Dislocation of feet in the ankle region: first aid, treatment in the hospital and at home


  • 1Dislocation of legs in the ankle: what to do?
    • 1.1Types of ankle sprains
    • 1.2Degrees of gravity
    • 1.3Symptoms
    • 1.4First aid
    • 1.5Diagnostics
    • 1.6Treatment
    • 1.7Dislocation and conservative therapy
    • 1.8ethnoscience
    • 1.9Surgery
    • 1.10Rehabilitation
    • 1.11Physiotherapy
    • 1.12To which doctor to apply
    • 1.13Check out the popular articles
  • 2Dislocation of legs in the ankle region: symptoms and treatment, how much is the trauma
    • 2.1Dislocation as a result of trauma
    • 2.2How can injury occur:
    • 2.3Signs and clinical manifestations
    • 2.4First Aid
    • 2.5What should be done:
    • 2.6Methods of treatment
    • 2.7Clamps and calipers
  • 3Dislocation of the leg in the ankle region: symptoms and treatment of ankle dislocation
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Kinds
    • 3.3Symptoms of ankle dislocation
    • 3.4First aid with ankle dislocation
    • 3.5Diagnostic measures
    • 3.6Treatment with ankle dislocation
    • 3.7Surgery
    • 3.8Rehabilitation
  • 4Dislocation of feet in the ankle region: treatment and symptoms of video
    • 4.1Types of dislocation in the ankle
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2Symptoms of dislocation in the ankle
    • 4.3Causes of Dislocation
    • 4.4First aid in case of an ankle dislocation
    • 4.5Prohibited actions for suspected dislocation
    • 4.6Treatment
    • 4.7Therapeutic exercises during restoration
    • 4.8Preventive measures
    • 4.9Folk remedies

Dislocation of legs in the ankle: what to do?

A dislocation of the leg in the ankle (or ankle, ankle) is a fairly common injury that each of us can face.

Especially often this limb injury occurs in pensioners, women who prefer to wear high-heeled shoes, and athletes.

And according to traumatologists, more patients with an ankle dislocation turn to them in the winter season due to ice.

In this article we will acquaint you with the degrees of severity, manifestations, methods of providing first aid, diagnosis and treatment of leg dislocation in the ankle region.

The cause of the displacement of the bones of the ankle is trauma. This can be a careless step in hurry, running, jumping, descending the stairs, wearing unstable and uncomfortable shoes or destabilizing the joint during the ice.

Sometimes a person encounters such a traumatic situation literally on an equal place. Some factors can contribute to the appearance of an ankle dislocation: weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, obesity, anomalies of the joint (flat feet, clubfoot,

), age changes in the joint.

The ankle is the most vulnerable part of the body, since it carries the main burden. When it is dislocated, the ligaments are damaged and the joint surfaces are displaced. The bone, as it were, is pushed out of the joint and the mobility of the foot is significantly impaired.

Types of ankle sprains

The main symptom of this pathology is acute pain in the ankle area.

Ankle dislocation can be:

  • external - from the articular bag leaves the joint surface of the fibula;
  • Inner - the articular surface of the tibia comes out of the articular bag.

A dislocation of the leg in the ankle area can be:

  • full - articular surfaces completely diverge;
  • incomplete - articular surfaces diverge partially.

Degrees of gravity

Depending on the severity of the injury, the following degrees of dislocation of the ankle are distinguished:

  • I - with such an easy degree of injury, only the sprain of the ankle is stretched, which accompanies them microfractures, the bone is not displaced, and only a minor pain is observed in the area of ​​trauma and swelling.
  • II - with such an average degree of trauma, a partial rupture of the ligaments and a disturbance of the stability of the ankle, in The result is intense pain, the temperature of the skin over the joint increases and its expressed swelling.
  • III - with such a severe degree of injury, the ankle ligament tears completely (with a loud click), the ankle is absolutely destabilized and the bone is pushed out joint, the victim has a very strong and sharp pain, the ankle significantly swells, an extensive hematoma appears on the surface of the skin and stepping on the foot becomes is impossible.


At the time of injury, the victim has pain in the ankle. With a complete rupture of the ligaments during the injury, there may be a click.

The pain may have a different intensity (depending on the severity of the injury), but it always increases with the appearance of an additional load or attempts to move.

After a few minutes the ankle swells, the skin over the joint becomes hot to the touch, and after a while with a strong rupture of ligaments, a subcutaneous hemorrhage appears.

With the third degree of dislocation of the ankle, the shape of the joint changes.

If it occurred under the talus bone, the foot is turned inwards, and the heel begins to protrude slightly forward (it shifts under the inner side of the ankle). When displaced in the ankle, the talus appears above the skin and can be palpated.

Pain, swelling, disruption of ligament integrity, and bone displacement always result in impaired mobility of the foot. Depending on the severity of the injury, it can be expressed in varying degrees.

First aid

If a suspected ankle dislocation is suspected, the victim should be provided with pre-hospital care:

  1. Remove shoes that restrict clothing and provide the injured leg with maximum rest, completely eliminating attempts at movements in the injured joint.
  2. To reduce the edema, give the limb an elevated position with the aid of a roller made from improvised materials (clothes, pillow, blanket).
  3. Give the patient an analgesic drug (Paracetamol, Analgin, Ibufen, Nimesulide or others).
  4. If the skin is damaged (wounds, scratches, etc.), then before applying the immobilizing dressing they should be treated with antiseptic solution (hydrogen peroxide 3%, alcohol solution of iodine and other).
  5. If you have at hand Troxevasin, ointments based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diklak-gel, Diclofenac or others), apply them to the area of ​​injury.
  6. Immobilize the joint by applying a tight bandage of elastic bandage. When performing the dressing, it should be borne in mind that the foot after its application should be at a right angle with respect to the axis of the leg. The bandage should not be too tight and prevent normal circulation (if the dressing is properly applied, the color of the skin does not change). Instead of an elastic bandage, you can use a scarf, scarf, cloth, gauze or a regular bandage.
  7. Apply a cold compress or ice to the area of ​​the injury (apply only after several layers cotton cloth and always remove it every 15-20 minutes for 2 minutes to prevent frostbite).
  8. Remember that with any dislocation or sprain in the first few days after injury, you can not use warming ointments, compresses or alcohol tinctures! Such thermal procedures will cause vasodilation, blood flow and exacerbate the inflammatory process.
  9. Help the patient to reach a trauma center or other medical institution. Remember that with dislocations of II-III degree, joint repositioning should be carried out no later than 2-3 hours after the incident. Trying to independently fix the ankle joint is impossible!

Before a visit to a doctor, you should not take food and drink water, because to control the dislocation, an intravenous anesthesia may be needed, which should be performed on an empty stomach.


The doctor-traumatologist will diagnose an "ankle dislocation" based on the results of the examination and the data of the X-ray of the affected area.

To put the correct diagnosis of an "ankle dislocation" will only be a doctor.

After examination and questioning the patient, the traumatologist or surgeon will palpate the injured joint and, to exclude the presence of fractures, send the patient to a radiograph in two projections.

If necessary, an ultrasound or MRI of the ankle is recommended.

Sometimes to clarify the diagnosis, the arthrography of the ankle is prescribed. Such a study is carried out in the morning (on an empty stomach) and is performed by artificial contrasting of the cavity of the ankle joint.

In the ankle area shave off the hair and treat the skin with alcohol. After this, local anesthesia and puncture of the joint cavity are performed.


The doctor removes the accumulated liquid from it (if necessary, it can be sent for analysis) and injects a contrast drug.


Sometimes, to carry out arthrography, not only a contrast agent is introduced into the joint cavity, but also gas (oxygen or nitrous oxide). After such preparation of the joint, X-rays are taken in the necessary projections.


After setting the final diagnosis and clarifying all the details of the trauma, the patient is guided by the dislocation and conservative therapy is prescribed.

If there are other serious injuries, surgical intervention is recommended to eliminate them.

If necessary, puncture of the articular cavity of the ankle is performed to remove blood.

Dislocation and conservative therapy

The correction should be carried out in the first hours after the injury (preferably in the first 2 hours). Initially, the procedure is anesthetized with local anesthesia or intravenous anesthesia.

After this, performing certain receptions, the doctor puts the bone in place and applies a circular bandage on the ankle, limiting the movement. In some cases, a joint is applied to immobilize the joint.

Further, in the absence of fractures, the patient can be treated out-patient.

To eliminate intolerable or annoying pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets or ointments, creams and gels:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Nurofen;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Fastum-gel;
  • Gevkamen;
  • Deep Relief;
  • Voltaren;
  • Indovazin and others.

2-3 days after the correction of the ankle, physiotherapy procedures and therapeutic gymnastics are prescribed. For faster recovery of damaged ligaments, massage courses are provided that ensure the restoration of normal blood supply to the damaged area.

To more quickly restore stretched ligaments of the ankle, the following physiotherapeutic procedures can be recommended:

  • local cryotherapy with dry air;
  • UHF;
  • paraffin applications;
  • warm baths;
  • red laser therapy;
  • diadynamic therapy;
  • percutaneous electroneurostimulation;
  • amplipulse therapy.
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When the leg is dislocated in the ankle area, some folk recipes can be used to more quickly eliminate sprain. The possibility of their use should always be discussed with your doctor. As a rule, their use can begin no earlier than 3-4 days after injury.

The following folk methods can be used to treat sprains of the ankle:

  • a compress of warm milk;
  • vodka compress;
  • a compress with infusion of tansy;
  • compress with infusion of green tea;
  • Compress from a mixture of chopped onions and salt (mixed in equal proportions).


In severe cases and in the presence of concomitant injuries, a patient with an ankle dislocation is shown hospitalization. If there are additional injuries, the patient may be recommended to perform a surgical procedure:

  • at fractures;
  • when the deltoid ligament ruptures;
  • with injury of the intercellular joint.

To eliminate ligament ruptures, the surgeon performs an incision and assesses the condition of the cartilage. After that, he sews the ends of the torn ligament, and with its complete detachment attaches it to the bone. Then the suturing of the wound is performed and a plaster bandage is applied.


The duration of recovery of the ankle after ankle dislocation depends on the severity of the injury, timeliness and correctness of treatment, completeness of the rehabilitation program and individual characteristics organism of the patient.

If the sprain is slightly sprained, recovery after dislocation may occur as early as 2 weeks after the injury. If the dislocation was accompanied by tearing of the ligaments, the full restoration of the joint function can occur during the month.

With a complete rupture of ligaments, the rehabilitation course can take about 2 months.

The program of rehabilitation treatment includes:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage courses;
  • therapeutic physical training.


With an easy degree of dislocation and sprain of the ankle, therapeutic exercises can be prescribed already for 2-3 days of trauma.

Initially, the patient should bend and unbend the joint and perform rotational movements of the foot.

Exercises should not deliver significant pain and the possible burden of the injured leg should be discussed with the doctor. Subsequently, such simple movements are supplemented by other exercises.

In more complex cases, the time for the beginning of the medical gymnastics is determined by the doctor and appointed after the main course of treatment.

An approximate set of exercises for sprains and sprains of ankle ligaments:

  1. Flexion and extension of the ankle.
  2. Swaying movements of the foot.
  3. Rotations stop in different directions.
  4. Put your feet on your toes, remove your heels and return them to their original position.
  5. Put the foot on the toe and perform springing movements with the heel.
  6. Sit on a chair and perform movements that mimic walking - roll feet from heels to socks.
  7. Stretch your toe forward (the leg should be straightened).
  8. Put on the floor a gymnastic stick (or rolling pin) and roll it over the outer, outer edge and the center of the foot.
  9. Put a small object on the floor, raise it with your toes and hold it for a few seconds.

Somewhat later, the doctor can recommend the following set of exercises, which are carried out with support on the back of the chair:

  1. Carry the weight of the body from one leg to the other.
  2. Squat, leaning on the entire foot and sock.
  3. Walk with stepping steps on the heels, toes and the outside of the foot.
  4. Perform rolling from heels to toe and back.
  5. Do the attacks forward on a half-bent injured leg.
  6. Exercise is carried out near the improvised step of the stairs. To rise on a step, leaning on socks, and to carry out springing movements, as much as possible lowering heels.

The load when performing the exercises should be coordinated with a doctor or an experienced instructor and be gradually built up.

Only a specialist will be able to recommend the necessary volume of movements, their amplitude and duration.

Remember! In rehabilitation after injuries to the ankle, excessive loads, and insufficient, can be harmful.

To which doctor to apply

If there is sharp pain, swelling, or subcutaneous hemorrhage in the ankle area, consult an orthopedic surgeon during the injury.

After interviewing and examining the patient, the doctor will prescribe radiography to exclude additional injuries (fractures, ligament ruptures) and the necessary treatment.


Some patients may be recommended to perform arthrography, ultrasound and MRI of the ankle joint.


Dislocation of the leg in the ankle area refers to frequent injuries. Such damage always requires the provision of first aid to the victim and prompt treatment to the doctor. After conducting a detailed diagnosis, they can be treated with conservative or surgical techniques.

The first channel, the program "Live Healthily" with Elena Malysheva, in the heading "About Medicine it is a question of an ankle sprain (from 3: 5 minutes):

Elena Malysheva. What should I do if my ankle is dislocated?

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A source: https://myfamilydoctor.ru/vyvix-nogi-v-rajone-shhikolotki-chto-delat/

Dislocation of legs in the ankle region: symptoms and treatment, how much is the trauma

Ankle dislocation is a violation of the anatomical location of articulated bones in the ankle in relation to each other.

There can be two global reasons for this:

  1. Mechanical traumatic effects (fall, unsuccessful jump, turn of the foot when driving, etc.).
  2. Some diseases of the bone system (arthritis or arthrosis, osteomyelitis, poliomyelitis and others).

Let's consider in detail all possible variants of a dislocation.

Dislocation as a result of trauma

Injury of ankle

It is worth noting that the ankle has all the weight of the body, so with an awkward movement or with the specified diseases, this place suffers more than others.

How can injury occur:

  • Any girl or woman who is accustomed to high heels, a platform, with an unstable shoe, is at risk;
  • increased loads on the ankle in sports, ballet and other physical exercises;
  • sometimes a blow to the joint area can cause such an injury;
  • uncomfortable landing when jumping or any exercise during exercise or physical activity;
  • age of about 50 years and older is a risk zone, as bones and cartilage become more fragile and for the injury is enough for minimal loads, and it is very likely to turn the leg even in a comfortable shoes;
  • The surface on which a person walks plays an unimportant role. Ice or stony and uneven road is very helpful not for the comfortable position of the foot when walking and injuries.

Signs and clinical manifestations

Elastic bandage during the recovery period after dislocation

At the time of ankle injury and immediately after, the following manifestations are likely:

  • a strong crunch in the joint region is possible;
  • severe sharp and growing pain;
  • in the near future there is swelling of soft tissues in the area of ​​dislocation;
  • internal bruising and bruising, which appear a little later;
  • pain during further movement, walking or simply turning the foot;
  • a severe degree of dislocation causes pain syndrome even in the calm state of the affected ankle.

Photo shanks and feet with trauma are given in the article.

First Aid

Massage during rehabilitation

Immediately after receiving the injury, you should contact a traumatologist or call an ambulance if self-movement is not possible due to pain.

First aid for ankle dislocation can be provided to the victim immediately after an injury waiting for doctors, this will help reduce pain and reduce swelling and spreading hematoma.

What should be done:

  • it is important to immediately ensure immobility, remove any load from the damaged leg;
  • You can apply a bandage, wrapping an ankle with a figure eight, from an elastic bandage, but not too tight, since you can do much harm;
  • if the leg at the time of injury was in the shoes or sock, it is better not to shoot them before meeting with the doctor, as it can damage and provoke the build up of the pain syndrome. It is better to leave a swollen ankle in a state of rest before the arrival of doctors;
  • be sure to attach ice to the site of the dislocation;
  • To alleviate severe pain, you can drink anesthetic anti-inflammatory drug ("Nurofen "Paracetamol" and so on).

Methods of treatment

Dislocation of the leg in the ankle region

The subluxation and dislocation of the leg in the ankle region is quite long. How much time to spend in a cast or bandage is determined by the doctor, as well as the tactics of treatment. If the degree of dislocation is light or medium, then conservative therapy is required.

The mild degree is characterized by mild pain syndrome and sprain. Edema and bruising are absent or mild. Edema can be small, such that the bone on the ankle does not swim, is visible.

The victim is able to move independently, but leaning on the leg can be painful.

In this case, the doctor will make an ankle fixation with a bandage and recommend foot rest and anti-inflammatory and pain medications as needed (if pain increases).

The average degree of severity implies a partial tearing of the ligament. Severe pain on the lesion site. Appears edema, which limits the ability of movement.

It is difficult to step on foot because of pain. The patient is given a fixative bandage (gypsum).

To relieve pain syndrome, pain medications are recommended as needed.

A severe degree of dislocation involves a fairly strong tearing of the ligament or a complete rupture. The symptomatology is pronounced. Severe pain, swelling, bruising.

Self-movement of the patient is impossible.


In this case, after correction of the dislocation, gypsum will be applied, or surgical intervention will be required to restore the integrity of the damaged soft tissues.


After the operation, the patient will have to spend some time in the hospital, then the treatment is carried out at home.

What drugs can be prescribed by a doctor:

Group of medicines Appointment Name
Anti-inflammatory ointments Outdoor facilities for:
  • removal of pain syndrome, edema;
  • improvement of tissue regeneration;
  • removal of inflammation.
Voltaren-gel, Ketoprofen, Diclofenac, Fastum-gel
Painkillers Accepted mainly in the first few days after getting an injury to stop severe pain "Ibuprofen "Ketorol "Analgin "Efferalgan"
Additional preparations for the gastric mucosa enveloping effect Since some ointments adversely affect the stomach and the condition of the intestines, preparations for normalizing the activity of the digestive tract with enveloping protective effect "Almagel "Fosfalugel"
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Some physiotherapy can help during the healing period. We will refer to them:

In addition, therapeutic exercise, massage, baths and paraffin therapy contribute to the elimination of all the negative consequences of joint trauma. At home, you can do simple exercises for joint development after dislocation and a bath with infusions of chamomile, calendula.

Clamps and calipers

For those who injured the ankle (dislocations, habitual dislocations, sprains, etc.

) in the market of special support devices many different variants are offered, suitable in this or that case.

These are all possible bandages and orthoses, allowing for a different degree of severity of the dislocation and healing period to provide the necessary immobilization and support of the joint.

Such designs can have different fixing rigidity.

Soft are designed for a long period of recovery from injury and support of the joint during periods of increased stress.

Medium-rigidity and rigid devices can sometimes replace the gypsum dressing and with great comfort go through the recovery period.

Anyone can dislocate the ankle, a child, an adult or an elderly person. Recovery depends on the severity and age. In older people, the dislocated joint heals longer. In any case, the treatment will last at least a couple of weeks.

A source: https://NogoStop.ru/golenostop/lodyzhka/vyvix-nogi-v-rajone-shhikolotki.html

Dislocation of the leg in the ankle region: symptoms and treatment of ankle dislocation

The ankle joint is a rather vulnerable place of the human musculoskeletal system. It is not surprising that dislocations in the ankle region occur very often.

There is a high probability of getting this trauma in the elderly, women and athletes, although no one is immune to an ankle dislocation.

You can even turn your leg up during walking, when the foot was in the wrong position when you stepped.

Given the prevalence of this traumatic injury, it is necessary that more people had information about the symptoms, first aid and treatment of ankle dislocation the joint.

Causes Types Symptoms of ankle dislocation First aid with ankle dislocation Diagnostic measures Treatment with ankle dislocation - Surgical treatment 7. Rehabilitation


Dislocation occurs due to trauma, which occurs during a fast walk, running, playing sports, wearing uncomfortable shoes.

In the elderly, the ligamentous apparatus of a person is weakened, the synthesis processes in the body are slowed down, therefore pensioners suffer more from dislocations of any localization, including in the ankle region.

It should be noted that the recovery period for them is much slower.

Athletes are also at risk, because they constantly deal with increased physical stress. Female representatives often suffer from dislocations due to the use of shoes on a high platform or heels.


People who have excess weight, pathological changes or joint anomalies are more prone to dislocation of the ankle joint.


The mechanism of the development of a dislocation consists of damage (stretching or tearing) of the ligaments of the joint and displacement of the articular surfaces.

Depending on the degree of this displacement, the exit from the joint surface of a certain bone distinguish dislocations:

  • External, characterized by the exit from the articular bags of the surfaces of the joints of the fibula bones;
  • Internal, differing in the exit of the articular surfaces of the tibia;
  • Complete, in which there is an absolute divergence of articular surfaces;
  • Incomplete - with their individual surfaces partially touching.

The degree of severity of an ankle dislocation will depend on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of its damage, the decrease in functionality.

Symptoms of ankle dislocation

The main manifestation of this traumatic injury is severe pain in the joint. If there is a rupture of the ligaments, the injured person during the injury may hear a click in this place.

The intensity of painful sensations will depend on the degree of severity of the dislocation, attempts at self-correction or movement of the foot. In a few minutes, edema of the ankle develops, hyperemia of the skin around it.

If there is a rupture of ligaments, there are signs of bruising.

In severe dislocations, attention is drawn to the deformation at the site of the injury, the change in the correct arrangement of the cartilaginous and bony anatomical structures of the foot. Significantly reduced its mobility, up to the complete disappearance of functionality.

First aid with ankle dislocation

A person can suffer from dislocation of the ankle at any time and in any place. Since there may not always be a medical institution nearby, the basics of first aid in case of a dislocation in the ankle area should be familiar to everyone.


It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that one should not try to set the joint independently, as this can only aggravate the condition of the victim.

First of all, the shoes are removed from the damaged leg to prevent additional injury.The foot should be immobilized.

It is necessary to lift the victim's leg in order to reduce the manifestations of edema and hemorrhage.

This position of the leg can be provided using a roller made from improvised materials.

If possible, the affected person should take an anesthetic drug. In the presence of a wound, it must be treated with an antiseptic, and only then an immobilizing bandage is applied.


With the correct application of a tight bandage to immobilize the joint, a right angle between the foot and the axis of the leg should form.


You can not tighten the elastic bandage so as not to disturb blood circulation and innervation in the foot.

To reduce edema, prevent further bleeding that occurs when ligament rupture, it is recommended to periodically apply an ice pack to the ankle joint.


Use of warming medicines after injury and in the next few days after it it is contraindicated, as this will lead to vasodilation, stimulation of bleeding and progression of pathological process.

Further it is necessary to deliver the patient to the trauma center. The more severe the clinical case, the less time it takes to transport the victim.

Diagnostic measures

After listening to complaints and examining the injured place on the leg, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis, which can be confirmed or denied by radiography.

On an x-ray, it is often very good to visualize the displacement of articular ankle surfaces.

If there is a need for additional and more detailed diagnosis, an ultrasound research, magnetic resonance imaging, joint arthrography using contrast substance.

Treatment with ankle dislocation

If there are no serious damage to the joint tissues, the traumatologist refreshes it and prescribes conservative methods of treatment. If necessary, a puncture is performed, during which the blood accumulated there from the joint cavity is removed.


The correction must be made within two hours after receiving the injury. Before manipulation, local or general anesthesia is performed.

Depending on the type of dislocation, the traumatologist will use certain techniques during joint repositioning.

After these, a circular bandage is applied to the ankle, performing the function of immobilization. For this purpose, a plaster bandage can also be used.


If the general condition of a person is not violated, it can be sent home, where he will continue treatment.


To get rid of the pain, the use of anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs is recommended. To resume the normal condition of the joint, the functionality of all its structures are applied methods of physiotherapy and massage.


Dislocations of a severe degree, which can be complicated by concomitant injuries, are treated surgically. The injured person is hospitalized in a hospital, after which the nature of further medical measures is determined.

Presence of fractures, deltoid ligament ruptures, injuries of the intervertebral joint - indication for operative intervention with ankle dislocation.

During the operation, the surgeon assesses the damage to the cartilaginous tissue, sews the ruptured ligaments, fixes them to the bone. After that, the wound is sutured, and a cast plaster is applied to the joint.


The recovery period is very important for the restoration of the full volume of foot and ankle joint functions.

Its duration will depend on the severity of the dislocation, anatomical and physiological features of the human body, the timeliness of the provision of medical care, the correctness of the activities.Restoration of the ligament apparatus of the ankle, with an insignificant extension, lasts no more than two weeks. Ligation of ligaments prolongs the recovery period by another two weeks, and their full break leads to rehabilitation within two months.

To improve blood circulation, stimulation of metabolic processes in the damaged joint, physiotherapy procedures, massage and physiotherapy exercises are used.The latter can be used as early as the third day after injury if an easy dislocation was observed.

Initially, the sick person flexes, unbends, unbends, joints, rotates the foot. Then the exercises become more diverse. If you have painful sensations in the ankle during the therapeutic exercises, you should consult a doctor.

After the treatment of severe dislocation, therapeutic exercises are appointed later. Expediency of some exercises is determined by a doctor or an instructor, and the load during them increases gradually.

Tulpa VV, doctor, medical reviewer

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A source: http://OkeyDoc.ru/vyvix-nogi-v-rajone-shhikolotki-simptomy-i-lechenie/

Dislocation of feet in the ankle region: treatment and symptoms of video

A pin is one of the most vulnerable parts of the body. Daily loads put her at risk of dislocation.

Sometimes it is quite easy to misstep or lean on the leg, and the injury is guaranteed.

Detailed information on the symptoms and causes of leg dislocation in the ankle area, as well as about its correct treatment, you will find in this article.

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Types of dislocation in the ankle

The classification of dislocations in the ankle region is not particularly diverse. As a rule, a common criterion for determining the types of such trauma is the degree of damage. Accordingly, the following are distinguished:

  1. Dislocation of mild degree. In this case, the pain is tolerable, there is a small edema of the area of ​​damage due to sprain.
  2. Dislocation of medium degree. The pain in this kind of injury is severe. Ankle edema is pronounced, as this degree is characterized by incomplete rupture of ligaments. A fever may occur.
  3. Dislocation of a severe degree. Pain can only be weakened by strong pain medications. A rupture of the ligaments is complete, as a rule, the bone in the ankle region is displaced. In this case, the imposition of gypsum and bed rest are mandatory.

The degree of damage directly depends on the cause of the dislocation itself. It's unlikely that you will get a serious injury if you simply incorrectly turn your foot.

There is another criterion of classification - the nature of injuries. In accordance with it, there are:

  1. Combined dislocation, when the injury occurs again, due to the loss of the fixing joints.
  2. Isolated dislocation, which occurs in cases of severe injury (accident).
  3. Fracture dislocation, characterized by the displacement of the foot and rupture of ligaments. The most common kind.

Symptoms of dislocation in the ankle

Dislocation in this area is cunning because in the first minutes you just can not feel anything. This increases the risk of the greatest burden on the damaged area. It is important to listen to your body and body without ignoring obvious signs of injuries and joint disorders.

The main symptoms of dislocation are:

  • severe pain in the ankle region, strengthening with support on the leg;
  • swelling of the damaged joint;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • pain when turning the foot in the sitting position;
  • limited mobility of the injury site.

If there is at least one sign, immediately call for an ambulance.

Causes of Dislocation

The causes of dislocations in the area of ​​the ankle can be completely varied. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Usually, such injuries occur during sports. A heavy load on the muscles and ligaments can make itself felt at the most unpredictable moment.
  • Another common case is a domestic trauma, which can occur in the case of a sharp turn of the body, when the leg is still in its place, sometimes it is enough to just stumble.
  • A strong dislocation of the leg in the ankle area is possible during the fall from a great height, in the event of an accident.
  • In girls, trauma can occur when walking on high heels - one wrong step, and ligament damage is guaranteed.
  • Dislocation of an ankle is possible or probable at impact or in a case when on a leg something serious has fallen.
  • The reason for a dislocation in the ankle can be the excessive weight of a person.
  • In the winter, the hospital is often approached for help if you carelessly walked on ice, engaged in winter sports (skis, skates, descent from a snow slide).

First aid in case of an ankle dislocation

If you suspect a dislocation, be sure to limit the movement of the affected part of the body as much as possible. It is desirable to even immobilize it. Remove the shoes and socks.

Under the foot in the ankle, be sure to place a rolled up towel (blanket) - this will help reduce the swelling of the joint.

Also, to reduce edema and pain, it is recommended to apply something cold to the injury site (if there is no ice nearby, any frozen product from the freezer will do).


Important! The joint must be correctly fixed. To do this, try to apply a tight bandage and wrap the place with an elastic bandage. In the process, make sure that the dressing is not too tight, as blood circulation will be disturbed.


Remember that the above actions are only first aid. Be sure to contact a traumatologist or surgeon for an accurate diagnosis and the appointment of the correct treatment.

Prohibited actions for suspected dislocation

Often, there are cases when a person does not want to go to the hospital, believing that he can manage on his own.

As a consequence, the trauma is at best left, and at worst - complications are observed.

Carefully read what is forbidden to do at home when diagnosing a dislocation:

  • The most important prohibition is the independent correction of the joint. Such a thoughtless action can lead to the appearance of cracks, an increase in the rupture of capillaries and ligaments.
  • Do not apply hot compresses.
  • It is not necessary to fix the joint with an inelastic bandage (gauze, cloth). Such a dressing can worsen the flow of blood and simply increase the healing and recovery time.
  • Try not to drink alcohol as an anesthetic.

Important! Do not put yourself a diagnosis on your own. Easy, in your opinion, dislocation can be more serious. Tightening the beginning of treatment, you can face very serious consequences.


As already mentioned above, after providing first aid, you need to see a doctor. First the traumatologist will direct you to the picture, then, after careful diagnosis, the joint is corrected and the gypsum (langet) is applied to the damaged site.

The time that you will be with gypsum, directly depends on the degree of damage to the joint. The only thing that is required during this period is bed rest, since it is strictly forbidden to step on the damaged leg.

In the absence of the opportunity to constantly lie patient is recommended to purchase crutches.

If you are concerned about persistent pain, a traumatologist will prescribe pain medications for the patient.

Also, after removing the gypsum, as a rule, prescribe a variety of ointments. Essential medicines prescribed for ankle dislocation:

  • Diclofenac gel;
  • Indovazin;
  • Voltaren;
  • Fastum is a gel;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Aspirin;
  • Analgin.

This is not the whole list. It is important to remember that the purpose of these or other medications is completely individual.

Therapeutic exercises during restoration

After removing the gypsum, you need to develop ligaments and muscles that have been immobilized for a long time. For this, a special course of therapeutic gymnastics has been developed. Let's consider the basic recommended exercises:

  • alternating flexion and extension of fingers on the injured leg;
  • turns of the foot in different directions and along the circumference;
  • getting up on tiptoe;
  • rolls of the foot (from the heel to the toes).

The most effective will be the performance of these movements in the water. Doctors recommend patients to recover after a dislocation in the ankle area visiting the pool.

In addition to the pool, on the benefit of classes on special simulators. Also therapeutic massage will help you.

Preventive measures

The place where the dislocation was located is most prone to repeated damage. It is necessary to conduct constant prophylaxis, developing muscles and ligaments.

It is important to undergo all the prescribed recovery procedures after dislocation in the ankle area. In addition to medications prescribed by your doctor, it is recommended to drink a course of vitamins. This will increase your immunity.

The right choice of shoes is another condition for preventing an ankle dislocation. Girls are recommended for the first time to completely abandon the heels, narrow shoes.

In the summer, under warm weather, doctors advise walking barefoot on sand or small pebbles.

Sports should be limited. Active types of recreation are unlikely to help in the recovery, most likely the opposite. However, swimming, easy running and some elements of athletics will benefit you.

After removing the gypsum or fixing bandage daily, perform an easy massage yourself. This procedure will improve blood circulation in the place of the injury and help you recover faster.

Folk remedies

Medical treatment for a dislocation in the ankle area is necessary. However, historically there were auxiliary folk remedies in this case. Here are a few tips for quickly restoring the ankle:

  • The most popular way is a milk compress. To do this, moisten the cloth in warmed milk and apply to the injury site. Then the leg is tricked into a cellophane bag or plastic wrap. This is an excellent pain reliever and absolutely safe remedy in this case.
  • Removing the edema, oddly enough, will help you onions. Twisted on a meat grinder, the onion is mixed with salt and applied to the ankle area.
  • Some more effective compresses are obtained from grated raw potatoes and clay.
  • Help remove strong swelling and bruising lotions of tincture alternating tansy, tansy, calendula. Herbs can be bought at any pharmacy. Then they are brewed in boiling water and cooled. Soaked in such a solution, the napkin is held in place of the injury until the compress is completely dry.
  • It is useful to apply a bandage impregnated with a solution of salt and vinegar to the place of edema.

Important! When choosing this or that folk remedy, consult a doctor. Allergic reactions to individual components are possible.

We examined all possible causes, symptoms and methods of treatment of dislocation in the ankle region. As you can see from the above, it's definitely worth not neglecting a visit to the doctor, as independent attempts at treatment can lead to serious consequences.

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Joint pain limits your movements and full life ...

  • You are worried about discomfort, crunch and systematic pain ...
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  • But judging by the fact that you read these lines - not much they helped you ...

A source: https://TravmaOff.ru/vyvih/nogi-v-rajone-shhikolotki.html

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