, becomes suffocating and very strong. At night, the cough can go to vomiting.

If parents are suspected of developing a baby whooping cough, then you need to visit a pediatrician and ask him for directions to the tests. In the first week of the disease, mucus sowing will become indicative, at a later time it is possible to diagnose pathology only by blood analysis.

Other Causes of Coughing Before Vomiting in a Child

After a number of possible causes that caused the child coughing up vomiting, whooping cough was excluded, other possible causes of this condition can be started to be considered.

One of them - banal ORVI or cold. This is usually the reason why pediatricians are called. Do not be too easy to treat these diseases, because they also require timely diagnosis and full treatment. Otherwise, the disease can go further, as a result of the baby develops bronchitis. There is also a certain difficulty in diagnosing inflammation of the bronchi, since not every pediatrician can correctly listen to the lungs of a baby. Often, doctors confuse the withdrawal of phlegm with the appearance of wheezing, prescribing antibiotics in cases where it is quite possible to do without them. It happens and vice versa, and the existing bronchitis is not detected on time. However, it is worth remembering that bronchitis is a serious enough pathology requiring compulsory treatment, therefore pediatrician recommendations must be followed.

At the child cough up to vomiting can be provoked by a simple rhinitis. This is especially common in children who do not know how to blow their nose. They swallow the mucus secreted from the nose, and it can drain down the back wall of the pharynx and accumulate. To get rid of it to help the body comes a natural defense mechanism - a cough. It can be quite intense, reaching vomiting. In this case, the child may not have severe external symptoms of rhinitis or cold. The amount of excreted mucus is small, but it can almost all fall into the lower parts of the respiratory tract, causing their irritation, and, as a consequence, coughing.

The appearance of mucous discharge from the nose can be associated not only with an infectious lesion, but also with an allergic reaction. It is in this case, most often there is a strong puffiness of the mucosa, because of which mucus does not go outside, and almost all get into the bronchi, draining on the back of the pharynx. The causes of an allergic reaction may be covered in the use of certain medications, the ingestion of certain substances: food allergens, dust, pollen of plants, household chemicals and other things. The allergy has a pronounced hereditary predisposition, but it can also appear in children of perfectly healthy parents.

How to help your child with a cough before vomiting

If the child coughs before vomiting, the most correct decision will be to find and visit a good specialist. In this case, you can use the recommendations of friends or relatives, but it is desirable to choose a competent, responsible pediatrician, who has sufficient experience behind him. Such a doctor will help cope with many unpleasant and questionable situations and choose the most optimal treatment in each case.

The technique for treating coughing before vomiting exists in large numbers, often they do not fit together at all. For example, it is impossible to simultaneously give the child drugs that suppress the cough reflex and coughing attacks, and medicines, the action of which is aimed at stimulating expectoration and withdrawal phlegm. The choice of treatment depends on the cause of the disease, the individual characteristics of the child and many other factors, so the doctor will do the best.

Often when coughing up before vomiting, specialists prescribe a child inhalation with various medications, such as beryl, hydrocortisone and others. From home remedies with a strong coughing attack, you can apply steam inhalation over boiled crushed potatoes. Instead of potatoes can be used and other means, for example, mineral water, broth chamomile, sage or other medicinal plants. To quickly remove the edema and a strong attack of cough in the absence of other means, you can simply take the child to the bathroom and turn on the hot water. Increased humidity and hot steam will help cope with the attack.

With a strong coughing attack, when it is likely that vomiting is about to begin, you can try to raise both hands of the child and wait for relief. To improve the condition of the baby is also used warm, plentiful drink, but not at the moment of a fit of coughing before vomiting. As a drink for a cough, the so-called "oatmeal milk" is good. It will require a glass of unpeeled oats. It is thoroughly washed several times, then it is poured into a liter of milk and boiled on a quiet fire for at least an hour. After that, the milk is left for cooling, and then given to the child. One serving can range from a few sips to half a glass.

If the coughing up before vomiting in the child is caused by a slime flowing inward, then one should not allow it to accumulate. Children who do not know how to blow their nose correctly should regularly wash their nose with special solutions. Suspicion of allergies should be an occasion to bring "order" in the apartment. To do this, remove all the things in which dust can accumulate, such as wall carpets, soft toys, decorative pillows and so on. In addition, careful wet cleaning of the entire room should become regular. It is important to maintain a good microclimate, pay attention to humidity, abandon household chemistry, which includes phosphate-containing substances, and artificial food.

All of the above recommendations can be considered only tips for alleviating the condition and organization of life of a baby who has severe coughing attacks. The correct diagnosis, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the recurrence of such a situation can be determined only by a doctor. Before his arrival, it is not necessary to give any medicines to the child, this can make it difficult to diagnose and lead to the wrong choice of treatment.

What if I get vomiting?

Coughing up vomiting is a rare phenomenon, which causes anxiety in patients and their loved ones. Some of the diseases of the upper respiratory tract lead to this condition of the patient.According to experts, many diseases can cause it, but more often it occurs with colds and bronchitis.

A severe cough before vomiting in children is considered quite normal, even if it is associated with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. But, if this situation arises in adults, this should signal a possible development of very serious health problems.As a rule, such coughing attacks can be a complication in pneumonia.

It is important to know that all heavy smokers suffer greatly from a cough that often causes vomiting. Most of them have such diseases as asthma or pneumonia.

Causes of vomiting

Vomiting with severe coughing attacks occurs from irritation of the receptors of the walls of the throat. Such a phenomenon can be observed in the following diseases and conditions to which children are exposed:

  • whooping cough;
  • presence of a foreign object in the respiratory tract;
  • bronchitis;
  • ARVI;
  • tracheitis, laryngitis;
  • runny nose.

If the parents found the child vomiting when coughing, it is necessary to immediately determine the cause of this condition. The main task of parents is to provide first aid before the arrival of a doctor.

Whooping cough

Among infectious diseases it is necessary to allocate whooping cough. Despite the fact that almost all children are vaccinated against this disease, it can still occur, however, after a vaccination in a weaker form. The main sign is a cough, in which sputum often goes away, less often - a cough with vomiting occurs.

Usually, such attacks occur at night, when the child wakes up from the fact that it starts to choke. As a rule, such a state is not accompanied by a temperature, but with dry coughing attacks, there may also be a runny nose. During the bouts of coughing, the child becomes red, his body becomes very tense, which has a harmful effect on the cardiovascular system.

Foreign object

If a foreign object enters the respiratory tract of a child, it requires immediate action on the part of parents and medical personnel. In early childhood, foreign objects fall into the swallowing of small parts during the game. Sometimes children choke on food while eating. This can happen at any age, but most often suffer from the age of 4 months to 2 years, at a time when they all take in their mouths.

To understand what happened is very easy, because until the foreign object entered the respiratory tract, the child was absolutely healthy. Characteristic signs are reddening of the face, shortness of breath, coughing, often accompanied by vomiting.

At this point, it is very important to provide first aid: if the child is small, it can easily be turned upside down and knock on the back, freeing the airways.

Unfortunately, the foreign object can completely shut off the air supply by its arrangement, which inevitably leads to suffocation. In such cases, one should resort to the use of Heimlich's method - a sharp push under the diaphragm increases the pressure in the airways and pushes the object out.

ARVI, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis

Cough with an emetic reflex and even with vomiting can occur with viral and colds. After all, for them, the accumulation of mucus and sputum in the respiratory tract is characteristic, which causes an attack. Vomiting for colds occurs as a result of the movement of excitation from the cough center to the vomiting center. Usually, vomiting caused by a cough, the child is not plentiful, and after it there is no relief from the condition.

If cough is caused by congestion of mucus in the airways, treatment should only be carried out by a pediatrician, since some cases will help mucolytic or expectorant, in others - do not do without drugs that suppress cough seizures. Eliminate coughing attacks even before taking medications will help such actions as humidification of the air in the room, airing the room, a plentiful drink.


Coughing and vomiting often occur in the cold in children, especially in newborns, because at this age the child does not yet know how to release the nose from accumulated mucus. She, draining on the back wall of the pharynx, accumulates there, irritating the mucous membrane, causes severe attacks of coughing. Get rid of coughing with vomiting for a cold is much easier, it is important to constantly release the nose from the snot. Also, a competent treatment for the common cold should be done.

Features of treatment

Even before the arrival of doctors, it is important for the child to provide first aid. In all situations, except for the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract, soft emollients should be used. It is useful to drink warm milk with honey, tea with raspberries. To get rid of such an unpleasant symptom is possible only if the cause of its occurrence is eliminated, so the doctor should diagnose and conduct the proper treatment.

To cough up before vomiting did not reach, it is important to monitor the child and, if necessary, contact a specialist.

How to treat a cough before vomiting in an adult?

Cough is a common symptom that indicates a pathological process. Often it causes a lot of inconvenience to people, as it comes to vomiting. Someone he strikes at night, and someone is tormented throughout the day. To get rid of it at first it is necessary to determine the reasons for its formation. Otherwise, you will be able to eliminate the cough, but not the ailment that caused it.

Contributing factors

Many people are frightened by a cough with vomiting, and they start to wind up themselves, coming up with various diseases. But, as practice shows, most often these symptoms indicate the presence of a cold. Now if you do not do it in time, then it will grow into a more serious pathology. If the cough torments you in the morning, then the causes of coughing in the morning are described in the adult.

To diagnose a vomiting cough can at convulsive attacks at the moment of aperture reduction. The next cause of coughing is the accumulation of a large amount of mucus in the nasopharynx.The result of this process is its flow down the wall of the pharynx, which provokes a feeling of nausea, and then a vomitive reflex.

Vomiting may be caused by untreated, started cough, which is the reason for the formation of a serious pathological process.

Still there are situations when adult patients start to swallow sputum, allocated during an attack. The result of such an action becomes an uncontrolled urge to vomit. But this happens very rarely and does not cause any dangerous consequences.

The gag reflex is only a consequence of colds and respiratory ailments, which include ORVI and ARI, influenza, pneumonia, tracheitis and bronchitis. When diagnosed, the doctor can detect other diseases that cause such an unpleasant symptom:

  1. Inadequate functioning of the heart in acute phase. A similar symptom is characterized by a lack of air and an attempt to swallow it in large quantities.
  2. Allergy. During a convulsive contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm in an allergic reaction, it often provokes a vomitive reflex in a person. In addition, the pathology presented can be accompanied by rhinitis and sneezing. The link details allergic cough in adults.
  3. Tuberculosis and Lung Cancer- two dangerous and unpleasant diseases, for which not only vomiting, but also convulsive cough is peculiar. If the disease is at a neglected stage, then a certain amount of bleeding is released from the patient's mouth. In addition, he has a temperature rise.
  4. Bronchial asthma. For this pathology, characteristic only coughing attacks, but also vomiting. As a rule, these unpleasant symptoms occur at the initial stage of the disease. But there were cases when vomiting and coughing worried adults in chronic bronchial asthma.

The video describes the possible causes of coughing up before vomiting in an adult:


The color of sputum for various pathologies can be different.If there is bronchial asthma, then it acquires a bright yellow color.The reason for the large volume of eosinophils. The mucus of a rusty tone provokes pneumonia. If there is an active form of tuberculosis, the sputum has bloody veins.

Slime, which has arisen from colds, is colorless. Often it acquires a yellow and green color. Such sputum takes microorganisms and other harmful particles from the inhaled air. Here are the causes of sputum yellow color when coughing. The link describes the situation when the cough comes out green sputum.

If sputum accumulates in the respiratory tract due to colds, smoking or negative environmental influences. Such a sputum will greatly impede breathing. In this case, the body will try to remove it on its own, resulting in a wet cough with an emetic reflex.

Another cough with vomiting can occur in people who are addicted to tobacco smoking. As a result of frequent smoking they have sputum accumulation in the nasopharynx. Based on the presented reasons for the formation of a vomiting cough, it should be said that such a symptom, regardless of the disease, should be treated immediately. Only after visiting a doctor and handing out all the necessary tests will you be able to make effective and comprehensive treatment.

Find out what can wash the nose of a child with a cold.

Does warm milk help with cough oil?

Here you can see the photo how to put children mustard for coughing:

Therapeutic events

Before considering the scheme of effective treatment, it is worth noting that independent measures for elimination in this case is unacceptable. Each patient has his own therapy. It is appointed by the attending physician, proceeding from the individual characteristics of the person and the course of the ailment.

Medication Therapy

If you have a vomiting cough, the specialist will prescribe drugs that have the following effect:

  1. Suppress the cough reflex. Here you can include Codeine, Oxeladin, Glaicin.
  2. Affect the cough recipes of the mucosa of the respiratory tract. In the popularity rating are the following medicines: Neokodin, Linkas. On the photo - Linkas syrup from cough:

If you are tortured by a wet cough with vomiting, the doctor will prescribe medications based on the root of the althaea and licorice. The effect obtained from these medicines is saved for 3-4 hours, so they should be taken every 6 hours.

Folk treatment

In addition to medication, when a very strong (creepy) cough before vomiting in an adult, a doctor can prescribe some traditional medicine, because only he knows how to treat. They manage to suppress cough and unpleasant symptoms. But they are used in combination with the main treatment:

  1. Nursing fees- facilitate the patient's condition. You can buy these fees in any pharmacy at an affordable price. Use this medicine 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Rubbingbefore going on a night's rest. For rubbing use honey. After the procedure, wrap the processed part of the body with a woolen shawl. It is also common to rub off badger fat when coughing in children.
  3. Before going to bed, use a glass of warm milk with dissolved honey and butter.
  4. During the day, it is worth taking any warm liquid. Here you can include raspberry tea, rose hips, compote from dried fruits, breast pills with expectorant effect.

When an adult in childhood suffered from whooping cough, then the vomiting cough can act as a symptom of a very different ailment. Immunity, which was developed on whooping cough in childhood, persists throughout life.

Vomiting cough is a very dangerous symptom that indicates the presence of a certain disease.Most often it occurs because of untimely treatment of the common cold. If cough is accompanied by vomiting, then this is a clear signal for going to the hospital and passing the diagnosis.

Causes of night coughing attacks in a child

A night cough in a child prevents him from sleeping and does not give rest to his parents. They immediately have disappointing assumptions about the nature of the disease. They try to alleviate the suffering of their child, not knowing what actually caused it. Begin to stuff him with unnecessary potions, which can only exacerbate the situation, and not prevent it. Therefore, you first need to know the diagnosis, and then eliminate the causative agent of the disease.

From what it appears

To effectively treat the disease, one must understand that cough is only a symptom of the disease, and the causes of its occurrence can be a variety of factors. A more complete picture will be drawn if you listen to the child and determine which cough he is worried about, then it will be easier to find out the source of the infection.

Dry cough

He is characterized by a disease of the larynx. It can be without temperature. If it has a small amount of sputum, it means inflammation occurs in the larynx, pharynx or trachea.The cause of a severe and severe cough is the inflammatory process of the trachea.

With a dry "barking" cough, the larynx will probably be inflamed and these are symptoms of laryngitis. It is dangerous because with severe complications stenosis of the larynx can occur - the swelling of the upper respiratory tract, which leads to a narrowing of the gap between them and it becomes difficult to breathe. In this case, you must immediately call a doctor, in no case can you treat the crumb with folk recipes. Here you can see the symptoms of acute laryngitis.

Dry cough can occur with asthma, which is mild. Or maybe it's all in the cold air of the room where the baby is sleeping. During rest, he irritates the mucous larynx and causes a cough.

The baby had a runny nose in the daytime, and during sleep, the mucus began to accumulate in the nasopharynx. Due to the fact that she has nowhere to go, she slips to the larynx and provokes a cough reflex.

If the baby feels a persistent sore throat and tingling, this indicates the appearance of pharyngitis, which usually provokes a dry cough.

Constant attacks of dry cough at night can occur as a consequence of a relatively rare (due to vaccination) disease - whooping cough. Bouts of bingeing occur at regular intervals and are very pronounced at night.Perhaps a dry cough at night speaks of stomach reflux. Older children can describe feelings similar to heartburn.

Do you know why there is a cough after eating?

Here you can see the symptoms of sinusitis in children.

Symptoms of complications after sore throat:

Wet cough

The most common are:

  • pneumonia;
  • infectious diseases of the upper larynx;
  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • any kind of common cold;
  • an abscess of the lung;
  • tuberculosis.

Rarely when the disease manifests itself immediately with a wet cough, usually a dry cough after a short treatment passes into it.

The video tells about the night night paroxysmal coughing in a child:

How to stop or ease

How to stop a cough in a child at night? Than to help the child? Parents can not bear the torment of the child, and they try to help their child in all ways. It happens that there is no cough during the day, and at night it can not be stopped. Therefore, you should take yourself in hand and really help the child, and not just calm him down.

If at night the baby has attacks of dry cough, then it should be put in a crib and give him a warm drink: heated milk, mineral water with alkali, chamomile broth or mallet, prepared from a quarter teaspoon of soda and a glass water.These remedies have a softening effect on the mucous membrane of the throat and perspiration causing coughing passes.

Help to overcome the debilitating attack of cough may be butter or honey. It is necessary to collect a teaspoon of one of these products and give the child, he should gradually dissolve it until completely consumed. But it should be noted that children suffering from allergies to honey, it is contraindicated.

In the video - tells how to treat and how to stop a nightly night cough in a child:

In the period of an unexpected suffocation, which can occur with laryngitis, use the bath. It is necessary to open the tap with hot water and make the maximum head, the steam emanating from it letting the baby breathe. Doors in the room with this process must be tightly closed, so that moisture quickly rises in the room. It will also help to cure the cough by moisturizing the respiratory tract.

In order to stop the coughing, inhalations are performed, including cedar oil. If there is no special device for this, you can replace it with a bowl of hot water and add the above ether to it. May help relieve the cough of a warm compress, which is placed on the chest or throat. Another helps is a woolen scarf wrapped around the neck, capable of preserving heat for a long time. The link also describes other folk remedies for a wet cough for children.

Overcome the night cough will help moisturize the room in which the child sleeps. This can be done by using a specially purchased humidifier or simply spraying air from a spray gun for flowers.

The video tells how to relieve or stop a night dry cough in a child:

How to treat

To get rid of cough, there are many methods and drugs, but choosing them should take into account not only the causes of its occurrence, but also the age of the child.

Treatment of crumbs up to a year

To remove night cough in infants, it is necessary to begin with compliance with the regime, this does not mean that you should limit its movement. On the contrary, try to play with him more and gently pat on the back. If the kid is not afraid, you can turn it upside down and hold it in this position for three seconds. So accumulated mucus will quickly release the bronchi and go out.

In food, you need to switch to light, low-calorie food, if the baby will refuse, then pamper it with a milkshake, kissel, and after a time in the game form, offer a mashed potatoes or a light soup.For a baby, breastfeeding can not be abolished, it's okay not to happen if it takes a few days to drink less milk.The main thing - to force the child during this period to drink a lot of warm liquid. It will promote the dilution of sputum and the withdrawal of infection.

All measures for the treatment of babies for up to a year should be aimed at excretion of sputum from the body. It is necessary to constantly air the room. Increase its moisture by improvised means:

  • spray gun;
  • wet towels, laid out on batteries, if the baby fell ill during the heating season;
  • air humidifier.

To eliminate severe cough, drugs are used to reduce the viscosity of phlegm and contribute to its expectoration (mostly ivy-based syrups are bought). You can use natural expectorant medicines:

  • juice of plantain;
  • a decoction of lemongrass, a mother - and - stepmother or elecampane;
  • extract of thyme, althea, anise or licorice;
  • black radish with honey;
  • suitable essential oils.

You can also use inhalations, but their composition is indicated by the doctor. Pediatricians approach the treatment of babies up to a year in a complex, prescribing syrup, medicines and inhalations. Some recommend that you do a massage, which consists in lightly massaging the baby's chest, for a better escape of sputum.It is possible to massage the feet with tapping movements, this is sure to please the baby and will be useful for him.

At kids till three years

To treat a one-year-old child and children up to three years old, antihistamines will be used: Suprastin, Tsetrin, Claritin, Kestin and others. For such children, they choose medicines in the form of a syrup and maintain the dosages recommended by the attending physician. In some cases, tablets may be prescribed. Do not delay the treatment of a doctor, at this age the disease can quickly take an acute form. Sometimes attacks of a night cough can be accompanied by a temperature, then it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs.

You can attach to the feet of the baby mustard plasters, which will cause blood flow and reduce pain in the larynx. With a strong cough, the doctor can prescribe: Mukaltin (here you can see the composition of mucaltin from a cough), Herbion (here you can see the instructions for the use of Herbion from dry cough), Ambrobe, Gedelix or Alteyka. Also he can advise to do inhalations. The most common is with a solution of soda. To make it, you need four teaspoonfuls. soda per liter of water. With a dry cough, inhalations on the basis of alkaline mineral waters such as Borjomi or Esentuki-4 will help.

Treatment of children from three years old

Dry cough helps to remove the following drugs: Glaucine, Levopron, Tusuprex, Sinekod, but they should be prescribed by a doctor with the appropriate symptoms. And to eliminate wet cough apply: Pectolvan C, Pectusin, Abrol, Carbocysteine, ATSTS-100, Doctor Mom syrup for cough for children. In this case, do not forget about the abundant drink (such babies and teens can already drink phyto tea).

Recommended inhalation in the basis of which is involved: ammonium chloride or benzoate, vegetable extracts or sodium hydrogen carbonate. But they can not be done before bedtime, so as not to cause irritation of the throat.

According to popular recipes, children can be allowed to dissolve a teaspoon of buckwheat honey. You can also dilute a quarter teaspoon. soda in a glass of warm milk.An excellent curative effect of cough is tea with raspberry jam.With a strong night booze, prepare a burnt. Her recipe is simple: you must take and fry one st. a spoonful of sugar to brown, then add a half liter of warm water to it, mix and cool a little. Then add a few drops of aloe juice. For night cough, give the baby one hour. l.

Coughing up can be caused by breastfeeding. They are sold at the pharmacy. They can be selected depending on the disease.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

According to him, when a cold develops in the lungs, excessive amounts of mucus are produced, and the body removes it through coughing. The reasons for its occurrence are:

  • infectious diseases;
  • allergic diseases;
  • viruses, bacteria or unsatisfactory air properties (for example, the room is hot or dusty).

If bacteria accumulate in the mucus, complications will arise and pneumonia will follow. To prevent this from occurring, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the disease in time.

The video tells about the causes of a night cough in the child tells Dr. Komarovsky:

With the words of the doctor you can not argue. After all, the sooner a diagnosis is made and the right treatment is prescribed, the sooner the baby will recover, and this is what any parent wants.Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of doctors and doses of prescribed medications, you should not do self-medication, so as not to cause complications.With regular use of medicines and observance of instructions, the baby will soon forget about the annoying cough.

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